2013, 03-04 Permit App BLD-2013-0335 RoofingResidcnti•M Construction Permit Application.pdf 1,ttp:!/www.spokanevalicy,orefilcstorage/I2.4/93R1211<csill... ap-201 -6 Spokane ,r'"0VaIley Ccmmuniky Development Departm t Permit Center 11703 East Sprague Avenue, Suite 3-3 Spokane_. Valley, WA 992'08 Tel: (500) 688-0036 Fax: (50Q) 688-0037 pe tcenter a`s,,,00kanevaGkgy, s,Ig (Staff Use Only) PERMIT NUN/Nit-A: _.._., PERM,T,T FriF: RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION tt ADDITION/REMODEL I'i.' ACCESSORY BUILDING OTHER El NEW CONSTRUCTION 0 DECK SITE ADDRESS: 22OFj N • .1QYo�. '(-c Spo\L0-U`-Q. W\ G ZU(mo.____. ASSESSORS PARCEL NO.: 1-\5\ z , ()>31 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: BUILDING OWNER NAME: NSF: 1r\S C.c -e.r Au0RESS: U-D lv :_ 1U C� 2-6 _........ STATE: _ZIP:_ p io'E: c`i l%- 5341 FAx: Cn„I•.: CONTACT NAME: PHONE: FAX : CELL: CONTRACTOR NAME: 6Jkc_\)C 1' ?V Aju,/ MAILING ADDRESS: 117_1r ‘\A_QY A- ( )4 AJD-1\.Ir CITY: SpUY4LVJ. STATE: U.ACk ZIP: t 2OL0 PHONE: R? , - j Q Q6l.1) FAX: 3 2C6 - 757 (2 CELL: GONTRACTORLICENSE No.: 5,v,AN.k ,(„5U.l... V xP:tRES: C:fTY BuSYNESS LICENSE NO.: DESCRIBE THE SCOPE OF WORK IN DETAIL AND INDICATE USE & PROPOSED USE: ...._Sc;_5.0 ec....- 2_i Z it ....,.L?..1...1..-Z•--p.r .c h........_ ****YOU MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING**** MARK N/A IF NOT APPLICABLE Height to Peak: Dimensions: r No. of Stories: "~ Total Habitable SAC e: M;iin Floor SQ FT: Upper Floor SQ FT; Unfinished i3asernMI: SQ FT: -- Finished Basement SQ FT: Gargle; SQ FT: -� Deck/Covered Patio SQ FT: _ Impervious Surface ,Area: .-- 30% Slopes on Property: — No. of Bedrooms: C:onstr action Type: Heat Source: Sewer or Septic: .. , TOTAL COST OF PROJECT: $ 2 1 L.19 b • 50 r7TSc:I,AtmER The permitted verifies, acknowledges and ngreos by heir sans Dire that: 1) If d1ls permit Is for corwruction Or On A the dwelling isiis l Ix served by potoblc orator, 2) 0wnershln of this Clty of Spokane Valley permit MUM. to Inc property owner. 3) The sigratcry is the property. owner oft has perrnissIon to represent rfiP property owner In this transaction, 4) AI construcuon is to be done, in fill campliaricc will' 11r• C1trr :1 St?OI:7r /allay Development code. P.eferenced code;, art; Ovallable for revlAw At the City of Spokane Valley Percent Ccntrr. bi rho: Cit lr; sookanc Valioy pcnnll Is riot ,,i CFrmIr r,r approval for any violation of federal, state or local laws, coda; or oriiloonaf:s. 6) Flans. ,,r ,n1d liiri.G Informa bon moy be r•cgi Ilreq to be ciihmltted sad subsequently approved before lfils appliCOCIOn bo processc0, Effective October 2E3, 2007 P:..ic I !( :' P:\Community Development\02 AdmInlstratIon\03 Forms - Official V rsions\Permit Center\Resldcnt:I. I Con: trrartlrur I:,•rini Apo I oft 3/11:20 I. rt1::?7 Am