20-005.00 Avista Utilities: Barker Grade Separation Utilities Relocation Plan -005 Utility preliminary Engineering 1ties 1 Agreement 'uAtivIt:121 Work-lay Utility—11/CAL AGENCY Cost Mrae.rnent NumberPojiotTitieu6dtkce VTO. BarkerAciadigNtFaredwSeparation Project Spokane WashingtOn State Route Number Milapo* SR Froth to 4rOetrigritAliovnt $58-200.00. frhiSUtillty Preiirninary Engineering Agreement(Agreement)is entered:into between.the City of $'0Okane Valley LOCAL AGENCY) and.the above named n1ThhtyhI herein after"referred to as Individimily the'Pare and collectively the*Parties." Recitals- The,LOOAL AGENCY is planning the construction of the J3arl,c0r:RPed113N$F era0. Zeparatiori.PrOjeOt,„and in connection thereWith; it is necessary to retridiie, relocate or Construct certain tAlity facile:4 2. The LOCALAGENCYIs responsible for the cost ofthe otelitninery-engineeringlorthe Utilitysfacilities that are located pursuant to a dOcurnented ownership interest in real property, such as an easement,fee title, or court finding of prescriptive right, which is impacted by the LOCAL AGENCY project, but the LOCAL AGENCY is not responsible for prelirriinaryengineering:cotta.aSSOciated With facility better**. 3. Jt.i deer:tied to be in the best public interest for the Utilityfo.develop the.preliminary -engineering, including the preparation of plans, specifications and cost estimate, herein the Work,"for the eel-novel, relocation or construction of the Utility's facilities as part of the 40CALASENCY'S prOject 4. The.t...00AL-AGENCY and the Utility intend to enter-into a Utility.Construction.Agreetrient tO cOvertneactual construction, relocation, and/Or removal.of-the Therefore,licirSuant to-in tonaidelatibri of the.terine, tbnclitiionsroOVenants, and performances contained herein, as well aslheattadhed Exhibits which are incorporated and r,.nade apart hereof; it Is Mutually Agreed As kfllows: pisoS,.Spooifications,-#nd Cost Estimates Program Guide:4Utility Relocation and Accommodation on Federal Aid Highway Projects is adopted and made a pert Of this Agreement as if fully.ochteined-herein 1.2 Bettotheht:A betterment is any ithprOVerrienfto the Utility's-facilities not required by code, regulation, standaigi.iriduPtry practice, established Avista standards, wetly other applicable regulation. Page 1 bt".5 1.3 The Utility agrees to.perform the preliminary engineering, including the preparation of plans, specifications and Cost estimates (PS&E)!.herein the Work," for the removal, relocation, and/or construction of the Utility's facilities impacted by THE LOCAL AGENCY's project. Should the Work include betterments to the facilities, the'Utility shall identify such betterments for the.LOCAL AGENCY review. 1.4 The Utility'agreesto provide the LOCAL AGENCY a copy of its PS&E, including the identification of betterments, if any. The LOCAL AGENCY will review for acceptance of the PS&E'to ensure that it complies with the LOCAL AGENCY requirements • 1,5 If the'Utility is not adequately staffed or equipped to perform all of the Work required herein, the.Utility may have all or part of the Work performed by consultant(s) under a contract let by the Utility or have the Work performed under an ongoing contract with a. Utility consultant. Utility consultant(s) shall be in good standing with the LOCAL AGENCY, and the Utility shall provide to the LOCAL AGENCY for the LOCAL AGENCY review a cost estimate for the Work to be performed by the Utility's consultant(s). This provision shall not apply to contract employees who perform work for Avista in the ordinary course of'its business. 