1st E 12322 Spec Warehouse J�/ w:- r J�► BLDG. P =�,c d�'IL�+# d Related 'File, Date to Revi�w ��ib•Z�-42 T'atrt� l0.RQ4 .Da�e to AA 8c DIt Time Date Reoeived 06=1'9-92 Project Natne SPEC WAREHOUSE No. L- o�ts 1�o.Acr.es �ecbon Township f�ange SITE �AIDI)ItESS ].�322 �E 1ST/ E PINES �AItCEI. 225,42-0429' Applicant's N�am�. .P,ETE� OR FRITZ woLF Phone 921-�,93�, Address Work 922-1600 Date Conditions mailed Contact per.son P,hone FLOOD ZONE Yes. No J� Engineer 1 Surveyor's. Architect's Name Watet Address Sewer S+�hoo[ Planning Cootact:Person 'Phooe 456-22Q5 Date Submitted D�cription .Init�als• AGREEMENT �TO P�Y .EEES� �COMPLETED �J_�,�s/,�IMAI: PL--AT .�ES .COMPLETED NOTIGE 1b PUBLIC' 1 3� 4 6 COMP-LETED OR NbT NEEDI?D NOTICE TO PUBLIC NEEDS'TO ��BE� SIG.i�D -�tZ i ti/i� 2 �,��,r, �f �Z,.r� r ,i``�! C I" I .I 3���2. ��-�-�7 w t �i C ./4�"'1 3 .��;r,,� /.F r �.�Gs��-�.d, �Z. a ...:f-> �n..�/� X I 4 .xtipuuev�evy:tor� r.,. 9� v ���Il'��� •�a�s -�t Iw Descript�an j w �tC S�b'�ltt�� r r',17.t �r���` L�C."' ..y'�� o.�.Q3 0 fo I :�p�'�'��ew:�oi' 't j •14�i s�' wii�.r •,j �_ti� �y�,�. t J7 �rw! �.t�'Itt. •1�4rt���' �l�6: r S�POI��NE COUNTY PROISECUTIrIG A�'TOR�iEY a� �=`''a�' Donald C. Brockett �ti f;F I� ��j�F� �A� i MEP�IORAP10 �4�198I p SPpK :r. C� EE k R �:r�'�� --e-�� w Ta: P Wailis O. Hubba�d, Spokane County, Pianning� Director From: James P. Emacio, Oeputy Prosecuting Attor�ey �ate: Oecember 22, 1986 Re: Oid Chicago, ,ARii�waukee, St. Paut ��Pacitic Raii�oad Company's Right-of-Way �������������������������-°����������������������w������es�����o����� It. has been b�ought eo the attention of� the Prosecuting Attorneys vffice that sorY►e co�fusion may ex�ist among County departments as Yo the status ot the Chtcago, Mitwaukee, �St. Paui Pacific Railroad Company°s Oishman to Coeu�� d'A�lene branch line ��ight°of-way. As you will recall,, that �ight-of-way was conveyed to� Spokane County by Ootume�t iVo. 84-12230081, re.co�ded i� Volume 5�31, page 1970, of the� Spo.kane County Audito�'s office. Subsequent to that conveyance, Spoka�e County djd exchange certain rights-of-way with U�ive�sity C�i ty AtthoWgh •�the o�i.ginal acqui'sition of the old Chicago, Milwaukee, �St. Paul Pac- if+c Raitroad Company's �ight-of-wa.y was 'to� sewer pu�poses�, �subsequent to the initiai acquisition occurring in 7980 the Boa�d. of County Comn�issioners deter- mined �to se'll' a right-of-way inie�est in� all the acqui�ed �ailraad right•of-way interest to the Spok�ane County Roa�d Oepartment" for road right-ot-w.ay pur- poses. According�ly, it is the position ot the Prosecuting Attorney's- office tha�t at tti'e p�resen.t tirme, atl the. old �Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul Paci�i�c Rai�iway Com- pa�y,'s right-ot-way acquired by S,pokane County� is �oad right•of-way�. A-s �s'uch, i,t i_s the �ecommendatio� of �the Prosecuting Attorn,ey's office that the Pl;anning Oepartmen't �•view the �ailroad righ;ts-of-way as road ri'ghts-of-.way in ca'Ic.ulati�g app.ropriate setbac�cs for adjoining properties. For �your intormation, I have enclosed �a ma'p which depic_,ts the right•of-wa'y as ��cquirec! by the Coun,ty tor ,sewe�agc purposes�, includi�g the 11-City e�xch'ange, ��d as t.ra�sferred to� �the R'oad Depa�tment �far road, r,i.ght-of-way purposes Should you have any questio�s with respect �to this matter, please do not h�esi- tate� to give me a call. :1PE E�closu�e (1 �'aa*�p �r�xEtzZa�+to� gao� x��rx� �ta,� Kois�o3xz �u=Ma�rio� �taino�ra �s�za �cw�►�r4w '!'ftI"S Z� NOT A PSRMIT s�►� PENALTIES i�TZLL BE ASSSSSS►D FtiaR t�CZNG 'NORK WITHOLTT A PEEtMIT ��r����a l�����l�r����i�a��r������+��rN� 3ITE STRE� 12322 E 1ST AVS_ PARCELI#� 45222.4428 AI�DRESS� SPOI{ANE WA 99216 �,j o�� r PERMIT USE= SPECULATIVE RAREHOIISE PLAT#= 002504 PLAT NAME� 3TEWART•S SDB.BLK.169 OF OPP. BLOCK� 168 LOT� 18 ZONE= I-2 DIST#� F AREA= 00031000 F/A= F WIDTH= 1550 DEPTH= 200 R/W� OF BLDGS= 1 DWELLINGS= �`1 -WATER DIST a OWNER= JAMAW, J PFiONE� S 0 9 92 2 160 0 STREET= 9016 E INDIANA AVE i, ADDRESS- SP4KANE WA 99212 CONTACT NAME= FRITZ WOLFE PHONE NUMBER= 5�9 922 1600 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= 95 LEET� 0 RIGHT= 0 REAR= 35 REVIEW INFORMATION **�*******�****�,t��*����**• DEPARTMENT REVI�W REQUIREMENT BUILDING PI,AN REVIEA REQUIRED I� •/3 a��-� �o��s .t BUILDING SETSACK REVIEW REQUIRED r COMjMENTS ENGINEER S ITE DRAINAGE TO BE REVIEWED .,�4� .,�t cor�rrrs HEALTHDIST NEW OR ADDITIUNAL RASTE Wr�iTER co�rtTS ✓1 '�,.r2... 1 b c HEALTHDIST II�TCREASE IN I�OT COVERAGE W I CONIl+�lEt+TTS �c� Mu�'Go�rvt�t �b �t�� ?1'' PLANNING SITE PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED� C41�lENTS G f FIRE DISTR FIRE FLOW TO BE REVIEWED �j U CQ,., r�' t. A�..�.. �u��ttm '!'l�- j �e�av�► fii4�E�+►'�io�l s�� .�►.�ss G�R'�JlN� 1� S�3m1t1�► �ffi�R �:y1�,t�y /�d -�-i= °�athu�trri AND -PE�tA�IIT REI.EASE RF:QU Z'S P� ��LicA�or� cor��vcE g� EAST 12322 1S'T� A�rENtTE O�'�IGE SPF�CUI.ATIVE WAREHOUSE 4 Z 6�gg IUNE 24, 1992 j ,JUN 1�E G�� ��t�� Note to Applicant: Some time �a� the C�unty nec�vgnized th� need t� streaml�rse tJee b�ilding accordtngly initiated these Conjer�enc�es. Comments to date indicate -�he iaonferenaes, m�e su�aessful and do enhcrnce the� permit system. As a re�ent participant, we would �appreciate any aom�nents you mlght have to,; further impmve the proc�ess. Shor�ld yoa have any q�cesttons or�c�vncaer.ns r.egarding your cionference, plebse ��etact me at 456=3675. Sincerely. .lcunes L. Man'son, Dir.ector Corned�on� o� Cha�ges to: Plans Subnelt seven (7) �sers of nevised• site; dralnu�e, and lirndsaipe p/ans plurs three (3) c�vmplete sets of c�vnstruction� drawl»gs� to the Deparn»ent of Baildings for ac�urowledgement and distrPbution to 'the appropriate agencier. In order for aIl agencies to� expeditiously process .your project, lt is impoi•tan��that-,submittals� irrclude all� nec�essa .ry drawings and documents to -insure that neview of yoar pnoject is� completed ire the least umoa�ru o, f time. Mi�tutes Please �iot� us within one driy.of your nece�pt of the minutes. Should a�fore.reeable circwnstances� or c�o�licts arlse with your-projeat, please contact- �Tom Davis for assistance or clar�c�a�ion. For your convenience the following is a�lisdng of the permit r+elease requirements found in the attached minutes .and can be used as a�� checktist while the proposal is in the application stage. If you have� any questions or concerns, please let us know. Copies� of the minutes have b�n forwarded to: PERAIIIT RBVIEW PARTICIPANTS: A�'PLICA►N'I'S: Tom Davis, Department of Buildings Bob Townsend Inland Jun Mascardo, Department of Buildings Construction *�E. 102. Sprague Dennis Scott, Public Works Director Spok,aine, WA 99202 747-5162 Francine Shaw, Planning_ Department Bob 'I�rner, Division �of Engineering Roads Peter Wolff E. 15614 4th Kelle Vigeland, Air Pollution Coatrol Authority Veradale, WA 99037 921-5931 Daryl Way, Health District Cly,de Wisenor, Fire� District No. 1 File East 12322 1 st Avenue Office Speculative �Warehouse -1- e� S Y t7F R�Q �AST �12322 1ST AV�NUE P G� Francine Sha�v [456-22U51 Please identify the parcel creation� date so a deter-mination can be made as to if .the site is buildable. Please submit a Certificate �of Ezemption aggregating the�.parcels with .a minor lot line adj ustment. Please submit a-revis�d site illustrating building height in f�t: and stories, floor plan for mezzanine, par king, traffic �control devices, exterior�storage areas, fence height, sight obscurin� 'scree�ung exterior lighting, landscapi�g (including 5 foot� v+nde� strip of Type III along 1 st Avenue), and se�acks for review and approval. Notes: SPOR:ANE COIJNITY AIR, POLI;UTION CONTROL. -AUTHOR� I�elle �li�elaad �456-4?27� Tliere are no building permit release requirements. Notes: DIVISIOTd �F ENG di ROADS Bob 'Itirner �45b-31500� Please submit� a drainage plan for review -and approval. Pleaise submit road plans for improvements �to 1 st Avenue. Please submit_ a. c.opy� of the .Agreement to Pay Fees signed by �the owner. Notes: :HEAL'I� DIS'I?RIG°T Da�r�rl VVa� �324-156Q� The Health District �has authorized the Depanment of �Buildings to release their portion of the building permit. -2- 1 .NOtC$: FIRE-DIS"I'�tIC.T IyO. 1 �1�rde�Wise.nor.(�28-?.�62� a The� order form for �the lock (Knox) box entry system .shall be� submitted� to the Fire District prior to release of ��the building permit. Notes: BUILDIN(aS Tom Postl�wai't �45f}3675� Please �submit two complete-revised sets�, of plans addressing the items discussed during the meeting for review and approval. Notes: �ss�* P'lease submit all_revised site plans to the Departr�ent of Build.ings,for distribution. �s���#*����*���*��*�* -3- t :y 1 PR�E-APPLICATION CONFERENCE 2 3 PRE-APPLICATIOId CONF�EREN,CE 12 3 2�2 EAST �FI�RST AVENUE 4 JUNE 24, 1992 5 6 VERBATIM TRANSCRIP.T OF PROCEEDIIdGS 7 ,8 9 10 11 12 13 14 A P P E A R A N C E S: 15 THONTAS DAVIS Department of Build-inq 16 DARYL WAY Health Dfstrict �17 CLY�DE �1 Spokane Valley Fire Department 18 BOS TURNER County. Enqineers.Department 19 FRANCINE SHAW P,lanninq Department 20 JUN-MASCARDO Buildinq De�partment 21 PETER WOL�FF Inland Construction 22 BOB TOWNSEND Inlanc� Construction 23 2�4 25 SPOKANE REPORTING SERVICE 421 6�. �Riverside, Suite 1010 Spokane, WA (509) 624-6255 1 1 MR. DAVIS�: Since we are all 2 together, we will begin�to r-eview this proposal. I 3 know �we are give mi-nutes early, but since we ar�e 4 here, we'll qet it completed since it i_s rather warm 5 in this room. 6 �For introductions, I am Tom Da�vis, 7 Department of. Buildings. And Daryl Way. 8 MR. WAY: Daryl Way, Health Distr--ict. 9 �1KR. WISENOR: Clyde Wisenor. I am 10 with the F�ire Departmen.t. 11 TKR. TURNER: Bob Turner with the 12 Count�y Enqineers. 13 MS. SHAW: Francine Shaw, the 14 Planninq Department. 15 'MR. MASCI�RDO:� Jun �Ma�ca�rd�o with the 16 B�u i ld��ing Depar�tment 17 I�R. WOLFF: Pete Wol�ff Inla�nd 18 Construction. _19 1�+iR. T06dN�SEND: Bob Town�end, Inland 20 Construction. 21 T�IR. D'AVI S: And we have Beck.y WeeDcs 22 with us a�nd she is qoing to be the record�er. What 2�3 �we are going to do is complete the r-ecord. of �he 24 dfscussion items and identigy the permit release 25 requir-ements. This wi-11 help you to identify what SPORANE REPORTING SERVICE 421 W. Riverside, Suite 1010. Spokane, WA (509�) 624-6255 2 i 1 needs to be done in order to qet the permit. ,2 Who would be_the conta�ct person? 3 MR., TOWNSEND: That would be myse;lf 4 �MR, DAVI S: And do you want to q i�ve 5 us kind of a 1 overv�iew� of the project� 6 MR: TOWNSEND: Well, basi�cally it is, 7 going to be,a 9,000 square foot building, wood frame S construction�, 18. foot clear on �the inside trust, 9 �f lat trust roof with compos�ition sh,inq�les on the 10 �top, hip on the ends. There is one t�enant for a 11 3, 0�0�0 square foot space currently �and then the other� 12 two or the balance,, the other 6, 000 squ�are feet is� 13 goinq to be left unfinished �ur�til a�enant comes 14 along. C 15 MR,. DAVIS: So you could have �several 16 tenants, then? 17 1�iR TOWNSE1dD It wi 11 probably 1:8 either be one or two, .kind of divides up pretty 19 n�i'cely into e�ither- two �spaces or ��hree spaces. 20 NTRo DAVI�S�: Okay. And �this is� space 2,1 that you have leased? 22 MR. TOWNSEND: That� correct. 2�3 M�R. DAVIS.: And what is the� tenant? 2 4 P�IR�. TOWNS�BND :-$ver�hart Pa_int ing He 25 is a paintinq contractor. SPOKANE-REPORTING SERVICE 42��1 W. Riverside, suite 1010 P Spokane, WA (50 624-6255 3 1 1 MR. DAVIS: Oka�y. 2 MR. 6�I-SENOR: This is hous�e� paint�ing 3 type like that? 4 MR. TOWN�SEND: Comme�cial. 5 MR. WISENOR: Not cars? 6 MR. TOWNSEND: N�o, h�e doesn'�t paint 7 the�re .It is j ust a�storage, stores riqs and al l o,f 8 �his gear and he has qot lik�e four vans �h�at he 9 carries �all of h�is s�uff in and he is �ust ex�pand�in'g 10 a little bit and needs some more space�. 11 MR. WISENOR: I:f he is us any oil 12 base pa_,ints or something, he is q,oing to have to 13 have a �storage o 14 �+IR. TOWNSEND: I don't �hink he �has C 15 anything in t�he way of I mean it is a 16 residential. 17 MR. W�ISEN.OR: �Basically latex? 18 l�t. TOWNSEND: Latex. 19 �+lR. DAVIS: This is basically the 2,0 f�loor- plan 't�h�at the- �enan� wants? 21 MR. TOWIJSEYJD�: Right., right.� 2 2 MR. MASCA�RDO Excuse me It lo,oks 2�3 to me 1 i�ke you are qo inq to have a me z�z an�ine�. 24 MR. T06+TNSEN�D: A mezzanine, riqht 2 5 MR .�iASCARDO PRez zanine f or s�orage SPOKANE REPORT�ING SERVICE 421 W. Riverside, Su�ite 1010 Spokane, WA (50.9) 624-6255 4 a 1 or space? 2 1�TR. TOWNSEND: He is �hinkfnq that 3 poss-ib�ly some day on down.the road he would like to 4 possi.bly buf ld anot�her little off ice up there�, .but 5� right �now it is just going to be a mezz�anine for, I 6 think they can put their ladders up there.out of the 7 way or wh�atever. 8 ��MR M�ASCI�RDO We need to know the 9 future use so th�at we can determine the f�loor load 10 f or that part icular f-loor 11 l�t. DAVIS�: We can address that when 12 we get down to Jun�s comments. On this plan you 13 have a wash bay. 14 MR: TOWNSEND: �He wants to be ab�le to 15 wash his.trucks out, you know. 16 MR. DAVIS: Floor �dra-in? 17 MR. TOWNSEND: Riqht. �18 MR DAVI S: Wh�at s your t�ime f rame on 19 your projec� gettinq construction�underway? 20 YrLR. TOWNSENDo Well, we �want �o have 21 the documents back into you .before the first of 22 July. 2 3 YKR.. DAVI�S Ok�ay What we can do i s 24 identify what needs to be done. Are ther.e any 25. quest�ions before we begin? SPOKANE REPORTING SERVICE 421 W. Riverside�, Suite 1010 1. Spokane., WA (509) 624-6255 5 4 1 �Fran�cine, it is all your�s f 2 �NIS. SHA�W: Okay. The .proposed 3 speculative war�ehouse is located on parcels 4 45222�.0429 and 45222.0428. The zone of �hese 5 parcels is I-2, in which warehousf�ng is an all�owed 6 use and o�ff ice is allowed as an accessory use. 7 Related Planninq Department action� include zoning 8 �class�ificatiori, �file number ZE171555 for which there 9 are�no conditions. 10 F�irst the P-lanning Department is goinq to il require th�e applicant to submit assessor�'s records 12 of parcel c�reation dates. We have not been able to 13 .acces.s their records t�o find out tha�t iri�formation. 14 This is being requested because as of March 13, 1978 1�5 any p,arcel that was created` after that date in �hat 16 bu�siness zone or an industrial zone required e-i�her 17 to��be s�hort platted or adjusted through certif.icates 18 o�f exemptions for minor lot line adjustments. And 19 we are not sure what happened here. So what we 2 0 needed, to� do i's go to the asees,sor s of f�ice and they 2�1 have f ield book� wh�ich wi,ll te,l l you when that 22 property was created for both those parcels. .23 I am not very concerned �ith parcel 24 45222 .0�429 because it's en�irety is an a=lready 25 pla�tted parcel, bu� 28 is half of�� a p-latted parcel, SPOKANE REPORTING SERVICE 42�1, W. Riverside, Sui�te 1010 Spokane, WA (509) 624-6255 6 i s.o that�s where my concern is. And once these 2 parce.ls have. been determined bu�i�ldable, we 11 t�hen 3 require you to aggregate them into one single pa�rcel 4� throuqh an certif ic.ate of. exemption for a minor lot 5 l�ine adjust�ment. This �is because your �parkinq �is on 6 the adjacent parcel, to the west,, parcel .0428� and 7 �that pa�rcel may be sold �in the fut�ure leaving the 8 structur-e without adequate pa�rking requirements. 9 The site plan indicates a 2.O.foot easement 1�0 o�n th�e ea�st portion of the s ite What s that 11 easement meant for? 12 �iR TOWN�S END �S ewer 13 MS SH1�W a S ewer .Okay We 11 14 re�quire a revised site plan. The building ne�ds�to 15 be set back 3 5�f eet fr- om� the south property 1 ine 16, This is because the�adjacent property to the south 17 is going to be used for the right-of-way �for the 18 south valley a�rterial and that is a princ_ipal 19 arterial wi�th control access, a flanki�nq street 20 setback structure is 35 feet. And that�s based on 21 �hi�s memor,andum from Jim Emacio, t�e Deputy 22 Prosecutinq Attorney. 23 .MR. DAVIS: Francine, �th,e setback 24 on the south property line 'is? 25 MS. SHAW: Is going 'to have to be 35 SPOKANE REPORTII�G S�ERVICE 421 W. R Suite 1010 1 Spokane, WA (509) 624-62�55 7 I a 1 f.eet�. 2 MR. DAVIS�: The front :setback? 3 1�S�. SHAW: Is also 35 feet or 65 feet 4 f=om the center 1"ine of the road 5 MR. DAVIS: That cuts a pretty qood 6 chunk. 