Ordinance 20-009 Comp Plan Zoning Map CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO.20-009 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP AND ADOPTING IMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS AS DESCRIBED IN CPA-2020-0001, CPA-2020-0002, CPA- 2020-0003, CPA-2020-0006, AND CPA-2020-0007; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS,the City of Spokane Valley(City)adopted the Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC) and the Official City Zoning Map pursuant to Ordinance No. 16-018, on December 13, 2016 (the Official City Zoning Map); and WHEREAS,the SVMC and Official City Zoning Map became effective on December 28, 2016; and WHEREAS, comprehensive plans may be amended annually pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130 of the Growth Management Act(GMA); and WHEREAS, amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan may be initiated by the Planning Commission (Commission),the City Council (Council), citizens, or by the Community and Public Works Director based on citizen requests or when changed conditions warrant adjustments; and WHEREAS,the GMA requires comprehensive plans to be implemented with development regulations, including the zoning of all properties in the City that are consistent with land use map designations; and WHEREAS, zone changes under consideration with the annual Comprehensive Plan amendments are to be considered as area-wide rezones pursuant to SVMC 17.80.140; and WHEREAS, consistent with the GMA, the City adopted Public Participation Guidelines to direct the public involvement process for adopting and amending comprehensive plans and area-wide rezones; and WHEREAS,the Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC)provides that amendment applications shall be received prior to November 1 of each year; and WHEREAS, applications were submitted by the applicant, owner, or by City staff to amend the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map for the purpose of beneficially using the property described herein; and WHEREAS,on November 19,2019,City Council approved the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket; and WHEREAS, on November 25, 2019, the Washington State Department of Commerce was notified pursuant to RCW 36.70A.106 of the City's intent to adopt amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and implementing development regulations and zoning map amendments; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the State Environmental Protection Act chapter 43.21C RCW (SEPA) and chapter 21.20 SVMC, staff conducted an environmental review to determine the potential environmental impacts from the proposed amendments; and Ordinance 20-009, 2020 Zoning Map and Code Amendments Page 1 of 14 WHEREAS, on February 21, 2020, after reviewing the environmental checklists, staff issued a Determination of Non-Significance(DNS)for each of the proposals,published the DNS in the Valley News Herald, and where appropriate posted the DNS on the sites and mailed the DNS to all affected public agencies; and WHEREAS, on March 6, 2020 and March 13, 2020, notice of the Commission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald; and WHEREAS, on March 6, 2020, notice of the Commission hearing had been posted on all the subject properties; and WHEREAS, on March 6, 2020, the Commission conducted a study session to review the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS, on March 10,2020, notice of the Commission hearing was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of the subject properties; and WHEREAS, the scheduled public hearing on March 26, 2020 was canceled due to COV1D-19 and efforts to maximize social distancing, and WHEREAS, on May 27, 2020, notice of the Commission hearing was mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of the subject properties; and WHEREAS, on May 27, 2020, notice of the Commission hearing had been posted on all the subject properties; and WHEREAS, on May 29, 2020 and June 5, 2020, notice of the Commission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald; and WHEREAS, on June 11, 2020, the Commission conducted a study session to review the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS,in addition to the minimum legally required notice,the City issued a press release and sent direct emails to the "Media," "Comp Plan Updates," "City News," and "City Planning Commission Agenda"email distribution lists; and WHEREAS, the City also created a rotating banner on the City's homepage that linked to a webpage about the 2020 Comprehensive Plan Amendments; and WHEREAS,the City created and published social media posts on its Facebook, Twitter and Linkedln accounts about the date,time, and opportunity for public comment at the public hearing; and WHEREAS, on June 25,2020, the Commission received evidence, information,public testimony, and a staff report and recommendation at a public hearing; and WHEREAS, on June 25, 2020, the Commission deliberated and voted to forward CPA-2020-0001, CPA-2020-0002, and CPA-2020-0006, to Council with a recommendation for approval and CPA-2020- 0003 and CPA-2020-0007 to Council with a recommendation for denial,with written findings of fact setting forth the bases for such recommendations to Council; Ordinance 20-009, 2020 Zoning Map and Code Amendments Page 2 of 14 WHEREAS, on August 11, 2020, Council conducted a briefing to review the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS,on August 11,2020, Council concurred to place CPA-2020-0001, CPA-2020-0002,CPA- 2020-0003, CPA-2020-0006,and CPA-2020-0007, in an ordinance for consideration of approval; and WHEREAS, on August 25, 2020, Council considered a first ordinance reading to approve CPA-2020- 0001, CPA-2020-0002, CPA-2020-0003, CPA-2020-0006, and CPA-2020-0007; and WHEREAS, on September 8, 2020, Council considered a second ordinance reading to adopt the proposed amendments for CPA-2020-0001, CPA-2020-0002, CPA-2020-0003, CPA-2020-0006, and CPA-2020-0007. NOW,THEREFORE,the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley do ordain as follows: Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the Official City Zoning Map and adopt implementing development regulations as described in CPA-2020-0001, CPA-2020-0002, CPA- 2020-0003, CPA-2020-0006 and CPA-2020-0007. Section 2. Findings. Council acknowledges that the Commission conducted appropriate investigation and study and held a public hearing on the proposed amendments to the Official City Zoning Map and Spokane Valley Municipal Code. Council has read and considered the Commission's findings. Council makes and adopts findings specific to each Comprehensive Plan amendment as set forth in Section 4 below. The Council hereby makes and adopts the following general findings applicable to all proposed amendments: General Findings: 1. On November 25, 2019, the Washington State Department of Commerce was provided a notice of intent to adopt amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Pursuant to chapter 43.21C RCW (SEPA), environmental checklists were required for each proposed Comprehensive Plan map and text amendment. 3. Staff reviewed the environmental checklists and a threshold determination was made for each proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment. 4. On February 21,2020,Determination of Non-Significance(DNS)was issued for the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments. 5. On February 21, 2020, the DNS was published in the City's official newspaper, the Valley News Herald,pursuant to chapter 21.20 SVMC. 6. The procedural requirements of SEPA and Title 21 SVMC have been fulfilled. 