2019, 10-10 Agenda Packet SCITYka ne po Valle k Spokane Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda City Hall Council Chambers, 10210 E. Sprague Ave. October 10, 2019 6:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 26, 2019 VI. COMMISSION REPORTS VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject which is not on the agenda. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: i. Study Session: CTA-2019-0003, a proposed amendment to SVMC 22.110.080 Signs - Aesthetic corridors. ii. Study Session: Update Planning Commission Rules of Procedure X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT PC ADVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only As of October 3, 2019 ***Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative and subject to change*** To: Commission& Staff From: PC Secretary Deanna Horton by direction of Deputy City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Commission Meetings October 24, 2019 Public Hearing: CTA-2019-0003 —Aesthetic Corridor Sign Regulations—Lori Barlow (tentatively scheduled) Study Session: Fencing Regulations—Jenny Nickerson Study Session: Planning Commission By-laws—Jenny Nickerson/Deanna Horton November 14,2019 Findings of Fact: CTA-2019-0003 —Aesthetic Corridor Sign Regulations—Lori Barlow Study Session: Fencing Regulations—Jenny Nickerson Study Session: Planning Commission By-laws—Jenny Nickerson/Deanna Horton Draft Advance Agenda 10/3/2019 Page 1 of 1 Regular Meeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers—City Hall September 26, 2019 I. Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance. III. Office Assistant Robin Hutchins called roll and the following members and staff were present: James Johnson Jenny Nickerson, Building Official Danielle Kaschmitter- absent excused Cary Driskell, City Attorney Timothy Kelley Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Robert McKinley Raymond Friend Michelle Rasmussen- absent excused Matt Walton Robin Hutchins, Office Assistant Hearing no objections, Commissioners Rasmussen and Kaschmitter were excused from the meeting. IV. AGENDA: Commissioner Walton moved to approve the September 26, 2019 agenda as written. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero opposed, and the motion passed. V. MINUTES: Commissioner Walton moved to approve the August 08, 2019 minutes as written. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero opposed, and the motion passed. VI. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Friend attended Valleyfest and thanked the City for organizing such a great event. Commissioner Walton also participated in Valleyfest and was happy to see the large community turn out. Commissioner Johnson attended the August 13, 2019 City Council Meeting and spoke. September 10, 2019 he attended the Spokane County Human Rights Task Force (SCHRTF) meeting where Sandra Williams with the Carl Maxey Center gave a presentation; also discussed was the Greater Spokane Progress plan. On September 19, 2019 he attended a conversation with the previous US Ambassador Ryan Corker where they discussed the Middle East. Commissioner Johnson also attended Valleyfest and thanked City staff for putting on a phenomenal event. On September 24, 2019 he attended a meeting at CenterPlace regarding homegrown extremism. VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Senior Planner Lori Barlow updated the Commission on the Catholic Charities proposed Code Text Amendment. CTA-2018-0006 would allow multifamily development in single family residential zones. After considerable consideration and discussion with the St. John Vianney Board, Catholic Charities has officially withdrawn their proposal and will not be moving forward. Building Official Jenny Nickerson advised staff has made progress in relation to uploading the Planning Commission audio minutes to our website which would make them available to the public. Ms. Nickerson also spoke about the repairs to the Council Chambers curved wall that are in its beginning stages. VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject which is not on the agenda. There was no public comment. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: 09-25-2019 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 4 i. Discussion, SVMC 22.70.020 Fencing; allowable heights in residential areas, fencing when property elevations differ. Ms. Nickerson explained this discussion is to review a section of the current fencing regulations causing some staff and citizen confusion. The hope is to encourage suggestions from the Planning Commission in order to prepare a comprehensive code text amendment. Ms. Nickerson explained the current regulations require that fence heights be measured from the lowest point within six feet of a fence. Ms. Nickerson continued that SVMC 22.70.020 Section E specifically states that when a fence is placed on top of a slope or retaining wall that height is to be measured from the lowest elevation within six feet of the fence. The City has found that constructing a six-foot fence when measured from the bottom of a retaining wall or heavy slope between two properties with differing elevation does not provide adequate privacy. Ms. Nickerson asked that should the language change and the measurement no longer include the height of the retaining wall or lower elevation of slope, would it still be appropriate to have a full eight-foot-high fence, or would a six-foot high fence be more suitable? Adding that nonresidential uses such as schools, churches and utilities would be limited to the eight-foot-high fence. She asked if that would be in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. Commissioner Friend discussed where the measurement originates from and suggested the measurement originate from the homeowner's side of the fence. Commissioner Walton discussed residents that abut primary arterials and suggested the option of allowing those property owners the ability to build a taller fence for noise reduction. Commissioner Johnson also spoke about front yards on an arterial. He suggested leeway in allowing property owners the ability to build a higher front yard fence. Commissioner Friend felt allowing a taller fence in the front yard was a safety issue in reference to line of sight. Commissioner Walton asked for examples from local municipalities and other jurisdictions relating to front yard fencing and their specific language. Commissioner McKinley's concern was measuring a fence at the lowest point between properties of differing elevations. He was also concerned with clear view triangle issues. Ms. Nickerson advised the fence regulations would not take precedence over the City's sight distance triangle regulations. Commissioner Kelley suggested that the fence measurement be measured at the property line. City Attorney Cary Driskell explained that if the City required the measurement to be right on the property line that would require a survey adding significant costs to the property owner and cautioned against it. Ms. Barlow encouraged the Commission to think about the need of the property owners, as well as neighborhood development. She added that higher front yard fencing may affect the character of a neighborhood especially from a pedestrian standpoint. ii. Discussion, SVMC 22.70.080 Signs; aesthetic corridors. Ms. Barlow advised this discussion is to review a specific section of the aesthetic corridor sign regulations which have caused some concerns. The intent is to encourage discussion from the Planning Commission in order to help prepare a code text amendment. Ms. Barlow explained staff's concerns are that monument signs are allowed in the aesthetic corridor, but wall signs are not allowed. Ms. Barlow provided background into how the City adopted the County's regulations as interim 09-25-2019 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 4 regulations during incorporation in 2003. She noted that at that time the Aesthetic Corridor sign regulations were rolled over from the County. In the 1990's the Aesthetic Corridor regulations developed out of the Board of County Commissioners interest in preserving the entrances and exits into the City's and certain developing areas, as well as reducing billboard signage. Ms. Barlow continued that during the development of the City's Uniform Development Code regulations in 2006 one sentence to the code was added that stated "Only monument signs shall be allowed in the aesthetic corridor," which inadvertently prohibited wall signs. Over the years there has been some inconsistency implementing the code based on the interpretation. Staff feels this conflict is creating an unnecessary restriction on those property owners in the aesthetic corridor. Ms. Barlow provided a presentation with maps identifying the City's aesthetic corridors that include two sections of SR 27, two sections of Appleway Boulevard, Dishman Mica Road, 32nd Avenue and Mirabeau Parkway. Ms. Barlow advised the zones surrounding these corridors are predominantly mixed use, multifamily, corridor mixed use and commercial zoning, with nominal residential zoning. Ms. Barlow described the definition of a wall sign, which includes that it be attached directly to the wall of a structure. Current regulations would allow a wall sign to be up to 25 percent of the wall area. Commissioner Johnson suggested separate regulations if the abutting use is residential versus commercial. Ms. Barlow explained that the zoning dictates what uses are allowed;changing the regulations to allow wall signs in the aesthetic corridor will not change the permitted uses allowed nor create opportunity for signage. The sign code does not allow off-premise signage, and therefore a residential use in a residential zone could not have a wall sign advertising another business. Ms. Barlow concluded that she will provide examples of each sign type at the next discussion. iii. Discussion, updating Planning Commission Rules of Procedure. Ms. Nickerson provided a brief introduction into the establishment of the Planning Commission's Rules of Procedure adopted in 2005. The rules of procedure state they are to be reviewed and updated in odd numbered years, the Commission was provided with a strike through version of the proposed changes for review. Commissioner Kelly asked for