20-155.00 Bradley Cassell: Barker Grade Separation Property Settlement 2a �� SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT This settlement agreement is by and between Bradley D. Cassell, a single man ("Cassell"), and the City of Spokane Valley, Washington,a political sub-division of the State of Washington(the"City"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations set forth herein,the parties agree as follows: 1. Recitals. 1.1. The City is the petitioner and Cassell is a respondent in a condemnation petition and amended condemnation petition filed in Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Spokane County as cause no. 19-2-05284-32. A true and correct copy of the amended condemnation petition(the"Amended Petition") filed therein is attached hereto as Exhibit A,which is fully incorporated by this reference. 1.2 The Amended Petition seeks to acquire real property and real property interests for the construction of certain road improvements by the City. Said property is legally described at Exhibit B of the Amended Petition. 2. Settlement. The City and Cassell hereby agree to settle, pursuant to the terms of this agreement, all disputes arising out of the Amended Petition. 3. Compensation for Take and Damages. Subject to the following terms and conditions, the City agrees to pay Cassell,through counsel for Cassell,the total sum of FOUR HUNDRED FIVE THOUSAND and NO/100THS DOLLARS ($405,000.00)(the "Settlement Funds") in exchange for the covenants and obligations contained herein and as full and complete compensation for all losses incurred or claimed by Cassell of whatever kind due to the appropriation described in the Amended Petition. Upon execution of this agreement,the City shall promptly process payment for the benefit of Cassell in the said amount. This amount shall be payable to the trust account of the law firm of Dunn&Black, P.S., for the benefit of Cassell. The Settlement Funds will not be released from the trust account until Cassell delivers the documents identified in paragraph 4 below. 4. Decree of Appropriation and Dismissal. Not later than three days after proper tender of the Settlement Funds identified in paragraph 3 above, Cassell shall execute and deliver to the City a stipulated decree of appropriation in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B(along with executed originals of the deed instruments attached thereto with corresponding excise tax affidavits),together with a stipulated order of dismissal in the form attached hereto as Exhibit C; provided,that Cassell shall also be responsible for obtaining the approvals, stipulations, and signatures of all other parties or their counsel appearing in this action on the decree of appropriation and order of dismissal prior to any disbursal by Cassell's counsel of the Settlement Funds. After full execution by the appearing parties or their counsel,the decree of appropriation and order of dismissal may be entered of record in Court by counsel for the City at any time thereafter, without further notice, the deed instruments may be recorded, and the Settlement Agreement- I Settlement Funds may be disbursed to Cassell. If all parties or their counsel have not executed the decree of appropriation and the order of dismissal as provided herein within fourteen days after the City has tendered the settlement funds to Cassell's counsel, then the funds shall be returned to the City and this settlement agreement shall be null and void. 5. Cassell General Release and Discharge. For and in consideration of Cassell's receipt of the Settlement Funds, except for those obligations created by or arising out of this agreement for which receipt or satisfaction has not been acknowledged herein, Cassell, on behalf of himself as well as his descendants, ancestors, dependents, heirs,executors, administrators, assigns,and successors, and each of them, hereby covenants not to sue and fully releases and discharges the City, as well as all officers, agents,attorneys, insurers, employees,representatives, assigns, and successors,past and present,and each of them, hereinafter together and collectively referred to as "Releasees,"with respect to and from any and all claims,demands, rights, liens, agreements, contracts, covenants,actions, suits,causes of action, obligations, debts, costs,expenses, attorneys' or consultants' fees,damages,judgments,orders and liabilities of whatever kind or nature in law, equity or otherwise,whether now known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected,and whether or not concealed or hidden,which Cassell now owns or holds or has at any time heretofore owned or held as against said Releasees, arising out of or in any way connected with the Amended Petition; provided, however, that this release shall not include negligent acts or omissions of the City and its agents and contractors arising out of the construction of the City's road improvement project related to this matter and as described in the Amended Petition. 6. Warranty of Non-transfer of Released Matter. Cassell warrants and represents that he has not heretofore assigned or transferred to any person not a party to this agreement any released matter or any part or portion thereof and further warrants that he shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City against any claim, including the payment of attorneys' fees and costs actually incurred whether or not litigation is commenced,based on or in connection with or arising out of any such assignment or transfer made,purported, or claimed. Cassell warrants and represents that Cassell has received no notice,and has no actual knowledge, of any claim of any person to any compensation arising in any way out of the Amended Petition that will not be satisfied, resolved,and extinguished by the terms of this agreement and/or the attached stipulated decree of appropriation and order of dismissal. 7. Legal Representation. The City represents that this agreement was prepared by the City with legal representation and that the City's legal counsel has not undertaken to jointly represent the parties. By entering into this agreement, Cassell represents he has had an opportunity to review this agreement with legal counsel of his choosing. 8. Full Understanding and Voluntary Acceptance. In entering this agreement, the parties represent that they have relied upon the advice of their attorneys, who are attorneys of their own choice, and that the terms of this agreement have been Settlement Agreement-2 completely read and explained to them by their attorneys, and that those terms are fully understood and voluntarily accepted by them. Cassell further represents that he has had full opportunity to inspect and review all aspects of the subject property acquisition and proposed resulting construction activity to be undertaken by the City and has approved the same. 9. Headings not Binding; Effective Date. The use of headings in this agreement are only for ease of reference and the headings have no effect on and are not to be considered part of a term of this agreement. The effective date hereof shall be on the date of last execution by a party hereto. 10. Breach. Any failure by a party to perform any action required to be performed hereunder shall constitute a breach of this agreement. In the event of such breach,any non-defaulting party shall be entitled to pursue any and all remedies,both legal and equitable,including without limitation specific performance and/or suit for damages. All terms and provisions of this agreement are material. 11. Agreement not Enforceable by Third Parties. This agreement is neither expressly nor impliedly intended for the benefit of any third party and is neither expressly nor impliedly enforceable by any third party. 12. Authority to Execute. Each person executing this agreement on behalf of another person, corporation,partnership, company, or other organization or entity, represents and warrants that he or she is fully authorized to execute and deliver this agreement on behalf of the entity or party for which he or she is signing. The parties hereby warrant to each other that each has full power and authority to enter into this agreement and to undertake the actions contemplated herein, and that this agreement is enforceable in accordance with its terms. 