2. Payment 2.1 The LOCAL AGENCY is responsible for the cost of the Work; excluding all betterment - worLc,for the Utility's facilities that are located pursuant to a docurnernted ownership interest in-real property, such as an easement, fee title or court finding of prescriptive right,Which are impacted by the LOCAL AGENCY project, as shown in Exhibits A and B. Exhibit B, Cost Estirnate, contains an'itemized cost estimate of the LOCAL AGENCY- responsible costs for the Work to be performed by the'Utility. F.2 The-LOCAL AGENCY, ih'consideration Of the faithful performance.of the Work'to be done by the Utility, agrees to reifnburse the Utility'for the actual direct and'related indirect cost of the Work, excluding all betterment work,for which the LOCAL AGENCY is Yesponaible as defined in Exhibit A. The Utility agrees to invoice the LOCAL AGENCY-and provide supporting documentation for all charges, and the LOCAL AGENCY agrees to pay the Utility within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoices Payments shall not be more frequent than one per month. A partial payment will not constitute agreement as to the appropriateness of any item and that, at the time of final invoice, the Parties.will resolve any discrepancies. 2.3 The Utility.shall submit a final billing to the LOCAL AGENCY Within 90 calendar days following completion of the Work. 3. Change in Work of Cost increase 3.1 The LOCAL AGENCY agrees that'the amount shoWn in Exhibit A may'not reflect the actual'costs of the Work. Should the Utility determine that the Work costs for which The LOCAL AGENCY is responsible might exceed the cost estimate,.the.Utility shall notify The LOCAL AGENCY before performing any Work in,excess of the Exhibit A, estimate. The LOCAL AGENCY and the Utility will, if necessary, amend Exhibit A to revise the cost estimate before-the'Utility incurs costs aboVe the arnount shown in Exhibit A. 32 Should it'be necessary to modify-the Scope of Work, the Utility agrees:to notify-the LOCAL AGENCY of all propcssed changes, and.the.LOCAL AGENCY•agrees to provide written notice of its acceptance or rejection of the change(s), in writing, within ten (10)working days. Page 2 of 5 A. RIGHT.CO ENtRY 4.1 The LOCAL AGENCY hereby grants to the Utility a right of entry onto all lands in which it has an interest fofi the Work, Upon.completion and acceptance Of the Work, this right of entry shall:terminate except as otherWise.provided in 8ep:tor:1,5,4! 142 The Utility agrees tO obtain right a of entry, if needed, upon all privatelpowned lands necessary to peiform..the Work,, provided,that any costs:associated with obtaining-such rights of-entry shall be chargeable to the LOCAL-A0ENCY, Upon*OW1°1) of the Work -oh such lands;the rights of entry and PerriliSsions'ehall.:(etminate, except as otherwise proVided in:SectiOn 5,4. 5. 'General PrOvitions • 5:1 lndeinnificatiOn!'theparties shall indemnify and hold each other and eachoftheir respectiVe.agents,.employees; and/or officers from and shall process and defend at their own expense any and all claims, demands, suits at law or.equityi.actions, penalties, losses,-dan*geS(both to persons and/or property), or costs, Of whatsoever kind or nature, brought against the Indemnified Party and its agents, employees and/or officers, arising out of Or alleging negligence on the party of the Indemnifying Partyk If and to the extent that such claims'WO'dapped by or result from the concurrent hegligen.Ce Of-(e)the Utility and (b)the LOCAL A0E,NCY; its agents, employees,:and/ar officers, or involves those • actions covered by'RCW 4 .11.5,this indemnity provision shall be valid and enforceable only to the.extent of the intentional or negligent acts or omissions of the'Indemnifying Party? and Provided further,that nothing herein shall require the Indemnifying Party to hold harmless Or'deferidIhe Indemnified Party, its agents,employees, and/Or officers from any elaimsarising from the sole ne,g119ance of the Indemnified Patty, its agents, employees, and/or officers. This indemnifiCation shall SUrviveany termination äfthis.Agfeemnt. 5.2 Disputes: !fa dispute pboUra-between the Utility ahcl the-LOCAL AGENCY at-any time during the performance of the Work pursuant to this Agreement, the Parties agree to negotiate at the management level to resolve any ittuee, Should such neAotiatitiriS fail to produce a satisfactory resolution, the Parties agree to enter into mediation before proceeding to any other legal remedy Each Party shall be responsible for its own fees and Oats:The'Parties.agree td equally'Share in the cost of-a mediator. 