2020, 07-14 Regular Formal Format MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FORMAL FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Spokane Valley, Washington July 14, 2020 Mayor Wick called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held remotely via ZOOM meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Ben Wick, Mayor Mark Calhoun, City Manager Brandi Peetz, Deputy Mayor John Hohrnan, Deputy City Manager Pam Haley, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Tim Hattenburg Councilmember Cary DriskelI, City Attorney Rod Higgins, Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Linda Thompson, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks &Rec Director Arne Woodard, Councilmember Bill Helbig, City Engineer Adam Jackson, Planning/Grants Engineer Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember Higgins: no report. Councilmember Woodard: said there was a special meeting last week of the HCDAC (Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee) where they approved $2.7 million for the shelter for the 18-24 year olds with the condition that all three jurisdictions would cooperate and coordinate on the site. Councilmember Thompson: said she had a call today with representatives from the National League of Cities(NLC)and the American Psychology Association talking about the impact of the COVID on people's mental health and how leaders can help by communicating effectively and acknowledging the importance of health; said they are working on having a national mental health call line. Councilmember Haley: said she was at the Continuum of Care meeting where they voted on that same shelter; said the STA (Spokane Transit Authority) held its spring workshop where they mostly discussed COVID; said it was difficult to work on the budget process without firm numbers, but said they realize the best way to survive this economic downturn is to continue with no debt;said she also attended a Washington Child care Association meeting where they had a racial equity training series. Councilmember Hattenburg: said he also attended the STA meeting and mentioned the city line construction is in its early stages with about $89 million set aside for that project; said the Mirabeau Park &Ride is the third highest used park and ride; said there is also talk about a permanent no fare, but it would cost 80,000 service hours a year; said the CEO of the STA is willing to talk about reduced fares and wanted to remind people they have annual grant awards. Deputy Mayor Peetz; said she attended another AWC (Association of Washington Cities) legislative priority meeting, but there was nothing new discussed and said she gave them a copy of our legislative agenda; said that was also a topic at the Chamber meeting. Regular Formal Council Meeting: 07-14-2020 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council: 07-28-2020 MAYOR'S REPORT: As a member of the Health District Board, Mayor Wick said they are working to get information to the public; they have re-vamped their website and it does show hospitalizations; he said the case count is skyrocketing as COVID continues to spread and that they are keeping close watch on hospital capacity;and he mentioned the website has various groups of data; said the Regional Transportation Council stated they are trying to meet their obligations and if we get all projects moving and obligated by July 31, we would be eligible for additional funds into our region; said they Iooked at eight different ways on how to obligate our projects faster, including perhaps streamlining the TIP(Transportation Improvement Program)process; mentioned the Freight Advisory Committee and said others who might be involved include rail and the private sector; and he mentioned that the mask requirement issued by Governor Inslee. PROCLAMATION: Parks &Recreation Month Mayor Wick read the proclamation declaring July, 2020 as Parks and Recreation Month. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the consent Agenda. a. Approval of claim vouchers on July 14, 2020, Request for Council Action Form Total: $2,723,455.89 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending June 30,2020: $541,509.64 e. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of June 16, 2020 Study Session Format d. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of June 23,2020 Regular Formal Format e. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of June 30, 2020 Special Meeting f. Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of June 30, 2020 Study Session It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS: 2. Resolution 20-010 Amending Governance Manual—Chris Bainbridge, Cary Driskell. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to approve Resolution 20-010 amending the Governance Manual. City Clerk Bainbridge said there have been no further changes,and the major change from the last meeting, was to add back the second public comment opportunity. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 3. Motion Consideration: Potential Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Grant—Adam Jackson It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to authorize the City Manager or designee to apply for the TIB UAP projects identified in Table 1 (i.e.Argonne Corridor Reconstruction Indiana to Montgomery; and Sullivan Road Preservation and Sidewalk Sprague to 8'I'Avenue). Engineer Jackson briefly explained the projects. There were no public comments. There was brief discussion about the percentage of City match. Mr. Jackson noted that he feels the match indicated will elevate our scoring for the project; that he spoke with our finance department regarding the REET(real estate excise tax)funds and that those figures are conservative estimates,but he feels confident we will not run out of those funds. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 4. Motion Consideration: Barker Road Widening Bid Award—Bill Helbig It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to award the Barker Road Widening Project CIP#0275 to DW Excavating in the amount of$2,599.065 plus applicable sales tax, and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract. City Engineer Helbig referenced the updated Request for Council Action Form and the bid tabulation, which shows the bids from the seven bidders, including the low bid from DW Excavating;he also noted the engineer's estimate was$3.1 million and that the bids were very favorable. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. Regular Formal Council Meeting: 07-14-2020 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council: 07-28-2020 GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY: Ms. Barb Howard, Spokane Valley: she read: "I am travelling both this week and next but happy to meet with folks when I get back in town. Anyone going against this current council or city council is a friend of mine, especially if Chuck is behind them As a community the citizens need to step up and vote these goofballs out. They don't represent the majority but Chuck has said 50 of them will vote . . you know, whatever. Anyway, if I were Brandi I'd definitely would use the vaccine issue as a point of difference; it's been questioned ever comparison I've seen in the Spokesman, and for Caleb Collier's wife to deny the benefits is irresponsible. I just got off the phone with Brandi and will look to coordinate something the last week in October. Too bad I'm out of town."Ms.Howard said she has another one that matches that, it just goes on a little further. Ms. Howard also asked if the $182,000 grant money for the outside funding, if that is just for in Spokane Valley or does it goes to the City of Spokane, or Idaho, or where. Deputy Mayor Peetz asked for point of privilege, and Mayor Wick said she could proceed. Deputy Mayor Peetz read the following: "Members of the City Council are privileged to be chosen by our fellow citizens to represent the rest of the City in making the policy decisions that guide our community. It is a great honor, but it also carries a lot of responsibility. We realize that not everyone will agree with various decisions we make, but please understand we are trying to do the best we can for the community at large, both now and in the future.We fully support the First Amendment and the rights it conveys to the citizens to declare your beliefs about how your government is run. I would simply ask that for anybody communicating with us, I'm hopeful we can have a civil dialogue about these issues rather than one marked by insults and anger. The ideas of our citizens are important and we want to hear them. Unfortunately, comments that look and feel like insults are generally not well received by anybody, and we hope to develop an environment of mutual respect and productive communications with anyone who comes before us. Obviously we can't make those communicating with Council talk in a certain way,but we will remain hopeful. Councilmember Higgins asked for a point of order, and said the Council person is out of order. Deputy Mayor Peetz said she was finished with her comments. Mr. Lance Beck, President and CEO of Greater Spokane Valley Chamber, and resident of the unincorporated Spokane area: said he wanted to clarify a point raised during the public comment of the July 7 Council meeting of why the Chamber would be involved as a third party contractor in the implementation of a small business grant relief program; said the Valley Chamber was invited by City of Spokane Valley staff to the June 23, Council meeting, to present the concept of a small business grant program, and at that time the Chamber was actively working with their regional economic development partners on a proposal to Spokane County for a similar program; said since that time their program concept has been accepted by the Board of County Commissioners and said he is now working on the details of a fair, unbiased and equitable grant process for the business in Spokane County; said his experience through that process and through the development of the working Washington Small Business Recovery Grant here in Spokane County earlier this spring,along with their partners at GSI(Greater Spokane, Inc.) makes them uniquely qualified to assist with a timely, fair and cost effective implementation of a small business grant program for the businesses in Spokane Valley; said on behalf of the small businesses community in Spokane Valley, he is thrilled that Council has identified the local businesses and nonprofits as a priority for relief assistance from the CARES funding, and said his organization stands ready to assist if needed, in a transparent, fair and equitable program. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 5. Council Goals &Priorities for Use of Lodging Taxes--Chelsie Taylor Finance Director Taylor went over the information contained in the Request for Council Action form, including the five current goals and priorities, and she mentioned the $30,000 set-aside in the 2021 budget for CenterPlace advertising. There was brief discussion about the goals and priorities including the idea of virtual events,having events in Spokane Valley hotels and whether to add that to the grant application form; and of the idea of requiring or strongly encouraging that any camped hotel rooms must be in a Spokane Regular Formal Council Meeting: 07-14-2020 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: 07-28-2020 Valley hotel, which legal said they will research for when this comes back as a motion. Finance Director Taylor said this will return to Council as a motion consideration on the July 28'h agenda. 6. Wa. State Dept. of Commerce CARES Act Relief Funds—Chelsie Taylor, Erik Lamb In follow-up from last week's presentation concerning the CARES Act funds, Finance Director Taylor displayed the completed spreadsheet of Councilmember's recommended distribution of CARES Act Funds, and she gave a quick recap of our$2.9 CRF(Coronavirus Relief Fund)Program as explained in the Request for Council Action. In explaining the completed spreadsheet, Director Taylor noted that the average is meant as a starting point for discussion, or to determine whether Council agrees with the shown averages. Ms. Taylor said the next step would be to come back with applications once we know the dollar amounts; and then determine if Council wants to move forward and develop those as the next process. Lengthy discussion included the agreed idea to combine mortgage and rental assistance; and talk about whether to include the non-profits in the top section since they may also be applying under the small business grants.Councilmember Woodard asked if for example,we have$300,000 in the nonprofits group, could funds be moved out of that group and into a more needed area in order to help allocate funds by the October 30 deadline. Ms.Taylor said she and Mr. Calhoun discussed that and anything that isn't allocated by a certain date,would come back to Council to be re-allocated. There was also discussion about the small business grants and the number of employees, with Councilmember Thompson stating she realizes not everyone will apply, but she feels $1,000 could make a big difference to a small business; said she is supportive of the figures and averages, but would like to be flexible. Councilmember Thompson also suggested moving the left over funds of$25,926, into housing, and said she would like to see the numbers add up to the total amount available. There