13. Binding Nature of Agreement. This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties,their heirs,executors,administrators, successors, devisees, assigns and all persons now or hereafter holding or having all or any part of the interest of a party to this agreement. 14. Governing Law, Venue, and Attorney's Fees. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Venue for any action arising out of or relating to this agreement shall lie in Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Spokane County. In the event of a lawsuit to enforce or interpret this agreement,the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the other party its reasonable attorneys' fees incurred at trial and on appeal. 15. Entire Agreement. This agreement contains the entire understanding among the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, including without limitation all aspects of the property acquisition and proposed resulting construction activity to be undertaken by the City. Except as provided herein, there are no other representations, agreements,arrangements, or understandings,verbal or written, between and among the parties relating to the subject matter of this agreement. Settlement Agreement-3 16. Invalidity. Should any provision of this agreement be found to be invalid, illegal,or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be stricken and the remainder of this agreement shall nonetheless remain in full force and effect unless the stricken provision is an essential part of the consideration supporting this agreement, or if the absence of the stricken provision would materially alter the intent of the parties. 17. Counterpart Originals. This agreement(but not the original deed instruments identified in paragraph 4 above)may be executed by facsimile or other electronic means and in any number of counterpart originals, each of which shall be deemed to constitute an original agreement,and all of which shall constitute one agreement. 18. Cooperation. Each party shall cooperate in all ways reasonably requested by the other party to implement the provisions of this agreement. This duty shall include, but not be limited to, Cassell taking any and all actions, including execution of additional real property instruments, reasonably required to vest clear and undisputed title in fee simple absolute in and to the lands described in the Amended Petition with the City. Time is of the essence in this agreement. SO AGREED AND ACCEPTED by witness the signatures appearing below. Bradl D. Cassell, a single man Dated City of pokane V ley ashington By: J(-,V. Its: (Ay Alahler- Dated:_b_lig_2246 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) On this day personally appeared before me Bradley D. Cassell to me known to be the individual who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of himself for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. Settlement Agreement-4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 23 day of ‘, —t ,2020. cluaunulluu„u111I111111IU11111u1nItQ — / ►"latit.A.0 0.in E C �' M.-4-__. NOTARY PUBLIC = /4 Q,_,t,v-e.e 1,1 C C . Cb� Q(t rta.._ sTA�c. 'v WASHINGTON MAUREEN E COX•O'BRIEN g (print or type name) 85067 a NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of MY COMMISSION EXPIRESE Washington,residing at 5 V S lea.-K Q 041141.2 BeinemosuR II jµRY l 01, tutus My Commission expires: 2-- I - 21 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SPOKANE ) // On is day personally appeared before me��/� (?/�i 0 4i,to me known to be thei-f of the Cityof Spokane Valle Washington, a /114'ili 5 e� p y, g , Washington mufiicipal corporation,the municipal corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument,and acknowledged the instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said municipal corporation for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he was duly authorized to execute said instrument on behalf of said municipal corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and seal this L ' day of it U j Ci 1— ,2020. .Z''(OE PA0,4 I Iilll1 $--r' ►�� ii,"r.a,/i (print or type name) 8 + 44- 'g', 0 * NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the Stateof m 94683 �s � Washington, residing at P� a/��e/ i - ', A&Boo =O= = My Commission expires: i� yam ,�,/I�,?9.2,5`;� _ i F ,,„\‘‘;.... C9 lillll°I I IWASN`� Settlement Agreement-5 EXHIBIT A 1 COPY 2 Original Filed 1 APR 2 9 2020 4 Timothy w. F!tzgerald 5 Spokane County Clerk 6 7 8 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SPOKANE 9 I 101 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, a ) NO. 19-2-05284-32 11 Washington non-charter code city, ) 12 Petitioner, ) AMENDED CONDEMNATION 13 v. ) PETITION )14 BRADLEY D. CASSELL,a single man; ) 15 SPOKANE COUNTY,a political ) 1 subdivision of the State of Washington; ) 16 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION ) DISTRICT NO. 19, a quasi-municipal 17 corporation of the State of Washington; ) 18 SPOKANE FIREFIGHTERS CREDIT ) nn 1:,,--- . UNION, a Washington chartered credit ) 19 union; AVISTA CORPORATION,a ) , Washington public utility corporation; 20 CENTURYLINK,INC., a foreign ) 21 i corporation; HIGH-EST, L.L.C.,a ) Washington limited liability company; ) 22 UNITED DRESSED MEATS,INC., a Washington corporation; STATE OF ) 23 WASHINGTON;AMERISTAR MEATS, ) 24 LLC,a foreign limited liability company; ) and also all other persons or parties ) 25 unknown claiming any right,title, estate, ) lien, or interest in the real estate described ) 26 in the petition herein, ) 27 Respondents. 28 29 AMENDED CONDEMNATION PETTTION - 1 N1I NKEJACKSON 13EVER.LI.P 3� 807 North 39'Avenue Yakima,WA 98902 Tckplionc(509)575-0113 Pax(509)575-0351 1 2 3 COMES NOW the petitioner the City of Spokane Valley("the City"),by its counsel of 41 record Menke Jackson Beyer,LLP,and Kenneth W.Harper,and respectfully petitions and 5 , shows to this Court: 6 ' 7 1. That the City is a duly organized and existing Washington non-charter code 8 city,and a municipal corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of 9 Washington engaged in governmental functions and empowered with the right of eminent 10 domain. 11 , 2. That the City of Spokane Valley City Council in Ordinance No. 19-020(the 12 13 "Ordinance"), a certified copy of which is marked as Exhibit A attached hereto and by this 14 reference made a part of this petition,did deem it necessary for the City's purposes to acquire 15 certain land,real estate,premises,and property described in Exhibit B attached hereto and 16 incorporated herein by this reference,and did provide for the acquisition of said property, 17 I together with a temporary construction easement related thereto also as described in Exhibit B. 18 3. The parcels from which the City seeks to acquire certain land,real estate, 19 20' premises,and property,together with a temporary construction easement in this action are 211 identified in Exhibit B. 22 4. That the City is unable to agree with the owner or owners of the land,real 23 estate,premises,and property described in Exhibit B for its purchase. 24 5. That the object and purpose for the acquisition of the previously described 25 properties is a public object and a public use of the City,to-wit: improvement of the streets 26 27 and infrastructure in the vicinity of the grade crossing of Barker Road and BNSF railroad 281 291 AMENDED CONDEMNATION PETITION - 2 MENKE JACKSON BEYER,LLP 30 807 North 39*Avenue Yakima,WA 98902 Telephone(509)575-0313 Fax(5091 5 7 5-03 5 1 1 2 tracks as part of a project designated as the Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project 3 No. 0143. 