7 MR. TOWNSEND:� You are qoing to have 8 a,problem on this one with the property owner, I 9 g�uarantee it. 10 MS SHAW I come a�cross it: al l the 11 �time, so it is not�hing new. 12 MR. TOWNS�ENDs Okay. 13 MR D .S�: ,N,ote he�iqht of bu�i ld ing 14 not_ only in� feet as illustrated� in �the site plaa�, 15 but stories. We would say this i_s a two 16 st�=uc�ture because the mez za�nine is incl�uded o 17 Parki�ng will be based on the use and a,t th�is time 18 you don't��know for sure what the mezzanine is going 1-9 �to .be used as? Is it storage., basically,, addi�ional 2 0 sto�raqe? 21 MR. WOLFF s If a�nything, i�� would be 22 offi�ce, future office. 2�3 MS a SHA6�: Park�ing. Okay, your 2�4� of�f ice, wou�ld i� be an �of f ice for a s,pecu�lative 25 �warehouse peraon or pro�fes�ional office because SPORANE REPORTING SERVIC�E 421 6�T. Rfvers�ide, Suite 1010 Spokane, WA (509) 624-6255 8. 1 parkinq is determined on whether it is a 2 professional of,fice or not. 3 MRa TOWNSE�ND: It is a painting 4 contractor, so he mfght have a conference room, you 5, know. It is someth�inq that would be an extra office 6 for him. He wouldn t� �be sub�leasia�g it �out or 7 �somethinq, if that� s wha�t you are qett�inq at. 8 MS.. SHAW: Based on the one story, 9 that-'�s shown on .your plan here, there �is more than l0 adequ�a�te parki-ng in �hat s"ix stalls are required and 11 18 are illustra�ed.. With this off.ice, dependi�nq 12 upon �he size of the me�zzanine�, additional parki�nq 13 will be requ�ir.ed on one �per four; I believe 400 14 square� feet, okay. A�nd that would _be on top of the 15 six� that are required. I d�on't see that you have :16 �any problem with parkinq with�what you have got 17 illustrated here. 18 6�e need you �to note a-11 traff �ic, or 19 excuse me, travel services and park�ing areas to be� 2 0 paved We �need a note of a 11 �tra f f ic control �21 devices. That�s just-the parking stalls, 22 curb stalls and dir-ectional arrows. That needs to 23 be noted in �he site�plan. Wi11' you be proposinq 24 any .new siqns this permit? 25 MR�. TOWNSEND: A1ot at this �time, no. SPOKANE R�EPORTING�SERVICE 4.21 W. Riverside, Suite 1010 l� Spokane, WA �(509) 62�4-6255 9 i 1 MS. 3HAW: Be aware there are code 2 requirements ,regulating, the s�ign and �tha�t you wou�ld 3 have to meet those requirements prior�to the release 4 of the buildinq� permft fo'r that. 5 AKR TOWNSE�ND You menti oned �he 6 directional a�rrows ar�e a requirement. 7 MS. SHAW: We like to see th�em, 8 however, if you have qot adequate travel�lanes, 9 two-way lane, I don't have a problem with not havi�g 10 direc�tional arrows. However, you do need to paint li your�parking stalls and delinea��e those on the 12 �asphalt. 13 W�ill you be proposinq a�ny exterior storage 14 a�reas- for this si�e? �15 MR. TOWNSEND:� There i-a. an ar.ea on 16 t�be east side that's qoinq to be fenced in. 17 MS SHA6�T�: For s�oraqe? 1 g P!IIR T06�T1�TSEND Yeah, whatever the 19 tenant might want to store out �here. 2 p MS a S�HA�I: That area also wou�ld need 21 to be paved because it is going to be a travel. 22 surface. �There will be cars accessinq that area a�nd 2�3 the f�enc�inq around �ha� area shall be a�t least six 24 feet high for security, so we need you to note �hat 25 on the plan. SPOKANE REPORTING��SERVICE 421 W. Riverside, Suite 1010 Spo�Cane, WA (�509) 624-625�5 10 1 I�R. TOWNSEND: Now if thi� is only 2. foot traff-ic back here, i� doesn�t have to be paved? 3 MS. SHAW: To the storage areas? 4� MR. TOWNSEND: .Well, this is� an 5 easement with the sewer underneath. 6 MS-. SHAW What I would� 1 ike to do 'i�s 7 conta�ct my supervisor and see�what he would make any 8 adjustments on that. If it_is a sewer easement, 9 we probably ar.en�t goinq�to want you pave over the 10 top of that 11 MR. TOWNSENDs Right. 12 MS .,SHA�id We may not al low storage 13 on top of tha�t 14 MR TOWNSEND: We have the right to 15 use �it for �:storag.e p,er the agreement th�at s� already 16 documented 17 MS�. SHAW s Okay. 18 MR. TOWNSEND: with t�he County on 19 giving up tha� easement... 20 MSe SHAW:� Could you provide that 21 easement to our departmer►t and �then that would help 2 2 provide some ver�if i�ca�t��ion �to us 2 3 MR TOWNSEAID Yes��. 2 4 MS SH�IW�: Li�ke Y sa�id I wi 11 check 2�5 on the pav�inq of that storaqe ar- ea. Okay. SPOKANE REPORTING SERVICE 421 w.�Riverside, Suite�1010 Spokane, WA ('509j 624-6255 11 a 1 How about any .new exterior si�te�� for 2 building�, light'ing, par�Cing lot liqhtinq? Wi11 you 3 be� proposinq an.y fixtures? 4 MR. TOWNSEND: There would•probably 5 be a liqht or two on the buil�ding, but no stand- 6 alone lights at this poi�nt in time. 7 �iS SHATid": What I need' you to do is 8 locate them on the structure. Just put little bulbs 9 or however you would like to illustra�e that and, 10 a�lso illustrate the direction of illumination of� 11 those l�iqhts. The Code requires that all exterior 12 lights be directed away from adjoininq property 13 lines. Also, this is just a little statement I say 14 right out o�f the Code., and it is j�u�st a spiel., 15 basi'cally, ��but you a-re =equ to meet a,ll 16 applicable Federal, S�a�e and local aqency. statutes�, 17 laws and ordinances with reqards�to protec��inq��the 18 soil, qround an'd surface water area� for human 19 health._ 20 We are going to require a landscape plan. 21. Five feet of Type 3 is requi�red alonq �the property 22 line fronting First Avenue. You need to locate �has� 23 strip entirely within the property boundaries of �the 24 proposal and out of the right-o�f-wayo This strip 2�5 wou�ld normal�ly be required alonq t�he �outh proper�ty SPOKANE REPORTING SERVICE 421 W., Riverside, Suite 1010 Spokane, WA (509) 624-6255 12 t 1 line also adjacent to the riqht-of=way fo� the south 2 valley expressway, but we a�re�not qoing to require 3 that because i� may be a lot of years before they 4 construct �hat,, but be -a.ware of that. 5 I�n the :future, if it is constructed and 6 there are additions made to the struc�ture, you will 7 have to put five-foot T:ype 3 alonq that road. Ok�ay. 8� All landscapinq needs to be protected b.y a six-in�ch 9 hi.gh protect�ive cur�b and it needs to be 10� automatically irrigated. That's a requ-irement of 11 Code. 12, 1�R. �TO�+INSEND: Is that. curb, is that 13 a new, somethinq n�ew? 14� MS. SHAW: It is not �new to me, but I 15 have only been doing this for seven months, so I 16 can' tell y.ou exactly what was required in the 17 past. I would suppose it was. 18 Your landscape pl"an needs to indica�te 19 species of plantinq, the size of type o.f plan�ings 20 �s,uch as this meets a defi�nition of �a� Type 3 21 landscap.e and I have that section �of Code for you to 22 �review. The six curbing and automatic 23 i�rriga�tion tha� only is to be� illus�rated �hat 24 the appl-ica•nt is r.equired �to submit a nursery 25 estimate ref lectinq the l�andscape plan which SPOKANE REPORTING�SERVICE 421 W. R.iverside, Sui�te 101�0 Spokane,�WA (509) 624-6255 13 1 itemizes the cost of �andscape materials, labor�and 2 automat��ic irrigation.. 3 And lastly we r�equire a promissory le�ter 4 f�rom the applicant or owner which is qo.inq to ensure 5 the installation of landscaping as illustrated on 6 the landscape plan. And I have a sample letter for 7 youu. Please submf�t this on your letterhead and f ill 8 in your address and the name of the proposed 9 c�onstruction project. 1-0 Do you have any questions? 11 MR TOWNS�END No�. 12 MS SHATnT Okay 13 MR. DAVI�S: Francine, for the record', 14 I would like to have you summariz�e the permit. C 15 r.elease requ�irements 16 MS SHAW�: We �need to f ind out date 17 of parcel creation to verify that parcel 45222.0428 18 'is, in fact, buildable. Once the has been 19 det�ermined buildable, then we�need to aggregate them 2 0 together throuqh a certi�f icate of- exemp�ion f orm 21 minor lot line adjustment. We need the buildinq 2 2 "to be -set �back 3 5 f eet f rom the south property 1 i�ne 23 because 24 MR. DAVIS: That would be shown on 25 the revised site plan. SPOKANE REPORTING S�ERV�ICE 421 W. Riverside, Suite 1010 Spokane, WA (509) 624-6255 14 1- MS SHAW '�.es 2 MR.�DAVIS:, I would like to be able 3 to pick out-f�rom the minutes here the exact permit 4 release-requ`ire�ments the site plan shall include and 5 then list thos�e thinqs. 6 MS. SHAW: So we�need to recite the 7 pla�n 8 MR. DAVIS: So instead of read_inq 9 thr,ouqh the text and, okay, �here is one because we 1�0 h�ave got to make sure we don't miss something on 11 thi:s, so you need revised site plan. 12 MS SHAW R.ight 13 MR. DAVIS: Containing 14 T�±IS SHAW I see You want my �15 wordaqe to be s�uch th�a� we say that This is 16 someth'ing new�, the court reporter here, so we need 17 to qet.down our protocol. 18 MR. DAVI•S: We are experimenting. 19 MS. SH1�W: Revi�sed site plan 20 illustratinq a 35-foot building set back fr�om �the 21 south property line. A note� of buildinq he��iqht in- 22 feet and stor.ies�. The fl�oor plan of the mez"zanine. 23 to determ requirements for that area; a 2 4 note of all tra��f ic con�trol devices�; the exterior 25' storage area, and the �note of fence height and s�fte SPORANE REPORTING�SERVICE 421 �1. Rivers-ide, Suite 1010 Spokane, `dA (50.9�) 624-6255 15 e 1 obscuring screeninq; exterior- ligh�ting for t�he site 2 and a�d�etailed l�andscape plan illustratinq the 3 f ive-foo� Type 3 alonq the ��property l�ine fronting 4 First Avenue, a nursery estimate and a promissory 5 letter. 6 1�R. DAVIS�: Good. Thank you, 7 Francine•: Air Pollution has�sent comments over t�o 8 this department, basically their standard response 9� to all a�pplica�nts ind�icatinq -th�a�t during l0 construction they have to keep dust emissions a�t a 11 minimum. If you u�ilize any eq�uipment that produc�es 12 emissions, it may require a perm�it from Air 1�3 Po�llutio,n, what �hey, call a Not�ice of Constructfon 14 Permit. This includes fuel burninq equipment t�ha�t�s Q 15 qreater�than�400,000 BTUs, but I don�t think you 16 will probabl�y be having that ki�n�d. Those are 17 their c.omments°gor the record. And there is no 1s permit release requ-irements under that. 19 O�ay. Bob. 20� MR. TURNER: These are comments 21 from the Engin�eers Departmen�. You will need to 22 �urn in a 208 drainage plan�for this property. 23 Since the roof is compos�ition material, the roofer 24 will have to go through �he 208, also. Y,ou wi-11 25 need to provide road and drainage plan��for street S�POKAATE REPORTING SERVICE 421 6d. Riverside, Suite 1010 �Spokane, WA (509) 624-6255 16 1 improvements, that�s improvements �for Fir,st, ty�pical 2 roadwa.y section number 1, which is access etandards, 3 which contains �sidewalk, curbinq and additiona�l 4 pavement. 5 MR. TOWNSEND: How f,s it that �you 6 are reque�stinq tha�t that be done for th-is prop,erty 7� when all th�e other recently constr�ucted buildings 8 out there there has been nothinq done on? 9 MR. T� END: I would ha�e to look �jy� 10 at the s�ite and there are other exfsting buildings 11 out there �hat are new. The.y are existinq, so yours 12 is a brand new site and bra•nd �new lotso 13 MR. TOWNSEND�: How old is the one 14 across the street? Two years, �hree years old? 4. 15 MR. WISENOR.: The white metal one. 16 MR. TO�TNSEND: It is a med3.cal 17 service laboratory,or someth�inq. 18 MR. TURNER: I have no �idea�. I can��'t 19 answer that question. 2 0 MR. �T06+1IdSEND s It is only a couple of 21 years o ld y,ou 2 2� �MR .�dI SENOR Y,ou are ta lk ing on 23 First? 24 MR. TOWNSEND: It would be on the 2 5 north s ide of �he �s�t�reet SPOKANE REPORTING SERVICE 42.1 W. Riverside, Sui��e 1010 `Spokane, WA 50�9 624-6255 17 l 1 MR. DAVIS: That's �not 2 MR. WAY: That's a house. 3 1�R. TOWNSEND: No, there is� 4 MR DAVISa Where .your Valley_Health 5 clinic is oper-ating at? 6 MR. WAY: Is that ours? 7 MR. DAVIS: I think you are ren�ing 8 space in the�e. It is kind og 9� MR. WAY,: That's not a new one: That -10 was a rebuild. A1 Hall did that. 1�1 I�R. TURNER�: I�hink what s happen�inq 12 there. That was an existinq site where someth��i�ng 13 was remodeled. Your site is brand new. It is a 1.4 vacan't lot, so you are sta�ting from scratch, 15 basically. S�o as you come in, you need to meet�our 16 requireme�nts and the County requirements.. �Per our 17 standard�s from 1981 are curb and sidewalk and 18 pav�ing. So that�s why you need to meet the typical 19 roadway number 1 acce.ss standard. 2 0 MR T06�TNSEND I s tha.� j�ust curb or 21 curb a�nd g�utter? 2 2 MR TURNTsR Curb and gut�er �and 2�3 sidewalk., Type: B curb.. Those plans �will need to 2� be prepa�red by an engineer I w,oul�d �sugge�st that 25 you start on that as quick�ly as possible�. The SPOKANE REPORTING SERVICE 421 W. Riverside, Suite 1010 �Spokane, �dA (509�) 624-6255 18 1 en,g�ineers in Spoka�n�e a�re extreme�ly booked up. I 2 wouldn'�t want�that do de�lay your project. You will 3 need to obtain an approach permit from the�County 4 Engin�eers o�ffic.e for approaches off of First. That 5 can be obta �ined at the Enqineer�s of�f ice for a$3�0 6 fee. 7 If you look on paqe 2, about.a quarter 8 of the way down, there -is a.paragr-aph I would just 9 1 ike to quote Cou�ty compr�hens_..�;ve pla.� 10 �-r�en�e�� �ou�3� vaiiey� arter��al as a pri�cipal� i i ���Ya ���t�r-� �acc�ess h.�gh �ap��f i�y� faGY"T�ty. 12 ��p.���t a��ter�a� road p�a�, a 13 of r �ou�d bB 14 �necessax� ��s i� �a�i p�erm�irt.. f 15 ��gxneer� of#'ice i� Qnly d�i�csiosing ,o 16 �ya ure need �po�a�e Co�x� X isi.'�i�g to 17 �uuc�:t�ase� this pro�ssert� to have .adegwa_t,.e� rfqht-ttf-��1 18 f�co i���.einent th�ese ar-te�ial improvemen�ts. i 19 So you should u�nderstand and know that the 20 arter�fal is qoinq to run be�hind your property and it 21 is� qoinq to be 160 ,feet in right-of-way when it qets 22 built. It could.perhaps even be more at this 23 loca�ion �because the�re will be an �intersection a�t 24 P�ines and that re�quir-es a taper �o have adequate 2'5 turninq lanes. So the County is not requiring you SPOKANE REPORTIN,G SERVICE 421 W. Riversid"e, Suite.1010 Spokane, WA (509) 624-625.5 19 1 to set ba�ck or �to dedicate right-of�-way. 6�That we 2 are say_ing is you -need to be aware of� it and if you 3 so des�ire, the County will purchase �th�at 4 r iqht-of -way f rom you r ight now That s comp lete�ly 5 up�to the property own�er's discretion. 6 'I�R TO�iNSEND Let s j ump back then 7 to y�our 35 foot�setback is essentially preventing 8 us.from building in the area that you are-talkinq 9 about that you are not requirinq us to worry about 10 now. 11 MR. TURNER: Ido, sir; it is not. It 12 has nothi�nq to do with the south valley arterial. 13 35 foot set�back is a� condit�ion of riqht-of-way 14 that��s already ex.i�sting back there now, settinq 15 back from that existing� right-of-way. An�d I th'ink 16 i f you read �ha�t letter f rom Mr Emac.io that' s 17 saying,that because the Coun�y did pu�rcha�se the Old 18 Milwaukee Railroad rig�ht-of-way, that means that 19 there is .10 0 f eet o_f the right-of -way back there and 20 you are required to set back �r-om that right-of-way. 21 In relation to tha�, we would ask the 22 Planning Department to route the cert-ificate� of 2 3 exemp�ion to the Engineere of f ice s�o we� could 24 condition that so to make sure th�at we�have adequate 25 room back there. �We would al�so ask the Plann�inq SPOKANE REPORTY�NG SERVICE 421 W: Riverside; Suite 101�.0 -Spokane�, W� (509��) 624-62�55 20 1 Department not allow, any ad�inistrat exception 2 to re�duce that 35 foot setback. So aqain, this is 3 not a condition o�f y,our permit. We are just letting �4 you know that that is -back there and ig you so wish., 5 the County would willingly purchase tha� 6 right-of-way and have that portion of that roadway 7 sect taken care o,f 8 MR TOWN.SEN�D o �And i f wers you to 9 purchase tha� �right-of-way�, this 35 feet that we 1.0 are talki�ng abou�t that you are ask�ing for everyt�hing il to set �back, then wha��t would our buildinq setback 12 be? 13- MS�. SHAW: 35 feet from that newly 14 es�ablished property line.. 15 MR. TOWNSEND�: Oka.y. 16 MR. So to summa-rize our 17 conditions from the En,c�'ineers Department we need a i8 site plan with a 208 plan on it. 19 MR. TOWNSENDs �I mean, basically what 20 you are tellinq us 'is we have a�n un �buildable s�ite. 21 MR. TURNER: We are telling you what 22 "the future needs ar_e. It is not a requirement and 23 'i�t is� your dec-ision on what you are qoinq �o do w�i�th 24 t�he site. 25 MR. �TISENOR�: For my� clarification, SP�KANE REPORTING SERVICE 421 W. Riverside, Suite 1010 �Spokane, WA (5`09) 624-6255 21 1 they- a�eed to qo 3 5 �eet from he�re riqht now and you 2 purchased 30 fee� of it. 3 MR. DAVIS: No. Five foot setback. •4 MR. WISENOR: Excu�se me. On the 5 other side. Okay. 6 P�IR. TURNERs What we are sayinq is 7 the Co,u�nty 8 MR. WISENOR�: You purchased 30 and 9 t�hen they have qot to 3 5 f eet from �heir 3 0 f eet 10 IrTS. SHAWv From the newly established 11 property line. Th�is is all�qoinq to be 12 MR. TOWNSEND: It makes no sense. 