was also talk about a delivery truck for Valley Partners and if that came under the nonprofit category. Director Taylor reminded Council these are guidance categories and that generally, food security would cover the delivery. Mayor Wick mentioned that the County also allocated quite a bit of money; he also asked about the School Districts and Councilmembers had no problem with the average. Mayor Wick noted many business are hurting, some longer than others and suggested prioritizing some that might not open until phase 4, like the movie theater; he also noted Council could do more for hospitality. Councilmember Woodard advised caution in not micro-managing; said he too doesn't want to see any business disappear, but businesses like hair solons don't have access to those kinds of grants that a movie theater might; said he feels we want to try to save as many businesses as we can without diluting the pot;and said he thinks$1,000 for a restaurant wouldn't even pay for one employee; adding that we want to make an impact. Councilmember Woodard stated that if this were to be a first-come,first-served basis, we won't get to 900 businesses. In response to Deputy Mayor Peetz's question about voting next week, Director Taylor said she thinks this will have to come back to Council in pieces with potential applications as well as potential partners for running these for us; or to handle it in-house and/or contract with third parties; she mentioned there are several ideas for partners including the Chamber who is also working with GSI(Greater Spokane,Inc.)and with the County; said there could be a lot of efficiency that way and it would make it uniform for all businesses; said they do not have details of the applications yet, adding that if we were to do this in-house, we are fairly constrained as far as capacity in processing and it takes time to review and get paid timely; she said we would want to make the process as uncomplicated as possible and have a flat dollar figure with criteria;to perhaps go with the first-come,first-served process through the general accounts payable process or to keep nonprofits separately; she also mentioned that the more times staff has to come to Council for these issues,the longer the process;said there is an idea to have a process much like what we use for outside agencies, but the process is up to Council. Timing was also discussed in having an application and giving enough time for people to apply and have the application processed. Councilmember Thompson suggesting the idea of random draws for businesses. Regular Formal Council Meeting: 07-14-2020 Page 4 of S Approved by Council: 07-28-2020 Councilmember Woodard said Council needs to decide about the averages before making other suggestions, and Councilmember Haley suggested having the Chamber handle the small business and/or nonprofits rather than doing this in-house. Mayor Wick said he would still like to set aside some for hospitality in phase 4; and Councilmember Thompson said she is an advocate to have the nonprofits separate. Councilmember Haley agreed about keeping that separate, but said an organization needs to handle the distribution and it should not be our City. Deputy Mayor Peetz agreed. In response to Mayor Wick's suggestion of setting aside $75,000 for hospitality for phase 4, Mr. Calhoun asked from which category should that amount be deducted; and it was determined to take that from the small business. In terms of staff and the$2.9 million, City Manager Calhoun said we are not set up or have the capacity or time to do this; said he will look to contract this to a third party with the hope to move out as quickly as possible, adding that we will focus on businesses in Spokane Valley and not County-wide. Councilmember Woodard asked about the rental assistance, or mortgage assistance, and of the idea of limiting any party to only use that assistance twice;or go with the Valley Partners criteria for rental assistance which is restricted to once a year; said we don't want people to be able to use this every month, but perhaps twice. Councilmember Thompson added that we also don't want people double-dipping. Ms. Taylor reminded everyone that with the rent/mortgage, we can only help if the assistance needed is due to the COVID emergency; she stated that we will have to discuss the criteria with whatever third party we have to assist in administering these programs;that she feels confident the organizations are used to administering federal programs, and that she has a high level of comfort. Councilmember Haley suggested including nonprofits that are not only in Spokane Valley but serve people in Spokane Valley, and Councilmembers concurred. 7. Advance Agenda—Mayor Wick Deputy Mayor Peetz said she received an e-mail from Congresswoman McMorris-Rodgers regarding the Forward into the Light Campaign, which commemorates the 100'1'anniversary of the approval of the 19th Amendment, with buildings lighting up in purple and gold on August 26, 2020. There was some brief discussion about the use of purple and gold-themed lights, and that Mr. Calhoun will work with Building Official Nickerson and Mr.Moat to see what we might be able to do.The suggestion of a proclamation was also brought up and Councilmembers agreed. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS City Manager Calhoun reminded everyone that three weeks from today we will have our annual budget workshop, beginning at 8:30 a.m. and to continue to 2:30 p.m.; that the meeting will likely be a Zoom meeting, and he noted he thinks the headphones used tonight help with the clarity. Mr. Calhoun noted the evening August 4tt'meeting will be cancelled,and that there will be no public comments taken at the budget workshop;but that there will be three public hearings on the budget where the public will have opportunities for comment. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m. 4u1 A S : Ben Wick,Mayor hristine Bainbridge, ity Clerk Regular Formal Council Meeting: 07-14-2020 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council: 07-28-2020 P:\City Clerk\Council Agendas\2020\2020,07-14 formal\Item 6 City COV1D19 Costs and Proposed Costs CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 719/2020 Councilmember Recommended Distribution of CARES Act Funds (Amount allocated by each Councrlmembershould equal$2,681,483) Position#1 Position#2 Position#3 Position#4 Position#5 Position#6 Position#7 Higgins Peetz Woodard Wick Haley Hattenberg Thompson Average Mortgage assistance 450,000 500,000 500,000 900,000 400,000 250,000 250,040 504,497 733,995 combined mortgage&rental Rent assistance 200,000 - 400,000 100,000 405,483 250,000 250,000 229,498 Utility assistance 75,000 300,000 141,000 500,000 400,000 200,000 200,000 259,429 259,429 Food security/insecurity 350,000 75,000 300,000 150,000 400,000 250,000 131,483 236,640 236,640 Small business grants (1) 900,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 581,483, 500,000 1,000,000 1,150,000 904,498 829,498 - Phase 4/Hospitality 75,000 Non-profit organization grants _ 625,000 500,000 - 250,000 400,000 581,483 525,000 411,640 411,640 School districts 81,483 125,000 40,483 200,000 175,000 150,000 175,000 135,281 135,281 2,681,483 2,500,000 2,681,483 2,681,483 2,681,483 2,681,483 2,681,483 2,681,483 2,681,483 (1) Small Business Grants Small business grants may be used to reimburse costs related to responding to the COVID-19 event,including but not limited to, acquisition of PPE and business interuptions that impacted ability to make rent and/or utility payments. Amount of grant award up to (ie.