41 6. That the names of each and every encumbrancer,owner,or other person 51 interested in said lands or other property,or any part thereof,which the City seeks to condemn 6 I 7 by and through this action, so far as can be ascertained from public records,or who are 8 otherwise known to have any interest therein,are as follows: 9 Bradley D. Cassell fee simple interest, and easement interest 10 11 Spokane County assessment interests, easement interest, and 12 contractual interest arising from Sewer 13 Extension Agreement 141 Consolidated Irrigation District No. 19 assessment interest 15 Spokane Firefighters Credit Union potential interest arising 161 under deed of trust 1 17 Avista Corporation easement interests 18 CenturyLink,Inc. easement interests 191 201 High-EST, L.L.C. easement interest,and potential contractual 21 interest arising from Sewer Extension 22' Agreement 23 I United Dressed Meats, Inc. easement interest 24 State of Washington interest arising 25 from permit to construct road approach 26 27 1 Ameristar Meats, LLC potential easement interest 28 29 30 I AMENDED CONDEMNATION PETITION - 3 MENKE JACKSON RREYER,IA" 807 North 39'Avenue Yakima,WA 98902 Telephone(509)575-0313 Pax(509)575-0351 1 21 7. In addition to the respondents specifically identified above in paragraph 6, 3 the City also seeks to condemn any and all interests of'all other persons or parties unknown 4 claiming any right, title, estate,lien,or interest in the real estate described in Exhibit B. 5 WHEREFORE,the City prays: 6 7 i 1. That an order be entered adjudicating that the contemplated use for the lands, 8 real estate,and other property sought to be appropriated by this petition is a public use of the 91 City and that said property is necessary for the public use of the City. 101 2. That allowance be made for a date to be set for a trial of this action before a 11 jury, or in case a jury be waived,as in other civil cases in courts of record in the manner 12 131 prescribed by law by the court or judge thereof,at which trial the total amount of compensation 14' to be awarded to all parties interested in the lands herein sought to be appropriated be 15 j determined. 161 3. That upon payment into the registry of this Court of the amount of 17 1 compensation so determined,a decree of appropriation be entered by the Court vesting title to 18 the lands,real estate,premises and other property described in Exhibit B in fee simple in the 19 20 petitioner,the City, and further granting the City temporary construction easement rights to the 211 property described in Exhibit B as may be reasonably necessary and appropriate for the j22 purposes of the petitioner. 23 I DATED this 244 of April,2020. 24 MENKE JAC ' 1 at, LLP 25 f > .. 26 By: -- ` -----) 27 Kenneth W.Harper WSBA#25578 Attorneys for City of Spokane Valley 281 29 AMENDED CONDEMNATION PETITION-4 MENKEJACKSON UEVER,LLP 30 807 North 39d Avenue Yakima,WA 98902 Telephone(509)575-0313 Fax(509)575-0351 1 2 I CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 3! 4 I certify, under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of Washington, that on 5 this day, I served a true and correct copy of the attached document on the counsel named 6; herein, by depositing in the United States Postal Service,postage prepaid properly addressed 711 as follows: 8 9 Robert A. Dunn Brook L.Cunningham 10 Dunn&Black,P.S. Timothy J.Nault 111 North Post, Suite 300 Randall/Danskin 11 Spokane, WA 99201 1500 Bank of America Financial Center 601 West Riverside Avenue 12 I Spokane, WA 99201-0653 13 Eric Lindberg Emily J. Harris 14 Lindberg, Corr Cronin,LLP Lindberg, Corr Cronin, LLP 1001 Fourth Ave., Ste. 3900 1001 Fourth Ave., Ste. 3900 15 I Seattle,WA 98154 Seattle,WA 98154 16 Ron Arkills Gregory C. Hesler 17 Sr. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Avista Corporation Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney's 1411 E. Mission Avenue 18 Office Spokane,WA 99201-1902 Civil Department 19 1115 West Broadway,2"d Floor 20 Spokane, WA 99260 21 Matthew D. Huot Consolidated Irrigation District No. 19 Attorney General of Washington 120 N. Greenacres Road 22 P.O. Box 40113 Spokane Valley, WA 99016 23' Olympia, WA 98504-0113 Spokane Firefighters Credit Union 24 2002 N. Atlantic 25' Spokane, WA 99205 26 27 ,Dated in Yakima, Washington,this :�7 day of April,2020. I 28 C.-- _ dlo JANET L. ROSE 29 301 AMENDED CONDEMNATION PETITION- 5 MENKE JACKSON BEYER,LLP 807 North 39 Avenue Yakima,WA 98902 Tolaphone(509)575-0313 Fax(509)575-0351 EXHIBIT A I, Carrie Koudelka, Deputy City Clerk for the City of Spokane Valley, Washington, do hereby certify that the attached is a full, true, and correct copy of Ordinance 19-020 approved by the Spokane Valley City Council at the November 12,2019,Council meeting. WITNESS my hand and official seal this 23rd day of March 2020. Carrie Koudelka, Spokane Valley Deputy City Clerk yp O KAN, Off• Pp Op 4 SEAL` sum INCORPORATED • r ' March 31,2003 . c • r1 • Iti111 � j� 1� CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 19-020 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ACQUISITION OF LAND AND REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE BARKER ROAD/BNSF GRADE SEPARATION PROJECT; PROVIDING FOR CONDEMNATION AND TAKING OF LAND AND REAL PROPERTY INTERESTS NECESSARY THEREFORE; PROVIDING FOR THE COSTS OF SAID PROPERTY ACQUISITION; DIRECTING THE INITIATION OF APPROPRIATE PROCEEDINGS IN THE MANNER PROVIDED BY LAW FOR SAID CONDEMNATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, by 2006 the Spokane Regional Transportation Council had identified a grade separation of Barker Road and BNSF railroad tracks as a means of supporting freight mobility and improving safety;and WHEREAS,the current plan of the Spokane Regional Transportation Council,known as Horizon 2040,identifies a Barker Road/BNSF overpass as a regionally significant project;and WHEREAS, the Spokane Valley Comprehensive Plan 2017-2037, adopted December 2016 by Ord,No. 16-018,amended by Ord.No. 18-014,states that"Spokane Valley continues to strongly support the grade separation projects of the BNSF mainline at major roads like Park,Pines,and Barker.";and WHEREAS, through the adoption of major goal statements for 2018, the Spokane Valley City Council endorsed the following: "Continue to work with state and federal legislators toward obtaining financial assistance for the Barker Road Bridge Grade Separation and Pines Road Grade Separation projects"and"Pursue a strategic plan for financing and completion of all grade separation projects.';and WHEREAS, the City conducted a process of assessing design criteria and basis of design that included benefit-cost analysis and value engineering, which resulted in a final version of the project that includes: 1)grade separation of Barker Road and the BNSF railroad tracks; 2)replacement of the existing stop-controlled intersection at Barker Road/Trent Avenue with a roundabout; and 3)sidewalk and ADA accessible improvements(hereafter the"project");and WHEREAS,the above-stated actions of the City Council wore,and are,consistent with state law and with the City's Comprehensive Plan;and WHEREAS,the City Council has found that the public health,safety,necessity,and convenience demand that the project be undertaken at this time and that in order to carry out the project it is necessary at this time for the City to acquire land and real property interests described herein;and WHEREAS,the City Council finds and declares it necessary and in the best interest of the public that land and real property interests described herein be condemned,appropriated,and taken for public use, subject to the making or paying of just compensation to the owner thereof in the manner provided by law; and Ordinance 19-020 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project Page 1 of 3 WHEREAS, notice of the planned final action set forth herein was duly provided in accordance with RCW 8,12.005 and RCW 8,25.290. NOW THEREFORE,the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington,do ordain as follows: Section 1. Public Use and Necessity. The certain land and real property interests within unincorporated Spokane County, Washington, in the vicinity of the crossing of Barker Road of BNSF railroad tracks near'Trent Avenue(SR 290),and further described in the attached Exhibit I (subsequently referred to as the"property"),is necessary for construction of the project. The City of Spokane Valley finds that construction of the project is a public use,specifically including: 1)grade separation of Barker Road and the BNSF railroad tracks; 2) replacement of the existing stop-controlled intersection at Barker Road/Trent Avenue with a roundabout; and 3) sidewalk and ADA accessible improvements. The City Council specifically finds that construction of the project is necessary and in the best interest of the citizens, Section 2. Entails. The project,including the cost and expense of acquiring the property,will be paid from any of several funding sources,including a federal earmark,non-federal funds from a Washington State Legislative Appropriation, a Transportation investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant, the allocation of funds directly from the City,and from other monies applicable thereto or that the City may obtain. The City Manager or his designees are hereby authorized to continue negotiations with and make offers to the owner of the property for the purposes of making or paying just compensation and to approve the payment of just compensation as negotiated with said owner or as ordered by the Court. Section 3, Eminent Domain. In the absence of negotiated purchases with the owner of the property, the City Manager and/or his designees arc hereby authorized to commence condemnation proceedings for the property,pursuant to law,to determine and make or pay just compensation,and to take such other steps as may be necessary to complete acquisition of the property. In so doing, the City Manager and/or his designees are authorized to adjust the extent of the property and property interests taken or acquired to facilitate implementation of this ordinance,provided that such adjustment shall not be inconsistent with the project. Nothing in this ordinance limits the City in its identification and acquisition of property and property rights necessary for these purposes. The City reserves the right to acquire other or different property in support of the project, as the same exists or may in the future be revised. The City Manager and/or his designees are further authorized to approve and enter into any and all such agreements, stipulations,and orders necessary to carry out the provisions of this Ordinance, Section 4. Scverability, If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section,sentence,clause,or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 5. Cotvectipps. Upon the approval of die City Attorney, the City Clerk is authorized to make necessary corrections to this Ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers, and any references thereto. Section G. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. Ordinance 19-020 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project Page 2 of 3 Passed by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley this 12th day of November,2019. ATTlST1 CA/ ristinc Bainbridge,City Cletk L.R. 11igg s, ay r Approved ogt orm: Office the City niey Date of Publication: /`—24 QZo// f itf'eofve Date: L f;at/J zZe/f Ordinance 19-020 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Reparation Project Pogo 3 of 3 Exhibit 1 Sheet 1 of 3 REFERENCE;Parcels 55061.9047,55061.9048&55061.9002 All that portion of the hereinafter described Tract"X"lying southeasterly of a line described as beginning at a point on Highway Engineer's Station(hereinafter referred to as HES) L 99+59,47 on the L line survey of SR 290,Barker Road Intersection Vicinity and 75.00 feet northwesterly therefrom; thence northeasterly,parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES L 101+59,46 thereon; thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 103+00.00 on said line survey and 101.52 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 104+44.27 on said line survey and 74.33 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES I 104+70,43 on said line survey and 86,78 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 106+03.70 on said line survey and 83.73 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 107+98.17 on said line survey and 117,99 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 109+03.32 on said line survey and 166.10 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite 9 211+00.07 on the B line survey of SR 290, Barker Road Intersection Vicinity and 176,05 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES B 218+12.98 on said line survey and 176.47 feet northwesterly therefrom and the terminus of said line. Tract"X" Parcel 1(55061.9048) That portion of the North Half of Government Lot 1,lying Northerly of Secondary State Highway No.2-H Trent Avenue,Northern Pacific Railway Overcrossing and Approaches, Section 6,Township 25 North,Range 45 East,W.M.,in Spokane County,Washington; Excepting therefrom the West 210 feet thereof; Also excepting therefrom the East 190 feet; Together with that portion of the canal right-of-way described as 40 feet wide across Lots 1 and 2,except the West 20 rods of Lot 2 and canal right-of-way 40 feet wide across portion of the West 20 rods in Section 6,Township 25 North, Range 45 East W.M.,formerly Spokane Valley Land and Water Co.right-of-way that travels over,under or through the above described property as disclosed by Quit Claim Deed recorded August 7,2019 under recording no.6829738; Situate in the County of Spokane,State of Washington. Parcel 2(55061.9047) Exhibit 1 Sheet 2 of 3 The East 190 feet of Government Lot 1,lying northerly of Secondary State Highway No.2-H Trent Avenue,Northern Pacific Railway Overcrossing and Approaches,Section 6,Township 25 North,Range 45 East,W.M.; Together with that portion of the canal right-of-way described as 40 feet wide across Lots 1 and 2,except the West 20 rods of Lot 2 and canal right-of-way 40 feet wide across portion of the West 20 rods In Section 6,Township 25 North, Range 45 East W.M.,formerly Spokane Valley Land and Water Co.right-of-way that travels over,under or through the above described property as disclosed by Quit Claim Deed recorded August 7,2019 under recording no.6829738; Situate in the County of Spokane,State of Washington. Parcel 3(55061.9002) The West 210 feet of the following described property: That portion of the North Half of Government Lot 1, lying northerly of Secondary State Highway No,2-H Trent Avenue,Northern Pacific Railway Overpassing and Approaches in Section 6,Township 25 North,Range 45 East,W.M.; Together with the following described property as disclosed by Quit Claim Deed No. 6829738: That portion,if any,of the canal right-of-way described as Forty(40)feet wide across Lots one(1)and two(2)except the West twenty(20)rods of Lot two(2)and canal right- of-way Forty(40)feet wide across portion of the West twenty(20)Rods in Section 06, Township 25 North,Range 45 East W.M.(formerly Spokane Valley Land and Water Co. Right-of-way),that travels over,under,or through the following described Parcel A: Parcel"A" The West 210 feet of the following described property: That portion of the North Half of Government Lot 1,lying northerly of Secondary State Highway No.2-H Trent Avenue,Northern Pacific Railway Overpassing and Approaches in Section 6,Township 25 North,Range 45 East,W.M. The lands herein described contain an area of 75,926.45 square feet,more or less. REFERENCE:Parcel 55061.9048;Temporary Easement All that portion of the hereinafter described Tract"X"described as follows:Beginning at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station(hereinafter referred to as HES)101+59.46 on the L One survey of SR 290,Barker Road Intersection Vicinity and 75.00 feet northerly thereof;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 103+00.00 on said line survey and 101.52 feet northerly thereof;thence Exhibit 1 Sheet 3 of 3 northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 104+44.27 on said line survey and 74.33 feet northerly thereof;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 104+70.43 on said line survey and 86.78 feet northerly thereof;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 106+03.70 on said Ilne survey and 83.73 feet northerly thereof;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 107+98,17 on said line survey and 117.99 feet northerly thereof;thence westerly to a paint opposite HES L 107+83.89 on said line survey and 132.80 feet northerly thereof;thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES L 105+79.93 on said line survey and 100.45 feet northerly thereof;thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES L 104+52.80 on said line survey and 101.05 feet northerly thereof;thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES L 104+41.70 on said line survey and 95.73 feet northerly thereof;thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES 1.102+99,98 on said line survey and 121.70 feet northerly thereof;thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES L 101+54.13 on said line survey and 94.28 feet northerly thereof;thence southerly to the Point of Beginning. Tract"X": That portion of the North Half of Government Lot 1,lying