19-087.01 Big Sky ID: Barker Rd Widening Sinitika .....Valk`f CHANGE ORDER NO: 1 ENGINEERING DIVISION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 19-087.01 PROJECT BARKER ROAD WIDENING PROJECT CONTRACT DATE: 4/25/2019 PRIME CONTRACTOR:BIG SKY ID, CORP CIP NO. 276 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES From Sta 50+60 to Ste 52+60 21'Lt to 21'Rt(1ft beyond curb)remove and haul off 12 inches of unsuitable subg rade below the roadway's pavement section. Place geotextile on subgrade,place 12 inches of quarry spells over geotexble,and cover quarry spalls with another layer of geotextile Construct the roadway's pavement section(rock and asphalt)according to plan over the geotextile/quarry spalls. Rock's larger than one cubic yard from storm water trench excavations shall be removed and hauled off. Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 162(Sch A) Removal of Unsuitable Material Incl Haul ay 320 $14.50 $4,640.00 163(Sch A) Construction Geotextile for Separation S.Y 1,880 $1.50 $2,820 00 164(Sch A) Quarry Spalls, 12 In Depth(Roadway) S Y 940 $24.00 $22,560 00 165(Sch A) Removal and Replacment of Unsuitable Trench C V 200 $41 00 $8,200 00 Material 166(Sch A) Rock Excavation C Y 100 $37 00 $3,700 00 8 9%Sales Tax(applicable only to Bid Schedule B) N/A Total Amount of this Change Order(Incl.Tax): $41,920 00 Independent Justification on File Yes ... .... /............. Verbal Approval N/A 1 Verbal Approval by N/A • • Original Contract Working Days: 80 Revision By This Change Order 2 Revisions by Pnor Change Orders: 1 Total Revised Contract Working Days 83 CONTRACT AMOUNT THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 2,020,197.00 . ... .... . .).. .... _ TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERERAMOUNTNT(None) $ 0 00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 2,020,19700 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 41,920.00 C. U. IN CHANGE R.. . ........... .. ... TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 2,062,117 00 7— CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: DATE' 8/8/2019 7NeoprMaoNrheragr�m•F!• ,... .. .. mNMat'aanMtpk JJ{�I' /y� RECOMMENDED BY: ' r r C DATE. t Al//c if anew APPROVED BY Ai DATE: 0119$/3./7 �I/,I1 rr• / Engineer 5� APPROVED BY JV ILL/Ik �� / DATE. 8/16719 VVV,,, city Manager ATTACHMENTS Distribution ORIGINAL TO City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office COPIES TO Contractor,PW Project File,Project Inspector,Finance Department ..i' Talley Change Order No: 1 Construction Contract No: 19-087.01 TILE CONTRACT IS MODIFIED AS FOLLOWS: WORK TO INCLUDE Background: Unsuitable native material was encountered during excavation activities between Sta. 50+60 to 52+60. The native material is very much like topsoil and is not suitable for using as storm trench backfill and as the subgrade under the proposed roadway prism. Large rocks have also been encounter in the trench excavations for the storm pipe and catch basin installations. These rocks cannot be used as part of the native trench backfill. Description of Change: From Sta. 50+60 to Sta. 52+60 21' Lt to 21'Rt(1 ft beyond curb)remove and haul off 12 inches of unsuitable subgrade below the roadway's pavement section. Place geotextile on subgrade,place 12 inches of quarry spalls over geotextile,and cover quarry spalls with another layer of geotextile Construct the roadway's pavement section (rock and asphalt)according to plan over the geotextile/quarry spalls. Rock's larger than one cubic yard from storm water trench excavations shall be removed and hauled off. Specification: Geotextile shall meet the requirements of Section 9-33.2(1), Table 3 of the Standard Specifications. Quarry spalls shall meet the requirements of Section 9-13.1(5)of the Standard Specifications Plans: There are no changes to the plans because of this change Time: Two additional working days are added to the contract because of this change Measurement: "Removal of Unsuitable Material Incl. Haul"shall be measured by the cubic yard. "Construction Geotextile for Separation"shall be measured by the square yard for each separate layer installed. "Quarry Spalls, 12 In. Depth(Roadway)"shall be measured by the square yard. "Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Trench Material"shall be measured by the cubic yard. "Rock Excavation"shall be measured by the cubic yard Payment: si oka`nT ' jVAlle Change Order No: 1 Construction Contract No: 19-087.01 Payment for new item#162 "Removal of Unsuitable Material Incl.Haul", cubic yard. The unit Contract price per cubic yard of"Removal of Unsuitable Material Incl. Haul", shall be full pay for all costs incurred for excavating, loadmg,and disposing of the material. Payment for new item#163 "Construction Geotextile for Separation",square yard. The unit Contract price per square yard for"Construction Geotextile for Separation', shall be full pay for furnishing all tools,labor,equipment, and materials required for furnishing and mstalling geotextile fabric. Payment for new item#164"Quarry Spalls, 12 In. Depth(Roadway)", square yard. The unit Contract price per square yard for"Quarry Spalls, 12 In.Depth (Roadway)" shall be full pay for furnishing all tools,labor, equipment, and materials required for furnishing and installing Quarry Spalls to 12 inches in depth. Payment for new item#165 "Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Trench Material",cubic yard. The unit Contract price per cubic yard of"Removal and Replacement of Unsuitable Trench Material"shall be full pay for all work to remove,haul and dispose of unsuitable storm pipe trench material and replace and compact suitable material,as specified in section 7-08.3(1)A of these special provisions Payment for new item#166"Rock Excavation",cubic yard. The unit Contract price per cubic yard for"Rock Excavation", shall be paid only for material meeting the provisions of Section 7-08.3(1)A and shall include all costs,materials and labor required for drilling, hauling,and other miscellaneous items required for installation of storm pipe in rock areas Summary of Quantities: 162 Removal of Unsuitable Material C.Y. 0 320 +320 $14.50 $4,640.00 (NEW) Incl.Haul 163 Construction Geotextile for (NEW) Separation . . 0 1,880 +1,880 $1.50 $2,820.00 164 Quarry Spalls, 12 In.Depth (NEW) (Roadway) • ' 0 940 +940 $24.00 $22,560.00 165 Removal and Replacement of (NEW) Unsuitable Trench Material . . 0 200 +200 $41.00 $8,200.00 166 Rock Excavation (NEW) C.Y. 0 100 +100 $37.00 $3,700.00 TOTAL $41,920.00