2020, 03-10 Regular Formal Format MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FORMAL FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley, Washington March 10, 2020 Mayor Wick called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Ben Wick,Mayor Mark Calhoun, City Manager Brandi Peetz, Deputy Mayor John Hohman, Deputy City Manager Tim Hattenburg, Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Rod Higgins, Councihnember Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Arne Woodard, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Adam Jackson, Planning/Grants Engineer Absent: Morgan Koudelka, Sr. Admin.Analyst Pam Haley, Councilmember Bill Helbig, City Engineer Linda Thompson, Councilmember Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk INVOCATION: Pastor Mike Munzo of Genesis Church gave the invocation. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Council,staff, and the audience stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present except Councilmembers Haley and Thompson. It was moved by Councilmember Woodard, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmembers Haley and Thompson. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to accept the amended agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS n/a COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Woodard:mentioned the second annual Meals on Wheels walk-a-thon was held in the mall and that it was well attended. Councilmember Hattenburg:gave a brief update on some of the senate budget items,in particular a proposal by Senator Padden for allotting $70,000 for the Valley Museum, adding that the appropriation is not finalized; send he met with the Yakima Mayor and shared our ordinance in opposition to a city income tax; said concerning the performance and evaluation of the STA(Spokane Transit Authority),that staff members are taking precautions to keep the buses sanitized. Deputy Mayor Peetz: reported that she attended a Chamber meeting where they mentioned they are examining a brand refresh as well as a new location; said she attended the transportation coalition meeting where they discussed pavement management; said GSI (Greater Spokane, Inc.) has a tool to reach out to legislators to get our voice heard more often, and they will be looking at using that again in the next legislative session; said she attended a 5g forum at Gonzaga where some people voiced concerns with 5G posing a significant health risk; said the Town of Millwood gave a presentation about widening being done on Argonne; and said she went to a McDonald's ribbon cutting on Havana. Councilmember Higgins: said he attended a MICA Peak School award ceremony and received an award for being a supporter; went to the Clean Air Board meeting and said that our air has been remarkably clean this winter, and he mentioned that the CEO of that Board is resigning due to family matters and will be moving to Wisconsin so a search will begin soon for her replacement; and that he and Councilmember Woodard attended an Aging&Long Term Care briefing on things they do and what they supply. Regular Formal Council Meeting: 03-10-2020 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council: 04-14-2020 MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Wick explained that he attended a Chamber presentation that included the 2020 priorities for our city which also used several slides from our 2019 Accomplishments Report; said he received a letter from the Good Roads Association about our street maintenance program and of the upcoming construction projects; he spoke about issues associated with the State Transportation Commission and that the Eastern Washington representative resigned from that commission;said he is this year's Chair of the Health District Board and there have been many updates and discussions on the COVID-19 virus as everyone works to make sure we are ready, and he spoke about testing at the medical schools and that as more people get tested,we will see more cases;said there will be an upcoming appointment to the Human Rights Task Force and if anyone is interested in serving, applications need to be submitted to the City Clerk by March 1 8. PROCLAMATION n/a 1. CONSENT_AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of claim vouchers on March 10, 2020,Request for Council Action Form Total: $515,719.55 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending February 29, 2020: $515,592,72 c. Approval of Radio Controlled Car Club License Agreement d.Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of February 11,2020 Special Meeting,Workshop e. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of February 18, 2020 Study Session Format f. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of February 25, 2020 Formal Meeting Format It was moved by Councilmember Hattenburg, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS: 2. Motion Consideration: Street Maintenance Contract—John Hohman It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to award the Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair Services contract to Poe Asphalt Paving Inc. in an amount not to exceed$1,500,000 and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the contract. After Deputy City Manager Hohman went over the background of the contract as noted in his Request for Council Action form, Mayor Wick invited public comment; no comments were offered. Mr. Holman also noted that the percentage increase from last year is just a little over 3%and is mostly centered on equipment operators and is also controlled by the prevailing wage rates;he noted that the equipment and materials have stayed the same. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENTS: After explaining the process, and before inviting public comment, Mayor Wick mentioned that there has been some talk and he and members of Council have received e-mails and letters about moving the seniors from their current location at CenterPlace. Mayor Wick said that there is no plan to move the seniors from the Senior Center at CenterPlace; that it has not been brought up for Council discussion on any agenda,and that he also spoke with the Library Director who confirmed this topic is not on their agenda either. Mayor Wick then invited general public comment. Ms. Barb Howard, Spokane Valley: regarding the sculptures, said she worries about kids climbing on the Heart of the Valley and If I Could Fly sculptures and that it seems like they could be a hazard to kids unless the sculptures are encased somehow; also mentioned the woman who got hit with a golf disc and ended up getting stitches. Ms.Pam Orne, Spokane Valley: she read a prepared statement about the Spokane Valley Senior Center and of the idea of the seniors having to move; and she spoke about the advantages of their current place as well as the disadvantages if they had to move. Ms.Jeannete Knoblock,Spokane Valley: she also expressed concern about the Senior Center and she asked why the Mayor spoke to the library board is this is not being discussed. After she read her prepared statement in opposition to such a move,Mayor Wick said he spoke with the Library Board member because Regular Formal Council Meeting: 03-10-2020 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council: 04-14-2020 there were so many letters about this being a topic, and he wanted to make sure it was also not a topic of the Library's, and it is not, so he was just getting clarification for night's meeting. Mr. Larry Murdza, Spokane Valley: said he is the current president of the Spokane Valley Senior Center Association, and that members have expressed concern over a possible move to the library; said it is his understanding that City Officials claim there is no move in the works; he referenced a Spokesman Review article that did make such reference so his membership is skeptical; he read his prepared letter about the detriments of such a move, and handed the City Clerk several petitions against such a move. Ms. Diana Wilhite, Spokane Valley: said she was on the Council when the City formed and she mentioned the prior senior center which was ultimately deemed uninhabitable, and of the idea that CenterPlace would be a great place for seniors; said she started getting phone calls about a move and about seniors having to be moved;said she suggested those people verify the idea as people who were speaking about such a move, were incorrect and falsely reporting such plan; said she was assured there is no plan to move the seniors from their current location, and in fact, the City could not move the seniors into the library without the County's approval as the library is part of the County; she also noted the County is not planning on or supporting such a move, as there is no such move in the works. Mr. Bill Gothmann, Spokane Valley: he spoke about the Cycle Celebration in connection with Valleyfest and he invited Council to participate in the bike ride; said the celebration will be held July 26`' this year and they are asking corporations to get a team together,and said that he contacted Mayor Wick and several staff members about such an endeavor. Mr. John Homer, Liberty Lake: said he grew up here, moved away and just recently came back and now lives in Liberty Lake; said he finds our Senior Center to be a wonderful resource. Mr.John Harding,Spokane Valley:spoke about his concern about the long range potential economic impact in our region relative to this COVID-19 virus; said it appears it is