Northerly of Secondary State Highway No.2-H Trent Avenue,Northern Pacific Railway Overcrossing and Approaches, Section 6,Township 25 North,Range 45 East,W.M.,In Spokane County,Washington; Excepting therefrom the West 210 feet thereof;Also excepting therefrom the East 190 feet; Together with that portion of the canal right-of-way described as 40 feet wide across Lots 1 and 2,except the West 20 rods of Lot 2 and canal right-of-way 40 feet wide across portion of the West 20 rods in Section 6,Township 25 North,Range 45 East W.M.,formerly Spokane Valley Land and Water Co.right-of-way that travels over,under or through the above described property as disclosed by Quit Claim Deed recorded August 7,2019 under recording no.6829738; Situate In the County of Spokane,State of Washington. The lands herein described contain an area of 11,767.59 square feet,more or less. EXHIBIT B Sheet 1 of 3 REFERENCE:Parcels 55061.9047,55061.9048&55061.9002 All that portion of the hereinafter described Tract"X" lying southeasterly of a line described as beginning at a point on Highway Engineer's Station (hereinafter referred to as HES) L 99+59.47 on the L line survey of SR 290, Barker Road Intersection Vicinity and 75.00 feet northwesterly therefrom; thence northeasterly, parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES L 101+59.46 thereon; thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 103+00,00 on said line survey and 101.52 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 104+44.27 on said line survey and 74.33 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 104+70.43 on said line survey and 86.78 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 106+03.70 on said line survey and 83.73 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 107+98.17 on said line survey and 117.99 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 109+03.32 on said line survey and 166.10 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite B 211+00.07 on the B line survey of SR 290, Barker Road Intersection Vicinity and 176.05 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES B 218+12.98 on said line survey and 176.47 feet northwesterly therefrom and the terminus of said line. Tract"X": Parcel 1(55061.9048) That portion of the North Half of Government Lot 1,lying Northerly of Secondary State Highway No. 2-H Trent Avenue, Northern Pacific Railway Overcrossing and Approaches, Section 6,Township 25 North, Range 45 East,W.M., in Spokane County,Washington; Excepting therefrom the West 210 feet thereof; Also excepting therefrom the East 190 feet; Together with that portion of the canal right-of-way described as 40 feet wide across Lots 1 and 2,except the West 20 rods of Lot 2 and canal right-of-way 40 feet wide across portion of the West 20 rods in Section 6,Township 25 North, Range 45 East W.M.,formerly Spokane Valley Land and Water Co. right-of-way that travels over, under or through the above described property as disclosed by Quit Claim Deed recorded August 7, 2019 under recording no. 6829738; Situate in the County of Spokane,State of Washington. Parcel 2(55061.9047) • Sheet 2 of 3 The East 190 feet of Government Lot 1,lying northerly of Secondary State Highway No.2-H Trent Avenue, Northern Pacific Railway Overcrossing and Approaches,Section 6,Township 25 North, Range 45 East,W.M.; Together with that portion of the canal right-of-way described as 40 feet wide across Lots 1 and 2,except the West 20 rods of Lot 2 and canal right-of-way 40 feet wide across portion of the West 20 rods in Section 6,Township 25 North, Range 45 East W.M.,formerly Spokane Valley Land and Water Co. right-of-way that travels over, under or through the above described property as disclosed by Quit Claim Deed recorded August 7,2019 under recording no.6829738; Situate in the County of Spokane,State of Washington. Parcel 3(55061.9002) The West 210 feet of the following described property: That portion of the North Half of Government Lot 1, lying northerly of Secondary State Highway No.2-H Trent Avenue, Northern Pacific Railway Overpassing and Approaches in Section 6,Township 25 North,Range 45 East,W.M.; Together with the following described property as disclosed by Quit Claim Deed No. 6829738: That portion, if any,of the canal right-of-way described as Forty(40)feet wide across Lots one(1)and two (2)except the West twenty(20)rods of Lot two(2)and canal right- of-way Forty(40)feet wide across portion of the West twenty(20) Rods in Section 06, Township 25 North, Range 45 East W.M.(formerly Spokane Valley Land and Water Co. Right-of-way),that travels over, under,or through the following described Parcel A: Parcel"A" The West 210 feet of the following described property: That portion of the North Half of Government Lot 1, lying northerly of Secondary State Highway No.2-H Trent Avenue,Northern Pacific Railway Overpassing and Approaches in Section 6,Township 25 North, Range 45 East,W.M. The lands herein described contain an area of 75,926.45 square feet,more or less. REFERENCE:Parcel 55061.9048;Temporary Easement All that portion of the hereinafter described Tract"X"described as follows:Beginning at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station(hereinafter referred to as HES)101+59.46 on the L line survey of SR 290, Barker Road Intersection Vicinity and 75.00 feet northerly thereof;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 103+00.00 on said line survey and 101.52 feet northerly thereof;thence Sheet 3 of 3 northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 104+44.27 on said line survey and 74.33 feet northerly thereof;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 104+70.43 on said line survey and 86.78 feet northerly thereof;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 106+03.70 on said line survey and 83.73 feet northerly thereof;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 107+98.17 on said line survey and 117.99 feet northerly thereof;thence westerly to a point opposite HES L 107+83.89 on said line survey and 132.80 feet northerly thereof;thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES L 105+79.93 on said line survey and 100.45 feet northerly thereof;thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES L 104+52.80 on said line survey and 101.05 feet northerly thereof;thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES L 104+41.70 on said line survey and 95.73 feet northerly thereof;thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES L 102+99.98 on said line survey and 121.70 feet northerly thereof;thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES L 101+54.13 on said line survey and 94.28 feet northerly thereof;thence southerly to the Point of Beginning. Tract"X": That portion of the North Half of Government Lot 1,lying Northerly of Secondary State Highway No.2-H Trent Avenue, Northern Pacific Railway Overcrossing and Approaches, Section 6,Township 25 North, Range 45 East,W.M., in Spokane County,Washington; Excepting therefrom the West 210 feet thereof;Also excepting therefrom the East 190 feet; Together with that portion of the canal right-of-way described as 40 feet wide across Lots 1 and 2,except the West 20 rods of Lot 2 and canal right-of-way 40 feet wide across portion of the West 20 rods in Section 6,Township 25 North, Range 45 East W.M.,formerly Spokane Valley Land and Water Co.right-of-way that travels over, under or through the above described property as disclosed by Quit Claim Deed recorded August 7,2019 under recording no.6829738; Situate in the County of Spokane,State of Washington. The lands herein described contain an area of 11,767.59 square feet, more or less. EXHIBIT B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SPOKANE 9 10 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, a ) NO. 19-2-05284-32 11 Washington non-charter code city, ) 12 STIPULATED DECREE OF Petitioner, APPROPRIATION 13 v. ) 14' ) BRADLEY D. CASSELL,a single man; ) 15 SPOKANE COUNTY, a political ) subdivision of the State of Washington; ) 16 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION ) 17 DISTRICT NO. 19, a quasi-municipal ) corporation of the State of Washington; 18 SPOKANE FIREFIGHTERS CREDIT ) UNION, a Washington chartered credit ) 19 union;AVISTA CORPORATION,a ) 1 Washington public utility corporation; ) 20 CENTURYLINK, INC., a foreign ) 21 corporation; HIGH-EST, L.L.C., a ) Washington limited liability company; 22 UNITED DRESSED MEATS, INC.,a ) Washington corporation; STATE OF ) 23. WASHINGTON; AMERISTAR MEATS, ) 24 LLC,a foreign limited liability company; ) and also all other persons or parties ) 25 unknown claiming any right,title, estate, ) lien, or interest in the real estate described ) 26 in the petition herein, ) 27 Respondents. 