7. On May 27, 2020, individual notices of public hearing for the proposed site-specific map amendments were, or had been previously, mailed to all property owners within 400 feet of each affected site. 8. On May 27, 2020 each site subject to a proposed site-specific amendment was, or had been previously, posted with a"Notice of Public Hearing" sign,with a description of the proposal. Ordinance 20-009, 2020 Zoning Map and Code Amendments Page 3 of 14 9. On May 29, 2020 and June 5, 2020, notice of the Commission public hearing was published in the Valley News Herald 10. In addition to the minimum legally required notice,the City issued a press release,sent direct emails to the"Media,""Comp Plan Updates,""City News,"and"City Planning Commission Agenda" email distribution lists, and provided notice of the public hearing on the City's Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedln accounts. 11. The procedural requirements in SVMC 17.80.140 for the amendment process, including public participation, notice, and public hearing requirements have been met. 12. On June, 25, 2020, the Commission held a public hearing on each of the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments. After receiving public testimony the public hearing was closed. 13. On June 25, 2020,the Commission deliberated and voted to forward CPA-2020-0001, CPA- 2020-0002, and CPA-2020-0006, to Council with a recommendation for approval and CPA- 2020-0003 and CPA-2020-0007 to Council with a recommendation for denial. 14. The Commission adopted findings for CPA-2020-0001, CPA-2020-0002, CPA-2020-0003, CPA-2020-0006, and CPA-2020-0007. Such findings were presented to Council. Specific findings adopted and made by City Council for each Comprehensive Plan Amendment request are contained in Section 4, below. 15. The Commission and Council have reviewed the proposed amendments concurrently to evaluate the cumulative impacts. The review was consistent with the annual amendment process pursuant to. SVMC 17.80.140 and chapter 36.70A RCW. 16. The proposed amendments to the Official City Zoning Map and Spokane Valley Municipal Code are consistent with GMA and do not result in internal inconsistencies within the Comprehensive Plan itself. Section 3. Property. The properties subject to this Ordinance are described in Attachment "A"(2020 Official City Zoning Amendment Maps). Section 4. Map Amendments. Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130,the Official City Zoning Map is hereby amended as set forth below and in Attachment "A" (Maps). The Zoning Map amendments are generally described as follows: Map Amendments: File No. CPA-2020-0001: Proposal: Request to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation from Single Family Residential(SFR)to Corridor Mixed Use(CMU)and to change the Zoning District from Single Family Residential Urban(R-3)to Corridor Mixed Use (CMU). Applicant: Land Use Solutions and Entitlement, 9101 N Mt View Lane, Spokane, WA 99218. Amendment Location: Parcel number 45152.1004 addressed as 1311 N. McDonald Road, further located in the NW'/ of Section 15,Township 25 North,Range 44 East,Willamette Meridian,Spokane County, Washington. Council adopts and makes the following Findings for CPA-2020-0001: Ordinance 20-009, 2020 Zoning Map and Code Amendments Page 4 of 14 1. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment. The adopted Comprehensive Plan describes the CMU designation as "allow[ing] for light manufacturing, retail, multifamily, and offices along major transportation corridors. It is primarily used along Sprague Avenue, and the north-south arterials." McDonald Road is an improved north-south Minor Arterial that is consistent with the description of the CMU designation. Additionally, proposed amendment increases office and parking opportunities in the McDonald Road corridor. 2. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amendment. The Growth Management Act(GMA)adopts thirteen goals to guide the development of local comprehensive plans and development regulations. The request allows opportunity to provide an expansion of office use on a designated Minor Arterial with supporting infrastructure. The proposal is consistent with goals of GMA and the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies. The two parcels to the south of the proposed amendment were changed from Office to CMU as part of the 2016 legislative update as part of a larger 2016 amendment to eliminate the Office designation,and the owner of the subject property is the same owner of the McDonald Professional Center. 4. The proposed amendment is not in response to or correct an obvious mapping error. 5. The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan has identified the following goals and policies that support increasing employment opportunities while taking advantage of existing supportive infrastructure.The proposed amendment contributes to the long-term success of the City: a. ED-P6 Promote the development or redevelopment of vacant and underutilized properties, particularly those with potential to serve as a catalyst for economic development. b. LU-G2 Provide for land uses that are essential to Spokane Valley residents, employees, and visitors. c. T-G2 Ensure that transportation planning efforts reflect anticipated land use patterns and support identified growth opportunities. 6. The change to CMU will allow for expanded office and office related uses such as parking. The change could result in more intensive development in the future,though the site immediately to the south is vacant and designated and zoned CMU. There is no concern on the effect of the physical environment. 7. There are no known critical areas associated with the site, such as wetlands, fish and wildlife habitat areas, frequently flooded areas or geologically hazardous areas. The parcel is not located within shoreline jurisdiction, and there are no known surface water quality or quantity issues.The City's critical areas ordinance ensures adequate protection of critical areas and stormwater associated with commercial development will be retained and treated on the site. 8. The property is adjacent to CMU to the south and MFR to the east.To the north and west are existing single family homes on SFR designated properties. If approved, the development of the site will be subject to the transitional regulations that will ensure protection of the adjacent homes to the north and south.Potential development consistent with the CMU zone will be compatible with properties to the south and east. The projected impact to the surrounding neighborhood is minimal. Any future development will be evaluated for compliance with all municipal requirements as it relates to adjacent uses at the time of development. Ordinance 20-009, 2020 Zoning Map and Code Amendments Page 5 of 14 9. McDonald Road is a Minor Arterial and is expected to accommodate the projected change. The projected LOS for McDonald Road in 2040 is A-C, and no mitigations or transportation projects are planned for this section of McDonald Road within the 20-year planning horizon. The subject property and the property immediately to the south are considered infill; the expansion of office in this area is ideal because of the supporting infrastructure that is in place overall impact to the transportation system is minimal. 10. The proposed change would allow the property to support the expansion of the McDonald Professional Center, increasing employment opportunities and growing the City's economy. The change will benefit the City and region by supporting the following adopted Comprehensive Plan goal and policy: a. ED-G 1 Support economic opportunities and employment growth for Spokane Valley b. ED-P3 Encourage businesses that provide jobs and grow local markets. 11. The proposal would add approximately 0.5 acres of CMU property to the 1,666 acres of existing CMU designated property within the City.The CMU designation in this location allows for the expansion of an existing office development on the McDonald Road corridor in an area supported by existing infrastructure. The proposal is limited to a reasonable area and if developed under CMU standards the type of use and density would be appropriate for the location. 