just starting to bloom and he suggested maybe putting some projects on hold until we can get a better read on how this virus will impact our economy; said he realizes we have reserves and thinks it would be a good idea to wait on some projects; and said that the virus is expected to peak in six to eight weeks. There were no further public comments. There was brief Council discussion about the topic of the senior center and mention that the library is County property so this Council does not have any control on what goes on in that building. Councilmember Woodard said he and Councilmember Higgins met with the Library Board previously and at one point in the past he, Councilmember Woodard, suggested since the library hadn't been able to pass a bond,that maybe the Library and the City could partner and put the senior center at the new library; he said the old library building was never discussed. Mayor Wick said this Council's process is to make decisions as a group and no one person can put forward an idea for a future meeting. Councilmember Hattenburg noted he too received phone calls, and he read an article from the Spokesman Review that mentioned the trail, and also mentioned a senior center, but that was all. Mayor Wick asked and Councilmembers confirmed that no one on Council wants to add this for a future discussion. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 3. Potential Grant Opportunity (BUILD)—Adam Jackson Prior to moving through the PowerPoint presentation, Deputy City Manager Hohman explained that staff is not asking for an opinion tonight as they introduce the topic; he mentioned the BUILD (Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development) grant opportunity coming up with applications due in May; said usually staff would make a presentation on a recommended project and wait for the approval to move forward,but he explained that this year is different; he said staff wants to discuss with Council about which project to apply for and to look at both applications and programs and begin dialogue as there are multiple scenarios to consider when evaluating which project may be best suited for the BUILD program; or to make changes to the INFRA(Infrastructure for Rebuilding America)project and make it fit for the BUILD grant; or not to go forward at this time and perhaps support an application from a regional partner. Mr. Jackson went through the PowerPoint explaining what kind of projects can be supported by a BUILD grant; he then explained some of the funding details, application considerations and grant eligibility requirements for the three projects: Pines Road/BNSF grade separation project; Bigelow-Sullivan Corridor project; and the Spokane County Bigelow Gulch project. Mr. Jackson stated that if Council desires, staff Regular Formal Council Meeting: 03-10-2020 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: 04-14-2020 will come back in a few weeks to give Council an opportunity to consider which project to apply for; and he noted again that applications are due May 18, 2020, and that funds must be obligated by September 30, 2022. Discussion ensued about the options and the projects with Mr. Jackson noting on the Pines Project, that we would likely need to provide some work to show what we've done; and Mr. Hohman added that we'd have to discuss with the County if they'd prefer a combined BUILD application, and if that were the case, we would also have to discuss additional funding, and that we don't have to introduce our project versus someone else's in the region, as then we'd have to split the support. The additional traffic issue with the Bigelow Gulch was also mentioned,and Mayor Wick added that perhaps we should wait to see the outcome of the state budget. Other comments included waiting to see what other jurisdictions have,then come back. Mr.Jackson said we are still planning on having both projects on the flyer that will be taken to Washington, D.C., and could successfully promote projects, adding that we want to get as much grant money as we can. Mr. Calhoun suggested waiting to see what the state does and come back in a few weeks, which will still give engineering time to complete an application if that is Council's desire. Mr. Hohman said he will also coordinate these issues with Spokane County. There was consensus to come back in a few weeks, April 7 at the earliest,to further discuss this issue. 