13 MR. WISENOR: So it is 6�5 �feet. 14 MR. TURNER: W,e a�re not telling you 15 have �to put it up f or sale o 16 MR. DAVIS: �Maybe I can try to state 17 what I am hear:inq�.� Under the,present aliqnment, 18 there is a 35.foot setback. They can come in and 19 get a buildinq permi� and meet th�at setback say 20 today. Now in the future, the County can come,along 2 i and we want to buy 3 0 f eet of this The.y wil l buy 22 ��3� feet. T�h�at leaves a�five� foot- setback, which 2�3 th�en becomes a nonconforminq set�b�ack line. 2.4 MS SHAW T�ha�t s correc� 25 MR. WISENOR: But you wouldn't�have SPOKANE REPORTII�G S�ERVICE 421 W. R-iverside,, Suite 1010 Spokane, WA (5�09) 624-6255 22 e 1 to move your buildinq. You would have a five foot 2� conforminq. 3 MS SHAW�: I-t would be 4 grandfathered in, righ�. 5 MR. �DAVY�S: Okay. Do you follow 6 that? 7 1KR TOWNSEND I qot th�at 8 MS. SHAW: Any new const'ruction, 9 however, t�hat would ta�ke place af�er tha� addit�ional 10 riqht-of-way be�inq purchased by the Count�y would 11 have to .meet the 3 5 f eet f rom �that property 1-f ne 12 MR. DAVIS: Okay. Everybody cl�ear on 13 that? 14 MR. TURNER: So we need a 208 plan C 15 f or the s ite and we need t�he road p lans f or F i�rst 16 There is an agreement�t�o pay fees at�ached to your- 17 document. We'l1 need�tha�t siqned and turned in so 18 �we can be reimbur�sed for our review time. 19 Are there any quest�ions you have for the 20 Engineers Department? 21 MR. TOWNSEND: PTo. 22, P�IR. DAVIS: Ttiank you, Bob. Da�ryl. 23 MR. WAY: Th�is area is se�r�ved 2.4 by Modern �Electric Wa�-ter and you will need. �to 25 contact 'that company to arrange a connectfon. There �SPOKANE REPORTING SERVICE� 421 W. R�iverside, Suite 1010 �Spokane, WA (509) 624-6255 23 1 is a public sewer available in First Avenu�e a�nd 2 apparently there is an easement gran�ted to the 3 County to install, maintain and operate a sewe��on 4 the ea,st port ion of thi�s propert.y Do you know at 5 the time tha�t they installed �hat whether or not �6 they stubbed? 7 MR... TOWNSEIdD: There are �wo of them. 8 MR. WAY: Ther-e are two s�ubs, oka-y. 9 You wil l need �o issue a permit throuqh �the �B.ui ld�ing l0 D:epartment �for a connection permit to the� sewer 1�1 And�we would like to see all was�e water generating 12 facilities inside the building connected to that 13 sewer, which will i�nclude that wash bay draine The 14' was�h 'ba�y drain would have to be equipped wi�th a gri�d 1_5 trap�. 16 MR. T06�TNSEND: Sa-nd oil 17 Y�R. WAY: Probably an oil water 18 separator and�.you may wish�to speak to Jim Legat, 19� L-E-G-A-T, at the County Util�ities Department 2,0 regardinq any o�her poss�ible pre�reatment that�may 21 be nec�essary. 22 MR. TOWNSEND: Where was he at, Jim 23 Legat? 24 MR. WAY: The Utilities Department: 2 5 PRR. T.OWNSEND Okay. SPOKANE REPORTII�TG SERVICE 421'W. Riverside, Suite 1010 Spokane�, WA (509) 624-6255 24 1 MR. D�AVIS: �.And his phone number is 2 456'-3604. 3 MR WAY You shou�ld contact Va�l ley �4 Garbaqe Service�and I believe they are the refuqe 5 collecti�on depa-rtment or company for this area �about 6 the orientation of t�he� du�apster. If they use a, 7 front-loadinq �t�ruck, they are not g.oinq 'to be able 8 to get f n there and g�et that so they m.ight have 9 somethi�ng to sa�y how �you site that. We would 1'ike 10 to see a, critical materials listing b�e filed for the 1:1 existi�nq tenant, the first tenant, .and �then we would 12� like an opportuni�y to review any proposed further 13 and future use of the other �bays�within the building 14 occupancy-w�ise pr�ior to the release of any permit. �15 MR. DAV.IS: That would require a 16 permit for in��erior c�omplet as you find your 17 �tenants or of f.ice �18 MR. WAY.: We need to have a11 19 construc�ion debris taken to a licensed d�isposal 2 0 s�ite, no onsite bury, inq or- burninq e. And i.n summa�ry,, 21 the Health District i's.read�y to authorize the 22 buildinq depart�nent to �release our portion of the 23 permit. 24 �NTR. DAVIS�: Thank you. 25 �iR. WTSENOR: Bo,y, you are� soft SPOKANE�REPORTING SERVICE 421 W. Riverside, Suite 1010 Spokane, WA 509 624-6�2'55 25 _1 today. t 2 N�t. DAVI.S s Clyde. 3 MR.�WISENOR: Fi=e Departmen�, Daryl �4� sa�id� you are Modern Electric Wa'ter. �And your fire �5 flow� requ�ires �here are 4, 000 qallons a minute for 6 t�hat. Your existin,q� system and shoul-d_ 7 .del iver that,, �but conf i-rm it with Modern Electric �8 �This is a record of, the past record on the fire �9 your wes� property line, rouqhly., and"tha� gives you 10 sta�tics ar►d f lows for the last, I don ��t� know, what�, 11 seven years or so on it. 1�nd then these are the 12 hydrant numbers and this is one over by Ron, so 13 we� 11 give .you credit for all three of those 14 but confirm �hat they can deliver close to 4,000 15 qallons with it or we can do a�f ir.e f l�ow� ourselves, 16 but we wan� y..ou to contact the water company on it, 17 S�o there a�re no f ir-e required What you is -ha-ve is adequate on it after conf irming w`�i�h them. 1-9 Ju�st doinq i�t of f the graph on one 20 hydrant, it show there are 2500 qallo�s�available 21 plus, so you,should be qoing to 350�0, 4�,000 gallon 22 range. We can d�o a flow test, bu� we jus� as soon 23� the water company does because they are the ones 2 4. that have- t�o conf irm i� You have to put a Knox 2 5 box on the- bu�ilydinq f or entry� system e There is a SPOKANE REP4RTING SERVICE 421 W. Riverside, Suite 1010 Spokane, WA (509) 624-6255 2'6 1 do you know what that is? 2 PgR TOWNSEIdD Uh—huh 3 MR. WISENOR: There is an applica�tion 4 f or- it and that w�i�l l be that has to be f f 1 led out 5 and� tu�rne�d in to us before �we release the permit. 6 As the tenants qo i-n, �let locate� the Rnox box 7 towards the front, toward the front of the building 8 up� th�er-e so we can put the keys _in for all �enants 9 as t�hey go in. So we�' 11 on�ly have to put one box on 10 it for the bui�ldinq. 11 If he uses flammable paint, you know, oil 1�2 �based paints, i�f you get over the li0 qallons or 1,3 what he is goinq to be storit��g in there, you are 14 qoing to be to talkinq about a flammable l:iqu�id 15 storaqe �room. An�d so ,be aware of that�: And you 1�6 will qo over :that �with Jun, bu�t i-� not, you can ,put 17 it in cabinets. But when�we come throuqh inspe�ctinq 1.8� next .year, if you have qot 500 gallons of f lammables 19 in �here, the�n you.are goinq to have to be talking 20 about building a flamma-ble 1-iquid storaqe roome so 21 b�e a�war�e of what you can store i�n it. And hiqh 2,2 p storage, I don�t know that 2ie would I�don't 2 3 know how hf g�h yo,u. ,ar-e goinq to be stacking-. W_i 11 it 24. be palle�s? 2,5 MR,. WAY: I thought he said 18 feet SPOKANE 'REPORTIN,G. SERVICE 421 W.�Riverside,�suite 1010 Spokane, WA (.509�) 624-6255 27 e 1 clear i�n�s-ide. 2 MR. TOWN�SEND: It is 18 f�eet clear 3 �ma�inly �for t�he �rucDcs 4 �MR.. WI�SENOR: Just to ,qet t�hem in 5 MR. TOWNSEND: Because he has a 6 coup,le b�ig vans 7 MR. 6ATISENOR: The paint is qoing to 8 be in racks, I suppo�e, metal rack��? 9 MR. T06�TNSEND I don t know. 10 MR WI�SENOR�: Are you qo inq� to 11 require a rack deta i 1 pl�an of how h�e is going �o 12 store his pa'i'nts and stuf f on it? 13 MR. MASCARDO: I� depends on how much 14 quantity of pa-i,nt can be stored inside. C 1�5 MR TOWNSEN�D I don't think he� 16 typica�lly stor-es that much because he his picking it 17 up from the sup,plier and takinq i� to the job and 18 what ends up back there would be wha�tever is excess 19 or something. 20 MR. WISENOR: Inventor.y or probably a 21 week�s supply or somethinq, go down and pic�k it up 22 once a week: 23 MR. T06dN�SEND: It doesn't work for 24 hi�m to inventory paint�when he can have the paint 25 company inventory it. SPOKANE REPORTING SERVICE 421 W. Rivers��ide, Suite 1010 Spokane, WA (509) 624=6255 28 1 MR .�MAS'CARDO I probab ly haye to 2, know is the averag.e amount of paint that c,an be� .3 stored in the building itself duri�ng -business hours. .4 MR. WISENOR: What we are concerned 5 with is f lammables and tha�t s goinq to be solvents 6 and thinners and plus the paints and�everything. I 7 mean tot�a 1 a�mou�nt And he can go up to 110 ga 1�lons 8 or 120 gal�lons, 110 qa�llons or 120 qallons in 9 f lamYaable liquids stor,age cabi�nets:. Af-ter that h�e 1�0 has to build a flamma�ble room. So be a�ware of it. 11 our. release requi�rement is get your Knox 12 box form in with the check so we can au�horize it 13 and the�County will siqn off for us. 14 MR. DAVIS: Thank you, Clyde. Ju�n. 15 �ilt. MASCARDO: Oka.y. You neecl to 1�6 provide two complete set of-plans prepared by an 17 archr�itect or enqineer with a-rchi�ect or enqineer 18 stamp on it. The.proposed.buildinq shall comply 19 with Washington State requlations for barrieref�ree 20 facil'i�t,i�es, Washington State Energy Code, �dashinqton 21 State Venti�lation and Indoor Air Quality Act,, 22. Un�igorm Buildinq, Plumbinq and Mechaxiical Code. 2�3 Otherwi�se plans including landacape and drainaqe 24 plan must �be submitted to� the Buildinq De�pa�rtment 25 �or proper documentation and the Buildinq D�epa��tment SPOKANE REPORTING SERVYCE 421 W. Riverside�, .Suite 1010 Spokane, WA (509�) 624-62�55 29 1 w�ill circulate these plans to Pl�anninq, Enqineers or 2 H�ealth Department. 3 �R. D�VIS: Basica�lly there�are two 4 ,complete sets of construction, pl-us five s.ite plans. 5 MR. MASCARDO: You a�lso need to f�i11 6 out a critical materials�lfst, which I will qive to 7 you there �o be submitted back to us for review and 8. �approva�l That' s a 11 I have o 9 MR. DAVISs Jun, do you �know what the 10 bu�ilding type �i�s? Did you say? 1�1 l�t. MASCARDO: Now i�t is goinq to be 12 �a B�-2 g�iye endl 13 AgR DAVI�S F ive end 14 MR. MASCARDO: But d;epends on amount� 4 �15 of mater-ials i�nside. It miqht chanqe. 16 MR. WiSENORe I� cou go �to an H� if 17 you have� enouqh flammables, so be aware of that. lg MR. �TOWNSEND: Okay. 19 �IR. DAVIS:, Are there any questions? 2 0 MR TOWNSEND s P10 I gues s I, have to� 21 rev�iew this letter from Emacio �hat comes as 22 something as a surprise, I quess. 23 1KR. �T1�Y: I might just add one �more 2�4 -sugqestion in that you are going to contact Jim 25 Leq,at anyway, the Utilities Department. You may asDc SPOKAN�E REPORTIY�IG SERVICE 421 �T�. Riverside, Su�it"e 10'10 Spokane; WA (509) 624-6255 3 0 1 him whether or not the �Ut.il'ities Department has. 2 obj ecti.on �to the �stor�aqe of- mater.ials on that 3 �easement. The�re miqht be some differen�ial 4 dif�ference between a pe�manent storaqe versus 5 somethinq �tha�t tii�ey can m�ove �if they had to 6 MR. TOWNS�$NDs Riqht. 7 NIR. DAVI�S: Okay. If there are no 8 n�ore questions�, thank you, every�bo.dy. The mi�nutes 9 should be ready hope�fully �omorr.ow. 10 (Conference concl-uded at 10:30 a.m.) 11 12 13 14 15. 16 17 18 19 20 21 2.2 2�3 2 �4 25 SPOKANE REPORTING SERVICE 421 W: Riverside, Suite 1010 Spokane, WA (509) 6�24-6255 31 1 STAT�E, OF' WASHIN.GTON ss REPORTER' S CERTI��F�ICATE 2 CO,UNTY O.F SPOKANE �3 4 5 I, Rebecca� J. Weeks�,_ a notary 6 public i-n a�rid for the State of Wa�shington, do hereby 7 certify: 8 9 That the foregoing conf�erence 10 was taken o�n the date and at the time and place as .11 shown on Paqe 1 hereto; 12 13 That the foreqoi�ng is a true. 14 and cor,irect �transcription of my shorthand notes of 15� the reques�ted conf e�ence transcribed by me or 16 under my di�rection�; �1 7 18 19 2 0 WITNESS my �hand �and seal this 21 24th day of June, 1992. 22 2 3 Notary Pub 1 c i��and f or the 2•4 State of Washi�n ton, res,idinq at Spoka�ne 25 CSR �WE-EK-SR-J442LL SPOKANE REPORTING SERVICE 421 W�. ��Rivers�i'de, Su�i�te 1010 t Spokane, WA 509 624-62 55 32 �Page 1 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY' EN(�IN$ER SPORAAIT COIINTY, �ASHIPt(3TON Project:. Speculative Warehouse Date 6-2�4-92 Address: E. 1�2322� ist Parcel No:2�2542-0429 Ref No. B9207 �The County Enqineeririg Department has completed a review of the above ref erenced proj ect .�The f ol lowing inf ormat�ion must be pr.ovided in or.der for us t�o proceed with our review. A) For any new hard surface area; for an asphaltic roof, or a roof containing HVAC machinery, a.drainage plan for the,site shall prepared in compliance with Spokane� County "Guidelines for Stormwater Management". At a minimum the pla�n must contain:- 1. Drainage calculation"s for stormwa�er volumes generated on�site. :2. Calculations� �for total i.mpervious surfaces conta•ined within the�site. 3. Finished grade el-evations for �structures� to be constructed on,site. 4:. Finished grade elevations�at_the top and bottom of the 208 swale: 5. A typ�ica:l cross section of the 208 swale. 6. Calculations to justify t�he nuaiber and type of dr.ywells proposed. 7�. Elevation of drywell inl�ets where applicable. 8. Copy of -the proposed�landscape plan. B) The foll�owing improvements w�ithin�� adjacent R�ight of Way are required prior to. the re�lease� of a building permit: i. You� must submit road and dr-a�inage pl�ans for -street improvements. These must be pr-epared'by an erigineer. Plans must be prepared for the following- streets.: a. First, Typical Roadway Section No. 1, Access Standard.� .All .r-equired construction (sidewalk%curbing/pavement) w�ithin the Public Road R�ight of Way is to be�completed prior�to the release of �a buildinq permit or a f=inancia�l guar-anty in an amount �est'�imated by the County Engineer to cover the cost �of construction or i�mprovements shall be filed�with the County Engi�neer.� Requ�ired plans are to _be submitted prior_ to est`imating the amount of the financial quaranty, or permit release. 2. Approach permits must be obtained from the County Eng-ine�er ing Department f or any new or impr-oved driveway approach _to the�following streets:� a. First 1, 7 G V �t ��V� Q fr"^'G Page 2 C,)� Insuf�f icient information was submitted with the �proposal We are unable to proceed w-ith our review�. We will n�eed �the following before we can proceed: l. Si�te Plan. 2. Drainage pl"an as� specified. 3. Other informa�tion: The County Comprehensive Plan �identi�f ies th�e South Valley Arterial a-s a Principal Arterial controlled access high capac�ity facility._ In order to implement the Arterial Road Plan an additional 30 feet of� riqht of way would be necessary�. �Th�is is �not a condition of your p�erm-it, the County Eng-i�neers ,office is �on-ly d�isclos-ing to you �a future need. Spoka�ne County is willing to purcha�se this �pr- operty -to have adequate right of ,way to implement these arterial_-improvements.. D)� Utility Condition: Permittee is responsible for arranging for all necessary� utility _adjustments. .or relocat�ion as required for conipletion of the improvement. E� The owner of the .p "roperty or- the authorized representative must complete and sign Spokane County �Engin�eers to Pa.y Fees�" This document must be returned to the County Enq�ineers��Office. Plan review wi11 not be completed unt-il this document is executed. This document is� attached to these comments°. �Please� r.eturn �the completed Agreement to your contact person at the Eng�ineers Department. Only after al�l �the infor-mation �and req��irements listed above are supplied� or completed and the necessary review has��been accomplished will y.our building perm�it be released, Your contact person at the County Eng�ineering Department may be contacte�d at 456-3600. Your�contact peison is�Robert Turner. r i a k z Page 1 OFFICS OF THE COUY�iTY' EIdC;It!TEER SPORANF CODNTY, �AB�INaTOYJ Pr-oject: Speculative Wa�rehouse� Date 6-24-92 Address: :E. 12322 is't �,�j Parcel No:22542-042-9 Ref No, B9�2�077 v The County Engineering Department has completed a review of the� above referenced_ proj.ect. The following information �aust be provided in�order for us_to proceed with our review. A) For any, new har-d� surf�ace area, for an a�sphaltic roof, or a roo�f containing HVAC machi�nery, a drainage plan for the site shall prepared in compliance with Spokane County 1 °Guidelines for Stormwater Management". At a m�iniznum the plan �must contain:; 1..Drainaqe calculations for stormwater- volumes �generated on s�ite. 2. Calculations for total impervious surfaces contained w�ithin the�site. 3�, Finished grade elevations f,or�structures to be consti�ucted on s�ite,. 