Resolution 20-011 surplus property CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO.20-011 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DECLARING REAL PROPERTY TO BE SURPLUS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO FINALIZE AND EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO SELL SAID REAL PROPERTY,AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC) 3.49.020(A) requires that real property be declared surplus by the Spokane Valley City Council prior to its disposal; and WHEREAS,the criteria for a declaration that the property is surplus to the needs of the City are set forth in SVMC 3.49.020(A), and includes that the City has or anticipates no practical, efficient, or appropriate use for the property; and WHEREAS,upon such a declaration passed by resolution of the Spokane Valley City Council,the City Manager is authorized to sell surplus real property pursuant to SVMC 3.49.020(B); and WHEREAS, City department directors have been notified of the surplus nature of this property, Spokane County parcel number 45291.9003, and no department has any desire to acquire or use the proposed surplus property. The property is comprised of approximately 2.07 acres of land; and WHEREAS, the City acquired the property from Spokane County April 8, 2003, shortly after incorporation. City staff have been unable to determine any appropriate use for the property, and therefor recommend it be declared surplus to the needs of the City; and WHEREAS,the City intends to use the proceeds from any sale for other municipal purposes that are more beneficial to the needs of its residents. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington as follows: Section 1. Declaration of Surplus. The Spokane Valley City Council hereby declares that the real property referred to as Spokane County parcel number 45291.9003, and legally identified as: The east 300.00 feet of the north 300.00 feet of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter in Section 29,Township 25 North, Range 44 East, W.M.; Together with an easement for access over the west 150 feet of lots 4 and 5, Block "G" Chester Hills Addition as per plat thereof recorded in Book 1 of Plats, page 92, as reserved in statutory warranty deed filed under recording NO. 732009B; Situate in the City of Spokane Valley, County of Spokane, State of Washington. is surplus to the needs of the City,and the City has no practical,efficient,or appropriate use for the property. The property being declared surplus is identified by parcel map in Attachment 1 to this Resolution. Section 2.Authorization to dispose of surplus property.The City Manager is authorized to dispose of the surplus real property identified in this Resolution pursuant to SVMC 3.49.020(B), which states that, for surplus real property, the City Manager shall secure a market value appraisal and proceed to sell the Resolution 20-011—Declaring Real Property as Surplus Page 1 of 2 same by public auction or through other procedures the City Manager deems to be in the best interests of the City. The requirement for an appraisal has been satisfied through obtaining an appraisal from a licensed appraiser in July, 2019. Section 3.Effective Date. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. Adopted this 2151 day of July, 2020. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Ben Wick, Mayor ATTEST. hristine Bainbridge, City Clerk Approved as to form: Office the City A orney Resolution 20-0I 1 —Declaring Real Property as Surplus Page 2 of 2 _ -... Attachment 1 _ 1 _----- •-._ _ _ , . .., . ) , .-----`--- .. - _. 1.1.•• _ .. .. C. / I. • . CI ' l'Z6i er- . I , . el 116"), r., ,-/ er ,..,,' - le I. 10i I' .1 I if..r. ••*. •.- 1.- 1..• t, CI' W 1,.... .r- ,././..c.\,,,, ... 1.1. 1_, .7. IN at CI .. - ri 0, tr. .7 let ..... IN •1•Z. \ •.t ."-r 0, Or fhll'1 N 4r4 rir .7 I • 61 I.1 t.• .... 1/1; ...-. V. 7:3 \ r....,:j• .P.•• •••1 1(14 b.' 4/1 t.". •T 4'1 .rr . m .-- ...., ft 1 Or 61 \ •,•-• r,1 IA . 1 '14.. *-•▪ 1..C.O. . 1:4 \ 4e.4 C4 N .7 I le.i t \ \ I %.• NI it. P.foi 170 I 1 i ,r-,- - " \," ..- v.. , - Cri ..7r ...? ,,' 411 'S rn, /r". '16 , I. gil •eo. .,,, 1 ....., . .___. 1 ril at kl kl 'Ilk 0 SL. C. I,L4 10:11)1 I fill e Ilt-t) ., .••••• .7. •• ...-' 0:. 1"1 --e ...? . t, ."t \ CY r. -- \ Mt 0,4-44 1 07 I .e."A * ........ fq l ) ---' NI IN.1.t i 1