$5,000;$10,000,etc) 15,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 7,500 1,603 1,000 7,158 Maximum#of employees (ie. 10 employees,20,etc) 25 10 19 20 30 20 4 18 Council Allocations 7-/e/-2e)) UPDATED CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: July 14, 2020 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. Report ❑ pending legislation❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Bid Award — Barker Road Widening Project (Spokane River to Euclid) GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 3.35.10 —Contract Authority PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: • 3/13/2018: Council passed a motion authorizing staff to apply for the Washington State Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board (FMSIB) 2018 call for projects. • 3/27/2018: Council passed a motion authorizing staff to apply for the Washington State Department of Transportation's City Safety Program (CSP) and SRTC's 2018 call for projects, including federal funds from Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG). • 6/5/2018: Council adopted the 2019-2024 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) by Resolution #18-003. • 1/29/2019: Council adopted Resolution 19-002, amending the 2019 TIP. • 3/26/2019: Council adopted Ordinance 19-003 amending the 2019 Budget to include funds for this project. • 8/13/2019: Council passed Resolution 19-012 amending the 2019 TIP, which included this project. • 1/21/2020: Council passed Resolution 20-002 amending the 2020 TIP, which included this project BACKGROUND: In 2018, the City applied for FMSIB, STBG, and CSP grants to reconstruct the Barker Corridor and provide a multi-use path from the Spokane River to the limits of the Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project and was successful with these grant applications. FMSIB will fund 20 percent of the total project cost up to $1.68 million. STBG and CSP will fund $2,050,000 and $231,000, respectively. The project will be constructed in three segments. The segment from Euclid (west) to the south limit of the grade separation project was constructed in 2019 with City funds. The segment from the Spokane River to Euclid (east)will be constructed in 2020 and 2021. The third segment, Euclid Rd (east) across the Union Pacific Railroad to Euclid Rd (west), along with the multi-use path for the entire length of the corridor will be constructed in 2021. The Barker Road Widening Project (Spokane River to Euclid) will improve Barker Road from the Spokane River to Euclid Road by changing Barker Road into a three-lane road. The project includes HMA (hot mix asphalt) paving, curb and gutter, stormwater facilities, channelization, and signing. Consolidated Irrigation District No. 19 intends to install a water main within the limits of the City's roadway project and is partnering with the City to include the water main construction as part of the City's project. Their work is identified as Schedule C in the construction documents. To pay for the water main, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will be executed between the City and the District. UPDATED Spokane County intends to install a sewer and force main within the limits of the City's roadway project and is partnering with the City to include the sewer construction as part of the City's project. Their work is identified as Schedule D in the construction documents. To pay for the sewer main, a MOU will be executed between the City and the County. The City's project budget is shown below: Project Costs Project Budget Preliminary Engineering $ 165,*000 City Fund 312 $ 371,146 Right-of-Way $ 195,000 *FMSIB State Funds$ 988,088 Roadway Construction $ 2,645,000 Federal Funds $ 1,830,766 Construction Engineering $ 185,000 Irrigation District $ 250,000 Water Construction $ 250,000 Spokane County $ 450,000 Sewer Construction $ 450,000 Total estimated costs $ 3,890,000 Total Budget $ 3,890,000 *For this project segment, FMSIB is funding 20% of the first segment (constructed in 2019) and 20% of the second segment to be constructed in 2020-2021. The City's roadway project was designed in-house, and Spokane County and the District designed their portions of the work. The project was advertised on June 12, 2020. City received and opened seven bids on July 10, 2020. The Engineer's Estimate was $3,189,745.08, The lowest, responsive bidder was DW Excavating with a bid of $2,655,769.84 which includes $56,704.84 in sales tax. A Bid Tabulation is attached. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: There are sufficient funds to cover the cost for this project. OPTIONS: 1) Move to award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, or 2) take other appropriate action. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to award the Barker Road Widening Project CIP#0275 to DW Excavating in the amount of$2,599,065 plus applicable sales tax, and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the construction contract. STAFF CONTACT: Bill Helbig, PE, City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Bid Tabulation Barker BIDeTARing BULATION �o -'- PrOlectaP NO.0275 _ide Project k ENGINEERS ESTIMATE DW EXCAVATING MOM CONSTRUCTION LRRNIERE INC. SHAMROCK PATINA ROLLING RICO EXCAVATING N,A,DEGERSTROM INC. DIG5KY10 ITEM CSSCRPTION UNITS QUANTITY UNIT PRICE I 1OTAL COST UNIT PRICE I TOTAL COST UNIT PRIER I TOTAL COST UNIT PRICE I TOTAL COST UNIT PRICE I TOTAL COST UNIT PRICE I TOTAL COST UNLTPRICE ( TOTAL COST UNIT PRICE 1 TOTAL COST 1L'NLDULOL00A01MPOQVIMWII_ __ TOO MOOIUOAT ION _ LS.- 1 5114,000.00 Ti 17V00 0 D 000 $140,D00.00$ 140,000 5196,000.00 5 193,000.00 5115,45200$ 115,951.00 $90,595.00$ 90,54500 5153.060.09 5 153,000 CO S265,00000$ 265,000.00 5250...