1992, 09-02 Permit 92007149 Storage BldgSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509)456-3675 1 certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate orcancel the provisi y state or local law regulating construction, oras a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating constructiq'y�/� p SIGNATURE DATEICATION z•-S/�,o' ( � OWNER OR AGENT �•// PROJECT idi_jlulji[fR— 9200049 ISSUED PERMIT DATE= 09/01/9<' PAG .h..kiilE ip i(7irri hr �m.)i..ii..h}+ni'4 it ve dr Hdrrc di. ii. ve.p:..h_iF iF PERMIT IVP!ti"-I14 SITE STREET= r:E.E::'T':.:: ;Si;:?_r E:: r'l:::r:RE::-r DR r'Ar,c;=..;...,._.4=ac,::> , ; ..-0.> ADDRESS= SPLiiittNE WA 99206 PERMIT USE= STORAGE AiGE BUILDING PLATO= 001 tl5 P L1T NAME= 11_c: ADD, BLOCK= 4 LOT= `'r ZONE= 1 " _. : Sit!:O_ r: rara::.r_;::: 0000000i F/A- I:: WIDTH= DEPTH= R/W:::: .,. O r. i n. T:;WEa_L..:i:ivf;S= `i Init=tT':::.I',: Lilt';' :_: MODERN OWNER= DAV I1 -a -O Q , BO -k; PH('NW:n STREET= 10125 E FERRET Dl:-,' ADDRESS- SPOKANE WA 99206 CONTACT i'J.AME::= BOB DFi'ti'ISSON PHONE (•]LiM'_ac::E,;= 5109 928 ......5r REAR= ii 9a .i": BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT- 50 LEFT= iar RIGHT-; BUILDING i:ii::.F1M.. CONTRACTOR= OWNER PHONE=: NEW=: X REMODEL:::: ADDITION= CHANGE OF i..L'A%: DWELL UNITS- 1 4J i.: l.. y.}P LD:::: BLDG HGT- i:f .3 i 4.1 Pt i. !::.::. .:.. BLDG J X D = 24 X Vit) ,.f? I -'T:::: r:..0 SPRINKLER= iv REQ PARKING::;: r:i'ir"NDICAP== CRITICAL., MAT= DESCRIPTION tiP•.:i:UP TYPI STORAGE BL M-1 VN ITEM DESCRIPTION REri:i:S'il..NTIAL 1;'r11...UATION STATE SURCHARGE PAYMENT _. :.. .n' F1 —f�1--fell VALUATION 20 5760.00 QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT -------- ........................ --.. _...... £3'i . 0 0 Y 450 Y 14.5n .: ,jN! ice! Ft rti '( t J ')t' ji' Yi'H"R" ,@')<' db ai" )r ff $'s4 zi dB'R•'li' j(..}(..}(..j(..ji. fi—ti' Pr $k',`} d'i PAYMENT DATE RECE IP'TO PAYMENT Fil'OIIN'I 09/02/92 286 `100.03 TOTALDUE:::;;: .00 ------------- ............-......................-._TOTAL.. PERMIT TYPE FEE _.............—-...................._......—__.._............................._ AMOUNT --: A'r{y31_NT PA:I:DAMOUNT _.............._...._............ — n1,�ING _._.................._.._..._ BUILDING PER SIT 100.08 i;}:;,,(j;:3 .00 ------------- 400.08 ------------ 1 00. OR ............_..............................__.. . r,)t:j PROCESSED BY: S:OMIT'RCi'VICH: ROBIN PRINTED BY: ,.;OHN LARSON THANK `( f,l l,i kdidi: diri' ii' ii9iiidi-hi ii9i. qr u..x..M..)i' ii.g. �i ri-k}.R..A..yE .yE ii # iivt r: x