19-144.00 Greater Spokane Inc: Advantage Spokane Site Selector Website AGREEMENT FOR THE ADVANTAGE SPOKANE PARTNERSHIP THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and among GREATER SPOKANE INCORPORATED (hereinafter referred to as "GSI"), a federal 501(c)(6) entity and business development organization and the designated Associate Development Organization (ADO), having offices for the transaction of business at 801 West • Riverside, Ste. 100, Spokane, WA 99201, and upon the signed execution of this Agreement, the following partners, consisting of: SPOKANE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 1116 West Broadway Avenue, Spokane, Washington 99260, hereinafter referred to as "County"; CITY OF SPOKANE, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 808 West Spokane Falls Boulevard, Spokane, Washington 99201, hereinafter referred to as "City of Spokane"; CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 10210 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, Washington 99206, hereinafter referred to as the "City of Spokane Valley"; CITY OF CHENEY, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 609 2nd Street, Cheney, Washington 99004, hereinafter referred to as "City of Cheney"; CITY OF LIBERTY LAKE, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 22710 East Country Vista Drive, Liberty Lake, Washington 99019, hereinafter referred to as "City of Liberty Lake"; CITY OF AIRWAY HEIGHTS, a municipal corporation of the State of • Washington, having offices for the transaction of business at 1208 South Lundstrom, Airway Heights, Washington 99001, hereinafter referred to as "City of Airway Heights"; KALISPEL TRIBAL ECONOMIC AUTHORITY, the economic development and business operations entity of the Kalispel Tribe of Indians, a sovereign nation, having offices for the transaction of business at 100 North Hayford Road, Airway Heights, Washington 99001, hereinafter referred to as "Kalispel Tribe"; SPOKANE TRIBE OF INDIANS, a sovereign nation, having offices for the transaction of business at 6196 Ford-Wellpinit Road, Wellpinit, Washington 99040, hereinafter referred to as "Spokane Tribe"; NORTHEAST PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a public corporation defined under RCW 35.21, having offices for the transaction of business at 801 West Riverside, Suite 100, Spokane, Washington 99201, hereinafter referred to as "NEPDA"; UNIVERSITY DISTRICT PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a public corporation defined under RCW 35.21, having offices for the transaction of business at 120 North Pine Street, #292, Spokane, Washington 99202, hereinafter referred to as "UDPDA"; WEST PLAINS AIRPORT AREA PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY; a public corporation defined under RCW 35.21, having offices for the transaction of business at 7106 West Will D Alton Lane, Suite 103, Spokane, Washington 99224, hereinafter referred to as "WPAAPDA"; SPOKANE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, a municipal corporation defined under RCW 14.08, having offices for the transaction of business at 9000 West Airport Drive, Spokane, Washington 99224, hereinafter referred to as "SIA"; and, OTHER PRIVATE BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS recruited to the partnership by GSI; who are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Partners" or singularly referred to as a "Partner." RECITALS WHEREAS, GSI is the county-designated associate development organization (ADO) whose role is to increase the support for and coordination of community and economic development services in Spokane County. The broad role of an ADO is that of advocacy and leadership, serving as the point of contact for local economic activities, recruitment of new businesses, and coordination of business retention and expansion efforts within its service area. RCW 43.330.080 directs organizations that are designated as ADOs to build strong relationships with public and private partners within their community; and WHEREAS, the other Partners are each responsible for specific geographic or categorical economic development activities in the greater Spokane region; and WHEREAS, the Partners desire to create and maintain a geographic information system (GIS) capable website (the "ADVANTAGE Spokane Website" or "Website") that will coordinate, leverage and externally promote the existing community assets and investments of the Partners; and • WHEREAS, the Partners desire that GSI shall be responsible for creating and maintaining the Website, while the other partners shall participate by providing oversight, guidance, financial support and/or data to populate the Website; and WHEREAS, to create and maintain the Website, GSI will contract with qualified third-party vendors to provide products and services to the Website, including, but not limited to, the technology, analytics and site selector application requirements of the Website; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the Partners to mutually participate in this Agreement to create and maintain the ADVANTAGE Spokane Website. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises set forth hereinafter, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Partners agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. ADVANTAGE SPOKANE PARTNERSHIP: The Partners hereto are members of the ADVANTAGE Spokane Partnership (hereinafter referred to as the "Partnership"). The role of the Partnership is to assist the Associate Development Organization (GSI) to coordinate a community partnership to develop and operate a regional virtual portal to serve as an economic development website (ADVANTAGE Spokane website). The Partnership establishes the responsibilities of each partner with regards to the implementation and the maintenance of the ADVANTAGE Spokane website and associated data and establishes the financial commitment of each Partner member to the ADVANTAGE Spokane website. The Partnership's purpose is also to ensure the products of the Partnership are effective and useful. 2. PARTNERSHIP GOVERNANCE The Partnership is constituted by one official representative from each member municipality, tribe other public sector organization, and private business organization. Small communities under 5000 in population are represented by the Spokane County member. Meetings of the Partnership are open to others, but only the official representative may .vote on decisions of.the Partnership. The Partnership shall convene at least twice per calendar year. All oversight Partnership decisions shall be by majority vote of a quorum, with the quorum being 60% or more of the partners except as otherwise detailed in Section 8. The major business of the Partnership is to annually evaluate the status of the ADVANTAGE Spokane website and agree,that it shall continue for the next year. Additional roles of the Partnership include the approval of new partners, make recommendations and provide feedback regarding the universal appearance, features, and functionality of the ADVANTAGE Spokane website, and determination of the annual' operating budget for the following calendar year. The ADVANTAGE Spokane Partnership may create a technical advisory group consisting of one representative from each partner organization. The purpose of the technical advisory group is to review and make recommendations to the Partnership regarding the appearance, features, and functionality of the ADVANTAGE Spokane Website, and any financial implications regarding those issues. 3. OVERVIEW OF ADVANTAGE SPOKANE WEBSITE: The ADVANTAGE Spokane website is a marketing and geographic information system (GIS) web-enabled website established for use in attracting and retaining companies in the region. It is to serve as a regional resource to local and imported businesses and regional economic development. The project leverages the communities' existing investments to foster economic development, empower developers and investors with information, and improve regional economic development capacity. In order to meet growing demands for immediate access to data that site selectors, . external audiences, businesses and citizens require, as well as to assist GSI in preparing proposals for prospective clients, GSI, in coordination with the Partnership, will contract with appropriate technology providers for an off-the-shelf site selector application. The application is to provide access to information regarding available commercial properties, business locations, and land-based GIS, demographic and market information. 4. PARTNERSHIP COMMITMENTS: The Partnership is a group of public and private organizations committed to the development and ongoing maintenance of the ADVANTAGE Spokane website. As a Partnership, it can be expanded to include new partners and will actively solicit new partners during its existence. There are three types of partners: 1) municipalities, 2) tribes and other public sector organizations, and 3) other private business organizations. Consonant with the Partner types, there are three models for the distribution of costs to support the ADVANTAGE Spokane website, as described in Sections 4A, 4B, and 4C. The distribution of costs for 1) software acquisition and online application maintenance and service, 2) data acquisition integration and maintenance, 3) real estate data . management, 4) website marketing and optimization, 5) fiscal management, and 6) maintenance and Partnership site support shall be as established annually by the Partnership. To host locally relevant infrastructure and land management information on the