5839359 STV-01-07 r 1 ��I�5120�19 1�0 47' .1� AM 583���� Recard�ng Fee $6B �0 Page 1 0� i Or+d x nance C I�Y OF SPt7KqNE V�RL.L.EY Spafcane County Washington �--I I .e����s�: �City �lerk �ity v� Spa�Ca�� Va��ey ��7 �r�Sfi SpTt`��Ll� ►�'LU.�P �,'Q�7 ��0>�C�1� ����E��, �'OV�'1' ►sl���f �[1CL11meIl� 7'lt��: [��nv�avc� 48-� 1 S��ET ����TTO� Nrxmbe�ls� �f Relat�d D�o��rn�n�s: aT'°L�'-a�.-�7 aad B�A-��-09 Gr�ntor: City af Spak�e Va11�� G�aat�e�'s�; T'�Qm�� ��rnilton �d �]ave Th�mpsDn L��a� �]►��criptia�: C�u�te� �E Sec�ian Z� T���hi� �,5 Ra�ge 44 �(��e attache� �ew 1���� �lesc��p��o�} �1� ��s�s��r's '�"a�. Farcel II] N�a��e��s�: 45�� 1.�1�Q�, 45�11.��.�2, 45Z11.Q1Q3, 45Z1 �.�1�4, 45�� 1.Q1U5, 45�� 45�11,�Q1�(� and 45Z� .oi�� _,t i ij i 1 d �i'�'Y S�' VA�L�Y ����E �l.i rJl■ 1 j ���i.LJ1\ .L �l■ o��r�.�vc� N�. �s-o�� c�� cx� �F s��� v�L��, s��� c��r� ��s���r��, ��a►v��r� ��u �r�.���Y�� v� �a����� c�� ���Y ���c���� s�uurrr� s���� �v�� ����r� �,�r� WES� [)F PIN�S Rt�A�3 ���°YVL�E�N P'.�t�EL NQS. 452I�.�A��, 452I,1..�I��, ��,�Z�.��a� �J�Y�.'0�.'�}� �J�Z��.d��� N���'� 45�1T.i�I1�, �����.UI��, �NA 45�I1.�1�.�5 'I'(� �QTJTH, A.� �'R��]�T+� �'dR ��R N��i�'�'�R.S ��t�3P�:�Y �tELAT�� TI�E��'C3, ��A�S, t�.� �ity �o�n�� �y �esa�uti�n +�8�-fl04 �i�ia�ed vac�ti�n praceedi��� fc�r a portio� �f a.n aZley ��PPr��ateT� 5'x 3(l�'} 1oc�.t�d svuth of �prague �a.ve�ue; n�rth af A�enue; �d we�� of P�e� �.oad {�R-��) �c� ��nc��rently �edacati�g rig�t-of-�v�y for �e �u�ase �f r�aligr�i�g �he �I��;y appr�xim.ate�,y 26 ��e� s�utb �a� t�.l�� �xis�in� 1QCati�a� {S� V-d1-Q7) 1�� pravi�.ing �ha� a h�arin� o� �,e g�ropc�sal u��uid b� held be�are �h� I'�ar�a�,g �o�miss�o� o� Ma�r S, �(��8; �d �iV�i�R��.S, a�om��et�d applic�.t��an f�� va�a�a��z was fi�ed an �e��a.a.�yy 20�7; a�ad �REAS, �.e �'�a�n� �a�.a.�nissia� h�Id �ublic he�i.z�� ❑n �T�y 8, 2(��5; �.n�. �R,EAS, fQl��ou��g a�a�ari�g, �ie P�annill� �omm�ssi�n fau..�..d fitr.at notice �d he�ring z o��ie applrcab�� Spa��ne Va.X��y M�.nicip�,� C�d� ig �ie �"ar�ne� s�ctiv� 1 a.�5.��a-31 hav� been �net; and ��AS, �e P�a�ti.�g ����ss�on f�dings a�dlcrr mi.��tes �,�ve fTled w��a �h� City C��rk as part �ft�e pub�ic r�c�rd� su�par�ing �ae �a��ati�a�; a�d ��:E�AS, �v�e �f �.e prc�p�r�r a��rs �.bu��g tb.� prop�r �y tv be �a�a��d �ile�i wri�en ub� ec�i��. to the p����se�. t�a.��.�ion wi� �e �City �1erk; �.d �R�A�, ��rmu�h �c�Qp�ed �i�y ��d� p�avisians, the �z�y s�all �rovi�e �a� �i� �acate�. p�aper� 1�e ir�n�feared th� a'�ut��ag pr�p�r� owner�, ane-h�.�' each, unless c�r�umst�aac�s re��.ire a d�fferent �d�vis�c�au o� p�oper�y; �hat fihe �anir�g dis� �e��g�at�o� a�' �he pr�pe�t�es adj ainin� ea.�h sid� of #�ze stree� sh�X1 a�ach tv the v�.c��ed p�ro��rt�; �a� a�ec���d af sr�rvey �ha�� be su�m�t�ed �to #�e ��rec��r �Communi�y ��vel�pm��t, and th�� a��. c�irec� �d i�dir�et c�s�s of t�tle fr�sfer ��o �e vaca�ed �lreet b� paid by th� �r�p�nent �r �ecip���t af �ie �rar�sf���d prap�rty; and W�R�.�.S, �ae pro�o��nt sk�a�1 dedica.te f�r rigk�°�-Qf-vaay purposes a ZQ fvot wide appr�xim���ly 30d �eet i�.1��.g�h ar�a ��s dep�c�ed in a�tachmen#� ��ar the �e-es�a��isF�e�� o�th� a.11e� ��prv�c.aat�ly �e�t souf.� of its p� xoc�.�io�., an�. �I��EA�, �hhe �i�y ���ci1 de�a�e� �v vacate tfie ��t��e s�e��s gursua�t �a Spuk�e Val�ey ��icipa� �od� former Sect�or�s YQ.05.��D .384. N�W, '��ERE�`��, ��ty �aunciZ a� th� �x� Sp���nn� SVa��ey, �p��ane ��u�..ty, �'as���c��., da arda�n as �`v���ws: �ec�io� �'indi�,�� a�' �a�t. "�"he C�t� �our��i1 z�aa��s �h� �oT�o�ng fznda�ng� of fact: l. �'�e �i� Counc�l set the May� S, �0�8 p�.b�zc he�i�g d��� at �e� Ma�ch 25, �n[]g mee�i�g t�ou� a�.fl�t�an Qf �es�lution IrT�, �l�-�04. No�i�e of �he �eari�g was publish�d an Apz�� I i F I 1 t 4i 9 8, ��Q� ir� #he �a�l��r �e� t,�� �a�'icial newspaper of G�ty, was ��st�d i� t� cv�,spicu�us lacat�.ar�s with2n �e �ity, �as p� ta th� pe�i�iaa�e�s at��. ab�a#ing proper� owr�ers, and a�ig� wa� ���ced o�. prope� gro�ir�u�.g r�otic� of �ie �e�r�g an A.pril 1 S, ��0�. 