28 29 30 STIPULATED DECREE OF APPROPRIATION - 1 MENKE JACKSON BEYER,LLP 807 North 39'"Avenue Yakima,WA 98902 Telephone(509)575-0313 Fax(509)575.0351 1 2 WHEREAS THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AND THE PARTIES appearing 411 herein having agreed by and through their respective attorneys of record undersigned below 5 that just compensation for the taking of the property more fully described in the exhibits 6 7 attached hereto, and the damaging of the remainder(including any costs to cure), if any there 8 I be,together with all other damages, costs, or other monies due any respondent herein, has been 9 paid by petitioner,the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by respondents entitled thereto; 10 now,therefore, 11 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that on account of said 12 13 payment petitioner is and shall be the owner in fee simple of the real property and all 14 appurtenant property rights pursuant to the statutory warranty deed in the form attached hereto 15 as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference as a part of this order and judgment. 16 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that the petitioner is 17 granted a temporary construction easement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B and 18 incorporated herein by this reference as a part of this order and judgment. 19 20 DATED THIS day of ,2020. 21 22 HONORABLE MICHELLE D. SZAMBELAN SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE 23 24 // // 25 // // 26 27 28 29 30 STIPULATED DECREE OF APPROPRIATION -2 MENKE JACKSON BEYER,LLP 807 North 3904 Avenue Yakima,WA 98902 Telephone(509)575-0313 Fax(509)575-0351 1 2 Presented by: 3 MENKE JACKSON BEYER, LLP 4 5 Kenneth W. Harper WSBA# 25578 6 Attorneys for City of Spokane Valley 7 Approved as to form and content;notice of presentation waived, and stipulated as to entry hereof: 8 9 Robert A.Dunn, WSBA# 12089 10 Dunn&Black, P.S. 11 ; Attorneys for Respondents Bradley D Cassell and High-EST, L.L.C. 12 13 14, Gregory C. Hesler, WSBA# 34217 Attorney for Respondent Avista Corporation 15 16 17 Brook L. Cunningham, WSBA#39270 Randall Danskin,P.S. 18 Attorneys for Respondent Avista Corporation 19 20 Timothy J.Nault, WSBA# 47931 21 Randall Danskin,P.S. 22 Attorneys for Respondent Avista Corporation 23 24 Ronald Arkills, WSBA# 10773 25 Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney's Office Attorneys for Respondent Spokane County 26 27 Emily J. Harris, WSBA# 35763 28 Corr Cronin LLP 29 30 STIPULATED DECREE OF APPROPRIATION - 3 MENKE JACKSON BEYER,LLP 807 North 39'4 Avenue Yakima,WA 98902 Telephone(509)575-0313 Fax(509)575-0351 1 21 Attorneys for Respondent CenturyLink, Inc. 3 4 Eric Lindberg, WSBA#43596 5 Corr Cronin LLP 6 Attorneys for Respondent CenturyLink, Inc. 7 8 Matthew D.Huot, WSBA#40606 9 Assistant Attorney General 10 Office of the Attorney General of Washington Attorneys for Respondent State of Washington 11 121 13 14 151 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 '. 26 27 28 291 STIPULATED DECREE OF APPROPRIATION -4 MENKE JACKSON BEYER,LLP 30 807 North 39'h Avenue Yakima.WA 98902 Telephone(509)575-0313 Fax(509)575-0351 I 1 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 3 4 1 certify, under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of Washington, that on 5 this day, I served a true and correct copy of the attached document on the counsel named 6! herein, by depositing in the United States Postal Service, postage prepaid properly addressed 7 as follows: 8' 9 Robert A. Dunn Brook L. Cunningham 10 Dunn & Black, P.S. Timothy J.Nault 111 North Post, Suite 300 Randall/Danskin 11 Spokane, WA 99201 1 500 Bank of America Financial Center 601 West Riverside Avenue 12 Spokane, WA 99201-0653 13 i Eric Lindberg Emily J. Harris 14 Lindberg,Con-Cronin, LLP Lindberg, Corr Cronin, LLP 1 1001 Fourth Ave., Ste. 3900 1001 Fourth Ave., Ste. 3900 151 Seattle, WA 98154 Seattle, WA 98154 16 Ron Arkills Gregory C. Hester 17 Sr. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Avista Corporation Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney's 1411 E.Mission Avenue 18 Office Spokane, WA 99201-1902 Civil Department 19 1115 West Broadway, 2nd Floor 20 Spokane, WA 99260 21 Matthew D. Huot Consolidated Irrigation District No. 19 Attorney General of Washington 120 N. Greenacres Road 221 P.O. Box 40113 Spokane Valley, WA 99016 23 Olympia, WA 98504-0113 24 Spokane Firefighters Credit Union Brian Patient, Sr. Counsel 2002 N. Atlantic US Foods/Ameristar Meats, LLC 25 Spokane, WA 99205 9399 West Higgins Road Rosemont, IL 60018 26' 27 Dated in Yakima, Washington,this day of ,2020. 28 29 JANET L. ROSE 30 STIPULATED DECREE OF APPROPRIATION - 5 MENKE JACKSON BEYER,LLB' 807 North 39'h Avenue Yakima,WA 98902 Telephone(509)575-0313 Fax(509)575-0351 I EXHIBIT A After recording return document to: City of Spokane Valley City Clerk 10210 E. Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley,WA 99206 Document Title: Warranty Deed Reference Number of Related Document: Grantor(s): Cassell,Bradley Grantee(s): Government, City of Spokane Valley Legal Description: Ptn of Gov.Lot 1,Sec. 6,T25N,R45E,W.M Additional Legal Description is on Page 4 of Document. Assessor's Tax Parcel Number: 55061.9002 and 55061.9047 and 55061.9048 WARRANTY DEED Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project No. 0143 The Grantor, Bradley Cassell,an unmarried person, for and in consideration of the sum of FOUR HUNDRED FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/100 ($405,000.00) Dollars, and other valuable consideration,hereby conveys and warrants to the City of Spokane Valley,a municipal corporation of State of Washington, Grantee, the following described real property situated in Spokane Valley, Spokane County, in the State of Washington,under the imminent threat of the Grantee's exercise of its rights of Eminent Domain: For legal description see Exhibit"A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. FA No. REP-4123(005) Project No. 0143 LPA-302 Parcel No.55061.9002,55061.9047 10/2014 Page 1 of(5)Pages and 55061.9048 WARRANTY DEED It is understood and agreed that delivery of this deed is hereby tendered and that the terms and obligations hereof shall not become binding upon the City of Spokane Valley unless and until accepted and approved hereon in writing for the City of Spokane Valley, by its authorized agent. Date: , 2020 BRADLEY CASSELL By: Accepted and Approved City of Spokane Valley By: Title: FA No. REP-4123(005) Project No. 0143 LPA-302 Parcel No.55061.9002,55061.9047 I0/2014 Page 2 of(5)Pages and 55061.9048 WARRANTY DEED STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss SPOKANE COUNTY ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that BRADLEY CASSELL, an unmarried person, is the individual who appeared before me, and said individual acknowledged that he signed this instrument, and acknowledged it as his free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated this day of ,2020. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of WA Residing at My appointment expires: FA No. REP-4123(005) Project No. 0143 LPA-302 Parcel No.55061.9002,55061.9047 10/2014 Page 3 of(5)Pages and 55061.9048 Exhibit A Legal Description for Deed Sheet 1 of 2 REFERENCE:Parcels 55061.9047,55061.9048&55061.9002 All that portion of the hereinafter described Tract"X" lying southeasterly of a line described as beginning at a point on Highway Engineer's Station(hereinafter referred to as HES) L 99+59.47 on the L line survey of SR 290,Barker Road Intersection Vicinity and 75.00 feet northwesterly therefrom; thence northeasterly, parallel with said line survey to a point opposite HES L 101+59.46 thereon; thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 103+00.00 on said line survey and 101.52 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 104+44.27 on said line survey and 74.33 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 104+70.43 on said line survey and 86.78 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 106+03.70 on said line survey and 83.73 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 107+98.17 on said line survey and 117.99 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 109+03.32 on said line survey and 166.10 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite B 211+00.07 on the B line survey of SR 290,Barker Road Intersection Vicinity and 176.05 feet northwesterly therefrom;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES B 218+12.98 on said line survey and 176.47 feet northwesterly therefrom and the terminus of said line. Tract"X": Parcel 1(55061.9048) That portion of the North Half of Government Lot 1, lying Northerly of Secondary State Highway No. 2-H Trent Avenue, Northern Pacific Railway Overcrossing and Approaches, Section 6,Township 25 North, Range 45 East,W.M.,in Spokane County,Washington; Excepting therefrom the West 210 feet thereof; Also excepting therefrom the East 190 feet; Together with that portion of the canal right-of-way described as 40 feet wide across Lots 1 and 2,except the West 20 rods of Lot 2 and canal right-of-way 40 feet wide across portion of the West 20 rods in Section 6,Township 25 North, Range 45 East W.M.,formerly Spokane Valley Land and Water Co. right-of-way that travels over, under or through the above described property as disclosed by Quit Claim Deed recorded August 7, 2019 under recording no. 6829738; Situate in the County of Spokane,State of Washington. Parcel 2(55061.9047) Exhibit A Legal Description for Deed Sheet 2 of 2 The East 190 feet of Government Lot 1, lying northerly of Secondary State Highway No.2-H Trent Avenue,Northern Pacific Railway Overcrossing and Approaches,Section 6,Township 25 North, Range 45 East,W.M.; Together with that portion of the canal right-of-way described as 40 feet wide across Lots 1 and 2,except the West 20 rods of Lot 2 and canal right-of-way 40 feet wide across portion of the West 20 rods in Section 6,Township 25 North, Range 45 East W.M.,formerly Spokane Valley Land and Water Co.right-of-way that travels over, under or through the above described property as disclosed by Quit Claim Deed recorded August 7,2019 under recording no. 6829738; Situate in the County of Spokane,State of Washington. Parcel 3(55061.9002) The West 210 feet of the following described property: That portion of the North Half of Government Lot 1, lying northerly of Secondary State Highway No.2-H Trent Avenue, Northern Pacific Railway Overpassing and Approaches in Section 6,Township 25 North, Range 45 East,W.M.; Together with the following described property as disclosed by Quit Claim Deed No. 6829738: That portion,if any,of the canal right-of-way described as Forty(40)feet wide across Lots one(1)and two(2)except the West twenty(20)rods of Lot two(2)and canal right- of-way Forty(40)feet wide across portion of the West twenty(20) Rods in Section 06, Township 25 North, Range 45 East W.M.(formerly Spokane Valley Land and Water Co. Right-of-way),that travels over,under,or through the following described Parcel A: Parcel"A" The West 210 feet of the following described property: That portion of the North Half of Government Lot 1, lying northerly of Secondary State Highway No.2-H Trent Avenue, Northern Pacific Railway Overpassing and Approaches in Section 6,Township 25 North, Range 45 East,W.M. The lands herein described contain an area of 75,926.45 square feet, more or less. EXHIBIT B After recording return document to: City of Spokane Valley City Clerk 10210 E.Sprague Ave. Spokane Valley,WA 99206 Document Title: Temporary Construction Easement Reference Number of Related Document: Grantor(s): Cassell, Bradley Grantee(s): Government,City of Spokane Valley Legal Description: Ptn of Gov. Lot 1,Sec. 6,T25N, R45E, W.M. Additional Legal Description is on Page 4 of Document. Assessor's Tax Parcel Number: 55061.9048 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project No. 0143 The Grantor, Bradley Cassell, an unmarried person, for good and valuable consideration, conveys,warrants, and grants unto the City of Spokane Valley, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, and its assigns, Grantee, under the imminent threat of the Grantee's exercise of its right of eminent domain, the right, privilege, and easement over, upon, and across the hereinafter described lands for the purpose of construction access, material staging area, equipment staging area, and temporary construction, solely for the construction of public street improvements, with necessary appurtenances, within the adjoining public right of way relating to the Grantee's Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project, and includes other uses deemed necessary by City of Spokane Valley for the safety and welfare of the public in the construction of the said Project. The easement granted hereby, and the duties, restrictions, limitations, and obligations herein created, shall run with the land, shall burden the subject property, and shall be binding upon the Grantor and his respective successors, assigns, mortgagees, lessees, and each and every other person who has or shall at any time have a fee, mortgage, leasehold, or any other interest in and to any part of the subject property. Grantor represents and warrants that he has FA No.REP-4123(005) Project No. 0143 1,PA-325 Pagc 1 of(4)Pages Parcel No. 55061.9048 10/2014 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT full right, title, and authority to convey this easement and that it is fully enforceable according to its terms. The temporary rights herein granted shall commence on the date of execution and shall terminate on the City's final acceptance of construction of the Project or five (5) years after the date of execution,whichever first occurs. Said lands being situated in Spokane County, State of Washington, and described as follows: For legal description see Exhibit"A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. It is understood and agreed that delivery of this temporary easement is hereby tendered and that the terms and obligations hereof shall not become binding upon the City of Spokane Valley unless and until accepted and approved hereon in writing for the City of Spokane Valley, by its authorized agent. Date: . 2020 BRADLEY CASSELL By: Accepted and Approved City of Spokane Valley By: Title: LPA-325 Page 2 of(4)Pages Parcel No. 55061.9048 10/2014 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss SPOKANE COUNTY ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that BRADLEY CASSELL, an unmarried person, is the individual who appeared before me, and said individual acknowledged that he signed this instrument, and acknowledged it as his free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Dated this day of ,2019. NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of WA Residing at My appointment expires: LPA-325 Page 3 of(4)Pages Parcel No. 55061.9048 10/2014 Exhibit A Legal Description for Temporary Construction Easement REFERENCE:Parcel 55061.9048;Temporary Easement All that portion of the hereinafter described Tract"X"described as follows: Beginning at a point opposite Highway Engineer's Station (hereinafter referred to as HES) 101+59.46 on the L line survey of SR 290, Barker Road Intersection Vicinity and 75.00 feet northerly thereof;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 103+00.00 on said line survey and 101.52 feet northerly thereof;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 104+44.27 on said line survey and 74.33 feet northerly thereof;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 104+70.43 on said line survey and 86.78 feet northerly thereof;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 106+03.70 on said line survey and 83.73 feet northerly thereof;thence northeasterly to a point opposite HES L 107+98.17 on said line survey and 117.99 feet northerly thereof;thence westerly to a point opposite HES L 107+83.89 on said line survey and 132.80 feet northerly thereof;thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES L 105+79.93 on said line survey and 100.45 feet northerly thereof;thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES L 104+52.80 on said line survey and 101.05 feet northerly thereof;thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES L 104+41.70 on said line