clarification in regards to what equals a quorum, the appointed Commissioners seats or the majority of the Commissioners present. Ms. Nickerson's interpretation was the majority of the seven-member Commission seats. Commissioner Kelly suggested adding the language "the number of appointed Commissioners". There was some discussion related to a quorum when there are vacant Commission seats. Commissioner Kelly spoke to the vote of a majority of those present as well as the conduct of business. Commissioner Kelley stated that during the 2019 election of officers all necessary parties were present including a quorum of Commissioners. He continued that there was a tie for the position of Chair between Commissioner Johnson and Commissioner Rasmussen whom respectfully declined her nomination. Commissioner Kelley stated there 09-25-2019 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 4 was never a re-vote for Chair, and Commissioner Johnson was not voted into his position appropriately. Commissioner Kelley moved to have a special election to establish a legal vote. He moved that Vice Chair Walton assume role of Chair during the election, and that Commissioner Johnson recuse himself from all leadership roles in this election, but not from voting. Commissioner Walton stated the motion as stated is out of order and would be better suited after the current item or before close of meeting. Mr. Driskell advised the best course of action would be for Commissioner Kelley to withdraw his motion as this should not be voted on without further review. Commissioner Kelley withdrew his motion. Commissioner Walton asked for clarification that if a quorum of the Commission is present and one commissioner recuses themselves from the business at hand, does a quorum remain? Or is the quorum dissolved? It was determined that these issues will be addressed with the City's parliamentarian. Commissioner McKinley advised he appreciated the change related to public testimony being limited and not allowing the speaker to monopolize the time. Commissioner Kelley asked if the pledge of allegiance is going to be removed from the meetings. Ms. Nickerson clarified that particular strike through was to eliminate the entire section titled "recommended order of business for meetings". Doing so will provide flexibility for meeting conduct but does not prohibit the pledge of allegiance. Commissioner Johnson asked if there were any concerns by the Commission in removing the entire section "recommended order of business for meetings". There were no objections. Commissioner Walton asked for clarification that Roberts Rules of Order and the order of business refers to small board forums in relation to the format the Planning Commission holds. Ms. Nickerson advised the City's parliamentarian Chris Bainbridge will be invited to attend the next meeting to assist in further details and discussions. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Commissioner Johnson spoke about SCHRTF progress plan created by Greater Spokane Progress. He spoke about the July 23, 2019 City Council meeting regarding Council Woman Thompsons letter brought forth from the NAACP. Commissioner Johnson was asked to read a statement from SCHRTF at the August 13th, 2019 City Council meeting and read aloud the statement to the Planning Commission. XI. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Kelley moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:17 p.m. The vote on the motion was five in favor, zero opposed, and the motion passed. James Johnson, Chairman Date signed Robin Hutchins, Secretary CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: October 10, 2019 Item: Check all that apply nold business n new business n public hearing n information I1 study session n pending legislation FILE NUMBER: CTA-2019-0003 AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Proposed Amendment to SVMC 22.110.080 Aesthetic corridors DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Amend the sign regulations along the aesthetic corridor to allow Wall Signs. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 17.80.150, SVMC 19.30.040 and RCW 36.70A.106 BACKGROUND: Since incorporation the City has regulated signage along designated aesthetic corridors. In 2003, the City adopted Spokane County's regulations as the City's interim regulations by Ordinance No. 53. The interim code allowed wall signs and freestanding signs up to a height of 8 feet, with an area ranging from 32 - 90 square feet within the office and commercial zones along the designated aesthetic corridor. In 2007 the City adopted the Uniform Development Code by Ordinance 07-015 which generally replicated the signage requirements along the aesthetic corridor, but modified the areas categorized as an aesthetic corridor, and added a specific reference in the code that only monument signs shall be allowed along the corridor in an effort to distinguish between freestanding or pole signs, and monument signs. Although signage regulations have been modified since that time, the regulations affecting the aesthetic corridors have remained generally the same. At this time, only monument signs are allowed on properties in the aesthetic corridor, and thus, even wall signs are prohibited. Staff believes that a change may be appropriate to allow wall signs within the aesthetic corridors. A draft amendment has been prepared and is attached. The issues that gave rise to the limitations have largely been addressed and staff believes the modification in 2007 is overbroad at this time. Staff will discuss the regulations as they exist and present the draft code text amendment. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION:No action is recommended at this time. STAFF CONTACT: Lori Barlow, AICP, Senior Planner. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft SVMC 22.110.180 2. SVMC 22.110 Sign Regulations and Definitions 2. Presentation RPCA Information item—Aesthetic Corridor Signage Regulations Page 1 of 1 Attachment 1 Draft CTA-2019-0003 Amendment to the Aesthetic Corridor Sign Regulations 22.110.080 Aesthetic corridors. A-The standards applicable to wall mounted and monument signs shown ein Table 22.110-1 shall apply to parcels adjacent to the aesthetic corridors identified below. designated in the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan Other permanent signs shall not be permitted on such parcels. Areas within the aesthetic corridor include: 1. State Route 27 (16th Avenue south to City limits); 2. State Route 27 (Mansfield Avenue to Trent Avenue); 3. Appleway Boulevard (south side only from Park Road to Dishman Mica Road); 4. Appleway Avenue (Barker Road to Hodges Road); 5. Dishman Mica Road (8th Avenue south to City limits); 6. 32nd Avenue within the City limits; 7. Mirabeau Parkway(Pines Road to Indiana Avenue). B. Only monument signs as shown on Table 22.110 1 shall be allowed with designated aesthetic corridors. Spokane Valley Municipal Code Page 1/8 Chapter 22.110 SIGN REGULATIONS Chapter 22.110 SIGN REGULATIONS Sections: 22.110.010 Purpose,intent and scope. 22.110.020 Prohibited signs. 22.110.030 Permit required. 22.110.040 Number,general regulations for permitted permanent signs. 22.110.050 Temporary signs. 22.110.060 General provisions applicable to all signs. 22.110.070 Comprehensive sign plan. 22.110.080 Aesthetic corridors. 22.110.090 Sign location and front setbacks. 22.110.100 Sign area calculation. 22.110.110 Maintenance of signs. 22.110.120 Existing nonconforming signs. 22.110.130 Billboards. 22.110.010 Purpose,intent and scope. Signage regulations are intended to promote commerce,traffic safety and community identity while improving the visual environment of residential,commercial and industrial areas.This code regulates permanent,temporary,and portable signs.(Ord. 13-010§3,2013;Ord.07-015 §4,2007). 22.110.020 Prohibited signs. The following signs are prohibited: A. Signs which by coloring, shape,wording or location resemble or conflict with traffic control signs or devices; B. Signs that create a safety hazard for pedestrian or vehicular traffic; C.Flashing signs; D.Portable signs;except A-frame signs and reader boards specifically allowed pursuant to SVMC 22.110.050(A)and (E); E. Signs located within the public right-of-way, except official signs and except bus benches placed pursuant to an agreement with the City; F. Signs attached to or placed on a vehicle or trailer parked on public or private property;provided,that this provision shall not be construed as prohibiting the identification of a business or its product on a vehicle operating during the normal course of business; G. Signs obstructing visibility within any clearview triangle as established in Chapter 22.70 SVMC; H.Billboards except when permitted as provided in SVMC 22.110.130; I. Off-premises signs,except off-premises directional signs allowed pursuant to SVMC 22.110.040(D); J.Temporary signs unless specifically allowed pursuant to SVMC 22.110.050; K. Abandoned signs and sign structures. (Ord. 13-010§ 3,2013;Ord. 12-013 § 1,2012;Ord.07-015 §4,2007). 