1988, 11-04 Permit 88003562 Gas Hook UpSPOKANE COUNTY. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY ` W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 1 certify that 1 have examined this permit and state that the informs on contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit is true and correct. In additlon,lheve read and understand the lNSPECTIO EOUIRE ENT NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to complywith same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this typeo ork will to lied wit t r specified herein or not. l understand that the issuance cost permitand any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates Occupa I not b c ed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction, or as a warranty of formance w h e pro, I any state or local laws regulating construction. // 6oSIGNATURE OF APPLICATIONJv, / — OWNER OR AGE ATE // C,4 PROJECT NUMBER- 8800356'i DATE=- 11/04/88 PAGE:.== Oi ISSUED PERMI1 PERMIT INFORMATION SITE STREET= i ; `>' .0 IE MANSFIELD AVE:: 44 PARC;E::L..O== E19544 -042i ADl;lf:f.-.:S'S:= SPOKANE WA 99206 PERMIT USE= GAS HOOK. UP TO EXIST FURNACE: PLATO= MH0045 PLAT NAME= PINEECROFT MOBILE HOME PARK BLOCK:::: LOT- ZONE= RHM DIST*== E AREA:::: F/A=: A WIDTH= DEPTH= R/W:= »: OF Ii+LDGS= 4 DWELLINGS= i OWNER- WEISS. k:l=LL..Y PHONE= 509 924 9375 STREET- i i 920 Ei MANSFIELD AVE 44 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 CONTACT NAME= A I RE VALLEY PHONE 8 NUMBER=: 509 924 0008 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= EXIS LEFT= EXIS RIGHT- EEXIS REAR- E-EX:I:S MECHANICAL PEERNIT CONTRACTOR= A:ER E: VALLEY HEATING & COOLING PHONE= 509 924 0018 STREET= 3812 S RIDGEVIEW DR ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT ------------------------- -------- PROCEEStING FEE Y i5.00 GAS PIPING t .50 MINIMUM FEE AD.. US CME::N 1 Y 4.50 d4 ga:a(:pi 9n)p:giq—Ai i�h at i4:ii 7F 7r.ii iE:X:.p;.yi.:n: u..yi.:ti.:t}.i: S�9f )i l(lE PAYMENT SUMMARY PAYMENT DATE RECEE'IPTO ii/04/88 4552 TOTAL DUE::_ .00 TOTAL PAID= PERMIT TYPE EEE:: AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID MECHANICAL PRMI 20.00 2000 20.00 200f,) PROCESSED IiE:D :BY : S:I:i...V , DAV.I:A. PRINTED BY: SILVA, DAVID PAYMENT i AMOUNT `0.00 -------------- 20.00 ... - ................—.................... 0..00 AMOUNT (OWING --------------- ,00 --------------- 00 .................................................. 0iE T..Li:17:. I :.',