-.,000.00 $ 250,0F.160 _ 101 CLEARING AND GRUBBING LS. 1 5E5,000.00$ 25,000.00 555,555.60 5 95,953.00 $17,000.00 $ 17,020.90 521,463.00$ 21,463.00 510.000,00$ 10,006.00 560,000.00$ 66000,00 $25.000,00$ 25,000.00 $15,690.00 S 15,650.00_ 102 REMOVAL OFSTRUCTI18EA00065TRUC100N LS. 1 610,000.00$ 20,000.00 $9,3130.00$ 9,30090 S16,56060 $ 36,540.00 510,16800$ 10,188.00 511,500.00$ 12,5013.00 695,000,04$ 95,00.00 55.000,00$ 5,000,00 $18,256.00$ 16,256,00 103 UTIIITTPOTHOLE EACH 40 5600,00$ 24,000.00 $335.00$ 13,400.90 $400.00$ 36,000,60 5443.00 5 17,72000 _5250.00$ 10,000.00 $400.00$ 16,000.013 6500,00 $ 20,000,00 $419,09$ 17,160.00 104 RESOLUTION OF UTILITY CONFLICTS EST. 1 5 50,000.00 $ 50,00000. $ 50,030.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,1300.00 $ $0,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 105 006004110 EXCAVATI ON INCL.HAUL K.Y. 4,150 $30.00$ 124,500.00 51150$ 47,725.00 $2000$ 83,000.00 $17.00$ 7055000 518,00$ 116,290.00 $17.00$ 112,050,00 $75.00 $ 103,750.00 $19.00$ 58,1133.00 106 EMBANKMENT COMPACTION C-Y- 2,510 $16.00$ 25,100.00 $11.40 $ 20.61400 56.00$ 10,040.00 54.00$ 101340,130 57.00 5 17,570.00 $9.00 5 22,590,00 $5.00 $ 12.550,00 $78.00$ 76280.00 107 SWALE EXCAVATION INCL HAUL C.Y. _2,450 525.00$ 61,250.00 514.00$ 58,800.00 510.90$ 49,000.00 S12.00$ 29,400.00 $1400 $ 34.300,00 514.00$ 34,300.00 52750$ 67,375.00 01.60 5 26,950.0U 100 SEGMENTAL CONCRETE RETAINING WALL S.F. 3,600 $30.00$ 106,000.00 $23,41$ 84,27600 $24.50$ 28200,00 $20.00 5 93,600.00 $26.00$ 93,60900 535.00$ 126,09000 540,60 $ 144,1300.00 $16.00$ 1110,81000 109 GRIN ELBACKf7L1.FO1 WALL C.Y. 120 550.00$ 6,000.00 565.00$ 7,800.00 5132,00$ 16,560.00 577.00$ 9,240.00 $69.00 5 6280.00 $5300$ 7,320.00 $50.00$ 6,0013.00 677.00 6 9,240.00 110 SOLID WALL PVC STORM SEWER PIPE 10 IN. '' LF. 570 $35.00$ 19,959,00 $44.00$ 75,0110.00 $42.00$ 23,940.00 563.00 $ 35,910,00 $30.011 5 17,100.00 $76.00$ 43,320.00 $40.00$ 22,800,00 $46.00$ 26,220.00 111 SOLID WALL PVC SHAM SEWER PIPE 32 IN. L.F. 1,550 $40.00$ 62,000.00 $36.00$ 5[00000 $44.50$ 66,975010 $66.60$ 102,300.00 $34A $ 52,700.00 503.00$ 05,250.00 $40.00$ 62,000.00 $37.00$ 57,350.00 112 DUCTILE IRON STORM SEWER PIPER IN.0/AM, L.F. 350 540.00$ 19,00600 $60,40 5 21,140.00 573.00 5 25,550.00 $513.00$ 20,109.90 S60.00$ 26,000.00 S66.00 5 23,900.00 $50,00$ 17,560.00 $65,00$ 22,750.00 113 PRECAST CONCRETE DBYWELLTYPEA EACH 1 $5,000.00$ 5,000.00 $1.520.00$ 2,52600 54,4509E$ 4,4511.00 54,003.00$ 4,006.00 $4,400.00$ 4,400.130 _ $4,700.00$ 4,700.00 $4,008.00$ 4,000.00 $2,622.09 5 2,622.00 114 FRCCASTCONCRETEORYWELL NEE B EACH 7 $7,50000$ 52,500.00 53,200-00$ 27,300.00 $4,465.00$ 31,395,00 57,658.00$ 1135116.00 $5,000.00 $ 46600.00 55,900.00$ 37,100.00 55.090.00$ 35,000.00 54,110.00$ 28,640.00 115 CATCH OASIS TYPE 1 _ EACH 20 57,000.00$ 40,000.00 51,300.00$ 26000.00 51,370.00 5 27,40600 52,535.00$ 56700.90 $2,350.00$ 97,000.00 52,000.90$ 46000,00 51,758.00$ 35,00000 53099.00$ 56,900.00 116 COMBINATION INLET • EACH 5 $2,500.00$ 12,500.00 61500.00$ 7,500.00 $1,420.00$ 7,100.00 51,796.00$ 11,460,00 52,400.00$ 32,000.00 52,100.00$ 10,500.00 $1,350.00$ 6,75000 53.630.00$ 16,151100 117 CATCH BASIN TYPE a 4B IN.DIAM• EACH 9 $5,00060$ 45,000.00 $2300.00$ 20,700.00 $2,05009$ 18,540.00 $2,806.00$ 25254.00 $3,050.00$ 27,450.00 $9,100.00$ 76,600.00 $3,000.00 $ 27,000.00 $3,696.00$ 33,0E2.00 113 4UUARRY MINUS S.Y. 30 $50.00$ 1,5170.00 $24,00$ 720.00 $7.52.00$ 7,560.00 S60.00$ 1.800,00 $90.013 $ 2,700.00 000.00$ 3,000.00 $a8.DD$ 2,400.00 $39.00$ 1,170.00 119 TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY SYSTEM _ L.S. 2 $10,00,00$ 10000.00 $1,700.00$ 1,700.00 5644.00$ 694.00_ $963.00$ 963.00 $3,000.00$ 3010600 $5069A0$ 5,000,00 $5,000,00$ 0.000.00 $2,401.00$ 2,601.00 120 CRUSHED SURFACING TOPC00RTF,4 IN.DEPTH S.Y. 13,600 $14.00$ 192400.00 $445$ 60,57000 $6.00$ 81,600.6D $6.00$ 306,600.00 $4.26 S 57,80000 $4.00$ 54,400.09 54.60$ 62,560.00 $000 5 61,600.00 121 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE,6 IN.DEPTH 3,Y. 460 $16,00$ 7,350.00 $11.60$ 4,046,0D $29.0D$ 13,340.00 $10,00_$ 4,600.00 $1050$ 4,830,50 514.00 5 6,440.00 $14.00$ 6,440.00 $7.00$ 3,220.00 122 CRUSHED SURFACING BASE COURSE B IN.DEPTH 5.Y. 13,600 _ $12.00$ 244,800.00 56.00$ 108,800.00 $9,00$ 121,400,00 $12..00$ 163,200.00 $600$ 106,300,00 $7.00$ 55,200,00 $9.00$ 122,400.00 $13.00 S 176,300.00 123 GRAVELDRIVLWAY,3 IN.0EPT1 S.Y. 200 $25.00$ 5,00000 $7,00$ 1,400.00 $55.00$ 11,000.00 $39.00_$ 7,300.00 $8.00.$ 1,600.00 $11.00$ 2,200.00 $25.00$ 5,1300.00 $11.00$ 2,200,00 124 GRAVEL DRIVEWAY,6IN,DEPTH S.Y. 80 $30.00$ 2,400.013 $13.00$ 1,040.00 $52.00$ 4,960.00 $5990$ 4,720,00 $17.00 $ 1,36000 $15.00$ 1,000,001 $19AO $ 2,320.00 $19.00$ 1,520.00 125 HMACL 3/0184.00640-28,0E6.DEPTH _ S.Y. 12,200 $1100$ 196,900.00 56.61$ 107,604.00 510,50$ 123,100.00 563E $ 101,62690 $11.00$ 134,200.00 53.00$ 97,60000 $9.00$ 109,800,130 $11.00$ 134,200.00 126 H NIA CL.3/B(N.PG 64 H-28,3 IN.DEPTH 5.Y- 960 $25.00$ 11,50600 $14,05 $ -6,963.00 $20SlL$ 9,430.00 523.26$ 6099.60 530.00$ 13,800.00 $13.00$ 6,980,00 $13.00$ 5,980.00 $17.00$ 7,020.04) 127 _HMA CT.1/21N.PG 64H-26,41N.PEPTFI 5.Y, 12,200 520.00$ 244,000.00 $17,03 $ 207.766.00 518.00 $ 219,6110.00 $16.07 $ 196054.00 _ $15,00$ 183,000.00 515.65$ 150,320.00 $15.50$ 369,100,00 $11.00$ 256,200.00 128 COMMERCWLHMA 5.Y. BO _ 5100.00$ 8,000.00 $47.30 5 3,776.0D $6350.5 5,080.00 54459 $ 3,567.23 $42.00$ 3,360.00 544.00$ 3,520.001 593.0E$ 3,440.1T0 555.00$ 4,40000 329 ASPHALT COST PRICE ADJUSTMENT CALL. 1 $ 26,000.00 5 20,060.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 20,009.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000,00 130 UTILITY CASTING DEPTH COMPLIANCE CALC. I $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ _ (1.00) $ (1,00) $ (1,00). $ 11.00) $ 11.00) $ (1.06( 131 106 MIX COMPLIANCE PRICE ADJUSTMENT CAI,„ I $ (LOD) $ (1.06) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00) $ (1,00) $ (1,00) 132 COMPACTION FAMCEAD)USTMENT CALL 1 $ (1.00) 5 (1.00) $ (1.00) _ $ 11.00) $ (1.00) $ (1.00 $ (1.00) $ (1.00) 133 EROSION CONTROL AND WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION L,5. 1 520,000.00$ 213,000.00 $31,500.00$ 31,300.00 S33,240.00 5 33,14000 $6.033,00$ 6,083.00 $24,900,00$ 24,1200.00 $9,500.00$ 9,500.00 525,000.00$ 25,000.00 97.524.00$ 7,524.013 134 ,HIGHVI5161UTY 511T FENCE LF. 5,400 $5.00$ 27,0069E $5.62$ 30048.00 $5,90$ 31,860.0E $4.00$ 21,600.0E $6.00$ 32,409.00 S5.00$ 27,0013.00 $5.00_$ 27,000,00 _ $5.00$ 27,000.00 135 SEEDING,FERTILIZING AND MULCHING S.Y. 6,350 $4.00$ 75,400,80 $1-51$ 9,652.00 51,60$ 10,166.00 $1,00$ 6,350.0E $0.9E$ 5,715.00 SLIM$ 6,350.00 51.2E$ 7,620.00 S100$ 6,350.00 136 TOPSOIL TYPE C,3INCH DEPTH 5.Y. 5,100 55.00$ 25,5170.00 56.00$ 46800.00 53.FD 5 28,050.00_ $5.75$ 29,325.0E 57.00 5 35,700.00 57.30$ 07,730.130 $7.50$ 58.250.00 $5.00$ 25,500,0E 137 TOPSOIL TYP 6 A,1216C11 DEPTH S,Y. 1,250 $23.00$ 31,25090 523,00$ 36250.0E $2200$ 27,500,00 529,90$ 25,000.0E 52698$ 32,500.90 526.00$ 32,500.0E $25.00$ 31,7,50.00 520.00$ 37,500.00 133 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REVISION EST. 1 _ $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.0E $ 10000.00 $ 10,00000 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,009.00 $ 10,00000 139 CEMENT CONC.TRAFFICCURB AND GUTTER LF. 4,700 520.0D$ 94,000.00 R $12.12 $ 56,917.00 $15. 