12. There is one dwelling unit proposed to be removed. While CMU allows residential development, it is not expected that residential development would occur and therefore the City would lose one single family house as a result of the amendment. The change is not expected to have significant impacts to population density in the area. 13. The CMU designation will support the goals and policies identified above. There will be no effect on other elements of the Comprehensive Plan, including Housing, Capital Facilities and Public Services, Public and Private Utilities, Parks and Open Space and Natural Resources. 14. The criteria of SVMC 17.80.140(H)are met by the amendment. Council Decision: Change the zoning for parcel number 45152.1004 to Corridor Mixed Use (CMU). File No, CPA-2020-0002: Proposal: Request to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation from Industrial (I) to Regional Commercial (RC) and to change the Zoning District from Industrial (I) to Regional Commercial(RC). Applicant: Lawrence B. Stone Properties,PO Box 3949, Spokane, WA 99220. Amendment Location: Parcel number 35133.2321, located north Fancher Road,further located in the SW 'A of Section 13, Township 25 North, Range 43 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington. Council adopts and makes the following Findings for CPA-2020-0002: 1. 2. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health,safety, welfare, and protection of the environment. The proposed amendment provides the opportunity to aggregate parcels creating greater depth to provide for a larger format structure.Based on the application,the intent is to combine the two Regional Commercial (RC) parcels to the south with the proposal. Both the Industrial (I) and RC designations and zoning districts allow for intensive uses. Providing opportunity for development and redevelopment where there is existing infrastructure has a substantial benefit to public health, safety, and welfare. 2. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amendment. The Growth Management Act(GMA)adopts thirteen goals to guide the development of local Ordinance 20-009, 2020 Zoning Map and Code Amendments Page 6 of 14 comprehensive plans and development regulations. The request allows opportunity to aggregate parcels in an area that is already served by supporting infrastructure. The proposal does not conflict with any other GMA goals. The amendment is not in conflict with any other portions of the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The proposed amendment does not respond to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies. 4. The proposed amendment does not correct a mapping error. 5. The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. While not identified as a deficiency, the Comprehensive Plan includes the following goals and policies that support increasing employment opportunities while taking advantage of existing supportive infrastructure. The proposed amendment contributes to the long-term success of the City by: a. ED-GI Support economic opportunities and employment growth for Spokane Valley. b. ED-P6 Promote the development or redevelopment of vacant and underutilized properties, particularly those with potential to serve as a catalyst for economic development. c. LU-G2 Provide for land uses that are essential to Spokane Valley residents, employees, and visitors. d. LU-G3 Support the transformation of commercial, industrial, and mixed-use areas into accessible districts that attract economic activity. e. CF-P2 Optimize the use of existing public facilities before investing in new facilities. 6. The change to RC will allow uses similarly allowed along the Sprague corridor. The change may result in a more people-oriented active use in the area versus a vacant or industrial use, but the intensity would be similar to existing nearby uses. There is no concern on effect of physical environment. 7. There are no known critical areas associated with the site, such as wetlands, fish and wildlife habitat areas, frequently flooded areas or geologically hazardous areas. The parcel is not located within shoreline jurisdiction, and there are no known surface water quality or quantity issues. The City's critical areas ordinance will ensure that adequate • protection of critical areas and adjacent land use are addressed when future development occurs and stormwater associated with commercial development will be retained and treated on the site. 8. The property is adjacent to RC to the west and south; and I to the north and east. To the north are existing industrial developments and users. To the south is a vacant used motor vehicle sales lot that is under the same ownership. To the west is Home Depot. The projected impact to the surrounding neighborhood is minimal. Any future development will be evaluated for compliance with all municipal requirements as it relates to adjacent uses at the time of development. 9. Sprague Avenue is a Principal Arterial and is expected to accommodate the projected change. The 20-year Transportation Improvement Plan identifies a concrete intersection at Sprague and Fancher by 2039. The existing and projected LOS for this segment of Sprague Avenue is D within City's adopted standard.Additionally, the change from Ito RC is expected to have a minimal impact to the transportation network and other utilities. 10. The proposed change would allow the property to be combined with the two properties fronting Sprague Avenue, increasing employment opportunities and growing the city's economy. The change benefits the neighborhood, City, and region by supporting the following adopted Comprehensive Plan goals and policies: a. ED-G1 Support economic opportunities and employment growth for Spokane Valley. Ordinance 20-009, 2020 Zoning Map and Code Amendments Page 7 of 14 b.ED-P6 Promote the development or redevelopment of vacant and underutilized properties, particularly those with potential to serve as a catalyst for economic development. e. LU-G2 Provide for land uses that are essential to Spokane Valley residents, employees, and visitors. d. LU-G3 Support the transformation of commercial, industrial, and mixed-use areas into accessible districts that attract economic activity. e. CF-P2 Optimize the use of existing public facilities before investing in new facilities. 11. The proposal would add approximately three acres of RC property to the 809 acres of existing RC designated property within the City. As of 2018, there are approximately 111 acres of vacant RC property within the City. The amendment allows for commercial development on the Sprague Avenue corridor in an area supported by existing infrastructure. The proposal is limited to a reasonable area and if developed under RC standards the type of use and density will be appropriate for the location. 12. Under the existing conditions the subject property is a paved vacant lot. It appears the property was used in conjunction with the RC designated property to the south for used motor vehicle sales,which is presently vacant. The change of the property from Ito RC will not impact current or projected population density in the area. 13. The RC designation will support the goals and policies identified above. It would have very little to no effect on other elements of the Comprehensive Plan, including Housing, Capital Facilities and Public Services,Public and Private Utilities,Parks and Open Space and Natural Resources. 