Resolution 20-009 Six-Year TIP CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION 20-009 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE 2021-2026 TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, to provide for the proper andnecessary development of the street system within the City of Spokane Valley, the City shall, as required by State law, develop and adopt annually a Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (Six-Year TIP) with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; and WHEREAS,the Six-Year TIP of the City shall specifically set forth those projects and programs of both City and regional significance that benefit the transportation system and promote public safety and efficient vehicle movements; and WHEREAS, the Six-Year TIP shall be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and be adopted following one or more public hearings before the City Council; and WHEREAS, a draft copy of the Six-Year TIP was submitted to the Washington State Department of Commerce and has been reviewed and approved prior to the scheduled adoption of the TIP in accordance with RCW 36.70A.106; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on May 26, 2020 for the purpose of inviting and receiving public comment on the proposed Six-Year TIP. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: Section 1, The City Council hereby adopts the attached Six-Year TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development and construction of local and regional transportation improvements for the years 2021 through 2026. The City Clerk is directed to file the 2021- 2026 Six-Year TIP with the Washington State Secretary of Transportation before June 30, 2020. The Six- Year TIP shall be reviewed at least annually for the purpose of determining the work to be accomplished under the program and the City's transportation requirements. Projects and timeframes identified in the Six-Year TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption. Adopted this 26°1"day of May, 2020. ATTES City ofSpokane V Iley .8 - ji)---e... , T ! u Bainbridge, City Clerk - Ben Wick,Mayor ,ykv.-I.." 4er . i ' ice o / 1e 1 orney Resolution 20-009, Adopting Six-Year TIP STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE 1011 Plum Street SE •PO Box 42525• Olympia, Washington 98504-2525• (360) 725-4000 www.commerce.wa.gov 05/28/2020 Mr. Adam Jackson Engineer- Planning Grants City of Spokane Valley 1021 East Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Sent Via Electronic Mail Re: City of Spokane Valley--2020-S-1419--Notice of Final Adoption Dear Mr. Jackson: Thank you for sending the Washington State Department of Commerce the Notice of Final Adoption as required under RCW 36.70A.106. We received your submittal with the following description. Adopted Resolution 20-009 for the 2021-2026 six-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) We received your submittal on 05/28/2020 and processed it with the Submittal ID 2020-S-1419. Please keep this letter as documentation that you have met this procedural requirement. If you have any questions, please contact Growth Management Services at reviewteam@commerce.wa.gov, or call Benjamin Serr, (509) 724-1699. Sincerely, Review Team Growth Management Services Page: 1 of 1 OF 2021 - 2026 Six Year SCITY pU�a11E' Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Valley: . .. ._ _ _ ....... . ..._ ... . ...... .. ... . ..... .......,. _• - . . , _ ..,,.. .. _ .„._ ...... ..., _._______,.._ f• 'Ir• % - • 17 r .. 'lr #'.• ,i . • . f rte, ' = _ .. . . .. . •,,,.-,• .„-±,--......m,,HL... 0, -0,...0_ r ..1 = .. -______. $46 ` `y 1 sr +i. w • it .. -.. `. • Irigillitirlillitmr,, - L - lie. -#-'— ., . ' -:' m s.1.1!11111B411111111A1 es•} - - , _ , , -3Y: ''hist;, . A.,;,..f 4, , — , ' _ - '•-'� -.. -- 1 Y $ , " j ..y..rte i. _ -- -' — r • . ..sem : City of Spokane Valley Community & Public Works Department 2021-2026 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Spokane Valley. Glossary & Abbreviations Project Phases: Funding Sources: • PE Preliminary Engineering • City City Funds • RW Right-of-Way • CDBG Community Development Block Grant • CN Construction • CMAQ Congestion Management/Air Quality • COM Washington Department of Commerce Zoning • DEV Private Developer Funds `�//� • FHWA Federal Highway Administration e RI • FMSIB Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board R2 • FTA Federal Transit Authority • HSIP Highway Safety Improvement Program R3 • NHFP National Highway Freight Program POS • Other Misc. Unidentified Funding Sources • RCO Washington State Recreation Conservation Office MF • REET Real Estate Excise Tax • RR Railroad NC • SRTS Safe Routes to School MU • SW City Stormwater Funds • STA Spokane Transit Authority CMU • STBG Surface Transportation Block Grant RC • STBG-SA Surface Transportation Block Grant—Set Aside • TIB Transportation Improvement Board 11M1 IMU • WAL Washington Legislature • WSDOT Washington Department of Transportation 2021 - 2026 S`m�`��ne Po Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program .0000Vd ley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project 1 Description I Current Status 1 Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 1 Barker Rd. & 1-90 WB Interchange 90 WSDOT 90 90 Description: Partnership with WSDOTfor PE of westbound 1-90/Barker interchange roundabout. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 9D 90 2019-20 PE,2021 Closeout.Future CN by WSDOT. RW 0 Length (miles):0 CN 0 Total 90 90 2 N. Sullivan Rd. ITS Project 14 City 2 2 CMAQ 12 12 Description: Extend Intelligent Transportation Systems conduit and controls along Sullivan Corridor. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2020 CN,2021 Closeout. Secured RW 0 Length (miles):2 Secured CN 14 14 Total 14 14 3 Adams Rd. Sidewalk 8 City 2 2 TIB 6 6 Description: New sidewalk and stormwater on the east side from 16th to 22nd. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2020 ON,2021 Closeout. RW 0 Length (miles):0.4 Secured CN 8 8 Total 8 8 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4/29/2020 Page 1 Qliane 2021 - 2026 P Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 4000 Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project I Description!Current Status 1 Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 4 Conklin Rd. Sidewalk 3 City CDBG 3 3 Description: New sidewalk on the west side from Appleway Trail to Riceland Lane. Status: Funding Status: Secured pE 0 2020 CN,2021 Closeout. Secured RW 0 Length (miles):0.0 Secured CN 3 3 Total 3 3 5 2020 Local Access Streets(Barker Rd. Homes) 35 City 35 35 Description: County sewer partnership.City to reimburse County for paying and stormwater costs. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2020 CN,2021 Closeout. RW 0 Length (miles):2 Secured CN 35 35 Total 35 35 6 Ella Rd_ Sidewalk 8 City 1 1 CDBG 7 7 Description: New sidewalk on the west side from Broadway Ave.to Aiki Ave. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2020 CN,2021 Closeout. Secured RW 0 Length (miles):0.2 Secured CN 8 8 Total 8 8 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4/29/2020 Page 2 crr,.or2021 - 2026�e Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Walley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project I Description I Current Status I Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 7 Indiana Ave. Preservation-Evergreen to Sullivan 3a City 38 38 Description: Pavement preservation project with stormwater and signal improvements as necessary. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 0 2019 PE,2020 CN,2021 Closeout."Other"funding;TIE or City. RW Length (miles):0.9 Planned CN 38 38 Total 38 38 8 Sullivan Rd. Bridge Deck Resurfacing 5 City Other Fed 5 5 Description: Resurface existing bridge deck for Sullivan Road northbound over UPRR tracks. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 0 2020 CN,2021 Closeout.Program delays may push CN to 2021. Planned RW 0 Length(miles):0 Planned CN 5 5 Total 5 5 9 Appleway Trail- Evergreen to Sullivan 45 City 6 6 CMAQ 35 35 Description: STBG-SA 4 4 Construct shared-use pathway along public utility corridor. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2020 CN,2021 Closeout. Secured RW 0 Length (miles):1 Secured CN 45 45 Total 45 45 Projects and timeframes identified in the TEP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4/29/2020 Page 3 ,. 2021 . 2026 Spoke Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Walley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project I Description I Current Status!Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 10 Garland Ave. Extension Project 60 City 30 30 DEV 30 30 Description: Construct 3-lane urban section between Flora and Barker. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2019-2020 CN,2021 Closeout. Secured RW 0 Length (miles):1 Secured CN 60 sa Total 60 60 11 Pines Rd./Mission Ave. Intersection Improvement 1,320 City 68 109 177 CMAQ 440 703 1,143 Description: A two-phased project with signal and channelization upgrades to improve capacity(Phase 1)and additional turn lanes on Pines(Phase 2). Status: Funding Status: Partial PE 10 120 130 Phase 1 (6588k)funded by CMAQ for 2021 CN,potential for Developer Partial RW 32 32 funds via Mirabeau Subarea Traffic Study.Phase 2 is unfunded. Length (miles): Intersection Partial CN 498 660 1,158 Total 508 812 1,320 12 Citywide Reflective Post Panels (2018) 36 City HSIP 36 36 Description: Installation of reflective post panels to stop signs and speed limit signs on select streets. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2020-2021 ON RW 0 Length (miles):0 Secured CN 36 36 Total 36 36 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4/29/2020 Page 4 S�'�o�ane 2021 - 2026 p Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 4000 Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project I Description I Current Status I Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 13 Citywide Reflective Signal Backplates(2018) 82 City HSIP 82 82 Description: Installation of reflective backplate panels at select traffic signals. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2020-2021 CN RW 0 Length (miles):0 Secured CN 83 83 Total 82 82 14 Park Rd. Sidewalk 688 City 275 275 TIB 413 413 Description: New sidewalk on west side from Sharp to Mission with potential marked crossing at Sharp or Cataldo. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 5 5 2020 PE,2021 ON. RW 0 Length (miles):02 Secured CN 683 683 Total 688 688 15 Barker Rd. Improvements-Spokane River to Euclid 566 City 2 2 STBG 353 353 Description: FMSIB 178 178 Reconstruct and widen to 3-lane urban section to east leg of Euclid. HSIP 33 33 DEV Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2020-2021 CN Secured RW 0 Length (miles):0.5 Secured CN 566 566 Total 566 566 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4/29/2020 Page 5 Spocff,. 2021 . 2026 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project I Description I Current Status I Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 16 Sullivan Rd. I Wellesley Ave. Intersection Improvement 1,460 City 98 98 196 CMAQ 632 632 1,264 Description: Spo.Co. Traffic signal and intersection improvement project,partnership with Spokane County. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 2019-2020 PE&ROW,2021 CN,2022 Closeout. Secured RW 0 Length(miles): Intersection Secured CN 730 730 1,460 Total 730 730 1,460 17 Broadway Ave. Preservation-Havana to Fancher 2,910 City 578 12 590 Other 2,274 46 2,320 Description: Pavement preservation,including stormwater improvements as necessary. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 10 10 2020 PE.2021 CN Possible funding via TIB or City Fund 311, Planned RW 0 Length(miles):1 Planned CN 2,842 58 2,900 Total 2,852 58 2,910 18 8th Ave. Preservation- Progress to Sullivan 655 City 578 12 590 Other 64 1 65 Description: Potential partnership with Vera Water&Power for sidewalk extension on south side along frontage of Vera's property. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 5 5 2020 PE with City funds,potential Fund 311 project in future CN years. RW o Length (miles):0.2 Planned CN 637 13 650 Total 642 13 655 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4/29/2020 Page 6 C1T, kai3P° 2021 - 2026 Six-Year Six-YTransportation Improvement Program Walley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project f Description 1 Current Status!Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 19 Park Rd. I Mission Ave. Intersection Improvement 1,252 City 68 1,184 1,252 Description: Improve channelization and signal operations. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 20 20 2021 PE+RW,2022 CN. Planned RW 48 12 60 Length (miles);Cl Planned CN 1,172 1,172 Total 68 1,184 1,252 20 Appleway Blvd. Stormwater Improvements 895 Other State 659 13 672 City 219 4 223 Description: Improve stormwater facilities between University and Farr.Funded by Dept.of Ecology. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 45 45 2020 PE,2021 CN,2022 Closeout.25%local match, Secured RW 0 Length (miles):0.6 Secured CN 833 17 850 Total 878 17 895 21 Pedestrian &Bicycle Safety Analysis 50 City 25 25 50 Description: Evaluate crash history of vehicle versus pedestrian/bicyclists on City streets,as identified in the 2020 Local Road Safety Plan. Status: Funding Status: PE 25 25 50 PE only.May be staff led with support from consultant team.Sprague,SR RW 0 27,and Sullivan have majority of sever pedestrian crashes. Length (miles):0 CN 0 Total 25 25 50 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4129/2020 Page 7 a�,. 2021 . 2026 SlPOkaIle Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project 1 Description 1 Current Status/Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 22 Barker Rd. at Union Pacific Crossing 1,339 City 776 15 791 FMSIB 269 5 274 Description: STBG 110 2 112 Reconstruct and widen to 3-lane urban section between Euclid intersection HSIP 159 3 162 legs and install shared-use path from river to Trent. Status: Funding Status: PE 17 17 2020 PE+RW,2021 CN RW 25 25 Length (miles):0 CN 1,273 26 1,299 Total 1,314 25 1,339 23 Sullivan Rd. Preservation-Sprague to 8th 1,400 City 60 290 360 Other 1,040 1,040 Description: Pavement preservation with signal,sidewalks and stormwater improvements as necessary. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 80 20 100 Seeking funds,candidate for TIB or STBG preservation funding.Assumes Planned RW 0 20%City match for CIN Length(miles):0.3 Planned CN 1,300 1,300 Total 80 1,320 1,400 24 Sullivan Rd. Preservation-8th to 16th 1,400 City 80 280 360 Other 1,040 1,040 Description: Pavement preservation with signal,sidewalks and stormwater improvements as necessary. Status: Funding Status: PE 80 20 100 Seeking funds,candidate for TIB or STBG preservation funding.Assumes RW 0 20%City match for CN. Length(miles):0.3 CN 1,300 1,300 Total 80 1,320 1,400 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4/29/2020 Page 8 2021 . 2026 Spy ka le pSix-Year Transportation Improvement Program Valley4.100 Dollars in Thousands Funding Project I Description 1 Current Status I Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 25 Argonne Rd. Concrete Pavement-Indiana to 5,044 City 646 430 1,076 Montgomery TIB 1,139 779 1,918 Description: STBG 1,210 840 2,050 Reconstruct with concrete and improve signal timing at Montgomery, Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 25 25 2020 PE. TIB funds Montgomery intersection in 2021.SRTC funds Indiana Secured RW 20 20 to Montgomery in 2022 or 2023. Length (miles):0.3 Partial CN 2,950 2,050 5,000 Total 2,995 2,049 5,044 26 Evergreen Rd. Preservation-Sprague to Mission 2,000 Other 72 1,498 30 1,600 City 18 374 8 400 Description: Pavement preservation project. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 90 10 100 2021 PE,20212CN,2023 Closeout."Other"funding:TIB or City Fund 311. RW 0 Length(miles):0.9 Planned CN 1,862 38 1,900 Total 90 1,872 38 2,000 27 Balfour Park Frontage Improvements 1,910 City 1,872 38 1,910 Description: Pavement preservation,widen paved shoulder,install curb and sidewalk on Herald,Main and Balfour. Status: Funding Status: PE 10 10 2020 PE,2021 CN.Partially funded REET,local street wear fee,CDBG, RW 0 Length (miles):0.4 CN 1,862 38 1,900 Total 1,872 38 1,910 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4/29/2020 Page 9 ff-Nrm,.or 2021 - 2026 pokaneSix-Year Transportation Improvement Program 400000Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project I Description!Current Status/Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 28 Sprague Ave./Barker Rd. Intersection Improvement 2,139 City 175 1,497 30 1,702 CMAQ 342 7 349 Description: DEV 74 14 88 Provide new roundabout and with sidewalks and bike accommodations. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 33 33 2021 PE+RW,2022 CN.Partial CMAQ funded for 2022 authorization, Partial RW 216 54 270 potential TIB candidate. Length (miles): Intersection Partial CN 1,798 37 1,835 Total 249 1,853 37 2,139 29 Sprague Ave. Stormwater Improvements 2,000 Other State 74 1,398 28 1,500 City 24 466 10 500 Description: Drywell retrofits between University and Park.Funded by Dept.of Ecology. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 98 2 100 2021 PE,2022 CN,2023 Closeout.25% Local match. RW 0 Length(miles):2 Secured CN 1,862 38 1,900 Total 98 1,864 38 2,000 30 Wilbur Rd. Sidewalk-Boone to Mission 646 City 9 134 3 146 STBG-SA 56 435 9 500 Description: Install sidewalk from Boone to Mission on one side of road. Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 48 12 60 2021 PE,2022 CN. Secured RW 16 4 20 Length (miles):0.3 Secured CN 553 11 564 Total 65 569 12 646 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4/29/2020 Page 10 S`Sorka2021 - 2026 ley Six-Year TransportationDollars lThousandsn Improvement Program Funding Project 1 Description I Current Status/Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 31 Barker Rd./BNSF Grade Separation Project 21,033 City 1210 1,210 1210 3,630 NHFP 2,000 2,000 2,000 6,000 Description: TIGER 2,034 2,034 2,034 6,102 Construct Grade Separation at Barker/BNSF RR/Trent(SR290). FMSIB 1,667 1,667 1,667 5,001 11 UAL Other 100 100 100 300 Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 0 Assumes 50%ROW in 2019. Secured RW 0 Length (miles): Intersection Secured CN 7,010 7,010 7,010 21,030 Total 7,011 7,011 7,011 21,033 32 Pines Rd. (SR27)1 BNSF Grade Separation Project 26,127 City 1,267 456 872 1,744 1,744 6,083 STBG 1,894 1,894 3,788 Description: Other Fed 811 611 Construct Grade Separation at Pines/BNSF RR/Trent(SR290). Other 3,489 6,978 6,978 17,445 Status: Funding Status: Secured PE 1,621 1,621 2020 PE Start."Other"assumes 20%City match. Secured RW 2,350 2,350 4,700 Length (miles): Intersection Partial CN 4,361 8,722 8,722 21,806 Total 3,972 2,350 4,361 8,722 8,722 28,127 33 Sullivan Rd_!SR 290 Interchange Reconstruction 26,630 City 636 636 636 433 55 4,520 6,916 Other 159 159 159 936 221 18,080 19,714 Description: Reconstruct interchange to improve safety and capacity. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 795 795 795 265 2,650 City initiate FE in 2021,seek RW+CN funding by 2025. Planned RW 1,104 276 1,380 Length (miles):0 Planned CN 22,500 22,600 Total 795 795 795 1,369 276 22,600 26,630 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4/29/2020 Page 11 �. a�a2021 - 2026 Spokae Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 40000Va.iey Dollars in Thousands Funding Project!Description/Current Status!Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 34 Street Preservation Projects-$3M Annually 18,000 City 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 18,000 Description: Preservation projects,typically arterials or collectors,or used as matching funds for grants. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 100 100 100 100 100 500 Specified projects in TIP my duplicate this annual placeholder.Projects RW 0 may include storm and sidewalk upgrades as applicable. Length (miles): Varies Planned CN 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 17,500 Total 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 18,000 35 Local Access Street Improvements-$1.5M Annually 9,000 City 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1500 1,500 9,000 Description: Funded by Street Wear Fee.Project type varies{surface treatments, grind/inlays,reconstruction Status: Funding Status: Secured pp 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 Site selection is on-going.Actual locations to be determined. Secured RW 0 Length (miles): Secured CN 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 8,400 Total 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 9,000 36 Citywide Safety Projects-Biennial 1,748 HSIP 433 86 433 86 433 102 1,573 City 48 10 48 10 48 11 175 Description: Projects are consistent with the City's Local Road Safety Plan.Awarded projects specified in TIP. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 11 22 11 22 11 23 100 Costs assume project implementation in odd-number years and RW 0 design/close-out in even-numbered years. 10%local match. Length(miles): Planned CN 476 85 476 85 476 102 1,700 Total 481 96 481 96 481 113 1,748 Projects and timeframes identified in the TEP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4129/2020 Page 12 CIT,,Ca2021 . 2026 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project I Description d Current Status d Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 37 Sullivan Rd. Preservation-16th to S. City Limit 2,200 City 80 1,700 1,780 Other 420 420 Description: Pavement preservation with signal,sidewalks and stormwater improvements as necessary. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 80 20 100 Seeking funds,candidate for TLB or STBG preservation funding.Assumes Planned RW 0 20%City match for CN. Length (miles):0.8 Planned CN 2,100 2,100 Total 80 2,120 2,200 38 Sth Ave. /Carnahan Rd. Intersection Improvement 2,000 City 35 50 315 400 Other 140 200 1,260 1,600 Description: Add intersection control(turn lanes,potential signal). Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 175 175 Assumes 20%City match.OTHER may be TIB, DEV or City. Planned RW 25D 250 Length (miles): Intersection Planned CN 1,575 1,575 Total 175 250 1,575 2,000 39 Mission Ave. Preservation-Mullan to University 1,880 City 50 77 1,718 35 1,880 Description: Pavement preservation and possible widening project with stormwater improvements as necessary. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 50 50 100 Assumes 100%City funded(Fund 311). Planned RW 135 15 150 Length(miles):0 Planned CN 1,715 35 1,750 Total 50 77 1,718 35 1,880 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances, 4/29/2020 Page 13 Spo,, 2021 - 2026 �� Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program lley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project!Description I Current Status!Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 40 South Bowdish Rd.-Phased Corridor Improvements 2,502 City 12 a 460 12 8 500 Other 49 32 1,840 49 32 2,002 Description: Reconstruct Sprague to Dishman Mica as 2-lane section wl curb,sidewalk, bike lanes and new stormwaterfacilities. Also included are intersection improvements at 32nd Ave and a new signal or roundabout at 16th Ave. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 200 200 400 Phased improvements to align with available funding opportunities. Planned RW 100 100 200 Potential sources include TIB,SRTC,Local. Length (miles):3 Planned CN 2,300 2,300 Total 61 40 2,300 61 40 2,502 41 Dishman-Mica Rd. Preservation-Schafer to S. City 1,300 City 50 1,250 1,300 Limit Description: Pavement preservation project. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 50 50 Assumes 100%City funded(Fund 311). Planned RW 0 Length (miles):1 Planned CN 1,250 1,250 Total 50 1,250 1,300 42 Mullan Rd. Preservation-Broadway to Mission 1,400 City 42 147 189 STBG 267 944 1,211 Description: Preservation project with conduit for future ITS infill,signals improvements • at Mission. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 149 149 Applying for STBG Preservation funds. Planned RW 160 160 Length(miles):0.3 Planned CN 1,091 1,091 Total 309 1,091 1,400 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4/29/2020 Page 14 2021 - 2026 Spone Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 40,010Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project I Description I Current Status/Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 43 Mirabeau Parkway 1 Mansfield Ave- Intersection 905 City 120 110 230 Improvement CMAQ 100 575 575 Description: Intersection capacity improvements. Status: Funding Status: Partial PE 120 120 Potential for Developer funds via Mirabeau Subarea Traffic Study. Planned RW 100 100 Length (miles): Intersection Planned CN 685 685 Total 120 100 685 905 44 Barker Rd. Improvement Project-I-90 to Appleway 6,501 City 135 270 473 878 Other 865 1,730 3,028 5,623 Description: Reconstruct 5-lane urban section with alignmentichannelization improvements at Appleway&Broadway. Status: Funding Status: Planned pE 1,000 1,000 Anticipated to follow 1-90 interchange improvements. Planned RW 2,000 2,000 Length (miles):0.3 Planned CN 3,500 3,500 Total 1,000 2,000 3,501 6,501 45 Flora Rd. Reconstruction-Euclid to Garland 2,200 City 20 20 400 440 Other 80 80 1,600 1,760 Description: Reconstruct to an urban arterial section in partnership with Spokane County Sewer Extension Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 100 100 Seeking funding,assume 20%City match. Planned RW 100 100 Length (miles):0.6 Planned CN 2,000 2,000 Total 100 100 2,000 2,200 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4129/2020 Page 15 _ 2021 . 2026 Spaxle Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 4000 Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project I Description I Current Status I Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 46 Park Rd. Preservation-Sprague to Trent 1,360 City 100 60 1,200 1,360 Description: Pavement preservation project. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 70 70 Assumes 100%City funded(Fund 311). Planned RW 30 30 Length (miles):0.8 Planned CN 1,200 1,200 Total 100 60 1,200 1,360 47 Vera Crest+ Rocky Ridge Street Reconstruction 150 City 60 60 30 150 Projects Description: Stormwater and road reconstruction projects including multiple neighborhoods:Kahuna Hills(Carnahan/Kahuna/15th).Heather Park(16th at Rocky Ridge, Koren),Ridgemont Estates(Vera Crest,Conklin). Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 60 60 30 150 Multi-year,phased project.PE required to define scope and ON cost. RW 0 Possible CN funding by Ecology. Length (miles):C CN 0 Total 60 60 30 150 48 Barker Rd. Intersection Improvements at 4th &8th 3,500 City 45 45 72 2,988 3,150 DEV 5 5 8 332 359 Description: Provide new traffic signal or roundabout,per S.Barker Corridor Study. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 50 50 100 Assume City funded,but may be eligible for grant funds. Planned RW 80 20 100 Length (miles):0 Intersection Planned CN 3,300 3,300 Total 50 50 80 3,320 3,500 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4/29/2020 Page 16 S 'kerne Zo2� - zo2s Valley4000 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Dollars in Thousands Funding Project!Description/Current Status I Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 49 Cataldo Ave_ Realignment at Barker Rd. 2,000 City 20 120 100 560 800 DEV 5 30 25 140 200 Description: Other 25 150 125 700 1,000 Realign Cataldo east of Barker to intersect Boone Ave.,per adopted Planned Action Ordinance. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 50 50 100 Planned project.Assume PAO contributions from Developers in the Planned RW 250 250 500 amount of 10%,City 40%,grants 50%.CN after 2025. Length (miles):0.2 Planned CN 1,400 1,400 Total 50 300 250 1,400 2,000 50 Wellesley Ave_ Preservation -Sullivan to Flora 1,000 City 54 946 1,000 Description: Pavement preservation project. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 54 6 60 2024 PE 2025 ON RW 0 Length (miles):1 Planned CN 940 940 Total 54 946 1,000 51 32nd Ave. Preservation-Pines to SR 27 1,000 City 54 946 1,000 Description: Pavement preservation project. Status: Funding Status: Planned pE 54 6 60 2024 PE,2025 CN RW 0 Length (miles):0.8 Planned CN 940 949 Total 54 946 1,000 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4/29/2020 Page 17 Sporn, 2021 - 2026 Ili Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 4000Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project I Description I Current Status I Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 52 8th Ave. Preservation-Havana to Park 2,000 City 54 106 1,840 2,000 Description: Pavement preservation project with select locations of sidewalk and road widening, Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 54 6 60 2024 PE,2025 ROW,2026 CN Planned RW 100 100 Length(miles):1 Planned CN 1,840 1,840 Total 54 106 1,840 2,000 53 Barker Rd. Improvement-Appleway to S. City Limits 3,500 City 20 36 644 700 TIB 80 144 2,576 2,800 Description: Reconstruct to 3-lane urban section from Appleway to Sprague including signal/channelization improvements at Appleway,and a 2-lane urban section south of Sprague. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 100 100 200 Identified in S.Barker Corridor Study. Planned RW 80 20 100 Length (miles):0.8 Planned CN 3,200 3,200 Total 100 180 3,220 3,500 54 Flora Rd.I SR 290 Intersection Improvement 150 City 20 20 20 60 DEV 5 5 5 15 Description: Other 25 25 25 75 Provide new signal or roundabout,per adopted Planned Action Ordinance. Assume ROW&CN after 2026. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 50 50 100 Planned project.Assume PAO contributions from Developers in the Planned RW 50 50 amount of 10%,City 40%,grants 50%. Length (miles):0 Planned CN 0 Total 50 50 50 150 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4/29/2020 Page 18 ,,l2021 - 2026 s �� Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program •OValleey Dollars in Thousands Funding Project I Description 1 Current Status I Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 55 Appleway Trail-University to Dishman Mica 200 City 10 10 20 40 Other 40 40 80 160 Description: Extend Shared Use pathway to Dishman Mica with north connections to City Hall and Balfour Park. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 50 53 100 Potential funding sources:T1B,SRTC,RCO,LDA,City Planned RW 50 50 Length (miles):1 Planned CN 0 Total 50 50 100 200 56 Argonne Rd. & 1-90 Interchange Bridge Widening 500 City 50 50 100 FMSIB 75 75 150 Description: STBG 100 100 200 Widen Argonne Road bridge to 3 lanes southbound and improve sidewalks. WSDOT 25 25 50 Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 250 250 500 $15 M total assumes bridge reconstruction,rechannelization,adjacent RW 0 signal rework.20%City match,and CN after 2025. Length (miles):0.1 Planned CN 0 Total 250 250 500 57 8th Ave. / Park Rd. Intersection Improvement 340 City 16 52 68 DEV Description: Other 64 208 272 Provide new traffic signal or roundabout. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 80 20 100 Assume 2025 PE,2026 ROW,2027 CNI. Planned RW 240 240 Length(miles):0 Planned CN 0 Total 80 260 340 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4/29/2020 Page 19 ore er 2021 - 2026 pOliarie Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project!Description 1 Current Status/Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 58 Pines Rd. (SR-27)/16th Ave. Intersection Improvement 250 City 50 75 125 DEV 50 75 125 Description: Other Add traffic control at five-leg intersecton, Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 100 100 200 $5M est.total. Pending funding to improve five-leg intersection. Planned RW 50 50 Length(miles): Intersection Planned CN 0 Total 100 150 250 59 Barker Rd. 1 Boone Ave. Intersection Improvement 200 City 20 60 80 DEV 5 15 20 Description: Other 25 75 100 Provide new signal or roundabout,per adopted Planned Action Ordinance. Assume ROW&CN after 2025. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 50 50 100 $2.8 est.total.Assume PAO contributions from Developers in the amount Planned RW 100 100 of 10%,City 40%,grants 50%. Length (miles):0 Planned CN 0 Total 50 150 200 60 Broadway Ave. Improvements-Flora to Barker 600 City 16 104 120 Other 64 416 480 Description: Extend 3-lane urban section to Barker Rd and realign connection east of Barker. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 80 20 100 Possible partnership with WSDOT. Planned RW 500 500 Length (miles):5E Planned CN a Total 80 520 600 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4/29/2020 Page 20 2021 - 2020 S��'� Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 40000tialley Dollars in Thousands a1 Funding Project/Description/Current Status 1 Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 61 Barker Rd.-Mission to Interstate 90 700 City 80 200 260 DEV 20 50 70 Description: Other 100 250 350 Reconstruct to 5-lane urban section.Improvements at Boone intersection are identified separately. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 200 200 Planned project for 2025 PE.Assume PAD contributions from Developers Planned RW 500 500 in the amount of 10%,City 40%,grants 50%. Length (miles):0.3 Planned CN 0 Total 200 500 700 62 4th Ave. !Pines Rd. (SR 27) Intersection Improvements 300 City 100 200 300 Description: Install new intersection control. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 100 100 Est.$1 M total cost.2025 PE,2026 ROW,2027 CN. Planned RW 200 200 Length(miles):0 • Planned CN 0 Total 100 200 300 63 Sullivan Rd. 1 Kiernan Ave. Intersection Improvement 80 City 16 16 Other 64 64 Description: Improve channelization and signal operations at intersection and reconstruct intersection with concrete. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 80 80 $2M est.total.Planned PE in 2026.Assume 20%City match. Planned RW 0 Length (miles):0 Planned CN 0 Total 80 80 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4/29/2020 Page 21 _ 2021 - 2026 SpO1 41 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Vlley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project 1 Description I Current Status 1 Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 64 Sullivan Rd.I Marietta Ave. Intersection Improvement 80 City 16 16 Other 64 64 Description: Improve channelization and signal operations at intersection and reconstruct intersection with concrete. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 80 80 $2M est.total.Planned PE in 2026.Assume 20%City match. Planned RW 0 Length (miles):0 Planned CN 0 Total 80 80 65 Boone Ave. Reconstruction-Flora to Barker 75 City 75 75 Other Description: Reconstruct corridor to city standards. Status: Funding Status: PE 75 75 Est.$4M total cost.2025 City-funded PE,2026 ROW,2027 ON. RW 0 Length(miles):1 _ CN 0 Total 75 75 66 Flora Rd. Reconstruction-Sprague to Indiana 75 City 15 15 Other 60 60 Description: Reconstruct to city standards,including a shared-use pathway connecting Appleway&Centennial Trails. Status: Funding Status: PE 75 75 Assume 20%City match.Possible funding from SRTC, RCO,T16,WA Leg. RW 0 Length (miles):2 CN 0 Total 75 75 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4/29/2020 Page 22 2021 . 2026 Spo' ne Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 40100,0 Valley Dollars in Thousands al Funding Project!Description/Current Status I Length Total Sources 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total 67 Euclid Ave. Preservation-Barker to E. City Limit 50 City 50 50 Description: Pavement preservation project.City may consider increasing scope of project to improve road section to meet City standards. Status: Funding Status: Planned PE 50 50 2028 PE RW 0 Length (miles):0.5 Planned CN 0 Total 50 50 68 Sullivan Rd. Improvements-Trent to Wellesley 100 City 20 20 Other 80 80 Description: Widen to acid center turn lane,improved corridor access management, improved lighting,and addition of shared-use path. Status: Funding Status: PE 100 100 Est.$3M total cost.Scope based on updated to Sullivan Corridor Study. RW 0 Assume 20%City match. Length(miles):0.3 CN 0 Total 100 100 27,983 28,655 22,199 26,253 26,371 40,273 171,734 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances. 4/29/2020 Page 23 1 . Barker Rd . & 1-90 WB Interchange spo a e'er' g Valley • k F.s.*. — Project Type: Intersection Improvement Project Description: Partnership with WSDOT for PE of westbound I-901Barker interchange roundabout. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 900 2019-2020 Right of Way (RVV): 0 - Construction (CN): 0 - Total Cost: 900 2. N . Sullivan Rd . ITS Project Spokane\ Walley • I _„� i - i_.: moi ' Sa a`y!_ 4' _ .1, . _ 1-- _ 14;_-- 1 Al.... la I' ' ' - Project Type: Traffic Operations & Maintenance Project Description: Extend Intelligent Transportation Systems conduit and controls along Sullivan Corridor. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 105 2017-2019 Right of Way (RW): 100 2019 Construction (CN): 709 2020 Total Cost: 914 3. Adams Rd. Sidewalk Spokane`` valley I. V V . _ — . 1.,i`' ' ! 4. j ' �'' i I' , -.t 11-- I. 1- - , - - ' iti , 1 ` ih_v.. 1--. • L 1 F'1 a . •I 1,. 4 { - r' ;1 Q.`. %, • ' Err' 11 ' _ - .¢` ` fir. r • . in .- _ 1 ,, - -- - .1 s • IF' 11 �. ,4 °r r xtiu p r--- iWiti .,a '•- !�'_ .1 t..".4.......__ ya.M..1.:4,1. .i., �f`i�.i--- {I-•' 1/ ••..., }'f r. ., '_r t , , a / .1 i i .�. .w M 1` 1,,,, t." I'r.Y M•1 r° - -i- ;...,',J. 0.'.4,-4,_ k. _ , `1. .Fle'� —.Awl," '4:1 i .. , = "' a e'J-•' t r. 1 r 1,'=y J Ifs i- • _ h ' 41 a rola * • ` s.... .; {F ' ,�f r . �F. -`• I rr_ i[r. .,. ,.. • s ;;,,," „. ,4 ,..., il 4*(7.. Project Type: Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement Project Description: New sidewalk and stormwater on the east side from 16th to 22nd. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 40 2019 Right of Way (RW): 0 - Construction (CN): 400 2020 Total Cost: 440 4. Conklin Rd . Sidewalk >Mtlley • Project Type: Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement Project Description: New sidewalk on the west side from Appleway Trail to Riceland Lane. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 26 2019 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 155 2020 Total Cost: 181 5. 2020 Local Access Streets (Barker Spnl an ` Valley Rd . Homes) . " `� a I"'- ` 1. ' ' 'ti' { I Ilya u • • ii .� I. _ '11+-i. �. I+Y. �" I.. 1'11, A . , t f r t It 1 4` / 1 a , 1 f'� I ' - II rF Y tli 1..-- i.;b c 1 � 1 rh. Y 1 II. ri ' Y7nIT y ' Y� i ' I 6 r f ' ., III t ! V 1 `€' 1 1 '. 'ray.. _f 1 r=r A 1 i . p sem. X00 • .y. , ' t t-, , • lit _ Project Type: Street Preservation Project Description: County sewer partnership. City to reimburse County for paving and stormwater costs. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 50 2019 Right of Way (RW): 0 - Construction (CN): 1/50 2020 Total Cost: 1,800 6. Ella Rd . Sidewalk Spoi.n _ 4.000 Valley ' k ! , I}+ 1 _ I. I 1° I i t----, _ 6.4.- . , { ti - 1d ' 1 ' _ .illilir$01P - i' _ • f . .. 0A1115,4 di' It to iirPr: .414.1 . o 4 -, . ,fp, - M . . ) 1 4 . , 1 , 1.01-'1 ' 1 , .r4 .1), . 11 . 111%, . . ,. fr .11-- 4 k II . • : Ks_ I, __ l'o Project Type: Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement Project Description: New sidewalk on the west side from Broadway Ave. to Alki Ave. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 43 2019 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 383 2020 Total Cost: 426 7. Indiana Ave. Preservation - S1okane Evergreen to Sullivan .....*Valley ,,4.1 `� I•, -kms 1 r- r a - �° i • 1. 1% .• F I i J. w 1 s•r`1 S. * At rt *,, ,lri }♦ •''l .1".,..-:1 kt•�i l ,"'' r :It t ',,, 1 -4, L S. - .` \.. 1 V F '�i • - ,' 1 •• . 4Y .•. x ] •1 '1 - I. k I 9, Y:VI he c f j r fi y • 1 . 1t 111 4' .1.15'4.14'401-. , ' . ::C'''•'' ‘‘'.'4 ' I l' • .t i J cis , 7..•• to ar�•{t,,-,4t 4. A ',4r.,_:* 4r.,:I }+ , + ,f LA-, n�,r I I-` 4 • 1 z•-.1 14,1`. R'at •,j� Y ,I{,'.-1.,.-st ,CIt II ' • I ' # I 1 .1 r..c. C .r e �_ i1"- }•° ^_' �'=r: A. k Lars , Project Type: Street Preservation • Project Description: Street preservation project. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2019 Right of Way (RW): 0 - Construction (CN): 1,900 2020 - Total Cost: 2,000 8. Sullivan Rd . Bridge e Deck spokan`e\`� Talley Resurfacing • • iti a I s , l � s �' r A C e 1 N. i � � 1. i , ar + _ 04 s J _ a iiio: I { - J •1 _fel wrir Fr_ F • el Project Type: Bridge Project Description: Resurface existing bridge deck on northbound bridge over UPRR tracks. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 68 2019-2020 Right of Way (RW): 0 - Construction (CN): 270 2020 Total Cost: 338 9. Appleway Trail - Evergreen to SpokanValley Sullivan r !I, P. • I ,_ _ 1 - l.� I - Ir I i � . � zF. _�� I - .._ It ,ski _ - Ur I `'T ' I' d. P^_�� '\E+ rte' a v r t d . 1• 1 -�w-A . a i rs rZ-,1 'F_ .fit .l.- .ii i ._I . .–.-171-7 .._1 .. SS _ , ^�!.' ' - • , + '',V Project Type: Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement Project Description: Construct shared-use pathway along public utility corridor. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 145 2019 Right of Way (RVV): 0 - Construction (CN): 2,250 2019-2020 Total Cost: 2,395 10. Garland Ave Extension- Flora to Spokan' �' Valley Barker 1 4 ‘ t 4 'I .-0r 1, d .-- - _ 1 % LIti .*; '1 I I I I I I IN i 1 y _ I _- • - r+- II . . I , I' Project Type: Arterial Improvement Project Description: Construct 3-lane urban section between Flora and Barker. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 0 - Right of Way (RW): 0 - Construction (CN): 3,000 2019-2020 Total Cost: 3,000 11 . Pines Rd . 1 Mission Ave. Spoa'' Valley Intersection Improvement k I • ,:a A.— .7- _i is _ r� M Yt r I.. -fin ,.11 _ 7,11112i61% 4 ; �_� 4 1. 1 ' ; 1 G •ir I 4• $ 0. ': 4. + 4' I ', i:r % 1 a'' - -- ► p-a x ��,/ ' ► ! p, r i'I r 1 7 ! j} A ` il ill• 11 1 T y ` 14 44,' �1. . tit- �;�j11 Y t1. ,�. - 1 M. i P. ,. ir , , i "",:r . ::; '*"r, .t. t .-:. 1110 -•=. , , -- Project Type: Intersection Improvement Project Description: Two phases with signal and channelization upgrades (Ph 1) & additional turn lanes on Pines (Ph 2). Funding Status: Secured (Ph 1) Project Phase(s): Secured (Ph 1) Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 210 2020 (Ph. 1) Right of Way (RW): 32 Construction (CN): 1,158 2021 (Ph. 1) Total Cost: 1,400 12. Citywide Reflective Post Panels Spol�ane Talley (2018) I .4101421_ ,- . u 1 F: }a., - 1 4 IA t 1 I: 'R' r, r4 -. V fill '''''R. , ,.:11'. I ;' 4lir -' +I .-Vqii._ . - I R 1 - �.-J ;fir Mit q :moi } r- I � I �. I 9 Il f 1,;401 i A - - , •, 1 -- vii Ste. _ r 94 fi 7 40 w • Project Type: Safety Project Description: Installation of reflective post panels to stop signs and speed limit signs on select streets. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 6 2019 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 72 2020 Total Cost: 78 13. Citywide Reflective Signal spo 'e``' 9 Walley Backplates (2018) r . . primeit 1 a �f II .. '1'• v �i' , I w i a N[ - 1 • *Y; ' r Jr 1 .tom r t i-b L 1 . i; 1 Project Type: Safety Project Description: Installation of reflective backplate panels at select traffic signals. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 15 2019 Right of Way (RW): 0 - Construction (CN): 165 2020 Total Cost: 180 14. Park Rd . Sidewalk Spokane' —.s valley 1 i I I -1 i « I I c i +' f JI X.i I j,j Nl 1 Id .'.�. - a I . ,1_ }r Iiir Y 1 Project Type: Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement Project Description: New sidewalk on west side from Sharp to Mission with potential marked crossing at Sharp or Cataldo. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 50 2020 Right of Way (RW'): 0 - Construction (CN): 683 2021 Total Cost: 733 k'� '�'15. Barker Rd . Improvements - Spoane .., Valley Spokane River to Euclid •i, y - yy � — II -" -"'� i - 1 'F'. i 1 F" ► :• 3 i. �.�� , II - �•" - -� '•� y, - t, • ,i�• y a _ '•. ? 0iI-I'. I , I' 1 ! r _ � E_ Is r ..f � �• „ _. .., ,' k l ' -; : I 1•. 4 t `,. '�Rar 1 1 I i�.l� l �r I ��y- ..: �1 m iVI lir`__ K `fes I I' r I Ili . Project Type: Arterial Improvement Project Description: Reconstruct and widen to 3-lane urban section to east leg of Euclid. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 165 2019 Right of Way (RW): 195 2020 Construction (CN): 2,831 -- 2020-2021 Total Cost: 3,191 16. Sullivan Rd. 1 Wellesleypot anew' Ave.. Valley Intersection Improv. "' 't t 4 I. �, 1 1 i .ft i_ I_..41111L tis.- i s -.rill 0 . �.s, -.--.'"i *APi li 4 . Y /4 4 nHt Y eel 3_ Project Type: Intersection Improvement Project Description: Traffic signal and intersection improvement project, partnership with Spokane County. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 175 2018-2020 Right of Way (RW): 135 2020 Construction (CN): 1,460 2021-2022 Total Cost: 1,770 17. BroadwayAve, Preservation - Spokane Walley Havana to Fancher Ii , * •+* � r 'i` Ito 1 I . , .� rtrwarI ro Y, s 11 + til �� II I I -- I 10 I I. I I —Y 11 , 'I I I A iI 1 I I II I I ,I 1 1 ii - -- 11 11 �,_q � I : � II . pij 111 r. 11 ! 11 - II - _ -� - I �I f LL a IIll , : ,I — I—� Project Type: Street Preservation Project Description: Pavement preservation, including stormwater improvements as necessary. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2019-2020 Right of Way (RW): 0 - Construction (CN): 2,900 2021 Total Cost: 3,000 18. 8th Ave. Preservation - Progress Spokane $ Valley to Sullivan } Y �yF- . u iw 'X yAdllfr 11111E. i I 4 4, , .A '404 I` Ili i i �, _��Sr i , a r ip," i Y 1 - + «- 4.1 1 „ ._. . . i .e's „,,, , Fm., Y u " t - � k.as, = .I. I�Y a; Ili} `a-o! f1 } iI t E +—,•.j w +r , 1 ilk , 1 4 i j '' — ON `4'. tit ._.- L. t .., \ hitirililitlibtl F- W 1, i 10.* , ,TF.. Y rio- 1 ..1— - — r- 14 ':_4, 41-- .:.„,. „., - , , : . _, i , r—r-Auro-- ree ,,, sp, , It* --4, • i- ems.:. r Project Type: Street Preservation Project Description: Street preservation with potential sidewalk extension and partnership with Vera Water & Power. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 50 2020 Right of Way (RW): 0 - Construction (CN): 650 2021 Total Cost: 700 19. Park Rd . I Mission Ave. *mane `' Valley Intersection Improvement Project Type: Intersection Improvement Project Description: Improve channelization and signal operations. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering(PE): 100 2020 Right of Way (RW): 60 2021 Construction (CN): 1,172 2022 Total Cost: 1,332 'ems'20. ApplewayBlvd . Stormwater siolan Valley Improvements 1•S.Sy r i 1' I. — I i C • 1 ii 1 �' iII - i` - ' - 7 a ii i1 , - -r .V ' ,4 "` 1 1,- � 51'1..1• - ..... .. . , ,._ ... .._,. . ri _i, „, , ,.. _ I. 1 '4 I" v 0"..-,gra, r V, ,, —- e IT ,• y, 7111' iit F , ti - i _is - - ' 'v-k. Vi iI• �- r.� jilt, .'j ,�.. - ..- - I .4 ' — ' r&U, ' i V:0 —..—..... ..-i—t 6 y 1__ r e� ,..44fi;1, is ,— i I 1 1 a .. I , Project Type: Stormwater Project Description: Improve stormwater facilities between University and Farr. Funded by Dept. of Ecology. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 150 2020 Right of Way (RW}: 0 - Construction (CN): 850 2021 Total Cost: 1,000 21 . Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Spokane Valley Analysis k , 'r , I . a� p - . i • 1 a r. La. ' * i ft'' 1 , • , , . r 4 _ Rk II', P' 1 r �,iliii - _ 1 'IIF � , 1 l d' _ '.' :., V _ u; ,*i 1 ill. _ *� �. Project Type: Safety Project Description: Evaluate vehicle vs. pedestrian/bicycist crashes, as identified in the Local Road Safety Plan. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 50 2021-2022 Right of Way (RW): 0 - Construction (CN): 0 - Total Cost: 50 22. Barker Rd . at Union Pacific *mane Valley Crossing • • { - 4 V, ,i I } 11 0441 • I • I, Project Type: Arterial Improvement Project Description: Recnstruct and widen to 3-lane urban section at UPRR and E. Euclid Ave. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 85 2020 Right of Way (RW): 50 2020-2021 Construction (CN): 1,299 2021 Total Cost: 1,434 23. Sullivan Rd. Preservation - Sjo "Valley Sprague to 8th 1' 1 I t `' Y II Hr - Y;1 � , I ItV r F r r- I II 11 I i • _ I 1 �I w i t I F d • . + 1 11p� 1411 IA _ �..1 ?` I a. r r ,TT""r I , 1 lits .m - f ' II ..,i�� •,..it 1 I - I- f- r • f •C ,j • "+1- 1 '.0 0 _ - I _ r y - -41 , _ I; i- r1 .. ' _. - -" } I I f 1 I. , r - II Project Type: Street Preservation Project Description: Pavement preservation with signal, sidewalks and stormwater improvements as necessary. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2021 Right of Way (RW): 0 - Construction (CN): 1,300 2022 Total Cost: 1,400 24. Sullivan Rd . Preservation - 8th to spoke``' Valley 16th r ;� I ,. i _. E, ,a..a : .,f' ' 1_ ; + I MP :• r ' , • A f� — tet. I s t I' ' !S r , It ,I l' i • , � j-. = J4 4 1 ,',.,e. t•1141, I. of -- I4 i - r 'y,:. .. moi,.. r ,. Project Type: Street Preservation Project Description: Pavement preservation with signal, sidewalks and stormwater improvements as necessary. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2021 Right of Way (RW): 0 - Construction (CN): 1,300 2022 Total Cost: 1,400 25. Argonne Rd . Concrete Pave. - Spona e`1 Valley Indiana to Montgomery4000 • _ � „` + _i' r • t �-" ,fit V'� *PC ME' I;- , ; ; ; l Project Type: Arterial Improvement Project Description: Reconstruct with concrete and improve signal timing at Montgomery. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 125 2020 Right of Way (RW): 40 2020-2021 Construction (CN): 5,000 2021-2022 Total Cost: 5,165 26. Evergreen Rd Preservation - Siiokane` g ,,,„..00 Valley Sprague to Mission it 1 �' 4 • ! S _r----- --,`--. .._�._-' -�-- + I 1 - i t I' r - 4_ - - V r —� \ - �i 1 _7.1. - - ._i _ - ..' .1, ,j it i • , _ y - ! 1 ' , L —e', ,. r r r, I + _ I• - 4 _we" , 1 ,Y f4 ! 04 r Y - i I" r I i r lit , { { 1lekiloi�' •'dill W . " _ 1. I r. I L{ -1 .— — I� _ f I'. t-. I�': 1 ;{ h4 s _A h I:_ l� l Project Type: Street Preservation Project Description: Pavement preservation project. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2021 Right of Way (RW): 0 - Construction (CN): 1,900 2022 Total Cost: 2,000 27. Balfour Park Frontage Sn�� valley Improvements rF` L__ - , • 6 4. iik 'tv, • ,_,:., - . j t II�1 , -797 t, ! , ;..-, I . ,L f _..., - , .rs -,. No It R Project Type: Street Preservation Project Description: Pavement preservation, widen paved shoulder, install curb and sidewalk on Herald, Main and Balfour. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2020 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 1,900 2021 Total Cost: 2,000 28. ue S ra Ave. I Barker Rd . *mane Sprague 'galley Intersection Improvement Nii . , , ,L, rl J , 14 ...,.. p_..„, i Project Type: Intersection Improvement Project Description: Provide new roundabout and with sidewalks and bike accomodations. Funding Status: Partial Project Phase(s): Partial Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 165 2020 Right of Way (RVV): 270 2021 Construction (CN): 1,835 2022 Total Cost: 2,270 e..••\-._29. Sprague Ave. Stormwater Spolan Valley Improvements R 1 1 . I ' *TiLj:illiiii ' ..a �� rr ti 7C _ . 1 ��® I I 1_. _ ;� 1 I il 44 11 -,--:.-: ::: , , . 1 . Project Type: Stormwater Project Description: Drywell retrofits between University and Park. Funded by Dept. of Ecology. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2021 Right of Way (RW): 0 - Construction (ON): 1,900 2022 Total Cost: 2,000 4..."\...... 30. Wilbur Rd . Sidewalk - Boone to siiokane ....."Valley Mission i k i '' — -1, 'il:1 4.'2;4 t• I ' •••,/11:-" — 1_ 1 . Ili-)t*C'IT•I••• r- ,,i ..r '......f„...., i - i -7, ,i i ,-0*-i ,,,,,,. , r r ._.._ ,.„. .. 4' i.. '•. ' ,- *- -1 .„- r- r , .4 1,,5 ,,- •. -.. r- Fi., - 1 ,r-0---" , f., „... , ) ,j -1 .. . i 1 - 1 , ! IP _ t-1 ,4 t 0. r ..-,- .. r:„: - , -- r 44 • -- . 4- 1 it". : 11.1,-. — .1'' t, .” : t'd; e'.* r 1......,.. .... .--.0 , t 4 :' "1,' ' t . --17 ;'' '. ,.., ''•6. - - .. I* V - I V -'; ..... ., ! - - ' - ii• ' it ',,,,.. r ..' , ...- ii,-.: '*—' • '' (----6 ,'- , .'• -, • .___ ...1".". ': — ' ' fie - tiol 1#— t i.1 ;„.,.. ,se... •- ,,,,_ . °, 41 . l' ..„,,_ , . o , . l . rb ,_ • • '--,, — _' • 1 - I I . i' r• . ___ -. II I P. . 0, t I I „ , . 1 1,1 ' • I • 1 . I --^:••••'‘ . I . - '' • :-. r I 1 i . . . , 1 i 1, , ... Project Type: Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement Project Description: Install sidewalk from Boone to Mission on one side of road. Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 60 2021 Right of Way (RW): 20 2021 Construction (CN): 564 2022 Total Cost: 644 31 . Barker Rd . I BNSF Grade Sraa` Valley Separation Project ✓P �r y� m p` a p0 � 9 I „ i -B }I 7 I _� 1 , d. Project Type: Bridge Project Description: Construct Grade Separation at Barker/BNSF RR/Trent (SR290). Funding Status: Secured Project Phase(s): Secured Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 2,595 2019 Right of Way (RVV): 2,545 2020 Construction (CN): 21,030 2020-2023 Total Cost: 26,170 32. Pines Rd . (SR27) I BNSF Grade Spokane Valle Separation Project t• r r , r t y t 11� ,I.`1 r i aV if Project Type: Bridge Project Description: Construct Grade Separation at Pines/BNSF RR/Trent (SR290). Funding Status: Partial Project Phase(s): Partial Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 2,494 2020-2021 Right of Way (RW): 4,700 2020-2022 Construction (CN): 21,800 2023-2025 Total Cost: 29,000 33. Sullivan Rd . I SR 290 Interchange sp�okan��e g valley Reconstruction . . - , } ' 1d o•* r r4 I.,. 1' ; 41 .sem • , • i k� `` .. f .r+; if: l' i _ rte. • i • y,l.l i 'r. , rf1.400.00.40,61°M.I.AIL lio 4 , k a4 f , t , - , Iiiii4" 1 Project Type: Bridge Project Description: Reconstruct interchange to improve safety and capacity. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 2,650 2021-2023 Right of Way (RVV): 1,380 2024-2025 Construction (CN): 22,600 2026-2028 Total Cost: 26,630 34. Street Preservation Projects - Sjo ....,"\,..... ane $3M Annually .....0 Valley '*1 I 1 II i I I SO I 1• 'A ',,omit ri, _ I , vogimillbs ----:. r r r i , .k:++ a C. _ ! 1Y , ill i, 0, --, a w l 0 I. I i • . ,. ir, - _ _ , [I- 1, PIP141# I' !", a { r , - _ _ y4/• *',r . ` I 'I '1__r..*. Vr 'i: _ , - Project Type: Street Preservation Project Description: Preservation projects, typically arterials or collectors, or used as matching funds for grants. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 500 Annually Right of Way (RVV): 0 Annually Construction (CN): 17.500 Annually Total Cost: 18,000 35. Local Access Street Spokane Walley Improvements - $ 1 .5M Annually t 42. ifi ..- ,.., L /0` 11 , '' 41e '1 - -----. , V 1 1; IJlM1 ul1 . .11 y ori.-- • , l tI. i , ,,.,,,. I B !I I l l I 4 , l ,16 , ,-,- _ L 1 , r I ! . .111=001 . . I _ - __ - 'T _ Project Type: Street Preservation Project Description: Funded by Street Wear Fee. Project type varies (surface treatments, grind/inlays, reconstruction). Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 600 Annually Right of Way (RW): 0 Annually Construction (CN): 8,400 Annually Total Cost: 9,000 36. Citywide SafetyProjects - spokan �' .0,000 Valley Biennial f tr lir I ' *, - ligiell. I 1 r c I ' w F--- 7.11 1 , , ,, , ...._ ilf ' Asti _ - - 1 I E el Project Type: Safety Project Description: Projects are consistent with the City's Local Road Safety Plan. Awarded projects specified in TIP. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 Annually Right of Way (RW'): 0 Annually Construction (CN): 1,700 Annually Total Cost: 1,800 37. Sullivan Rd Preservation - 16th s lot' Valley Ave. to City Limit ,-.i . . I '1 l.,' 1 - - � - 1 .I I�� 1 'p. - i - . ✓ . - - 1.,,,.....1 - .. ty-�,4 .l: - I. - 1 . _ I _ � ,.. , E - Project Type: Street Preservation Project Description: Pavement preservation with signal, sidewalks and stormwater improvements as necessary. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2022 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 2,100 2023 Total Cost: 2,200 38. 8th Ave. 1 Carnahan Rd . S e�`` o'S Valley Intersection Improvement ,,.. - r. i, IP ` �' i V or G. +lir:, ,.. ,.. J,1--- _ Imo`_ `_ r_ I - liI iii, I h 1 Project Type: Intersection Improvement Project Description: Add intersection control (turn lanes, potential signal). Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 175 2022 Right of Way (RW): 250 2023 Construction (CN): 1,575 2024 Total Cost: 2,000 39. Mission Ave. Preservation - SjO1 ne' Valley Mullan to University `- -t, ` m ate.: i l t• f f' �< '�� -, , i,v r 1 'f _ � ... Oil J 41. 1,.• :-' ... _ `�'� I- . W r �- I .r' . " { ►f I i I . "i.. i, * 4 .-_ fit i'•,1 , �I L I .l�. _ _ . - - I ter__ r Y �" .-�_^�--r' - a �� t i 6 r_,r---1 a 'Ire _ •_. '- . I +' , ..I .. -,-_ _ ,.�- l I..t 4[ ' - - *~F• •• r . 'JI} - a rte I.• r: + < 4 I, . I _ __ r •* I r•;.41 R I v - - i ), , . �' �� .. .ter .� 4f . • T L. 111 _,. , _ I•• 1,. 1 , ." ,' it '�i /q -kms - F '' A _, 1:.-„?...--_----,. - . _ I,..I � � ' _ � .11.:. • II. f • � I 40 1.4. L=amv v • . sll� j.., 'v Project Type: Street Preservation Project Description: Pavement preservation and possible widening project with stormwater improvements as necessary. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2022 Right of Way (RW): 150 2023 Construction (CN): 1,750 2024 Total Cost: 2,000 40. South Bowdish Rd . - Phased spokanes..... .Valley Corridor Improvements , .., , .i i_ , ,, in --,- - - _ lc_ ___;____ -, ._-__- -,,,. ,I,L,-._=-_,,i_iii_Ei .71 ,I 1 ;R ` _ Mui, 0 "LU 1.--'` L. : ' , ` . „ 1..1'aim - amisisimi . _ _'.,._,_ f r - ___i _ :,- )`•.- if, — 1- I " , -- ' --lim "I, ,•,_ _-•,,,,,...1 '..2_41,iiirr4--• ''.- • i1' Tr'., ., - ' mow- 7f . , ®` . . ` :L ) ,.� r-, k • }' I 41, %,A,-.- , I yam' ( om fir _ moi` �,1, ;:' I r ;,t , , Project Type: Arterial Improvement Project Description: Reconstruct Sprague to Dishman Mica as a modified urban street with improvements at 16th/32nd. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 1,000 2022 Right of Way (RW): 500 2023 Construction (CN): 11,500 2024 Total Cost: 13,000 41 . Dishman-Mica Rd . Pres. - Schafer Spo ' '' .000 Valley to S. City Limit r! y ` - ;+ ti l I I 1 , .y i Alt 1 ■■ 700 le -, \,_. ___1_. . . i s Jy f J c41 111 ' I • 1 '...,,-.,1 a., ' -. ' qtr. !sp - ;. - 4S.I' ' V - • - . 0 ga , .,11' - - . . - 4 -. ,, -3,. ';t,-W-o- 1 1 , $ 1 4, ' , ' i 'I . - , . -r MI f - r• ! Project Type: Street Preservation Project Description: Pavement preservation project. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 50 2023 Right of Way (RW): 0 Construction (CN): 1,250 2024 Total Cost: 1,300 42. Mullan Rd . Preservation - SSiokanr ' Valley Broadway to Mission .t• !y^ 1 • , ' • M �.� ±II�. `_.�__•�. •_.,- 1 . ,.. li-• - �, _ I , `I •!+!. _ fir . - ... 0 ir, . ii. ,. • - 1 rt �� - k , „, , , , _. no ,j ., 14,.... „ ..... _4:- 1.• _1 ' ; :. L)=. 11: -_-_________-_': ' i. • ' ::-* ' ' ' I' I in . Ilfse _,,,,-. , , ,,,„ i 6 IC '.. ;IC ~rt I ' I F ins � 'i�. 'f . . L. . t " ; 4 ,,. Ivo i , , t. . . _ . ..• "I. Project Type: Street Preservation Project Description: Preservation project with conduit for future ITS infill, signals improvements at Mission. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 149 2023 Right of Way (RW): 160 2023 Construction (CN): 1,091 2024 Total Cost: 1,400 43. Mirabeau I Mansfield Intersection sizkane '' ,-.*Valley Improvements '`--.Ilt 44: . ,) ><000, 'E ,. ll1Ar+, ru. , s tisso(Ni ice. ;r Project Type: Intersection Improvement Project Description: Intersection capacity improvements. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 120 2023 Right of Way (RW): 100 2024 Construction (CN): 685 2025 Total Cost: 905 44. Barker Rd. Improvements - Spokane p .000 Valley Appleway to 1-90 M ,Ir yam --r. . ' - S� i.ii i I'N •1 -t Y1 x' " n �} 1 t i r ,r; ; .# ; , , # rr.11!,Irij}.1t4,'il,'pl ' Il�t. Y . i ..- iff -':-;11 lat It r .t.tr-r, . p ' l r L. .� II - k .' ,1, " iy 4 i t y ?.++A ,,i. _ f - tri ..-. S r- r t,19 - 1•a 1 I a F t �.` " _ j {t y'� ,L -r--41'.i.:- *r i L� �� t 1 IT " III ` , , ' i; I � ^g t d I . ..' It iA11 ' -1 ' it , .4 i n' .;I` _ 1. I df FItt-. rte.- .a. .. _ ' ,,,i'. .Y .r' LI Ma ' • Jt 4!... 1 - YAC j � . 44+. - - FI� - Po„ _ .. 'k „ I.. _1=r _• �. __• .. r4. . - Project Type: Arterial Improvement Project Description: Reconstruct 5-lane urban section with alignment/channelization improvements at Appleway & Broadway. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 1,000 2023 Right of Way (RW): 2,000 2024 Construction (CN): 3,500 2025 Total Cost: 6,500 45. Flora Rd . Reconstruction - Euclid Spokane' Valley to Garland I I. , 11;"7/11 ; ._..=-.- a r . II r - I _ t 19 'G' 1 r _ Ie — _ -' .4-11 -7.- _ e �� Imo - -t _ ��� - + --- �Y�llI ` Y� I + ,,, 1 , 1 '.1; _ Project Type: Arterial Improvement Project Description: Reconstruct to an urban arterial section in partnership with Spokane County Sewer Extension Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2023 Right of Way (RW): 100 2024. Construction (CN): 2,000 - _ 2025 Total Cost: 2,200 46. Park Rd . Preservation - Sprague Spokane valley to Trent I i 1. �, I . _ __ - ,,, 4 - ,: ifs"- -- 1 y. - _ ' I! _ 'Y 1.10. .• lit ;,,, µ J= ,' r."" ' . . _ :I, , T fr i. 1 _ `y 1 .- . , _ Y • �Ys X11, 1 1.. �+Ird� b Y _ rpm x r F C r--�} U a __ r-_ i I A. L IlI °.: L' - A '" 7[� [I J 1, ! • _''.ems ) 1,-,„. � i j 1111.1 G_ I . I ..I , 3'- ' ..-ff1 -!• • _ r, — -r . - _. y`r° 1r . I. r. : .3• , I Project Type: Street Preservation Project Description: Pavement preservation project with potential sidewalks at select locations. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 70 2023 Right of Way (RW): 30 2024 Construction (CN): 1,200 2025 Total Cost: 1,300 e�`'47. Vera Crest + RockyRidge Street spokan .000 Valley Reconstruction ,. - ..... .„--, - „,,, ... ....„.... . ,, . , , , a - 1, . f:g,.• .._ ' ' ...i. i i4 .31i r'• fM , ■rr r M `Ifalinii rir. ...,k f� �—t' kt—Iiiiiiialtjii ffirl --' - — , :f. `- s�` it W fi Y'�P, -�" If maw ■■ — """ 11,...,-...; III _ , , _. Tr" . Agi _ ___ • __, _ ..i._ 1 i LE _ -� - *.L:0411-11- ` 0 I.LL. L_-, -' ..-.- pyri iff ,'. ' a L. �I a �` t i i=ar = - `in.-i r ■ \.flL7y;� , , ""14 1 . �,., il! I i ll'ir 2 i ilf.1111-II.' -'.. . -' '11j''' i 13 �i . 4V"' _ til�.�S � 2"rt s a i ail i.. / gig' f, _ 1'" M1 ii,i- a' r. '- p Iii I l g� 1.'d A L 1111 I , bi SSI, i 1 ) 1 M 1.� .., q, �: : -, in i� � r. Project Type: Street Reconstruction Project Project Description: Stormwater/road reconstruction in mulltiple areas: Kahuna Hills, Heather Park, Ridgemont Estates. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 150 2023-2025 Right of Way (RW): 0 - Construction (CIA): 0 - Total Cost: 150 48. Barker Rd . Intersection Spokane ` Improvements at 4th & 8th .Valley 11 r r-4. 4 r, r a t ; Cf I: !17 I I " Y 4 ' i I.., ! r ... I' ! II ' ,. - „:. .. - , , ' T. :*%4 I 11 i r' -i+ _ r !' r— �~— • � 'r.:,1,-1 F` " - 4 - 1 ,. ..r r`- `` ' '� - '.I. i - - :1 , — _ f r',r • �• i� r- s - @. K.t40 �_ {yam t r ( L. Iia ` I •r0• 1+ ..•-• r d., 1 +xt iI . —_ I i, 1 F_ i- ! - Project Type: Intersection Improvement Project Description: Provide new traffic signal or roundabout, per S. Barker Corridor Study. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2023-2024 Right of Way (RW): 100 2025 Construction (CN): 3.300 2026 Total Cost: 3,500 49. Cataldo Ave. Realignment at Spokane `'' g Walley Barker Rd. 9 �. + :r*- { ,► I 14, .. t ''1 I .', 1 II I rdtb � r, r'r - ,♦. I t I� I I + I Ii 1 - =r _- --- Project Type: Intersection Improvement Project Description: Realign Cataldo Ave east of Barker to Intersect Boone Ave., per adopted Planned Action Ordinance. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2023-2024 Right of Way (RW): 500 2024-2025 Construction (CN): - 1,400 2026 Total Cost: 2,000 ke `'50. WellesleyAve. Preservation - Spoan Valley Sullivan to Flora ,, ill FI. '!" • y ‘ , i! . , ' 1;7 - , I i t 11 I. .. • ` AA, 1,r � ffi, ,y%4',,, -,1,..1I' ;1'+1 ,.1„> . t* r `, i ; ., I • 'II r 15i4 .. s .K w 3p' L , r I •, r.. . r, 1 4 p ...'-•-••••1.••. N Project Type: Street Preservation Project Description: Pavement preservation project. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 60 2024 Right of Way (RW): 0 - Construction (CN): 940 2025 Total Cost: 1,000 51 . 32nd Ave. Preservation - Pines to Sjoka e` Valley SR 27 -- k II Ir. i- - f ., 4!1 1-•i,v�• il— efi !� -a II t \ Y ,: i" y R 4 yJ �,t l r w 1 i; - CJI / if I `�It�r I L�7 l l i. -. rr a i Project Type: Street Preservation Project Description: Pavement preservation project. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 60 2024 Right of Way (RW): 0 - Construction (CN): 940 - 2025 Total Cost: 1,000 52. 8th Ave. Preservation - Havana to Spokane Valley Park ii: , , . ' If F . _ , ,, . 7._ _ _ _ .1 �. +`; 1 11 , --`I A.. ---— 4.1 0••_,..Lir,, ." ••• . r.milL yf 1« .wa a\.I I t1 i 1", _�I�,II} F a I _1 YjIn�Y .I tt y r 1 - I - v - i— - • . . , - - , ir-,-F, ,,,,, , _. _ IFt,gP '� . , , , __, 1 R 1 ., rFe — 11,_ �tlI _ _A 411 _ - ! • r . J. 'y{I,6a ' • `■ _.