5 70,500.0E $9.00$ 42.300.00 514.5E$ 63,150.00 $14,50$ 68,150.00 51500$ 70,560.00 52000$ 99,000.00 140 CEMENT CONC.PEDESTRIAN CURB LF, 220 $25.00$ 5,500.00 $23.65$ 5,247.00 5345E$ 7,590.0D $30.00$ 6E60000 $313.00$ 6600.00 52650$ 5,630.00 $22.00$ 4,890.0E $32.00$ 7,090.00 141 PAINT LINE LF. 720 52.0E$ 1440,00 $1.15$ 828.00 $1.20$ 864.00 $1.00$ 783.20 $1.20$ 654.00 _ $1.30 $ 936.00 6100 5 720.00 62.00$ 1,440.00 142 PSASTIC UNE LF. 12,900 55.110$ 64,500.00 $265 $ 34,185.00 $7-60J5 36,120.00 $2.49 5 32,121E00. $2.75 $ 35,475.00 52.50$ 32,230.00 $150$ 32,250.00 53.00$ 38,700.00 143 PLASTIC WIDE LANE LINE L.F, 700 $6,00$ 5,60600 56.4E$ 4,522,00 $6.30$ 4,760130 $8,10$ 4,179.00 S7.00$ 4,900.0E $5.00$ 3,500.0E $6.00$ 4,200.00 $6.00.$ 4,200.00 144 PLASTIC STOP LINE E.F. 100 $15.00_$ 1,5009E $13,77 $ 1,377-00 $14.50$_ 1,450.00 $12.99$ 1,299.00 $14.50$ 3,450,00 $36.50$ 1,559.00 $33.0E$ 1,300.0E $2i-00$ 2,100.00 145 PLASTIC CROSSWALK UNE- S.F. 160 $10.00$ 1,600.00T 5930r5 3,488.0E $9.8f1 S 1,568.00 $8.75$ 1,400.00 $9.75§ 1,560.0E $6.50$ 1,360A0 $9,00$ 1,440.00 $11.00 5 1,760.00 146 PLASM BICYCLE LANE SYMBOL EACH 3 $500.40_$ 1,500.00 $190.00$ 570.00 $196.9E$ 585.0E $115.01$ 525.06 519590$ 585.00 e $165.00-1 495.00 $175,00$ 525.0E $213.00$ 639.00 147 PAINTED RAILROAD CROSSING SYMOOt EACH 1 $1,500.00$ 1,500.00 $253.00$ 253.00 $767.00$ 25700 $233,66 5 233.66 $265.00$ 265.0E 0 $51$.00$ 515.0E 5240.0E$ 240.00 $667.00$ 667.00 148 FLASTMCTRAFFIC ARROW EACH 20 - $25600$ 5,000.00 $174.00$ 2,460.00 $131.80$ 2,620.00 $116.66$ 2,333.60 $130.00$ 2,600.00 $98.00$ 1,960,00 $115.00$ 2,300.00 $127.00$ 2,549.90 149 DELINEATOR CORE LF. 540 $30.00$ 39,200.00 $4600$ 25,600.00 $75.00 $ 48,640.00 $67.93_$ 93,941.2E $75.00 $ 46,000.00 $0.00$ 30720.00 $3600$ 73,040.00 $4600$ 29,4E10.00 150 ITS SYSTEM LS. 1 315,000.00$ 15,001.00 - $70,727.00 5 70,72700 533, 0.1E$ 83,070.00 $67.659,20$ 67,69930 663,000,0E$ 83,000.0E $65,000.03$ 65,000.00__ $110,000.L10$ 11000000 590,3913.00$ 90,390.00 151 PERMANENT SIGNING L5. 1 $20000,0E$ 20,000.00 $14,700.80$ 14,700.00 015A90.4007 $ 15,490.00 $13.842,14 1 13,64219 $15,50000$ 15,500.00 513,550.00$ 13,559.00 513,500.00$ 13,300.90 $20,174.00$ 20,179.00 152 PROIECTTEMPDRART TRAFFIC CONTROL LS, 1 5109000.00$ 100,000.00 5135,000.00 $ 155,000.00 590,320.10$ 90,320.00 $64,702.72$ 64,702.72 $121,200.03$ 321,300.00 550,000.00$ 50,000,00 $110,000013$ 210,000.00 $57,66200$ 67,662.0E 153 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING 1.5. 1 530,000,00$ 30,000,08 526,600.0E$ 26,000.00 530,150.60$ 30,190.0D $33,621.01$ 31,621.01 $30,000.00$ 30,000.00 $32,5 0.00$ 32,000.00 $27,500,09$ 27,500.00 $36.020.00$ 36,020.00 154 AOA FEATURE05 SURVEYING L5. 1 $5,000.00$ 5,040.00 $9,000.00 $ 4,000.00 54,215.0,E$ 4,215.00 $3,226.00$ 3,226.00 $4.300.00$ 4,200.00 $10500.00$ 1,500.9E $3,500.00$ 3,500.00 $3,335.00$ 3,335.00 15$ TRAINING HOUR_ 400 $20.0E$ 6,900.0E $55,00 $ 22,000.00 $13.L'0$ 5,200.D6 $55,72$ 22,26BA0 $1.20$ 480.00 $125.00$ 50,000,00 $1.00$ 400.00 $65.00$ 20.400.0E 15$ PREPARATION FOR WINTERSUSPENSION L5. 1 $50,000.00$ 50,000.00 $3,000.130$ 3,000.00 $17.03600$ 17,030.00 $16,562D0$ 16,562.00 $10.000.00$ 10,000.00 $39,000.00$ 39,0110.00 $15,000,00 $ 15,000.00 $7,107.00$ 7,1137.00 /57 SPCC PLAN LS. 1 550.00$ 500.00 6690.0E$ 600.06 $594.50$ 564.00 5521.00 S 521.0E $600.00$ 600.0E 54,000.09$ 4,006,00 5500.9E 5 500.00 5256800$ 2,668,00 153 CHAIN UN6FENCETYPE4 . IF. 780 $30.00$ 23,401.0E $3035$ 23,673.0E $32.00 $ 24,960.00 $26.64 $ 22,399.20 $32.00$ 14,960.00 SHIM$ 21,390,00 $29.00$ 22,620,00_ $35,00$ 27,300.00 159 DOUBLE 14 FT.CHAINUNK GATE EACH 1 $2,000.00$ 2,000.00 51.600,00$ 1,400.00 $1,425.00 $ 5,925.00 $1,272.64$ 1,272.84 51,400.00$ 1,400,130 $1,300.00$ 1,300.0E $1,250.00$ 1,250.00 $1.601.110$ 1,601.00 _ 160 ADJUST EXISTING CATCH BASIN OR DRYWELL EACH 4 $500,00$ 2,000.00 $540.00$ 2,160.00 $909.00 5 3,236.00 5639,0E$ 2,556,00 $830.00 5 3,320.0E $1,30050$ 3,200,00 $1,000.00_$ 9,000.00 $470E.6 $ 1,880.0E 151 ADJUST GAS VALVE EACH 3 350300$ 1,500,00 5525,00$ 1,575,00 $319.00$ 987.00 $362.00_$ 1,245.00 $600.130$ 1,800.00 $80090$ 2,400.0E $750.00 5 2.250.00 5539.00$ 3,617,0E 162 CURB IHLET,TYPE 1 EACH 5 $750.00$ 3,750.00 5123.00$ 625.00 $212.00$ 1.060.00 597.0E$ 485.00 5150.170$ 750.00 $115.00$ 575,00 $270.00$ 1,100.09 $467.00$ 2,355,0E 103 CEMENT CONCRETFORIVEWAY APPROACH S.Y, _ 350 570.00-$ 24,500.00 $74.00$ 25,900.00 $75,50$ 26425.00 $90.60$ 31,500.0E $75.00$ 2625000 $59,00$ 20,650.0E $90.00$ 31,500.00_ $79.00$ 27,656.0E 164 CEMENT CONC.SIDEWALK 53. 100 $50.00$ 300000 $50.00$ 5,000.00 5510E$ 5,100.00. $66.FA$ 5,601100_ _ $96.00$ 4,800.00 $37.00$ 3,700.00 $5$.00$ 5,500,00 $61.0E$ 6,100.00 165 CEMENT CONC.CURB RAMP TYPE SINGLE DIRECTION EACH 5 $4.50000 5 22,500.00 $1,025.00$ 9.125.00 $2,070.00$ 10,350,00 $/743.09$ 8,740.110 $2,000,00$ 30,00000 $1,500,00$ 7,5110.00 $1,500.00$ 7,500.00 54,343.0E$ 25,715.00 166 CEMENT CONC.CURB RAMP TYPE PARALLEL A EACH I $2,000.00$ 2,000.00 0,19100$ 3,791.00 $1,675.00$ 1,975.00 $1,453.00$ 1,453.00 51,280.00$ 1,230.00 $1,000.00$ 1,000.00 $3,200.00$ 1,200.0E 55,145,0E$ 5,1450 157 CEMENT CONC.CURB RAMP IYPE PARALLEL EACH 1 57,000,00$ 2,060.00 $1,270.00$ 1,270.00 51,475,0E$ 1,475.00 81,453.0E$ 1,453,00 $1,260.0 $ 1,280,00 $1,000.00$ 1,000.00 51,200.0E$ 1,200.00 $4,743.00$ 4,743.00 168 MONUMENT CASE AND COVER EACH 17 $1,000.00$ 17,000.00 $245.03$ 9,165.00 $929.133$ 15,793.00 5430.00$ 7,395.00 5E2600 5 14,042.00 $500.00$ 6,500.00 5750.0E$ 12,750,00 $805.00$ 10,251,00 169 MAIL BOX SUP PORT ME EACH 4 $500.0E$ 2,000.00 5365.00 $ 1,460.00 $3136.00$ 1.544.00 $374.00$ 1,496.00 $590.00$ 2,360.00 $500.00$ 2,000.00 5500.0E$ 2,000.00 $356.04$ 3.524.00 470 MINOR CHANGE CALL. 1 5 20000,00 $ 20.000,00 $ 20000.0D _ 5 20,00000 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 26,000.01 $ 20.000.OD 3174E01J1E 6.1107A1 5 71656,787.11E $ 1,170,627,50 $ ,$ 1,676,766.63 $ 1,694,77‘.60 $ 2,071,341,00 $ 2.116,499.00 $ 2,242,435.0E • ID110PL4 6-WAUR RV.D0T109. 200 MOBILIZATION L5. 