22.110.030 Permit required. A. Other than for those uses listed in subsection B of this section,a sign permit is required for all allowed permanent signs,temporary signs,unless otherwise specified,and billboards. B.Permits are not required for on-premises official signs; seasonal decorations;merchandise displays; point-of-purchase advertising displays;national and state flags;flags of a political subdivision;notice signs, inflatables;flags with copy;reader boards;temporary signs as listed in SVMC 22.110.050;symbolic flags of nonprofit Spokane Valley Municipal Code Page 2/8 Chapter 22.110 SIGN REGULATIONS institutions dedicated to public service;legal notices required by law;barber poles;historic site designations; commemorative monuments/plaques;gravestones;advertising copy affixed to phone booths;donation and recycling containers;lettering or symbols applied directly onto or flush-mounted magnetically to a motor vehicle operating in the normal course of business;political signs supporting political issues,candidates or ballot measures;replacement of copy on signs otherwise permitted;name plates with less than four square feet of copy area;directional signs with less than four square feet of copy area;and murals containing no copy. C.Permit applications shall include a site plan that provides the following information: 1.The location of the affected lot,building(s)and sign(s); 2.The scale of the site plan; 3.The location of all existing signs for the subject applicant including size and height; 4.For signs subject to spacing regulations,the location of neighboring signs on adjacent properties; 5.Approved sign plan,if applicable;and 6.Tax parcel number where proposed sign will be located. D.Permit applications shall include construction drawings that provide the following information: 1.Two complete sets of scaled drawings of the proposed sign or sign revision,including copy, structural footing details,method of attachment and illumination.A Washington State licensed engineer's design,stamp and signature are required on each construction drawing for signs over 30 feet in height,pole and monument signs over 100 square feet in sign area regardless of height,flag signs over 10 feet in height regardless of sign area and wall signs where it is determined the size and weight of the sign are factors on the structural integrity of the building or structure.Where special conditions exist for any type of sign,the building official is authorized to require additional construction documents to be prepared by a Washington State licensed engineer and/or special inspections if deemed necessary. (Ord. 13-010§3,2013;Ord. 12-013 § 1,2012;Ord.09-010§ 1,2009;Ord. 07-015 § 4,2007). 22.110.040 Number,general regulations for permitted permanent signs. A.Permitted permanent signs shall comply with the requirements of Table 22.110-1.No more than the maximum numbers of either freestanding pole signs or monument sign structures are allowed per parcel. Table 22.110-1—Location,Height and Copy Area Requirements Maximum Side Copy Copy Yard Permit Land Use Zoning District Number Copy Area Area Additional Provisions HeightSetback Required per (ft.) Area (ft2)/Lot (ft2)/Lot (ft.) Parcel (ft2) Frontage Frontage <100 ft. >100 ft. Attached Wall Signs Multifamily Complex All Zones Y One sign up to 20 sq.ft. Institutional' Residential Zones * * * n n n Y *25%of wall area Single Business Residential Zones 1 n a 60 n n a a s Y All Mixed Use and *25%of wall area per Nonresidential Nonresidential n a n'a n a/a Y building Zones Freestanding Signs Spokane Valley Municipal Code Page 3/8 Chapter 22.110 SIGN REGULATIONS Maximum Side Copy Copy Yard Permit Land Use Zoning District Number Copy Area Area Additional Provisions Height2 Setback Required per (ft) Area (ft)/Lot (ft2)/Lot (ft.) Parcel (ft2) Frontage Frontage <100 ft. >100 ft. Subdivision/Area *One per 200 ft.of Name/Multifamily All Zones 1* 10 32 n/a n/a n/a Y street frontage and 1 for Complex/Institutional' each additional 200 ft. or fraction thereof in Single Business Neighborhood 1 20 100 n/a n/a 5 Y nonresidential zones. Business(NC) Additional signs Multi-Business Complex Zones 1* 20 n/a 100 n/a 5 Y allowed on a multi-business complex Single Business 1* 30 n/a 100 200 5 Y site may all be Mixed Use and freestanding;additional Nonresidential signs allowed on a Multi-Business Complex Zones(except NC) 1* 40 250 n/a n/a 5 Y single business parcel shall be monument signs Nonresidential Freeway* All Nonresidential 1 50 250 na n/a 5 Y *Adjacent to I-90 only Zones Monument Signs , Subdivision/Area Name/Multifamily All Zones 1 10 32 n/a n/a n/a Y Complex/Institutional' *Per street frontage Single Business Neighborhood 1* 7 75 n/a n/a 5 Y Business(NC) Multi-Business Complex Zones 2* 7 90 n/a n/a 5 Y Single Business All Mixed Use and 2* 7 90 n/a n/a 5 Y Nonresidential *Per street frontage Multi-Business Complex Zones 2* 7 150 n/a n a 5 Y —111.1 Other Signs Directional All Zones n a n a 4 n/a n/a n a N Name Plates All Zones 1 n 4 n/a n/a n N 1. Institutional includes nonprofit,religious or public uses,such as a church,library,public or private school,hospital,or government owned or operated building,structure,or land used for public purposes. B. In addition to the permanent signs allowed pursuant to Table 22.110-1,a single decorative emblem(or standard) constructed of durable vinyl with a thickness of not less than 13 mil for every 50 feet of frontage shall be allowed.The lowest horizontal member of the bracket shall be located at a height of not less than seven feet above the adjacent grade. C. Where three or more single businesses agree to share a single sign structure,an additional 20 percent of copy area shall be allowed up to a maximum of 250 square feet. D. Off-Premises Directional Signs. It is the intent of this subsection to allow the limited placement of off-premises directional signs by co-locating on an existing conforming monument sign,freestanding sign,or building wall.A business placing this type of sign on an existing sign shall conform to the following criteria: 1.The business shall be located on a private easement or local access street; 2.The business and proposed sign shall be located in a commercial,office,industrial or mixed zone area; Spokane Valley Municipal Code Page 4/8 Chapter 22.110 SIGN REGULATIONS 3.Text shall be limited to the business name,logo,and a directional arrow and may include certain advancing language as"next right"; 4.The sign shall be located on the nearest collector or arterial.If a business has double frontage,staff will review this unique situation to determine if two directional signs are warranted; 5. Sign area shall be limited to 15 square feet.This shall not be construed to allow the on-premises sign to increase its sign area;and 6. If the business using an off-premises directional sign leaves its location,the business shall remove the sign within 60 days. 7.If the site has no existing signage or buildings,then a freestanding sign meeting the requirements above may be allowed. (Ord. 13-010§3,2013;Ord. 12-013 § 1,2012;Ord. 09-010§ 1,2009;Ord.07-015 §4,2007). 22.110.050 Temporary signs. Except as otherwise described under this section,no permit is necessary for temporary signs. A.Number of Temporary Signs.No more than two of the following signs shall be allowed at any one time for a use, except as permitted in subsection E of this section: 1. One banner;or 2. One reader board;or 3. One flag with copy;or 4.Any combination of the above,not to exceed a total of two signs. B. Each sign shall be limited to 32 square feet in size. C.Additional banners or temporary signs advertising a special event,sale,promotion,opening of a new business or a business under new management,including banners,balloons,pennants,flags with copy, streamers,searchlights and inflatables,are allowed by temporary permit for a period of time not to exceed 60 days a maximum of two times in any calendar year. D.Temporary signs shall not endanger the public safety and shall be removed or relocated if the building official determines that a sign is unsafe. E.A-Frame Signs.Each business will be allowed a maximum of one sandwich board or A-frame sign.These signs are in addition to other temporary signs allowed through subsections A and C of this section,and are subject to the following conditions: 1.Size.The area of the sign shall not exceed nine square feet per side in size and shall not exceed three feet in any dimension. 2.Maintenance Standards. Signs shall be constructed out of materials able to withstand extreme weather conditions. Such materials may be metal,finished wood,chalkboard,whiteboard or plastic. Signs and copy should be of professional quality.Permanent lettering for the business name and logo is required on the sandwich boards.Owners of sandwich board signs shall be required to keep their signs in an intact,reasonably legible,and well maintained manner. Sandwich boards are not well maintained if any part thereof is broken;letters or graphics are completely or partially missing or obstructed;or the legibility thereof has materially deteriorated. 3. Display Time.If the sign is displayed past daylight hours,precautions should be taken to place the sign in a lighted area.This shall not be construed to allow the wiring of a sign for lighting. 4. Location. Signs shall not be placed in a location which is within the clearview triangle,as defined in SVMC 22.70.020(C),or any other location which will impede vehicular traffic.Further,such signs shall not be placed in Spokane Valley Municipal Code Page 5/8 Chapter 22.110 SIGN REGULATIONS a manner which will block or otherwise obstruct the safe use of sidewalks,building entrances or stairs by pedestrians. F.Temporary on-premises commercial signs are allowed without permit when posted in conjunction with the alteration,construction,sale or lease of real property. Such signs shall not exceed 16 square feet in copy area or seven feet in height.All such signs shall be affixed to either the ground or a permanent structure by rope,wire,or a mechanical device. G.Open House/Directional Signage.A-frame signs may be used as open house/directional signs and shall be allowed on each access street to the property. Signs shall be placed so as not to interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic, shall be used only when the property is open for inspection,shall be unlit,and shall be limited in size to five square feet and limited in height to three feet above grade.(Ord. 13-010§3,2013;Ord. 12-013 § 1,2012;Ord.07-015 §4,2007). 22.110.060 General provisions applicable to all signs. A.All signs illuminated with exterior lighting shall have lighting confined to the sign,and positioned and shielded to minimize impacts to the surrounding area(s).Gooseneck reflectors and lights are permitted on permanent freestanding and wall signs;provided,that lighting or glare does not extend beyond the property line. B. Electronic signs shall be permitted on the same basis as other signs,subject to the requirements of Table 22.110-1. All electronic message centers(EMCs)are required to have automatic dimming capability that adjusts the brightness to the ambient light at all times of the day and night. Written documentation that the EMC is equipped with the automatic dimming device shall be submitted with the sign permit application. C.A roof-mounted sign may be substituted for an allowed freestanding sign;provided,that the height of the sign structure may not exceed the maximum height requirements of the zoning district in which the sign is located. D. Signs located within the airport hazard area shall conform to the location and height regulations set forth in SVMC 19.110.030,Airport Hazard Overlay. E.No sign shall be erected,relocated or maintained in a manner that prevents the free ingress or egress from any door, window or fire escape. F.No sign shall be attached to a standpipe or fire escape except official signs. G.Any sign erected or maintained within five feet of public rights-of-way shall be smooth and free of nails,tacks and wires. H.All signs shall be maintained in good repair pursuant to SVMC 22.110.110. I.No sign shall block the view of fire protection equipment from approach.