4.Arts Council Sculpture Donations,Potential Locations—Mike Stone Prior to Parks &Recreation Director Stone going through his PowerPoint presentation, he stated that he is not seeking a decision tonight, although would appreciate some direction or guidance, and would return later for more definitive action. Mr. Stone went over the history of the already accepted art sculpture donations and their placement;and that the Indomitable Spirit,Rock Star,and Huckleberry Daze sculptures have been accepted but placements have not yet been determined; he noted a possible place for the Indomitable Spirit is the CenterPlace West Lawn,and possible place for the Huckleberry Daze sculpture is Greenacres Park;said the Indomitable Spirit might also be placed at the trailhead in a prominent and highly visible spot; and that he is open for suggestions on the Rock Star sculpture. Discussion included mention of placing sculptures in high traffic areas; of the idea of placing sculptures in storage, especially while waiting for the completion of the West Lawn, or a more suitable location presents itself; and mention of costs for landscaping, lighting, and electricity. Deputy Mayor Peetz asked about placing the Huckleberry Daze at or near Central Valley School; said she is not opposed to Greenacres Park but someone from the Central Valley School District mentioned the bear sculpture, and she suggested perhaps a partnership. Mayor Wick said he also thinks the school would be a good place and suggested staff contact them for their input. It was mentioned that landscaping would provide a buffer and hopefully a deterrent for kids to climb the sculptures. Mr. Stone said it has not been an issue in the past,and mentioned he does not want to place the art pieces behind a screen or fence.It was determined that this will come back to Council for a final decision at a later date. 5. SHB 1406 Potential Uses: Encouraging Affordable & Supportive Housing Investments — Morgan Koudelka Mr. Koudelka asked Council to keep in mind that Substitute House Bill 1406 is designed to increase the stock of affordable housing and address those needs; he noted the bottleneck is the lack of affordable housing; said the bill is not designed to support buildings or operations of shelters, but speaks of possible funds available; said he met with the City of Spokane and Spokane County and the County wants to collaborate regional partnerships and pursue funding for a regional youth shelter as there are an estimated 3,000 homeless youths; he noted he will keep Council informed on how those discusses progress, but tonight he will be seeking Council's ideas on how to support such a regional shelter. Mr. Koudelka explained that in 2019, the Legislature approved SHB 1406, authorizing local jurisdictions to receive a rebate on a portion of the state sales tax and use the proceeds to provide affordable housing; that Council has adopted a resolution of intent as well as an enabling ordinance; and because the City does not have an accompanying qualifying tax,the City is limited to collecting .0073% of the sales tax,and that the overall sales tax rate does not increase.He went on to explain about how much funding it would provide; Regular Formal Council Meeting: 03-10-2020 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council: 04-14-2020 that the amount would be capped and subject to sales and use tax for state fiscal year 2019-20,which would give us an estimated $207,876, and over a 20-year period we could see as much as $4,157,524; he gave definitions for affordable housing and supporting housing, and explained allowed uses for all cities; and said that for cities with populations under 100,000, it would provide tenant rental assistance.Mr. Koudelka noted that option 1 would include acquisition, rehabilitation, and construction; option 2 would include operations and maintenance costs of new units of supportive or affordable housing; and option 3 would provide rental assistance to tenants in cities with populations under 100,000. Mr. Koudelka explained that with this option, it would be likely the City would contract with an agency since our City does not have staffing resources or expertise to manage such a program;he noted that Family Promise provides vouchers to families with minor children.He also noted that the Housing Authority partners with many agencies such as Catholic Charities, Frontier Behavioral, and Volunteers of America to provide vouchers through a referral program; and that if Spokane Valley Partners were to administer such a program,they would likely have to add staff. Further,Mr.Koudelka explained that staff is currently conducting outreach and gathering information about Spokane Valley homeless, needs, obstacles, and gaps; that Spokane will provide Point-in-Time Count results later this month; and that he hopes to present preliminary findings to Council mid-year along with some options to consider,and begin the development of long-term goals.Mr.Koudelka said that next steps include Council identifying preferences for the use of SHB 1406 Funds;that staff will continue