2020, 08-25 Regular Formal MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FORMAL FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Spokane Valley, Washington August 25, 2020 Mayor Wick called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held remotely via ZOOM meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Ben Wick, Mayor Mark Calhoun, City Manager Pam Haley, Councilmember John.Hohman, Deputy City Manager Tim Hattenburg Councilmember Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Rod Higgins, Councilmember Mike Stone,Parks &Recreation Director Linda Thompson, Councilmember Chaz Bates, Senior Planner Arne Woodard, Councilmember Lori Barlow, Senior Planner Mike Basinger,Economic Development Mgr Absent: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Brandi Peetz,Deputy Mayor ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present except Deputy Mayor Peetz. It was moved by Councilmember Thompson, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Deputy Mayor Peetz front tonight's meeting. APPROVAL OF AMENDED AGENDA It was moved by Councilmember Hattenburg, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS n/a COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS Councilmember Haley: said she heard that Councilmember Hattenburg gave a great rundown of what happened at the STA(Spokane Transit Authority)meeting;she added that the STA received a federal transit grant of$2.5 million to purchase seven, double-decker buses for the Cheney route; she also mentioned that STA usually does not meet in August; and said she personally is busy grading housing first grant applications. Councilmember Higgins: said the Clean Air Agency will conduct final interviews tomorrow for the vacant director position. Councilmember Thompson: stated that she continues virtual meetings with the NLC (National League of Cities) constituency groups, such as Women in Municipal government; said that an AWC (Association of Washington Cities) group held their first equity workgroup meeting to discuss what leaders can do in partnership with other elected officials; mentioned she personally sent a letter supporting Multi-Care's request to have percutaneous coronary intervention capabilities at their hospital. Councilmember Hattenburg: said he spent time in the community speaking with various small business owners who are very supportive and thankful of being made aware of the CARES funds. Councilmember Woodard: mentioned he attended a couple Farmers' Markets; and said that the HCDAC (Housing and Community Development Advisory Committee) will meet in September. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Wick said that as chair of the Health District Board, they are working on guidance for all school districts for potential re-opening and/or distance learning;said there was some confusion among the districts Regular Formal Council Meeting: 08-25-2020 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council: 09-08-2020 but they are working to find ways to safely open school; mentioned the letter of support for Multi-Care and even though the deadline has passed, asked Council if they would like to send a letter from the Council; Councilmembers nodded in agreement and Mayor Wick said he will check to see whether that will still have an impact since the deadline has passed. PROCLAMATION:Recognizing J00'''Anniversa;y of 19th Amendment Adoption Mayor Wick read the proclamation recognizing the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY [11: Mayor Wick briefly explained the process for giving public comment; he asked that people speak to matters within the City's jurisdiction, and to please be civil. Three people had previously signed up to speak: Ms. Diana Wilhite, Spokane Valley: regarding Council's interaction with the public, said that a past mayor found it necessary to delete public comment for a time as he was not happy with what citizens had to say; she said it is the right of the public to ask,comment or criticize actions or events that concerns city business; today the present council has bent over backwards to allow citizens to speak their minds on matters that have no connection to city action; said this is a terrible waste of Council's time to allow people to rail on for their own personal vendetta; she suggested Council needs to change their Governance Manual to have public comments pertain to city business and said she feels the City Attorney can draft language to make that possible without restricting first amendment rights. Ms.Barb Howard, Spokane Valley: said that since Mayor Wick is the chair of the Health Board,she wants to know why we keep having rallies or protests with members from S.C.O.P.E. and the Sheriffs office, with people not wearing masks; said she feels the Sheriff should enforce the wearing of masks. Ms.Beva Miles, Spokane Valley: said she is a rules and procedure kind of person and that some people tell her they won't watch or attend Council meetings as some people have taken that opportunity during their comments,to chastise the Council or berate others;said she applauds Ms.Wilhite's comments and suggests Council Iook at their Governance Manual and Roberts Rules of Order when it comes to dilatory comments from the public; adding that she feels the public respects and appreciates Council. 1. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion: I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of claim vouchers on Aug 25,2020,Request for Council Action Form Total: $2,721,198.35 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending August 15, 2020: $378,230.27 c.Approval of July 21,2020 Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session d. Approval of July 28, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes, Regular Formal Format e. Approval of August 4,2020 Council Meeting Minutes, Special Meeting Workshop f. Approval of August 4,2020 Council Meeting Minutes, Special Meeting g. Approval of August 11,2020 Council Meeting Minutes, Regular Formal Format It was moved by Coinzcilmember Hattenburg, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS: 2.First Reading Ordinance 20-007 Code Text Amendment,Annexation—Mike Basinger,Erik Lamb After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Haley and seconded to advance Ordinance No. 20-007 to a second reading as proposed. Mr. Basinger briefly explained that this ordinance will replace the current chapter 19.180 of the City's Code as it will strengthen the policy framework for annexation in order to provide direction to potential applicants and staff regarding annexation requests.There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed.. none. Motion carried. Regular Formal Council Meeting: 08-25-2020 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council: 09-08-2020 3.First Reading Ordinance 20-008 Comprehensive Plan Amendments—Mike Basinger After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Haley and seconded to advance Ordinance 20-008, Comprehensive Plan amendments, to a second reading as proposed. Mr. Basinger gave an overview of the direction provided at the August 11 meeting, including the addition of the R4 zone, which if approved would be a city-wide rezone.In response to a question about the difference between R3 and R4,Mr.Basinger said staffs' approach to limit duplex subdivisions was through the use of incentives; he said we don't usually take things away, but rather look for opportunities for incentives for different types of development; he said the idea is if you were to go forward with a single family development in the R3 zone you would get eight units per acre; and if you went forward with a duplex you would get six units per acre and said the hope is that will be an incentive for single family development and home ownership; said staff had some concerns with the R4 zone about where we might see cottage and townhouse developments, and that the concern was, what is the most appropriate place for those types of development; said staff feels that the areas where these types of homes should be built is in areas where we have transportation and services,which he said is why staff looked at that half-mile distance from Sprague Avenue down to 8t1i, and up to Broadway. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 4. First Reading Ordinance 20-009 Comprehensive Plan Zoning Map Amendment—Mike Basinger After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Haley and seconded to advance Ordinance 20-009, Official Zoning Amendments, to a second reading as proposed.Mr.Basinger stated that this is the companion piece to the previous ordinance as this amends the zoning map. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 5. First Reading Ordinance 20-010 Code Text Amendment,Essential Public Facilities—Lori Barlow After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Councilmember Haley and seconded to advance Ordinance No. 20-010 to a second reading as proposed. Senior Planner Barlow went through the PowerPoint explaining the process of this City-initiated code text amendment to allow essential public facilities within the mixed use zone and not be permitted in the residential zones. Ms. Barlow mentioned the new R4 zone as per the comp plan proposed amendment, and said should that ordinance be adopted, this ordinance will come forward at the second reading with the R4 zone included as a zone where essential public facilities will not be permitted. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried 6. Motion Consideration: Washington Dept. of Commerce Memorandum of Understanding—Chaz Bates It was moved by Councilmember Hattenburg and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the memorandum of Understanding between the Washington State Department of Commerce and the City of Spokane Valley,for participation in the Manufacturing Roadmap program. After Mr. Bates' brief explanation of the program, it was noted there were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 7. Motion Consideration: Spokane Valley Chamber CARES A reement Amendment — Erik Lamb Jeff Kleingartner It was moved by Councilmember Haley and seconded to approve the amended Agreement between the City of Spokane Valley and the Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce for CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund grant, and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the agreement as amended in substantially the form presented. Deputy City Attorney Lamb stated that following his explanation of this amendment,Mr.Kleingartner will give Council an update on our efforts to market this program.Mr. Lamb explained that since Council approved the agreement, two issues have come up: first, the program was intended to begin a week after the Spokane County program application period ended;but Spokane County extended their application period to August 14, and accordingly, the Chamber recommended and staff agreed that our program should be pushed one week to begin August 24. Second,Mr.Lamb explained,the Regular Formal Council Meeting: 08-25-2020 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: 09-08-2020 chamber identified a potential issue with the prohibition of us awarding grants to nonprofits that received a County grant; said this is due to the limited number of nonprofits within the County and the large number that provide services regionally throughout the County;therefore,he explained,the Chamber has requested and staff agreed to propose an amendment to the agreement to allow the City funds to be awarded to nonprofits only, even if they had been awarded County funds, provided they demonstrated expenses and lost revenues in an amount supporting both a County grant and a City grant to prevent duplicate payments of federal funds for the same lost expenses or revenues. There was some brief discussion about businesses versus nonprofits with Mr.Lamb explaining that if you are a business, Council identified they wanted the business to be in Spokane Valley but with nonprofits, they don't have to be located in Spokane Valley but they still must provide that 18% service in Spokane Valley; he said there are 380 businesses with a zip code that could be in Spokane Valley under the County program; and only about 300 nonprofits region- wide. Although no one signed up to speak to this publicly, Mayor Wick permitted Chamber President Mr. Lance Beck to speak. Mr. Lance briefly stated that the assumption is there is a different level of demand on businesses versus nonprofits; that county-wide there is about a 10:1 ratio of small businesses compared with nonprofits. Public Information officer Kleingartner then went through his PowerPoint explaining the marketing campaign, its overview, digital advertising with KREM and social media, postcard mailings, press releases and emails, newspaper ads, social media posts, and articles on our website as well as a large website homepage banner to run until September 4. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY [21: Mayor Wick mentioned that the comments are limited to three minutes each. It was noted that two people had previously signed up to comment: Ms. Barb Howard, Spokane Valley: mentioned that she had called. Parks & Recreation Director Stone to thank him for the drive-in movies, and asked that that feature remain as it helps keep a lot of kids out of problems. Ms.Pete Miller Spokane Valley: read a portion of an e-mail from John Patrouch,which was one of four e- mailed comments she submitted earlier to the City Clerk in favor of the establishment of the R4 zone; and she thanked staff for their work and thanked Council for moving this forward. City Clerk Bainbridge mentioned that she previously e-mailed the noted e-mails to Councilmembers. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 8. CounciI 2021 Budget Goals—Mark Calhoun Mr. Calhoun went over the goals included on his August 25, 2020 Request for Council Action form, and explained that each year we prepare an annual budget,and these goals will be included in the 2021 budget cycle once adopted in November; adding that the goals are the same as in the 2020 budget,as the goals tend to be large in nature; and that tonight he seeks consensus for approval. Couneilmember Thompson suggested the following changes: goal#2: instead of`continue to pursue a plan' change to `actively' pursue a plan; goal#4: instead of`continue with and expand where possible' change to `sustain and expand where possible'; and for goal #9: not pursue, but increase community interactions sharing of information and obtain feedback on current and future projects and priorities. There were no objections from Councilmembers to the changes. Mr. Calhoun noted the list of goals will move forward, and that these goals will be included in the initial October 13 draft language. 8.Advance Agenda—Mayor Wick There were no suggested changes to the Advance Agenda. 