1970, 04-13 Permit I1091 ResidenceSPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT Court House, Spokane, Washington Laud Use or Structure Permit ' Lural Suburban .. Group; ......... Type....... Zone. MU NUMBER I 1091 low Property AddressContac Hoath morth_607 .-- ........................... Permit for�W�---0*.Zport4tLt'&*d .......................... OwnerYQ1f1A ld#--.ILC. r ...... ................ ........... _...Address....12Z.1(....Ar&QA'i --1" $a ..3 4... --- .Phone ................... _....... Architect--- .._----Ir ...Address.. ... ---._..---.,Phone..„.. .... ..o7--- 1A..lat,A-..-4...IC-' line- -or..within.25------- Bldg. Zone ..... 1. .... Fire Zone3......... Size of IAt......8'1'.t..%”. y..f...e.:.,l f aastnw nlmensions.26.!x3.( Rooms_4;%,,. I It I !.. 0..!AV. _.Total Sq. FtAW..... ........... Valuatiott2l.aQ9qtW... X30" Al.........Chimney........_Fireplace. Q... Heating Systettik1111 ............. ......... ........... .. .. ... THIS PERMIT u granted upon the expran can ditoa that the building or land use for which the permit is issued shall conform in all respects to all the ordismam t of the County of Spokane, mgulatiag the construction, om and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County, and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances, or faaure of plana, as approved, to comply with said ordinances. In consideration of the I--" of thepermit for the erection of sigm the grantee most place the said signs where directed by County Officials and shall remove the said sijr of the expiration of the permit Oak , regula lY rcoewed. ��ewewY� This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof wl tt.....:'....... from this date; after which time this permit will be void. Authorized by Building Official }jI3FI DJNG fy ;7- ARTMENT �!-PPermit Expires.dju'Sll.. 1971 BTlatl ffili t IN9PIflCTOR 4/13/70 FeePaid $.ri.. IN _�.....-- • Date .... .............. ...............