Resolution 20-002 Amends 2020 TIP CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO.20-002 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE 2020 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS,on June 5,2019,the Spokane Valley City Council approved Resolution 19-008,which adopted the 2020-2025 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP),with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; and WHEREAS, changes in certain funding sources and project schedules have occurred; and WHEREAS, the attached Amended 2020 TIP incorporates said changes for year 2020; and WHEREAS, the amendments to the 2020 TIP are consistent with Spokane Valley's adopted Comprehensive Plan. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. The City Council hereby adopts the attached Amended 2020 TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development and construction of local and regional transportation improvements for the year 2020. Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. Adopted this 215'day of January,2020. City of Spokane Valley ul Ben Wick, Mayor Air illir r / , hristine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved to orm: yi G / Office t e City rney Resolution 20-002 Amending 2020 TIP City of Spokane Valley beparimeni of Community&Public Works Adopted 2020 Transportation Improvement Program (Adopted by Resolution 19-006 en 66-04-10 Primary City Total 2020 Prof.# Project Frani Ta Source Amount Project Costs I 0269 Appleway Trail Evergreen Sullivan CMAQ 5 6,000 $ 45,000 2 0276 Barker Rd Reconstruction Euclid Garland City $ 46,000 5 46,000 3 0269 Evergreen Rd Resurfacing Mission Indiana STP{U) $ 2,000 5 12,000 4 0295 Garland Ave Construction Flora Barker DEV $ 30,000 $ 60000 5 0270 Knox Ave Sidewalk Hutchinson Sargent CDBG $ 1900 5 6,000 6 0273 Barker Rd Westbound interchange(PE only) Boone I-90 WSDOT $ - $ 18,085 7 0267 University Rd Preservation 16th Cashman Mica TIB $ 10,000 $ 50,000 8 0252 Argonne Rd Preservation Broadway Mission STP 5 5000 3 15,000 9 0294 Argonne Rd Preservation Vaileyway Broadway City $ 6,000 5 8,000 0 0257 Mission Ave Sidewalk and Street Preservation University Union TIE $ 8900 $ 41,000 1 5265 Wellesley Ave Sidewalk McDonald Evergreen SRTS 5 1,500 $ 8905 2 0278 tAAhur Rd Sidewalk Prefect Broadway Boone CBBG 5 1,000 5 8,000 3 0290 2019 Local Access Streets(Midlloree) UM/Loretta/3M BatosiFox City 5 31,000 5 31,000 4 0297 Vatleyway Ave Preservation Marguerite Mullen City $ 2,000 5 2,000 4 0297 Farr Rd Preservation Appleway 81h City $ 2,000 $ 2,000 4 0297 Woodruff Rd 9th 10th city $ 2,000 $ 2,000 5 0259 North Sullivan ITS-2018 Carryover I-90 Trent CMAQ 5 06,000 5 709,000 6 0143 Barker Rd/BNSF Grade Separation(PE)RW only) Barker® BNSF RR Fed/Other S - 5 1,392,000 7 0223 Pines(SR271113NSF Grade Separation Pines(5R27) Pines(5527) BNSF RR $ 1,250,000 5 1,250,000 8 0249 Sutllven-Wellesley intersection Project Sullivan® Wellesley CMAQ $ 76,000 5 653,000 9 0281 Adams Rd Sidewalk 161h 22nd TIB $ 