1996, 06-14 Permit App 96004467 ResidencePROJECT NUMBER= 96004467 APPLICATION DATE= 06/14/96 PAGE= 01 ****** THIS IS NOT A PERMIT ****** PENALTIES WILL BE ASSESSED FOR COMMENCING WORK WITHOUT A PERMIT SITE STREET= 19216 E INDIANA AVE PARCEL#= 55083.9052 ADDRESS= GREENACRES WA 99016 PERMIT USE= RESIDENCE / NAT GAS PLAT#= 005824 BLOCK= 3 AREA= # OF BLDGS= 1 PLAT NAME= LOT= F/A= # DWELLINGS= tr — 11Ade. / , ,ne 3 , RIVERWALK 6TH ADD 1 ZONE= UR-3.5 DIST#= G F WIDTH= 70 DEPTH= 125 R/W= 60 1 WATER DIST = CONSOLIDATED IRRG #1 OWNER= LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC. STREET= POB 30792 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99223 PHONE= 509 994 3549 CONTACT NAME= GREG STIRN PHONE NUMBER= 509 994 3549 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= 25 LEFT= 0 RIGHT= 16 REAR= 50 REVIEW INFORMATION ***************************** ****************************** DEPARTMENT BUILDING COMMENTS: REVIEW REQUIREMENT PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED BUILDING SETBACK REVIEW REQUIRED COMMENTS: 1 e V ck.LL1e_ BUILDING SEWER PERMIT PENDING COMMENTS: (-)(ft.4 0 -?. ENGINEER COMMENTS: FLOG AIN/DRAINAGE egiffeWcw_ey4, CONSOLIDATED WATER REVIEW COMMENTS: �j%,%z SAknZ isrrdzla/s PLANNING COMMENTS: UTILITIES UNPLATTED/SEGREGATED PROPERTY' SEWER CONNECT. FOR 6TH ADD. A,14' 644Aaci sr.�i P4i 7/1/c7(, G c0 Sew'e/ perm r U. 2-1. 9� . r/ /--1 0a'-' rT '3`r No7 5i CLloks3C-Cuz0 1002 rT PROJECT NUMBER= 96004467 APPLICATION DATE= 06/14/96 PAGE= 02 COMMENTS: ******************************* BUILDING PERMIT ******************************* CONTRACTOR= LINDSEY CONSTRUCTION INC STREET= PO BOX 30792 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99223 PHONE= 509 994 3549 NEW= X REMODEL= ADDITION= CHANGE OF USE= DWELL UNITS= 1 OCCUP. LD= BLDG HGT= 16 STORIES= 1 BLDG W X D = 36 X 28 SQ FT= 2016 SPRINKLER= N REQ PARKING= #HANDICAP= CRITICAL MAT= N DESCRIPTION GROUP TYPE SQ FT VALUATION BASEMENT U R-3 VN 1008 11088.00 DECK R-3 VN 100 700.00 GARAGE U-1 VN 560 6720.00 RESIDENCE R-3 VN 1008 59472.00 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT RESIDENTIAL VALUATION Y 647.89 STATE SURCHARGE Y 4.50 RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE Y 142.54 IMPACT FEE= CV - SFR 750 750.00 ******************************* MECHANICAL PERMIT ***************************** CONTRACTOR= IDEAL HEATING & A/C STREET= 208 N LONG RD ADDRESS= GREENACRES WA 99016 ITEM DESCRIPTION PHONE= 509 891 5136 QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT GAS APPLIANCE<=100,000BTU 1 12.00 GAS LOG OR GAS INSERT 1 10.00 RANGE 1 10.00 CLOTHES DRYER 1 10.00 GAS WATER HEATER 1 10.00 GAS PIPING 3 3.00 VENTILATING FANS 3 30.00 HOOD -TYPE II 1 10.00 ***************************** PLUMBING PERMIT ****************************** CONTRACTOR= DAVIS BROTHERS PLUMBING STREET= P 0 BOX 931 ADDRESS= VERADALE WA 99037 ITEM DESCRIPTION PHONE= 509 927 4186 QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT TOILETS/BIDETS 2 12.00 TUBS 2 12.00 SINKS 3 18.00 DISH WASHERS 1 6.00 CLOTHES WASHER 1 6.00 -PROJECT NUMBER= 96004467 APPLICATION DATE= 06/14/96 PAGE= 03 GARBAGE DISPOSAL WATER USING DEVICES PERMIT TYPE 1 2 6.00 12.00 FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWING BUILDING PERMIT 1544.93 .00 1544.93 MECHANICAL PRMT 95.00 .00 95.00 PLUMBING PERMIT 72.00 .00 72.00 1711.93 PROCESSED BY: JOHN LARSON PRINTED BY: JOHN LARSON .00 1711.93 ******************************** THANK YOU ************************************ 950515011Z VOL 1727Pe6E 791 DECLARATION OF.COVENANT AND EASEMENT STANTON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a Washington General Partnership, on its own behalf and an nominee for STANTON-BPDXAWE L.P., a Washington Limited Partnership, and WEL CO GROUP, INC., a Washington Corporation, their heirs, successors and assigns, warrant and represent that they are owners of a certain parcel of real estate located in the County of Spokane, State of Washington, described ae follows: The West Half of the Southwest Quarter and the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and Government Lots 5 and 6 of Section 8, T.25 N., R.45 E., W.H. EXCEPT County Roads on the West 30.00 feet and the South 20.000 feet; AND EXCEPT the following 4 Tracts: (A) That portion of Government Lots 5 and 6 Lying Northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Government Lot 5, 450.00 feet South of the West Quarter Corner of said Section 8; thence East at right angles with the West lino of said Section, a dintance of 330.00 feet; thence N.81.16'E. a distance of 990.50 feet; thence N.63.49'E. a distance of 685.80 feet; thence 5.55.52'E. a distance of 762.20 feet, more or loss to a point of the East line of said Government Lot 6, said point being 425.30 feet North of the center of said Section 8; (B) That portion of the Southwest Quarter of Suction 8, T.25 N., R.45 E., H.H., described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 0; thence N.00.00'49"E., along the West line of said Section 8, a distance of 959.00 feet; thence 5.80'59'11"E. a distance of 30.