1992, 12-11 Permit 92010870 Mechanical Fixtures| SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY W. 1303 BP.�)-ADvfAY AVENUE ion, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my ager id understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE I certify that I have examined this permit/applicat ) proceed with processing. In addition. I have read an ' I with whether specified and correct and authorize Spokane County tc _ning this type of work will be compliec dto visions of laws and ordinances govel ates of occupancy shall not be construe provisions i�cluded herein and agree to comply with same. All pro quent inspection approvalsor Certif ic isions of any state or local herein or not. I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subse ion, or as a warranty of conformance with the prov give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construct laws regulating construction. APPLICATION SIGNATURE OF DATE OWNER OR AGENT PRGJECT NUMBER= 92OiO87O **************************** PERMIT IHFO�HATIOH **************************** �ARCi PAGE= 611 %ITE %TREET= ADD�E%S= PERMIT U%E= PLAT�= BL K= AREA= � OF BLD�%= = ADDRE%�= I%%UED PERMIT iO4iO E FERRET DR %POKANE WA 992O6 HEATING EAL.1IPMENT & 00i296 PLAT NAHE= 3 = 000O�O02 r/�= � DWELLIN��= H A '` � � �PRA�UE AVE ' KANE WA 99206 DATE= i2/i�/92 PIPI�� ILLER i%T ADD 3 5 i ZONE= WIDTH= i WATER U1�� = PHONE= 5O9 924 A CONTACT NAME= HEAT TRAN%FER LEFT= N/A BUILDIN� %ETBACK%� FRONT= N/H ******************************* HECHANICAL CONTRACT R= HEAT TRAN%FER INC %TRE T= �O08 N RUBy %T ADDRE�%= %POKANE W(1 992O2 ITEH DE%CRIPTION --.... .... .... -.... .... --------- PROCE%%IN CyFEE EQUIP<iOO c�� PTPIN� ************************ ******************************* PAYMENT %UMMA�Y **** .�.'a.4'. PAYHENT DATE TOTAL DUE= PERMIT T�PE .... .... .... ... -.... .... --.... .... .... ... ... .... MEC�ANICAL PRMT -------- ,OOO>BTU PHONE NUMBER= 509 328 340O RI�HT= �/A REAR= N/A PERHIT QUANTITY -------- Y RECEIPT� .00 FEE AMOUHT ----------- 38.00 -----... -.... .... .... .... 38.0O � i ************************** PHONE= 5O9 328 34OO TOTAL PAID= AMOUNT PAID ------------ 38.O0 ------------ 38.00 FEE AMOUNT ---------- 25.00 �2.00 PROCE%%ED BY� DOMITROVICH, �OBIH PRINTED BY� DGMITROVICH, ROBIN ******************************** THAHK yOU