survey and 95.73 feet northerly thereof;thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES L 102+99.98 on said line survey and 121.70 feet northerly thereof;thence southwesterly to a point opposite HES L 101+54.13 on said line survey and 94.28 feet northerly thereof;thence southerly to the Point of Beginning. Tract"X": That portion of the North Half of Government Lot 1, lying Northerly of Secondary State Highway No.2-H Trent Avenue, Northern Pacific Railway Overcrossing and Approaches, Section 6,Township 25 North, Range 45 East,W.M.,in Spokane County,Washington; Excepting therefrom the West 210 feet thereof;Also excepting therefrom the East 190 feet; Together with that portion of the canal right-of-way described as 40 feet wide across Lots 1 and 2,except the West 20 rods of Lot 2 and canal right-of-way 40 feet wide across portion of the West 20 rods in Section 6,Township 25 North, Range 45 East W.M.,formerly Spokane Valley Land and Water Co.right-of-way that travels over, under or through the above described property as disclosed by Quit Claim Deed recorded August 7, 2019 under recording no. 6829738; Situate in the County of Spokane,State of Washington. The lands herein described contain an area of 11,767.59 square feet,more or less. EXHIBIT C 1 2 3 , 4 5 , 6 7 8, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SPOKANE 9 10 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, a ) NO. 19-2-05284-32 11 Washington non-charter code city, ) 12 i STIPULATION AND ORDER OF Petitioner, DISMISSAL 13 v. ) 14 ) BRADLEY D. CASSELL, a single man; ) 15 SPOKANE COUNTY,a political ) subdivision of the State of Washington; ) 16 CONSOLIDATED IRRIGATION ) DISTRICT NO. 19, a quasi-municipal 17 corporation of the State of Washington; ) 18 SPOKANE FIREFIGHTERS CREDIT ) UNION, a Washington chartered credit ) 19 union; AVISTA CORPORATION,a ) Washington public utility corporation; ) 20 CENTURYLINK, INC., a foreign 21 corporation; HIGH-EST, L.L.C.,a ) Washington limited liability company; ) 22 UNITED DRESSED MEATS, INC., a ) Washington corporation; STATE OF ) 23 WASHINGTON; AMERISTAR MEATS, ) 24 LLC, a foreign limited liability company; ) and also all other persons or parties ) 25 unknown claiming any right,title, estate, ) lien, or interest in the real estate described ) 26 in the petition herein, ) 27 Respondents. 28' 29 30 STIPULATION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL - I MENKE JACKSON BEYER,LLP 807 North 39'h Avenue Yakima,WA 98902 Telephone(509)575-0313 Fax(509)575-0351 1 1 2 3 I. STIPULATION 4 The parties appearing herein by and through their attorneys of record agree and 5 stipulate that all claims to compensation due any respondent arising out of the condemnation 6 7 petition and/or amended condemnation petition shall be and hereby are deemed fully 8 satisfied and compromised and thereby agree and stipulate to a dismissal of all claims in the 9 above matter with prejudice and without an award of costs to any party. 10 11 Kenneth W. Harper WSBA#25578 Dated 12', Menke Jackson Beyer, LLP 13 Attorneys for City of Spokane Valley 14 15 Robert A.Dunn, WSBA# 12089 Dated Dunn& Black, P.S. 16 Attorneys for Respondents Bradley D. 17 Cassell and High-EST, L.L.C. 18 19 Gregory C. Hesler, WSBA# 34217 Dated 20 Attorney for Respondent Avista Corporation 21 22 Brook L. Cunningham, WSBA#39270 Dated 231 Randall Danskin, P.S. Attorneys for Respondent Avista Corporation 24 25I 26 Timothy J.Nault, WSBA#47931 Dated Randall Danskin, P.S. 27 Attorneys for Respondent Avista Corporation 28 29 30 STIPULATION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL-2 MENKE JACKSON BEYER,LLP 807 North 39'"Avenue Yakima,WA 98902 Telephone(509)575-0313 Fax(509)575-0351 1 2 3 4! Ronald Arkills, WSBA# 10773 Dated 5 I Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney's Office Attorneys for Respondent Spokane County 6 7 8 Emily J. Harris, WSBA# 35763 Dated Corr Cronin, LLP 9 Attorneys for Respondent CenturyLink, Inc. 101 11 . Eric Lindberg, WSBA#43596 Dated 12 Corr Cronin, LLP 13 Attorneys for Respondent CenturyLink, Inc. 14' 15 Matthew D. Huot, WSBA#40606 Dated Assistant Attorney General 16 Office of the Attorney General of Washington 17 Attorneys for Respondent State of Washington 18 II. ORDER 191, 20 THIS MATTER having come before the Court upon the written stipulation set forth 21 above, now, therefore, 22 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED,ADJUDGED and DECREED,that all claims to 23 compensation due any respondent arising out of the condemnation petition shall be and 24 hereby are deemed fully satisfied and compromised and the same are hereby dismissed with 251 prejudice and without an award of costs to any party. 26 27 DATED THIS day of ,2020. 28 29 STIPULATION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL- 3 MENKE JACKSON BEYER,LIT 30 807 North 39'h Avenue Yakima,WA 98902 Telephone(509)575.0313 Fax(509)575-0351 1 2 3 4 HONORABLE MICHELLE D. SZAMBELAN 5 SUPERIOR COURT JUDGE 6'. 7 Presented by: 8 MENKE JACKSON BEYER, LLP 9 10 11 Kenneth W. Harper WSBA# 25578 Attorneys for City of Spokane Valley 12 I Approved as to form and content; notice of presentation 13 waived, and stipulated as to entry hereof: 141 15 Robert A. Dunn, WSBA# 12089 11 Dunn & Black, P.S. 16 Attorneys for Respondents Bradley D 17 Cassell and High-EST, L.L.C. 18 19 Gregory C. Hesler, WSBA# 34217 20 Attorney for Respondent Avista Corporation 21 22 Brook L. Cunningham, WSBA# 39270 23 Randall Danskin, P.S. Attorneys for Respondent Avista Corporation 24 25 26 Timothy J.Nault, WSBA# 47931 Randall Danskin, P.S. 27 Attorneys for Respondent Avista Corporation 28 291 STIPULATION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL-4 MENKE JACKSON BEYER,1,LP 30 807 North 39ih Avenue Yakima,WA 98902 Telephone(509)575.0313 Fax(509)575-0351 1 , 2' 3 4 Ronald Arkills, WSBA# 10773 Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney's Office 5 Attorneys for Respondent Spokane County 6 7 Emily J. Harris, WSBA# 35763 8 Corr Cronin LLP Attorneys for Respondent CenturyLink, Inc. 9 10 11 Eric Lindberg, WSBA#43596 Corr Cronin LLP 12 Attorneys for Respondent CenturyLink, Inc. 13 14 Matthew D. Huot, WSBA#40606 15 Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General of Washington 16 Attorneys for Respondent State of Washington 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26! 27 28 29 11 30 STIPULATION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL- 5 MENKE JACKSON BEYER,LLP 807 North 39"Avenue Yakima,WA 98902 Telephone(509)575-0313 Fax(509)575-0351 1 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 3', I certify, under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of Washington, that on 4 this day, I served a true and correct copy of the attached document on the counsel named 5 herein, by depositing in the United States Postal Service, postage prepaid properly addressed 6 7 as follows: 81 Robert A. Dunn Brook L. Cunningham 9 Dunn & Black, P.S. Timothy J. Nault 10 111 North Post, Suite 300 Randall/Danskin Spokane, WA 99201 1500 Bank of America Financial Center 11 601 West Riverside Avenue Spokane, WA 99201-0653 12 Eric Lindberg Emily J. Harris 13 1 Lindberg, Corr Cronin, LLP Lindberg,Corr Cronin, LLP 14 1001 Fourth Ave., Ste. 3900 1001 Fourth Ave., Ste. 3900 Seattle, WA 98154 Seattle, WA 98154 15 Ron Arkills Gregory C. Hesler 16 Sr. Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Avista Corporation Spokane County Prosecuting Attorney's 1411 E. Mission Avenue 17 Office Spokane, WA 99201-1902 18 Civil Department 1115 West Broadway, 2"d Floor 19 Spokane, WA 99260 20 Matthew D. Huot Consolidated Irrigation District No. 19 21 Attorney General of Washington 120 N. Greenacres Road P.O. Box 40113 Spokane Valley, WA 99016 22 Olympia, WA 98504-0113 23 Spokane Firefighters Credit Union Brian Patient, Sr. Counsel 24 2002 N. Atlantic US Foods/Ameristar Meats, LLC Spokane, WA 99205 9399 West Higgins Road 25 Rosemont, IL 60018 26 Dated in Yakima, Washington,this day of , 2020. 27 281 JANET L. ROSE 29 , 30 STIPULATION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL-6 MENKE JACKSON BEYER,LLP 807 North 39'h Avenue Yakima,WA 98902 Telephone(509)575-0313 Fax(509)575-0351 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 STIPULATION AND ORDER OF DISMISSAL- 7 MENKEJACKSON BEYER,LLP 807 North 39'Avenue Yakima,WA 98902 Telephonc(509)575-0313 Fax(509)575-0351