4. Finished grade elevations,at the top. and bottom of the� 208 s.wale. 5. A ty,pica.l cross section of the 208 swale�. 6. Calculations to just_ify the number and type of drywells proposed. 7. Elevation�of drywell inlets where applicable-. �8 Copy of the proposed �lands _c.ape plan. B� The following improvement�s.� within adjacent Right �of Way are requ`ired prior to the release of a� building� p.eriait: 1. You must subm�it road and dra�inage plans for �street improvements. Thes,e must be prepared by. an� engineer Plan�s must -be prepared f or the f o l lowing streets: a. First, Typical Roadway Section No. 1, Access Standard. Al1 re.quired construct�ion (sidewalk/curbing/pavement) within the Public Road R�ight of Way is to�be�completed prior to the rel-ease of a building �permit �or a f�inancial guaranty in an amount estimated by the County Enq-ineer to�cover the cost of �construction or improvements shall be�filed with the County Eng'ineer, Required plans are to be subm�i'tted �pr�ior to estimati�ng the amount of the,financial guaranty or permit release. 2. Approach �permits� must be obtained from the County� Engineerinq Department for,any new or improved driveway approaches to the:f.ollowing streets: a. Fir-st r Page 2 C) Insuf.ficient information �was sutimitted wi'th the proposal. We ar-e unable to pr-oceed �w-ith our review. We wi11 need the�following before we can proceed: 1. �Site Plan. 2. Drainage pl�an -as spe�ci-fied. 3. Other infor�mation: The� County Comprehens�ive Plan identif�ies �the South alley Arterial as a�Principal Arterial contr.o,lled access high capacity fac�il In �order to implement. the Arterial Road Plan an additional 30 feet of right of way would�be necessary. This is not a cond_ition of. your perniit, ttie County Eng�ineers of f ice is �f C9�only dis�closing to y,ou a future need. Spokane County is willing to purchase th'is proper�ty to have adequa�te right of way to implea�ent these arterial-improvements. D) Utility Condition.: Permittee� is respons�ible for arranging for all necessary util-ity ad�justments or r-elocat�ion as� required �for completion of the improvement. E) The owner of the property or the authorized representative must complete and s Spokane_County Engineers 1 °Agreement to �Pay Fees" This�, document must be returned-to the County Engineers Office. Plan review w�ill not be completed until th-is document is executed. This document is attached to these comments.,Please return the c,ompleted Agreement to your�contact person.at the Engineers D�epartment,. Only after all the information and r-equ�irements listed "a�bove are supp�lied or completed and the�necessary review has been accomplished w'ill youur bu�ilding .permit �be released._ Your contact person at the County Engineer�ing Department may be contacted at 456�-3600. Your contact person is Robert Turner. 0 a e CLARENCE E. �SIMPSON '���i,�re�y ���so 1901,-1987 RICHARD L SIMPSON CIVIL ENGINEERS AND LAND�SURVEYORS CHARLES Licenced�'in Washington and�'ldaho N. 909 Argonne Road Spokane, �WA 99212 (�509) 926-1322 Fax:� 926-1323 DRAINAGE EASEMENT FROM E.1232�2 FIRST AVENUE A portion of -Lot �17 �and 18 �Block 1 of Stewart's Subdiv�ision of Block 164 of Opportunity �as recorded -in Volume R of Plats, page 4�1 in Spokane County, Washinqton.. The North 22.00 feet of the West 10.00 feet of the �East 22.0.0 feet of Lot �17; Together �with the South �12:00 �feet of the- �North 22..00 feet of the East 12.00 feet of� said Lot 17. Together w�ith the South �12.00 �feet of the North 2_2.00 feet of the West 90..00� feet of sa�id Lot 18. �S E' A! Q` .-a¢'v�n�s •,s ''y� Z i f� �I��- A�67 A� LA!'�0 ExPIRES ��17!,ry3 BUILDINC PE�MIT CHECKLIST PRE—APP PERM IT r�. .,Y�. N1 EETI N� 5ryti Y ti}' �<%:'vr?'� •''J'� i \^+1 �v'`W r.• 4: 4•r,: i}, i•rY:.+�r��., '�.�..�rny��x,}„�:.�:��.}::.::..L.�.r.�,...,�;:�:V��,...._.ADURE55��:��>.����... �r. r3qust I E �,'�3-z- II�UIREaM COMPLET�O r ypq,� x:> v�'� s' :'r:: "{�ti:� i� ti 4'} p r �ti �C'V�. '.�';'r_f...'� ti:• 1 I� f r.s�:�:_ Y y l 1�'}�• y.`.'�.`_.'.: J{ �10. l� r •tf� �lY! r •.t };��kJ•:�:•: LY d ,.J� .t {Y T RIGHT OF WAY DEPARTMENT I DEED I I EASEMENTS I R/VV RID I LEGAL DESCRIPTION CHECK LETTER FROM SCAPCA I I I RECIPROCAL USE AGREEMENT I I I �o�..�w �a,Mrc I 1 I I y Y C•4.� �.i �:r {;f::l:...,. .:s�rE�::::,4. w:.:�,- �yti �xa�•. rvc�� a�Rc�w SCALE BENCHMARK I ROAD NAM ES I I V R/W DIMENSIONS J PROPERTY LINES j SET—ASI DE 0 GRADES I ►r I STAM P I PAVING TRAFF{C CIRCULATION PLAN I E I I •r�. :f:::�i.�`'t',k,.: �•i`,r,` R DF�AINAC�E �x•�v;' J�yLY.•�:titi�. .�{J� f.....Yj9�. I �:�1 l�}�h 208 CALCUTATIONS I SWALE CROSS—SECTION I SPECIAL SOIL TESTS ROOF CONSTRUCTION �,�,�,4�� I f HVAC ON ROOF LANDSCAPE PLAN �208 CONFLIC� fi DITCH CALULATIONS I I BACKWATER CALCULATIONS GRATE CALCULATIONS N P1PE CALCULATIONS RETENTION/DETENTION GALCS 10l50/100 YEAR STORM TR-55 ANALYSIS I 1 I I i�. ...t� (�r 'e r�.�:'r'a� 1• v �r 1•:. Y.IS1.f. 1Q�r. .y •j.�'7'r 4 �l 1VIlV�7 i� :t'.: GRADE SHEET (EXISTING ROAD) I I STAMP I OWNERS SIGNATURE I ROAD DRAINAGE �SWALES, STRUCTURES, I "R" VAI.UE TESTS N I I NE1N R�AD DESIGN N 1 BOND MYIAR M I COUNTY STAMP M I I 1 I M £1LOj11S1LCT11SflAT�}� K5k{EET. W 1i1 S P O K A N E C O U�N- T Y OFFTCE OF TriE:COUNTY ENCINEER A; DNi510N OF�THE PUBWC WORKS DEI'ARTMENf Ronald �C. Honnann, I'.E., County� Engineer Dennis M. Scott, P.E., Director ��a�����T �ENGINEER'S A�REEM�NT NUMBER This�, agreernent between Spokane County, and ,T4 �A�h�.�.'UV �name b► person� whose interest� in fhe project is O vv'N E� �,r.e: owner,, agen�� e�G�, is entered into fhis o'Lo2_ day of O ��'o�� t2 19 This, agreement is. applicable to the project knov�in as: 1 �t a. �s �-V 1� t.�,° r'� �pro�cc�iress�or ti�eaa�ne �e�num�er) i That the individuals and parues named herein as having an interest� in the above described property or project agree to the foltowing: l. Reimburse Spokane County for project review and inspection fees as specified in Board of County Commissioner's Resolution '80-1�592 attach�ment C, as..amended. 'The fees will�be tiased o� actua! salary costs incurred by Spokane County for project reviews and or inspections plus a� "ten percent administrative �charge, and will� be billed monthly as accrued. 2. Tshe undersigned agrees that these fees are due �and ,payable upon receipt �of��the biUing as specified above. �The� monthly�,biUing shouid be �sent to th attention- of: NAME: 3'. 7 �-1�A-�i.�) G/� �'z l,v-o �F ADDRESS: C i c� 1��^, O.�.1�r� CITY;, STATE: P�a �a�-+�t ��'i4- Y ��I� ZIP CODE: r? PHONE s o 1 �,C�(� I� undcrstand that failure to. pay th�ese fees may result in delay in completion or�:approval of the �project or� other ��ssibie :sanctions. SIGNATURE B ��7"'�_ _Y s �.v rrt S. �,U o -r (PRINT NAME) RETURN YELLOW� COPY TO SPOKANE� COUtYTY ENGINEERS k1g1t1ngrecmcn.fee �j9��'1 Jeffersun S�ukar», W,A 99260-.0180 (�04), 45G-3600 fAX (509).456-�1715 ASSIGNM�NT Alvin J. !•?olff, Jr. c/,o� First Pines Partnership l��r s�curity, �urposus uuly� l�e:rctay, as�igns to S1'Ol�ANE COUNTY a political subclivision of tl�e_ State of W�slrington, the following: �1005800857 Business Savfngs Account Savi��gs CcrtiCcate Number in tlic face amoun� of $5, 2�UO..UU US Bank o'f ,Wash'ington,� N. A. and �helii in and by I�ank� of Spokane Main IIrancl� Alvin J. Wolff_ Jr. `Ilii"s assignrr�ent is ma'c�c` �s sec:uri�y foc the; full an� faithful performance by of c:�rtaiu roa�s�� monun�ents �nc! J�aiaage faeilities foc road -iinprovemen�ts us sp�ecifitd .in. the typical section and roAClway iniprovement specifications' for said� project dalec! �etober 27 199 3 _��n� on file in �he��Office of tbe�S�okAne Caunty Engineer. A1vin J. Wolff, Jr. Any in�crest be�efits, accruing uade� said saving's certificate��shs�ll remain the property of Fiirst Pines Pa�rtner.ship� Saicl ss�vings cerliGeate ta. be released to Alvin J wolff .1r. ur uny� o'tlic:r rn'r�y only .with Ilie� p�ior written coiiseut s�nci .Ag�eenient of ,Spok�ne County. 1'IZOVIDL'•I), I�U1t�l�1CR, tl�e ui�dcrsigncc! docs �licrcby Autl�ori�c US Bank to p;,y,� ovc� to Spokane County �tl or a suf[icient porlioi�_ of lhe n�onies ln the savings certificate�.referenced tiereinabove upo�i w�ittei� ;clocumen�a�ion ��being received from tl�e Spokaiie County Engineer indicating tliat the purpo'ses for wt�icl�, tl�e �savi�►gs� �cer�iCcate was �ssignecl IiAVe not been fully and fs�i�lifully performed us required and .a sta�ement of� tl�at amount �f moi�ey wliicli �t�e Counly Engineer as requicecf And ��a slAtemeat of that aa�ount of moaey wliicl� tl�e, County Cr�gineer �dcci»s neccssary to coni�lete �sucli obligation. U,poa receipt of such w�ittci� docun�entation, �vin J Wol�ff, Jr. bereby Autl�orizes� US- Baak �o release to Spokaue County tl�at aniount oF moncy requested up 'to lt�e muximum �a�ount in �tl�e savings c�r�ifi�:ite. I�A�1:1� �I�is 2��th day of October 199 IiANK OF US Bank of Wastiington, N.A. AUI)R�ESS Spo ne in anch G� �CQ Presiclent S�crct:►ry llA`C'��[�.. tl�is 27th �:�y of �199 3 z �a� `1 c� �Hi,�, 4 '�y t r DFVCI:OPrR 5'I'�'11:. O1� �1VASI�(INGTON :S$ ��•:.�1�t+c�S,,��; ('ounty of S�okane Pv�i��� 's'��.w..���� On tliis day p�ersonally appeare�! befo�e n�e t� mc.�known to �c tl�c tudtvicival described tn aud wbo execulcd �Ihc w�tu�u and �'or� o�n �nstrun�ent, �and �cknowlccl ecf �I�at signed tbe sanie as-�-� free ancl volunli�ry Act ancl �ced, for tlie uscs and purposcs thereiu�meutione�. GiVCN UNDI:R' MY I IAND AND Orf1CIAL SCAL chis dAy of 199 �1 ���cs•�...��� c� Notary �PuUlic in ai�d for tlie Statc k��j1f�;��si�n.,bon. of� WAShii��.t�it resicling ul Spokane f BOND ESTIMATE PROJECT SPEC. WAREHOUSE INLAND CONSTRUC�NAME, rbt DATE 22-Oct-93 DRAINAGE ITEMS UNITS QUANITY PRICE COST 1) Drywell Type A EA 1200.00 0.00 2) Drywell Type B EA 1600.00 0.00 3) Grate Type 1 EA 300.00 0.40 4) Grate Type 2 EA 330.00 0.00 5) Grate Type 3 EA 300.00 0.00 6) Backfill For DW CY 15.50 0.00 7) Concrete Inlet EA 700.00 0.00 8) C.1�. Pipe 10" Dia. LF 22.00 0.00 9) C.M. Pipe 12" Dia. LF 25.50 0.00 10) C.M. Pipe 15" Dia. LF 27.50 0.00 11) C.M. Pipe 18" Dia. LF 29.00 0.00 12) Precast Manhole EA 1450.00 0.00 13) Solid lid EA 300.00 0.00 14) Ditch Excavation CY 10.00 0.00 15 Sod SF 0. 7 0 0. 00 NON STANDARD DRAINAGE ITEMS 1) Wilbert Vault Curb Inlet EA 2 250.00 500.00 2� 0.00 3� 0.00 4� 0.00 g� 0.00 6) 0.00 DRAINAGE SUBTOTAL 500.00 16) Monuments EA 180.00 0.00 17) Barricade LF 30.00 0.00 18) Street Signs EA 80.00 0.00 OTHER SUBTOTAL 0.00 GRADING, SURFACING, CURB, AND SIDEWALK 19) Rough Grade CY 45 10.00 450.00 20) Top Course CY 30 14.00 420.00 21) Base Course CY 14.00 0.00 22) Asphalt Concrete Tons 20 44.00 880.00 23) Curb Type A LF 6.60 0.00 24) Curb Type B LF 155 7.90 1224.50 25) Curb Type R LF 7.60 0.00 26) Sidewalk SQ YD 105 16.40 1722.00 N4N-STANDARD ROAD ITEMS 1) 0.00 2) 0.00 3) 0.00 4) 0.00 GRADING AND SURFACING 4696.50 GRAND TOTAL 5,196.50 1 STREET QUANTITIES f i PROJECT NO.- 892077 DESIGNER- RBT� DATE- 3./ 2/93 P-ROJ�ECT DESCRIPTI�ON- ist avenue STREET 1 NAME= 1 ST AVENUE LENGTH- 15 5.�0 0. FT WI DTH- 7. 5.0 FT BEGINNING .STATION 18�2..0�0 ENDING STATION 337.0�0, ONE SIDE�ONLY PWIDTH= 18.5.0 �EWIDTH= 11.00 QWIDTH= �0.00 TERM 1:=TAPER TAPER LENGTH 2 0. 0 0 T E R M 2,: T A P E R T A P E R L E N G T H 2 0.� 0 0 ITEM MEASUREMENT QUAIJT-ITY SURFACE AREA-� �13�12� 50 S. F. ROADWAY EXCAVATION 1: 0 0 FT 4 8,. 6 C.-Y CRUSHED SURFAC�ING TOP COURSE 0.�5 0 FT 2 4 3 C..Y CRUSHED StJR�FAC�ING BASE COURSE 0, 0 0 FT 0. 0 C. Y. ASPHALT CONCRET-E 0.1�7 FT 1�6 6'TONS CURB :TYPE �B. EXISTING 0 0 0'0 FT. PROPOSED 155. 0•FT. SI�DEWALK EXISTING 0�:00 S.�Y. PROPOSED 103.3 S.Y. TOTALS ROADWAY� EXCAVAT ION' �4� 8. 6 C. Y. CRUSHED SURFACI�NG TOP COUR'SE 2 4� C. Y. CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE 0.0 C.Y. .ASPHAI;T CONCRETE 16.,, 6 TONS CIIR.B TYPE B� 15 5�. 0 FT SIDEf+JALK 10 3. 3 S. Y. �STREET' QUANTITIES 7 .�PR4J�CT NO. B92077� DESIGNER- RBT DATE�- 3�/ 2/93 PROJECT DESCRIPTION- ist avenue STREET 1 �NAME- 1ST -AVENUE LENGTH- 15�5 0 0 FT,. W I DTH- 7��. 5 0 FT BEGINNING STATION �1�82-.00 ENDING STAT-ION 337.0�0� ONE�SIDE ONLY. PWIDTH= 18.50 EWIDTH= 11.04 QWI�DTH= 0.�00 T�ERM 1,: TAPER TAPER LENGTH 2-0.00� TER�! 2: TAPER TAPER LENGTH 20.00� ITEM MEA'SUREMENT QUANTITY �SURFACE AREA�- 1312 :�5 0 S. F. ROADWAY EXCAVATION 1..00 FT.. 4�8 6, C. Y. �CRUSHED �SURFACING TOP COURSE 0.50 FT. 24.3 C.Y. CRUSHED �SURFACING °BASE COURSE 0.,.00 FT. 0. 0 C. Y. �ASPHALT�� :CONCRETE 0. 17 FT-. 16. 6 TONS CURB 'T�YPE B EXISTING 0. 00 FT�. 'PROPOSED 1�55. 0 FT.- SI�DEWALK ,EXI STING 0. 0 0�S Y. �PROPOSED 10°3 3 S. Y. TOTALS; ROADWAY EXCAVATION 48.6 C�.Y. �CRUSHED�� �SUR�FACING TOP COURSE 2.4�. 3 C.. Y. CRUSHED. :SURFACING �BA�SE COURSE 0. 0 C�. Y. ASPHALT' �CONCRETE� 16. 6 �T4NS CU.RB TYPE B 155.0 FT. S I�DEWALK 1.0 3�-. 3' S.'Y BOND'ESTIMATE P�OJECT 1,8TAVENUE NAME rbt DATE� 02=Mar=93 ------------=.y�=---.---_-----------------_----- DRAINAGE ITEMS UNITS� QUANITY P-RICE COST- 1) Dryweil Type A EA 1250.00 0.00 2� Drywell Type B EA 1�573.00 �0.00 3� Grate Type 1 EA 325.00 0.00 4) Grate Type 2 EA 330.00 0.00 5) Grate -�Type 3 EA 320.00 0.00 6) Backfill For DW CY 14.90, 0.00 7) Concrete Inlet `.EA 675.00 0.00 S) C.M. Pipe 10" Dia: L' F 21.30 �0.00� 9) C.M.'Pipe 12" Dia: LF 25.90 0.00� �10� �C: M. Pipe 15 �Dia. LF �32.00� 0:00 1 i)�� C�.M. Pipe 18" D'ia. LF 28.00 0.00� 12) Precast Manhole EA 1435.00 0:00 13} Solid lid EA 900:00 0.00 14) Ditch Excavation �CY 1,0.00 0.00 15) Sod SF 0.70 0.00 NON STANDARD DRAINAGE ,ITEMS 1)'Wilbert Vault�Curb'Inlet EA 1 250.00 �=250.00� 2) .0.00� ,3) 0.00 4) O.QO� 5) ,0.00 ,6)� 0.00: DRAINAGE�SUBTOTAL 250.00 �16) Monuments EA 160.00 0.00 17) Barricade- LF �32.00 0.00 18) Street�Signs EA 75.00 0.0`0� OTHER SUBTOTAL 0.00, GRADING, SURFACING, CURB, AND SIDEWALK 1�9) Rough Grade CY 48.6 10.00 486:00 20)� Top �Course CY 24:3, 1'0.�60 �257.58 21) Bese Course CY 10.60 0.00 22) Asphalt Concrete Tons- 16:6: �44.50 738.70 •23) Curb Type�A LF 6.20 �.0.00 �24�} Curb Type �B LF 1�55, 7.90 1224.50 25) Curb Type� R LF 7.60 0.00 ;26) Sidewalk SQ YD 103.3 16.20 1673.4fi; NON �STANDARD ROAD ITEMS 1�), 0.00 2) �0.00 '3) 0.00� 4) �0.00� GRADING SURFACING 4380.24� GRAND' TOTAL- �630:24 V�- c� d� J S� P O K A N E: C_ O U N?I' Y OFFICE OF-THE COUNTY ENG[I�fEEEt A�DNLSION OFTHE PUBLIC WORKS DEPAIt'I'MENT 'Ronald C. Hormann, P.E., County� Engineer Dennis M. Scott, P.E., Director Date: 11 Z st.rB�cT: 23ZZ Gentlemen: A review of�.the road, drainage, or..� site plan for the above-referenced.building permit has been' accomplished. Ar,eas �of concern to us are indicated i.n ced on the attached �prints. Please rnake the:� corrections and resubmit them to tlie� Bu�din� Department -in order tbat the review process may proceed When th� _�ans areYresubmitted,�-mark �all chan�es .on the revised nrint in color- and�itfcfude_ the mark-up. 'If you �have��any questions about this� review, please contact us -at 456-3600. Thank you. Very truly yours, R�onal Hormann, P. E. S e Co.unty� E�neer (��-°'1 Robert Turner, E.I.T: Plans Review Engineer I I N.��81=1 JEffers�in Sp,akane, ;WA 99260=0180 (509) �456-3600 FAX (509) 456-471.�5 i �l ��r� �►Q�_ I o��l t z 2 Z s�.: G:�� .e. ��or�_c ��_s� ..r... 7 t S a i- T '"v '�'%l ��-1 _l ��:�a __s_ e ��oa 0.�4- M :�1 _T-__� :1 t-` a %l..c... �n. �t- '�q.. 1 __..c °l�. o�°'�?...-� .x X!�2�._ .�o c:; i 1 ���n��, a o._ h�...�..�:'�-�.------.�.,_._.-__._.__....�,__ .F: O �t� h ��'i _`�__T. �,�4� l.� Z w �^�:C�" =F-�� ��G.�� �.s: •-r- l' "_�.��-r..�.�-�.-�..-��.�..�.. .t...� l �i ti _r�� L_.. ,9..^_..5�:_..�.�! l� R_ M .�G_�.... X K t t��..-'.� �_�.:�..T i 1�.. t H�G�'I' I l]IUF,I._ FUF�{�i1JL� HY;UF�l;1LU(:;'f L�i� 1 C'��1 /�i',� 1.'iE5 I'GPI��► .:C 1 I�I�''S't:Jl`�I 'l:�i z'�'! Itil i': lV °r r��;,LlJ,E,i��T C�1f�ME. �41(`;(=�L:�IOU:aE C: 1: 1:iT A'JE. I.i� �T'� UN �1���� I N��GE I, 4 �.�IJE{:��:E�1 1-.�•�#°�; A�hC SIJC�Cr�A �1 f��,URiUF= f= C.:GL{��H= T C:,] I.::!�I �;IJE��,F;E�i�� .�Ci:� F1�RG�S SUEt'A�'I���, ��'1.1N[�lf'1= C;OL{° f` 7: C :l' I� f�.{1� 1'C]TAL. ;E� i.n,; .ACC';��w� GAiYiF'pa x''I"� r-:U1��I�1= C- C'�I(�1=1- I;C l' L►.�°i r t3 i i:� L:i i u=� �c�v� ��ow v��i_u�� G �t 1� i.. �I�J .:i:i=1 C'a .