1990, 06-11 Permit 90002638 GarageSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509) 456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application, state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct, and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. I understand that the' uan e of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel t epro ' ' sofapystate grlocal law ulating construction, or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATU.RE ,�f� s %� APPLICATION OWNER OR DATE AGENT S )� �✓ _ PROJECT NUMBER= 9 000 632 2<-ll -9P DATE= 06/1 1 /90 PA E'= 01 ISSUED PERMIT }*§*7*uq*j*)*)*.1*1*9*1*N:1*1*1*S*J*9*9*KKY*}t7tb1* F'"::Ri'`IIT :I.N1=LIRMrYTIi.iN iii**i**i**it}*i*v**it3***is**i*di)*it*i*1r)*v1: SITE S-j'Ri-F T= 7.,17 1: EfFROATiLIAY AVE:: F`r"-?F;:r:E"1_.4= i `:i.:;-i.1 • .3" 0. ADDRF:SS= GREENACRES WA 99016 PERMIT U E= DETACHED GARAGE PL•AT4 =_ 002730 PLAT NAi"iE.::= VALLEY VIEW ADD rti_UCK = 1...OT= ZONE= AGRI D T. '"i m:-: C� AF E= A= F!`A=:: F 14 DTHI== 65 DEF` T H= 2{30 I./W =: OF .( •D"'ti= ,; 4 DWELLINGS= (.OWNER=:: HO1...LOWWAY, JA•`., 1 is ;.' : .. 509 924 7242 S rREE = 18417 E" BROADWAY AVE ADDRE: SS== GREENACREE WA 99016 CONTACT i lr= ME = STAN PHONE NI.1MBER= 509 927 47655 BUILDING G SETBACKS: F RO•N T== 100 LEFT= •3 RIGHT= 35 REAR= 160 )•» f {Iy. ...... K 91: R •A �: h• n �P: }* •PL P: � •;* }l' ';* J* b• •11: R 'A: f* P: � 7* 7* h R 7* R J* h .; { 1, 1 .. L_ .� � . I'? t.r E' E" FS' tij .f. I 'Jl• 9L• }L' b=;i P: •J}: R R i�: Yl •A• •P: F: 7i •A: 7l• 1S• P: 9l• •l� ii b:. 71 * .jt..b: * C:ON T RAC T OR= SPOKANE STRUCTURES INC r,02 • ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99'206 PHONE= 9 927 0655 NEW :'; REMODEL= Ar DIT:I:c:N= C:f••jANCE OF !I,S'E= .DWELL UNITS = OCCur' 1...1?= •, B1...tjr.:r r1f:,T== STO RIES = 3LDG 4 -. k"4 D �q . ' 40 SCE F-T= 960 SF'F: I NK LE: R= „f it'EQ i=ARKING= .„dr`ri'JDICAF'= CRITICAL MAT= f•• DESCRIPTION GROUP TYPE SQ FT t:A1...L1r;TION GARAGE M-- i VN. 960 6720.00 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT RESIDENTIAL.. VALUATION Y 90t'•!C! STATE SURCHARGE T' 4,50 COUNTY SURCHARGE Y` 14.40 J* 9 * li ?: PL 77.• J* Pl •A: P * * * 7* •;* •J* 1* •J1.' y* }* 9* * yl * 11: al• 71: * ` y , , E • .. ....... ..... ... ' .. . f-1 Ivi ._ 1 �. . 1 1" f-'1 •+. ; •� a: x• �u •n x• •u •u n n ri ie �: iv i* ii h i* »• i* )* >>: �z• 1r •N; r: * $i PAYMENT DATE RECEIPT : PAYMENT AMOUNT + 6/1 •i /90 3148 .. 8 .. ij;';; TOTAL 11.1E== .00 TOTAL PAID = 102,90 PERMIT TYPE:: FEE AMOUNT BUILDING PERMIT i 08,90 PROCESSED BY: WENDEL , GLOR I A PRINTED BY: ._111._IE S1-IATTrt AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT r:ihilN i 0r? , yxi; .00 108.90 .00 ii• * * * i* Yi * hi )* N: a x• * •?* * it •tt * ii : •tt * tt * kf )@ 1@ u •i1; * * THANK Y......1 u• x ii a• a:... a: * ;* * . i* li• •a it h li i* ii *1; i* r: #1 ir,- : u * i1: ri