19-122.00 LinkedIn: Spokane Valley Account (q - 22 Linkedln Account Justification-08/01/2019 The City of Spokane Valley has a Linkedln account that was setup by Linkedln due to 80+employees listing the city as their employer. Economic Development staff have "claimed"the page and setup Admins for the site including staff in Economic Development, Human Resources, and two employees of KREM Marketing,who implement direct marketing advertisements on Linkedln promoting the city's economic development advantages to businesses nationwide. Human Resources staff have been trained on making posts on Linkedln and will use the platform to serve as an additional source to post jobs (at no additional cost) and share applicable leadership related articles. Economic Development staff will use the site to post local economic development related articles, and targeted direct marketing promotions to businesses nationwide building awareness of the City of Spokane Valley's wide range of sites and streamlined services for businesses. Also,to grow our followers we can invite staff on Linkedln to follow our page as well as other city partners. The Deputy City Attorney reviewed the contractual language and has no objections to the city having a Linkedln account.Staff will adhere to the city's Administrative Policy and Procedure 300.020 and supporting guidelines.Currently, our account is free, although Linkedln does offer a "Premium"account with more features for minimal extra cost.At this time,there are no plans to shift to the Premium account.