(Ord. 13-010§3,2013;Ord. 12-013 § 1, 2012;Ord.07-015 §4,2007). 22.110.070 Comprehensive sign plan. Commercial development,shopping centers,industrial parks,mixed use developments,and hotel conference centers exceeding five acres in size may seek approval of a sign plan specific to the proposed development.The city manager or designee may approve a comprehensive sign plan that allows deviations from the strict interpretation of spacing, height and area requirements when the following is demonstrated: A.The plan provides adequate signage for all proposed uses; and B. The plan limits the number of freestanding sign structures;and C.The total copy area of all signage does not exceed the amount which would otherwise be permitted. Any conditions imposed to secure approvals shall be binding on the applicant,his successors and assigns. Modifications/amendments to the approved sign plan shall require reapplication and approval by the city manager or designee.If the applicant and city manager or designee cannot come to an agreement as to a comprehensive sign plan Spokane Valley Municipal Code Page 6/8 Chapter 22.110 SIGN REGULATIONS or a modification/amendment to the same,the city manager or designee's decision may be appealed to the hearing examiner pursuant to Chapter 17.90 SVMC.(Ord. 17-004§ 3,2017;Ord. 13-010§3,2013;Ord. 07-015 §4,2007). 22.110.080 Aesthetic corridors. A.The standards applicable to monument signs shown on Table 22.110-1 shall apply to parcels adjacent to aesthetic corridors designated in the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan: 1. State Route 27(16th Avenue south to City limits); 2. State Route 27(Mansfield Avenue to Trent Avenue); 3.Appleway Boulevard(south side only from Park Road to Dishman Mica Road); 4.Appleway Avenue(Barker Road to Hodges Road); 5.Dishman Mica Road(8th Avenue south to City limits); 6. 32nd Avenue within the City limits; 7.Mirabeau Parkway(Pines Road to Indiana Avenue). B. Only monument signs as shown on Table 22.110-1 shall be allowed with designated aesthetic corridors. (Ord. 13-010§3,2013;Ord.07-015 §4,2007). 22.110.090 Sign location and front setbacks. A.Monument signs exceeding three feet in height shall be set back 10 feet from the front property line and outside any border easement;provided,that the requirements of Chapter 22.70 SVMC,Fencing,Screening and Landscaping (clearview triangles),have been met. B.Freestanding signs with structural supports less than two feet in width,with copy area placed at a height of seven feet or more above grade,may be located at the property line;provided,that the requirements of Chapter 22.70 SVMC, Fencing,Screening and Landscaping(clearview triangles),of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code have been met. Freestanding signs with structural supports of more than two feet shall be set back not less than 10 feet from the front property line or border easement. C.All temporary signs,except inflatable signs, shall be located at least five feet from public rights-of-way. D. Inflatable signs shall be set back at least 10 feet from public rights-of-way. E.All signs shall meet the vertical and horizontal clearance requirements of electric utilities. F.All new freestanding signs shall comply with SVMC 22.70.030(J),Landscaping Requirements for Freestanding Signs.(Ord. 13-010§3,2013;Ord.07-015 §4,2007). 22.110.100 Sign area calculation. A. Sign area for wall signs shall be no more than 25 percent of the two-dimensional area of a building's elevation, excluding eaves and gables.Refer to Table 22.110-1. Figure 22.110-1 [/var/www/prod/WA/SpokaneV alley/htmI/htmI/htmI/htmI/htmI/htmI/htmI/htmI/htmI/htmI/html/images/spval2 not found] Figure 22.110-2 Spokane Valley Municipal Code Page 7/8 Chapter 22.110 SIGN REGULATIONS [/var/www/prod/WA/SpokaneV alley/htmllhtmllhtmllhtmllhtmllhtmllhtmllhtmllhtmllhtmllhtmllimages/spval2 not found] Figure 22.110-3 [/var/www/prod/WA/SpokaneV alley/htmllhtmllhtmllhtmllhtmllhtmllhtmllhtmllhtmllhtmllhtmllimages/spval2 not found] B.The sign area of a freestanding sign for a single business shall be calculated as shown in Figure 22.110-2.The sign area of a freestanding sign identifying multiple businesses shall be computed by adding together the total area(s)of all signs as shown in Figure 22.110-3.Refer to Table 22.110-1 for minimum and maximum height requirements. C.The sign area for multiple-sided signs shall be calculated as follows: 1.The total sign area for a two-sided sign shall be calculated using a single surface of a sign with messages on both sides; 2.The sign area for a three-sided sign shall be the sum of all surfaces where two or more signs share a single structure; 3.The gross surface area of both faces of a V-shaped sign; 4.The copy area of a monument sign. D.For irregularly shaped signs,the sign area is calculated by enclosing the extreme limits of the sign by no more than four rectangles.The sum of the area of the rectangles shall be the gross surface area.The maximum allowable area is reduced by 10 percent for the second and each subsequent rectangle used in the calculation,illustrated below. [/var/www/prod/WA/SpokaneV alley/html/html/html/html/html/html/html/html/html/html/html/images/spval2 not found] 1. Conventional Measurement.Total area=a times b. 2. Sum of Rectangles.Total area=(Area A+Area B+Area C+Area D).(Ord. 13-010§3,2013; Ord.07-015 § 4,2007). 22.110.110 Maintenance of signs. A.All signs shall be maintained in good repair.The city manager or designee shall have the authority to revoke any permit for signs that are tattered,torn,faded or otherwise in disrepair,and may require the removal of banners,flags, reader boards,pennants and streamers which are torn,discolored or in disrepair. B.All signage shall be maintained by the business owner,or person in possession of the property on which the sign is located.Maintenance shall be such that the signage continues to conform to the conditions imposed by the sign permit. C.Any damaged sign structure shall be repaired within 30 days of notice. D.Any signage which has been damaged to such extent that it may pose a hazard to passersby shall be repaired or removed within 48 hours of notice. E.Any abandoned sign shall be removed by and at the expense of the property owner within 60 days of notice. Spokane Valley Municipal Code Page 8/8 Chapter 22.110 SIGN REGULATIONS F.Any abandoned sign support structure shall be removed within 36 months by the owner or lessee of the premises upon which the sign is located.(Ord. 17-004§ 3,2017;Ord. 13-010§ 3,2013;Ord.07-015 §4,2007). 22.110.120 Existing nonconforming signs. Any permanent sign made nonconforming as a result of the adoption of these regulations may be repaired,but not structurally altered or made more nonconforming in any way.If the sign is removed in order to make repairs,it shall be replaced within 60 days,or any nonconforming rights are terminated.Thereafter,the sign shall conform to the requirements of this chapter. Notwithstanding other provisions of this section,any sign or signs for which a temporary permit has been issued by the City shall be permitted to remain at the location or locations authorized by the permit for as long as the permit is valid and all the requirements of the permit have been met. (Ord. 13-010§ 3,2013;Ord.07-015 §4,2007). 22.110.130 Billboards. A.New billboards shall be prohibited;provided,however,that existing billboards may be replaced at another location with a structure and copy area of equal or smaller size in mixed use and nonresidential zoning districts except(NC) Neighborhood Commercial zoning districts as follows: 1.Replacement billboards shall not exceed the height limit in the underlying zoning district,with a maximum height limit of 50 feet in any zone; 2.No replacement billboard shall exceed 672 square feet in copy area; 3.Any replacement billboard may not be placed less than five feet from the property line.No portion of the sign shall extend beyond the property line; 4.No billboard may be located within 1,000 feet of another billboard on the same side of the street.Any replacement billboard shall be offset from any billboard on the opposite side of the street by not less than 250 feet. Offset distance shall be measured from a point perpendicular to and along the alignment of the roadway; 5.The owner of the billboard shall file a complete inventory of all billboards located within the City,including date erected,height, size and location; 6.Issuance of a permit for billboard replacement shall be accompanied by a permit for the destruction or removal of the billboard to be replaced;and 7.Any billboard that is not replaced within five years following the issuance of a demolition/removal permit shall not be replaced. B.Replacement billboards shall not be permitted along designated aesthetic corridors.(Ord. 13-010§ 3,2013;Ord. 07-015 §4,2007). Spokane Valley Municipal Code Page 1/3 APPENDIX A DEFINITIONS APPENDIX A SIGN CODE DEFINITIONS A. General Provisions. 1.For the purpose of this code,certain words and terms are herein defined.The word"shall"is always mandatory. The word"may"is permissive, subject to the judgment of the person administering the code. 2. Words not defined herein shall be construed as defined in Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary. 3.The present tense includes the future,and the future the present. 4.The singular number includes the plural and the plural the singular. 