14. The criteria of SVMC 17.80.140(H)are met by the amendment. Council Decision: Change the zoning for parcel number 35133.2321 to Regional Commercial (RC)). File No. CPA-2020-0003: Proposal: Request to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation from Multifamily Residential (MFR)to Corridor Mixed Use(CMU) and to change the Zoning District from Multifamily Residential (MFR)to Corridor Mixed Use(CMU). Applicant: Jay Rambo,PO Box 212011, Spokane Valley, WA 99214 Amendment Location: Parcel numbers 45094.0133, 45094.0134, and 45094.0121 addressed as 1723 and 1724 N Union Road,further located in the SE 'A of Section 09,Township 25 North, Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington. Council adopts and makes the following Findings for CPA-2020-0003: 1. The proposed amendment changing the land use designation from Multiple Family Residential to (MFR) to Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) has a substantial relationship to the public health, safety,welfare,and protection of the environment.The adopted Comprehensive Plan describes the CMU designation as "allow[ing] for light manufacturing, retail, multifamily, and offices along major transportation corridors.It is primarily used along Sprague Avenue,and the north- south arterials." The subject properties are between CMU properties to the west, east, and south.Access is provided by Union Road via Mission Avenue.Mission Ave is a Minor Arterial. Changing the land use designation to CMU increases the flexibility of allowed uses and allowed density on the sites in an area with supportive infrastructure,which has benefit to public health, safety, and welfare. 2. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amendment. The Growth Management Act (GMA) adopts thirteen goals to guide the development of local comprehensive plans and development regulations. The request allows opportunity to expand Ordinance 20-009, 2020 Zoning Map and Code Amendments Page 8 of 14 the multiple family development on the site and the opportunity to provide the neighborhood with access to daily goods and services in a centralized area with adequate public facilities; there are two projects in the 6-year TIP along Mission Avenue just south of this area to improve capacity. The proposal does not conflict with any other GMA goals. The amendment is not in conflict with any other portions of the comprehensive plan. 3. The proposed amendment does not respond to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies. While the amendment does not respond directly to a substantial change in conditions beyond the owner's control,the 2016 legislative update to the Comprehensive Plan eliminated the Office designation generally replacing it with the CMU designation,which was the case for the parcels to the west, east, and south. While the 2016 plan changed the designation of the surrounding vacant lands from Office to CMU, the properties subject to the amendment request had a multiple family development and the designation of Multiple Family was not changed. The CMU designation provides more flexibility than the Office and Multiple Family designations. The changing of the surrounding properties from Office to CMU created a situation whereby the subject properties may not use their property to the similarly situated properties to the west, east, and south. 4. The amendment is not in response to a mapping error and would not correct any error. 5. The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. Changing the designation from MFR to CMU on an existing developed parcel provides the opportunity to increase density on developed parcels using pre-existing infrastructure and provide flexibility to add service retail oriented to the area that may be supported by the multiple family housing. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the following goals and policies that support the proposed change: a. LU-G1 Maintain and enhance the character and quality of life in Spokane Valley. b. LU-P16 Maximize the density of development along major transit corridors and near transit centers and commercial areas. c. H-Gl Allow for a broad range of housing opportunities to meet the needs of the community. d. H-G3 Allow convenient access to daily goods and services in Spokane Valley's neighborhoods. e. CF-P2 Optimize the use of existing public facilities before investing in new facilities. 6. The change to CMU will allow existing uses as well as commercial, office and higher residential development of the properties.The properties will have the opportunity to transition, add density and a mix of uses to serve the surrounding neighborhood. There is no concern on effect of physical environment. 7. The effect on open space, streams,rivers and lakes minimal. There are no known critical areas associated with the site, such as wetlands, fish and wildlife habitat areas, frequently flooded areas or geologically hazardous areas.The parcels are not located within shoreline jurisdiction, and there are no known surface water quality or quantity issues. 8. The CMU zone is compatible and will have little impact on adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods. The 6.25-acre site is currently developed with a multiple family development and a one single family home. The adjacent use to the south is single family,to the west self- storage, to the east office, multiple family and vacant CMU. The CMU land use designation surrounds the amendment site to the west, east, and north. Potential development consistent with the CMU zone will be compatible with properties to the west, east, and south, and transitional regulations will protect the single family zone to the north. 9. The subject properties are considered infill development, as such, the expansion of allowed uses and increased densities are supported by community facilities and infrastructure that is in place. Mission Avenue is a Minor Arterial. There are two projects in the 6-year TIP along Mission Avenue just south of this area, one of which is the intersection capacity improvement Ordinance 20-009, 2020 Zoning Map and Code Amendments Page 9 of 14 and signal modification at Pines/Mission. Site-specific improvements and their impact to this project would be identified through the development review process, and development on the parcels within the Mirabeau Subarea Study area. 10. The proposed change would allow the property to increase density and support infill development in an area planned for growth. The change may support increased housing opportunities, office, employment,or access to daily goods and services, The change benefits the neighborhood, city, and region by supporting the following adopted Comprehensive Plan goal and policy: a. ED-Gl Support economic opportunities and employment growth for Spokane Valley b. ED-P3 Encourage businesses that provide jobs and grow local markets. 11. The proposal would add approximately 6.5 acres of CMU property to the 1,666 acres of existing CMU designated property within the city. The CMU designation in this place would allow for increased options for development including increased density and retail services that may serve multiple family development. The proposal is limited to a reasonable area and if developed under CMU standards the type of use and density would be appropriate for the location. 12. The current designation and zoning is MFR which has a density maximum of 22 dwelling units per acre. While CMU allows unlimited density, actual densities in the CMU are generally consistent with those in the MFR designation and zoning. The change is not expected to have significant impacts to the planned population density in the area. 13. The CMU designation will support the goals and policies identified above. It would have very little to no effect on other elements of the Comprehensive Plan, including Housing, Capital Facilities and Public Services,Public and Private Utilities,Parks and Open Space and Natural Resources. 14. The criteria of SVMC 17.80.140(H)are met by the amendment. Council Decision: Change the zoning for parcel numbers 45094.0133, 45094.0134, and 45094.0121 to Corridor Mixed Use(CMU). File No.: CPA-2020-0006 Proposal: Request to change the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation from Industrial (I) to Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) and to change the Zoning District from Industrial (I) to Corridor Mixed Use(CMU) Applicant: City of Spokane Valley, 10210 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99206. Amendment Location: Parcel numbers 45013.9024 addressed as 3830 N Sullivan, fiu-ther Iocated in the SW 1/4 of Section 01, Township 25 North, Range 44 East, Willamette Meridian, Spokane County, Washington. Council adopts and makes the following Findings for CPA-2020-0006: 1. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, welfare, and protection of the environment. The proposed amendment provides more flexibility of uses on a property allowing East Valley School District(EVSD)to broaden and enhance their educational service mission. Under the Industrial zone educational activities are limited to professional, vocational and trade schools. While this may continue to be an essential component to EVSD curriculum,flexibility is needed to meet existing and future demand for other educational services. Changing the designation to Corridor Mixed Use (CMU), increases the allowed types of educational services legally permitted to occur in the existing facility. Increasing educational opportunities to local youth has a substantial benefit to public health, safety, and welfare. 2. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amendment. The Growth Management Act(GMA)adopts thirteen goals to guide the development of local Ordinance 20-009, 2020 Zoning Map and Code Amendments Page 10 of 14 comprehensive plans and development regulations. The request allows opportunity to strengthen EVSD mission to provide for education of local youth in an area with adequate public facilities. The proposal does not conflict with any other GMA goals. The amendment is not in conflict with any other portions of the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The amendment does respond to a substantial change in demographic conditions from 2016 legislative update to the Comprehensive Plan. EVSD has experienced changes in enrollment and interest in vocational education, under the existing I designation only professional,vocational and trade schools are allowed changing the designation to CMU allows EVSD to adapt the educational services they provide in a location they own and have made substantial improvements for educational purposes. The demographic and interest shifts are beyond EVSD control the proposed change allows them to continue to serve district educational needs. 4. The proposed text amendments do not correct a mapping error. 5. The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. While not directly identified as a deficiency, the Comprehensive Plan has identified the following goal and policy that support workforce development and education,which are integral to the long-term success of the City: a.ED-G5 Support and encourage the development of a strong workforce that is globally competitive and responds to the changing needs of the workplace b. ED-P16 Support local educational institutions in the development of educational and training programs that meet the needs of businesses. 6. The change to CMU will allow existing uses as well as more expanded educational uses. The change could result in more intensive development in the future, though the site is currently developed. There is no concern on effect of physical environment. 7. There are no known critical areas associated with the site, such as wetlands, fish and wildlife habitat areas, frequently flooded areas or geologically hazardous areas. The parcel is not located within shoreline jurisdiction, and there are no known surface water quality or quantity issues. The City's critical areas ordinance will ensure that adequate protection of the critical areas and adjacent land use are addressed should future development occur. 8. The property is generally surrounded by Spokane Industrial Park to the north and east; however, the property is not part of the Spokane Industrial Park. The property to the south is designated and zoned CMU. The institutional use on the proposed site is generally compatible with both the light industrial uses to the north and east and the retail service uses to the south. The projected impact to the surrounding neighborhoods is minimal. Any future development will be evaluated for compliance with all municipal requirements as it relates to adjacent uses at the time of development. 9. B Street is a local access street and Sullivan Road is a Principal Arterial. There are two capacity related projects in the 6-year TIP near the project area:intersection improvement at Sullivan and Wellesley and improvement to Sullivan and SR 290 (Trent) interchange. The subject property are considered infill development,as such,the expansion of allowed uses and increased densities are supported by the infrastructure that is in place. 10. The proposed change would allow the property and structure owned by EVSD to be used for educational purposes beyond professional,vocational and trade school use,increasing the school district's ability to provide educational services. The change benefits the neighborhood, City, and region. 11. The proposal would add approximately 9 acres of CMU property to the 1,666 acres of existing CMU designated property within the City. While additional demand for CMU property may be limited, the CMU designation allows for additional educational uses, which has been indicated as needed from EVSD. The proposal is limited to a reasonable Ordinance 20-009, 2020 Zoning Map and Code Amendments Page 11 of 14 area and if developed under CMU standards the type of use and density would be appropriate for the location. 12. Under the existing conditions and the Industrial designation there is very little population that resides in the area. While CMU allows residential development, it is not expected that residential development would occur. The proposed change in land use designation is not expected to have significant impacts to population density in the area. 13. The CMU designation will support the goal and policy identified above. It would have very little to no effect on other elements of the Comprehensive Plan, including Land Use, Transportation, and Housing, Capital Facilities and Public Services, Public and Private Utilities, Parks and Open Space and Natural Resources. 14. The criteria of SVMC 17.80.140(H)are met by the amendment. Council Decision: Change the zoning for parcel number 45013.9024 to Corridor Mixed Use (CMU). File No. CPA-2020-0007: Proposal: Amend the Spokane Valley Municipal Code to implement the amendments made to the Comprehensive Plan by CPA-2020-0007. The amendments include creating a new R-4 zoning district an implementing zone for the Single Family Residential land use designation. Applicant: City of Spokane Valley, 10210 East Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99206. Amendment Location: Applies citywide. Council adopts and makes the following Findings for CPA-2020-0007: 1. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to the public health, safety,welfare, and protection of the environment. Housing is an important component of the economic infrastructure of the city. Ensuring that there is a variety of housing types is an important competitive advantage for economic development. The proposed amendment will allow the City to more closely align its housing needs with locations within the City to ensure adequate infrastructure is available.This will also enable the provision of quality,affordable housing for all Spokane Valley residents. 2. The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portion of the City's adopted plan not affected by the amendment. The Growth Management Act (GMA) adopts thirteen goals to guide the development of local comprehensive plans and development regulations. The GMA provides that the housing element serves to encourage the availability of affordable housing to residents of all economic backgrounds, promote a variety of residential densities and housing types, and encourage the preservation of existing neighborhoods. The proposed amendment will provide increased housing options in locations that have adequate infrastructure that can affordably support increased densities. 