87,000 5 436,000 20 0303 Conklin Road Sidewalk Appleway Trail Riceland Lane COBG $ 8,000 $ 75,005 21 0302 Ella Road Sidewalk Broadway Alkt CUBG $ 38,000 5 347,000 22 0286 Broadway Rd Preservaiion Havana Fancher City $ 431,000 S 2,156,000 23 0285 Indiana Ave Preservation Evergreen Sullivan City $ 382,000 5 1,672,000 24 8th Ave Preservation(PE only) Sullivan Progress City 5 5,005 $ 642,000 25 Street Preservation Projects-Annual NIA NAA City $ - $ - 26 Local Access Street Improvement Project-Annual NIA N/A City $ 1,500.500 $ 1,500,000 27 Citywide Sefaty Prefects-Biennial NIA NIA 1151P 8 - $ - 28 0301 Park 8 Mission Intersection Improvement(PE Only) Mission Park City $ 1,700,000 5 1,700,000 29 Sullivan Road Bridge Dank Resurfacing Sullivan Rd A UPRR NB Other Fed 5 0,000 $ 08,000 30 Evergreen Road Preservation(PE Only) Sprague Mission City 5 14,005 $ 72,000 31 Appleway Blvd Stormweter improvements University Farr Other State 5 36,000 $ 142,000 32 0300 Pines/Mission Intersection Improvement Pines(5R27) Mission CMAQ $ 11,000 5 80,000 33 0294 Citywide Reflective Post Panels Citywide Citywide 1151P 8 - 5 71,000 34 0203 Cilywide.Refeetive Signal Bookplates Phase 3 Citywide Citywide Holy S - $ 163,000 35 0275 Barker Rd Reconstruction(pE only) Spokane River Euclid City 5 318,000 $ 319,000 36 0205 Spregue(Barkerintersection lmproVemanl(PE only) Sprague Sprague City 5 140,000 $ 191,003 37 Mission Ave.Preservation Mullen University City 5 35,000 5 35,000 ADOPTER TOTAL $ 6,289,000 5 14,222,000 city of Spokane Valley Department of Community&Public Works Amended 2520 Transportation Improvement Program Resolution 20-002(01-21-2020j Primary City Total 2020 Prof.# Unchanged Prefects From To Source Amount Project Costs 3 0269 Evergreen Rd Resurfacing Mission Indiana STP(U) 5 2,000 $ 12,000 10 5267 Mission Ave Sidewalk and Street Preservation University Union TIB $ 5,000 $ 41,000 18 0249 Sullivan-Wollestey intersection Project Sullivan A Wellesley CMAQ $ 76.005 0 005.500 19 0291 Adams Rd Sidewalk 16th 22nd TIB $ 87.010 $ 436.550 25 Street Preservation Projects-Annual NIA N/A City 5 - 5 - 26 Local Access Street Improvement Projects-Annual NIA N/A City $ 1,500,002 $ 1,506,000 27 Citywide Safety Prefects-Biennial NIA N/A HS1P $ - 5 - 29 Sullivan Road Bridge Deck Resurfacing Sullivan Rd A UPRR NB Other Fed $ 5,000 $ 66,000 33 0294 Citywide Reflective Post Panels Citywide Citywide HSIP $ - $ 71,000 34 0293 Cilyucrde Reflective Signet Backplates Phase 3 Citywide CityvAde HS1P $ - $ 153,000 37 Mission Ave.Preservation(FE Only) Mullen University City 5 35,000 S 35,003 Subtotal 5 1,717.000 S 2,979,000 Primary City Total 2620 Pro-1.