2019, 05-27 Planning Commission Openings (S/R)*Federal Tax ID No. 68-0617327 PLANNING COMMISSION OPENING The, City pf Spokane Valley see one monmer to serve on the Cily,s Planning commission '� as all Mbermn OrMillssioner to serve until December 31, ?019. Tile purpose of 'the Commission is to study and Make recommenclations to file �ity ftunci][ for future plenined growth through continued review of its City's comprehensive land use Plan, development regulations, shoreline 17130ageinerit, environ- mental protection, public facilities, capital improvement's and other matters as directed 'by the City G0006L Qualifications include 1180fing an Interest in Planning, nd use, tramshrorfatiorl, capital lonfrastructure, and building and landscape. design as evidenced by training or Operience; or interest in (the Gity of Spokane Valley, Members m"the Commission shall be nominated by the Mayor and confirmed by a majority vote of the C itY Council, Members are selected wrilrout respect to political Ififiliations and serve without reside within the city R,ilts of Commission generally meets at 6:00 p,fn. on second and fourth Thursdays, i�ppjjcabcma may be obtained from the City's website rltLle'r or by contacting Chris Bain'blidge, City Clerk, 509-720- 5102: 'Apl5fkaiams Should be, subminitted so that they are received by the City Cierk not later then 4:00 Spokane Valfey City Clert, Spokesman Review Pintl AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OFW4SH|NGTON County of Spokane) ss Name: City of Spokane Valley PO No.: snanano Total Cost: $192.00 50 1, Jean Robinson gosolemnly swear that |amthe Principal Clerk cxThe . anewspaper established and regularly published, once each day inthe English language, in and of general circulation in the City of Spokane County, Washington; and inthe City mCoeur d>wene.Kootenai County, Idaho; that said newspaper has been soestablished and regularly published and has had said general circulation continuously for more than six (0)months prior mthe 23rdday of July, 1S41;that said newspaper isprinted inanoffice maintained atits place nfpublication inthe City nfSpokane, Washington; that said newspaper was approved and designated as o legal newspaper by order ofthe Superior Court p,the State v,Washington for Spokane County onthe oardday of July, 1941, and that said order has not been revoked and is in full force and effect; that the notice attached hereto and which isopart nfthe proof o,publication, was published insaid newspaper mm° time(s).the publication having been made once each time onthe following dates: That said notice was published |nthe regular and entire issue mevery number mthe paper during the period oftime ofpublication, and that the notice was published inthe newspaper proper and not inasupplement. Subscribed and sworn tobefore mo,nthe City of Spokane, this 23rd day of May .z01o. / L , J 1' maryPublic inand for the State cvWashington, residing at Spokane County, Washington Notary Stamp paperAffidavits.ms