ADVANTAGE Spokane website, an agency must be a member of the Partnership. A. MUNICIPAL FUNDING COMMITMENTS: Municipal partners shall include Spokane County, and any city within Spokane County with a population of 5000 or more. The charge for municipal partners will be based on the official annual population count as defined by Office of Financial Management • (OFM) in Washington State for the respective geographic area that public sector organization serves multiplied by $0.113. Spokane County's funding commitment is that official annual population number for the County, less that of the incorporated areas. • New partners that join the Partnership on dates other than the Partnership's annual renewal date will be billed based on their population share of the entire Partnership pro- rated by the percent of the year remaining. This arrangement will be revisited annually through budgetary analysis and can be modified by an amendment to this agreement. B. TRIBES AND OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR FUNDING COMMITMENTS: The charge for tribes and other public sector organizations will be $5,000 for 2019, $3,500 for 2020, and $3,500 for 2021. Charges beyond 2021 are to be established by the Partnership. New partners that join the Partnership on dates other than the Partnership's annual renewal date will be billed $5,000 for their first year, and $3,500 for each year thereafter. This arrangement will be reviewed annually through budgetary analysis and can be modified by an amendment to this agreement. C. PRIVATE BUSINESS ORGANIZATION FUNDING COMMITMENTS: GSI shall solicit other private business organizations to be part of the Partnership. Additional private business organization funds to be applied to the ADVANTAGE Spokane website's development and operation will be the responsibility of GSI. This arrangement will be revisited annually through budgetary analysis and can be modified by an amendment to this agreement. D. ADMITTANCE OF NEW MEMBERS: • New municipal partners of the Partnership with populations above 5,000, or tribes and other public sector organizations may be added anytime by a majority vote of the Partnership, in accordance with Section 2 of this agreement. Upon approval, the new Partner shall execute a new Partnership Agreement on behalf of the ADVANTAGE Spokane Partnership. The new Partnership Agreement will automatically become an addendum to this agreement. By executing the new Partnership Agreement, the new Partner agrees to be bound by all terms and conditions of this Agreement for the ADVANTAGE Spokane website. Municipalities with populations below 5,000 will be categorized as small communities in accordance with Section 2 of this Agreement. New private business organizations will be managed by GSI as further described in Section 4C. 5. PARTNER RESPONSIBILITIES: A. MUNICIPAL, TRIBES AND OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR PARTNERS SHALL: I. Provide and maintain the accuracy of their respective entity's data used for purposes related to ADVANTAGE Spokane. II. Coordinate with GSI to integrate municipal and/or regional data sources into a contiguous data set. III. Facilitate and promote the addition of new public sector partners for the Partnership. IV. Regularly update their respective partner content, news, graphics, and photography on their respective Partner webpages and related materials V. Individual partners shall have responsibility for all content on their respective pages. Partners shall adhere to an ADVANTAGE Spokane style guide provided by GSI to ensure consistency throughout the ADVANTAGE Spokane website. VI. Use the ADVANTAGE Spokane website in economic development promotional materials to drive traffic to the website B. PRIVATE BUSINESS ORGANIZATION PARTNERS SHALL: I. Provide and maintain the accuracy of their respective entity's data used for purposes related to the ADVANTAGE Spokane website. II. Coordinate with GSI to appropriately integrate privately owned data sources into contiguous data set in accordance with applicable copyright laws.' III. Facilitate and promote the addition of new private sector partners for the Partnership. IV. Regularly update their respective partner content, news, graphics, and photography on their respective Partner webpages and related materials. V. Individual partners shall have responsibility for all content on their. respective pages. Partners shall adhere to an ADVANTAGE Spokane style guide provided by GSI to ensure consistency throughout the ADVANTAGE Spokane website. VI. Use the ADVANTAGE Spokane website in economic development promotional materials to drive traffic to the website. C. ADVANTAGE Spokane Roles & Responsibilities: • For further definition of roles and responsibilities of all Partners refer to the Advantage Spokane Roles and Responsibilities document that can be amended by the Partnership as outlined in Section 2. 