5.Use of male designations shall also include female. B.Definitions. Sign:A visual communication device, structure,or fixture which is visible from any right-of-way and is intended to aid in promoting the sale of products,goods, services,events,or to identify a building using graphics,letters,figures, symbols,trademarks,or written copies. Sign types include: •Abandoned structure:A sign support structure upon which a sign is located when the advertised business is no longer conducted on the premises. •Banner:A temporary sign of lightweight material mounted to a pole or building. •Mural:A work of art applied directly to an exterior surface where forms and/or figures are the dominant elements and not containing any copy. •Name plate:A sign showing only the name and address of the owner or occupant of the premises. •Reader board:A sign face consisting of tracks to hold readily changeable letters allowing frequent changes of copy. •Sign:Any board,poster,placard,banner,flag,pennant,streamer,or similar structure,electronic or otherwise which is constructed,placed,attached,painted,or fastened in any manner for the purpose of attracting attention of the public to any place,person,entity,or business. •Sign,abandoned:A copy sign that advertises a product or service no longer available or a business no longer in operation;a sign which is illegible,in disrepair,or a safety hazard as a result of lack of maintenance;or a nonconforming sign that has lost its nonconforming rights. •Sign area:The gross surface area of the sign. •Sign,billboard:A structure for the purpose of leasing advertising space to promote an interest other than that of an individual,business,product,or service available on the premises on which the structure is located. •Sign,copy: Letters,characters,illustrations,logos,graphics,symbols,writing,or any combination thereof designed to communicate information of any kind or to advertise,announce,or identify a person,entity,business,business product,or to advertise the sale,rental,or lease of premises. •Sign,copy area:The area of the sign containing any copy, symbol, sign,logo,or graphic. •Sign,decorative emblem(or standard):A one-or two-sided sign,with or without copy,that is securely attached by grommets to the top and bottom of a mounting bracket attached to a permanently installed lighting fixture. •Sign,directional:Any sign relating solely to internal pedestrian and vehicular traffic circulation within a complex or project. Spokane Valley Municipal Code Page 2/3 APPENDIX A DEFINITIONS •Sign,electronic:A sign that can be changed by electrical,electronic,or computerized process; inclusive of video boards. •Sign,flashing:An electrical sign or portion thereof which changes light intensity in a brief,brilliant,or sudden and transient outburst of light causing a steady on and off,glittering,sparkling,or oscillating pattern. •Sign,freestanding:A permanent sign not attached to or forming part of a building. •Sign,freeway:A permanent,freestanding,on-premises sign or billboard located on a parcel adjacent and contiguous to Interstate Highway 90. •Sign,inflatable:Any temporary hollow item or character expanded or enlarged by the use of air or gas. •Sign,menu board:An on-site display of menu items at a restaurant;not meant to be viewed from the street. •Sign,monument:A sign and supporting structure constructed as a solid structure or one that gives the appearance of a continuous,nonhollow,unbroken mass. •Sign,multi-business complex:A sign with a primary facility name and a list of the individual stores or businesses mounted on one structural element. Such a sign type includes signage describing a mall arrangement,a strip-center development,an industrial park complex,or a multi-business structure or complex of buildings with a unifying name and listing of businesses contained within the grouping. •Sign,nonconforming:Any sign which was lawfully erected and maintained on private property which now,as a result of code amendments,does not conform to all applicable regulations and restrictions of the code. •Sign,notice:A sign intended to safeguard the premises(e.g.,"No Parking,""No Trespassing,""Watch Dog on Duty");or which identifies emergency telephone number,hours,and security information. •Sign,official:A sign erected by a governmental agency within its territorial jurisdiction for the purpose of carrying out an official duty or responsibility and including,but not limited to,traffic signs and signals,zoning signs,and street signs. Special lighting or banners celebrating seasonal or civic events sponsored and/or endorsed by the city council may be official signs. •Sign, off-premises:A sign which advertises or directs attention to a business,person,organization,activity,event, place,service,or product not principally located or primarily manufactured or sold on the premises on which the sign is located. •Sign, on-premises:A sign which advertises or directs attention to a business,person,organization,activity,event, place, service,or product which is manufactured and/or available on the premises where the sign is located. •Sign,permanent: Signs permanently affixed to a pole,monument,or building,including decorative emblems(or standards)affixed by rope,cords,wires,or mechanical devices. •Sign,pole:A permanent,freestanding sign supported wholly by a pole or poles permanently affixed to the ground and not attached to a building or structure. •Sign,POP—point of purchase:A sign relating to the place, such as a supermarket aisle or soda machine,where a decision to purchase is made. •Sign,portable:A sign not permanently attached or affixed to the ground or other permanent structure,or a sign designed to be transported or moved from place to place including,but not limited to,signs designed to be transported by means of skids or wheels,and including reader boards,and A-frame signs. •Sign,roof:A sign supported by and erected on or above a roof that does not meet the requirements of a wall sign. •Sign,support structure(s):Posts or columns and the anchors and bolts that structurally support the sign attached to it. Spokane Valley Municipal Code Page 3/3 APPENDIX A DEFINITIONS •Sign,temporary:Banners,pennants,flags,streamers,searchlights,inflatables, special event signage,or temporary on-premises commercial signs posted in conjunction with the alteration,construction,sale,or lease of real property. •Sign,three-sided:A sign with three faces. •Sign,two-sided:A sign with two faces. •Sign,wall(attached):A permanent sign attached or erected parallel to and extending not more than 15 inches from the facade or face of any building to which it is attached and supported throughout its entire length,with the exposed face of the sign parallel to the plane of said wall or facade. Signs incorporated into mansard roofs,marquees,or canopies are wall signs. •Wall area:The two-dimensional representation of a building elevation,including windows and doors,excluding eaves. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: October 10, 2019 Item: Check all that apply ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® study session ❑ pending legislation FILE NUMBER: N/A AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Planning Commission Rules of Procedure Update DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Periodic update of Planning Commission Rules of Procedures. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 18.10.030 BACKGROUND: The Spokane Valley Planning Commission was established in 2003 during the incorporation of the City. The original Commission was tasked with establishing Rules of Procedure. The Rules of Procedure state they should be reviewed in the odd numbered years for any necessary updates, or at any time the legal office feels it has a necessary change. The Rules of Procedure were adopted in 2005 and updated 2010, 2011 and 2012. Staff recommends that Planning Commission members review the current Planning Commission Rules of Procedure. A draft of suggested changes has been provided in the packet. These suggested changes will be discussed and any others which the Commission members feel should be updated. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: None at this time. STAFF CONTACT: Jenny Nickerson, Building Official ATTACHMENTS: 1. Revised Draft Planning Commission Rules of Procedure RPCA Study Session for CTA-2017-0003 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINCTON RESOLUTION NO. 12 006 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINCTON, ADOPTINC THE SPOKANE VALLEY PLANNINC COMMISSION RULES OF PROCEDURE, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATINC THERETO. WHEREAS, the provisions of Spokane Valley Municipal Code Section 18.10.030 establish the rules for the Spokane Valley Planning Commission and mandate that the Planning . - -- . .. .. . . procedures as arc neces-. . -- . . .. •-- , . .•- to the approval of the City Council; and WHEREAS,the Planning Commission Rules of Procedure were last revised by the Council on November 29, 2011. The Rules establish that they arc to be reviewed on the odd numbered years, but that upon the recommendation of the City Attorney, proposed changes may be brought forward as appropriate; and WHEREAS, on July 26, 2012, the Planning Commission's recommended revisions to the Rules of Procedure included inserting a code of ethics, providing clarification as indicated, and ensuring that the Rules reflect current practice. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington as follows: Section 1. Adoption of Spokane Valley Planning Commission Rules of Procedure. The Spokane Valley City Council hereby adopts the Spokane Valley Planning Commission Rules of Procedure dated **, 2012, which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2. All prior Planning Commission Rules of Procedure are repealed. Any previously adopted versions of the Planning Commission Rules of Procedure arc hcrcby repealed in their entirety. Section 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. Adopted this 30th day of October, 2012. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Thomas E. Towey, Mayor ATTEST: Approved as to form: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Office of the City Attorney Resolution 12 006 Adopting Planning Commission Rules of Procedure Page 1 of 9 City of Spokane Valley Planning Commission Rules of Procedure Adopted by Planning Commission 02-19-05 Revised by Resolution 10-004,2-09-2010 Revised by Resolution 11-010, 11-29-2011 Revised by Resolution 12-006, 10-30-2012 Revised by Resolution 19-XXX,DATE On July 26, 2012,DATE, these Rules of Procedure were adopted by the Planning Commission, pending approval of City Council. ORGANIZATION AND RULES OF PROCEDURE 1. Name The"City of Spokane Valley Planning Commission,"hereinafter referred to as the"Commission"is an advisory body created by the City Council for purposes consistent with chapter 18.10 of the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 18.10. 