���1 �L.H�if��lUl�L f=LC76J Vi`1LL1C:a� r'` 1�b�.�`'��", s O, oo s 7 L �—�-7:U_� 3 1 y— G01�1��'Ul'Cll t�Fl 'LUES,. r�ui; t��� 1 ��V �L7, �F Y .�i �Q.�t�a �U�l�i"I�I'� :C I'•I(J (:;FiLCUI_i-i�f J: G('�l:� T�F'� i L•. 1 C� i:' 1 i��: U�� 1 G;fJEFt C T i�lf='S��1'J i: I f4l I-'I:l:l,1 �i�l" I�Ip�rl� t►JFIf�:� hIOl.1aE E 1�:r� l. 5�' �►'•JL. I%�: Ch F'"I' 1171'J UFci; I IVr'aGL t Ir�kcnsity t��ev. Vii� Wc,��t� ��ca�_ (n�in. (��•c. (in. /1�►'. lc.��. s. teu. I�t. j (�u. �•t� y ��.�t., i�t. l a 1c:►a:t 18 1 J .i =�E 13 1 t� n a' =6 17 t..� 1 r� S 1( 1;:� qc:�,:� i. 77 1 �I �I'�.' �'�:i :'Cl 1� r l_� 1 l.1 �.j 1 r �1' 1 L.� 1 ..t �J l 1 1 )f 1 2 .i�Jy 1 :>U.0 1�GU l.l�� 11 :'1�F ::,'Ity ":��'i c.� 1 i:i l'� y 1 147 1� i -•'I 1-E c:� ��C�G B� C�9 I`?�7 -:E�.E3 "f ��.J i% t.� r 7 1 V F7 r`�. i l l:� l J 171:� l) U ��c� 6�3 �7 :'�::3 y i.�C.� c., i G: c: -r-�• M!• L. ..J�J. r.� ..,,jl_ b .e..�.J y:���) :l.J C1r� ~la�.'C� r 1 �7 1 j.� :��fa j ��c:it_1 6C� �1� �;7 1 1 i! `r' 1 C� ca �}�'�Cy 5Q �:1 f� 'Y'b9 ��'c�,U i 1 i �:1 4.`. �u �:16 i'r� 1 ���?=i E3C� U 4R �:�0 0 5 a .�:�6 ��.31 1:.� �F l 1::; r! �J:►� C� i1��C� o �i� �t:��7 1�i� l;._•I i v d'� G r vJ .0 i 1 95. C� 57� �c:� 4'`� C1� l 1% 1<:� L°'f 1 c:,c:►, �i ��C) o �8 1 1 �3�.ii.� L �I t� TME MAX l:I�IJM 5'TCIFF;C;E IS 40. Ub?8� CU. f-T,. �c Tt�c t:ir��� o� concenfirati.c�n i� minut��. Thz lin,��v� 1 0���� �f 1 ow cau•r 1 5 c. f. s. 1"CP•i 1'L�;f: S`(C1�2P1 ��,LC f \'I raT Y r.i<<ir� ;FUIyI�1lJL�a i��ivia��;�c7�u�,� i i ll.t� l Gi'd�r c �:�r�ih�sorv �r e�-� r: ��w��� �•i�;�c,�i_c7� r���r W�`�I��El ,F �:�:s��� r�T �v�,. �:�i��c.ii`;�i r:• r c�iv r�i�r; l r��,��c ;'iU'L"��hl��Cs 1-- .=i'�,. f��::l��L:i r.aU1�FtI;C:F�a' 1 I`:I�fJCII��'IM '�l:t:;lYi:"�.= l�i�i i"I� �`7 I�.�L��'������:_�� 1 1'1��LJ ��L?i"1f��f'7� i�. ��1lJI��L.��� f L uL- I L_.� I ..C.: J -a,�.» r r ti.- rc�.T:r �,r�,�A a�6� �c..i;C� coiy�F u��� i �L 'r�r1�JiUl�f-i; C1�L1= F c:..� �.1� .,...���v i._�� 1....�. -o l�'•!f ��L��I:�Ji1 FL-UW VaLUE� G�t I� 'L 1�:'t� PJ 16� :i C11� f:l=tr�l�ll'Ji:�L F=LQG1 'u.i�l_U�a I_ �O' Tl� •�a 'CU�`(F'�U'1'Lll V�F�I_UC5 I�Uf: G�i I' 1 .19 l� i: C� 1. 11 QC�, Et06�JE;TFII'JU CF,LCULi ��'1C11'I� i)�3TL 1 G! 1/ 91^�.. D�:.�i Y Gld�f-� C�.► I I�IF�"v01'�J C�i 'l I�I 1{� C o..�'�� F't:C3.7Ef:'T I'J��1�9E 41i�F:EF1CaU��� 1.•^_� e 1 al' aV�::. UE�Cf-� 1 f'1' I UI'�i Gi���f� T IV�C;E �t �t; I n t �r� i t y �d e v �l i i� y (�nl��. (s`c. (in. /hir, (c. f tcu. •f'� i (cu� •t t. t►_�. :1t:�ll 1 �3 1. 1 1 -"1-'� b �a U u i�-. bra� i��:� r �ar�ca 1. i y l ?C�l� 1 45 1 a�� E��:� �'S'�i i 1 �i��►C� 1. 21 4? i 7 �I� a��� 1 �3 G� 1. t� 4 S �7 `1 1 l �lJ r T+: 4� b���) •��1. i� 1 fy '.•''_i =l -7 �.J �7 r.� {�J i'�� 1:1 1 :J r 68 �4 =:E� �iC,�, 1 c,•� ri �:�U 64 7'cS�:� �i'��J 6Q U �E� t y 1 'l F3U 1 �►�t:� c� t f.� b �a 1 i3 1. 1 1 7r.�. c� q�'��►ta �8 �t� �i71 1'���� --":�i� �7 J����.� �Q 1 1 1 J�f jt:�! '1 8�� r ..I? 1 P 7' �'��1'l, '::J _...1 EJ 1 �J�:� 1 t3 1 ��:::,`i C� ��q�c_�c� �r.� 17 S';�C� 1,',�'C� 9 7 C� 9 17 S''? 1 1 1 f� 1 UC� C� ��0� 4@ 17 1 i:►:�'�.' `l �3��+� s''J t� 1'I I�'Ir'� X T 1`11J(� S'TORAGE: I S �E,O. 7�� CU. FT �c "ft���:y ti m� c�f conc�ntr•ati or� i s i«ii nu•t�s. 1`hz Un��vc:l o��d �F 1 ow o�a�k i c. f. s. '�'i'I•I 1'�=E,Fc �TOF<h1 CqLC r I S P O K A N E C O U N T Y OFCICH OF T�1E,COLINTY ENGWEER A DMSiON OF•TNE PUBLIC WORKS DE['AR71NEN7' Ronald C. Honnann, P.E., County fingineer Dennis M. Scott, P.E., Director August 12� 1993 Robert Townsend� Se�ior Projec� Manager Inland Cons�uction� Company 102 E. SpraBue Avenue Spokane, WA 99202, RE: Warehouse E. 12322 First Avenue Dear Mr. Townsend: A �eview of�the site/drainage pian, fo� the above=meritioned project has been completed. The fotlowin8 fist is�a summary of:the items that�need to be addressed before release of a building permit. 1. The pavement taper�should, begin at the face of the curb and at the back of the sidewalk, 2. Swale'A' should .be=flat. The eleva�ions given at the inlets� �ndicate�a slope towards the center. 3., Please p�ovide Spokane County Type.l Inlets�at the curb cuts. This wili pr,event the grass from blocking the� flow of ,runoff� into the�swate. 4. Two�type'A' drywelts instead of a type'B' dryweil wjll not�be an op�ion because of area of basin. 5., Prov.ide a� detait .of�the loading dock. Is�the a�ea �ecessed� The c.oncem is ponding of �stormwater in,the loading area. 6. The qd elevation -for the drywell in �swate 'B' should be 6" above the bottom of the swale: 7. Indicate. how much cover will remain rnrer the sewer p�pe. The�e should be a minimum of 3'. 8. Ptease make the indicated changes to the'208' c�icula�ons. The areas I calculated .came� from �e dimensions Gsted on the pian. These chan8es only.effect swale'C'. The_�size of this swale should be increased. A�o� due to ttie inc�eased area� the size� of drywell ne�eds to- be addressed. Piease see the� enctosed calculation� sheet� for more details. 8. Add the following details to the drywell,detail: a) Provide a 4" concxete,slab over the�drain rock. b) P�ovide fifter fabric around the dr.y,well_barrel and drain�rock. c) Call out as °Spokane County Standard Drywell Type'A' or'B' as indicated on the plans". dj Cali ot,it Type III Frame;and �Grate W.1026 Broadway Ave. Spokarie, WA.99260-0170 (509) 45G-360Q 'FAX (509) 45G-4715 ti Page 2 Road plans for improveme�ts to First Avenue are �equired fo� approva! of this permit. Refer to the enclosed copy of the road plans previousty submitted. Please cvordinate those road pfans with ttte changes you propose� in particular� the added approach to the east. Please subrnit any revised plans to the Buitding Department along with five copies to d�culate to review agencies. Retum the enclosed marlc-up with your submittal. If you have any questions� ptease feel free to calt. Very truly yours, -Ronald C Hormann� P.E�. f S�kane County Englneer J z r `it��•�`',lt.'��{ A y g k'k n r n r �j j t n i s h cfi t--�i r 2 1 f ;.t. �N r r I -1. ?i 1 V Ch �ristopher J. Retch� E.t,.T. Plans�Revtew Enclosures J �J V t� t 1 ���4 °�OKANE COUNTY� OFFIGE OF COUNTY .EFdGINEERS �CALCULATIOIV SNEET Description: ����5 !2_�_F I �E Project Na: �0'7"7� Catc: by:�ea� Dote:- �.-r�=�� Title:.�-A�� ��F�/ Checked by: Date: Sheet of 2 Notes a. 1't ,r ..o -f- �o. ._�s f r I L=_LJ.� �.i! K.C1ILA�IC�I�.� �a .I .T-- i i i l �V�I Al�. A R -e .e 1.►�p�_Ae� n�s�-; _Paw►�,�ti�. p..,,_��_ A�s ,.s _,__.�1� I 1� _i���1 f l 1 —.A� l02 _�c !o_?.'=i_(o� �8?J�l. sF t _i a q �I i i f ._l I, a �z4, g ;3��.��.. I�, I, I_� I�. T 1 I i �I I ��i 1 r l _l� _1_ _.I �10�... _a.�c��Q �_o�s_�1'�L=� 4�� _G� t _.l'� E r �-----,i �a� _o..s�_ q 1 �i I �_A�eE:n, �,P�eov��c-.�.� �io.a�xi 4'���=.�I y.2� s� I i I_�._. i �1_ 1 1 i I 1__ I i i o o'� _1_ I g i a_ I____ D Sw 1 a. v I I _C _..�r_ f i c �i� j z i �.�r�1P, oA�R�A- I N[:1.�:�t'�ES�• E y�z .o.F� _L��Mp`�'�E� Q� f �o i� I E- �.s.� _���:o:' x� 5_� �4,'Soo sF l 1 �r� 1 4 yt_ 1z'..n:i ��i es �l� q a+� 1 d 't t a I i _i q- �otoBsF j._�l .�-�r�e "A��, -r.��,l 1 I a�. I I a s_ ��b.L..'QEC��O: 4�{.tQ(0�`X.�• ���I,•,� �.F r !P��'c' .�9�.5� =b.s 38°I sf� E y q p i a 1 1 E 1 j C t �A �o„���: q�x 12'��t �1(oX55� j s� �SwA� Lu I,MP. AIZE.A IN[_u.lpGS �,f �Z Oc Q�� i]aGK. �Mp, ��t�►t3 A�2.EA� loo x�tr q. 50� sf j O X� �St� SF 1 I 5,a�o s� a-� b A" o� I-c�� �lo�. v-F-4'o_: 5;a�o,x o.s j��Z= oa,�8. �s:c� AQ�, a�c�'fl•. ati8'-�s -o.s� 43�. S 5F Ae�. I ti� 4' �4 s+� �X; .��:'OKAIVE COUNTY OFFICE OF COUNTY ENGINEERS CALCULATION �SHEET Descfip4ion: _'1�$� r s� Project No.: 1 1 Colc. by: c��S Date: i� Q� Title: �-A�+ �1� Checked tiy Date Sheet Z- of Z Notes ii j� 1 s I o �_v_ �vr.�t.�.�e�C o e� ._m. a o E i -�--r-- i 4 i o _e a ��s�.� e Gta�uC�,S��_NE��D �6�i..E.L-�- —,AG-'TtJ�°►L I �jWAt.E �A� 11. _TA: .G �NDF_E _�1�!1� 'T.}�1 E ,20Aa j�'f H r I f I -I ----t .�-Ay.� T�1osE��-�►t�Ut�.�Tt.OraS ''�NDU� 8�-1r�-oVLD��D I �9 i .___�-r_o__ 'c�a► c. �.+z.�... a I I I j r T_..� °_IS�vAt.E _1G:. .Mb�� _S�. /N_G�2E±A_SFd� _i� r i� e��_ +�„_,1��'� .N �GE�1z�P.o_tL-'f."I ��..�op:__a_ �t�1S� __I_ .._1_ E� ..-1 I I 1 --�._._e _.I_ _o.. e� f s i i V s I y e-_. .i_ 1_ i� I 1 I�. 1 w �i 4 C .�i.�_� I y a i 9 r _l, _l_ I i i i J� I _�4= j 1 i r..�._, .�_�.r .o.�� '��p� 4 e ..�t �_—.�r.�.� —t•--. a ;_s 1 1 1 V .i —p� .i� t n I r d 1 i o o._ o..� f� o r e i 1- r— 4 i s A .i i h 1. ��c�r o� S�OKANE �OV�T� AS�ESS4� G�+ U.�-� u..�z z /'�i� �p 7 d Q I• •f .t �I .I i sE` �a) ifs �ie���ti il� Iat� loZy II• �.�issl iu l �s�. e A* ►r r 1 I Q i f Ia n F J N C i i �e y� i I r I 'r./ r �y {'11 I f. �i� f i� I I O, y"' f 1' �1l i' t,. I �7i-55 I y .�r► I ZZ F r ..S TE�if�H/`.3 T. U U/Sr"l/� 1?F L r ,'�iC f� I 7 3 V i I a I (7��5 f!I i B 4 o I /6� i3� r' /6i 2 a I r- -J` I r T i I E 1 a .o 23 fi I 'T r-- �l��t 1� ,�4 r 4 i c li YI c� `L T '1 �B y V 1 I7l-55 f ,,�.s IT{-S5 I r .l ��n� o ��,Y.J 8 c -I�✓ tA ��/I O a,. rw s y Pa. COtJ�:TY L�� M ��Op CS�O CGUN�Y .r bt I I /00 �QO I �OC 100 I S 0 P /7 4 1 y�N �D F �a �e �d I f': 3 I I i y. i �8 I r t 1 3 I8� C �T=�B �j I a I .,q i 31- 90 C G�, j L� I I s� o I ro 3 S t 1 �y� L. i I 1 1'J0�°�o� i� I A i r ,i5 �I71-55 �I71- 5 i.° (Y j i e 56-69" r� I I I l y e a 1 I 4 �V�����I w r .r� I° 1 O O b I r fb� ,r�. '-��E f r�� g 1 I t o ev,.,i a ri �7°'� '7°7'�' �'T 1 m 3? ':JA l= b n 0 j D �A L /4 a b 0 C �,r y r L <.,s �s� Z q 1 =o �I a- 1 I g .y z t ..y c �e I i f '1- i 1 A NOTICE �F TR A1�S1V.�ITTAL r..- v.��• �i..:: .�r•:. '-�-K ::r:o-.'::` ��:31 .;,•,.:..x.�.:.,��� '+.�w. r. :�RS�'+.�;� ,v :,n.. s�t' PROJECT rL AD�RESS 3 E i '?.r` r PARCEL �`/LEGAL DESCRI['TION: >.x ���c�<�'.`>'';� BUSINESS NAME t��j �7,,. O �r �Ct .��::v�s: t�''::��:. '�j 1�t! C�l��...1P�."�� V f PROP(�SED USE l� �Q� Ncbt�S p •.;��i: ::tr g x ;..k, r r..�.,. .;;;rv.,,�_„ �_�a;�x CONTAGT p�T� oR- YR�'C� wo���= e�o� qL�.5�3, c�Zz-,�ao ?.-r_ R -.F•.. •:k �r.i?',o-%rK:•:a�,, .z- '„'1�" w �.y �0 ;,�Y Tn •`,:{.:.}.r "w �_ti� �'t.v '.r..C•v '.LA'�1�. .n.::•;� v;.'- 0 ;A.t_ r�: ':v •�i'' <:i}': t,.:.:-� F \4 yn• t}..{. ,-:<'.r-:- ',a r. r '•r r �h ,a 1 y ..�X r� �s ...f•:r`dr'� :`R:�:.'�: .�yj`... :•ki K ..v �r� Y .C> ,7 e•• `"r ._.w�n.4 U4Y�.� .�'3_ ...i.f/: •4 •.�t•:YN Y. v...w-._�•: f i �'%Af. ••W. s-. J Z �r::: ��.-:•;�a 1 v..r:. �.n'',�u:' 'Sr J..,ic"3�S:.s,v'7V: :x%�ilr! i0: yrirY�.,c., `a�n� �I�. TYPE OF CONFERENCE PREAPPLICATION PRECONSTRUCTION DATE: C� Z� �-1 Z TINiE: C�v OTHER: DOCUMENTS CIRC.tTLATED DISTRIBUTED TO: �as �tsr REC'I� DESCRIPTION BUII.DINGS �PLANNING �ENGINEfiRS�HfiALTH SCAPCA rto OT�iER Site Plan (new)(rev.) X x �c �C k 1 .V �yGdw_ 4{ Y? x ••;dst Critical Materials List S r:�> Parldng Plan T r S�gnage Plaa r t-` L: Lighting Plan Drainage Plan i� ti'.: I 1l• 1 Drainage Calculations y v 'y 5 _�7Ci.ww��'JV�� 1 �'k. y n �r� .�'r g ,,y A►greement to Pay Fees r k' +II M Y;7 LL' 'i ��•or'w r3 .y Irtigation �lan y r._� '..`�.';�,�y�..,y,-�F ��;,,ur •s:r�c�, V Plan Landscape r, �.'.f�'^�`'.' r� '�"4:. letter Promtssory �.�5 XM V :MJ .Y J.�.'.. I ��00.� iI I �I �11 1 S t 'W j t �%'�'�54 Landsca Cost Lst�mate 1 Pe .r �a r.. Traffic Circulation Plan h ��`A�'r r i x �r. A::•; r f Construct�on Drawings 1 r y t yK'j J4I �K �,1t ��1 F H. 1 v �w{^ h ti 'ti i(. "F r. 2¢ i i Floor Plan r 4� t: �lr�ii7l.•. ��C. .f{('.�'�?ir: e The abovc items have been re�eived: Datc of transmittal: �p� �Gl��— QY� SpAkn�e Caunty Department of Buildings West 1303 Bcoadway Avenue Spokane, WA 99Z60 «(509) �56-3675 .f�is 1 r•���� 11 5 C 1 I ,.3� �t i 1 M i s 3 is.)� L at1 3} C s F r p 1 f 22 �-5 1 Z G 1 y 4 r �q� t i b- t �0 1 1 j 3 Q 1,�`; r O �3; 1 1� ��_a �i ��j�. aF r y c i,/�� �j 1 J 1 1Q f' (J ..9 t `x 1 •�r �Ey�/f�� ro 4 0' .,5 1, Yt ����J n,3 o r 1 q O w r 1 `a.� y .P�� CQ bv i CS c` 1 i Q f 1 1 i1/ ..5 p 1 1 �,o f: y y y f r v j ,y D 1 {T Q 1 r�l� O l f !�:�3) 1 '��n r r /'�l. F 1 �J� j 1 i p G� 32 E i Q �j� f Q 1 1 1 1.� CJ TY r �p w 1 1 r .,rs a i 1 'r" s `I �1 p�. j E �,5� 1 t �o f 1 1 1 i 3�'9_ a .p� 1 t 1. 1 �S G�rV`� 1 5✓ /G,... 6 ,,a 1 1 r d' �f�►_ 6 4�,�� 1 T 1 y yr ,C ��1 �y �,C �,,1 1 1 1 s;�3 b tv R 1 z 1 1 Y i 7.5 r. t� f b�,'���...� .��g��� t-7 gC C ZQ ,i o om�son En i��rs, In�.� e CtiiBL ENGIlVEER� AB�D LAPBD Sl1RVEYORS o�T p�, N. 909 Argonne Re�d ��polcane, WA 9921�2 (509)� 926-1322 ��x:� 926-1323 fagitie� TO: �Tv r v��.. C, a,t• n,a� �,rs SUBJECT: n. �a d C.on ��'v�.� e �te�. u� DATE: I.O G l� 3 Z e. �,s �..�r- s -�-�6.-� I r� c...�' "E'"�� r�2 �.1 s�_ e� t�� �c�., a r� Cc �v c� cL T' p�� G� SlAned NOTICE 4F T�:AI�SMITTAL .�:r v.�: :r.., ;w; .-t,:. '.o:.:: ..::,:...:s__ ..r �.n..,. A t r, w..... ::•:x:: Sn....:.:� �=;r x X .ADDF:ESS PROJECT v �s.� 1 2322 1 S �i �'ccz.S PARCEL #/LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BUSINESS NAMB �ff :r-t:���:::;, �r PROPOSED USE d�"�C.- C,I���Zk� 1'�r�t� i� �i w. •.r r ro••: .......r .r. .n ti C<?'�� y±I rY' N- r- ':ti�.}•r�•���, !:ti 1.:� 5 r`� W��� r :v a "'�—D w N NQ Pgo�7�, 1 f�� �::r� i1 '✓I! v� 5 .{4� t::i.:.�:: r. Si 1 14i ::��.�ti `Y. ���i. 'ti�ti..;�+vs.. v: v..t�G:•Y::+i?v.u�;A•y•:v:.. 'ti 3 +5:•'- i:'v. :'.i `v i� 'i: 5!�... r .�''i ;i �"s.. vv1 .yP... :••;_v:;:...y .✓...t5 v�.i:: �c�• •.r":-i�i•+C•:�tiv w� �S p� �;s,., k: t�: �rk y v'�i r •:v.....':"i::�ti AMA1Ti•�4{vJt r f; r.f 1,�� ti'�;.: t� r 4x �J.....�'�.57TM1"�I� lS�. �.ti:•:.;,r.. :�y• ti .y• r.. {J 1 !f .'✓JTN�.�N!`� Yl.VJ.tiW.Y.WW.}SS.N .h {i YM'v'i'. �h�. il�.�i :.1.� Y� ::.�•.i ....n••.. .d• i:: �ai 6'�. ♦.1\..��.1•:�:iv:1:...::f.:.:_i^ f•-'.. TYPE OF CaNFER:ENCE PREAPPLICATION PRECONSTRUCTI�N DATE: TIME: OTHER: �OC��S C�C�A►� DISTRIBUTfiD TO: t�s ntsr REC' DESCRIPTION BUII.D]NGS �P �EN �I�ALTH SCAPCA rro. OT�R Site Flan (new)(rev.) �...r.- „r r r, Cri�ical Ma�erials List A �f r �K^??f' I}`-} 'y L r�# 3 ,�iv `y qk:? FarkYng P1an �•)•t 1 �.l,n'•.:G•.11. 1 V G F� n Signage Plan Mi h MI //IMMI M y,' wv ♦..i �iIM. Lighting Plan r 't lLi' "L' )00�. 4�Lv J M V r Drainage Plan 5s A..� 1 ���;Y1I Y I I• N Drainage Calcu�ations lY�.��r.fr ��,.,t+�w.Jf�:W _•h5✓:.r t. r� �n. tn '��i r j {:_-n�-.�-�' A �j�� Q rnent to Fay Fees S,p .y ,y y r• •.`ti.••lk,. M v 1 y� i. l. i`%J'���. j �..Y.:S�'kaSC' iti y `d�r7S• y ii .i t y r r. v.,. I ation Plan Y.., -z: a <.r.� Y� •s.� �:f��^fr•.o;:.{. i� Landscape Plan :#:�c x �sw .9.� Y �bb,,;, i �rr� i p�- SW f, �i 4 `k:5�.3C y:•'r r 'p" Promissory le�er `s� r�r� Y; ��:k„'` i y y,'�Yy� Yfi '��l.��'�I'. {�Y:4c rq.# 8 x;: y �1F P Landscape Cost Estimate �r� v �i� �'x., ;�;�r r r iM� r� ii+i i �'v C';.' Traffic Circulation Plan :�j S' �:5. :.x::wi.:i Construction Drawings r�;,�� :�Y�Y.. ,:r. 4�� ��r,�z:�>Y:� r 3;. •1 y� 1 '.a..V•w' f� �4 ri?}} 7:V ��h. iv ti 5 i 'C�� v N wS..:j:. �'.���.4A.� d• I Floor Plan x f ���;�"x�.� :s r.., a:•- �.L T6e above items lwva been reccived: Date of tcansmittal: By. Spokane County Dapartment of Buildings West 1303 Broadway Avenue Spokane, WA 99260 «(509) 456-3675 NOTICE OF TRA.NSMITTAL :,v� --V.`�� K .s :t•. r i?:_ti' •✓1 `NJ`J�. 1� V ri 7.. ii ..h� ti. ..,,�WMM ��{r• r i�\•:r.n-``:}�5Y •Y•' A ._.t•'", i` .:CYV! .::y�Lwi�j,�' M •.x•i4: r y ye f, i .�.i :•'N S A,DDRESS 1 S FROJECT G ?j V �;r;; Y _"sa;. r r v _r'.'.•: y N u}4i `P... Y A: �:Y =:`.c. .ry:.. PARCEL #/LEGAL DESCRIPTION: f ��:�:,.r t� r �t BUSINESS NAMB h :r 4� 2Z v �-Z ,>�.:'.;:;:..::::<::a :�r .�r,..�..:..;.,. 'k' 1 k•;S:.y: �':.n"�. w, �j�E G �.�1� �►c�T.� ��.5� Y���;;;_ PROFOSBD USB �'z ;�,:���r, n ti� nn nrn .t ..._...:rrr•v":':Y n ._v.ti.n r .....r ....Wr.i..,.^cti :>:r: r ..."'r f .r: ��r5 .<.r.ti:} ��:La "r :L ;9y,,., CONTAGT �c�► �C't>c,v S rv� PHONB -7 c�--�. jlCeZ .s;,. `r: t SyL� ti I •lti'..'. \'/f 3 t �ti�� Y.•:. l 11�` I f'r 1 ��j y y' ..}�1 .rt tu.] ••:'r ��.1�. N 1N.titiO�. t.'." Y ..TrS�1 "j t :.S`1 J f k.M'?�:(� ac Ni ^Y. ••.�..R. ••ll.:: .�t r .lti ii: ,5:. G:.� v, i':. '�i.. r p}:.. r{i� s' :�,j a ti r., `,v i 4' i Y-4 t• f, .tipa.,_ .t� :`2:'. ii ?t .`•�7, o ::j .�a ;v qv. S .L�. h s.. 'S r•:S.i• �'v•. 9 .:.:�$s ..Z.Z.iv} Ot. .+�J+�.v��W•i•.7".s.• S`.f.�.. �v.' _+r.� "__,.�....::'•..:�...,...+.Y,J!3i-�..:!•."� �..rti. sv�' '�S,rC:=.4x.�C ,+,Z'?f..:f�>`��:�?✓,r.n'x:•.:. n --.'r" .h�...,_ri'���. y)�::...A{n�.'�.4tiJ pK-' TYPE OF CONFERENCE PREAPPLICATION PRECONSTRLICTION DATE: TIME: OTHER: DOCUMENTS CIRCULATED DISTRIDUTED TO: ntsr RfiC'D DBSCR�IZON BUII.DINGS (�C� �BN('�INSERS�IiEALTH SCAPCA xo OT'�R Site PLan (nev�(rev�/ �c-� r.: Critical Materials List .4 ti 5� �C =-�+.'S��'v�'• r �ii• K. 1 N4 h 2S'� t, �'.ys �`ia`„ ,c�r,�c W !g}yT Park�ng P n S x. �r Q� i f �'-�'d0�7' 4 �i Signage P1an ,.f, w. r r q r nl� r r�► Ligh�ing Plan 3' �.4' f .l. F IIM ,1h 4 �i Drainage PLza Y r cMI Drainage Ca�culations a 5 �bt. r.t• 4 �;j;Q"*S �.x •�.N. '._+��^rr� w ,�i t<+ r N Agreement to Pay Fees r 'ti x �.