6. ADVANTAGE SPOKANE WEBSITE ADMINISTRATION: GSI will serve as the Administrator for the ADVANTAGE Spokane website. GSI staff will administer the project on behalf of the Partnership and will provide staff member time, funded by the Partnership, to be responsible for the day-to-day management of the ADVANTAGE Spokane website. A. GSI SITE ADMINISTRATOR RESPONSIBILITIES: • GSI Partnership administration responsibilities under this Agreement are as follows: I. Coordinate and facilitate the operation of the ADVANTAGE Spokane website, as needed. II. Serve as primary fiscal agent for the Partnership, specifically including invoicing each member, as detailed in Section 11 below, as well as reimbursing any vendors for ADVANTAGE Spokane website services and other fiscal duties as required. III. Act as Administrator of the ADVANTAGE Spokane Partnership. IV. GSI is responsible for ensuring consistency throughout the universal website in conformance with the ADVANTAGE Spokane style guide. V. GSI shall utilize website analytics tools to regularly report activity on the ADVANTAGE Spokane website. VI. GSI shall regularly provide report activity on the ADVANTAGE Spokane website. VII. GSI will ensure that all leads through the website are activated through • the Lead Life Cycle process. Requests for contact with a specific Partner will be directed to that specific Partnership member. GSI may use this request for data collection purposes only. 7. AMENDMENT: This Agreement may be amended at any time by mutual written consent of all Partnership members. 8. TERM: • This Agreement will become effective upon signature by partners. Unless terminated as provided below, this Agreement will be reviewed annually and recommended for continuation. Continuation of the agreement is subject to the availability of appropriated funds and administrative approvals. This Agreement is null and void in the event sufficient initiative funding cannot be obtained from the previously defined partners, or if data provision commitments discussed in Sections 5A through B, are not met by any partner. 9. TERMINATION: Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, termination of membership in the Partnership shall occur as follows: 9.1 Any party hereto may terminate its own participation in the Partnership by written notice delivered to GSI at least thirty (30) days prior to the intended date of termination. By such termination, no party may nullify obligations incurred prior to the date of termination. 9.2 The Partnership may terminate the participation of any party upon a 66% majority vote of all the members of the Partnership, which shall be effective immediately. 9.3 The Partnership may terminate this Agreement by a 66% majority vote of all members of the Partnership. 9.4 Subsequent to a termination under Sections 9.1 or 9.2 above, GSI shall retain advanced payments made by the terminating party in an amount sufficient to pay for all costs and liabilities incurred by GSI in its performance of this Agreement up until the date of.termination. 9.5 Terminations executed pursuant to Sections 9.1 and 9.2 above shall not terminate this Agreement, which shall otherwise remain in full force and effect. 10.CONTRACT SUM: In consideration for performance of this Agreement, partners shall pay GSI the amounts outlined in "Exhibit— Fees", attached to this agreement, for a term of three years. The payments, subject to the availability of appropriated funds and administrative approvals, shall be made in accordance with the provisions stated in Section 11 below. 11.PAYMENTS: GSI shall submit an invoice for the upcoming year upon execution of this Agreement. Additionally, annual advance invoices to partners shall be distributed annually no later than December 15 for the coming year or upon execution of the agreement whichever is later. Partners shall make full advance payment of the amount stated in any undisputed invoice no later than thirty (30) days after the date the invoice is received by partners. 12.EQUIPMENT: • • Equipment purchased under this Agreement shall be used specifically for the life of the Agreement governed herein, with ownership of the equipment remaining with GSI upon completion of this contract period and any subsequent contract periods. 13.INDEMNITY: Each Partner to this Agreement shall be responsible for its own acts and/or omissions and those of its officers, employees and agents. Each Partnership member shall fully indemnify and hold harmless all other Partners against all claims arising out of the Partnership's use, commercialization, or distribution of any intellectual property or products that result in whole or in part from this Agreement. 