2. Location The Commission offices meetings are shall be heldlocated at the City Hall of the City of Spokane Valley.unless otherwise identified in the notice of meeting. 3. Officers Unless otherwise required by a vacancy in office, the Commission shall organize every year in accordance with SVMC chapter 18.10 SVMC. A. Officers of the Commission shall be elected from its membership;the officers shall be Chair and; Vice Chair_,and other appropriate officers that the Commission may choose to approve and appoint by majority vote. B. Commission members must have served at least one full calendar year to be eligible to be elected as an Officer. C. The Chair shall preside over the Commission meetings and exercise all powers incidental to the office,retaining however,the full right as a member of the Commission to propose motions,second motions,and have a vote recorded on all matters of the Commission. D. In the absence of the Chair from any meeting,the Vice-Chair shall perform all the duties incumbent upon the Chair,and retain the full right as a member of the Commission in the same manner as the Chair. 4. Secretary of the Commission A. The Director of the Community and Economic Development DcpartmcntCity Manager shall assign aor his/her designee shall serve as the.Secretary to the Commission. B. The Secretary shall provide for a recording of all Commission meetings, including public hearings and shall ensure that summary minutes of all public hearings and meetings are prepared,approved, and filed in the public record. C. The Secretary shallwill conduct and record a roll call of the Commission members at each meeting, public hearing and study session. Resolution 12 006 Adopting Planning Commission Rules of Procedure Page 2 of 9 5. Election of Officers A. Officers shall be elected at the first regular meeting in January of each year,by majority vote of the membership of the Commission. Terms of office shall run from the first January meeting until December 31,or until a successor has been elected.No Commission member shall serve more than two full consecutive terms as Chair of the Commission. No Commission member shall serve as Vice-Chair for more than two full consecutive terms. In the event that the Commission has no sitting Chair at the first regular meeting in January, the Vice-Chair will preside over the Commission until officers are elected.If at the first regular meeting in January, both the Chair and Vice-Chair are no longer Commission members,the Secretary will preside over the meeting until Officers are elected. B. A vacancy in either the Chair or Vice-Chair any office willshall be filled by a special election,to be held at a convenient time with a majority present. In the event that the office of Chair is vacated, the V ice-eChair shall serve in that capacity until the required special election is held. Any member of the Commission who has served for at list one full calendar year,is eligible to fill the vacancy. However,nNo member can hold two office positions concurrently. 6. Rules of Order The&Secretary shall serve as the official parliamentarian for all meetings and shall keep a copy of the most current"Robert's Rules of Order"in the Council Chambers during Commission meeting. -- - :- '• • - -- - ' . - . . -, Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of all public meetings of the Commission-except when they conflict with these Rules of Procedure. Quorum A quorum shall consist of four or more membersa majority of the Commission and no action can be taken in the absence of a quorum except to adjourn the meeting to a subsequent date. A quorum must be present for all meetings. 87.Voting A. The affirmative vote of a majority of those present shall be necessary for the adoption of any motion or other general matter. B. For the conduct of business dealing with matters which require adoption or changes to the City's Comprehensive Plan, or for the election of officers, at least four affirmative votes must be cast. Each member of the Commission is entitled to one vote. No proxy shall be allowed. Every eCommission member who was present when the question was is called; shall give his/her their vote. If any eCommission member refused to vote "aye" or"nay"their vote shall be counted as a nay vote unless the eCommission member has recused themselves due to actual or perceived appearance of a conflict of interest,which shall be so stated prior to the vote at hand. Abstentions are not permitted. C. No member may participate or vote on a matter unless the member has been in attendance at all public hearings regarding such matter,. or has listened to the recording of the public hearing and reviewed the written record of the matter in question. 98. Meetings A. There shall be at least one regular meeting each month with additional meetings scheduled as necessary, except when cancelled as noted below. Regular meetings shall be scheduled on the 21•1 i4 and 4t'Thursdays of the month, commencing at 6:00 p.m. and ending not later than 9:00 p.m. Resolution 12 006 Adopting Planning Commission Rules of Procedure Page 3 of 9 Meeting ending time maycan be extended by a majority vote of the Commission. Meetings may be used for general planning matters, study sessions or public hearings as described below. 1. Meetings on General Planning Matters. General planning matters to be reviewed by the Commission will typically be preceded by a study session of the Commission to discuss the issues with Community and Economic Public Works Development DcpartmcntCity staff. Generally,no testimony from the public shall be taken at a study session. 2. Public Hearing Meeting. A public hearing is a meeting to providecrmit the public an opportunity to comment or give testimony on a proposed action ore items wherein general business and public hearing items, such as the Comprehensive Plan or and development regulations are discussed and decided. The Commission may deliberate upon the item immediately after the hearing, or during another scheduled meeting(s). 3. Scheduled meetings may be canceled or convened at other times if deemed necessary by the Chair or, in the absence of the Chair, by the Vice-Chair. Notice of cancellation shall be given personally to Commission members,and to the public by posting a notice at City Hall and on the City's website. 4. The recommended order of business for meetings is: a. Call to order by Chair. b. Pledge of Allegiance. c. Roll call by Secretary. d. Approval of Agenda. e. Approval of minutes. f. Commission member reports. g. Administrative reports. Public comment. g.a.Commission mcmbcr reports. i. Commission business. i. Unfinished business ii. New business j. For the good of the order. k. Adjournment. B. Commission meetings shall be held pursuant toin accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act, RCW Cchapter 42.30 RCW. C. Special meetings and study sessions may be called: 1. By the request of the Chair, or, in the Chair's absence,by the Vice Chair. 21. By athe written request to the Chair, or in the Chair's absence, to the Vice-Chair, or by a e€ thfeemajority of the members of the Commission, or City staff. K. By approvedeed motion of the Commission. Resolution 12 006 Adopting Planning Commission Rules of Procedure Page 4 of 9 4. Notice of a special meeting shall be provided as required unElefpursuant to RCW 42.30.080, including posting notice of such meeting at least 24 hours before the time of such meeting as specified in the notice. 910. Conduct of Hearings A. Actions for a Commission Public Hearing. Prior to the start of the public hearing,the Chair may require that all persons wishing to be heard sign in with the Secretary, giving their names and addresscscity of residence, the agenda item, and whether they wish to speak as proponent, opponent, or otherwise. Any person who fails to sign in shall wait to speak until all those who have signed in have had an opportunity to speak and when they speak at the hearing, shall give their name and city of residence. At any public heard. The Chair, subject to concurrence by the majority of the Commission, may establish time limits and otherwise control presentations. Such limits shall be established and announced prior to beginning the hearing. The Chair may change the order of speakers so that testimony is heard in the most logical groupings,(i.e.,proponents,opponents,adjacent owners,vested interests,etc.). B. The Chair shall introduce each agenda item,open each public hearing,and announce the following Rules of Order: 1. All public comments by proponents,opponents, or the public shall be made from the speaker's rostrum and; shall be directed to the Commission., and aAny individual making comments shall first give his/her name and city of residenceaddress. This is required because an official recorded transcript of the public hearing is being made. 2. It is not necessary to be a proponent or opponent in order to speak. Those who are neither a proponent nor an opponent, should If you consider yourself neither a proponent nor opponent, please speak during the proponent portion and indicate that they are identify yourself as neither a proponent nor an opponent. 3. No comments shall be made from any other location, and anyone making "out of order" comments shall be subject to removal from the meeting as allowed by law. 4. We ask that there be no demonstrations, applause or other audience participation during or at the conclusion of anyone's presentation. It is distracting to the Commission and takes time away from the speakefsperson who is testifying.persons testifying. 5. Please limit your testimony to three minutcslthe time period established for testimony'. 