1990, 06-01 Permit 90002453 AdditionSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY .W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509)456-3675 1 certifythat I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in itand submitted by me or my agent to compilesaid permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with s e. All provisi sof laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein ornot. I understand that the issuanc spermit/ plicat' n in subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate orcancelthe pr sionsofan eorlo I w gul ing construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF / APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT a DATE PROJECT NUMBER= 90002453 ISSUED 9i• 7r ii• ii• it it• •)i• vv ii• )i: ie ie •;i ii• iv •u ii• ii ?r 3i ie ii• )e •;i• Vii. yr.• ji. )i PERMIT T N F I. � R M fA,'T :E O j J ii. 9i• •ii• 3i• i4 ii• vi• 7+: H •ii• ii iE �,i }t it• ?i• N• )i• •)i• ii• N• vG •;i• •)E �;; )i• 3i• �a: SITE STREET= 1823 N FLORA RD PARCEL*- 12544-0112 ADDRESS= 1.. rREENAC:I.4I::.S WA i, 9 0'i 6 PERMIT USE:;:::: RESIDENCE Ar.?:r.:):I:TIOIU, .... BE:::ar:,OOM & c~ BATHE PLATO= �?03426 PLAT NAME: = �:YI� EE-N�tc:E4r:-:� ESTATES +L.I:1 C: k == LOT= ZONE= A C; R 1: D .I. S I .„..... I:•; AREA:: 00000000 I:"r`A= F W:I:DTIi::: DEPTH= I:#/W:::: OWNER= SHOVE, RANDY PHONE= 509 927 943*7 STREET=1823 N FLORA RD ADDRESS= IYRE"i•"NACRE::S WA 99016 CONTACT NAME= RANDY OR r:tE-VEEt.LY SHOVE I::=HOIhE:: Ni.JMBE::R::: 509 927 {; 4 ii ii ii i( ii )i )4 )i ii u i+; ii )t vi ii i4 h; x 7> hr )�i 3i 3+: ii ii it n ri 3+ h k BUILDING PERM:I:T ){ ii j@ N: ii l+i ir: vi i+i )i N.• h y{ )i h; a; i+i ii ii ii #. iG ii i+: ;�; i�; ),: )i CONTRACTOR= VALLEY CONTRACTORS PHONE= 509 922 087 CE:'1:ET= 2110 N I..:LL..A RD ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 9902 NEW:::: REMODE::I...=- ADDITION= ?t: CHANGE:: OF USE--:: DWELL UNITS= i OCCUP. 1. D:::: BLDG I••)GT._. STORIES== .BLDG W 'j;. D = 12 ;x P;} SO F T=324 ,... SPRINKLER= N REP I"�f��E=;K PARKING::- �"�I•dt�7idBTC:t1P=: CRITICAL MAT= N DE:::i:.Eta:P-r'a:ON I:vE{CaUP "r,.rl::'E CIS C..T ;?r11._UATl:ON BASEMENT U R-3 VN 324 2916.00 RES ADD R-3 VN 301 iO692.00 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT RESIDENTIAL VALUATION Y i5f.00 STATE StJE{:I::I"IARGE:: Y 4:.50 PLUMBING r::,7T CONTRACTOR= AL..LE"'r I::ONTRrti:::'TI"RS Pi..IllNE= 509 922 08-7 8-7 STREET= 2110 N ELLA RD ADDRESS= S : >POI:Al`dE WA 9902 ITEM DESCRIPTION il••jAi.,J..I.:E"!•',t: FEE AtiCil.iNT SINKS SHOWERS ri BATH I 'Ti lB PAYMENT �w MA Er k Yi• 3+i i6 •h: •i+: •;+:vr: �,+: •h: i�i •h::�,:..j,; PAYMENT DATEL:ItI P AYylU'h PAYMENTAMOUNT y1NT 06/01/90 2877 193.50 TOTAL DUE:= .00 TOTAL PAID= i93.50 PERMIT 'TYPE:: FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID rtMOI..(NT OWING BUILDING PERMIT 157.50 157.50 00 PLUMBING PERMIT 36.06.) ------------- 36.00 0-1) ------------ —.... ........—__.... .... ... —A_.. .... ),:• •h; •i!: yi,• .ii• •)4 •ii• 9�i 1i• di• fi; ),: ii• ii• ii• i+: p• •;�: •h: �,+::�i• •ii• i+i •i+: •ii• •h: k• )+i k •ii it• •hr •h; :n::,4 yi. yi..i4 ii •)i• �+: u• 3{ �: ii •N i+: iv i$ k• ie i+:• ii �,i )t •i[ �n: ik •ii• •h; u• •h: •ii u• if i4 i6 N• �n; •ii• �Pi ii u ii• •ni •h; PROJECT NOTE: T1P IC CONDITIONS DEPT . BUILDING -;i• ii• •)i• r• a; •)i• >i• 7i• •;i• •;t aE: ;i• •)� ri• •;r.• •h: n• �!: •;i• •;k .ji..;i.;t: �,f �+: ii• •i{ at ;+; ii• •)i ii• •x ;+:.;,:.;,.::n: •h: •;{ �,i• �,i• •)i• •h; •;i• �+i ii ;,:.h: •;,: •h; )i )i )+: �+: ii• •h; :�; •;�: �u• •h: •h; ;+::�,; •h; •}i• )i• •)i• •r; ;; •;;: •h: •h:• •hi •)+: •h; •;�: •;�: NO PLANS SUBMITTED SUBJECT T TO FIELD REVIEW PROCESSED BY: JULIE SHATTO PRINTED BY: JULIE SHATTO ); :i4 ;i ii h; $+; ii Pi hi i? ii 3+i i! i+i ie ;k a$ ik i6 •h; }> },; h'r k k ii i;: ri ii ii ii ); THANK Y O I,1