2. T�e P1a�a.�a�g Co�nrr�i�sic�n he�d pubTic h�a�i�g �n l�ay S, �008 ��v r��eive tes�i�nony cor�c��axa.g �ie �acai�t�n and apprt�xima�ely 3 QO ��et in ��n� ❑f alle� �yin� we�t of :P��.�� R.�o�.d; sou� o� Sp��.gue ��enu� and ��z of Firs� Avefl�a�. �he F'�annin�; Ca�rr�zssi�an re�ie �.e repar p��p� by thc ��c�k�e Val��y C�zr�muni� De�v����in�n� D���ez�t in de�a�l, 3. Th� P�anning ��m����s�a�. determin�d �e ��reef�al�e� vv��l� pe�nit fu�i d�vel�pr�ent of �Ze prapert� fQr be�.e�ca�� uses and permit apprap�i�.t� leveZs o�'�.a�.��tenance. The P��u�.in� ���nm�ssz�� �.e�e�nined tha� a�lowimg the stree� �a��tian w�uld bet��r s��v� the pub�ic ���sidering �ic v�cafior� wauld al�o� red�vel�p�ent of �e s�t� o� the sou�iwest c�r�er of �'i�es Raad and S�aragu� A�v�nu� c� a fmancia,l ���ef�. 5, Th� F�an�ix�g C��issi�n deter�i_ned that th� rela�ated a�ley wa�.ld �o��inu� tfl sen�e �i� n���hb�ring pr�perti.e� c�n utz�����g �°ie �ll�y. 6. The P�a�n.ing Cor�m�s�ion ���e��.ned that cond�ti��.s w��Id not c��n,ge i� futu�� t�o p� gre�ter us� c�r raeed f�r sul�jec� right� �f wa�. 7. Z'he P�a�n�� Cc��m�s��ar� det�rman�d f.�at g�neral Fub1�c vv��ld be in f�.�vr vf t�e �11�y �catia�.lre I �c ati on. 8. N� �bjectia�s �ave been rec�iv�ed t� t�e p�opa�ed v��c�.tianlr�ex�cat�on �rarn �he �.�t�ce �f pub�ic hea�.ng �dl�r r�uti�� t4 ag�ncies. 9. �Io c�� �the�r th�. t�i�as� set ffl�� belaw are requ�red. ]�e�i�.�ia�, fro� tk�e �h�rging crr�er�a �f �.esQ�u�xon a"7-UQ� zs �a��ropriat� th�� the pr�pon�nt �s ded�cat�� and cor�st� a��ernatzve righ� �f way v� gr�a�er si��, 5ectivn tv be '�a�ated. Ba�ed upaza the �bove �indi�zgs �rad in a�cc�� �i� th�� �3�din�ce, City iC�unci� �d.o�� �ereby uacate �e street �r aTl�y w�.zc�i is inc�arpoarated herei� by r���rence, ata�d d��'zn�d �.s fo�.T�ws�; Tl�a� p�rti�r� Df the alley I�c�t�a� a�est Qf .Pr�tes 1���d s�ut�la �f �`p�a,�ue s4ve�aue a�a� �r��°th �a�'�i��t �venue �o�a� its �tt�ter�n te�minus at Pine.� Rc�ad �p,�arax�mate�`� 3�1�1 feet� wes� c�s c.�epicfed xn ��penc�'�ac a���ched her^etc�; laeatec� ira the 11�� o�' �'e�tzo� I, �°awnship �?5 Nart1�, Rar��e 4�' �r�st I�1lI S�ok.�'�e +C'o��y, ���hi�gtc��z.. Secti�n 3. L7ivis�c�� Qf P'�ronex� ta be �'acated. P'ur�uant fo RC� 35,7(].04(� and farme� �VN�C �Q.05.�2�, f�.c�ua1 c�rcum�t,a�.ces di��ate a�iff'e� d��ision a�c� d�s�r��u�i�� of tl�e stt'e�t or a�ley ta he vacated �.an an�-half eac�i ft� �.b�ut��g praper� �vsmers, thus �h� pr��+ert� to be Vaca�ed s�a�� �e d��vided as �ect�rded in the re�c�r�d vf ���a vey which shall b� crea�ed a�a r��t��de� �v�� Cou�� as r�qu�r��. ur�der fo� SVIVI� 1�D. a5.3 S a.. Sec��a� �or���. Th� �oni�� �.esi�na�a��. �oar t�.e vac�.t�d p� sha�� the de�i�nation a�ch�� �a �he adj o�ning pro��r�ies se� f��n wz�z� the resp�ct�ve pr�oper� o� Iat �i�es. The I3��ect�r of ��arn�u�Aty �e�re�apmen� zs authorized �o �raa�� �his �otat��� on �e o�icpal �tiz�in� 1VV�ap c��tk�.e �ity. Section 5. Conditions of Vacation. The following conditions sha11 be fully satisfied prior to the transfer of title by the City. 1. The completion of the street vacation (STV-O 1-07) including all cond.itions below shall be submitted to the City for review within ninety (90) days following the effective date of approval by the City Council. 2. The following easements will be reta.ined for all necessary underground a.ndlor overhead utilities. The specific location of easements is a requirement of the record of survey a. Sewer: A portion of the sewer main is located i.n the existing alley right-of-way (ROW}, however most of the sewer mai.n is located on private property. Any plans for relocation of the sewer main must be submitted to and approved by the Spokane County Division of Utilities. The Spokane County Division of Utilities requires a 20 foot easement granti.ng: "Spokane County, its successors and assigns is for the sole purpose of constructing, installing, operating, maintaining, Yepairing, alte�ing, �eplacing, removing, and