1 $6,000.00$ 6009.00 55,211600$ 5,2069E $5,6001q$ 5,30600_ 525,43600$ 25,436.00 525.0000E$ 25,00000 S14.000.00$ 14.000.00 550001,00$ 5,000.00 $5,000.00 5 5,000.0E 201 PVC PIPE FOR WATER MAIN GIN.DIANE LF, 20 $40,00$ 600.00' 593.00$ 960.00 $32.30$ 550.00 $49,00$ 960.00 $63,00$ 660,00 $195.00$ 3,920.00 $27,50$ 550,0E $45,00$ 900.00 202 PVC PIPE FOR WATER MAIN BIN,01,40.4. L.F._ 60 545.0E$ 2700,00 $65.00$ 3,900.00 $47.00$ 2,820.00 $37.00$ 2,210.00 $57.00$ 3,420.0E $124,4/0$ 7,440.00 $75.00$ 4,500.60 $62.00$ 3,720.0E 203 PVC PIPE FOR WATER MAIN 101N.DAM. LF. 6017 $50.00$ 30,060.,1E $59.00$ 35,4010.00 $40.50$ 24,300.0E_ $30.00$ 18,000.00 - $59.00$ 40,300.00 $63.0$ 36,600.00 $60.00$ 36,000.00 $50.00$ 31 000.00 204 CONNECTION TOFXISITNGWATER MAIN EACH 2 52,00000$ 4,000.60 53,145.0E$ 7,690.00 $3,500.50$ 7,000.00 54,165.0E$ 8,330.0E 5970.0E$ 1,960.00 $8,300.04 5 16,600.00 $1,1350.00$ 5,760.0E $6511.00$ 13,022,06 205 PIPE CASING LF. 120 $50.OL1$ 6,000.0E $53.00$ 6,360.00 $34.50 5 4,190.60_ 512,0E 5 1,440,00 $66.00$ 7,920.00 $95A0$ 11.400,00 $100A0$ 12,000.00 $76.00$ 9,120,00 TOO GATE VALVE,6IN. EACH 1 $1,00090~$ 3,000.00 $1,700.00$ 7700,00 51,185,0E$ 1,165,00 $1,799.00$ 7,799.00 53,000,0E$ 3.000.00 $1,700,00$ 2,700.00 52,000.0E$ 2,000.00 _ 52,166.00$ 2,16500 207 GATE VALVE,81N. EACH_ 1 51,000.00 5 1,000.0E $2,200.00 5 7,200,00 $1�995.00$ 1,495.00 52903,00$ 2,60300 53,500,0E 5 3,500.0E 52,300.0E$ 2,300.00 $2,500.00$ 2,500.0E $2,725.00$ 2,725.00 203 GATE VALVE,101N. EACH 2 _ $1,500.66 $ 3,000.9E $9,300.00 5 8,600.0E $7,030.00:_5 4.O60.W $2,B8L00$ 5,769.00 $3,900.00 5 7,000.00 $3,200.00$ 6,400.00 $9.000.00$ 6,000,00. 33,526.00$ 7,056.00 209 HYDRANT ASSEMBLY EACH 1 S5D00.00$ 5,000.00 $3,475.00$ 3,475,00 54,500.0E 5 4,50D,00 $5,019.00'$ 5,019,00 $4,300.00$ 4,300.00 54,800.00$ 4,600.00 $3,000.00$ 3,000.00 55,987.10$ 8,587,0E 210 5E0016EC0601EC0014 119.01AM. EACH 2 $500.013 $ 3,000.00 $1,640.00$ 3,280.0E $1,010.00$ 2,020.00 596100$ 1,902.00 51,10050$ 2,2001301 32,700.0E$ 5,900.00 $1,750.00$ 2,506.00 52,164.0E S 4,328.00 211 SERVICE CONNECTION 11N.OIAM,PIPE L.F. 60 $20.00$ 1,200.00 $37.00 5 2,220.00 $1.30 5 78.00 530,0E S 1,800.00 $35.00$ 7,100.0E 574,0E$ 4,490,00 550.0E$ 3,1306.00 546.0E$ 2,380.00 212 CI3NSTRIJCTION 5580EY4663 LS, 1 55,000.90$ 5.000,0E $1260.00$ 1,260.00 $1,1130.00$ 1,200.410 $1.261.00$ 3,263.00 $1,300,00$ 1,300..0E $3,000.00$ 3,000.00 $1,200.00$ 1,2013,00 5670,0E$ 670.00 213 TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY SYSTEM LS. 1 55,000.00$ _ 5,000.00 S565.00$ 555.00 $15$.00$ 15590 S616.00$ 816.00 53,000.0E$ 3,000.00 54,000.0E 5 9,006.00 $5,000.00$ 5,000,00 $2,500.00$ 2,500.01) 214 MINOR CHANGE CALL. 1 $ 2500.00 $ 2,500.00 _Al 2,5130.00 $ 2,50090 S 2,500.00 $ 2,500,00 $ 2,500,00 $ 2,500130 0491E00L68-TOTAL 5 74,100,00 $ 65.310.00 $ 61.004.00 $ 66139.0E $ 113,640.0E 5 139,900,0E 5 69,450,00 .5 08,674.00 • 101'2 BID TABULATION ...N.,Barker Road Widening Project • SVokane Project CIP No.0275 j Valley allley ENGINE6R5 ESTIMATE OW EXCAVATING MOM CO10T11UC710N L4R3YYERE1I4C. SHAMRGCK PAVING ROLLING ROCK EXCAVATING N.A.OE5E657ROM INC. BIG S1Y19 ITEM 9 DE$CR►TION UNITS 330ANT13Y UNIT PRICE 1 TOTAL COST UNIT PRICE I_ T017110057 UNITPOICE I TOTAL COST UNIT PRICE I TOTAL005T T UNIT PRICE I TOTAL COST UNIT PRICE I TOTAL COST UNIT PRICE I TOTAL COST UNRPRILE I TOTAL LOST f 12110ULU FWATER NW N IMPROVEMENTS IUD MOBILIZATION LS. 1 515,000.00'$ 15,13001D $7,915.00$ 2.915.00 515,000.00$ 16,000.00 S27.094.00$ 27,094.0o $13,000.00$ 18,000.00 511,000.00 5 12,000.130 51%00000$ 30,000,00 $17,000.00$ 12,000.00 301 PVC PIPE FOP.WATER MAIN 61N.DOOM, I Lf. SO $40.00$ 2,000.00 $61.50$ 3,075,00 $3150$ 1,675,00 574.60$ 3,700.00 $5400$ 7,700.00 $162.00$ 8,100110 $70.00$ 3,500.00 $74.00$ 3,700.00 _ 302 PVC PIPE FOR WATER MAIN 81N.DOOM. LF. 100 $45.00$ 4,500.00 $54.50$ 5,45000 $47.00'$ 4,70020 $75.00$ _ 7,300.00 $55.00$ 5,509.00 $78.00$ 7,800.00 $70.00$ 7,000.00 _ $65.00$ 6,500,00 303 PVC PIPE FOR WATER MAIN 10 IN.DIAM. U. 1,870 $50.00 5 93,500.00 $45.110$ 84,15000 $4050$ 75,735.051 $52,00$ 97.240.00 $64.00$ 113,660.00 5E0.00$ 112,2000.00 $50.00$ 93,500.00 $44.00$ 87,280.00 304 PVC pIPL FOR WATER MAIN 12 IN.D LAM. ' L.F. 120 $60,03$ 7.200.00 $324.00$_ 14,8E0.013 59B.D0$ 11,760.00 $63.00,$ 7,560.00 $60.00$ 9,600,00 $116,00$ 13,920,00 $80,00$ 9,600.00 $191.00$ 15,720.0E1 305 C044Ec1100 TO EXISRNG WATER MAIN EACH 6 52.600.00$ 22,000.00 $2,790.90 $ 16,940.00 $5,000.00$ 18,130000 54,186.0$ 74,900.013 $125.00$ 4,950.00 53,600.00$ 21.600,00 $1,500.00$ 9,000.00 54,926,00$ 99,556.00 306 PIPE CASING LF. 1E0 $50,00,$ 9,000.00', S413.00 5 9690,00, $39.00$ 7,020.00 028,00$ 5,040,00 $65.09$ 11,700.00 $66.00$ 31,080.00 590.00$ 14,400,00 579.00$ 14,220.00 307 GATE VALVE,6 IN. EACH 4 $1,000.00$ 4,000.00 $5,245.00$ 4,9E0.00 51,105.00$ 4,740.00 $1,799.00,$ 7,195.00 $7,450,00$ 9,800.90 $1,700.00$ 6,80E100 $1,850.00$ 7,400.00 $2,492.00$ 9,268.00 306 ,GATE VALVE,8 IN. EACH 2 51,000.00 S _ 2000.00. 01,610.00$ 3,670,00 51,495.00$ 2,990.00 $2603.00$ 5,605.00 53,000310$ 6,000330 52,300,00$ 4,600.00 .52,500.00,$ 5,000.00 01,916.00,$ 5,1332.013 309 GATE VALVE,IO IN. EACH 5 51,500,00 6 7,500.00 $1,715.00$ 13,575.00 52,03000$ 10,150.00 62.802.00$ 14,410.00 $3,500.00$ 17,50000. $3,100.00$ 15,300,00 $3,000.00$ 15.000.00 53,7E0,00$ 18,490.00 310 GATE VALVE,12113. EACH 1 02,000.00$ 2000.00 58,500.03$ 9,500.00 $2,751013$ 7,750,00 5%140.00,$ 3,140.00 54,303,00$ 4,300.00, $3,990.00$ 3,900.00 03,250,00$ 3,250.80 $4,177,00$ 4,127,00 311 COMBINATION AIR RELEASE/AIR VACUUM ASSEMBLY EACH 1 S15,000.00$ 15,000.00 $4,30E.00$ 4,300.00 S4,500.00$ 4,500,00 $7,705.00$ 2,705.110 53,450,00$ 3,45000 513,010.00$ 13,010.00 53,50200$ 3,500.00 $5,339,00$ 5,399.00 312 HYDAANTASSEMBLY EACH 2 $5,000.00$ 10,00001 56,00E.60$ 12,000.00 56,50000_$ 13,000,00 $5,019.00$ 10,03E00 57,000,00 0 14,000.00 55,000.00$ 10,000.00 55,000,00$ 10,000,00 59,791.00$ 19,512.00 313 SERVICE CONNECII ON I IN.DIAM. EACH 5 $500.00$ 2,500.00 $1,140,00$ 5,700.00 $1,160.00$ 5200,00 $911.00$ 4,005.00 $1,050,00$ 5.250.00 $2,100.00$ 10,500,00 $1,250.00$ 6,2$0.00 $7,144.00$ 10,720.00 314 'SERVICE CONNECTION 11N.IMAM.PIPE LE. 100 $10.00 5 3,209.00 $32.00$ 5,120,00 5110$ 376.00 $30.00 S 4,800.00 $3$.00$ 5,6001)0 391.00$ 6,550.00 550.00$ 8,000.00 $22.06$ 3,520.00 315 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING LS. I $6,000.00$ 5,003.00 $1,60026$ 1,800.00 $3,50000$ 3,300.00 $1,723.00$ 1,72E100 $1,700.90$ 1,700.00, $4,000.00$ 4,00000 $1,500.00$ 1,500.00 $2,546.00$ 2,546.00 316 TRENCH EXCAVATION SAFETY SYSTEM LS, I 55,0000E$ 54000.00 $3,165.01)$ 3,3.65.00 $558.00$ 558.00 521900E$ 2,190,0E 53.000.00$ 3,000.00 $4,000.00$ 4,000.00 55,000,0E$ 6,00990 53,138.00$ 3,138.00 317 MINOR CHANGE CALL. . I $ 110100 $ 2,500.00 $ 23E0,00 $ 2,5130.00 $ 2,500,0E $ 220000 r $ 2,506.0E._ $ 2,500.0E SCHEDULE[-SUBTOTAL 5 201,900.0E $ 193,610.0E $ 165,504.00 6 237.3010E $ 241,730,0E S 256260.00 $ 214,400,00 $ 248,00100 501EOULE CS'ALESTAX 5 17,959,10 $ 17,0913 $ 16,509.66 $ 20,6713.44 $ 37,02587 1. $ 23,926.54 $ 19,0EI.s0 $ 21072.71 SCHEDULE 0-TOTAL $ 219,569.5E $ 213,019,29 $ 202,013.6E, S 753,020,44 $ 257,055.97 $ 292,750,59 $ 233,41_50 