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this description, said point being the Sant line of Barker Road; thence continuing S.89.59'11"E. a distance of 370.00 feat; thence 11.00.00'49"E. a distanco of 650.00 feet; thence 5.89.59'11"W. a distance of 370.00 feet to the East Lino of Barker Road; thence 5.00'00'49"W. along the East line of said Darker Road, a distance of 650.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; (C) Beginning at a point on the Went lino of said Government Lot 5, 1809 feet North of the Southwest Corner of said Section 8; thence East 30.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence East 200.00 feet; thence South parallel with the West line of said Lot 5, 200.00 feet; thence West 200.00 feet to a point 30.00 feet East of the West line.of said Lot 5; thence North parallel with said West line and 30.00 feet East thereof 200.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning 1 (0) R.45 YO1.1(4!PA6t 1a/+ A portion of the Southwest Quarter of Section 8, T.25 N., E., W.H., described as follows: commencing at the West one Quarter Corner of Section 8, T.25 )1., R.45 E. W.H.; thence 5.00.35'03"E., on the west line of said Southwest Quarter of said Section 8, a distance of 450.00 feet; thence perpendicular to said West line 11.89'24'57"E. a distance of 30.00 feet to the East right of way line of Barker Road and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Said point also being the South lino of that certain parcel of land as conveyed to Washington State Parke and Recreation Commission, by Statutory Warranty deed recorded August 25, 1908 under Auditor's File No. 8808250252, thence along said South line N.89.24'57"E. a distance of 300.00 feet; thence continuing along said South line M.80.40'57"E. a distance of 434.35 feet; thence leaving said South line, 5.66.24'57"W. a distance of 349.24 foot; thence S.34.24'57"W. a distance of 190.00 feet; thence 5.85.35'03"W. a distance of 300.00 feet to the East right of way line of Barker Road; thence H.00.35'05"W. along said right of way a distance of 200.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; WHEREAS, the said parties desire to create an easement for ingress and egress and utilities for mutual use and benefit of any separate parcels or ownerships to be created in the future within the above -described Parcels and for the mutual use and benefit of future described adjacent parcels, said easement in described as follows: EASEHENT Al A 60.00 foot oanemont over under and across a strip of land in portions of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter and Government Lots 5 and 6 of Section 8, T.25 H,_, Ri5_E., H.H., County of Spokane, State of Washington, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest Corner of said Section 8; thence )1.00.35'03"W. along the west line of said Section a distance of 923.91 feet; thence N.89.23'06"E. a distance of 30.00 feet to the east right of way line of Barker Road and TRUE POINT OF BEGIINIING of thin centerline description; thence continuing N.89.23'06"E. a distanco of 261.47 foot to the beginning of a curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 715.00 feet; thence northeasterly along said curve through a central angle 29.23'04" an arc distanco of 366.69 feet; thence N.60.00'02"E. a distance of 719.29 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 700.00 feet; thence northeasterly along said curve through a central angle of 07.18'17" an arc distanco of 89.24 feet; thence 14.67.18'19"E. a distance of 20.43 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the south having a radius of 600.00 feet; thence easterly along said curve through a central angle of 22.29'42" an arc distance of 235.57 feet; thence M.89.48'00"E. a distance of 489.10 feat to a point hereinafter referred to as POINT "A"; thence continuing N.89`48'00"E. a distance of 504.63 feet to the 2 east line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section a and the Terminus of this line description. TOETHER over er and ofC land inla )ports nOofoGovernmentot tLot 6 ofdacross SeptionS, T•2a L.I R,q ., W.H., County of Spokane, State of Washington, the centerline of which is described as follove:. Beginning at the above described POINT "A"; thence of said• Government Lott 6nt and terminus of of 149.34ce to linesouth description NOW, TIIEREFORE, said easement is given for the purpose of ingress and egress and utilities. The owners, their heirs, successors and ensigns further agree to jointly maintain said easements in accordance with the terms set forth below: The ownern, their successors and assigns, agree and covenant to bear the costa and exponoes of maintaining the roadway and aoeociated drainage