14.RIGHTS IN DATA: Any data developed/delivered by partners for ADVANTAGE Spokane is for use within the ADVANTAGE Spokane website and related economic development purposes. GSI licensing notwithstanding, all data acquired from the partners or licensed from commercial entities shall retain its original licensing status. Any GIS data requests initiated by Users of the GIS web-based application to GSI will be referred back to the original partner who provided said data. Any data developed/delivered by GSI under this Agreement shall be transferred to the Partnership with a nonexclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable license to publish, translate, reproduce, deliver, perform, dispose of, and to.authorize others to do so; provided, that such license shall be limited to the extent which GSI has a right to grant such a license. GSI shall exert all reasonable effort to advise the Partnership, at the time of delivery of data furnished under this agreement, of all known or potential invasions of privacy contained therein and of any portion of such document, which was not produced in the performance of this agreement. The Partnership shall receive prompt written notice of each notice or claim, or copyright infringement received by GSI with respect to any data delivered under this Agreement. In making GIS data available to the ADVANTAGE Spokane website, partners make no warranty of data accuracy. Partners GIS data is created for informational purposes and as a general planning and management tool. Care was used by partners during compilation of GIS data and products to ensure accuracy, but it may be subject to, in whole or in part, the quality of the source data and outside sources of information. A given partner may on occasion be shifting GIS data to improve the geographic accuracy. Any data that other partners build on top of the existing partner data may require adjustment. The partners do not accept responsibility for errors and omissions, and therefore, there are no warranties that accompany this Site Selector data. Users of this information should consult the primary data and information sources to ascertain the usability of this information. This information may be periodically updated. Partners will make every effort to ensure that the ADVANTAGE Spokane website has the latest revision of its data. 15.APPLICABLE LAW; VENUE This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. In the event any suit, arbitration, or other proceeding is instituted to enforce any term of this Agreement, the partners specifically understand and agree that venue shall be exclusively in Spokane County, Washington. 16.GOOD FAITH The Partners to this Agreement agree to act in good faith and make all reasonable efforts ' to satisfy the conditions of the Agreement. 1 7.AUTHORIZATIONS All individuals executing this Agreement and other documents on behalf of the respective Partners certify and warrant that they have the capacity and have been duly authorized to so execute the documents on behalf of the Partner so indicated. 18.ASSIGNMENT • No Partner may assign, transfer or subcontract its interest, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of all other Partners to this Agreement. In the event of an assignment or transfer, the terms of this Agreement shall continue to be in full force and effect. 19.ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the Partners. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement. • shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the Partners hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Partners hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date set forth herein by their duly authorized representatives. ///// ///// ///// • • • ///// AGREEMENT FOR THE ADVANTAGE SPOKANE WEBSITE SIGNATURE PAGE GREATER SPOKANE INCORPORATED • By Signa ure \M\A\CV &/lnSi\ Type or Print Name Title LM ( Date • • • Attachment that is.a part of this Agreement: Exhibit— Fees - GSI AGREEMENT FOR THE ADVANTAGE SPOKANE WEBSITE SIGNATURE PAGE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON 6-1-1/Cied MARY L K Y, . AIR AL FREN , VICE-CHAIR _- \\‘� ... °*G�MMi�i‘It 1. l ATTEST: lit a•l :• iEAL • �i .S . 