-1- a .,iii.',` -1 � _ +► Tit 1 jI -a� E .frit ka_ , L.rL 1 �r Project Type: Arterial Improvement Project Description: Pavement preservation project with select locations of sidewalk and road widening. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 60 2024 Right of Way (RW): 100 2025 Construction (CN): 1,840 2026 Total Cost: 2,000 53. Barker Rd. Improvement - Sfi k1 e Valley Appleway to S. City Limit 1 1 , .1+' r.. i� - H ri' - 11.. II .. .f.. IIS — *r F. I I I ., � .tib..._ `I. —_ �� ' I ° • r `r` I q �*. 1 0 ', I .g ..re 1 1 rp _ $m ° r v 1 1 , Project Type: Arterial Improvement Project Description: Reconstruct 3-lane urban section from Appleway to Sprague and 2-lane urban section south of Sprague. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 200 2024 Right of Way (RW): 100 2025 Construction (CN): 3,200 _ 2026 Total Cost: 3,500 54. Flora Rd . I SR 290 Intersection S o 'e'`` Valley Improvement _ I -Il ,,, rot. -2 h -7:4. - it . , : &is:. te it J til OS1 1V Project Type: Intersection Improvement Project Description: Provide new signal or roundabout, per adopted Planned Action Ordinance. Assume ROW& CN after 2026. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2024-2025 Right of Way (RW): 100 2026-2027 Construction (CN): 3,800 2028 Total Cost: 4,000 �'55. AppNews Trail - Universityto Spkan �s Valley Dishman Mica r _ i . , ,. _ -;61 ' ' 4 4) '--_1 , ,),_..... . , ,. , 'ma 1 ' ' - ,3 , i . . � . �i, , R • m �' l I }Y _' R n y. 411111.11.111111111.1111.1 -. . 1 , . l'uou-AiiikWef 3 I,' I Project Type: Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvement Project Description: Extend Shared Use pathway to Dishman Mica with north connections to City Hall and Balfour Park. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2024-2025 Right of Way (RVV): 100 2026-2027 Construction (CN): 1,800 2028 Total Cost: 2,000 56. Argonne Rd . & 1-90 Interchange simane�`' Argonne Valley Bridge Widening • Project Type: Bridge Project Description: Widen Argonne Road bridge to 3 lanes southbound and improve sidewalks. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 500 2025-2026 Right of Way (RW): 0 - Construction (CN): 14,500 2027-2028 Total Cost: 15,000 57. 8th Ave. I Park Rd. Intersection Spokane�`� Valley Improvement I 1 ,- L 6 1. '11 '1,N.H. .r :A,. , '""t Vt.'- • ..%. 4 ...„ . ,,,....., . . I „.-:„ ,.., „, .._.r.. • - III p I1 - - ,, ,,, 01, t Iiii, M ili 4 - - -^ . ,, 14 i k"t t Y • r • it.f7. lip lj II; V:-. N 0 I 1V • Project Type: Intersection Improvement Project Description: Provide new traffic signal or roundabout. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2025 Right of Way (RW): 300 2026 Construction (CN): 2,600 2027 Total Cost: 3,000 58. Pines Rd (SR-27) / 16th spoka�ne�' Valle inImprovement � � I ntersect a r r--° I,. t # _ fir, , I. F Tf_U'+` o. .. 7 4 },.3, f _ y 3 I t c ; °I t F S al Project Type: Intersection Improvement Project Description: Add traffic control at five-leg intersecton. Funding Status: Partial Project Phase(s): Partial Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 200 2025-2026 Right of Way (RW): 100 2026-2027 Construction (CN): 4,700 2028 Total Cost: 5,000 59. Barker Rd . 1 Boone Ave. S1 o.000....--e\...... Valley Intersection Improvement } ,, _ . , I! F1 1 1 I F 1 +. , f 1.. i, 1 ri. I- V .II . , it' 1; 1 I 1 ,. . , I l'il - 1 r , , , , il q.. ,. . ' „pi • ,4i,,, V .!,:AA In “ , .I .�k i , _ . , p t - '� S ' • 1 sem- ft "k 4 Project Type: Intersection Improvement Project Description: Provide new signal or roundabout, per adopted Planned Action Ordinance. Assume ROW & CN after 2025. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2025-2026 Right of Way (RW): 200 2026-2027 Construction (CN): 2,500 2028 Total Cost: 2,800 60. BroadwayAve. Improvements - spolian '1 .....00 Valley Flora to Barker ,l,„-...-.7.. ` • a-.4 iit I i - , . - • ir ate .. ! L ••—' t o 1 ? Y t , , ill , - -w - I 1 l 1 — a 4 II4'4 '4 ' ,r. I — . • tilivil 1-I. I' s 91 1 — . r , I 1 i.^LI .r - '� ,� `(I .,.;.1� ' r,,.l i ' 11. _ ��- 1 - '1�- 1. 1--....L It;_ .t w 't 4.':;,1• 'I -• t , .�do, ' #r- I _.F s� '1 .*. rr (..I. i.. I ir 1'{i "�1 . ' - - . '�° 1 14 [1 yam,}� =� r — .. i 'li --_ I l all .,! ♦-. *•�• +.. I 1 #''r', 't ..I ill. �+ .41 — I r A. — r ,e �, r M I to r' is 1Z ' y .�f!1 r -M l _ J 1' l' I I ' i : -- ,i �,1t[J ,Suja�J1+7 SW.__:,-;51.-- E •._ � — lR T, � II r: k Project Type: Arterial Improvement Project Description: Extend 3-lane urban section to Barker Rd and realign connection east of Barker. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,400) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2025 Right of Way (RW): 500 2026 Construction (CN): 4,400 2027 Total Cost: 5,000 61 . Barker Rd . - Mission to Interstate spo ane .*Valley 90 ` AI r-«�+ , AL1:. " j,l.. _I � ice', I: p,l !.,,- ., I r - - fit. , M^S_- W _"`�.� .,re• r. • 1 '_-,Y••'•' k��' • I • _ {a<.�.'.' ' _ _ , - ,i, � .' r••+' r.'I .- +rte' 'ry : I ,4 -; I. ... ow n . 1• , �'' 1.' •._t ,, +S I lx-r,1, 1 ir• *k rc lc- t I - - I,. I: l I_ 4 I, `.- Yom. -'1," 1y:. 1-.{ !I— ` 't - { it.n T'',--- « . 11 1' .e + I' I '''iLl'i• At 1_ i*. 4.44 ,i-...,-- - . i ;Y ;, • .2 1. , .. It 4..1,, I 1: Al II i •,,I • .rbc I' !. lr R , I l .�7 wry A in 0�> �! a t '1Q: 1 �+A 6- ' ` 6 • n t ; � i p ai 3 I' �1 I a - .:'i I, i 1 1 iiht', - 114111111 'z Project Type: Arterial Improvement Project Description: Reconstruct to 5-lane urban section. Improvements at Boone intersection are identified separately. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 200 2025 Right of Way (RW): 500 2026 Construction (CN): 2,300 2027 Total Cost: 3,000 62. 4th Ave. 1 Pines Rd . ISR 27) Spokane Valle Intersection Improv. .....00y a _ 4.. '' {iii , i ' __ w Oda, , y i 3 i .- - f 3 i t Ili r. I - I {--. ,_ _ - •-- {{ ,it� 1p 7- I 1,liP h i - Vii,, {,�• - k•' 1 ,- A ".-..11 tor , : LI. Nr4108011.114' i 11 _ I , p, „,....„i•rfri ir- 1 , . ., , T . i h 4. ., ., wt,..., . .,4 t "aw - i f slw , . 1---- _ . , ,a., 1 .t. . , „ ., . re•-- -- I: - 9. • 1.4.;-.4 P i ' 4 ` ti Project Type: Intersection Improvement Project Description: Install new intersection control. Price assumes new signal and channelization. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2025 Right of Way (RW): 200 2026 Construction (CN): 700 2027 Total Cost: 1,000 63. Sullivan Rd . I Kiernan Ave, S1okanne .000 Valley Intersection improv. 1 ' ik: TI�'`; 1 " + , Y� I . l' , ti r .-I , i.--, -• ,( i _ t- 'fit ,'- 1 _ q R, 4 . la 6 er r . , , , , , I 4 P. teitilli 't ,,1 - , i 1 Project Type: Intersection Improvement Project Description: Improve channelization and signal operations and reconstruct intersection with concrete. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2026 Right of Way (RW): 100 2027 Construction (CN): 1,800 2028 Total Cost: 2,000 64. Sullivan Rd . 1 Marietta Ave. mane Intersection Improv. alas..s Valley M^' .t I f_ _ i �r f.'. ' .. ' t. it ! ]0 ' se g im._. t.:,- ' . . , ,,,__..i .t Project Type: Intersection Improvement Project Description: Improve channelization and signal operations and reconstruct intersection with concrete. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 100 2026 Right of Way (RW): 100 2027 Construction (CN): 1,800 2028 Total Cost: 2,000 65. Boone Ave. Reconstruction - SjOU Valley Flora to Barker _is run} , s --. _ _ .� i 1 •f. - r- y , 110PW, % i R , , I I' II i 1. 1tT it 14.4 - r. Project Type: Street Reconstruction Project Project Description: Reconstruct corridor to city standards. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 150 2026-2027 Right of Way (RW): 350 2028-2029 Construction (CN): 3,500 2030 Total Cost: 4,000 66. Flora Rd . Reconstruction - Sol .....0 Valley Sprague toIndiana ii1l ' y j -y'- I .- r E Jfy • i,+ • • .*I I I I —'•f, ' te•-��- • 10 I '1' -711 - _ - -- ,---7- r .,,, j_r___I. , - +4 1,�,I I I I ii I i }_� , ` .,,,,..:•__ lir- • < � _ . • i �9 IIIA i� I a .; , ice` :' LJ [ - i Project Type: Arterial Improvement Project Description: Reconstruct to city standards, including a shared-use path connecting Appleway & Centennial Trails, Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 150 2026-2027 Right of Way (RW): 250 2028-2029 Construction (CN): 3,600 2030 Total Cost: 4,000 67. Euclid Ave. Preservation Barker s okan „so Valley to E. City Limit 1 l w _--t1 • Pa. .alr•SlifiFY}Vt y s: I t. • Project Type: Street Preservation Project Description: Pavement preservation project. City may elect to improve road section to meet City standards. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 50 2026 Right of Way (RW): 0 - Construction (CN): 450 2027 Total Cost: 500 68. Sullivan Rd. Improvements - Sp l'ne Valley Trent- n to Wellesley W ll l ey si Ot • -_...i., ..... � " y( _, t wwF „._... _. ,? '�' `s4 � . tig �."4 IJ. ,' rRl • � —to I. . bil • .iK , ard �no 06 r c i i .s. •• z 11I ,1� 'L 7 _- ® ^i .� ` 1:111%q U 0.10 *Li, _s, iink k '--� o, 4--t„ war. 1 I -11 • w i I " . • - 1 _1; _ ..mom I a 1V Project Type: Arterial Improvement Project Description: Widen for center turn lane, improved access management, lighting, and addition of shared-use path. Funding Status: Planned Project Phase(s): Planned Cost Estimate Estimated Project (in $1,000) Schedule Preliminary Engineering (PE): 200 2026-2027 Right of Way (RVV): 300 2027-2028 Construction (_CN): 2,500 2029 Total Cost: 3,000