2012, 10-18 Permit BLD-2012-1641 EmailHeather Morris
From: Janiene Rise Oaniene13@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 12:05 PM
To: Permit Center
Subject: 8107E.Jackson Bldg Permit
Please consider this my public records request for the building permit & all information affiliated with it for 8107 E.
Jackson, Spokane Valley, WA. Permit # BLDG-2012-1641.
My Dad's name is on the list (that I received from a building company who received it) as "owner -builder" & my Dad
has been dead since 2003. We sold the property in mid Sept. I am concerned that "James Olinger" should not be on this
information. Are there any ramifications to the Estate of James Olinger if the new owner who is actually who pulled the
permit & is doing the work messes something up? Can my Dad's Estate be held responsible in any way?
I'm not sure how the building supply companies get this "list" but I'm hoping that someone at the City of Spokane Valley
can at the very least get the new owner's names & phone# put on the list instead of my Dad's phone # which now
comes to my home.
Thank you for your help.
Kind Regards,
Janiene Rise
509-990-9076 cell
509-924-1757 home