^��r`:` a,� ":;titi y'„ •A fy I. S4' 1 N4•�� y:k� 6 Q: �3jc; t r w y u ?vA. 4 M r �ibi H i r 4F:+{• '0'' Sn' Irri,gation Plan f.: ��r�;�� �.:,,.s,��,�.: ]�i`�`.�" b' 4�,a. f.+, r: Landscape Plan r '`'j'.,y �D'. ._<G i ��t -4•� p M N.�uc� �a,t �5�..� f_ O !k�y��� .�h •i l?�;;'f ,�`b�S r I Pronussory Ietter V ilFp M M p X t �f t��' '11. .t�• Landscape Cost Estimate 7 N..,. �.R�:s �:an� �g y l y �rt; 4. ti 1�,� +y M 1 Traffc Cuculation Plan f y r. 1 dif 2CD? y {�t i:'hr S r� �.'f.� Y'. M :Si, i .t r Construction Drawings X �s�- °r�� r y lh `.St�Y ij '�-�i�'$' „ar ,t f i f Floor Plan y r F y :'�.S-,•�. 3 vs PX_�F,,� r`' xx C 't ,�'n� w?------ }+-0e�2c- The above it,ems have been received: I Data oE transmittal: By: ��-oR Qa,� Spoic�ne County Departmeat of Buildings West 1303 Btoadway Avenue Spoks�ne, WA 99260 *(509) 456-3675 1 NOTICE OF TRANSMITTAL <•x .f�. c•`tr� f� 'r: ti: iii_i :Gi ...J Y. :.SL'� 'M•�� :'+rf.= `}:.::::i:G:''. ,.r• ;ay�a �v.: r i'- w�'S $.�;}:��z`� ADDP��SS s-s PROJECT ���'1 �f�= 1Z3ZZ 1 G2 aZ5 t��:.... ,r �_v v rt f,:+'- ;r���:'�'�>�.:.�.�. r t:;�: PARCEL �/LEGAL DESCRIPTION: r r' INESS NAMfi ��;kf:�:.;:��:�: BUS .��:r:� lr F O �g `j .}'�i`'� _.y r• L.e r �S' ��`V PROPOSTsD USE S t�' G 2 �uS� O �Ii'2G( �r -0+�:iY,F'r�i'Y: vY: '`�y� lryti,L:::} 4 'lr.ti••:=`�� �'j 'h;r ti �::Y� }I.' y�;,?'r 4Y":•...Y•.•♦ n� v ....�.A':........'l�: •V r .r.:•��_ __!:��:,:.AKi3Wtii.�..�;.:-:.....ti. .....�.:._..=.pv• �,r, q q y r •�..::r `R�v: ,•.t,�""lY,�Y�... lW.� ��l}.:.if\•♦ r �w y w i<<; :�+�:2 v, ::.:::;::v CONTA PHONE '"T '�I 1S �:v.�:..:: f Z u -•t d U� N ,�.:�:�-r� r. ••n:- ..r.•• :n•.r... :.v.v,.::�'i'.,��. n ...�.v.�.✓- ..;K :C+i6'''t. i:ti'•::i•}:X•- .hv. .:titi l.r. r: �^,.ti.:} v •......�...ti ...�....,r..l.�+� ;:v�� ^.-'i'�:��i :r.•�%:•:,{:._i Y?`��f�_]`'�ia r: :r{• d r1.:'i•;•y N{ i• r. ;n�.; ..y 4�.: r,.r.�L•-i �.i�ti'• ?{?�{�'r'r {Y ::4:}. r•Yi ti y t' 'i�:� ..f:.�, ..}:�r;':.:'n. V'1'1. .�V N'J.:. .w�. .y} t n .�r.-.; .�,n.. =Y •:.ji F c v C� ±'�'a. �s r f •w: •r+r ''.�v ,3%� ��:r .::.r ti !NA?I.At•{ •{i�l:�S.JI �'ti. i. �{}7.5i_:.`t. 5-�:•:�"��v.'�:'v: vsti :�':W.si.J�ki�2.'% ..nS� �'l� �.vi�ff�$Mit-Y:'• :�5.�:�.-.... .�N�. .s. nr� 4:}:��^_l91:\, L n �iiiY� �E oF corrF�rtcE PREAPPLICATION PRECONSTRUCTION DATE: TIME: OTHER: i��-V S� O P�� 1 wCS DOCUMENTS CIRCULATED DISTRIBUTED TO: r� ntsT R�C`D� DSSGRII�'iZON BUII.DII�IGS �PLANNING A,LTH SCAPCA xo. OT�R 1 Site Plan (new)�rev.) ri ,'t .w. so ?#�t_� C tical Matenals L�st X. s� f Parking Plan t Signage P1aa r M _:.ta, �r r Lighting Plan y �M1 .vl.�: L' �.vt j e I 1+ v i.� Drainage Plan Drainage Calculations y f,. V `C I,Y` :�4M' b r��� y'rR_ ry��q r. Agreement to Pa Fees 1 y l .a. 'r 'w �ir_ -.'�?.5,� M1ti 1 Ly� I r Ax Y� 1 r. r�x.{•' i. Irrigation Plan M -��A �s�, v.:. '3f.�,:•.�i: �'o �.i...,,� s .��r� +�'A4...ar 'tr r f �tl I Landscape Plan j �n Y I A k ��1 /�J qii t" 'MG: ?r �M1' Y;-�. wa i h� F l N 1 Promissory letter rtr l y s. y,� ,Qr 4... N. •r J ..!�F'{� �r.m ,t v .:v,i:.`.:n y ^•'?�,'�'r� y. J 1� i�•� Landscape Cost Estimate A �.i ��w*�� �;��`r Y:.x. r�:.� F�• s k i Traffic Circulation Plan x s�J-��-• 4 r t a� Y-•• .�i �.i,t q v xd+w.ti• ;•aQ,+vrf'^4' 1 Construcaon Drawings 4' •`p ,a. a r j 4' S�+. F rA r I r�► Floor Plan 1 ..3 t y r .t.r k T Y+d i45u�. .i-=:� w. The above items have been received: Date of tcansmittal: By: ��t�.,�, Spokane County Department of Buildings West 1303 Broadway Avenue Spokaae, WA 99260 *(509) 456-3675 SPOKANE COUNTY DEPAR7MENT OF BUILDINGS W.1303�ROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE� WASHINGTON 99260 (508) �56-3675• I certlty thal I have examirted this permiVapplication� state that theiniormetion cantaJned in It e�d submitted by me or my agent to complle seld permit/applicatian is true end conect, and eutho�ue Spokane County to proceed with proaessing. In addition, I have read end understand the INSPECTION REOUIREMENTS/NOTICE provlsfons included herein and agree to compfy with same. All provisions of laws and ordinanc�s governing lhis type of work wlll be compileG wlth whether apecifled herein or nct. I understand that the iasuance of this permlVapplicafio� and any subsequent inspe�tion app�ovals or Certificatea of OccupanCy shall not be Co�strued to give authority to violete or cancel the prov(sions of any state o� local law reguleting constructfon, or as e werranty of coniorntance with the provisions of eny state or local lawa regulating construction. S�GNATURE OF APPLICATIQN OWNER OR AGENT DATF f�'F:4.J�t:T i�U�ik�f:'�= y2049�55 �1F'�'L.TCAT�Q�I UATE� 'f �/�3l9� �'AC,F= �9 THxS IS �i0�' �1 F�EFcMxT I�'F �lAL_T ��:S W I l..L PE ASS�:�4',SED •Ff.IF� �Q��i�:NC I�(: Wq�K W I YHQUT A�'Ek�f T �T,T� 'Tk�:� T'=� 4�'3,�2 i�' PAkCEL.�=� �!���^2 a Q4�?� ��D���.r S�C?KA�l� W� 94�'�.��> F'EF�i� Y T I.�SE-� SFEClaL�1T T 1�E WF��EWO�ISE PL.AT�~� �0�504 �'L�T �lA�'1E� STEW�F�T' S,SU�c. �CI_K 3 faa QF AF'I"-'. .�tI.00K h8 ��GIT= i� ZC1�l�= 1: D I ST�� F F�k�FZ�= �(�a�S (�(�0 r'A- F W:tATH= g �FF�TH� �0� �/1�� �(�f= L�LDGS=� i t DW�'I...L..I�lGS"� i WATEk PIS1' CJW�lE`;� .JAt�(�W, .J F'Hf.l�tFa 5Q9 9� f��Q STkEETx 90'i b E 3�lDT�1�l� AV�: E• ADD�F,SSr� SF'OK�1�l�: W�t. 99�'� �,p -��`1- 51 Z i�0i�lT�1�T �lAM�:•- �b Ta �'HfJ�lE �lL1�iE+Ek=� �09 �.��..--i�$ Iill'f.I.�Dx�tt� SC:TI:�w1GK��: 1=1`���tT� �S L,��"�'� t� �'I�I-IT� kFAi;� 3� ��•����c�tx��E��h�����c������������tt F�E10�EW Ii4FC)Fi��F�TI:(J�! u�cx����������r�������*����c� �l:.M��T�iE�(T I�EV:t:k W CLl�i"�Fhf7�S �i�'�'Fi�D1{AI_ t:;0i"i�i� �lT�� �a1.1`II_ �TiV� 1�'I...t��! kELtI�W �i�t�l.ITl�h �__.�___.�.�.._._.�..W_�..._.....____�...__...._..�_..__�_�.._ ��Il�l_�J�G �'CTE+A(;K f��:VT�W ��t�U�kED --______�.___,_�.�._��.._�__w...____.��__ �:1�(:�i��CC� S'ITF �il"�A��VAGE TQ I�� F'EV�:�'WED F�Er�I.�THDTS'7 �l�W QFt F�DDITIU�t�L W��TE WAT'�f�� H�fal_TN�3];ST :C�iCr�caAS� I� L�IY t::��l�k�GE F�'Lf��liJ]:�lG SI �'E F'l.A�! f.EVJ:�W �F�U:tkED ___.�W.___.._..�.�.._�__�..�...--.�—.�--.��._�..�_._..� FT�,'� D�:�Tf� �'l:f�.� FLL7W Tn I�F h'F1lI�WE� ��c������c����c ������*��*�����c���r� �UXL�IiJG F�.F��iII' ��c�����������������a�����#��c� �O�1T1`�F�C�nfw� 7�lL.A�lA CQ�lSThtJt�T T(JN GQ t�HCINI: �!a09 7•i? 5� b? f'Fi�:�.T�� 0� E S'�'�AGIli� ���'E AD�i',C°�S'S'�� a1=�t�Kr��1� WA 9�2�?:? ��lE:W� X F:k���iflnFl_= �D�TTJa�V� �:H�1�J�;�' �F U,SF� �w��.�. u� x r� c�C:�:�r �_n� ���_.A� i Tr�� �'��DG �i X �y �?0 �i r5 �r� �'T= �Qnn S'��k'iNKI..C.�'� N t� 1�'('y�,'K :f �!C c5 �M�t��!l7 J�A�'� i I` Y 1: C:r��. �iF�7� Y ���'SCC�'IF'�Ip�! �FifaUl"-' TYf�'F .SQ FT 11�t..Ui�1�'JC.IN 1��1F'eEMqU,S'� �—a V�! 9ht�0 i ?�430.0� �TE�4 OI.::SC�`��F'T�I1N nUp�l�'ITY 1=�G Ai�tll.lAlT GL?�i�iE�CxAL.�1�d�LlJt�T�O���..���_ _Y_�____ .�____-.898.SQ F'L..i��! f��VIEW F'[:E Y 554.03 �TATC .SUkCHAkGE Y 4.50 ��rYr����,s r�-�:�z�w Y �o.00 ��������#����������������a�����a� F'P�Y�4E�IT SUi��fA�'Y ������x��c3�������#�������•���� �'F��'�i�:i�T DF�T'E ��EC:Ex�'T� Fr�iY�f�:NT A�iCIUt��' �0/�3/9� qa�3 5$4.43 70Tt�L DU�'� 953.04 TOTf�t_ F'AIIb�� {'��F;f�1:�' TYFrE AML��Ji�T A�(�IJNT r�ar� �1MQUiVT �IWIAl� _...�______.a_.�......__� k{1.1T.I..D:CrUC F'����IT i� a�?. t3 i 5�3�4, �3 y�3. 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I e (���"IIx.�` f� �rl,, r �r.,�,' q��: .S ^'�N`: Promissory letter ��t .f S,�' r'''. �.rl �r wl��_'47 M� ��SrY �4� :•viw +i �G. Landscape Cost Estimat�e x �r a::�ac•x '�k,2�§. .3 C f oi r• Traffic Circulation Plan i� f 5�.r? A 2�� j� �J .ti ti.ti1�• x i h!k -1��� Constructxon Drawrngs ��;;�ti 2 �'i tY:+ a 50c M� t Floor Plan �`ry� E Y t�.-0A i� r �in�. fi The above items have been received: 6�' Date of transmittal: I�-` '�p�-- �Y:� Spokane County Department of Buildings West 1303 Broadway Avenue Spokz�ne, WA 99260 *(509) 456-3675 In�e �����ss ��'yy� u vE �pRS ��i'1�'�' `p,��fD S ,��212 G►��'�'� S�' �,3 +C�'V'�- d��9Q�'�'� g2 3 9Q`� g�6-i3 s C 5,�,�,1�,�� y' T f -TO: p� S �B�EGT r_ QA� s G- t �'a f�� P �,t �L� a h� .s� f�� r �t- e s t v �Cu w�� .a J ,st„ t r �s c n aE �fl b �a r i i s� r S` f7s� f �J C T f I x �y_-r X P o oz I r `v 1 C�� �i �Jr �"'j �J+� �'Q z �S.,f c���� �'I_ ���y _v_ �i =��.ip� �.o�.�. �r o� 1�� t o �s �i= z��k �G x 1 3 y Q� I o, t 1� L�' Q� I X Z 1i Y�i� ��D� i1 O �L ,1 s d G O•�� 1 o '��-��j- ��.J, Z iJ O -t` o ���j L �z y s Z o� L Z �l o�j�1�1_ J --Z-� �:`z 1 _-�..�_o. s�.____._--_ S ����M i h�T I OtVML FG��i"IULA HYDF�ULOG't' UATE 21 J��/ 9� D�S I GiVEF� C S x I'1F'S01�1 E��r T iV NO�TH FROJECT tV��ME WA�EHOUSE E 1: I �T AVE. 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(509) 747-5162 c� I c f 3 �AX (549) 624=2251 s ATTENTl0�1 v N�� To -5 ��t�,-�-�� ��c� I, Su a �i T T w °A-� I a:3 a- a�- f�- WE ARE SENDING �YOU J�Attachecl Q Under separate cover via th�e following items: CI Shop ,drai+vings �Frints Pians C1 Samptes ,Q S�pecificatians Copy of letter Cl Change order C1 CORiE5 DqTE ptfl. CtESCRIPT)ON f� f� 1���-1 n�4�G� Z.,i�N C, Et�: s E d� �:�4.� d��'l�'3 j �.v��. �.i s «�q3 /�,r �-7�Z�� N p��N 0 �v �I 4 3 �o �l 5 3 a.z 1 S �f �r.� ti�.� (e l a I f,,, s j r /c�/�3 lo-�' �.��.z PQ� fz--E.pc.jr�� -a t��R.�-� wd�� �.+�c-s�W.,.�� fv�-- o� 4 3. 1�YPt-v�s w� Z-r L. b.,�� S t� s� o w� n� THESE ARE �TRANSMITTEO as checked below: or approval Approved as submitted d Resubmit copies for appro,val [7 For your use� Approved as noted� C1 Submit copies for.distribution C1 As requested Returned for co�rections Return corrected prints� Q For r.eview and comment O FOR BIDS DUF 1.9 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO' SIGNED: PRUOl1GT�1jl1 ��I:k .Q�mcn;Nas►o�att TaOwarrrl�t"t�lLfl�E�•e�0»�0 R Qnclosur2s are noJ as.notod, kTndl� noJJry u6�,at'ortcs. va i -I=�fl r�=- I il w i i'1 t i r �t�� �t�� c��s� 4 i I I I 1 1 '1'C�: Oz� dw�l-�d�ds� T�TO'TICE T� Sl�I�'T'T;�L ADDRESS: PFtOJECT fJ: 2� 2 2 E, Is-� Q 2-� a 2� BUSINESS NAM�E: PARCEL Na.%LEGAL- DESCRIPTION: PROPOSED USE: �I 2 2 2� 0�--Z. 8 o='- c:r� V�t t CONTACT: PHONE: �b 7"�(�� 2 REASON FOR TRt�NSMITTAL PREAPPLICATION CONFERENC6 PRECONS"i'RUCTION CONE�RETICE OTMfiR: x Da�: �ME: �DOCUM�NTS CIRCULATED DLSTRIBUTED TO: DESCRIPTtON BUll:DtNGS PLANNING ENC3[NEERS HEAL7H SCiaPCa� h'�tE DIST a� OTHER: Site Plan (new)� vise� Critical Materials i;=:: :yi�':i ;,'r, f;�' •ti.,. `�f+� x�. t Parkin$ Ptan ���a�v�=-:-�� s.�>��� :.::.;;�s r ���i'? �i S: .+b�'? •'l�iv:�:::-. w. •�wn M i� �iri.I. M•r��.�rr► ��pf+M MM n,/ ��:w.w ..{:r v _i 'L`' �Q''�K�' v' {v. r Igt18� P AA '�t�:.�, a y r�. t f n•Sr� iF::•'.:1Y+}�ti}',`; }•T'�:: J:�.y, r.�4 1. �r•. �Y.an �vn r r i r[r i f ,r, r•: L+ghting Plan �����x�,>�;�: tiw%�: ,l,fi f R4'r r.4q', Drainaga Ptan �.�s;.:k j��� �f :v� r fi::::. �,�N {�+�:•'-J��?C1}..,..' n v 'k;'s',�. a.4 k': n iTS.�:..� .�vr}?; J f v.."" 1.��l�� .i?t•}} l:i �R �i .+;y_ i: 'ti {�ti i •_{SCnC 'Qti:L•:' �{�:�.L t?G�-� P :y�,' r, f i r� K �y h ��.Y'� v ':`ti''�. �Dr��nage Calculat�ons ti vt� F:�;vi '�'�'+'{�.d`=,•S' �.L:v'.;• {:�::•:�`,4. .•�h`�?'C rrS. I r.y••r'{ :�i'.. ��,'•:i q i �4+iix,r.nt� ?Y.L.l.n M �r �Agreeme.nt to Pay Fees _.3;; v%f. f .��.ti��� r•:" 4\'� \t: l:V. 1'"' j Y1 p1\ rr►wii 11� I ��PI�� r, F J .y\nf� v.}v.. ••i•}:ti•:}'r.:_.�• .•,i, _-t r'v',.S f n Plan ''.�'i�?`�'v���:=::;"'�;ti''h't: x.: '';�v: ::_r ttw., ^.,'..�.F`�.-' t Landscape la j�� P n �.r, v� ?$i•�,ib L Promisso I r ry Le er •'t- ya�+y•' v 6 1 �1 l f fr n� :d 'k -�•..w :t.v .v.•.: tVC �1bC��.'• ri-}. raM I.IYi/k'��. �t '.A� Estiinate 1 +1M w• Landsca WS� "K��•.,v,.�. ti� Y J�' 1 K� y�.,C:�{ w M b.�qi1 1 :.ti 1 ��w/�/M�� ,'r 4�;:, ..�:'%ti-"r'. `'rn. �n.� S+ �"r.^P� :r�� 'J I f''ti!�-� �!}.�#�i:i': ?tit:. r :�i:�:•.tv:i=�! v a •.vs.� xn�i ��Z v: Y!•: nnwr.awti• V n:•. �.w.v.::-r.Vr. rlp 11 ii r 1 Traffic Circulation Plan ,s :{r;h2. y l :'�::,:r k'F rtt _r Canstcuction Drawin�s �4 Y>�•.� .��.r �Q�. �t �r .c 1s+F',� 'Q t `^'1 ,1 i .ti •':tif f b f T� 'II.: Floor Plan ��yy J. r 4;�� fJ�; V J��.: �.ti I.�._ .-Y� .::�`r :•:��}:v�Y`: 'i.�S.;.. }f�{ti':ti�: �.irr. :?S:':"' .�:•"•:�rJi{:::_:::��d�:6�i.'ur: f�'�%v�f�SC::?-.'.'. I I I I 73t�e i�bov� itenrs Irc�ve bec�r rec�elved.• Date of Transrruttal: G Rev�ew Coordma r� �p ��s Cii by: Spok��re Cou�try D�visioa of Buil�li��gc� 1026 W�st Bro�lwR}► A�►e�iue S�luu�e, WA�99260 *(S09)456-3675 y NOTICE O� TRA�NSMITTAL ADDRESS: �j PROJECT f�: BUSINESS NAME: PARCEL NO./LEGAL DESCRIPTIC�N: PROPOSED USE: w CONTACT: PHO`�F�, sl Z �'C C�C�I ��I `T REASON FOR TRANSMITTAL AREAPPLICATION CONFERENCE PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE O?HER: DATE: TIME: �R�/ �'SL�� DUCUMENTS CIRCULATED D1STR[BUTED TO: R� DESCRIPi'[ON BUILDtNGS Pi.ANN1Na ENGINEERS HEALTH SCAPCA FiRE DISt N I OTHER: 1/+Site Plan (new) (revised) r. yo ;2._ �{y °r;+: �=•;:ti� �r: i�` r Critical Materials List �;�f,:; A?� f�'-� �s V;!�..�:�YRl:•:`TTS .A�''•• "]j.• .:KF;i :�n ':'vM'VYi� .':Y Parkin Ptan h _�,r x �v;:� i r v �c=:,�,�<_:1� i,f. k,�v.+ti\';�?y. ":4Ji i� v: •4�'%r4. -0?S+C t o ss.=_.'•`o�::;�� ix�+S�`-�`•:� �::'i:fs:i:-;:`•: f's�i `%ssnt�t`.:'`.=X4��:x. b �:C:. i: .v:{: ;.�h :}'�:•}}y• i. v{r' u" .LS i} C' ,v tyv�r„yqC Mi T r+�n',_: ti 4ti• k Sigaage Plaa f e :h r,.:� ti b• �:•�'r rx r "`M'= 3 c:r �Jjj �1 I w!!�� Yrl M W :.v.r �.:.�7;v'�::: C.• '•:�1.{r .'�'•.t+r 'r, 5r-i+C.*Y q tii♦ �.1 htin P�'dl1 f '�':c,Y w:?:;,�:; %`r.f.�r�?c`:'•. f...s I ta I '••��C-••:��%. ;�i�i�#�ct;.t;, r kic �3£�-J��.•. .�tYaa�:_=t�}i. j �i.S�r�g�t� �i' a i:: u vx: �:5.: .�2 :�t� utt v,t• ,.,:s�. Draina e Plan I �,�r r.� .ti d' M C_!, w•: ..b::�i. f v. 1 i.�.. r� r�=:{{'_i�"'•' r. w 1 .�i�.� •i: f �`�'2' .�b:- �o-:�= i- r pi::-: vr;:{ :�r, �'r v y.. r �.S'i �76}�:}�.+h ri�1>�i•: L�: .(j;_T:. 'ti t. :.G;:., '..�r�:::i.K� k. 'ti;. Draina e Calculations rA s+ .;��i:• ti�•.� i, 2x:..- trs�s:•: g �,'w�Y-:-......:;':'�'.����os-: .'�..�r�,.�.. '••�:�.ca:=:#�.:��;::.fi�'r.!•.� 'i:: xf:•.•. .._..n�r.>:: Y y y y •v. r'v �r�:'�f.f�id:.f:::'' +i ::yhi•T,'K}'.::;� y,.::}.�:}:'.'•1-;l•i:'��',`.:r:'�"�4.,:''_ `r� A r�eement to Pa Fees r; .,u;<::- s„���•{:�:: X �s{ I _:�5 �.,•..:r•- •f ;.a g Y ::r r w�-:. rT+t{•rv... r t e r n•: �SZ •v:.i{,1:�4Jt sk ;v�:�.� -_•:•:+�il n •.r ��y6 �p: r,: 3 w��::: Irri ation Plan '�.Y. ti• ti1�'-?h� `Ci� �ti?•'� :t r�;{ u? �n�� x:�.�.}'%Sat'•:�-':';�. �3:�.: r r.ti:L: rC;r:_�..:y% FbMtr .xi+ ��4. :'i' P .s+ L,anclsscape Plan .�3::��f r� :��:A..� �s�- �y 'Uc �1:t' 6 f,..� �;o..�p =.a ::b 4: +rrs c.� `3�'�:; �h• Promisso Letier fi^-�'� �f�:;�?�,� .��=:v;-::����..: �r� x J �:i� c� I::..... `a:tor:+,•: X, <ts�t ,ti r i n ��Y;" f. r :n r•�,, ..,ti:�i'i•-i:�, r�. JC r iM1 •r,,..Vr.y� y ��✓.':n''�:`• y n' r �:{•:r.} p wi�. Sr LiUf�J�r� V�7S� ���f���er r '4 ':vn L�>,''�S �3� `tn�� 5�.{Fst'-Y� t; y k. y r�•� ti•yi C ':`Y�iC f�y. '�S i F' ?�'1 �"".ti S., r ji �.S V"4w M•h .,y. nr. .tiv ....r:� 7s,�, :-,oa�:.:•:.. _d:�v: ^t .,k.;a+•r .i•K':tA_::,^�+.•.. x v. r. ;i�:k �>`b K'�C- S�. r'Y I��l�wt 5T Traffic Circulation Plan 4 `�a�=::=:• 7::r r •:x ���'�x%?::w: r -•�a. 9.?:;".::;'' i ;4= ::,�7,?�ti f '���f S�`hj:'31' 'i-`• C 4fl.S�17]C.�10D DfBWI[I .S �it ��'''�'t%: p'�l:;�y�":., y ,�f� :y;., ttiN' �,l'� g .--;:,.��':�.�„�.s.;: c�.�#;"r,:_:: -.`�--"�-3��A .+C��'s�.";' :�o.-.: M:•_ x•� 'zn• �i•:•-• 4�,��J-,-.�-.r;�'" i ,rx:.�, +hl r�t ��r,'}: Z? 4 :,;pv �r�yiv'.'-'• s' ,.vX.. v. .i��'�': i.' A� Ftoor Plan I x-.;+;.:+-?:.•:t `�r 4->k4:�_ '��v �.,k:=:: ..,�y 'Y��.z�� �p a ir�3 •,y1�,� •.��J:1 ..4•i':V�.1: �'�tiV'?�!�'f'.�}.J: r.�.�J.ti:�1`':. I I I 1 The above items ha� be�►i O`�1 �ecei ved: Date of Transmittat: Review Coorclinator: Circulated by: Spok�t�tc Countj► Divisio�� �f Buildi�iss l026 Wc.c► Bro�rd►vay A��e�iuc Spok��ie, W,4 99260 *(S09J4S6-3675 i �oo�`6 I t�` .r _Q l y7 .L1 1�l.s���7 .i��k �T. �it� 1 i N N i- +t T r s w i �I� b�=�-o 1 ,_�,__._�-.—.:_..00._. `e s ��TO'TI�E �F 'T��l�SIVII'I"TAL ADDRESS: �,2 3 PROJECT a: �(2. �2�� BUS.INESS NAIVIE: PARCEL NO:/LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PROPUSED USE: Z 2 Z.. 8 O:��i C� v1�c�l`,�I��S r�. CONTACT: ,PHONE: �o�►. `1'r�v��se.r�, �I S REASON FOR TRA�.NS1Vi1TT�AL PREAPPUCAT[ON� CONFERENCE PRECONSTRUCTION' CONFERF.NCE OTHER: DATE: TIME: DOCUM�NTS CIItCiJ�ATED DISTRIBUTED TO: DFSCRIRTION BUiLDtNOS PL-ANNING ENGINEERS HEALTH SCAPCA FgtE DIST r� OTNER: Site Plan (new) i Critical Materials �A` Paricing Plan I /A .�hAI �/I M Y vM M p IIV p $r:, Signage Plan Iw �M�.� I1fi�l��h M� +MNIr r r,� iI N iM1 rN1 �wN q1 Lightusg Pian Drai�age�•Plan��t"� i Y �F`.. :Y� �i s r. 