1972, 03-09 Permit J2109 Garageto a 0 m 0 w SPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT Court House, Spokane, Washington Land Use or Structure Permit Group.2-1..Type......T ---- Zone ..... 0=aelraial...-------------- 1972 No. J 2109 Property Address.. ........................ Permit foGarao=--et1d5UV&Pv...PWxVRt,t-dA1iaChed........ Owner ---- ..i.1X--RC V1g._................_............................Address----- ..... Phone ... ia--6uwi 5i... Architect.--.... "a ........... .......................... ..... .....Addrvas.............................................................- Phone............................ Contractor..............--- ................................ . .........Address....._...........---.............................. -• ...................Phone............................ Bldg.Zone Zone.2........Size of Lot..... 7s.................................... Sewage................................ Storiesj,_•---..... g 3 x493' ... Material..tr� ..............................---Dimensions_.....2.4fi ".it... -- ..---.---.Total Sq. Ft ..... 1p,5 1..............Valuation.-43L.'.50"0L... +� THIS PERMIT is granted upon the eapras conditon that the building or land use for which the permit is iaued shall conform in all respects to all the ordinances [ .,If of the County of Spokane, regulalmg the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane county, and cony be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the » pmvisiom of mid ordinances, or failure of piano, as approved, to eomplx with said ordinances. In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of its= the grantee m.ut place the said signs where directed by county Ofrroieh and shall remove the mid si8� at the expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed. This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within.........t7w from this date; after which time this permit will be void. Authorized by Building Official 5 1Cl7 J BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT Permit Expires ..........) Fee Paid $23.-C -ffiQ......... Date --- 3,< W"72...................... By. /r....--- .- ... ..... INurineroR