to explore options, providers, and costs associated with these options, and that staff will report back to Council with details so Council can move toward a final determination. Further discussion ensued regarding the idea of regional collaboration with questions about who would be the lead agency; that there aren't enough housing units with the amount of vouchers given; the idea if we partnered with Spokane Valley Partners that they would likely need more staff; that option 2 would be for permanent supportive housing and not just regular affordable housing; the issue of rental support and working with owners of existing facilities to reduce rent; and of the need for further research to come up with ideas on how to help people stay in a unit. It was also noted that there is a proposed bill in the works to clarify some of the issues.Mayor Wick mentioned the Hutton Settlement or similar program might come into play on this issue. Partnerships was again mentioned and that by so partnering,we might be better able to leverage larger projects. Mr. Calhoun noted that we are setting up a special revenue fund to keep those funds separate; and Mr.Koudelka agreed to explore further on the idea of regional partnerships. 6. Advance Agenda - Mayor Wick Councilmember Woodard suggested inviting a representative from Aging&Long Term Care to give an update on their services, and what we get for our$12,000. There were no objections. Mr. Calhoun said he will contact the agency. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS Mr. Calhoun had no further comments. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m. oiAtt Ben Wick, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Regular Formal Council Meeting: 03-10-2020 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council: 04-14-2020 SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL MEETING c Tuesday, March 10, 2020 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting GENERAL CITIZEN COMMENTS SIGN-IN SHEET YOUR SPEAKING TIME WILL GENERALLY BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES This sign-in sheet is for making comments not associated with an action item on tonight's a.enda. If you wish to comment about an individual action item on tonight's agenda (such a a m tion to approve an ordinance or resolution) when appropriate, the Mayor will ask r comrn: is on those items once that item is reached on the agenda. Please sign in if you wish to make public comments. NAME TOPIC OF CONCERN YOU YOUR CITY OF RESIDENCE PLEASE PRINT WILL SPEAK ABOUT -0 co of' ,ii1 1 io C C'. 5 (Lit& vi 1,: Of' L -eA e f° 56)0164 I e tat 641,104) v aeyLit ioole,f- Akezccre_ ea' b-RG C-SQ-4416,-, AL_L.LJ.---ftek 0, L S mo_. Lb- / b✓ /Lett- AL.4 Z` e `/ Wire& X,� c_.rciy o -e ckkk-RA Sq 1 4 a40' , l r/4L/ice, .5d — DAA"-. ft < 1, qh(- )c Cei di+-`arc t( • , f . e• csmk\t ./ ti 5 V 6. Please note that once information is entered on this form, it becomes U public record subject to public disclosure. SPOKANE VALLEY SENIOR CITIZENS ASSOCIATION (SVSCA) 2426 N. Discovery Place (CenterPlace) Spokane Valley, WA 99216-5055 FEBRUARY, 2020 TO: Spokane Valley City Council RE: Possible Move of the Valley Senior Center Many Senior Center members have expressed concern over a possible move from our current location at CenterPlace to the Valley Public Library. While City officials claim there are no active plans at present for such a move, a recent article in the Spokesman-Review referenced such a move. And the fact that there have been at least informal talks in the past by some City Council members has our membership skeptical and concerned. We understand any such move is contingent upon the voters approving a bond for the construction of a new Valley Library. For the following reasons many of the over 500 members of the Valley Senior Citizens Association have come forward to register their strong opposition to the possible move. This includes a petition with 376 signatures. 1. The square footage of the Valley Library does not appear adequate to meet the needs of the Senior Center. We hold an average of 36 activities per 5-day week between Sam and 4pm. In 2019 this resulted in attendance of 27, 000 or an average of 121 activity participants per day. 2. The 2" floor of the library extends out only one-half way over the 1st floor leaving a large open area between floors that extends the length of the building. This would create a significant noise factor on both floors with activities occurring on both floors. 3. The lowest level is accessible only by a 4' x 6' elevator which is woefully inadequate for the numerous activity participants. This would also represent a serious lack of means of emergency escape in the event of fire, especially for 1 those using wheelchairs or walkers. 