'r ,r. v -r.. f }y, 'r�. Drainage �A�: �b=:�� •lYy. r;:-���-:� -Y�. WIINi�+ II ��11 1�� RW►��M� M/ ��p 1 M�� Y y vf a:.,�� "�ry��'/ ti A nient to Pa Fees ����fi�= ��:1��>� I �YI�M b 'I M I N�1 M�I Y.MMI�� Itrigatian Plan .��.-j �<:s _-_fa* I:Aitd.SCA� P�AD r K r r 1 Y' Pc+ontissory Letter r •fi 7C Yl r.K• C. t:� �MI I1�♦ 14M�M 1M1 MYCM\ Ipt nM I� I��I IMIMY �II�II n♦� IIIIM�Y ��I N�1 qIi�/1. MM L "an Cost ,Estic�te �I?� :x��_,� =r' i.�. y�'��• i� rr r .�C wM i� Trafhc Cic�culation Plan Construction Dcawings�; -:.�w..�';�"> _'..>-'r' 'v .�.�..^Tir.�.�}�A_ :n I! f'`: •{�i�, FI'o,or�Plan ry? ,.�.,.`"'',..r.-- :..:_:r�r<;:,��:: ,-f; �t f•i_ ti {n��,?,: N.zi i� v.•.•ti• :L: ria�rJi1riv �V::. <.�.Y{ +r I I I• I r T�e Rb.ove ite�ns have•been 93 i recei vsd: 7 l�1y Date of Transmittal:l(� (,o Review CoordinAto �b Circulated by: Spoka�re County Divisioa of Buil�li��gs l026- We�t Broad►v�ry Avenu� Spoka�re, WA '99260 *(509)456-3675 20� CaL.CUI._aTI0N5 REVISED �iO�i�� IMPERVT�US SURFACE AREA 208 SWALE "A" AREA INCI.UDES ALL NARD �URFACES NORTH OF NEW QUIL.DING'S NCIRTH WALL (SIDEWALK, PARKING LOT AND ORIVEWAYS) ANO A SECTTnN Ot= CITY STREET AND SIDEWALK 73'- 0" X 2b'- 0"_ TMPERV IOUS SURFACE AREA b, 834 294 4, 320 i� 1, 898 13 34� 5. F. SWA�E AREA RE9UI �ED 13 346 S. F. X. 5 2=`�57 C. F_ 557 C.F X 2= 1, 114 5.F REQUIF2EQ 14 0" X 102'- n" 1,428 S.F �ROVZL�En USE 1) TYPF B' DRYWELL IMPERVIOUS SUkFACE SWALE qREA "8" AREA INCI.U�ES EAST HAL� OF ROOF AREA AND CONCRETE �LAB F("�F� OUMPSTER. IMPERVIOUS SURFACE Al�EA 4,500 t 168 4,668 5.� SWALE AREA REG1U IRED 4,�5�8 5. F. X. S 12 95 C' 3 95 C. F. X 2=�'"�O 5. F. REQU I REn c �x12 1� �x �s 7 �28 PRO�� USE 1) TYPE A' D�YWELL� IMPERUIOUS SURFACE FOR AREA "C" AREA IPVCLUOES WEST NALF OF ROOF AREA AND CONCRETE DOGt�:. RAMP ANU SLAB. I MPERV Z OUS SURF ACE ARE A= 4, 500 7 SO 5, 250 5. F. SWALE AREA REQUIRED 5. 250 5. F. X. S 2 2 219 C. F. 219 C.F X 2= 438 S.F RE���IREn 19'- 0" X 24'- 0" 456 S.F PR�VIDFL� U5E 1� TYPE 6' DRYWELL OR 2) TYPE A' DRYWELL� ���EIVE REGISTEREn CHI OCT 6 �9 CODE ENFORC ME wAY a� oF wasN��u N r i T Mp j O G :i r j. 1 s tl O r I i Y _o �t. �r� :i 1 I� I �1 i 1 i c ,i k N� �I �1 r .k- i o i��� 20� CALCULATIONS (REVISED 9/0�/93) IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA 208 SWALE "A" AREA INCLUDES ALL HARD SURFACES NORTH OF= NEW BUILDING'S NORTH WALL SIDEWALK PARKING LOT AND �RIVEWAYS AND A SECT IC�N OF CITY STREET ANQ SIOEWALK 73'- 0" X 26'- 0". IMPERVioUS SURFACE AREa 6 ,834 294 4 ,3�0 l ,898 13 34c. .F SWALE AREA REDUI�E� 13.346 S_F X.5 12 =��57 C.F 557 C. F. X 2= 1, 2 14 5. F. REQUIREU 14 O" X 102' 0" 1,428 5.F PRC�VIC�EC� USE 1 TYPE 'B' DRYWE�L IMPERVIOUS SURFACE SWpLE AREA "B" AR�A I�lCLU�ES EAST HALF QF R40F AREA AND CONCRETE SLAE� F��R DUMPSTER. I MPE RV I C�US SURFACE ARE A= 4, 500 16�3 4, h68 5.�. SWALE AREA REGIU IRED 4, C,N£3 5. F. X. 5 12 195 F_ 195 C. F. X 2- 3��0 S. F. REOU I REn 4' X 12 16 X 5 928 PROV I OE USE 1) TYPE A' DRYWELLL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE FOR AREA "C" AREA SNCLUOES WEST F�ALF OF ROOF AREA AND GQNCRETE DOGK, RAMP AND SLAB IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA Q,50� 750 5.250 S.F. SWALE AREA REOUIRED 5. 250 5. F_ X. S 12 219 C. F. 219 �.F X 2= 438 5.F RE�UIREO 19'- 0" X 24'- 0" 456 S �F PRt�VIDEC� USE 1) TYPE 6' DRYWELL OR 2) TYPE A' ORYWEl.LS RECEIVED REGISTEREn c�� L; �CT 6 1993 waY E CODE ENFORCEMENT ATE OF WASHlN w 1 ii� 4�. soa�o�a�, Z�y ���R�C�R�3l�:W A�oord�:ci �t tt�e Aequ�eat o!e �b��81� t� Fvic���6aaNrris�e 8.so �C� S��p�¢'8� fRaahing�,on Tsust �'i�anc�e�l Centos ��L�K �Q1�AN 8 ok�t�e, t��eAhin9to� 99RC9 ..6p ��pjp� vE h��ei��an: RAM�Kd Q!� RAV� o K psH. ��r� eas-�., mezesspase+zssrara.es�o�aca�ss_oe�da�ssm�.ewaQawesa�•.�m�s•�m�.ra�iarwes�e.dP� t����� /-,Ir�4 �W4! tiOAttRAt�'z'Y DeBO POR Y11LUE E�BGGYY�, �IRB'P AYEDiUB �'RQpBA?YEB, a pertnas- eeip �•".Cra�ntiort"! Qusv h�roby oonve y mt�d e�aricont ko J. a�At�a�k, e: �nmi�ly �+ert�AO,xetti� t°b,a�nto�"� i �t�at rertsi� seal eztate eituate: �a tha- Cavr�►t� og �okana, Stat.e ot �a�i+nqtan, `rt�ieh !n ae�r� :paY!l�aularly �oscs Lcd a�� Aarcoi 9� a� B�bib�t "A° at�aChc�1 b�x�ote �n4 3na,o�parate� M�xe'�� l�y th�s• �caaaronee, �b�e�e ta �o�� a��ees� o� �Abo�e esa�ioa�a oA Exhibt ae° st�eoAed l�erate ene aaoaxl�ru��.od I�ce�t► by tfiio reP'�rence. DA't'BDt 4atoher j� ��96�. rsas� Av�aug aaoer�r�ss, a t �rcno�bf�ip C $Y 1 �are�e e� f ..t �r l PasCner� 8y �till��.�� geldatd►'A; be� Atlor�ey {�L. To� Pei� �.o��.�� i� �1'ect 2 i Pd.•�t�� °�J so� a�r. S j, o�,'S�' CHSt6�� gpoL�,o C�wnMl Tcmea s PS �P'aY t�er c f s By t7�: 1 f i��.r:�� �C�t��ry.r+s� i e s�cner, 6 J. a:en� sfa=aor h8! ,��,iS F A�t�oraoy fn, ��et �t,�►� l' y9 f �''v 1 M 111 e i ��'�8 i .�i V �f1� 1, A M!.,l�.ws ....:.:.i t •�s i �r.� brend tax t� nsm�tta� rr,emo 1 °ar��s�o �o Co. ++on, 1 �pt: �A. ��`"'�a �one .7- s��� a s 1. o�'nu Q 1►i f`tC l'4�'tQ �r_.r a'� ��ae w�,:�,.,�,..,.,.,. :v 77� 4� 1 �N 8a Z' f1. I' RO 1--� P�iCtMe�. ey j K�raht a POt�OM� ��tf�0 Il�tOC�� .i paCt i a 8� e ��ttneY, �y a:�nt Per�o», h�r Atbor�ey f�n 1a1�', �ae� �89�A?8� OF OQABNxmG'1`ON 1 a AiO. �ou��Y oi 9pattonv 1 bn �ehi� �Bay OR QctO40r� �963. belore tao� o Nvt:�6y �b,ic in ah va the ee�d state� pcirz�one��ly �/�ppear�A �ti1.�I�APi C. !'�iA1�A�i, keo�r► 4o O�e �.g�tln�r oY. t�RB� AVCNdB PF�P�iI�'aP.�� '811� BY�a kflOi�i t0 Qfe t0 ba t�1@ nta.ornayr in f�c �or �e75Y PEL�DfiP1�', eRd kha. �ubsortbee �oid p�rlhe�sh"ip i►oo+� eo �the �eteqolA� flnotruRO end� e��tcnew�cdgod e.v ��e ct�e.e �ho exeeuteB �be s� in l partnorete�p raxie. �ua n eo or e ot 1�ashia4ton, teo�fling at �polaepe S7'ATE Of �NA8fl10tf'1�pt1. f 96,� Cvu�ntr o[ Bpakpno 1 0� ��hi� �ey q[ Oc,tobes, 1983, bvFP�r� sne a t�o�a�ty �►ublic �'i� an�the oaid �tate, �r�arp�tlly appca�ra8 GPAZtT leRSOpr, knobA bo be a partnmt o� PIaST AV�tttB pROPEP.St�e otid alao kew�rn ta me to b� �re� �ttornoy ln fe�o� to=. Di��fIB �b 86R80�� �'ItOP1A� B. 4ILPORp dod C111'4ILLA Tz�ott�,. au�td. aho 6�ub�sasibed •ai� �partinec6b�p nac�o f.o tbe toeogoi� i�notc�nenk, end aeknawi�6, e8 s� tt�at ha o�au�e� the sem� Sa tAia p��r a p neMa. .i n R or a o! �ashin,g�on, �esi�ing� et fpak�ae ��s�►/o e��olaOlv9 -�l- r .l �1/. •��••w..�..�� �M�r���� Y/ r� w q i'A '�jl�t t �'d 8Z'ON bSs�1 �66, 61S! �Z6 68S 31iI1 ti�1�3��5Nd��i ��4d�� FR�o,04 T.RANSRNE�R �T�i�TIE 589 .926-151�9� ��,2$�,�i993� 14•�5g �N0,��8 P., 4. .,i {y.,r •rti v w 3_,. �'+tiN�� vf J, J 1 I 1 'i 1 „f i i i -0 .�����IV �..���.�Id11�. M�� rr �.�..r�� .w.—� r. r w t- V 5�It4�laYe o/va� �uaa�o�o�•e�. Yo �'i�s 'eo+e�od9 �o J�3u�e�o;� oj �'ia e8ea •0��;8_�o mT��e �Y�A P�P��-'e�s �o��� �yt� Qe IN�1�t0880 'jo �►4t Na0'YB d0 �0=eillz0ecl� 6.�tM3ZB �6t �aa To ZZg 9vo Ci ao'I ao �aai� &S �s� aya e !I��uda p4�„ �.IBYMX8� .3 s�.�: i ,I •1, t ��3 R �l r" i� __s ;�7� ��a r �ctixgir °sm TI?I� t�'C�BT�LONO Yitle to �he pco��rty �eocr�be�B �iv th� �aoEzuineat t� whiah �.lc'!e 8xhtbi� "�e is mt��obed �e convayod eu��act to thP loi�v�ing� pl�aG6'�. 6 r I. Aqte�aont b�ti�ee� �atn 8�ectiria f4'�to� Ca�� ar,d o. Ma�eonal�� �b �1..., �dated dove�e� �8. 18as:� ati� :ecotde� ttaw.�s+meit 6, 1905, ir �ook ��o� Camt.�cao��s, potg� �67-, ander recor.dla� ko.• i3�08A' a. a�, h'�og=�ray e1�MmWtt iA, �ai►oi' of �,th� PaPif�o �eaephon� 4ei�g�e►ph Coa►pee�r� �al� �ov�sg �9, ala8,o m»� �ocaz8�� toeve�bec �b o�9aA, dnder �too!or��eg FBo. 966,3 �+tAia pYO�isr/�s pew l.. �r..�.� �-,r- w+ n i%: �.r i �1� S Y ,YV �V� d •t^it .I 1 •!TF'�' 3r'��� �•t ,N' 8B i�� t��66 t�' 8t' 6� b1 S I 9�6� '�BS� �11 I 1 d� I �d5N1l�1 ���1 ty �r ���1 50�1 E� I���S ��1Go Ci1/l� �E�GINE�RS /�ND LAND SUR!/EYORS� N. 909 Argonne Ro�d a Sp.o�r�e,1lVA 99212 (509) 926a1322 ��x: 926-1323 TO: �o� ��iw r� ��r_a. c�. �a� �o» ��`r�,�cG��.or� SUBJECT: �iro �4 �vr- �i�����:�sc E. 1Z3ZZ l ��cs�. DATE: l l� I 9 3. �'1 ac� m ct �d= Sd.�� a. �g, ct a �o �LZt. �t� wl��l� �o� �-o '�'rie. �1 C�S �G- ��.n �Y1 �t1hE�Co1� J w�. I S d �-�-F d -f�.�. o 1 a �L.��� t-�- s �z.�-� r I.o r s j, 1• ��r c�.� �J �ro S� F_C. 1 Z.. �,�,'�'e �a.� t..►� Th 4 's 3. �'�L1�: C. C. y1.1 a Y�c la s Signed r� VI r t f r-�aT Y:o,iv�� Fo�MU�a N��nr;c�,�r�:c��r D�ATE 1i.i�I9:� U���I�GNE�, _�C SIrIF�ON b�►S,ir�, 1i^ rJOFTH FOOF F'f,OJ EL�T 'I'JAME I NLAND GONSTF:UC�T ON �1 ST AV,EP�UE DE�SCF:IF'TI'�ON� FU,OF FiUNOFF TO DOWNr,FOUT SUb�RhEA �_.�i 1 HCI;��, SU�A�EA, 1�;UtVOF�F COEFF I'C�I LNT .'9� TO�TAL F;�E�r�� U:1 ACF�ES COP1F'05 I TE-� FUIVOFF GOCFF I C I ChJT 9' OVERLr�hID FL'OW ,Vr�LUES C t 1� L b N .��c� l,b .S �..i ,CHr'�NNCL ,FLC7W� Vi-;LUE�S L �6 2.� :Z �N .4�11 E� :-y�� �S� .��C�7 T D ���67 C�Or1FUTED ��vA'LUES ,.DUF. C�L� i i�.C� w. 18 I/,, rc»� G� �er c�- �-�G�.,... �'i c C? 1"�i t G?'�', ...1 r J i �t b!H v-► Ci rcul ar Channel N�ame- C� SIMPSON Date- 1/ 1�2/9� Ac�ti on De scr i p t i on- I NLAND COIVSTRUCT I ON F I FE F�OM DOWNSF-OUT TO :SWALE Stat�i on- di a,. _.3� f�t. R= .�04 c. f. s. n=� U11 5a= 1ti,7� ft. /-f�t. k:e= S Length 16 f t. tlut 1 et f 1 ow,l i ne el ��v�at i�n =�9B. 8 f t. Dn= a5. f t. An"= G�1 s. f. Vn= 4. 97 f. F. s. HRri= f t. Oc= 1_ f t., Rc= 02 .s.. f. V�c= 1. 6�� f. p. s. HFc�= Ca6 f t. •Supercritical F.1ow Dc- .1i ft.. Hv= C�4� f t H�= U4 f t Inl et �1_ev. -101 UQ� f�t P Hzadwater el ev. 141. 19 f t. Cr i�ti ca.l Sl,o�.�= Cfr�bta�� r �ATI�ONAL F�OrIhULA� �HYDrOLO,GY �DATE 1�/ 1 93� DES�I GNC� C� �S�I�MF'SON L��S I N 1/? SOU7H �OOF PF�OJECT NaME I�NLAPJD CONSTFUCT I:ON 15T AVEi�UC DESCf,,�I�PT�I�OM1I FOCJF FUNOFF TO DOWNS�OU,T SU�AFEA 1:= Q�t4 ��ACF,E� ��U��AhEA 1� FUIVOFF COCFF I C, I CNT 9 TOTAL A�EA� 08-4 AC�ES COM�OS�i TE ,�UrJOFF COEFF i C x�ENT 9� OVEF;LAND FLO.W� �VALUE�S�� Ct .1'� L �6 N' .'Q16 �S' 2 CHF�NNEL' FLOW VALUES L 1 �u �Z�;1 Q �Z�? 0 N .4,11 �b� 4� 5 C�47 T�D. .v� COMFUTED� VALUE�S DU�; 5: n0 �y I I 1�'C� �-'Y 8 ��Z o��i''cc T Ga�r'.::.` 1r L�.ru �.nc�� o�% o r. ,d. Q�1�C1 QFi ^4 S C�i�'r ar Ch��nnzl Na�me- C; S I MFSON �D�at e= 11�'1 9.:' Ac t'i� on �Descr i pt�i �on- I,NLF�'ND CCINSTF�UCT=I �IV P�T F�L FFiOM DOWIV�t-''OUT TO SWALE �B.tat�i on- .SOUTH di�a. 5'� f t. C!= .�,?4 c. f.�s. �n= ..V�i l �50= ft�. /f.t. 'F:2= 9 Leng�t.h, 7 f't Out 1 e't f Z ow_l��i ne el Ev�t i on 9,8. 5 f-t -Dn= t. C►'9�' f"t An= C�? s.. �f_.. Vn= 9. 99 f�. p. s. HFin= f_�t Dc= •F`t. Ac= 1� S. f. Vc= �1 f. p. s. Hh'c= 1� f�t�, rupe� c�al F1 ow �D�= f t o Hv= it� ft. ,H�= .�a9 ft. �I� n'l,:e e l e v�. 1 C�c:� 2 •f t. To sa-�-�► �o�►�� �Mead.w:a,ter� el e�v. 140. b9 •f t',. Cr,i t�i c� l S;�i:op�= Ut.��S 1 Z� o a _.e �..�__�_.__r.____�_---_._.----._ �l �,Z19 3 �h v s... n r y� l �..�.�i-�'' .C.�.-1_? ;_z_� .,lw T ��1' �'U v� ___�3..Y-��..�1.C-.�-�.. �v.._�'�����-___ �r►���:._...�___�1��-�?''_`-_.s. ,s�. r�S_...�_,._�.._� .F �-----�z� O 8 1�_f� �e -F fi t =,c1 ---�V.______.. �__.�.r-���� Z o.__ C.(:,.�.�.�. _7 .S �u �G.. Y �r...._. �r' 1 I ---S..C! o. 1r •-m- r _�'U.:._.� CL'trL� ��.__.C�`�_�'.���i d�Wr._, L..___._. ��-����'��Y..... ��w� T 1 fi, n.s. ---_--_w �1..L� r�_.�.. L..s.s� �l�_.--------�1�..�.�..�_�..._..___ ._.s .._�.w ___.-�--.dr_ �—_�o s r z s _�.__Q� l a _______b__. __.V....___....__._.e._.�.._._._._r____..____�..�.�.._:...___.__�.....�._ r�_�. S' P O K A N E C O LJ N T Y OFFICE OF THE COUN7Y �ENCINEER A�DMSION•OF THE PUBIJC WORKS DEPARTMENT Ronald �G Hormann, P.E., County Engineer Dennis. M, Scott, P.E., Director t�; f�., ll.� August 12, 199 1 p 'til Robert Townsend, Senior� Project tVlanager Iniand Constnic�tion Company 102 E. Spregue�Avenue Spokane, WA 992Q2 RE: 1Narehouse E. 12322 First Avenue Dear, Mr. Townsend: A� review of the s�e/drainage� plan �for the above mentioned project has�been completed. The �following fist is a summary of the items�that need to be-addressed before release of a building permit. f 1. The pavement�taper should be8in at the� face� of the. curb and not at the back of tlie: sidewalk. �2. Swale.'A' shoutd be flat. The elevations given at the�inlets:indicate a slope towards the-center. 3. Please provide Spokane County Type, I Inlets at the curb cuts. This witl. prevent th�e grass .f�om blocwng the flow of runoff�into the swale. f 4. Two type'A' drywells instead of e type'B' drywell will not be an opfion because of�area of basin. Provide a detail of the_,loading dock. Is �the area recessed? The concem� is ponding of stomnwater in the loading. area. v 6� The �d elevation for the drywell in swale''8' should�� be 6" above the bottom of the: swale.. ✓1. Indicate how much coVer will. remain over the sewer pipe: There should be a minimum of 3'. 8. Please make the indicated �changes to�the '208' caleulations. The<areas I calculated came from the dimensions listed on the plan. These chan8es��only effect swale 'C'. The size of this�swale should .be increased. Also� due to the increased are,a, the size of drywell needs to be add�essed. Please see the enclosed calcufation sheet fo� more details. 9� Add t�e following details to �the drywell detail:. t� Provide a 4" conc�ete� slab o�er the drain rock-. Provide fi�er fabric a►ound ttie� drywell barrel and d�ain rock. ,Call out as "Spokane=County �Standard Drywell Type'A' or'B' as indicated on�tfie. plans". d) Call out Type III Frame and. Grat�e b� G%'� ��=�I�p �ZO� G�v�Ttc��s r��- �=t�1��("ta�d., ��4�' ���p'c� ���QN W.1'026 _Broadway, Ave. Spokane, ,WA 99260-d1�70 (509) 456-3G00� FAX (SQ9) 456-4715 Page 2 Road plans for�improvements to First'Avenue are�required for this permit. Refer to the enciosed :copy of the� road plans prev'iously sutirrmitted. Please coordinate' .those road plans �with the• changes you propose, in particutar, �the added approach to the east. Please ,submit any revised pians to' the Buitding �Department along .with five copies ,to arculate to review agencies. Return the enclosed mark-up .with you� submittal. if you have any questions, piease feel free to call. Very �truty yours, Ronatd_ C. Honnann; P.E. Spokane County� Engineer 1__ A'� 'Christopher J. Reich, E�.I.T. Plans Review E�ciosures d 8�i�9o3i�► �'c�: ?�y t:� �IC�O C�'R��aR�E�:4 P 1► �r A�avrd��i ak !he Aegaeet otj f•� st ��EQIG� ��G �VI��Zt�6 R ANN26�e P 'B 9 Fvite 16d0 waehinqton �rust YinancAbl Canter I����y r Ax Spok�et+e� W�A��inqtoti 99�04 s�, ox N an�tt�� J►�tvh�ient RAe►�rd M�wa �€P�1�Y..16rA�M. �e���oQaieioaxa�meomr.o�s�e.aa�eadn�rasaaoseoas��sas�o��os� Y�) /f�V! �i��C.` ��.r✓��..�� v•` �OA1tR11ti'rY� �DEED POR Yl►LtfE fi�CLL-V�:D PIRd? AYEDttlB ��RQpBR?IEB. e p�:te►ar- e�i� ("Cre��or" f, Qaes heroby, aoriv� �trd aauron� to J. J�k. a fc�ily �gactAQrOl�ip i"�rantae"�., ti�+�t cezt�in xeal astate eituate in �the Coanty og s vt�ane, State oi t�asZtinqtor,, vtii�h, fu a►i�re pnYticu�er2y �ostr �bcd�, as Pe►YCot on ��ebibit "A �tc�►chce herete en4 Anaorc��dsotea h�re�n �b� chia �cata�nc�. eutiio�� te �ho�o ww�tteso op� �odozd �l.ocloAa4 an Eu?isbit �e° ettacned� hereto se+e ipoorpoYoRod Itieee�h by thie, seParenee.: OATS'Dt Oot�beZ ���,,,o 1885. YIRS'!` AV��u1� yaOt'ERT�66 4 R partnosgh'iP 1 �y �1 K� .1. el��er� r q eY 1''� ,.1 R't Y'. 7�j d L�i�i� Partn�r, gy pi�ili.e� g�ld�n, her Attorise�� 1� e„ai� To� Pa�d o� 1•��.�� in Pdct 1 E►�oin aRt. Pd.� j 4.E °'S1qp'' Cl41L6�d spol�a� .Coeu�h Tte� ay ,p' PE N, Pactner 1 ,i J i gY c�. ..l..� c��..`,,, DI e a[ta9� r i �r s �.-T Cott��rY g�► c�reu►t a�e�eor. her h�mgta���f ��A 2 1 Att�otavy ir l�a�! r �i�,� t;,c��� �L--- .r� i t.. �.•�t, a} L' rJ'�cil'.�/.•4 ���e M� I. t I ��s o �St-�t'� v 9 �brand }a,� �rensminal memo� 7� I�� 1I °iPo9ee o P.$ ron'� �o. tA,, OCT 1993 �z.s=� F� �o ,3 Q hanP.�► '�"'a y 7 f CODE ENFORCEMEN�' ���`°�aS' 'u: ?7y �ru� 4� eY a� A. i �io� I P,o�cte+er. By J araht ew y paraon, -h�is n�eoroer i Fect Q�_ partner, 'ey a. Bsaaet person, heti nt�orn�y��n �"r �4 �aCt �8'�AZE OF Q�ABH��6�'Obt 1 tA4. CountY �of .SpoOcon� 1 Ott. this �daX o! �octvbot, x983. ae=a=e mo, ttv�.e►r�y Publ�ic in an v�r the eaid� e�tate� pctrBO�elE�t� �ppeatcc�8 atz�c.t1U! C. t�LOteAH�, knorr► to be .a yasLn ot �iRs� �J►v�tis ,pppp�R?I�S �itd, 81eea lrno�n to me to b• the- ntlosn�y in fac.t gor ��:7SY_ K: _�E�,DI�T1t�, end kho subsarib�a' �oid p��ctnocehf�p reo�� �co t�e gercqo'in+� -lnotni�ao and •dce�la�qma .ea �e that ho execnteB �e edm0 it1 i paxtnar�ip h�ne. J 7� A pV84 Ao or et8�.8 v� NashiRgto�, ce�iflinq at �pokas�e sTAT� or x;►e� i�c�vt� t t�so. County o� spvkano 1 On thi e�""'�ey o t Oc tober 14 8 3� ba FaFe .,sne a ho4ary. Publicl �n end or !he soi� state,� pe�rsoeally appcare8 GPAt�f eeR30�, �knoe+p to bo e par.er��r o� �xRBa AtiaNUs FROP�PS�EB, e►rd alav k�wtirn ta me to_ b� the, +�ttosnoy� in gaoC tor DiXI�S L. pEl�0�4. ZNDlU18 e. ?YLZ'AR�? +±08 CJ►�l�LErA !4. z��.PORD �tt� �who e�ub�czibee �a��d yartinecsd'ip namo t:a �he �oeeqoiaq inatn�oent, ena acknoMinBge0 e�o.