1994, 10-20 Sewage Disposal, Deed of Trust1� ( On -site Sewage Disposal System Informational Review P Y NOTICE The review by the various departments as provided for herein is solely for the purpose of advising the Spokane County Health District of the subject compliance with various codes and regulations. The issuance of a permit by the Spokane County Health property's District for the installation of an on -site sewage disposal system is not to be construed as a vesting of a right by the owner / representative to obtain a building permit for this property. At the time that a building pennit is applied for the subject property must comply with all applicable federal, state or local laws, ordinances or regulations with the exception of those relating to the issuance of a permit for the on -site sewage disposal system by the Spokane County Health District, pursuant to this form. Accordingly, although as of the date of this document the subject property may meet certain state or local laws, ordinances or regulations, in the event such items change between the date of this document and application for a building permit, the owner / representative will be responsible for meeting such regulations in effect on the �date of the application for a building permit. Street Address: e . / — r%J `-' vt,,,___o__.-1_,___. Parcel Number: J) 6 7 73 , () Legal Description: zz ��J // �f j� j] Property Owner: 3(ClCL V- JC& dei t tj"tz �-2� Cd DOln �Uv'G� 61f0 ri Phone: "l va &- 3 3 , T Mailing Address: %/ /.�6--/ee, /els areet drIs A , r,�/� Signature: \ � i l✓ 1 (L &L / 6Lvet j_. Date: /6 ( C -/c PLANNING DEPARTMENT _ Dedicatory language within plat _ Subject property is legally divided - S .7 O l L/ (A , 8) Certificate of exemption required Use authorized under the Zoning Code — Setbacks meet Zoning Codes requirements — Shorelines pennit required Variance required for the following reason: Other: _ .�-k t �7 /� Reviewed LAI `e-- (--)Ltb" Date: 1 6--,D6 - DIVISION OF ENGINEERING / Site drainage review required Maintained county road Approach pennit required _( f ("�' )/ T ✓(4/1l- teW 7£2 Jt %'� Flood zone ' chVariance requirements Other .— .,./.--.. ' Reviewed by: fAA-1 Date: 1d�d9 DIVISION OF BUILDINGS C- TRANSACTION /E: 14_ 1001 The Division of Buildings has advised the prop : ty owner / representative building pennit application s submitted. �1• Reviewed by: Vit*IJ l l that an in depth review may be necessary when a formal f i I Date: /OD 9 �/ i i• iL.kU Y'OR RECORD AT REQUEST OF 9406290026 WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO Name: Waldo and Schweda, P.S. Address: North 2206 Pines Rd. City, State, Zip: Spokane, WA 99206-4756 PP JJG,i0 ifi1(:E1) OR Re.,;*nr.E9 .JUN .29 8 53 Ad '9tl w,, . SPOKAN;.,,:.1% .."4;!i. // VOL. 1617p c€1841 DEED OF TRUST (For Use in tho State of Washington only) THIS DEED OP TRUST. made this 2.ttlj day of 1994, between , )iRAD I,. Wlii111 and IACKiE !,unhand grid wife. GRANTOR. whose address ,Is j'torth 1424 Circenacres Road. (ltrerlattrs. Washington 99010 PIONEER T11LE INSURANCE COMPANY. it corptwatiun,'1RUSITER, whose address is West 52.1 First Avenue, Spokane. Washington, and DONAi.D R. 1.ONGIIO i M: is his separate prorertY, Iil NIE11CIARY, whose aokiress is East 17620 Indiana: C,recnacres, Washington 99016. WIINESSIf H: Grantor hereby bargains, sells and conveys to Trustee in Trust; with power of sale. the following described real property in Spokane County, Washhnc'.rn: The West 264 feet of Tract 17, Piat "A" GREF.NACR1 S IRRIGATION DiSTRICT. according 10 I tat recorded in Volume "E" of Plats, Page 21. in Spokane County. Washingttrt.' which teal property is not used principally for agricultural or farming purposes, together with all the tenements, bcrcdlu Bunts. and appurtenances now or hereafter thereunto.bclonging or In any wise appertaining. and the rents, issues and profits thereof. This deed is for the purpose of securing performance of each agrrententof Grantor herein contained. and payment of the sum of$1XTY.EIG5T3'NOUSAND AND NO/1QOi`I1SDoIj1rs(S68.lXX).(X)) with interest. In accordance with the terms of a promissory note of even date herewith, payable to lleneflciary or order. and made by Grantor. and all renewals. modifications and extensions thereof. arid also such. further sums as may he advanced or loaned by Beneficiary to Granter. or any of Weir successors or assigns. together with interest.Wcmxt.at such cue as shall he agreed upon. To protect the security of this Deed of Tout. Chanter covenants aryl agrees.... /, •1. To keep the property in good condition and repair; to permit no waste thereof; to complete any building. suucture oW • Improvensent being built or about to be built thereon; to restore promptly any building. structure or improvement thereon :;.. which ally. be damaged or destroyed; and to comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations,. covenants, conditions and 'restrictions affecting the property. • • 2. To pay before delinquent all lawful taxes and assessments Upon the prcopeny; to keep the property free and clear or all other charges, !lens or encumbrance impairing the, security of Otis Deed of Trust. 3. To keep all buildings now or iwrafter erected on the property described herein continuously Insured against loss by fire or other hazards In an amount not less than the total debt secured by this P ed of Trust. All policies shall he held by the Beneficiary, and be in such companies as the Benc(tcia y may approve and have loss iwyah►c first to the Beneficiary. as its interest may appear, and then to the Grunter.• The amount collected under any Insurance policy :tiny he applied upon any indebtedness hereby secured in such order as the DeneficUry shall determine. Such application by the Beneficiary shall not cause discontinuance of any proceedings to foreclose this Deed of Trust. In the event of foreclosure, all rights of the (;r.uttpr • in insurance policies Wen in force ;ball pall to the purchnet at the foreclosure sale. 4. To defend any action or proceeding purporting to affect the security hereof ix the rights or powers of Beneficiary tW Trustee. and 10 pay all costa and expenses, Including cost of title search and attor ney's fees in a reasonable amount, in any such action or proceeding. and in any suit brought by Beneficiary to foreclose this.Decu of Trust. RECEIPT' SUMMARY TRANSACTION NUMBER: T9401861 DATE: 10/20/94 APPLICANT: JACKIE WHITE ADDRESS: 1424 N GREENACRES RD GREENACRES WA 99016 PHONE= 509 926 3324 CONTACT NAME: JACKIE WHITE PHONE= 509 926 3324 TRANSACTION: ON -SITE SEPTIC REVIEW FORM DOCUMENT ID: 1) 2) 4) 5) FEE & PAYMENT SUMMARY ITEM DESCRIPTION SEPTIC REVIEW FORM 3) 6) QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT 1 45.00 TOTAL DUE = 45.00 TOTAL PAID= 45.00 BALANCE OWING= .00 PAYMENT DATE RECEIPT# CHECK# PAYMENT AMOUNT 10/20/94 00012425 2524 45.00 PROCESSED BY: JULIE SHATTO PRINTED BY: KATHY CUMMINGS ******************************** THANK YOU ************************************