all other uses or pu�poses which are o� may be related to a seweY system. Spokane County, its successo�s and assigns at all times heYeinafter, at their own cost and expense, may remove all crops, brush, gYass or tj-ees that may interfere with the constructing, installing, operating, maintaining, repairing, altering, replacing, removing and all other uses or purposes which are may be related to a sewer system. The grantor(s) reserves the right to use and enjoy that property which is the subject of this easement for purposes which will not interfere with the County's full enjoyment of the rights hereby granted; provided, the Grantor(s) shall not erect or construct any building or other structu�e or d�ill on the easement, or diminish or substantially add to the ground cove� ove� the easement. The easement descYibed hereinabove is to and shall run with the land. A copy of the recorded easement shall be submitted to the City's Community Development Director or designee. b. Water: Modern Electric Water Company has a 6" water main in the e�sting alley right- of-way. The applicant states the water line will be re-routed to follow the proposed realignment. Any plans for the relocation of the water line must be submitted to and approved by Modern Electric Water Company and installed prior to completion of the street vacation. c. Telephone/Fiber Optics: Qwest Communications has overhead telephone services located in the alley that feed from the west and dead-end at Pines Road. A temporary/conditional easement shall be established in order to temporarily mainta.in aerial telephone cables and utility poles in the existing right-of-way (alley) until the property owner/developer pays Qwest to remove/relocate the facilities. After facilities have been relocated, the temporary/conditional easement can be extinguished. A copy of the recorded easement shall be submitted to the City's Community Development Director or designee. d. Gas and Electricity: Avista Corporation has eleclricity and gas lines within right-of- way. The applicant states the lines will be re-routed to follow the proposed realignment. Any plans for the relocation of the gas and electrical lines must be F submitted to a.nd approved by Avista and i.nstalled prior to completion of the street vacation. e. Cable Television: Comcast Cable has infrastructure within the right-of-way. The applicant states the li.nes will be re-routed to follow the proposed realignment. Any plans for the relocation of the cable lines must be submitted to and approved by Comcast and insta.11ed prior to complenon of the street vacation. 3. The vacated alley and realignment shall comply with all City standards for removal of the exiting alley and i.mprovements to realigned alley. 4. If there is a conflict with the realigned alley and existing drywells, the e�sting drywells will need to be abandoned and new drywells will need to be constructed. The new dry�vells will need to be registered per Department of Ecology's Underground Injection Control program. 5. Dedication of public right-of-way (RUV� for the realignment of the alley shall be submitted to the Community Development Director or designee for review. Following acceptance of the ROW dedication, the applicant shall record the document and reference the recording nt�mber on the record of survey. 6. The Ciiy of Spokane Valley Fire Department requires a minimum of a twenty (20) foot driving surface and a twenty-eight (28) foot turning radius for the realigned alley. 7. The applicant shall submit an intersection plan for approval to both WSDOT and the City of Spokane Valley �or this alley realignment. 8. An access permit shall be obtained from WSDOT. 9. The e�usting alley access shall be removed and WSDOT standard cLrb and sidewalk installed. 10. The applicant shall submit and receive approval of a demolition permit for a portion of or all of the existing building located on parcel 45211.0125. If a portion of the building is removed, a ten (10) foot� setback shall be retained along the south boundary line of the realigned alley. 