9. Department Monthly Reports The Department Monthly Reports were for information only and were not reported or discussed. Regular Formal Council Meeting: 08-25-2020 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council: 09-08-2020 CITY MANAGER COMMENTS City Manager Calhoun Mark mentioned that there is only one item on the September 1 meeting, and he proposed moving that to the September 8 meeting,and thereby cancelling that September 1 meeting. There were no objections. Mr. Calhoun noted that staff and Council have spent a lot of time on the Pines grade separation project, and he showed the newly created video to supplement the project's presentations. It was moved by Counciltnember Thompson, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m. ATT Ste`''' Ben Wick, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Regular Formal Council Meeting: 08-25-2020 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council: 09-08-2020 August 22, 2020 Spokane Valley City Council 10210 E. Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Re: First Reading-Ordinance 20-007 and 20-I •n Comprehensive Plan Amendments Dear Mayor Wick and Members of the City &uncil, I am writing in support of the City initiated C$ttprehensive Plan Amendment number CPA-2020-0007. This amendment establishes a new R-4 zoning district. The R-4 "Single Family Residential Urban ' zoning district, as presented in city staff prepared documents, provides a focused zoning area thL t supports higher density alternative residential uses and developments.The R-4 zone, centered on Sim we Avenue and generally bounded by Broadway and 8''' Avenues better aligns higher density resident I uses with existing public transportation, commercial services anti utilities. This designation, proms es reinvestment in the City's core and acts to preserve outlying neighborhoods, The R-4 designation refines what is current') the existing R-3 "Single Family Residential" zone by identifying higher densities at locations that love infrastructure and amenities to support them. The proposed 11-3 zone provides some protection for existing R-3 zoned neighborhoods from the recent large scale multi-handy (duplex) developmen that have been occurring. It is noted that the proposed changes to the R-3 zone increase the allow We density from six dwelling units per acre to eight dwelling units per acre. The revised zoning designations allows for o rortunity and diversity within neighborhoods, promotes orderly growth, maintains the City's core, p otects existing neighborhoods, complies with the City Comprehensive Plan and Growth Manageme it Provisions. In my opinion, this is good long range planning. Respectfully, lry John C. Patrouch, PE 18009 h; Riverway Spokane Valley, WA 99010 o4petesake@comcas#.net From: Joyce Bishop <Joyce@Cibertynwaccounting.com> Sent: Monday, August 17, 2020 4:26 PM To: o4petesake@comcast,iet Subject: In support of CPA-2020-0007 I am totally in support of CPA-2020-007. Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of your neighbors. Your success Is our bottom Tine. Joyce Bishop Liberty NW Accounting Services LLC. 23403 E. Mission Ave Suite 205 Liberty Lake,WA 99019 509.385.5333 www.LibertyNWAccounting.com 1 o4petesake@comcast.net From. o4petesake@comcast.let Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2m20 12:22 PM To: 'Pete Miller' Subject: FW:R-3 From:Wiliam Mcdonald<boomcd2009@yahoo.com> Sent:Tuesday,August 18,2020 10:41 AM To:o4petesake@comcast.net Subject: R-3 I. Please look at the persons per square mile area of our Greermcres Area;it's much greater than most areas of Spokane with the addition of unlimited duplex rentals being built it is getting cv;n worse. Example just drive down Arc between Boone and East Mission. 2.Traffic is bad now(because of population density);add that to when the school re-open and more duplexes are built;getting out of your driveway will be very,very difficult to say the least, It is now very difficult. 3. Because of the population density,apartments density,duplex density my property value is going down instead of going up. 4. After a few years(3 to 5)the rental properties will not be taken care of as well and will further lower my property value. 5. 1 have already noticed an dramatic increase in the trash I fir'd on my property thanks to passer byes. b.The streets are much noisier now with a much higher amou St of traffic including a constant parade of l8 wheel tractor-trailers. Thank you, Bill McDonald Spokane Valley 1. o4petesake@comcast.net From: Bryan Everard <bcever@comcast.net> Sent; Monday, August 24, 2020 11:31 PM To: o4petesake@comcast.iet Subject: Zoning changes To the Spokane Valley City Council: As a 30 year resident of Spokane Valley and was supportive of the new City of Spokane Valley, 1 am dismayed by what I see everywhere in new housing projects. All of them are massive rent I multi-family apartment complexes and rental duplexes. Look on Boone Ave. , roadway Ave, and Sprague Ave. to start naming a few new projects. Where and I mean where are the single family homes? Where are the families ready to send down roots? We are turning Spokane Valley into acity of transit people. These renters do not have the Cityof Spokane Valleybest i�terests. Theyare just here long enough to p move to the South Hill, 5 mile , Shiloh -lilts or Mead. Must I go on. These renters are lower to lower middle class income levels. They spend their tax dollars in the areas mention above. That is why I am supportive of CPA-2020-0007. Please reconsider your vote to turn down this amendment. Bryan and Cheryl Everard 17505 E. Boone Ave. 1