4. In addition to this small elevator, the only other means of reaching the 2" floor is a rather steep-appearing 4' wide staircase presenting injury potential to our senior citizens. 5. All four bathrooms are located at one end of the building —two on the 1St floor at the building's entrance and two in the basement. There are no bathrooms on the 2nd floor. This is not at all reasonably convenient for senior citizens participating in activities elsewhere in the building. Also, both the men's and women's bathrooms are inadequate with the men's bathrooms having only a single stall and the women's bathrooms having only two stalls. 6. The location near the very busy intersection of Sprague and Pines represents a significant traffic hazard for those seniors who have to turn left across Pines to return home. 7. Finally, some time ago voters approved the construction of the current CenterPlace and Senior Center with the obvious intention of providing for a safe and adequate space for the Senior Center. Moving to the proposed building would seem to violate those voter-approved intentions. Thank you for your consideration of these concerns. 2 0 t, ,7t t ,462,---- 6 ,1 fryJ Darryrdza, President, SVSCA GaryBradice-Presid atVSCA )\,,,-c- ,3R bi,_•_, Karen aff, Treas/ r SVSCA Jud Armes, Secretary, SVSCA C?_-- '--.----- -'~ ,cu. Chuck Post, Board Member, SVSCA Joan Stevens, Board Member, SVSCA 7. a 1 - Craig Detm d r, Bas ember, SU CA Z Spokane Valley Senior Center February 2020 We, the undersigned by this petition, express our strong opposition to moving the Spokane Valley Senior Center from its current site at CenterPlace to another location. Print Name Signature /11/__ i4cy1/4 ori / IA/ 119- 'I y y iJ YO R-0 U 54_3i r` ---- 6 1(6?).1 VA) 4. 4- (-r_,P,1 _, ir .k._Nir..b4r4dP-odp 7 ALAN M ;:21oG2 / - A. g ,j /P veiw L/ f /' 9 I r e fro 1 dz a ki f , .I TA,"--r • ii j a 4.- f'i 6 6 (L /-IA- 41 'll +. JI 0 Trr 1 1 C-L 1-1' 0-v--.L„,__52_, a' i O C r A-- #' r l �_. 1 _ --- CP-.41/7e/ .1.2../2-1-17 7_L2.42_, Pi 0,A1,,E de ,,6 le C/_,g"Alt C /e V.S° lb CLQ► I >J Me;, -7T r � .,,.,L, _ ' } 5 ks bi,, , ,el—r- 4 (8ep , , r (*Zee /9 1, (' s-, 11 ,//n n�t Oi (76,-401 k-)(7 r l'ibri.7D5-b' a- aI j..:____,544. 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Print Name Signature t 3 ruiQe_lr ) tiliwilk..li o eA, 02 tfr f II A ! .? i `sem ! 1 1-ce-- .4. . _411 I c /iici/RROi Px,9 R.5 4/V WNW ' , ; . , fi► 7 3 -1--4'e, Ci k r i s .�v1 Sv? 1- J %Gig, " .t 1 8 APP .L L d L ' ire I!._► -1 ,rl ' ,. z. 9 iran.,lntdrf , 16 _ _ „ . k1/440-e y'-‘- " 1 Wrignieri , 1 fa /CaraL X p, , 0, /i97:7::',--' ii 13 i a -'/__�%.. . / 1 4IP i L�,r:� ,. iq fr (e t ~ €r 1 . ' :, rs 0,7 ).e. s 1� v . lb o (�1 k6- ( 1-e 142„`riiC pi /4747 4-7v.s.7-2 1-C-• 7AZ* j l$ RAI 4 - � Pra tJ p kr _ (1 ,, 0 ,• .. - � // � * � Q'bi dz./CL �J f , y,?7' , /0, r / 41 PolinLi Gs it c;k^ _ c' C , 61-1-JA aIF wlmUL. , , .�- PotAft)- �i 4 / -441-4— al et,t. , ( i lo,to cedl Mail L�rb-mZ.dp.,/ ; `-fit(� I N=026 t_t_t • Cc tiz 0 ` e O s_s vzr C.‘, ' tk ') ,1 Guru -uid ' V Spokane Valley Senior Center February 2020 We, the undersigned by this petition, express our strong opposition to moving the Spokane Valley Senior Center from its current site at CenterPlace to another location. Print Name Signature J i ,ff l?3.1rk, No/4 Ayswo v---/ 6 - ,, / /- . 41 Drevi i) C /--( AR c l R ,) ,_c, gin)./0E,L.,)(1--- / .c. , i__:___ _,,,_i_ _,-A- y 64 L 1 r C - "J-5,e-- F.) 7--Z- (eel, ri`ck ,iiic. ,-,1J'a 6 ;,,,,eS,<,------- - 7 se_ ins 1 x. ck k / 41 -/ ,`- e -o ` ce--ice -j e f.1_ C- e ELL u ,- ,, 9 a , I _ /.,�1.�s� . is Le I Q -D ll r Z..... ` �— :DO G f/---i , P� fa - -fil," ei 41 .. a-icfgEiP tt-tttc,A. L.e, .!, itakAisf le P1 L v'5S2x—r-- .. ,1:lir .*-- 4 l' ) i1 f-l( as 'I ►'A OS` O ( $ V` :1----) 6-'1‘-' r� 18 - 1<u c 13( o r-zk' f . �' c -� ( ; ' . r ., 11 - iy- G -'1'21,e,Obey e y jcisco n iQ„ ,,-`-� P ,) 0h Thus 10 zy �. e,' c) f/90,,A/47 o”. - 'elm.V",,,,,,--Tr-. t rra....f.,0..,1 ,r).,-, ,..--_,_- __., -,_,-....,,, c "\--\k.S...r74--,-0.24'N <26 iiiipki, 7/4?-oe--t-‘,"4 //lv ,„- .h./e-Re c-,4, -e,--- rzr „ed../6e_, ,1„. ...-eit_42. / „44,,, (X7 ' , v c___Q, r Spokane Valley Senior Center February 2020 We, the undersigned by this petition, express our strong opposition to moving the Spokane Valley Senior Center from its current site at CenterPlace to another location. Print Name Signature Q etd v oi JO de f l ierrr Avp-v (A. rjr,w- e%A 3 _.-4 (,,v �/pr�.s4i34C',,, ------,?_44,7A,, -yz� , 41 . 0 5-C n ..-t "- Lei c, S7•C {/ice C 4,e-,-__ .r 6 4/111 141' ,\•s"e11 .6 r/ 9' a-21-7s, —es i� .- '7 LLLC .4 e /5', U _ 1 y ,� 4: Pp-cE ' �' ' l� 9 1 5 )1 a 034 . 16 N\\c G\cU 'ok k. C- , % I/ \ ._,(-,, (A )7,\6,..\ ltL,c.1 \ . !3 at_`• \ /II 5\M\ t LI )0v- /k, s:79-1-1-v1 ' N-H.