1992, 06-10 Unsafe Bldg LetterS P o K A N E DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS June 10, 1992 Sharon Ward South 3303 Grand Boulevard Spokane, Washington 99203 RE: Unsafe Buildings at North 2606 Elizabeth Road C o u zv -r JAMES L. MANSON, C.B.O., DIRECTOR Dear Ms. Ward: Please be advised that since no action has been initiated, to date, to abate the building viola- tion located at the above -referenced address, an Affidavit of Probable Cause is being filed with the County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, Criminal Division. Should this matter be resolved prior to formal charges being filed, this office will recommend to the Prosecutor that the affidavit be withdrawn. We encourage you to give this request your fullest attention. Sincerely yours, William C. Benish Assistant Code Compliance Coordinator WCB:ckb CODE EN ORCEMENTDIVISION WEST 1303 BROADWAY • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260-0050 • (509) 456-3675 FAX (509) 456-1703