# Updated Project From To Source Amount Project Costs' 1 0208 Appleway Troll Evergreen Sullivan CMAQ 1 229,500 5 1,700,000 2 0276 Barker Rd Reconsiructian Euclid Garland City $ 350,000 $ 350,000 4 0295 Garland Ave Construction Flora Darker DEV 5 750,000 $ 1,500,000 6 0273 Barker Rd Westbound Interchange(PE only) Boone 1-90 W50OT S - 8 250,000 7 9287 University Rd Preservation 16th Diehman Mica TIB $ 8,000 $ 20,000 15 0259 North Sullivan ITS-2018 Carryover 1.90 Trent CMAQ 5 182,000 $ 810,050 16 0143 Barker Rd 1 BNSF Grade Separation(PE/RW onjy) Barker® BNSF RR Fed/Other 5 235,000 $ 3,030,000 17 0223 Pines(SR27)18NSF Grade Separation Pines(SR27) Pines(SR27f CRISRSTP(U) $ 1,500,000 5 4,000,000 20 0303 Conklin Road Sidewalk Appleway Trail Riceland Lane COBG $ 61,000 5 124,000 21 0302 Ella Road Sidewalk Broadway AIM CABG $ 40,050 $ 372,000 22 0286 Broadway Rd Preservation(PE Only) Havana Fancher City $ 85.050 3 50,000 23 0285 Indiana Ave Preservation Evergreen Sullivan City $ 1,872,000 $ 1,672,000 24 $111 Ave Preservation(FE only). Sullivan Progress City $ 5,050 S 15,000 28 0301 Park&Mission Intersection Improvement(PE Only) Park® Mission City 5 41,000 5 41,000 30 Evergreen Road Preservation(PE Only) Sprague Mission City $ 25,000 $ 20,000 31 Appleway Blvd Stermwater Improvements(PB Duly) University Fern Other State $ 35,50o 5 50,000 32 0300 Pines/Mission Intersection Improvement Pines(SR27) Mission CMAQ $ 70,000 5 516,000 35 0275 Barker Rd Reconskuctien Spokane River Euclid STBGIFMSIB 5 500,000 $ 4,060,000 36 0205 Sprague/Barker Intersection Imprevemenl(PE only) Sprague Sprague City $ 50,000 5 50,000 Subtotal $ 5,993,500 5 18900,000 Primary City Towa12025 Prof.# Removed Projects From To Source Amount Project Casts 5 0279 Knox Ave Sidewalk Hutchison Sargent COBG $ 1906 5 6,906 8 0252 Argonne Rd Preservation Broadway Mission STP g_5,4,00 $ 16,000 9 0284 Argonne Rd Preservation Valleyway Broadway City 5_6,a00 4 C,004 11 0265 Wellesley Ave Sidewalk McDonald Evergreen SRTS $ 1900 4 5005 12 0278 Uhlhur Rd Sidewalk Project Broadway Boone CDBG 5- 1.000 5 -0.500 13 0290 2019 Local Access Skeels(Midaloma) 34thiLorella/37th Bates/Fox City 5 7,500 5 31,000 14 0297 Valleyway Ave Preservation Marguerite Mullen City 5 2906 5 2005 14 0297 Fan Rd Preservation Appleway filly City S 18:000 9 2-000 14 0297 Woodruff Rd 91h 10th City S 2,000 4 2,05$ Subtotal $ - $ - Primary City Tafel 2020 Praj.# Added Projects From To Source Amount Protect Costs 38a South Sullivan Read Preservation Sprague 6th City $ 50,000 5 50,000 386 South Sullivan Road Preservation Bib 16th City $ 50,000 $ 50,000 38c South Sullivan Road Preservation 1611, S.City Um/t City $ 50,000 $ 50,060 42 11255 Argonne Road Concrete Pavement Reconstruc8on Indiana Montgomery City $ 450,000 $ 2,050,000 46 0292 Mullan Road Preservation Broadway Mission City 5 50,050 $ 50,000 45 Flora Noel Reconshuchon Euclid Garland City $ 50,500 $ 50,600 53a Park Road Sidewalk(sub-project of 1653) Melon Sharp TIE $ 10,000 $ 55,500 26a Barker Road Hames IPS Only-2020 Local Streets) 5 01 Barker N o1 Sp.River City 5 60,000 5 60,500 Sultntel $ 720,000 $ 2,655,500 AMENDED TOTAL $5,430,500 524939,000 n.,,e,e,,.rIle,>mc,i aamned in st lie<m me<.mm16,<4a.amaa<,.08 eon rot):ku,ea duo maArm n of rinwnn.. January 202u Amrrvdmant FAPubro thiaketTiaw02u-20y5 TIPV.Arsendreentsvanwry Arm ruin a Mummery 2020 Amendment