2014, 08-12 Permit App BLD-2014-1916 FurnaceSp�kan1 cy 0 Mechanical Permit SITE ADDRESS: ot I Project # ` kj CO (� � j Permit Center velopmen1 RECEIVED 11703 E Sprague Ave, Sult6 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 PHONE: (509) 720-6240 FAX: (509) 688-0037 Commercial B-3 G.,J 12 2014 CSV PERMIT CENTER FEE: BuIldin0.Owner , Name: �/ Phone: Fax: Address: State: 1 Zlp: Contractor: . ,Fax; Name: n4 -x, mA o 11 Phone: Address: City: Slate; Zlp; License No; _ 2Y City Salness Lm: ;Go.. t.0, Project.`M,ta'neger;. • Name: I Phone; T, 7N_a R UNITS FURNACES & SUSPENDED HEATERS -INSTALLATION OR RELOCATION FURNACES & SUSPENDED HEATERS -INSTALLATION OR RELOCATION Up to & InClutlln 100000 BTU Over 100 000 BTU DUCT WORK SYSTEM MEAT PUMPIAIR CONDITIONER 0.3 TON AIR CONDITIONER Over 3.15 TON ) AIR CONDITIONER Over 15-30 TON AIR CONDITIONER Over 30 -So TON AIR CONDITIONER Over 60 TON GAS WATER HEATER GAS PIPING SYSTEM teach ou0e1 GAS LOG FIREPLACE & GA$ INSERT APPLIANCE VENTS INSTALLATION RELOOATION REPLACEMENT REPAIRS OR ADDITIONS BOILER COMPRESSORS. ABSORPTIONS SYSTEM 0 to 3 hip -100.000 BTU or less BOILER COMPRESSORS ABSORPTIONS SYSTEM Over 3-15h — 100,001 to 500,000 BTU BOILER COMPRESSORS ABSORPTIONS SYSTEM Over 15— 30 to . 600,001 to 1,000,000 BTU BOILER COMPRESSORS ABSORPTIONS SYSTEM Over 30 h —1 000 001 to 1 7S0 00D BTU BOILER COMPRESSORS ABSORPTIONS SYSTEM Over 60 n —over 1,760,900 BTU AIR HANDLER DOES NOT include ducll Eech unit IJP to 10,000 efm Including ducts AIR HANDLER DOES NOT include duclln Each unitover 10.000 cfm EVAPORATIVE COOLERSotiter thanPortables) VENTILATION AND EXHAUST Each fen connected to a since duct VENTILATION AND EXHAUST Each veNlleOon system VENTILATION AND EXHAUST Each hood served bv mechanical exhauet INCINERATORS Inatatallon or relocallon 01 realdenaal INCINERATORS InslallaGon or relocation of commercial APPLIANCES Range, Clothes Dryer UNLISTED APPLIANCES Under 400,000 BTU UNLISTED APPLIANCES Over 400,000 BTU HOOP Type HOOD Type II L P STORAGE TANK WOOD OR PELLET STOVE INSERT WOOD STOVE SYSTEM — FREE STANDING wyna us a CURRENT FEES AVAILABLE AT: DLto:l/wwwshokanevalleV Quick link to forme, then Master Foo Schedule Received Time Aug. 11. 2014 2:49PM No, 0819