19-125.01 Wm Winkler: Appleway Trail Evergreen to Sullivan Spoka`nTe O."1\1111111ftt '0 Valle`v CHANGE ORDER NO: 1 ENGINEERING DIVISION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 19-125.01 PROJECT:APPLEWAY TRAIL PROJECT CONTRACT DATE: 8/21/2019 PRIME CONTRACTOR:WM WINKLER CO. CIP NO: 268 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES This is an administrative change order that increases the Contract amount to pay for the increased quantity of Contract Item #205-Swale Excavation Incl.Haul,CY. Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 205 Swale Excavation Incl.Haul C.Y. 700.0 $18.10 $12,670.00 Total Amount of this Change Order(incl.Tax): $12,670.00 8.9%Sales Tax(applicable only to Bid Schedule D) $0.00 VERBAL APPROVAL AND JUSTIFICATION Independent Justification on File Yes Verbal Approval N/A Verbal Approval by N/A PHYSICAL COMPLETION Original Contract Working Days: 75 Revision By This Change Order: 0 .............................. Revisions by Prior Change Orders: 0 Total Revised Contract Working Days: 75 CONTRACT AMOUNT THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 1,931,986.60 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT(None) $ 0.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 1,931,986.60 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 12,670.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 1,944,656.60 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: l'"-/ .--� ')---- DATE: Jam4.G��--/-\2G The contractor hereby accepts this a .ustment under the rms of a ion 1-04.4 of the original contract. RECOMMENDED BY: L DATE: :VI-7/2-C.) P j cl n r APPROVED BY: DATE: V`3 r )7.2OZ-4) Ci E i er r� APPROVED BY: DATE: ( 37202 City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Distribution: ORIGINAL TO: City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office COPIES TO: Contractor,PW Project File,Project Inspector,Finance Department GOSV Form 9/5/2014 Spokane Valley Change Order No: 1 Construction Contract No: 19-125.01 THE CONTRACT IS MODIFIED AS FOLLOWS: WORK TO INCLUDE Background: Contractor excavated and graded the stormwater pond(Sta. 51+00 to 53+00 Rt) according to plans. Contractor surveyed the finished excavation and provided the information to the City. The City reviewed the survey and determined that the excavation was higher than the original anticipated bid quantities. Description of Change: This is an administrative change order that increases the Contract amount to pay for the increased quantity of Contract Item#205-Swale Excavation Incl.Haul,CY. Specification: There are no changes to the specifications because of this change. Plans: No changes have been made to Contract Plans because of this change. Time: No working days are added or deleted due to this change. Measurement: There are no changes to measurement because of this change Payment: This change order increases the quantity of existing bid item and will be paid using bid unit prices. Summary of Quantities: Previous New Estimated Bid Item Description Unit Qty• Qty Qty Unit Price Amount Change 205 Swale Excavation Incl.Haul C.Y. 1,810 2,510 +700 $18.10 $12,670.00 TOTAL $12,670.00