3. The proposed amendment responds to a substantial change in conditions beyond the property owner's control applicable to the area within which the subject property lies. The amendment is not related to a specific piece of property. It does, however, respond to a substantial change in conditions from 2016 legislative update to the Comprehensive Plan. This change relates to increased duplex development in neighborhoods with larger lots as a result of the 2016 legislative update. This amendment looks to incentivize alternative housing development where there is frequent transit and commercial services. 4. The proposed amendment is not in response to or corrects an obvious mapping error. 5. The proposed amendment addresses an identified deficiency in the Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan identifies that the city will need an additional 6,389 homes by 2037(3,962 single family homes and 2,417 multifamily).The plan also identifies that the median household. income in the city was approximately$2,000 less than the average countywide annual earnings. Additional data indicates that residents are cost-burdened with 51% of renters and 26% of Ordinance 20-009, 2020 Zoning Map and Code Amendments Page 12 of 14 homeowners spending at least 33 percent of their monthly budget on rent or mortgage payments. The following adopted goals, policies, and strategy support the proposed amendment: a. H-G1 Allow for a broad range of housing opportunities to meet the needs of the community. b. H-G2 Enable the development of affordable housing for all income levels. c. Strategy: Continue to evaluate new housing typologies to meet market needs. 6. The proposed amendment is policy oriented and as a non-site specific amendment does not have a direct effect on the physical environment. Future development that may result will be evaluated under city regulations for physical development. 7. The proposed amendment is policy oriented and does not have a direct effect on open space, streams, rivers and lakes. The City's critical areas ordinance will ensure that adequate protection of critical areas and adjacent land use are addressed should future development occur. 8. The proposed amendment is policy oriented and includes implementing development regulations that are aimed to protect neighborhood character and locate alternative housing in areas with frequent transit and commercial services. 9. Capital Facilities Policy CF-P6 recommends that facilities and services meet minimum Level of Service(LOS)Standards. LOS standards have been adopted for water,sewer,transportation, stormwater, law enforcement, libraries, parks, street cleaning,public transit, fire, and schools. The proposed amendment seeks to take advantage of available infrastructure to minimize the need to develop and maintain new infrastructure. 10 Increasing housing options that protect neighborhood character and minimize the need for new infrastructure can potentially reduce housing costs and thereby reducing the amount of city residents paying more than 33 percent of their income toward housing, which would benefit the neighborhood, city and region. The change benefits the neighborhood, City, and region by supporting the following adopted Comprehensive Plan goal and policy: a. ED-P8 Provide and maintain an infrastructure system that supports Spokane Valley's economic development priorities. b. LU-G1 Maintain and enhance the character and quality of life in Spokane Valley. c. LU-G4 Ensure that land use plans, regulations, review processes, and infrastructure improvements support economic growth and vitality d. LU-P14 Enable a variety of housing types. e.LU-P 16 Maximize the density of development along major transit corridors and near transit centers and commercial areas. f. H-G3 Allow convenient access to daily goods and services in Spokane Valley's neighborhoods. 11. The proposed amendment does not change the location or quantity of Iand designations. Implementing changes to the zoning code increase densities in locations with adequate infrastnicture support, and may reduce densities in other locations. The amendment consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan and the demand forecasted. 12. The implementing regulations increase density in areas that are supported by adequate infrastructure and may reduce densities in other locations. The proposed amendment is not expected to have significant impacts to population density on a citywide level. Implementing regulations are consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan and the demand forecasted. 13. The proposed amendment will support and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan's housing goals, policies, and strategies. The amendment will not have a direct impact on other Comprehensive Plan elements. Implementing regulations are consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan and the demand forecast. 14. The criteria of SVMC 17.80.140(H) are met by the amendment. 15. 14. The criteria of SVMC 17.80.150(F) are met by the amendment. Ordinance 20-009, 2020 Zoning Map and Code Amendments Page 13 of 14 Council Decision: Amend the Zoning Map by adding an R-4 zoning district as shown in Attachment "A" and adopt implementing development regulations for the new R-4 zone as identified in CPA-2020-0007 and Attachment"B". Section 5. Zoning Map/Official Controls. Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.100, for the purpose of regulating the use of land and to implement and give effect to the Comprehensive Plan, the City hereby amends the Official City Zoning Map as set forth in Attachment"A". Section 6. Zoning Code Amendments. Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.100, for the purpose of regulating use of land and to implement and give effect to the Comprehensive Plan,the City herby amends the Spokane Valley Municipal Code as set forth in Attachment"B"subject to and based on the findings for CPA-2020- 0007. Section 7. Adoption of Other Laws. To the extent that any provision of the SVMC, or any other law, rule, or regulation referenced in the attached Zoning Map(s) is necessary or convenient to establish the validity, enforceability, or interpretation of the Zoning Map(s),then such provision of the SVMC, or other law, rule, or regulation is hereby adopted by reference. Section 8. Map -Copies on File-Administrative Action. The Zoning Map is maintained in the office of the City Clerk as well as the City Department of Community and Public Works. The City Manager or designee, following adoption of this Ordinance, is authorized to modify the Zoning Map in a manner consistent with this Ordinance, including correcting scrivener's errors. Section 9. Liability. The express intent of the City is that the responsibility for compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance shall rest with the permit applicant and their agents. This Ordinance and its provisions are adopted with the express intent to protect the health,safety, and welfare of the general public and are not intended to protect any particular class of individuals or organizations. Section 10. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance. Section 1L Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect five days after publication of this Ordinance or a summary thereof in the official newspaper of the City as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council this 8u'day of September, 2020. 6. al' AT E Ben Wick, Mayor l � , ristine Bainbridge, ity Clerk t Approved As Form: a Office of Vit City AttOney Date of Publication . Effective Date: — 3 2 ZF Ordinance 20-009, 2020 Zoning Map and Code Amendments Page 14 of 14 Ordinance 20-009 Attachment A Zoning Map Study Area 1111111111111 E Sint()Ave -d a 0 y� H Legend B Sharp Ave / R1 MF RC R2 1 1 NC IMU R3 MU /// POS CMU CPA-2020-0001 Request: u okane Owner: Tucker Roy LLC Proposed change.Land Use Parcel* 45752.1004 designation from SFR to CMU 101000* Valley Address: 1311 N McDonald Rd and Zoning from R3 to CMU Zoning Map Ina E Nixon Ave .E-Main Ave \ 14410,4, Study Areal q0 E Sprague Ave q� �v Legend co i�i R1 it MF RC R2 I NC 1MU R3 MU 1 POS CMU CPA-2020-0002 Request: Spokane Owner: Lawrence B Stone Properties#50 LLC Proposed change: Land Use designation from Ito RC and Zoning from Ito RC ...