facilities within the above -described easements in good repair. A parcel in served when the only frontage of the parcel is on the easement; or a parcel having frontage on a public road and the access easement chooses to construct an approach to the access easement. Maintenance financing shall be in a manner determined • majority of the above-described sof any Parcels whichlareusery d by the created the ro• adway within the easement. Owners of parcels who are served by the roadway within the access easements may nue and recover damages and attorney's fees from any owner of any parcel created within said Parcels which is similarly served who refuses to participate in the financing of maintenance of the roadway within the easements. The dertaken repairs • agreementntenancto include, butbe arennot limiteddto,performed under the following: 1. Snow removal 2. Filling of chuckholes I. Grading and maintaining travelled -way, surface 4. Maintenance of culverts and other drainage facilities This Declaration Covenant Easement totthetpubliy, wihesPectto anyportion of the ease ment area dediated to the public, athe time of such rebyaonAll parties benefited by the Easement nov or in the future hereby consent and agree to dedication of the easement area to the public without further signature or confirmation. At such time as a final plat ofi therecorded, paro la benefited by time, with respect to all or any portions this Easement (—Platted Paro.).S"), the Platted Parcels shall be released and ll ns g thisdEasement, including but nnot limitedo to repair nand hunderereafter from any and maintenance obligations, and tbo Easement may be amended to also sane future described parade without the joinder or consent of the Platted Parcels. This Easement shall run with the land. 3 1111. .L w 1 l ebb i v. ' IN WITIIESS whereof, the owners have executed this agreement at SPnfk�., Washington thin QSof (.CPAs , 1915. STANTON DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, On Its Own Behalf and an Nominee for STANTON-SPOKANE, L.P. a Washington Limited Partnership By: DEAN BUILDING CORPORATION, a Washington corporation and a general partner of Stanton Development Company P. Edward Dean, Prealae t By: By: NOUSLEY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Washington corporation and a general partner of Stanton Development Company By: WEL CO GROUP, INC., a Washington cor,Roration By: Derald (Gene) Hartin, Pres 4 MUNIGUMERY PURDUE TEL: 625-9534 May 7,96 15:59 No.011 P.02 F. EXEMPTION APPLICATION NUMBER; C___24�-� Oi 1 TAX PARCEL NUMBER 3. QQS' � � Q0 y This CHRIii7C'At8 OF 0210711014 is an otfldal dowmatt and shall tun with the Lad sod bet applicable to the applicant. owner, heirs, successors or snips. Sae front ptte, 1 LEGAL DUCUP ION - continued That portion of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter and Government Lots 5 and 6, of section e, 2.25 N., R.45 B., W.N., County of Spokane, state of Washington, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the most northerly corner of Tract "H" of RIVERWALK FIRST ADDITION according to the plat recorded Under Book 23 of Plats, Pages 37 though 40; thence 8.29459'53"Z. along the Easterly boundary of said RIVF.RWALK FIRST ADDITION a distance of 159:0a; thence N.604,00'02m3. a distance of 269.96 fast; thence 8.29.59'S8"Z. a distance of 27.01 feat (Rec. 27.00 feet); thence N.68•0o'58"E. * distance of 61.93 feet; thence N.75.40'50"Z, a,distanoe 43.00 feet (Rec. 63.30 feet); thence it.i9•4s•00WE. a distance of 331.53 teat to the TRUE POINT 07 BEGxiIN=NG of this parcel description; thence :.004,12'00"w. a distance of 119.41 feat (Rec. 119.34 fast); thence N.02.41'030Z. a distance of 60.o2 feet; thence N.00!12'O0fl(. a distance of 119.94 feet (Rec. 120.00 feet); thence 2$,89.4$!00"E.,a , distance of 144.50 feet; thence 11.$9!4$104"2. at distance at 443.42 fast; thanes 5.01.31'46"Z. a distance et a.27 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the northwest having a radius of 30.00 test; thence scuthxssterlyr aleing said curve through a central angle of 91.19'50w an arc distance of 47.82 feat; thence ll.01r48104eZ. a distance of 185.75 feet to the east line of'said Southwest Quarter; thence 8.01.31'46"Z. alaa9._sai4 east line a distance Qt 179.44 feat to the south line of Government Lot 6; thence $.89•4e'041.7. along said south lima a distance pf 648.38 feet; thence S.89'47'3119/. a distance of 104.75 feet to tha True Point of Beginning; • _Containing 4.71 Acres, more or less Ike t ADDrnonAi.00104E ns - oouiw.d CONDTTIQNS AND RISDINOS •madams Site Plan UHhIIIMIHhIIIiI21iIIlii de"v c'J U eY 1,\; INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: ❑ All roadways, driveways & easments ❑ Distances from center of roads, right of ways, private roads & property lines ❑ All existing & proposed buildings ❑ Underground utilities ❑ North arrow ❑ Septic tanks & wells