- _:374^c-tr-r , lb 5,..44,4-6,./9 E,L.del,---},...) )t>2?„-ii_A_.,___,/ &-7424.: M kodk�"A fr/tifchr4 5-a( , ,• / ', ;:t., /15C-11..i 11 5 : 13- <. , f I /•.I.6.. . . 1. i e,� � tei_L9' �1 , "772 ? I , di /j \ (--6/6.__, >r rJ 1 ay -Do I?cc�e / 41) r`.S t C ., .e�' L "_ / f� , / .2(0,y , 11/6#7` / / / Spokane Valley Senior Center February 2020 We, the undersigned by this petition, express our strong opposition to moving the Spokane Valley Senior Center from its current site at CenterPlace to another location. Print Name Signature ,.._, ,9„_\--i/Ld_r_z_.__ %:liLot. o _ �r- efe %1 3 "I V(a(la_ 'A E 10_2,1 _; A 6_,..,- ,pcc-4_,1 -- i -<_Th iciv„. C J or rat. Ni WH ITS 6 DA y r .sc«.i F 9 r ,�', .7 ill.I) leet,t . _l .f /' li f'!_,/: t tA/6 in/VIII&VZ 6/0-77- A-k- ;to elf-- JPNAcE MA MART nf /' z:i > 13 J,1 N RJ A To A) ,, . _ ! Pi /01(////,---1--4'2' f 11 l r)-` 4. / _" is ( Y /cifv i/ 5 /tic f*---04,-) 1( ) is _ W r lb ' .iL/ t 'c-, "7e__. //6'•)/A '/5 /� Let- .� ! 11 r136rcolley 1 l�. F gv'1e* lr,i , 4,- e lej_ez."11: ( /51,-- -(4- -C 4.//176-41 /u ;7 11 : ?!//likl )/--)1--Clee,rill--aPc-4,-/ , -- C4r( V‘a el_ 4-4P 4-,---j 41 i) 1 i , p 1___ VA /7/A/-7 (0---, - ,r. eZ1/44./z-e-----, 22 3-0/iti\I )--(0 ii(), ,,APD gOGC1,0 Hai0(9_,.A__,' c" ' ,7/1Aie //4/1,0 xy )id �-0 C' e_- Oe. .cif`? ;j?U�c_-<-. - AI / 1 " • e. 1 V Spokane Valley Senior Center February 2020 We, the undersigned by this petition, express our strong opposition to moving the Spokane Valley Senior Center from its current site at CenterPlace to another location. Print Name Signature 1 # Pia Etio Ae. -. + v); 1f 1-5-v NJ 1 ,, G k �- 3 6-11U0_ .0ha rp 16.41a} Jha' p it U1 I / A=} GE.,-,--1J I `- C I. A(ILIC!--f- ..-S- / / '- je ' 6 7---7e,--E.L y ,,,C,ar y c ,I) fiii, "4, %, /,/ ? Ver RDIK L.e18\r' PLT t ' ; i\t ,' -e i ArAn_ 8 jectyl 511-2-) er\901--) _ civ ;''' _ 9 -B-e it y /1</boy i'-1. 1. . .,_"(--eir7r7-id , i —f r I v i%? el v 4 c, ,,;ie' '‘L- //j, , I; JOAN e_ , 4i Lt -- 13 N A Z.I L Y,0 to kr� /-1i - lq - , & (i.1 fi fl5:5Z. 1. -" i , �� 1 G1 vide (VIA i I 13A1i'ii2 Vel P , . 18 T- a_zie--t" 7.)_,,--,--. 0 " ‘ )\ 17 =-f�-�. � �1 - r -- t. .:& ' L&• r ,20 6 411 I-4 lir5;'f-1 .A1c4.4 IC Vi --e;s-, 4.,. di 5,0 d_t4-k S k 0 n c , ),Acc-1, )&411/4_, v..? --PLALUA 401,15---m.LuLA, Pks-t l (ts Q:cnirvOc\i, _ 1'23 "---4--r% k:6 Ai i 19 ( (-pi 11 R6-12-1,--4-;-_-_•__ ll VD11i1 V1.Cktt SP 0 7 tC/ • a6 :1,1_;./9 n A .. h 7?to i zi ":I / ) r P2oI'__ A. =IJi -. _ IV Spokane Valley Senior Center February 2020 We, the undersigned by this petition, express our strong opposition to moving the Spokane Valley Senior Center from its current site at CenterPlace to another location. Print Name Signature f 1),7,,/— iU /4T/ )0 s ftI4h ,----.6..$7--.C.. 7.< ✓ eC ' - 6- ii I / Lt G1 . f 7/ 0,071-1, 1 rct `' 'N1'' V,—` .,:iii..... ... � r:VW II) — r it- r / '1 I I PS-I-- I 1 tiu 4.40sZ.�. y r f oZ 114 r ( ;fir .s 1 i i / ' .' 17 13 NZ/2, //R/ aHDe G "o �-- , Ell ,e_o r►-' T— l ror`3 54 4 I • LA) i ut S-r 1,4tr I b tarallMITWIMO a . 9 SIMPTA0A 3 lifilliVtlii,91" ri 18 P ecce L , A ruQErs ' (?L._ ,,.� 11 ( 524,1.,c y , ,-:>.,?, F ---ea-j—j -Fir-kLi-kl- sf, a/1-* .70 _,i,,,,AA N %0-p, CI,Allkec 7_,F P-re , Ca_ciL c r 2..2 DD t.Ci 1G—LS J ' f 02,7 C I,6,,rlie 5 C ry c - r e/' "L 4!--, , 1---- z5i -bc) � 1.0 i U SMS t f EC i v 51 ��� .75 5 ,, /( 0-,- 1. ki ,fit re -I D V PIT 1 i / Spokane Valley Senior Center February 2020 We, the undersigned by this petition, express our strong opposition to moving the Spokane Valley Senior Center from its current site at CenterPlace to another location. Print Name Signature 1-1 I) 2 3 11 RAS , rk IL i L J X u 8 E 4 e_ �• Af,.-A: ' c •N-- :yam .y,1 �. } r /15115 l 7' ;: / 1� '� 7 c ( ,.1"..1. 6 ((0 p .7)Y.A.,-))i, ..„, ..Tit.,07,:t..,. ___."./:ip-....7 fr 7 fiv Ih s' .ilfort6r- ',//4 ".te: -v--;:-.,-,7"%j-- -...:5. /'34 o 0,,,,,_,,_(-q:, I st a cJ ti �/40�- _--� . ,g.i fY1 i • i ck_r/, if-C-citz.Q... r ivirk..,...„ ..,I. !I `Ro y\ StUa £? - i a .)..�►�1 'ire / !a j,13 ,y,,U/LI <U L C ey 4 1 c 1-(6 i 11 '" /-1,-,--:: 4 -1-:0-='- -----(---,-,-" K r - 4/k-- y/. c lb e :04 f) A `"7 a r;■ • A _ :WWI Al Ai 40_► x- / - -kms �y.�:� ep.te) '7 lg jfL L L at5- to,i .ii-x } crl� ;ft t../-t — /&2•G u - e IR ens ie.. l e c?s/c , :1r [:-�.('.,. X .4 et) E1. c. ?' L 01kn 22 CR Rom .:-__ IPI___L2-Yr? 4) ai---6-ze au )-71L- 023 e n r Lc&c a-5 _ ay Carol .►'14- 11= 476 /)L L2. F4T) iii,-tp -.) ,651;11, --- Ptt iz''+ Spokane Valley Senior Center February 2020 We, the undersigned by this petition, express our strong opposition to moving the Spokane Valley Senior Center from its current site at CenterPlace to another location. Print Name Signature I /L-\/,',.!