2003, 10-21 Home Profession Application67-ov tsr5► SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF PLANNING HOME PROFESSION APPLICATION File Number: HP- E - 2-I - 07- Fee: PART A: HOME PROFESSION DEFINITION AND CRITERIA The Spokane County Zoning Code defines Home Profession as a profession or craft, excluding an adult bookstore or adult entertainment establishment, carried on within a residence by the occupants, which activity is clearly incidental to the use of said residence as a dwelling and does not change the residential character of the dwelling or neighborhood, and is conducted in such a manner as to not give any outward appearance of a business in the ordinary meaning of the term. An activity which does not comply with the following criteria shall not be deemed a home profession. ere shall be no exterior alterations to the dwelling which changes the residential appearance or character ereof. (2 The use, including all storage space, shall not occupy more than forty-nine (49) percent of the residence's ivable floor area. No home profession shall occupy a detached accessory building. All storage shall be enclosed with the residence. Only members of the family who reside on the premises shall be engaged in the home profession. n]i(One (1) sign identifying a home profession shall be limited in size to a maximum of four (4) square feet, be ghted, and be placed flat against the residence. 0ortThere shall be no window display nor shall sample commodities be displayed outside the building, except that icultural and floricultural products grown on the premises may be so displayed. There shall be no stock stored nor commodity kept for sale on the premises which is not necessary to the rofession or craft. ()All material or mechanical equipment shall be used in a manner as to be in compliance with W AC 173-60 jegarding noise. 0riTraffic generated which exceeds the following standards shall be prima facie evidence that the activity is a mary business and not a home profession. a. The parking of more than two (2) customer vehicles at anyone (I) time. b. The use of loading docks or other mechanical loading devices. c. Deliveries of materials or products at such intervals so as to create a nuisance to the neighborhood. The hours of operation for a home profession shall be limited from seven (7) a.m. to ten ( 10) p.m. The applicant shall specify on the home profession permit the hours of operation. home profession permit shall be issued by the Division of Planning per fee established by the Board. NOTE: The Zoning Code allows Home Professions in the Exclusive Agricultural (EA), General Agricultural (GA), Rural Settlement (RS) zone, and al] residential zones. The application fee is as adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. RECEIVE° CCT 2 1 2003 SPOKAj`Nen OPMENT DEPA„ DEVELO PART B: GENERAL INFORMATION Name of applicant: Mailing address: ! i-(5 I f.. \(-1'1 c , 'TY-1 City: C T F St Legal owner name and address: State: (1 a_ CY\ :3 lcill p( 0 G.Ziot \,_.? SC Phone: (Home) c. s , c) G/ c 1n Ue (Work) (SG n Agent O Yes O No Zip: CC l Parcel Number: Li S 3 Property address: 1 -I j C . !r1 Comprehensive Plan designation: Zoning: PART C: BUSINESS INFORMATION I. What is the total floor area (in sq. ft.) of the residence (including basement)? 2. How much area (sq. ft.) of the residence will be used for the home profession? 14 CID 3. How many members the family residing within the residence will be employed by the home profession? 4. Are all employees members of the immediate family living in the residence? 5. How many parking spaces are available on the property for customers and residents? 6. List the days of the week and hours of operation of the home profession. i'1 — Ci ck-i` CS_ k? 7. Describe the home profession: C05 p-. nk-o( c a 8. Describe the amount and type of storage to be used: 9. What other additional information would you like to submit? cfs 2 I CERTIFY THAT; (I) I AM THE OWNER OF RECORD OR AUTHORIZED AGENT FOR THE PROPOSED SI I E; AND (2) ALL OF THE ABOVE RESPONSES AND THOSE ON SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ARE MADE TRUTHFUL AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I AGREE TO CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE HOME PROFESSION CRIIERIA AS DEFINED IN THE SPOKANE COUNTY ZONING CODE, ANY CONDITIONS IMPOSED UNDER THIS APPLICATION, AND ANY OTHER APPLICABLE LAWS AND ORDINANCES. Signed: \r\^ Q 9 /1 Pit .( l Address: 1I-(%Ia E. fi'viSSiLam( ”gIL PhoneNo.: (23 ``r { C (c 31.?? Date: lv Gt c2 DIVISION File Number: THE DIVISION OF PLANNING APPROVES ABOVE, PURSUANT TO THE ZONING THIS APPROVAL IS SUBJECT TO I The owner/applicant shall comply criteria for the operation of a home 2. The applicant shall comply with OF PLANNING PERSONNEL ONLY HP- F - 9 4 - v"7- THIS HOME PROFESSION FOR THE PROPERTY DESCRIBE CODE OF SPOKANE COUNTY. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND/OR STIPULATIONS: with all requirements and regulations of the Zoning Code and the establishe profession. the following additional conditions: DATED: `U P/0z ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL: REVIEW NOTES: l�< n