1991, 11-04 Permit 91007518 Egress Window*** �HA,,, K Y�� ********************************* � SPOKANE COUNTY DEPAIiTMENTOF BUILDINGS W.1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHUNGTON 99260 (509)456-3675 / certify that / have examined this nonnmonnxoatmnstate that the information contained mnand submitted uvmoomy agent «, compile said permit/application permit/applicationis true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same.All provisionsof lawsand ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein ornot. I understand that the issuance ofthis permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancyshall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions o ny state or local law regulating construction, oras a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local SIGNATURE 07 APPLICATION OWNER OR AGr=NT DATE PRGJECT NUMBER= 9f0O75�8 I%%�.JED PERMIT DATE= ii/O4/9i PA�E= Oi **************************** PERIT HIHF3RMATION **************************** %ITE JTREET= 94�G E BR3ADWAY AVE PARCEL�7543-04Oi ADDRE%%= %POKANE WA 9920)6 PERMIT U%E= IN%TALL E�RE%% WINDS� IN BA%E�ENT PLAT835 PLAT NAME= OPP.TR. i--- 354 BLOCK= LOT= ZONE= UR-3.5 DIJT�= AREA= F/A= F WIDT�= DEPTH= 41: OF BLDLY%= DWELLIN�%= i WATER E R/W= 3WNER= GL%ON �EG��E & �ZN�Y PHONE= 5O9 928 44�5 %�REET= 94�G � BRGADWAY A�E ADDRE%%= %POKANE A 99206 CONTACT NAME= MR% OL%CN PHONE NUMBER= 509 928 �405 B�ILDI�� %ET3ACK%� FRONT= NA LEFT= NA RI�HT= NA REAR= NA ******************************* BUILDINC.T 1:ERMIT **************************** CONTRAC CG�E= 5O9 �24 O723 %TRE2E A�DRE%%= %POKANE WA 99214 NEW= REMODEL= X ADDITIGN= CF UJE= D�ELL UNI�%= i OCCI jP. LD= BLD17x R,IE%= BLD� � X D = X %� FT= %PRINKLER= N REQ HANDICAP= CRITICAL MA = N DE%CR1.PTIGN GRO!UP TYF2E %Q FT ----------- .... —.... —.... —.... .... .... ----- REMODEL R-3 VN ��EH DE%CRI�TI(3N AWit- ITY �ALUATISN .... —.... .... --.... -- 549.0O FEE AMGkJNT i7,ZE%I.7)EN1 V ALUATION Y 35.00 %TATE %URCi--iAR—GE Y 4.5O CO�NTY %URCHARtaE Y 5.6W ******************************* PAYMENT %LPMMARY **************************** PAYHETE RECEIPT� O4/9i G3i4 TOTAL DUE= .00 TOTAL PAIED= PERMIT TYPE FEE AMOUNT AMO�NT PAID --------------- ------------- .... —.... —.... .... ------ BUILDIN� PERMIT 45.i0 45.iO ------------- ............ -------- 45.iO 45.i0 PROCE%%ED BY� JULIE %HATTO PRINTED BY: Ji 1LIE %HATTO PAYMENT AMOUNT 45.iO ------------ 45.i0 AMG�NT OWIN� ------------- .00 .0O ******************************** TH�NK YGU *********************************