_ /r 11,4c c Li(_ 1 }� Jet I ' f( -;t,,,- . (D Kw EL_,Lit4LA 5 y . ✓v ft iv --f K - ` s 6 , 4 n cZ f ,411€ '4i q 1 46° '�' ,e 7 1,14v i n.nU CG T (i..W j 8 A IL._ e . ._ I " ,t1 ' } to Rbbete' .T,A)-e 5 ' i oreA7 , .14 A'+ IC l--(WL 1). -Rv(c-PkC/2 t ., E2 Ia D o rash ) jiA I \[e,( 1 Q� iooe I M , _mo,, a �� aik /, -1 gloA., C4-4.4 0 k . ,Ai " , _S-(f)Ai IC u_ l ,_le/ iG- IL" Al b7/77 ,.4'A,A-- _2_5-c__/'7/,']/�! e-(S `} 7 4,,2? r ""—r'. t:.ems'—) PI J:"-1.7)///4 Lej 2:6L x ix bi,,iPia ky._ C -1 � I6 1&,2iv' - div 6�-i iv5v,l _�_ i7 - (. )tfr7-1 ra ; to,/ / r—fi' `'/7-14,5,rdi, ,20 A 1 i A .4 .irl'o ' -7-3(11-1-,...--..... .„-e(17",'‘.1, „...--- t C-'( /' tic /0 (iv ? 22 'lam -) cTA/ F( LI6- ) 4 .23 LH 0 LJ Jvkl SD , ) CV Dti),S.Tn• . --11.6_04144, 11111, azt )5/0 N6 f,._,- .7/4-- .,(./ns/4,,,,.. ." . ` .. /,:477 (GA, /,uaraonhe/./ 54;1 Spokane Valley Senior Center February 2020 We, the undersigned by this petition, express our strong opposition to moving the Spokane Valley Senior Center from its current site at CenterPlace to another location. Print Name Signature I 6 r' Sr- 0. ot y 0C:2 :r- f 3 _ ' t - � . •COit') H ''� ✓ , f , 5-4-ed r GJ 4d 1,)/ f / ._ ?,,e , a- bi Vre. eldiziezzei_ 61 )1c (C 961.-b. 12,--iy ha 13 c,Kto ,, 1 4‘0 lc RAJ si--i i-ver: `rv' "' 14-4/34.-- 11;%i– c,.a, lb c) itb ,/`1 /'. i# 1 \;./. 66 'v 7) n I / 18 1 S` < 11 6 ))ckl Y act -,, 4'E. -' ., -74 4 C a I 07V6 'N L 4 ()--e't —Q--' . --4/(1-)(41–*/-- ( i 2.11 .1b \ Ptt Spokane Valley Senior Center February 2020 We, the undersigned by this petition, express our strong opposition to moving the Spokane Valley Senior Center from its current site at CenterPlace to another location. Print Name Signature • g rv;f rye 1-1-3 `7�� e.r 3 /1 'J(1 rr& H ,/%.,/4✓'-1 Imo,,/ - 1 •r 2 6 Lb44.- , 4/E4 'oori', 9 G ° • C/) 277if 0 GG i �L C r j 4 , f a vl tAik u_[ ( � it Ais4,G0 C ( ,V-14-116°!' - 4 vci C '4"r lac'/� &'(. 4 , /72itlig,ehefi 6100d/0-/AA/ l79 1 1 Intl-6y R,v Al fro/te rsaAj !6 A y CARP 0L esle 11 - r al .23 all .26 ,lf Spokane Valley Senior Center February 2020 We, the undersigned by this petition, express our strong opposition to moving the Spokane Valley Senior Center from its current site at CenterPlace to another location. Print Name Signature 1_ 0\13e pia__ Crum t ll2...7, L. L 3 7.7 terog 01 Ohm ir0 eco-oLt 7 L a-ao .Jb 1 1S f V19'vzs.o c C .1•�r i,YL9 cf 1'i Y crNY\ Sed _ • ha /W/4/(1.4:-.4-74,45-- C:CA r`e,-Ae ;Ac„ PV lb Yn 18 ao til a. 2.11 ,26 Spokane Valley Senior Center February 2020 We, the undersigned by this petition, express our strong opposition to moving the Spokane Valley Senior Center from its current site at CenterPlace to another location. Print Name Signature OQnni) C.p i5 � 4-- / ' e e c K�. cAar-- 3 �c5 Q rf tt iiJe . . . 4 1"-ir //111 gee 411W,, ("4, A )) 0.e,do ,) 7I ,} .MPvc\clo rI 01(4.4t ,r C1 tf/ r .6,400.7‘.."( �;!�/ d-Ger 44+i sem-- < G/et-�r-a '"00114.7 �k't;. •i s: fry._ it i 54e44 - . .._ Id e) 5 c 1 r! 69,X 13 cod-4,£ hi/ t- ` 721c 14420 (—)-4 C - ®, !b cR "20 a3 zy ab p27 Spokane Valley Senior Center February 2020 We, the undersigned by this petition, express our strong opposition to moving the Spokane Valley Senior Center from its current site at CenterPlace to another location. Print Name Signature •1,4Ad4 7" /NV ale 44.4g.,04 / 0,-) 3 :.1 ea,A-, Ph ott , e7 (4 q c '1\irsn N S u,/ t,„, 6 /5 tot 1-1:' qoe.Artie r 4/0-et.rh: vltnert e_r vrer )14._t.v-) A;:r..)e ?(* S 4 ifz 0/%K 13 !b 18 41 .25 .2b Spokane Valley Senior Center t// February 2020 We, the undersigned by this petition, express our strong opposition to moving the Spokane Valley Senior Center from its current site at CenterPlace to another location. Print Name Signature ,. r- Q YW ...�-CY r 0 `L/ Or 3 19110 A'0 06 e+ t)/ O 2'�•-te r �4 V , \amiz C It ► M r`ait1 1e . f 1 . I, r i C VEIMIll JlA4 .7 ii ""---- gt ,o44 , , � � ,� D � _ .ter � • r� : I Ern MO - II .!, r �f..! li c • i /0 ' mow' ' � '� ,✓ I 4, l if I Cuo\ -tLA, • Spokane ValleySenior CenterV/ p February 2020 We, the undersigned by this petition, express our strong opposition to moving the Spokane Valley Senior Center from its current site at CenterPlace to another location. Print Name Signature i 6me //,9 ' .e I ` 431,,,,,, p4=i- ci__ , 7---k) g eye__ 9 6-77 dz.- 6,-2 , C---e---0-1 ee-- C L.. r I cc,5 _ - . 6 II a 4 ~' moi_, ill -f' . '1, t g ' 0 ri n r v c .-.-- 1111MIEME__/„. - . ' e 1 41 7 ?CLL4JU,- /? i M) 'Pr5okk. Alf 4 ,s., �Ilt4 it . 4),;2AL,„ ekvils it m (it(- ='- , ,7 101 le/ Al Or/ 0 .S -e,L6e ) a1 cet2c p : IC JJJ lb 1,1 18 11 — / ° I/A/1__ �0 me Spokane Valley Senior Citizens Association �Y — � r J 1'y !O Non-Profit,Non-Sectarian Organization 5- / - fie,/Ze/ a \ _A5SIN! 3 Larry Murdza zy President 2 - 2426 N Discovery Place Ph:(509)926-1937 Spokane Valley,WA 99216 Email:sysca2005@yahoo.com ab