1992, 10-13 Permit 92008843 120 Gal Propane TankI certify that I have examined this per and correct, and authorize Spoken provisions included herein and agre herein or not. I understand that the is give authority to violate or cancel the laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE Lances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to tion, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local ,nty to proceed with processing. In addition, amply with same. All provisions of laws and on :e of this permiVapplication and any subsequei sionsotgnysta[e�rlocal law egulatingconstri ///J� ////)) h APPLICATION DATE ,'r ISSUED PERMIT DATE= i 0/'i 3/9 ' PAGE= 01 PROJECT' NUMBER=NUMBER=':.00ESE34= rife)e if iE ie ie if it#ie#k3i ieaiiaie ie it dr )i •ii ,e ii it PERMIT INFORMATION iE it 3e)f#irz)f§eif$:'3i kie ie ie?e if ie $:#ie#k#if 3r#ri SITE STREET= 11920 E MANSFIELD AVE 0.096 PARCE-Lt=: 45094:6005M ADDRESS== SPOKANE WA 99206 PERMIT USE= I:NSTALL.. (1) 120 GAL_ PROPANE TANK PLATO= MH0045 PLAT NAME-== PINF_CROFT MOBILE HOME PARK E! BLOCK= LOT= ZONE -- UR7 DI.ST4= AREA= F/A= A WIDTH= DEPTH= R/W= 0 OF BL.DGS= 1 ro DWELLINGS= 1 WATER DIST .... OWNER= HYMN KUHR, TERIPHONE= 509 921 5682STREET= 11920 E: MANSFIE L.D AVE 4096 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 CONTACT NAME= MIKE: KI:NNE:.Y PHONE:: NUMBER= 509 534 5337 BUILDING SETBACKS; FRONT- NA LEFT= NA RIGHT= fel-) REAR= NA ae$:.x.ft..x..h.#)e.Wrin.h.if f ria rif *dif �t$ifR•rif f $ ME.:C:HANICAL- PERMIT CON'T'RACTOR= PETROLANE CTAS SERC LTD PRTNRSP PHONE=S 509 534 5337 STREET= 6207 E" BROADWAY AVE:. ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 9902 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT ..- ...... - -- .. ... . i. .....-Y.. -- LPG TANKS i20 35..00 if if •)fie#ie ie#ie iF di•]efi'#ie if#ii 3f#ri k3e#df ie if rr if i()F PAYMENT SUMMARY'ri ie ii iF 3iie iE##riiF iiif k re ie k ie a'ie )i :e iE R k $: }e ii. PAYMENT DATE RECF.IPT4 PAYMENT AMOUNT iO/'13/'92 6957 35,00 .......—_..-....--.--. TOTAL. DUE= .00 TOTAL PAID= 35.00 PERMIT TYPE FEE— AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWING MECHANICAL PRMT 35.00 35.00 ,00) 35.00 35.00 .00 PROCE�S,ED BY: WENDi:;L, GLORIA PRI�liED BY: WENDE:.L; GLORIA THANK Y G LI