11. The south ljne of the realigned alley shall be located a minimum of five (5) feet from the existi.ng residence located on parce145211.0120 and portion of demolished building located on parcel 45211.0125. 12. A boundary line adjustment (BLA) shall be completed to move existing parcel boundaries to the north (45211.0101, 45211.0102, 45211.0103, 45211.0104 and 45211.0105) and south (45211.0119, 45211.0120 and 45211.0125) boundary line of the realigned alley following the public right-of-way dedication. The applicant may include the BLA process with the required record of survey for the street vacation. 13. Following the City Council's passage of the ordinance approving the proposal to vacate the street or alley, a record of survey of the area to be vacated, prepared by a registered surveyor i.n the State of Washington a.nd including an exact metes and bounds legal description, and specifying if applicable any a.nd all easements for construction, repair and maintenance of existing and future utilities a.nd services, shall be submitted by the proponent to the Director of Community Development, or designee for review. r w 14. The surveyor shall locate at least two monuments on the centerli.ne of the vacated right-of- way with one located at the intersection of the centerline of the vacated right-of-way, with each street or right-of-way in accordance with the standards established by the Spokane County S'tandards foY Road and Sewer ConstYUCtion. 15. All necessary easements shall be shown on the record of survey, and written documentation from all utility companies is required to be submitted to the Community Development Director, or designee verifyi.ng all easements have been indicated. 16. All direct and indirect costs of title transfer of the vacated alley from public to private ownership including but not li.mited to title company charges, copying fees, and recording fees are to be borne by the proponent. The City will not assume any financial responsibility for any direct or indirect costs for the transfer of title. 17. The zoni.ng district designation of the properties adjoining each side of the street or alley to be vacated shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation, and all area included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended districts. The adopting ordinance shall specify this zoning district extension inclusive of the applicable zoni.ng district designations. 18. The record of survey and certified copy of the ordinance vacating a street or alley or part thereof shall be recorded by the city clerk in the office of the Spokane County Auditor. Section 6. Closin�. Following satisfaction of the above conditions, the City Clerk shall record a certified copy of this Ordinance in the office of the County Auditor, and the City Manager is authorized to execute all necessary documents, including a Quit Clai.m Deed, in order to complete the tra.nsfer of the property identified herein. Section 7. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance. Section 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five (5) days after publication of this Ordi.nance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City of Spokane Valley as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this 3r day of June, r ATT� �2�����/J" 1 ��ayor, Ric�� Munson 1 �-Cify Clerk, Christine Bainbrid Approved As Form: ��v///�f Of�ce of the City Attorney Date of Publication: June L 2008 Effective Date: June 18, ?�f}(58 v o 4 r Ezhibit "A" Property Description SpragueAvenue i --�r� ��t� ,I_ 1 ��:o:s� I i i, I i 1 i e e a a I Q N�IFid iiii 4 +r' i�Lp p��,�y d ,�a- �w 2 d 1 --.._._._d�..__..__. �'j' t 1 i 5 r F Area to be vacated 1 g C e ��I 6 Parcels abutting ROW to be vacated y Area proposed of new alley location ���I� -1-1-�- �3. "t LiiaQ. I J 1