5 270,040.71 SCHEDULE 315E WEll IMPROVEMENTS 400 MOBILIZATION L.S. I 523,00000$ 23,000,00 $1,200.00 5 1,200.00 $32,450.00$ 32950.00 $165,993.00 $ 1E8,993.00 517,000,00$ 17,000.00 533,000.00$ 55,003.00 $25,000.00$ 25,000,0E 536,01000 5 30,010.00 401 UTILITY POTHOLE EACH 5 560020$ 3,000.00 $315.00$ 1,575.00 5650.00$ 3,250.0E 5443.00,$ 2,215.00 5310.0E$ 1,550.00 55000E$ 2,500.00 $950.00$ 2250.00 5706.0E$ 3,530.00 402 MANHOLE TYPE148 EACH 5 $4,500.00$ 22,500A7_ _ $1.97000 $ 14,85000 53,820.00$ 14,100.00 52640.00$ 13,200.00 55,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $4,000.00 S 20,000.00 56,00100$ 30,000.00 $6,062.001$ 30,310,130 403 MAN103127YPE 1.60 EACH 1 06,000,00$ 6,000.00 $3,000.00$ 3,000.00 $3,035.03$ 3,1335,00 $13,315.00$ 13,315.00 55,500,0E$ 5,5013.00 54,100.00$ 4,100,00 $9000.00 5 9,000.00 $10,103.10-$ 10,203.0E 409 MANHOIETEST EACH 6 5500.0E 5 3,000,0E $460.00 $ 2,76000 _ $451.0$ 7,602,00 $161.00 5 966.00 51,100.90$ 6,6130.00 5900.00$ 5,400.00 $500.00 $ 3,110000 51.242.00$ 7,452.00 405 EXTRA DEPTH MANHOLE Y.F. 12 $100.011$ 1,70000 590.00$ 1,009.0E 55.90$ 7090 5770.0E$ 2,690.00 5270.00$ 3,24E1.00 5177.0E$ 2,124,00 $50.00 S 600.00 5509.0E$ 6,108.00 436 REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF UNSUITABLE FOUNDATION MATERIAL C.Y. _ 50 $S0A0$ 2,500.90 560.0E$ 3,000.00 546.5E$ 2,3255.00 $36.00$ 1,600.90 $63.00 S 3,150.00 553,00$ 2,650.00 $30.00$ 1,500.0E $S6A0$ 2,800.00 407 ROCK EXCAVATION CY. 50 $75.00$ 3,756.00 5151,00$ 7,550.00 $23.50 5 1,250.00 $155.00 5 8,250.0E 5$175.130$ 6,750400 $20023$ 10,000.0E $100.00$ 5,000.00 $161.00$ 2050.00 408 TRENCHEXCAVATIONSAFBTY SYSTEM-SEWER LE. 4.93E $1.00$ 4,930.0E $3.00$ 14,790.00 Silas$ 1,232.$0 $1.00$ 4,930.07 $1.25 $ 6,162,SO $2.00$ 9,850.00 $2.00$ 9,856.0E 3103$ 4,930.Op 409 IMPORTED ME BEDDING LE, 4,930 $5.00$ 24,650t0� ;6.50$ 41,905.E0 $7.00$ 3951000 $350$ 17,755.00 $4,15$ 23,91050 $20,80$ 56,600.00 $9.25 $ 70,952.50 $9,00$ 44,370.00 410 a-INCH DUCTILE IRON FORCE MAIN SEWSS R PIPE L.P. 2,2R0 $30.00 j3 109,000.00 5567110 $ 146,060.00 $56.00$ 122.086.00 $51..00$ 111,180.0E 580.0E$ 174,400,00 $57.00$ 124,260.00 $50.00$ 130,800.00 $76.00$ 105,650.00' 411 FORCE MAIN VALVES EACH I $31000A0 5,000,5E $2,350.00$ 2300.00 52,245.00$ 2,245,00 $2,7E6.00$ 2,766.00 52,75050$ 2,75000 52,4000E$ 2,400.00 52,500.0E$ 2,500.00 $3,613.0$ 3,613.00 412 &INCH GRAVEN SEWER PIPE LE. 1,760 $50.00���^^^^ 89,000.00 $59.0E$ 103,840,00 $56.50$ 99,440.0E $50.00$ 86,000130 $97.00$ 82,720.00 50730$ 47.520.130_ $65.00$ 114900,00 S57,00$ 100,320.0E 413 MAINLINE CROSSING AC WATER LINFS EACH 5 $1,000.LI0$ 5,000.00 $3,333.00$ 16,665.00 $1,560,03$ 7,800.00 $6,4200E$ 42105.00 $4,500A0$ 72,500.1E $4,000.50$ 20,000.0E $9.000.00$ 45,0000E $6,410.00$ 32250.00 414 SIDE SEWERS-INCH X4-INCH TEE EACH 1, $1r0A0$ 7,700.00 5E100$ 907.00 $03.00$ 996.0E $310.00$ 3,476.00 $330.013$ 4,7913,00 5500.00$ 5,930.00_ 5350.00$ 3,550.00 _ 5282,130$ 3,157.00 415 SIDE SEWERB.INCH X 64NCIl TEE EACH 5 $121300$ 600,0 $91.00$ 45500 $95.00$ 480.00 $325.00$ 1,625.0E $400.00$ 2,OD0.00 $600.00$ 3,000.5E $350.00$ 1,75000 $318,00$ 1,590.00 416 SIDE SEWER RISER 4-INCH EACH 11 $60.00$ 880.0E $45.00$ 995,00 $52.00$ 572,00 $913.00$ 10,753.00� $530.00$ 5,830,00 5600.00 $ 8,000.00 $1,930.01$ 13,000.00 51,035.0E$ 11,275.00 417 510E SEWER RISER 6-INCH EACH 5 $100.0E$ 500.00 579.00$ 395.0E 513100 5 405.00 51,075.00$ 5,375.0E 5665.00$ _ 3,425.00 $900.00$ 4,500.E3 53,2000E$ 6,000.00 $1,163.00$ _ 5,815.0E 418 4-INCH SIDE SEWER PIPE LE. 580 $50.00$ 29,000.00 $54,05$ 31,320.00 $61.50§ 35,670.00 $21.00$ 12,180.0E $$9.00$ 34,220.00 $33.30 $ 19,140.0E $40.00$ 23,200,00 $46.00$ 25,680.00 419 64NCHSIOE SEWER PIPE LF. 200 $45.00$ 11,000.0E $56.00$ 17,200.00 $08.9E$ 39,600.00 $9L0D S 8,200.00 $64.00$ 12,800.00 $49.00$ 9,80D.00 $40.00_$ 8,000.0D $51.03$ 10200.00 420 R.INCH SIDE 51WER EIRE L.F. 2353 $63.00'$ 13.800.0E $SB.00$ 13,340.00 $115.4D$ 26,450.00 $53.00 5 12,190,00 $55.00$ 14,95000 $48..00$ 11.040.00 $eo.00$ 1E1,400.00 $59.00 5 12,420.00 421 CONNED-ETU EXISTING MANHOLE EACH 2. -- $2,500.09$ 5,000.0E $3,350.00$ 2,700,0E $7,815.35$ 3,630.00 53,932.0E$ 7,8fi4,OD _$660.00$ 1,3200E $2,60000$ 5,100.00 $6,500.00$ 9,000.0E $5,204.00$ 10,408.00 422 SIDE SEWER SLEEVE LE. 220 __ $56.0E$ 11,000,0E $10.00 $ 2,200.00 $15,00$ _ 3,300,00 $12.00$ 2,590.00 $32.00$ 7,090.0E $39,0E$ 8,5130.00 $25.00$ 5,500.00 $53.00$ 11,560.00 423 CROSSING AC WATER LINES EACH 12 51,00,00 0 12,000.00 $725.0E $ 5.700,00 5343.60$ 4,000.00 5127.00$ 2,124.0E $3,500.00$ 42,000.00 $3,100.00 5 35,900.00 $7,500.00 5 90,000.00 53,493.00 5 91,796.00 424 PVC PIPE FOR WATER MAIN 6IN,DIAM. LU. 100 $40,00$ 4,000.00_ $20.00 $ 2,600.00 5107.0E$ 19,700.00 $54.00$ 5,400.00 $50.00$ BA00.00 $76.00$ 7,600.0E 565.0E$ 6,500.00 $51.00$ 5,100.00 425 PVC PIPEFDR WATER MAIN B IN.OIAM. LE. 80 $95,00$ 2,600.00 $4300$ 3,44000 $109,00$ 8.720,0E $56.00$ 4,4EO.W $84o0$ 6,720.00 $9100 S 7,280.00 $65.00$ 5,2E0.00 $43,00$ 3,440.00 926 PIPE CASING LF. 20 _ $50.00$ 1,000.0E $62.00$ 1,240.00 $55.00 5 L30.00 521.0E$ 5600E ' $30.00$ 600.30 $50.00$ 1,000.0E $93.00$ 1,000.00 $73.00$ 1,440.00 427 CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING LS I $E,00010$ 0,000,00 _ 535,000.00 5 1,609.00 $1,690.00$ 1,69%00 53,602.0E$ 3,81)2.00 $3,700.00$ _ 1,719.0E$ 5,006•00 51,500.0E$ 3,300.00 55,945.0E$ 5,445.0E 425 MINOR CHANGE CALE. 1 $ _ 1.00 ,$ 1.00_ S 1.0E $ 1.00 $ 1.00 $ L.OD $ 100 5 100 501E001E 0-551010341 $ 403,0110E $ 441,521.0E 43_ $ 4 ,9343E $ 557.1900E $ S1iu9,W $ s399ss.00 5 590,161.50 $ 599,733aE SSI9E01/3E17-$07I15 TAX $ 35,967.9E $ 39,25555 $ 39.30.15 $ 49,590.00 $ 47,003.48 $ 47,494.7E $ 52217.35 $ 63,37602 SCHEDULE IYTOTAL $ 935,671.9E $ 440,31RS5 $ 4E3,444.95 $ 69G,61.00 5 575,L3L48 f 51],2A8.70 5 G43,34L95 a ] $ 653,13L02 TOTAL8117 I 5 3,159,745.08 I $ 7,635,769.04I $ 2,781,43E41I $ 1.e16,727.07I $ 2.546,60195 I $ 9,073,E15.341 $ 3,033,150.0S I f 3,739,110,731 CHECNIJST 1 Addenda Acknowledged YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Competitive bids Were opened on Duly 10,2020. I hereby certify to the hest of 14n.1 ✓ 1 1 f 1 r / my ability that this Is a true and correct bid tabulation for the Barker Road No.2 ✓ ✓ . 1 ✓ / 1 Wldenln Project,CIP It 0275 No.3 ✓ ✓ ✓ e ✓ ✓ ✓ ko.9 ✓ ✓ 7 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ No.S ✓ ✓ ✓ f ✓ ✓ ✓ Contractor Certification Wage law Compliance ✓ / ✓ .✓ ✓ By obert Lochmiller,PE Contractor's AdminI,t,,0Ye lnEVnnalion ✓ ✓ ✓ f ✓ ✓ 1 Bidder 4ua11R33013951aLament ✓ ✓ ✓ f 1 ✓ 1 Su630n02actor Ust 1 ✓ ✓ ,. ✓ ✓ ✓ IV Deposit Form ✓ ,, 1 f .-• . ✓ Bld Deposit Surety Form ✓ ✓ 1 f f f ✓ Surety Povl0rotAltomey ✓ ✓ 1 / ✓ ✓ ✓ Representation.and[Scull atIn ✓ e ✓ f ✓ ,. 1 Non-Collusion Eeclaration ✓ I 1 e ✓ ✓ r L6ral Age cry Certification for FederaFAld Contracts ✓ ✓ ✓ f ✓ ✓ r - 2 of