�e� th�t h� eicec�ste6 the seme i'n sAiQ ahfp a�e A f! O= a oP �ashlt�gtoA, �eidinq� at Spok�e rxoeiw/o P�o/id/As W sy. �'d �8Z'4N 65���1 �66j'�8t� 61�t 9Z6 685 311I1 b,�1�.3NdS.Nd�! .�0��� 7�9 �E 43 o BxH�vt�r 'A« PAnc�� d s ?tie F►�►st Sg !ee! o! Lot 17 nad all �o! C 18 8?s1tA�rr' 9� 1 Q�BOIVI�iiOlQ OP BLOCK 164 0! OpaOEt�'VNI es plac thas�eaf recorde� iA Volt�a °R" O!� pJ:'atm� page d f sit�e►!.� !e �th� CotinfiY o� 6pokane:� eta�le. oi i 1 i i i I� :1 I 1 t 1 ti i� t I i �saM�A/o eao/ill.85 ..g- ..�e.... •—r ..�.r�•�...�..��....wwr-�.-�--ti 0' f 1t •:��1Y 1 ^y, I� b'd �_8Z''ON� 65.,�1 Fb�l'�8t'b9 �61�51 9Zb'- b8S �11I a����wd��d�l 6�0�� �r�_ ,•_L f r r o �1,1�� PIILL 0 i' ��XN�BI? I TI.� P.XCSp'T LONB Yitle to �}i� prop�cty �mecribe6, io '�he ino�un�snt to �rhicti 1':t►is ext��ib�iti "8" is att6�a�ed ie convaYeQ, a�abject to t1e� folBVvia�g� 'g1�RCP.L �1�= a. Aqreeovont �betWeen Mo4a�sn,�8lecttia v�etor Cv�pBnp. an8 D. �c. McDonai�. �,�t a,i.., dat.e4 �ove�ier. 4, I905�� 6�d! �=ecora� ttov�a,set 6, 1805', ii+ �ook ot Contractd,, pay� 267., 'an�ar reaoidi��t Oto.• 13a0841 A�qht-o��are�y. ��t�mFtit in �vos csf= ltim p�Fif�ia Tet�pfiaet� ah�3 Tei Q�+paey�_ ,QaraB �ovem�es �El, 1928• ef� roco:8o+� �1► �be� a6 �978��, en�vs Ssooediss� iQo. 9663a�.� �PN2A/O �1011�1/�5 va.. ��.r b��..� M� �T'� 'N�a.. r �M i .��r r V S S� ON 8 I' v.r ....RF �o: ;r .r�... ���1 �66�i. �8t'6�8: 6isr 9a6 69S ��li ����I�3{ddSNd�l WU�� S P C� K A N C O U N T Y OF'FIeE UF THE COUI�°Tl° ENC,WEER A DNLSiQN qFTHE Pl1BLIC WORKS DEPART';�tFJ�lT Ronald C. Harmann, P.E., County Engineer Dennis M. Scott, P.E., Director September 27, 1993 Wayne M. Marquess, Architect W. 12949 Shore Road Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026 RE: Warehouse E. 12322 1 st Avenue Dear Mr. Marquess: A review of the site/drainage plan for the above mentioned project has been completed. The following list is a summary of the items that need to be addressed before release of a building permit. Please refer to the enclosed "mark-up" for complete comments. 1. A Type I inlet is shown on the attached drawing. Please indicate this is being used. 1 it appears there might have been a misunderstanding. The lid elevation for the drywell in swale'B' is incorrect. The elevation should be 101.03. 3. State law requires all plans and calculations to be stamped. Since the calculations are on a separate sheet they will need to be stamped as well. A condition for approval of this project included improvements to 1 st Avenue. According to my records, plans have been submitted, but have noi been approved. Please submit the road plans with all necessary information �grade sheet, drainage report, etc.l. Once these plans have been approved we will need a mylar copy with the owner's signature and a bond taken out for all improvements not completed prior to release of the building permit. Please submit any �evised plans to the BUILDING DEPARTMENT along with five copies for circulation to all reviewing agencies. Return the "mark-up" with your submittal. If you have any questions, feel free to call. Very truly yours, Ronald C. Hormann, P.E. Spokane County Engineer ��u.�_�� f Christopher J. Reich, E.I.T. Plan Review Enclosures T r fi� i I 0 P �6���7 li tl�� _,��d��J��� W.1026 Broadway Ave. Sp�kane, W� 99260-A170 (5A�) 4�G-3bpp I�A�C (�q9� 4.5b-471� �y� �0� CALCULA�'IONS REVISED 9/03/93 �ct,�, .�t.�Lt ��,p �''G"'� IMPERV IOUS SURFACE AREA 208 SWALE' "A �t,�!`� t�'�'� P� }1 i.� �.7 �Gk E.�.�NCLUD�S �D�S�.J #�-bl I N� S NORTH WALL SIDEWaLK PARKING LOT AND ORIVEWAYS ANQ A SEGTION 0 C CTTY STREET AND SIOEWALK 73'- Q" X 2�'- O". TMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA �a,834 294 �,320 1,898 13,34(� �.F. �WALE AREA �EOUI RED 13 34b S. F. X. 5 12 =��7 C. F_'� 557 F. X 2= 1,114'' �5 F. R�9UIREt� 14'- 0" X 102'- 0" �42�i�5 .F .='ROVI�En USE 1 TYPF 'B' DRYWELi�✓ IMPERVIOUS JUkFACE �WALE AREA "B" AREA TNCLUDE� EAST HAL� OF ROQF AREA ANd CONCRETE SLAE� FOR DUMPSTER. IMPERVIQUS SURFAGE AREA Q,500 1b8 4,66� S.C�. SWALE AREA RE�UIRED 4,66� 5.F X.5 12 1g5�G _F 195 C .F X 2 ��0 F�EQUIRE� C 4'X1�' 1£�'X S�a' 928 PR�.�`-.� IDF'C) USE 1 TYPE 'A' DRYWELLL IMPERVIOUS SURFAGE FOR AREA "G" AREA INCLUDE� WE�T HALF OF ROOF �REA AND CONCRETE DOCK, �AMP �aNC� SLAB IMP�RVIOUS SU�tFACE AFtEA 4,500 750 S.2�0 S.F SWALE AREA REQUTRED S. 250 5. F X. 5 12 219 C.�. 219 C. F. X�= 438'�S F. REQUIF�E'� 19'-- 4" X 24'- 0" =�5t� �.F PR9��IDEC�'� USE 1) TYPE '6' DRYWELL J OR 2) TYPE A' GRYWELL.S .�'`(`.�'f'7(�' �r-�.�.�_ s c C ?.O� CALCULATIONS REVISED 9/03/9� ZMPERVIOUS �URFACE l�REA 208 SWALE "A" AREA INCLUDES ALL Hf�RO SURFACE5 NDRTH �F NEW EUtLDING'S NC�f�TH WALL SIDEWRLK, PARKING LOT ANO ORXVEWAYS AND A�ECTI��N 0� GITY STREET ANO STOEWALK 73'-- 0" X 26'-� n" SMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA 6,834 2�}4 4.320 1,89$ 13 34F� 5. F. Sl�JALE AREA RE�UI�ED 13 .34b 5 .F X .5 1?_ ��57 C .F 557 C.F X 2= 1,114 S.F RE�UIRE� 14 O" X 102'- tj" 1, 428 �.F �RC�VIDEC� U5E 1) TYPE B' DRYWEI.I IMPERVIOUS SUFtFACE �WALE AREA "B" Z W AREA INCLUQES EAST HALF OF ROOF AREA AND CONCRETE SLA� FQ w DUMPSTER u� O I MPERVI OUS SURFACE A1�EA 4, 500 16£i 4, 668 5. F. W Z W SWALE AREA REQU IREO 4, F,�.£� S. F. X. 5 195 C_ r. W F U ..9� C.F X 2 3�0 5. .�E9UIREC� 4 'X12' 16'X 5�,' 928 PROVIUEi:7 USE 1) TYPE A' DRYWELLL IMPERVIOUS SURFAGE FOR AREA "C" ARFA INCLUOES WEST HaLF OF ROOF AREA RND CONCRETE �OC�:. RaMP ANU SLAB IMPERV IOUS SURFACE AF�EA 4, 500 750 S, 250 S. F. SWALE AREA RE�UIREO= 5.250 S.F. X.5 12 =�19 C.F. 2t9 C.F X �=�38 S.F R�QUIREa 19'- 4" X 24'- 0" 456 S.F PR�VIDEU U�E 1 TYPE '6' DRYWEL� OR 2) TYPE A' DRYWEL�S REGISTEREn CH i' i�. f WAY E ATE OF WASHlN Pt 1 ZO@ CALCULATIONS (REVISED 9/03/93) I MPERV I OUS SURF ACE f�REA 208 SWt�LE A" AREA TNCLUDES ALL HARD SURFACES N�RTH �7F NEW BUILDING'S NORTH WAL� S IDEWALK PARK I�NG LOT AND ►�JR I VEWAYS AND A SEC T I nN OF CITY STREET AND SIOEWALK 73'- 0" X 26'- 0". IMPERV IOUS SURFACE AREA 834 294 4, 320 1, 898 13 .�4 C� 5. F. SWALE AREA F�EOUI RE� 13 346 S. F. X. 5 12 =_`�57 C. F_ 557 C.F X 2= 1,114 S.F RE�UIREU 24'- 0" X 102' n" 1,428 S.F �'RC�VIC�EC� USE 1) TYP� 'B' nRYWEL� 0 W v IMPERVIOUS SUF�FACE SWALE AREA "B" W Z W AREA INCLUOES EAST HA�F OF ROOF ARER AND CONCRETE SLAE3 FCR Q DUMPSTER. p C� IMPERVIQUS SURFACE AREA 4,500 168 4,668 S.F_ SWALE AREA REQU IREO 4, 5b8 5. F. X. 5 1 195 C. F. 195 C. F. X 2= 3`��O S. F. REGIUI RED 4 'X12' 16'X 5C�' �28 PRO��IfJEt� USE 1) TYPE A' DRYWELLL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE FOR AREA "C" AREA INCLU�ES WEST HALF OF ROOF AREA AND CONCRETE OOCK. RAMP ANO SLAB. IMPERV IOUS SU�FACE AFCEA 4, 500 750 5, 250 5. F. SWALE AREA REOU I REO 5. 250 5. F. X. 5 12 219 C. F. 219 C.F X 2= 438 S.F REQtJIRED 19'- 0" X 24'- 4" 456 5.F PROVIOEU USE: 1 TYPE '6' nRYWELL. OR 2) TYPE A' DRYWELl.S 4� REGtSTEREh CFi� i. WfAY F a� oF wasHiN 1 �ST01�1VIVVATF� DI�:AII�AGE :R�PO�R�T for Strcet Runot�to the 4n-Site "208" P��d at �101and� Co�stra�cho�'s Proposed ��.reuousc. �:�tst� 12322 JCirst Avenue Spokane, Washiii�ton October 1993 Report Prepared By:� �i�$pso�a 1Ei�grneers, .l,a�. North 909 �1r�o�uie Road Spokane, Washi.ngton TA.BLE' OF� CQNTENTS ti� E• •S'/ F WAS/y f': V O. r� L C f t C/��� Rai�onal Formula I�ydrolvgy t; ��r 1Q 9967 Z-._6A5 t�5� �Q �Cl'JST�� Curb Inlet �Calculations ys S.C.S. Soils Ma� &�Description r;�a� x�u��r�i_ r� prrri���;a� ti�aa�4�:�7�..ra,���r i3 i� T i 1 C.� E3 i "�i+ l� G (V k:l=�' C� I-� L .i. F'F�i�,7 CGT �I�i�1",1� r'I�tl..�l'aL� C�Qt���'I'f=�tJC�i' r�C1i�I �F 1�' ;'t:i 1 DC�f�� I F`T I��C�N l: �T f �W'EPJ�'L I;'IJI�1Cl1-F' 1"Cl �l='r�� Fal_ GU1=�;�� 11�1L��T��i :�ilJ��-�Fa�+��t, L= t:►1 a��:�' �^iLFt�: �i ;:�U��AI��Et I;:IJIVCI���' C�CJl�1�= I-`,Y G I i=l;•i7" ����-�r�r•;�.r�a c�i.i��::. �ticr��a sura�r-;�:�; r;ur����s�-�-. �..��ak_i;��-r-,rcr�iv 7'[:17HL ,�il=:��� a C� ��1,�;, (�t'.:i;�� CCII�IF'Ur'1"f'l� 1=;�JOVC�lI•='f�° L'::L:aI=i=1=`':i: ;C�k�.i'�{1�` ...r�t {�UI�r�LHhJD '1 tifhll_�JC:i l:� 1".:; L t�i lU f :��6 o C�'i-itaRlNl=i�. 1=1_04+: Vi-�LU�� L. 1 Z 17'W ��f 1,r L� �E:��>=�E T'r, C' C;�i�iF,IJTE�? v �Ll.JCS; Gv�; �,�.i t� c���1::� rn sP����— ��a �N�' �sm'ncN Z�r��'1� AvE�vE r 1�:F'-y�l" Y�Cllvt�l.._ f�> L1F�i`'iUf_i 1-�`i i�1;(:�LU�f�°.' �tir;"f C-�• I r:1./ �l t;':� llL��T Gl'�1L1=� i� I�i C !"�i i'J: I°'F�OJEC�T (�.t�'11`'!C 1�IUL��a�all� CUI'Jwi'1'F�UL'T C1N �F Z:� i t� 1 G�.��f�:�:'l:F''1":C�t�fJ 1�1" F;'JEIVUL 1=�U1'�C�Fh� "I"l� �r'�C?�•��L �1.1H�;L� I,P�JLi l��.:� :-�iL1i�t�al��r1 :l t �1:t:7�� (-1Lh:C'Ci �iiJl�l1'r f�i� l=iUl�i�:11= G��11�1= I� T�:1 LI'•�i' u. 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Go c flHt �l a P e .,�r k a s• v• 4 �1 t r "�t'r" x �ry (j ,.I� r','� lI ��S'1� F�� e 't 4 e'L l� i- a' c' i 7.w .1 •,►g' k c o- i d '�i�SP 4/ 't, I y I t, t �a� i Y t n �v o r.�' M( s r y1 r L'!9 ��xi�.� s 'til� p� i o i 1:. 1 Y f: y G �.�y i> y t d�1 ✓��',s�..�.-�- ,�i t W r 1�p4i1 �,l u� J I� t ��w l .t, Ci r i i' l� e �.i ti. .e,�„ Y J 1 J i y� a a+�rr M� H `�,�1� 11� 1\ y x a X S ,�n !'1r�� a 1'. A �.u' L� iU r 1'.�k s y.l! J�"! A ����-t�� ,y,�, �`��,a`i���' w q t r M^t"'' 3 s b ti� r �tt v f�� y F t a ,1• Q t e• �y r y y� i t,,f�*� �1`�R'�-�` "a R- 1 Sr `nrib� `y F Y t J y� t u V a r, 7���' o f m' �s 'Ik TaY� a i pC,qy t� '0 1 y�� I, C f 1' f �ll �3f 1 M Yi C� Y y f Y� r C T' r r,st f `a �d. b1 ♦F�• u t .at t .1 :s ,yc��' 1 l z 1�1N�� �n ..a.. s �i�3 Y F �,F,q t� �M� TEAY W s 11�+��' �6`�+,, Y O T 4 �"'��t a��� t�tcs ��v i "-4 r ��F�� u r� �a 1 M a 'y�y'1T..ti y cL'� i a t c 1� 4 L�� ��.i_-""�„ ly I w' 1� F, r' P c 4_"�\-,yA-_ l',. .¢t �r*�_1 J' Q� y T s r .,rjsri ��ir- •,.'w s 4 •Ex� z�� �O i ,,y ,�i r ,a�; h i �ei �•���t o �`�t� r M Y.0 ��ti�� g�,�:c�i9'�► u !i� '�.r c "ch��al t��o t t a 1 ,1 ~1 -r +`V g r: 4♦ 1, t �t r '��fiC ,.9'a" 1 e j t 1 f t „�'1,� �'�M� r, _`"a.. S9t ry w� r, h yr I�,t i i �R' !j �'M l 1 ,�1" R r' c fi�- b �L 'L T NNA r F 'c �v I�' �i. i r �1! :s+ .1A t �t i 1, R s j y y,�1p�e,f,� r r .,--s N r 4 r r r Y i.� i .x' a is k 1 i��,.�-ry�- Q�� ..i t �r T a sy a y' y �r r. ,f `r Vm v r q f 4� �sRV Z M,� `r �ILS +1 i o 1 j y�' Mt �aj! f 1a�'t :tw�. i y X" w •aY+."�' F i �1 g'16� C�ti� h��r �Q'• rs,.� M,• SxE3 F c�• r a s. ti �b Y, r ,,j F' r �i 1 x '�q� p'` �`�J�� H �fi r y N ti tt =-i �d �f7.� a ���f� G�� ��R?- 'GL{� 1 ^i +`S a r ��w�a t` ��t� i ���i C i�� V C i�`'� y t r r, y� "'f�'. t �r" ,+�Y l� lj y �,�r �!"s cA i`✓ a� w"'� �!j n �,y C 1 1 n s t �P t�1 4 l .�l it y l�,' 1 M i� t.� '�rS/►L- C �M• f �ti l ��r���� :y r��� J: S��� rl `'i�u!'4^ r y `Z 4 r T�Si t' 'Jt f��� �,I�� W i o r ��1�� {c� f+ a 4 i:-., e i• u f`° F''` 1' h et $4j �St� d v ri T ti'ra i. �i� :d' u 4 y FCe1 ��pll'15 S e c�°�t i y s Rv '�_i ���Y "Ar S 5n00 rr r- ;w'� 2"� Ws`�„��`� fiA r M� �v,� F a w Q t j' r, r f nA tln� F 74 sor�, su���rLl• `l':�1�L� ti.---I.��•it;�' clt��e�'���tiu��.Y j.�uilo tcrtcl 11�� ir CI.�. �iiicatiu�i 1 I)epth 111ap Soil uaui� 1)�aLril�tiui� o( suil uucl sitc fruiu sy�utrul �ui'iucc U�U.� tr�turw I I,�. OsC Urt4};nou stuuy ei1L loucu, U tu 3U pecc:cu� �iiuiletr tu Drc►guot� silt lo:u�►, U tu �U pc:rcr�it slo�ies sl�(n�s, escupl tUat tlt�: �urfu�� Ic�yt;r i� �tuu��. DsD llragun�i a6�ay �ilt; loa�u� 3ll to 5� p�r- c�:ut �lnp�. DvD llru��on vcry r�cky cou�plex, 20 tn �5 L�rugt�uu pF�cL slmil ta Ur,��;oai� ailt� l�:t�u, U tc� ��rcent slc�pt�. :i11 ����r�t•nt alt,lxa, �;sc�Ii< <hub �l��E,tl� tu I���!- ruck riu��;�a Cru�u lU tu ''U iucli�. 1{,uuk uut- crui� iiiri�ttl4ci i�i �tii� cuu►��l�:x. Ek8 rlt�ikr� silt launi, U to '20 rxl'cot�t slola�5. \Ic�ii�aiu-t�:xii,�rccl, ���Ull-vri�iurcl �uil furiu��cl iruia 11 cu 3-k �il� lu:►t�i_ kliicinl till c 011�1i111111F; i� liir�;e ;ui�c�uii� ui ��nl- uu�liu c�1� iu tti� surfi►cu li►yui•; tiu�l�rluiu t�y 'ad tc,d-� l�r:i�•r�U�• 1��:�li� bru�<<�1 nt au�tli uf :iU tv t;U iurl�►�-, uu�ul�i�:� �u U:� �'crs� �;ru�•�ll�• �.wa�• uuclulutui�� uiurui���lil:�s lui���ru�il►�•. 4�,:+w. :i:i tu liU l�r,��•��1------------o EIC I�.I�ikiti v�ry �tasiy si1G 14t►m, 0 tu 30 �r- Simil:�r �n T:laiki»ii� lu���u, A tu'3U �ur��tl� �lup�::+, ui;u� al���. c:acc�� tliut ll�t�y ur4 v� r�• �tt�ny tl►rc�i�ghnut EI D l:loiku ��c:r,y :,tot►y ailt loum, :3U t� 55 p�rcti►t, alu���. Em ind�nL silt louin. I1lydiucu-tc3xt��red, somc�� h:►t poorly clruiucd, U to •�u �ilt lu:�cu- ulkt►li��� c�oil furinec! u► ulluvuiui fruni c,�lcar- cou� ailt, vul�iuiic iwl�, un�l cliuwiiite; tl�ptl� '_G tu -�1 1'�ry liu�� �:u,�ly tu �►�uter cal�lc: Uuctuu�� fru�n ucar ti�a aurlace lutun. tU uUuttti li fa�t. •11 tu 1�� �:►tia)• �1u�• l�uw_ FaB N'r��nuui bilt lanm� .y tn 2U ���rcc�ut Very d�Gp, rnod��rutcl�� ��•rU �ir,�in��cl u�,l����c1,uiL� 1� lu �il� lu.riu_ �1�►ji�. tvltl� iu�•tl�uui-6�x4urucl aurf:�c�; lua•��r :►i�ci u���li- Fa83 I�'r�:c�is��►u :±ilt luuit�, W 2�1 prr�c�►it �i�u ur �»�ak�r��t�ly fi�i� l�•aturc�a��ilMUil; ft,rnu��l 3'_' tu� 7'_ ;lltv �lu)• lt�:�ti�--_--- Klu�x�, a�•vu���ly ert��l�;cl. fr�iu �il� ai rulliu� ta IiiU�� u{�lu��cL�. FaC3 l� roe�iuuii r•iIL ld:uu� 3U td �U �ie:rcc:n6 slu�u:�, s����r�:ly �•r�d�:cl. Fm �'re:sl� we►lcr �uur�lt. �t�:tllnt�, b�vumpy, iut.e�•uiittent po�+tl, :t�+cl fr�u��y ��ru�u�cl lub�3 tl�:►l I►:��•t; u Ilu�uici�iu�; �Vlltl!1' tu11�4. Y•:Ubli1C1:J'lllj� 1.�11Y:1 Is ltUL bIV�U. I u� luucl cype is wu ���u�iut�l�. GaC3 Curfielc! �il�y cls►y lu:�ut, U to 3q ��ureent �'t��rp tlru��, �ti•�•Il-rli•uInc��l :suil �l��ri�lu{i���.l i+i la��� u t,u �ilt}� ci,��� lu:►u�------� sl��c�� ,�c;v�;i•Lly �rddt�d. un ri�l�;�•top� :uicl kaula3 t�n �lu� rallii�� ku hill,y tu '_3 .�ilt�� �I:��•---• u��lu���l� iu ll�t; Nuluu,t: sui) i�rt:�. '�3 tu UU 1ill�� cl:�y l�:un------ GgA Ct►rri�ou gruveUy lu:►m� 0 to 5 pc�rnr,nt C,ri�v�ll�• rui�diu�i►-l4xtur���l, sun�.���•t►ul .•�c�{,_ tt� ta c7r�►�<<•{ly I�a��u�------- �l� siv�ly drai���a Yr�ila furiu�;�l iu �;ruw�!!�' �;lc►�i;�i l:i to a-� 1'i�r�• �;r�+�•�•11�' I�u�u-- G,�B Gt►rrir��� br:�v�dly lt►a�vi, b lu 2p ��erceiiL t�ul�v���t� �ut�lei•L•�l iruu� v,�ri��ey �>f ,�ci�l� 1-! t�, �l� :+:�u�l, �•l. :u►�i �lapes. iKi��rou� pur+:��t rual.; ui� iiuc�rl�� Icr�l tu �uu�!- �uul�l�•�tui��.:a. cr:�t��ly ,IapiuK t�cr.�cG�a; ciujith tu tnl�tUi'C Uf r:u►ti, �r��vol, :uid �al�l�lw�uu�.� ru�►};r� fruut ��e< <U tti rl:l:�. GmB C:r�rrioon t•e�ry �;r�xv�lly louin, 0 ko b Sieuflue w Gurrisun �rurell� IUlllll� c�xcc:��t tl�c�t U to 13 1'crr �;ruv�•!1�• luuui_ prrruut :tlupe�. tl�c� �u�f:�c� L•i���•r i� v��ry �;r���•cU�•. 1:� tu -��i 1'er�• �;ru��ll;' luutu_ -1-! w GU �ui��l, �!r:����•l, :�i�el tuUl�lt�t�u�--. GnB C;��rri�n vc�ry stony lou�u, U to 2U Si►nil:�r 4a Curriso�i ���u�•cll�� lc�uui� i��cept tlutt percw�t �lu���s. llit �urf��u� l:+i•�r js v4ry xtw�y�. GpA Clnnr�:�e q�161auui, 0 Cv b�eccc�ut �luEu�. Vcry dt�+�p m�diuu►•l►•�t►jri�tl, �r��l1 ,f>il, Q iu 7'� 1ilt lu:�ui Gp6 (alwiruse:�ilt lu�u�, 5�o`lUnc:r��;»Lrcl�lu�a. fnruu PPAIII tic:ir{ i�i�uuus Fltu�i��l �ill; 7urfaci� G�iC Cl�iu•i��; Kilt luu�i�� 2U tt� 3U p�:rc�t�t, luy��r iuUucn�;a�l 1��•�u�:�s t►u41 ��ul�,•u��iu u:;1�; c��► ,lupt.�. �k+iilly r��llit►� tu ,lctc,�� u�yla�uci�. GpD Gleuru:,�� �i14 1�3�n� 30 L� 5b pc;re�sat �;l��j����. c.1 S ���1� _/a I. Z z_ 1 r� vU. Sc: !O1? 1 1 9.. Rf' b- 3 -}�D� 3�� C� �e t� ��a V��Q V• _r.h+.� ��0 G���O O +G .`�lj�uU�. �U�� �S ta .f�_��P_. C��_� o G�Lt c��jfi�z�� �C�,� t� C�- b Q i s�-� s ,o d zc�.U.�,.� 7� _�_z_._s_. _waz..i .��z �Q. �o�z:.�a=�� �z� .�z�� e �.o _C�:z.�S.�_ ��l.. _�Z��3., ..O_Z�_,_i_8 .v'� 2.7 __s .O? S j:L aZ 7 .1 _O_z.._��1_ _,��l.o� _v-� 9_ t�.�- �G.1�..'9_S.. _0?_ S. 3 v� ._3 Oc -��.d. l� �z �O. �c�? ,.�11_�_._._ OZ �2.. �a�_�. �Oz_.� ,;�J z- oz.�..�c� ._.1�1• o .�UZ .I'�4 CZl,. �L• 8t� _VZ• r.�. o',- o O�. i:'v= 0� �5.� .�-f -�Z-Z-l-- OZ c�� „U-�-�-5�- �..C��-�,S UZ._z.�. C G Z S,,` -f �s��__._ ._.._..��_4;� v_. C����.1 e .Q� .c�w� _C.�.Z,, J.Z. ,4 l _.r.��� G�Z_� 4- 1� i- L.5 a s S._ :_l_l.�3_� Oz 7 Q�Z., t_3 v. _vz. �v? G.? 9 3 c�Zwso_. _�./�3__ �..c�_�_�� _�:Z: o�_t�. t. _.Uz• U Z �z. D z_._w 3_ �L1�3��. _o.z.�� �.Z��D�_. .,.0! p.Z s r �I a ��Z �-_3_� D�? S _�..1'.1-.3� �Z I 5_ _(�?-.:SQ-. 01�.�.8 3 OZ. 3 v,?� `z.'� �j' �`So o�Z- L•_3_J o�� !_i 9.? �v I 9 0? �c, a� I .o�z �-eZ��� _��...,Z.�`.. �I• �_��.9:� U O�I,; �.3. p 07 �o __��,.c?.c�� 1 3 ..Oi.�:f_� ,�C�'t_..�� o _4_ :c�.� y�� 1 f r. �...��o i o .r. e.�,_,��- ..-a�- L..VG 1 m.��'p: .f� 'T._ 1 I'Yl�t S '�-V ''t 8 e r i r__.. -i f I w �,ar c s ii r .�r I'� t�' �j' -��►'w ..!'a r A i 1 ..9 r