2020-02-27 PC APPROVED SIGNED minutesRegular Meeting Minutes Spokane Valley Planning Commission Council Chambers — City Hall February 27,2020 I. Chair Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. H. Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance. III. Assistant Deanna Horton called roll and the following members and staff were present: Fred Beaulac Jenny Nickerson, Building Official James Johnson Cary Driskell, City Attorney Danielle Kaschmitter Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Timothy Kelley Taylor Dillard, Administrative Assistant Robert McKinley Marianne Lemons, Office Assistant Sherri Robinson, absent Mike Basinger, Economic Development Manager Matt Walton Chaz Bates, Economic Development Planner Deanna Horton, Administrative Assistant With consensus, the Commission excused Commissioner Robinson from the meeting. IV. AGENDA: Commissioner Kaschmitter moved to approve the February 27, 2020 agenda. There was no discussion. The vote on the motion was six in.favor, zero opposed, and the motion passed. V. MINUTES: The January 9, 2020 minutes were withdrawn from consideration by staff because they were incomplete. They will be finished and submitted for approval at the March 12, 2020 meeting. VI. COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Beaulac introduced himself, he was on the Planning Commission from 2003 to 2008, and appointed again. in 2012. This was his fourth request to serve the City on the Commission. His background is in commercial transportation. Commissioner Johnson reported he attended the City Council meetings on January 14, January 21, February 4, February 18 and February 25. He also attended the Spokane County Human Rights task force meetings which are working on an awards banquet and a web portal where citizens can report hate incidents which will allow the Task Force to be able to track the incidences. They hope to have it working by summer. VIL ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT: Building Official Jenny Nickerson VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: I. Election of Officers Chair Johnson called for nominations for the office of Chair. Commissioner Walton nominated Commissioner Johnson, Commissioner McKinley nominated Commissioner Kelley. In a show of hands, the vote for the office of Chair was as follows: Commissioners Beaulac, Johnson, Kaschmitter, and Walton voted for Commissioner Johnson. Commissioners Kelley and McKinley voted for Commissioner Kelley. With four votes to two, Commissioner Johnson remains the Chair for 2020. Chair Johnson called for nominations for the office of Vice -Chair. Commissioner Johnson nominated Commissioner Walton, Commissioner Kelley nominated Commissioner McKinley. In a show of hands, the vote for the office of Vice Chair was as follows: 02-27-2020 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 or4 Commissioners Beaulac, Johnson, Kaschmitter, and Walton voted for Commissioner Walton. Commissioners Kelley and McKinley voted for Commissioner McKinley. With four votes to two, Commissioner Walton remains the Vice -Chair for 2020. ii. Findings of Fact: STV-2019-0005, a proposed street vacation of portions of 12" and 13" Avenues, the alley between 12t6 and 1311 Avenues and a portion of Chronicle Road. Senior Planner Lori Barlow explained the findings of fact presented to the Commission. She explained they reflect the decision the Commission made during their deliberations after a study session and public hearing. The request is to vacate a portion of 12th Avenue, 13th Avenue, the alley between 12`h and 13`, Avenues, and Chronicle Road, west of Carnahan Road. All of these areas are unimproved. She stated that the staff recommendation is to retain the portion of 126h Avenue, but the other portions of the privately initiated vacation request be vacated. Ms. Barlow explained that the Commission is being asked to approve the findings if they accurately represent the action that the Commission took on the matter. Chair Johnson made a motion to approve the findings offact for the street vacation ofSTV- 2019-0005, a proposed street vacation of a portion of 12th and 13't' Avenues, the alley between 12'h and 13'h Avenues and a portion of Chronicle Road as presented and move them forward to the City Council. Attorney Driskell put on record that Commissioner Beaulac and Commission Walton will not be voting on this item, as they had not been appointed at the time of the public hearing. The vote on the motion was four in favor, zero against, and the motion passed. iii. Annual Training: Public Records Training, Open Public Meetings City Attorney Cary Driskell gave the annual public records and open public meetings training to attending Planning Commissioners and staff. iv. Training Session: Comprehensive Plan Amendments History and Docket Overview Mike Basinger, Economic Development Manager and Chaz Bates, Senior Planner introduced themselves to the Commission. Mr. Basinger gave a brief history of the development of the City's Comprehensive Plan. This included the development of the land use map, zoning areas, and the periodic update process. Staff is looking at a city-wide rezone in certain areas and Mr. Basinger wanted the Commission to understand the history of what has been done with the comp plan in the past and give an explanation of the development and implementation of the different land use zones within the City. Mr. Bates gave an overview of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Process and site specific map amendments. He explained that any applications for amendment must be received by October 31" to be considered in that year's amendment process. The City does publish notice 60 days prior to the application due date. Once applications are received, they are reviewed and docketed for the City Council. The Council does have the authority to remove items from the consideration docket. Once the docket is approved, it begins the process through Planning Commission. Mr. Basinger stated that there were two items that were removed from the 2020 consideration docket. Mr. Bates clarified the timeline of the 2020 process and stated that there will be five amendments to be considered. There are four map amendments and one text amendment. The first map amendment (CPA-2020-0001) is privately initiated by Land Use Solutions and is located on McDonald. The applicant would like to change their designation/zoning from Single -Family -Residential (SFR) to Corridor Mixed Use (CMU). 