6. These rules are intended to promote an orderly system of holding a public hearing and to give persons people an opportunity to be heard. C. When the Commission conducts a hearing to which the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine applies, the Chair (or in the absence of the Chair or in case of a potential violation by that individual, the Vice Chair) will ask if any Commission member knows of any reason which would require such member to excuse themselves pursuant to the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine. The form of the announcement shall be as follows: All Commission members should now give consideration as to whether they have: 1. A demonstrated bias or prejudice for or against any party to the proceedings; 2. A direct or indirect financial interest in the outcome of the proceeding; 3. A prejudgment of the issue prior to hearing the facts on the record, or Resolution 12 006 Adopting Planning Commission Rules of Procedure Page 5 of 9 4. Had ex parte contact with any individual, excluding staff, with regard to an issue prior to the hearing. Please refer to Section 14(B) for more specific information on how to proceed where there has been an ex parte communication. If any Commission member should answer in the affirmative,then the Commission members should state the reason for his/her answer so that the Chair may inquire of staff as to whether there is a conflict of interest pursuant toas„era v iolatior ofthe Appearance of Fairness Doctrine exists. CONDUCTING THE PUBLIC HEARING a. The Chair will announce the matter and open the public hearing stating the date and time. b. The Chair will allow staff to describe the matter under consideration and place the issue and any documents mattcm into the public record. c. The Chair will inquire as to whether Commission members have any questions of staff. If any Commission member has questions,the appropriate individual will be recalled. d. The Chair will allow proponents,opponents and the public to offer testimony and evidence on the pending matter. The Chair may allow Commission members to ask questions of any person at the conclusion of their testimony. e. At the conclusion of the public testimony, the Chair maywill ask staff if there is any additional information,testimony or evidence to submit for the record. f. The Chair will then either close or continue the public hearing and state the time for the record.- Additional testimony may not be requested or considered after the closing of the public hearing, however, the Chair may declare that the public hearing will remain open until a date certain for the purpose of receiving written testimony or materials. g. The Chair will inquire if there is a motion by any Commission member. If a motion is made, it shall be in the form of an affirmative motion. Affirmative motions are preferred to prevent"approval by default"of a failed negative motion. Following the motion and its second, discussion will occur among Commission members. h. The Chair will inquire if there is any further discussion by the Commission members. i. The Chair will inquire if there are any final comments or recommendations from staff. j. The Chair will inquire of the Commission members if they are ready for the question. k. The Chair will call for the vote on the motion and, following the vote, announce the outcome of the vote.- 1. The Chair may direct staff to prepare findings for approval. D. Pre-filing of testimony orevidence is encouraged and maybedelivered to theCommunityand . -- ' ` . .Cit staff in advance of a hearing. 119. Agenda, Staff Reports and Minutes for Regular Meetings. A. Typically, a copy of the agenda for every regular meeting of the Commission wills be sent to each member up to seven days prior to the date of the meeting. B. If available, sStaff reports will be sent to Commission members with the agenda. Agendas and staff reports will be made available to applicants and the public at the same time. 142. Minutes and Communications with the City Council. Resolution 12 006 Adopting Planning Commission Rules of Procedure Page 6 of 9 Minutes of all meetings shall be kept, and the complete files of proceedings and actions taken in connection therewith shall be considered the public record and filed with the City Clerk. The Secretary shall provide the Commission members with a set of minutes of the previous meeting. These minutes shall be considered for approval by the Commission at a regularly scheduled public meeting and; upon approval, shall become part of the official record of action of the Commission. Approved and signed minutes shall also be transmitted to the City Clerk_for the City Council. 123. Recording of Meetings Whenever possible, proceedings of all public hearings, meetings, study sessions and any special meetings shall be recorded and retained in accordance with the Washington State Archives Retention Schedule.- 134. Statement of Ethics / Code of Conduct A. Statement of Ethics. It is hereby recognized and established that high moral and ethical standards of Commission members are vital and essential to provide unbiased, open, and honest conduct within all phases and levels of government; that rules of ethics are helpful in guiding Commission members to eliminate or prevent actual or perceived conflicts of interest in public office, and to improve and elevate standards of public service so as to promote and strengthen the confidence, faith and trust of the people of the City of Spokane Valley in their local government. B. Interests in Contracts Prohibited; Exceptions. No Commission member shall be beneficially interested, directly or indirectly, in any contract which may be made by, through, or under the supervision or direction of any City of Spokane Valley Gi-t-y-employee, in whole or in substantial part,or which may be made for the benefit of his or her office, or accept, directly or indirectly, any compensation, gratuity or reward in connection with such contract from any person beneficially interested therein. The foregoing shall not apply to the exceptions specified in RCW 42.23.030,which are incorporated herein as if fully set forth. C. Conflicts of Interest 1. A Conflict of Interest includes: a. Engaging in a transaction or activity which impairs,or would to a reasonable person appear to impair, the Commission member's independence of judgment or action in the performance of their official duties; b. A Commission member having a financial or other private or personal interest in any matter upon which the member is required to act in the discharge of his or her official duties; c. A "Professional Conflict of Interest" includes any real or perceived conflict of interest caused by circumstances such as a Commission member's employment, past or present. Where the Commission member's employer or professional activity is only tangentially related to a matter before the Commission, recusal need not occur if the Commission member can reasonably conclude that the connection is; or was remote and inconsequential. If a Commission member is required to refrain from deliberation or participation by his/her employer because of a real or perceived conflict of interest, then the Commission member will be allowed to recuse or withdraw from that deliberation. 2. Conflict of Interest Procedure: Every Commission member who has a conflict of interest shall publicly disclose the conflict at the next Commission meeting after the Commission member Resolution 12 006 Adopting Planning Commission Rules of Procedure Page 7 of 9 discovers the conflict. If a discovery or determination of a conflict is made during a Commission meeting,the Commission member shall publicly disclose the conflict at that time. The nature and extent of such conflict of interest shall be fully disclosed,and a summary of the same shall be incorporated into the official minutes of the Commission proceedings. If a Commission member feels that they cannot be unbiased because of any conflict of interest, the Commission member shall recuse themselves from further proceedings on the issue. Such Commission member shall make a public statement disclosing the reasons why the Commission member believes they are disqualified, and state they are recusing themselves from the issue. The disqualified Commission member will then leave the Council Chambers until such time as the issue at hand has been disposed of in the regular course of business. If there are other matters on the agenda, then the disqualified Commission member must return to the Council Chambers to participate in the other matters as soon as the Commission ends discussion of the matter in which the disqualified Commission member has a conflict of interest. D. Other Prohibited Acts. Commission members are prohibited from: 1. Acting in a manner which would result in neglect of duty,misfeasance or malfeasance in office. 2. Acting in a manner that intentionally disrupts Commission meetings. 3. Missing three or more consecutive, regularly scheduled meetings or study sessions without such absences being excused by the Commission. The Commission recognizes that consistent and regular attendance of meetings by all members is integral to fulfilling the purpose of the Planning Commission. All members should strive to attend all meetings and keep absences to an absolute minimum. If a member is absent, then after roll call by the Secretary, the Chair shall inform the Commission of the member's absence, state the reason for such absence,and inquire if there is any objection to excusing the member. If there is an objection,the Presiding Officer shall make a motion to excuse the member. If the motion is seconded, a vote shall be taken, and the outcome of the vote shall determine whether the member shall be considered excused. If there is no objection,or a motion to excuse the member is not seconded after an objection was made, then the member shall be deemed excused. If the Chair finds that the Commission has inadequate information to determine whether the absent member should be excused, and the person is not present, then the Chair should defer any determination of whether to excuse the member pending receipt of more information. A Commission member's absence is excused if they have recused themselves from a matter that is being discussed during the meeting, and the recusal is due to an actual or perceived conflict of interest. The official minutes for each meeting shall include a running tally of the attendance for the current calendar year for each Commission member, including the number of excused and uncxcuscd absences. 