•••*Valley Parcel#: 35133.2321 Address: NFancherRd Zoning Map 7 E Montgomery Ave - e E I 90 W 289 On Ramp EI900Fwy, Study Area E I 90 E289 OFF Ra loih' 401 ENofa Ave r -c) —q` o 15 i z z E Mission Ave I Legend - xcc % R1 MF 111. RC R2 NC L IMU l ` I E"Maxwe11 Ave R3 MU I I _ POS CMU r— ' ' = _1 1 ar CPA-2020-0003 Request: cn!`u Owner: Revere-DeelAMvLLc Proposed change:Land UsepUane Bnr1 Properties LLC Building Owner LLC designation from MF to CMU Valley4000* Parcel* 45094.0133, .0134,.0121 and Zoning from MF to CMU Address: 1723/1724 N Union Rd Zoning Map Study Area ai Eindusrl:ial,Park:A;St rq 74. z E•Kiernan-Ave _' E;Industarial Park;B St Legend ��� R 1 MF RC R2 NC I I IMU R3 MU I POS CMU t i= CPAr2020-0006 Request: jl[) IIE' Owner: East Valley School Proposed change:Land Use Valley District#361 designation from Ito CMU 4000* Parcel#: 45013.9024 and Zoning from Ito CMU Address: 3830 N Sullivan Rd Zoning Map I'lltnkr's m E Wellesley Ave Ecrr•Y{Shorts -0 a`a rn .Stailinnii i� 2' i o } o_ W Rhrtk•IPoint: iCbrrrutiun -41110111.7 _ _ I. Orchard WA StsiIc Pau Icsr- 1I��IV4` AvciParic CentcnnutlLTraiil �[mp' + ` , E Mirabeau f Y v. � Pkwy E El�ctidAvel lx\I,. IuckeYa Park lg.. tin jbran'. I it i to It Ave i • �/ l l.,,._ ✓` al19 ome A z erl'ot t`i,i'I u 1 i,_19 ansiieici Csulrr C, ra J I'liit'C k---H""" U} ,,,Y' ; E Knox Av ..A E 190 Fw i.,° • u- Y ^� w' Si tiii� In Z K . s. _ 13 E Mis \Park sionE Mis -r Y lllti\Ioa `+-�Ave .v a j E Mission Ave \ TIILca f64 r -----------__ Pa l: CC a At li IZU:I(l Ca < Z -� h m EBroed.vAVG. a` c I L k'a'I J--L.-E I� u I II 49� 7{: I 1 i'II II I. J, . a k Sri I t ,.rill Oil I.'f LO!^� II tL 1 11 - III] 111I " 0 Irta I 73 �l F- y l rJ 74 r�• 1. it= a —' I 1 III�-# ■11 I m r rI '.- nr-i.I i.Il ,kl_11ir'I,- r_ I.. r .t:in ut^IL r1111 11.II.. 1E111,1111 illmlt : �I i1- •�iaii111 ,i i I I����I����� II r n91� itltruaa i 'aal YI HIS- ■ .n -4. 1 e i�flLlh '*! III Iil! �r�Jl� :.al E 1 ��. -Ail r F- i t , IIII_ t—m:4 ...,.I ��I 11=- '-�a l.:.. i i I. ' A rgt.'�i !'- ^Ti S 4 — E I , I3lilrour E tl• .ziue Ave '91 S �:1.. .sr>m L: w �l1. I A l:` Pork 7r1i:r ln'Tv 4 mill� �, °I - I 7 - a1 e r �- ('ai❑11 4 WI Ave _ � IF" � �� �'I��g{ .� ADM Park 1 1.1 . rir n u }I11 .NINE► rl Dishni.iu' . o �. tt eff/. 111m.:13 I i o m a r,„ I'View INahlralAreii� � �cc mcn E 16 Ave e :� > cq , � ill \ N L SaIEe Rcl Lu v, co cif co 0' 13 LJ. EIY ai N� N a sierra to E 24th Ave• m l Pairl<tl PriiifI E 24th Aye .-, v `-P Legend 1 1 E 3; Municipality Name R3 CMU attiManna ;r'iI'k` s II Spokane Valley POS RC Conservation Area p tagihrlIn b '0 R4 (Proposed) MF IMU 0 r `y R1 NC I r/77/ i/// R2 MU ..r ;/ /' 44th Ave } CPA-2020-0007 Request: �„'or Proposed change: Create a new R4 zoningdistrict �lO�arl� Owner: Various p 4000* Valley Parcel#: Multiple implements SFR designation. ATTACHMENT B 19.20.010 Zoning districts. The City has established the following zoning districts: Comprehensive Plan Map Land Use Designation Symbol Zoning District Single-Family R-1 Single-Family Residential Residential Estate Single-Family R-2 Single-Family Residential Residential Suburban Single-Family R-3 Single-Family Residential Residential Single-Family R-4 Single-Family Residential Residential Urban Multifamily Residential MFR Multifamily Residential Mixed Use MU Mixed Use Corridor Mixed Use CMU Corridor Mixed Use Neighborhood NC Neighborhood Commercial Commercial Regional Commercial RC Regional Commercial Industrial I Industrial Industrial Mixed Use IMU Industrial Mixed Use Parks, Recreation,and P/OS Parks/Open Space Open Space 19.20.015 Zoning districts purpose. A. R-1—Single-Family Residential Estate. Preserves the distinct character of existing single-family large lot development, while allowing for a limited number of large animals. B. R-2—Single-Family Residential Suburban. Preserves existing single-family development patterns, while allowing for development that is similar in size and scale to the surrounding neighborhood. C. R-3—Single-Family Residential. Allows for single-family residential development that provides flexibility and promotes reinvestment in existing single-family neighborhoods. D. R-4—Single--Family Residential Urban. Allows for single-family residential development at an urban density that provides flexibility and promotes reinvestment in existing single-family neighborhoods. E. MFR—Multifamily Residential. Allows for multifamily housing located near business and commercial centers, the arterial street system, and public transit.Adjacent single-family zones are protected through transitional standards. Page 1 of 8 ATTACHMENT B E. MU —Mixed Use. Allows for two or more different land uses within developments. Mixed-use developments can be either vertical or horizontally mixed, and could include employment uses such as office, retail, and/or lodging along with higher-density residential uses, and in some cases, community or cultural facilities. Adjacent residential zones are protected through transitional standards. G. CMU—Corridor Mixed Use. Allows for light manufacturing, retail, multifamily, and offices along major transportation corridors. Adjacent residential zones are protected through transitional standards. H. NC— Neighborhood Commercial. Allows for small-scale neighborhood retail and office uses while allowing for single-family development. I. RC—Regional Commercial. Allows a broad range of retail, wholesale, service, and other compatible uses, with a wide range of development types. Adjacent residential zones are protected through transitional standards. J. I —Industrial. Allows all types of industrial development such as manufacturing, processing, fabrication, assembly, disassembly, and freight-handling.Transitional standards protect adjacent nonindustrial zones from industrial uses that have significant noise, odor, or aesthetic impacts. K. IMU—Industrial Mixed Use. Allows retail, office, light manufacturing, and other light industrial uses such as contractor yards. Transitional standards protect adjacent nonindustrial zones from industrial uses that have significant noise, odor, or aesthetic impacts. L. P/OS—Parks/Open Space. Protects and provides for parks, open space, and other natural physical assets of the community. 19.60.050 Permitted uses matrix. Parks Residential Mixed Use Commercial Industrial and Open Space R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 MFR MU CMU NC RC IMU I P05 Agriculture and Animal Animal processing/handling P Animal raising and/or keeping 5 S S S S S S Animal shelter S P P Beekeeping,commercial P Beekeeping,hobby S 5 5 S Community garden 5 5 5 5 S S S S Greenhouse/nursery,commercial P P P Kennel 5 S 5 5 P P Orchard,tree farming,commercial P P Riding stable P P C Communication Facilities Radio/TV broadcasting studio P P P P Page 2 of 8 ATTACHMENT B Parks Residential Mixed Use Commercial Industrial and Open Space R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 MFR MU CMU NC RC IMU I P05 Repeater facility P P P P P P P P P Small cell deployment S S 5 S 5 S S S S S S S Telecommunication wireless antenna 5 5 5 S 5 S 5 5 5 S S array Telecommunication wireless support S S S S 5 S S S 5 S S tower Tower, ham operator S S S S 5 S S 5 S 5 S Community Services Community hall,club,or lodge P P P P P P P P Church,temple, mosque,synagogue and P P P P P P P P P house of worship Crematory P P P P Funeral home P P Transitional housing C • Day Care Day care,adult P P P P P P P P P P P Day care,child(12 children or fewer) P P P P P P P P P P P Day care,child(13 children or more) C C C C P P P P P P P Eating and Drinking Establishment P P P P P P S Education Schools,college or university P P P Schools,K through 12 P P P P P P P P P Schools, professional,vocational and P P P P P P trade schools Schools,specialized training/studios P P P P Entertainment Adult entertainment and retail 5 Casino P P P Cultural facilities P P P P Exercise facility S S 5 5 Off-road recreational vehicle use P P Major event entertainment P P P Racecourse P P P P Racetrack P P Recreational facility P P P P