4 i _ pt/n/rt k RIZ ' 1k 4 te' - JOSH KERNS, COMMISSIONER Ginna Vasquez, Clerk of the Bard • Date • Attachment that is a part of this Agreement: • Exhibit- Fees-Spokane County • NOi 9 — 1 3 O 6 BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF EXECUTING AN ) • "AGREEMENT FOR THE ADVANTAGE ) SPOKANE PARTNERSHIP"• BETWEEN ) RESOLUTION SPOKANE COUNTY AND GREATER ) SPOKANE INCORPORATED ) WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.32.120(6), the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County("Board"or"Board of County Commissioners")has the care of county property and the management of county funds and business;and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.01.085, the Board of County Commissioners may engage in economic development programs and in conjunction therewith may contract with non-profit corporations relating to economic development; and WHEREAS,Greater Spokane Incorporated("GSI")is a non-profit organization which works to connect businesses to valuable relationships and resources, drive business and community initiatives to improve our region,and advocate for business with a unified voice; and • WHEREAS,Spokane County desires to enter into an agreement with GSI wherein GSI will create and maintain a geographic information system(GIS)capable website(the"ADVANTAGE Spokane Website")that will coordinate, leverage and externally promote the existing community assets and investments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED,. by the Board of County Commissioners of Spokane County, Washington, pursuant to the provisions of RCW 36.32.120(6) and RCW 36.01.085,that the Board, a majority of the Board or the chairperson of the Board be and • are hereby authorized to execute that document entitled"AGREEMENT FOR THE ADVANTAGE SPOKANE PARTNERSHIP". PASSED AND ADOPTED this JDrk5day of September,2019. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS s of com4.14Ntl OF SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON rof D3 4 0 G :5.3 • MARY EY,- hair �1 kF coin: ATTEST: dzx — F H,Vice-Chair inna Vasquez,Clerk of the9Idijoard JOSH KERNS Commissioner Page 1 of 1 AGREEMENT FOR THE ADVANTAGE SPOKANE WEBSITE SIGNATURE PAGE CITY OF SPOKANE Signature Type or Print Name Title Ct Z�//� Dat • Attachment that is a part of this Agreement: Exhibit— Fees—City of Spokane AGREEMENT FOR THE ADVANTAGE SPOKANE WEBSITE SIGNATURE PAGE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY By t1452-- Signature MarK ntliDA Type or Print Name Title t 1 anaCy r _. Date • • • Attachment that Is a part of this Agreement: Exhibit— Fees—City of Spokane Valley AGREEMENT FOR THE ADVANTAGE SPOKANE WEBSITE SIGNATURE PAGE • CITY OF CHENEY . By Signal �Vof. -- Type or Print Name Title Date • Attachment that Is a part of this Agreement: Exhibit—Fees—City of Cheney AGREEMENT FOR THE ADVANTAGE SPOKANE WEBSITE SIGNATURE PAGE CITY OF LIBE 6 Signa ure /140-4f ype or Print Name (d.y 64. L 641 Ittc_ Tale y- Ji- /9 Date • Attachment that is a part of this Agreement: Exhibit— Fees—City of Liberty Lake AGREEMENT FOR THE ADVANTAGE SPOKANE WEBSITE SIGNATURE PAGE KALISPEL TRIBAL ECONOMIC AUTHORITY Sig r(ature- rya 4,4 tie-ILA; - Type or Print Name ( e t4 14 l-1 / C... - Title 06-1-0 G✓ I ( , iO/ Date Attachment that is a part of this Agreement: Exhibit— Fees — Kalispel Tribal Economic Authority • AGREEMENT FOR THE ADVANTAGE SPOKANE WEBSITE SIGNATURE PAGE SPOKANE TRIBE OF INDIANS By Signatur • /(//' //.e- //e-eLe.,C-0 Type or Print Name c e ep,Ye-c. C Title • . Date • Attachment that is a part of this Agreement: Exhibit— Fees—Spokane Tribe of Indians AGREEMENT FOR THE ADVANTAGE SPOKANE WEBSITE SIGNATURE PAGE NORTHEAST PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 7 vr'`f By --"'--r Signature f 'Ildlri C GT/16 Type or Prin Name Title W.2,0 Date • Attachment that is a part of this Agreement: Exhibit A— Fees AGREEMENT FOR THE ADVANTAGE SPOKANE WEBSITE SIGNATURE PAGE UNIVERSITY DISTRICT PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BY SigAtX;:-/. "--- Lars Gilberts Type or Print Name CEO Title • 09/09/2019 Date • • Attachment that is a part of this Agreement: Exhibit A— Fees AGREEMENT FOR THE ADVANTAGE SPOKANE WEBSITE SIGNATURE PAGE WEST PLAINS AIRPORT AREA PUBLIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By. . C ----_. Sig tur -To +'t. e_9 LE4*- At ) Type or Print Name '[x.Eu.4 1vs. -Di r7.E Title bpi, Co , 2d'.9 Date • Attachment that is a part of this Agreement: Exhibit— Fees -WPAAPDA AGREEMENT FOR THE ADVANTAGE SPOKANE WEBSITE SIGNATURE PAGE SPOKANE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT By • atu re LAw1ZEt,c 07 IA Au et Type or Print Name CEO Title • Date • Attachment that Is a part of this Agreement: Exhibit— Fees - SIA AGREEMENT FOR THE ADVANTAGE SPOKANE WEBSITE SIGNATURE PAGE VISIT SPOKANE ByLpt., ya`✓w-e Signature �t l h/i#tritim 1/ Type &Tint Name Title Date Attachment that is a part of this Agreement: Exhibit—Fees -VS AGREEMENT FOR THE ADVANTAGE SPOKANE WEBSITE SIGNATURE PAGE GREATER SPOKANE VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE By �r Signature Type or Print Name PCCs1Je,1 6E0 Title Date • • Attachment that I$ a part of this Agreement: Exhibit— Fees- GSVCC AGREEMENT FOR THE ADVANTAGE SPOKANE WEBSITE SIGNATURE PAGE WEST PLAINS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BY c_ Signat Type or Print Name CrxcanoE OtQ-eti�-Te Title /0/( 1`� Date • Attachment that is a part of this Agreement: Exhibit— Fees - WPCG