4. Using his or her position to secure special privileges or exemptions for himself, herself, or others. 5. Directly or indirectly receiving, accepting,taking, seeking, or soliciting anything of economic value regardless of the amount, as a gift,gratuity, or favor. 6. Engaging in or accepting private employment or rendering services for any person or engaging in any business or professional activity when such employment, service or activity is incompatible with the proper and faithful discharge of his/her official duties as a Commission Resolution 12 006 Adopting Planning Commission Rules of Procedure Page 8 of 9 member, or when it would require or induce the Commission member to disclose confidential information acquired by reason of such official position. 7. Disclosing confidential information gained by reason of his or her membership on the Commission or using such information for his or her personal gain or benefit. 8. Engaging in any meeting that violates the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA). The OPMA strictly forbids any meeting of a quorum of the Commission during which any City business is discussed. The OPMA provides that Commissioners may: a. meet informally in less than a quorum and discuss City business, and b. meet in a quorum if City business is not discussed. However, Commissioners are encouraged to be mindful that such meetings risk creating the appearance of a violation of the OPMA and such meetings should be avoided. 145. Appearance of Fairness A. The Commission shall adhere to the applicable requirements of the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine, RCW Cchapter 42.36 RCW. B. During the pendency of any quasi-judicial proceeding,no Commission member may engage in ex parte communications with proponents or opponents about any proposal involved in the pending proceeding,unless the Commission member : 1. The Commission member places on the record the substance of such oral or written communications; and 2. The Commission member provided that a public announcement of the content of the communication and of the parties' right to rebut the substance of the communication shall-be made at each hearing where action is taken or considered on the subject. This does not prohibit correspondence between a citizen and Commission members if the correspondence is made part of the record,when it pertains to the subject matter of a quasi-judicial proceeding. (RCW 42.36.060) 156. Review of These Rules of Procedure The Commission shall review these rules of procedure on the first anniversary of their adoption and the odd numbered years thereafter. Proposed changes upon the recommendation of the City Attorney may be brought forward as appropriate. Any amendments identified by the Commission or the City Attorney shall be forwarded to the City Council for review and ratification. Resolution 12 006 Adopting Planning Commission Rules of Procedure Page 9 of 9 SkiIc* Valley AESTHETIC CORRIDOR SIGN REGULATIONS CTA-2019-0003 Planning Commission Meeting October 10, 2019 Aesthetic Corridor Standards Issue: No other SVMC 22. 1 10.080 (Current Standards) sign types allowed. A. The standards applicable to monument signs shown on Table 22. 110- 1 shall apply to parcels adjacent to aesthetic corridors. designated in the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan. 1 . State Route 27 ( 16th Avenue south to City limits); 2. State Route 27 (Mansfield Avenue to Trent Avenue); 3. Appleway Boulevard (south side only from Park Road to Dishman Mica Road); 4. Appleway Avenue (Barker Road to Hodges Road); 5. Dishman Mica Road (8th Avenue south to City limits); 6. 32nd Avenue within the City limits; 7. Mirab ' . yr .y ' ones Road to Indiana Avenue). '. •nly monument signs as shown on Table 22. 110- 1 shall be allowed with designated sthetic corridors. Aesthetic Corridor Standards Monument Sign Standards Only signage currently SVMC 22. 1 10.080 (Current Standards) allowed in Aesthetic Corridors Maximum A. The standards 'Side Copy copy applicable to monument Zoning Number Copy Area Area Yard Permit Additional Land Use Height signs shown on Table District per Area z (&)/Lot (ft }/Lot Setback Required Provisions 22.110- 1 shall apply to Parcel (ft2) Frontage Frontag parcels adjacent to 1oatt. >hooft. .. _ . aesthetic corridors Monument Signs designated in the Subdivision/Area Spokane Valley Name/Muitifam"ly All Zones 1 0 32 n a nra n/a Y Comprehensive Plan: Complex/Institutional' *Per street Single Business Neighborhood 1* 7 75 n/a rira 5 y frontage B. Only monument signs Multi Business Business(NC) as shown on Table Complex Zones 2* 7 96 n/a rca - r 22.110- 1 shall be Single Business All Mixed Use 2* 7 90 n/a Ilia 5 Y allowed with designated and *Per street aesthetic corridors. Multi-Business Nonresidential 2* frontage 7 150 n!a a'a Y Complex Zones Monument Sign Definition and Examples 7271 7-77- Definition: A sign - ; !,'{ "ia • Front Rand SRI* %'1i ;_- and supporting __ structure i `-- - y _ -- Joseph Konrad constructed as a ,, qIC� Bobby DoddAntigaes _ _ MILIAN'SAntigua,INC -qk solid structure orF0 _ Designer Rugs LTD one that gives the . 10 , • 4, appearance of a - ,, � continuous, P. P nonhollow, a Cl LANCER unbroken mass. - ----:.c Aesthetic Corridor Standards SVMC 22. 1 10.080 ( Proposed Standards) The standards applicable to wall mounted and monument signs shown ein Table 22. 110- 1 shall apply to parcels adjacent to the aesthetic corridors identified below. dcsignatcd in the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan. Other signage types are not allowed. Areas within the aesthetic corridor include: 1 . State Route 27 ( 16th Avenue south to City limits); 2. State Route 27 (Mansfield Avenue to Trent Avenue); 3. Appleway Boulevard (south side only from Park Road to Dishman Mica Road); 4. Appleway Avenue (Barker Road to Hodges Road); 5. Dishman Mica Road (8th Avenue south to City limits); 6. 32nd Avenue within the City limits; 7. Mirabeau Parkway (Pines Road to Indiana Avenue). B. Only monument signs as shown on Table 22. 110- 1 shall b signated acsthctic corridors. Aesthetic Corridor Standards Wall Sign Standards Additional signage proposed SVMC 22. 1 10.080 ( Proposed) in the Aesthetic Corridors Maximum In addition to Copy Copy Side Monument Signs Wall Zoning Number Copy Area Area Yard Permit Additional Land Use Height District per Area (&)/Lot (ft2}/Lot Setback Required Provisions ( ' signs would be g ft. Parcel (ftp) Frontage Fronts ( ) 100 ft. >100 ft. allowed indicated by •• •• 1 Attached Wall Signs the zoning district. One sign up A lultifam-ly Compmex All Zones .. o20sq.ft. Res.ce^_ial *25%of wall Institut onal1 a ora nia Y Zones area Resice^=ial Single Business 1 •'a ir,;, -:a c/a iia v Zones All Mixed'Use *25%of wall and Nonresidential - Y area per Nonresider:ia building Zones Wall Sign Definition and Examples --,„...... ei_imitimi _iii Definition: A permanent ' sign attached or erected SPOKANEJ Mechanics Pride parallel to and extending AL r" �trot �, inc' not more than 15 inches y�- from the facade or facer - 0 of any building to which it — 114 - , is attached and ' ' s-- supported throughout its entire length, with the 4 exposed face of the signvolooiTOYOTA parallel to the plane of = - - 1411110,4, 009 tiini said wall or facade. Signs ..-- ,itior I incorporated intooptiN Naw ,; mansard roofs, marquees, 7808 - or canopies are walldarialli i signs. 1 ill! i® � .�-•fir - . FreestandingSigns Not Allowed in Aesthetic Corridor ANL Definitions: $ 4 4 Freestanding Sign: A ____, _________Agr �' SIGN permanent sign not - — McbOn ia.s -- attached to or forming l i,!f�'J�1V„� deaf 1gUto Sales 'l� MC�V' i---- part of a buildinge�°'�g,3 f' Pole Sign: A permanent, E C� ; , ` £ 1ire freestanding sign Opera! � 1 fi '- ML! OIL CSI 0 _ • supported wholly by a z nips• - pole or poles permanently 3ennifersCars.caln BA affixed to the ground and - .lf SIGH .'I e. w— H�R not attached to a building _,, i 1 I.% I t B2 : l gety , � or structure. ,,W,L., � !'� R -.�. Aesthetic Corridor Areas SR 27- 16th Ave south to City limits SVMC 22. 110.080 - _ SR 27 - Mansfield Ave to Trent Ave N mr ° Appleway Blvd - Park Rd to Dishman l .�PI__ M _* Mica Rd (south side only) ' ___ P w diagiontrip ■■I 'f -- - Appleway Avenue - Barker Rd to NEW n :1 IIA __ � � ���, . lama .iim Epp i tjilt.% arm:. ■ 1= I+" 761ll' _ Hodges Rd idgi I ,,,Ar-:::.....,, - Dm �� -= t Dishman Mica Rd - 8th Ave south to Gransomisn'Ms I1 .� ■ �— .---- ft ■: �_■•� --_ 1 Citylimits I iv* 0466_1=411-• tikiRrairferar ------■■. -. 32nd Ave within the Citylimits ---1r►.. `'i Ta Legend s-Idtp �hlIIU 1 -Aesthetic Corridors + VP" Zoning Mirabeau Parkway - Pines Rd to }` p I ,21 Ni, %//�/ R1 iii �i R2 � I � EdR3 Indiana Ave I I . I EN POS —MF Aesthetic Corridor Areas SR 27- 16th Ave south to City limits SVMC 22. 1 10.080 i SR 27 - Mansfield Ave to Trent Ave - Aesthetic Corridors NC Appleway Blvd - Park Rd to Dishman Zoning R1 MU CMU Mica Rd (south side only) R2 - RC - R3 IMU Appleway Avenue - Barker Rd to � POS I MF Hodges Rd Dishman Mica Rd - 8th Ave south to City limits India Ila l'im 32nd Ave within the City limits ,imj __- _. A Mirabeau Parkway - Pines Rd to m0Indiana Ave fti Aesthetic Corridor Areas SR 27- 16th Ave south to City limits SVMC 22. 110.080 SR 27 - Mansfield Ave to Trent Ave iA Appleway Blvd - Park Rd to Dishman Mica Rdsouth side only)y) 1 Appleway Avenue - Barker Rd to " Hodges Rd . Ha , . .. ll 1. Iii 11 Dishman Mica Rd - 8th Ave south to �.� - 1 City limits Aesthetic Corridors NC Z - - Zoning MU 32nd Ave within the City limits R1 CMU I� 3 Mu 21)1 - 'W ` . I Mirabeau Parkway - Pines Rd to 16 POS i ' u I Indiana Ave 1 MF - + • Aesthetic Corridor Area i SR 27- 16th Ave south to City limits SVMC 22. 110.080 SR 27 - Mansfield Ave to Trent Ave ■■ ■ :; �M 1 1=E. , __— 11 - Appleway Blvd - Park Rd to Dishman wri� \,) i�■� 1.1 Mica Rd (south side only) ■■■.■■ _ - O I L I J _ I _ip d....rtw, ■ Appleway Avenue - Barker Rd to --.'..,, :. litEdffl: a i 25th :4.� � Hodges Rd .,,:,.... mir . ..-�I - — Dishman Mica Rd - 8th Ave south to • _ -II ' 1� - -- ,- A _ City limits K I ''' LSAve 1 illi „id.- . I - '�1( ii Aesthetic Corridors 1 32nd Ave within the City limits lix _—! ' Zoning i % ��Mu // R1 - CMU - � _air in i- R2 RC Mirabeau Parkway Pines Rd to i .,,fir i R3 - IMU Indiana Ave POS ! 1 -1I r J MF —. I 1 D= :''— ;..