5.3 Venue: in-the event that either Party deerhs it necessary to institute legal action or proceedings to enforce any tight or obligitibn.underthis,Agreement, the Parties agree that any such action or proceedings shall be brought in the superipr court situated in Spokane County,Washington unless filing in another county is required under any provisiori of the Revised Code of Washington. Further, the Parties:agree:that each shall be responsible for its own attorney&feet-and ooStS. 5.4 Terniination; .5.4.1 The Utility understands that,the.LOCAL AGENCY retains the right to terminate this Agreement for convenience upon thirty(30)calendar days written notice tothe- Utility. in the event that the LOCAL AGENCY exercises this termination right, the LOCAL AGENCY will reimburse the Utility for all allowable-costs under this Agreement-incurred prior to the-date of termination. 5.4:2 In the event funding for the:Work is withdraWn, naduced,or limited in any way after the-exedution date of this Agreement and prior to-normal completion, the LOCAL. 134ge 3 of 5 AGENCY may terminate the Agreement upon less than the thirty (30) calendar day notice requirement in section 8.4:1, subject to renegotiation at the LOCAL AGENCY's sole option pursuant to the revised funding limitations and conditions: In the event that the LOCAL AGENCY exercises this termination right, the LOCAL AGENCY Will reimburse the Utility for all allowable costs under this.Agreement incurred prior to the date of termination. 6 Atneridments: 'this Agreement may be amended by the mutual agreernent.cf the Parties. Such amendments or modifications shall.hbt be,biriding unless,put in writing and signed by persons authorized to bind each of the Parties. 7 Independent Contractor Both Parties shall be deemed independent contractors for all purposes, and the employees of each Party and any of its contractors; subcontractors, consultants, and the employees thereof, shall not in any manner be deemed to be the employees of the other Party. Audit and Records: During.the:progress of the Work and fora period of not less than six (6)years from the date.of final payment,the Utility shall maintain the records and accounts pertaining to the Work and shall make them available during normal business hours and as.often as,.necessary, for inspection and audit by the State of Washingtorir and/or Federal Government and copies of all records, accounts, documents or other data pertaining to the Work Will be furnished upon request.The requesting Party shall pay the cost of copies produced..If any litigation, claim or audit is commenced, the records and accounts along with supporting documentation shall be retained until any litigation, claim er audit.finding has been resolved even though such litigation, claim or audit continuespast the six-year . retention period. 9 Working bays:Working days for this Agreement are defined as Monday.through Friday, excluding Washington State holidays per•RCW'1.16.060. In Witness'Whereof, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the.Party's date last signed below, LOCAL AGENCY J Utility By: Iiiiicif, Co, By: 4 /77-- f-....-.- • `Printed: rK a.( u14 Printed: 3:o.A,L., .g.A.t.,u...,�, Title: 47 Atra .a{,yar` Title: D:'•,, r ;F- 06., -, Date: t � Q Date` �J� / y z z ! fex Page 4 of 5 Exhibit A PROJECT COST ESTIMATE(Engineering&Perniittine Fistintateb Biiz$flng Design: $25,0Q0, Projeti'MatiageMen.t: $10.P0 SeupportServiees: $5,000 solTorAz tNamatisio:: $io;000 renriittirig: .8134taftital: Road Crossing: t2,560 OtiieriMiseellaucms.; .$1,000. StBTOTALPEEIVCITTING: $.000 Total TOTAL(Engineeting-4.11.1Pmitii,10: $46A00 I •Taxes and dniin&Qeiletal: VatAl,COT . • $55,200 } ote Any ialvage associated.with the material temayea from the-eXistitix Tiattsmission linds.will be ctediteci baok to the Mmixi indludes:overheael and auxiliarycitaxges • Page 5 of 5 • •