1972, 10-16 Conditional Use Permit RenewalZONING ADJUSTOR MINUTES HEARING: October 16, 1972 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, RENEWAL CUE-i 1W 66 n Trailer as a Residence ._ Zoning Adjustor Decision: Approved, subject to the following conditions: A. CONDITIONS: 1. All conditions of the original permit must be kept. 2. This approval is grants ahOctober pproval shall ,bec m which u? 1 aridnvoid. y permit issued pursuant to 3. The trailer shall not be attachedt, other Tesidential or accessory structures. Metal canopies, tip outs, aid awnikzgs may be attached to the trailer; however, all wooden structures and accessory buildings, except open porches, must be detached and placed at least three (3) feet from the trailer. B. OBJECTORS OF RECORD: None C. GENERAL DATA: Section 9, Township 25, Range 44, E6W.M. 1 Blocks 65, 68, 71, & 74 of Pinecroft First Addition except a portion described thence follows: Beginning at the NE corner of Block t65o y�c thence lip o€ Hwy, thence. Sly S 165 ft., thence W 60 ft. , thence along Hwy to east line of Block 74, thence N to POB, except the E. 10 ft. thereof. Parcel No.: 09543-0640 2. Applicant: Gcldle F. Thoeny E. 11406 Indiana Avenue Spokane, Washington 3. Site Size: Approximately 1.8 acres 4. Existing Zoning: Agricultural 5. Date Permit Issued: April 1, 1966 6. Date Permit Expired: April . , 1971 7. Date Requested Until: For three. years 8 0, Application of Zoning Pr ovis_on: Chapter 4.04, Section 11.04.17 0«-f Location: CHARLES L, 1IUG " S, Zoning Adjustor _ AV,T_7 *It r C .�+��� 1 J' 7/ ZONING ADJUSTOR MINUTES Hearing: October 30, 1972 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, RENEWAL CUE-97-69, Mobile Home as a Residence Zoning Adjustor Decision: Approved, subject to the following conditions: A. CONDITIONS: 1. All conditions of the original permit must be kept, 2. This approval is granted to November 1, 1975, at which time any permit issued pursuant to this approval shall become null and void. 3. The trailer shall be skirted with a fire resistant material. 4, The 'framer shall not be mounted or. a permanent foundation in such a manner as to constitute a permanent residence. B e OBJECTORS OF RECORD: None C. GENERAL DATA: 1, Location: 2 , Applicant: 3„ Site Size: 4, Existing Zoning: 5, Date Permit Issued: 6. Date Permit Expired: 7, Date Requested Until: Section 9, Township 25, Range 44, E.W.M. The, East 210 ft, of Blocks 65, 68, 71, and 74 of Plnecroft First Addition, except the N 165 ft. of the W 60 ft., except the N 165 ft, of the E 80 ft., except the E 10 Beta Parcel No,: 09543-0639 Adrian R. Thoeny E. 11416 Indiana Spokane, Washington Approximately 53,200 sq, ftn Agricultural October 20, 1969 November 1, 1972 A three year period 8. Application of Zoning Provision: Chapter 4, 04, Section 4. 04.170 (11) • CHARLES Lo HUGGIy, `, Zoning Adjustor vA 01 ZONING ADJUSTOR MINUTES Hearing: October 30, 1972 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, RENEWAL CUE-96-69, Trailer as a Residence Zoning Adjustor Decision: Approved, subject to the following conditions: A. CONDITIONS: 1 b • All conditions of the original permit must be kept. 2. This approval is granted to November 1, 1975, at which time any permit issued pursuant to this approval shall become null and void. 3. The trailer shall be skirted with a fire resistant material. 4. The trailer shall not be mounted on a permanent foundation in such a manner as to constitute a permanent residence. R. OBJECTORS OF RECORD: C. GENERAL DATA: 1. Location: 2. Applicant: None Section 9, Township 25, Range 44, E.W.M. The N 165 ft. of the E 80 ft., except the E 10 ft., of Blocks 65 and 68 of Pinecroft First Addition. Ptn. of Parcel No.: 09543-0639 Adrian R. Thoney E. 11420 Indiana Spokane, Washington 3. Approximately 11,550 sq. ft. 4. Agricultural, established April 24, 1942 5. October 20, 1969 6. November 1, 1972 7. A threes year period 8. Application of Zoning Provision: Chapter 4.04, Section 4.04.170 (f) Site Size: Existing Zoning: Date Permit Issued: Date Permit Expired: Date Requested Until: CHARLES L. HUGGINS,oning Adjustor •