1990, 12-10 Radon Detector LtresieM December `. Trace; u. Spokane,: Dear Trmcey You have elected to, . det your `�.,.e which .ra Y Code- ..4 __ _-, .. ., the Bonneville Pierer you on a "one de':.w.c on reduetinn measures sr id and is zt your expense._ The your 1. defkage.aa$t (d) The dete nusnenden from windows and. __._h-, or e c its -.. 2. At the should be tha Administration 456-3630 Personal Health 456-3413 Environmental Health 456-6040 A105 Program 458-2580 Oink 456-3640 Vital Statistic 454-3670 Laboratory 456-3667 AIDSNf i Region 1 459-6418 An Equal Opportunity Employer ?fls 2 Radon Detnnefa S:e.:off,./fo:Of ff o fofo Affo vo f Oo oin Sectb.:, she ty3f. lLS.. f so. fyf ...Ma, mon Mcsehu fnamakana if Ma,f,,M.,.3. enahiz 2DO: ffii no t offf Offnff:..nn s f Of Of:f.. of.5 f/Ao:f: as foa 3e.nhco.:: vim efa,a,. 3. Dam amain aename: :Chola cnah elann cz- so„ Seeof three homans auanny the yof Syr. Somfaankka: ...ob. March, ace faiela miya fa - a3han. Slay. 12 mm,..33.., 4. Vnen the 2.anO,to3Ong ochana Ca: Yamainmeal„ kna faafm eassemfai ffmal placed back la,. ane almahaseof smaMmt that they fame. Sh... Che f omaket snail Ma n.C.,lhh, foam' an& capai cm holt means, o :f f, :fr./ o -r: f fff/ :7355 heavy alcianem foil to, neicao eaahaionci yaof cot coateninateca, yins shipment. Mail or delivez Y.he radon deeanyon the; tag to, the Spokane: Caaiffy 35t7eastaiica, 5. At least onco a month, the Health District *Mil Sc:Onfio 5. . Cameo:fa rmomived from comsamnrs to a proossoims c77onay. iift;,4-ffiOf amla ee retarrea to ann Health aleoziot,, aha you kill am noiShakeo ag a "mhcam. resuite notifiaonSoa intmamc, For nova inacomatioa. 2aesse aaal ce4-60Y3- Sineerely CaNNEsaTAIS HEA.1.133,aaiiaStON 4fi Daryl 3,2, Assist& 2ireator OG55E/a:a e: Gkorse Waster:, Spokane Proamaty Defaloament, City kkal Marty Robinson, Emersy Code Cobraioahoa, SC. E:Ylidinc, Saf any