P P Theater,indoor P P P Group Living Page 3 of 8 ATTACHMENT B Parks Residential Mixed Use Commercial Industrial and Open Space R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 MFR MU CMU NC RC IMU 1 POS Assisted living/convalescent/nursing home P P P P Community residential facilities(6 P P P P P P P residents or less) Community residential facilities(greater than 6 and under 25 residents) P P P Dwelling,congregate P P P Industrial,Heavy Assembly,heavy P Hazardous waste treatment and storage S S Manufacturing,heavy P Processing,heavy P Mining s Industrial,Light Assembly, light P P P P P Manufacturing,light P P P Processing,light P p Recycling facility S 5 S S Industrial service P P Lodging Bed and breakfast P P P P P P Hotel/motel P P P P S Recreational vehicle park/campground S Marijuana Uses Marijuana club or lounge Marijuana cooperative Marijuana processing S S Marijuana production 5 S Marijuana sales 5 S S Medical S P P P P P Office Animal clinic/veterinary S S 5 S S Office, professional P P P P P P P Parks and Open Space Cemetery P P P P Golf course P P P P P P P P P Page 4 of 8 ATTACHMENT B Parks Residential Mixed Use Commercial Industrial and Open Space R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 MFR MU CIVIL) NC RC IMU I POS Golf driving range C C C C C P C P P P Parks P P P P P P P P P P Public/Quasi-Public Community facilities P P P P P P P P P P P P Essential public facilities R R R R R R R R R R Public utility local distribution facility S 5 5 S S 5 S S P P P S Public utility transmission facility S S S S S S S 5 S S S S Tower,wind turbine support S S S 5 Residential Dwelling,accessory units S S S S S S S S S Dwelling,caretaker's residence S S S 5 S Dwelling,cottage S S S S Dwelling,duplex S P P S S Dwelling, industrial accessory dwelling 5 S unit Dwelling,multifamily P P P Dwelling,single-family P P P P P P P P Dwelling,townhouse 5 S S S S Manufactured home park S S S Retail Sales and Service P P S P P S S Transportation Airstrip,private P P Battery charging stations S S S S P P P P P P P S Electric vehicle infrastructure P P P P P P P P Heliport P P Helistop C C P Parking facility—controlled access P P P P P Railroad yard, repair shop and P roundhouse Transit center P P P P P Vehicle Services Automobile impound yard P P Automobile/taxi rental P P P P P Automobile parts,accessories and tires P P P P P Automobile/truck/RV/motorcycle painting, repair, body and fender works P P P P Page 5 of 8 ATTACHMENT B Parks Residential Mixed Use Commercial Industrial and Open Space R-J. R-2 R-3 R-4 MFR MU CMU NC RC IMU 1 POS Car wash P P S P P P Farm machinery sales and repair P P P Fueling station P P 5 P P P Heavy truck and industrial vehicles sales, P P rental, repair and maintenance Passenger vehicle, boat,and RV sales, service and repair P P P Towing P P P P Truck stop P P Warehouse,Wholesale,and Freight Movement Auction house P P P Auction yard(excluding livestock) P P Catalog and mail order houses P P P P P Cold storage/food locker P P Freight forwarding P P Grain elevator P P Storage,general indoor P P S P P P Storage,general outdoor S S S S P P Storage,self-service facility P P P P P P Tank storage,critical material above S ground Tank storage,critical material below S S 5 ground Tank storage,LPG above ground S S S S S S Warehouse P P P P P Wholesale business P P P P P 19.40.060 Development standards— Duplexes. Duplex development in the R-3 zone shall have a minimum lot size of 14,500 square feet. Duplex development in non-residential zones shall meet the requirements set forth in 19.70.050 (G). 19.70.020 Residential standards Residential development shall meet the standards shown in Table 19.70-1. Standards for alternative residential development are set forth in Chapter 19.40 SVMC, Alternative Residential Development Options, and standards for planned residential developments are set forth in Chapter 19.50 SVMC, Planned Residential Developments. Page 6 of 8 ATTACHMENT B Table 19.70-1—Residential Standards R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 Front and Flanking Street 35' 15' 15' 15' 15' Yard Setback Garage Setbackm 35' 20' 20' 20' 20' Minimum Rear Yard Setback 20' 20' 10' 10' 10' Side Yard Setback 5' 5' 5' S' 5' Open Space N/A N/A N/A N/A 10%gross areat31 Lot Size 40,000 sq.ft. 10,000 sq.ft. 5,000 sq.fit.e 4,300 sq.ft. N/A^S Lot Coverage 30.0% 50.0% 50.0% 60% 60.0% Maximum Density 1 du/ac 4 du/ac 8 du/ac 10 du/ac 22 du/ac Building Heighten 35' 35' 35' 35' 50' (1) Where MFR abuts R-1, R-2,or R-3 zones,development shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 19.75 SVMC,Transitional Regulations. (2) Attached garages,where the garage door does not face the street, may have the same setback as the primary structure. (3) Open space requirement does not apply to single-family development in the MFR zone. (4) Single-family residential development in the MFR zone shall have a minimum lot size of 2,000 square feet per dwelling unit.Only one single-family dwelling shall be allowed per lot. (5) The vertical distance from the average finished grade to the average height of the highest roof surface. '(6) Duplex development in the R-3 zone shall have a minimum lot size of 14,500 square feet, APPENDIX A DEFINITIONS Dwelling: A building or portion thereof designed exclusively for residential purposes. Dwelling, accessory unit:A freestanding detached structure or an attached part of a structure that is subordinate and incidental to the primary dwelling unit located on the same property, providing complete, independent living facilities exclusively for a single housekeeping unit, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation. See "Residential, use category." Dwelling, accessory unit—industrial: A dwelling unit within a primary building located in the Industrial zone for occupancy by a person or family for living and sleeping purposes. Dwelling, accessory unit—industrial mixed-use: A dwelling unit within a primary building located in the Industrial Mixed-Use zone for occupancy by a person or family for living and sleeping purposes. Dwelling, caretaker's residence: A dwelling unit provided for the purpose of on-site supervision and security that is occupied by a bona fide employee of the property owner.See "Residential, use category." Page 7 of 8 ATTACHMENT B Dwelling,congregate: A residential facility under joint occupancy and single management arranged or used for lodging of unrelated individuals, with or without meals, including boarding or rooming houses, dormitories, fraternities and sororities, and convents and monasteries. See "Group living, use category." Dwelling, cottage: A small single-family dwelling unit developed as a group of dwelling units clustered around a common area pursuant to SVMC 19.40.050 as now adopted or hereafter amended. Dwelling, duplex: An attached building designed exclusively for occupancy by two families, with separate entrances and individual facilities for cooking, sleeping, and sanitation, but sharing a common or party wall or stacked. See "Residential, use category." Dwelling,single-family: A building, manufactured or modular home or portion thereof, designed exclusively for single-family residential purposes, with a separate entrance and facilities for cooking, sleeping, and sanitation.See "Residential, use category." Dwelling, multifamily:A building designed for occupancy by three or more families, with separate entrances and individual facilities for cooking, sleeping, and sanitation. Townhouses are not considered multifamily development. See "Residential, use category. Dwelling,townhouse: A single-family dwelling unit constructed in groups of three or more attached units in which each unit extends from foundation to roof, open on at least two sides. See "Residential, use category." Dwelling unit: One or more rooms, designed, occupied, or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters,with an individual entrance, cooking, sleeping, and sanitary facilities for the exclusive use of one family maintaining a household. Page 8 of 8