02-27-2020 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 4 The second map amendment (CPA-2020-0002) is privately initiated by LB Stone Properties and is located on Fancher/Sprague. The applicant would like to change their desi,nation/zoning from Industrial (I) to Regional Commercial (RC). The third map amendment (CPA-2020-0003) is privately initiated by Jay Rambo and is located at 1723/1724 N. Union. The applicant would like to change their designation/zoning from Multifamily Residential (MFR) to Corridor Mixed Use (CMU). The fourth map amendment (CPA-2020-0006) is city initiated and is for the East Valley School District Walker Center. The City would like to change the designation/zoning from Industrial (I) to Corridor Mixed Use (CMU). This would allow the school district to move their parent/child classes related to home schooling to this location and it cannot occur under the current zoning. Mr. Basinger gave information regarding the code text amendment (CPA-2020-0007). This amendment applies city-wide and implements changes to allow for alternative housing types and brings forward an area -wide rezone with implementing regulations. He explained that there was concern about duplex development throughout the city that really needed to be addressed and he feels that that the staff has come up with some good ideas that will help address some of those concerns. Staff reasoned that it would be best to have the denser housing zones located near services and transit and limit duplexes and cottage home building in the R-3 zones. He explained that staff developed a new R-4 zone that is located between 8`' Avenue and Broadway Avenue. This area was determined to be a good location because it is within walking distance of the transit system that Spokane Transit Authority (STA) currently has in place. They hope to be able to incentivize alternative housing within areas that have transit and services. Mr. Basinger explained that staff is looking at 10 units per acre in the new R-4 zone. Cottage and townhome developments would be allowed in this zone but they would no longer be allowed in the R-3 zone. They will increase the units allowed to eight units per acre and increase the minimum lot size to 14,500 square feet to do a duplex within the R- 3 zone. The requirement for duplexes will only be six units per acre so the hope is that this will incentivize single family residences in this zoning area. Commissioner Kelly asked if tiny homes will be allowed in the R-4 zone. Building Official Jenny Nickerson answered that the building code will have a new appendix addressing tiny homes. A tiny home will be interchangeable with the cottage standards and a single family residential home. The only caveat to that code will be tiny homes that are on trailers or on wheels. These are considered recreational vehicles and would not be allowed in the residential zones. Commissioner Walton asked how the staff came to the density regulations in the R-3 zone. Mr. Basinger stated that staff wanted to increase the density in the R-3 zone and utilize the 5000 square foot lot size. They hope that this change will really encourage developers to go with a single-family development in the R-3 zone and keep the high density developments in the R-4 zone. Commissioner Kelly asked if there was consideration to extend this zone to skirting the industrial to the north of Sprague. Mr. Basinger answered that staff really wanted to stick to the policies and goals outlined in the current Comprehensive Plan, which states that the higher density areas would be located near transportation and services. Staff looked at some other industrial areas but this location made the most sense geographically because of its location to those services. 02-27-2020 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 4 Chair Johnson mentioned that the STA did a presentation to the City Council that they are considering expanding their services to Barker Road. Commissioner Kaschmitter commented that if the City is going to basing this R4 change on access to services and transit on Sprague, it would be important for there to be bus service from one end of Sprague to the other end without having to change buses. Mr. Basinger agreed and said that the City is in conversations with STA about the possibility of getting additional transit service if there are more rooftops developed in this area. Chair Johnson expressed that he would like to make sure that the public is well notified of these amendment changes to the plan so that they can give their input. Mr. Basinger responded that all of these amendment changes will be broadly posted on all of the City's social networks to let people know. Commissioner Walton asked if property owners will be notified that their property is being rezoned. Mr. Basinger answered that they will not beindividually notified because it is an area -wide rezone. The City is allowed to make these changes through this process without sending individual notification. However, the City will do everything possible to get notice out so that the residents are aware of any changes that happen. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER: Commissioner Kaschmitter thanked staff for the Comprehensive Plan preview. Commissioner Walton expressed that since the Commissioners are not able to get to know each other outside of Council Chambers, he wanted to give a little background on who he is and what he is about. He encouraged the other Commissioners to do the same in the upcoming meetings. He gave a quick biography of himself outlining his personal life and his values and ideas. XI. ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner McKinley moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:46 pm. The vote on the motion was six in favor, zero opposed, and the motion passed. —James of hnson, ChairmanQ�a�o_�40 Deanna Horton, Secretary Date signed