Resolution 19-014 relinquishes CDBG set-aside CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 19-014 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, RELINQUISHING SPOKANE VALLEY'S 2020 AND 2021 AVAILABLE SET-ASIDE PORTION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING (CDBG);AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, pursuant to Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Fair Housing Act, Section 109 of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 and other applicable laws, Spokane County is anticipated to receive Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for federal fiscal years 2020 and 2021; and WHEREAS, the City of Spokane Valley (City) and Spokane County (County) have entered into a Cooperation Agreement, in accordance with the State Interlocal Cooperation Act, RCW 39.34 to plan for and administer the CDBG Program and the HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME); and WHEREAS, the County has established a set-aside of twenty percent of available annually allocated CDBG funds for the City for the purpose of eligible and allowable infrastructure improvements within the City meeting federal national objectives and consolidated plan priorities (the"City set-aside"); and WHEREAS, infrastructure improvements include assisting eligible low and very low-income homeowners with Capital Facilities Rate (Assessments)and side-sewer connection(Connection) charges; and WHEREAS, the County has previously managed a program that utilized CDBG funds to assist eligible low and very low-income homeowners with Assessment and Connection charges; and WHEREAS,there are properties within the City that use septic tanks for sewage disposal; and WHEREAS, it would benefit the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the City to reduce the number of residents in the City relying on septic tanks for sewage disposal; and WHEREAS, the City desires to cooperate with and assist the County on a project known as Barker Road Homes, under which the County intends to install sewer utilities and road improvements within a certain area within the City; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to relinquish the City set-aside for 2020 and 2021 program years only so that such funds may be used by the County to provide eligible low and very low-income assistance with Assessment and Connection charges on the Barker Road Homes project. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington,that: The City hereby relinquishes the City set-aside of CDBG funds for 2020 and 2021 program years only. The City understands that such funds may be used by the County to assist eligible low and very low- income homeowners with Assessment and Connection charges on the Barker Road Homes project. The City understands that if, after assistance for the Assessment and Connection charges with the Barker Resolution 19-014 CDBG Page 1 of 2 Road Homes project,there are additional funds from the City's set-aside, such funds may be allocated to other projects within the County as recommended by the Community Services Advisory Board. Adopted this 15th day of October, 2019. CITY F SPOKANF VALLEY r qp jo L.R.nig, . 61. . ATTEST: 7. ,,,, z/ (-_, ,„...,- -A\--, tif* -2%1::&-LV Christine Bainbridge, City Clerlt . Approved as to Form: C i . / i Office the Ci': A. .rney Resolution 19-014 CDBG Page 2 of 2