2009, 01-26 Special Study Session MinutesAttendance: Councilmembers January 26, 2009 Rich Munson, Mayor Dick Denenny, Deputy Mayor Rose Dempsey, Councilmember Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Steve Taylor, Councilmember Diana Wilhite, Councilmember Mayor Munson opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. MINUTES SPECIAL STUDY SESSION MEETING SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL Spokane Valley City Hall Spokane Valley, Washington Staff 6:00 p.m. Dave Mercier, City Manager Mike Jackson, Deputy City Manager Kathy McClung, Community Develop. Dir. Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner Lori Barlow, Associate Planner Carolbelle Branch, Public Information officer Chris Bainbridge City Clerk 1. Sprague- Appleway Revitalization Plan — Scott Kuhta Planner Kuhta explained that the discussion on pre- located streets will be postponed as the legal department continues their research; and said that tonight's meeting will focus on the three remaining chapters: Parking, Signs, and Architectural Standards. Mr. Kuhta reviewed the decisions made during the January 12 and January 13 meetings, and said staff is still working on a more succinct definition of "high quality" concerning the bars and nightclubs. Parking: Mr. Kuhta reviewed the parking standards provisions, and said that no specific comments were received from the public concerning parking. Mr. Kuhta also reviewed the proposed revisions for shared parking as he said there is nothing in the code that explains that now. "2.4.2 Parking Standards: 1) Provisions iii) For use categories where shared parking is required, parking facilities shall remain open for non - exclusive, public use. iv) Minimum parking requirements may be reduced in developments where it can be demonstrated that shared parking facilities will meet parking demand without providing separate facilities for each use. Mixed use developments are eligible to be considered for reductions in the minimum parking requirements with an approved parking demand analysis prepared by the applicant. . Mixed use projects will be evaluated on a case -by -case basis by the Community development director /designee." Mr. Kuhta reviewed the hierarchy of access shown on pages 8 of 10, mentioned curb cuts were reviewed by our development engineers but that he has not received any feedback from that review yet; and said he recommends after reviewing these in more detail, that staff look at the Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) as the requirements for landscaping, as he explained it makes more sense to refer to the Code as it is more detailed and easier to administer. Deputy Mayor Denenny said he would like to see a comparison of the Code and the Plan's requirements, and he asked that staff and council might explore whether core parking requirements should perhaps be different from other areas. Mayor Munson asked about lighting and Mr. Kuhta said lighting requirements are mixed throughout the chapter; and said he Council Meeting Minutes: 01 -26 -09 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council: 02 -10 -09 will bring those requirements and comparisons back to Council as well and again mentioned that the Code contains more specific language. Signage: Mr. Kuhta said the three main issues of signage, which differ slightly from the SVMC include: 1 Billboards not being permitted: there is no off - premise advertising; and the sizing restrictions actually restrict billboards without using the language that no billboards are permitted. 2 Electronic signs are only permitted in the gateway commercial zones (page 2 of 36): Mr. Kuhta said this will be further examined in the auto zone; at which point Councilmember Wilhite said she would like an exact definition of electronic signs, including video boards. Councilmember Gothmann said he would like to also address animated signs and where those might or might not be permitted. 3 Total amount of building mounted signage based upon lineal frontage ratio (2 of 36). There was discussion about the billboards currently along Sprague being grandfathered in; that electronic signs would not be allowed unless in the gateway commercial area; the proposal of not allowing electronic signs anywhere in the corridor except gateway commercial; discussion of different types of electronic signs like gas stations, or those which only change the numbers, or only change the letters, and discussion on what type to allow where; of setbacks and not allowing off - premise advertising; that electronic signs would be allowed on building faces; that time and temperature signs are allowed as an exception; and that Mayor Munson, and Councilmembers Gothmann, Dempsey and Wilhite agree that scrolling -type electronic signs should be allowed; but Deputy Mayor Denenny said that needs to be examined further as he doesn't want large flashing signs that inhibit walking or accessibility in the city center. Concerning advertising multiple businesses, Mr. Kuhta said he will research that. Councilmember Taylor asked about the issues connected with electronic signs, whether it would be the intensity of the lights, or on a more subjective basis like aesthesis. Councilmember Gothmann agreed the intensity of electronic signs should be addressed, and Council determined they would like examples of what would be allowed or not allowed in any area so that developers could make informed signage decisions. Mr. Kuhta said he will also research a definition for animation. There was discussion on the edits contained on page 4 of 36, and Mr. Kuhta confirmed that page 4A will have a reference to the municipal code. Mr. Kuhta also brought council's attention to figure 2.6, and said he is not sure why a grand projecting sign would not be permitted (page 7 of 36). Portable menu signs were also discussed (top of page 15), and Councilmember Wilhite questioned why retail stores would not be allowed to have portable menu signs. Mr. Kuhta mentioned he will re- examine numbers i) and ii) under a) Standards; and there was further discussion on A- frame, sandwich boards signs and whether to allow then closer to the curb or the building, and of the idea of allowing sandwich boards in the Core area, and that it could always be changed later. There was also discussion on what actually is and is not a sign, with mention that the definition covered in the SVMC should suffice. Mayor Munson called for a short break at 7:15 p.m., and reconvened the meeting at 7:25 p.m. Mr. Kuhta brought Council's attention to the slide explaining the "Lineal Frontage Ratio" and of page 7 of 36; and Mayor Munson said that this topic would be a good topic to have some "what -ifs" to explain this concept. Council recommended removing that they have to be mounted below the second floor; and it was decided that staff will re - write page 2 of 36 under standards #8 as that language is confusing. Mr. Kuhta said future discussion will include electronic signs and whether to allow billboards, and said staff will ensure the public will be made aware of these proposals and be made aware these are being considered. Mr. Kuhta said he would have to research to see if inflatables are allowed in auto row and said he is not sure why we would regulate the Gateway Avenue different from the Centers. Freestanding pole signs were discussed and Councilmember Wilhite said she can discuss this with the franchisees later. Mr. Kuhta added that Council could require monument signs to be standard or not, and reminded Council Council Meeting Minutes: 01 -26 -09 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: 02 -10 -09 that the "guidelines" are not enforceable; and regarding monument signs, there was Council consensus to change the 4 feet residential boulevard height requirement to 7 feet . For the future sign discussion, Mr. Kuhta said he will bring pictures of the different types to aid the discussion in where types of signs should be or should not be permitted, how often an electronic sign should change, brightness, measuring impact, aesthesis, and subjective interpretation. Architectural Regulations: Mr. Kuhta again reminded Council that most of what is written are guidelines, which cannot be enforced; as the standards are the only things we can enforce. Mr. Kuhta explained the handout on "Massing and Composition" and the District Zones Charts, with the examples of mixed use avenue versus neighborhood center; and asked if Council sees any guideline that should be moved to standards, to please bring that to staff's attention; and said some projects are in progress, and as Council moves closer to adopting this plan, the idea of having a grace period might also be considered. Mayor Munson asked Council to think about holding additional meetings, and said that perhaps after the February 3 meeting, it can be determined how many more meetings might be needed. There being no further business, Mayor Munson adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m. ATTES Christine Bainbridge, ity Clerk Council Meeting Minutes: 01 -26 -09 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council: 02 -10 -09