1988, 08-03 Permit 87004214 Investigation, No FinalINVESTIGATION WORKSHEET G FILE # MI {�( Date c - 3 - b 54L5-1- 11 q 15 V&ALoad. Parcel No. Q — I6),45 LL Address Zone O ry !- �j n -9. t �4.tO1' ` v/ LLL �.. Phone C . 13L/ 3 334/4_ AdL . c e-1./40 Quilding Address Nature of Investigation Describe Status Date Resolv /Date ❑ Prosecutor/Date ❑ Firms ❑ Code Compliance {{ i 11\ 7 I C�Cems ,/tom 5-e ❑ Dead/Date Comments , 7--azi .... ciy,t. v,_c. ca.,_,Cit:44.,67 .._s--.,g,-,/ Q,4,..._ Cc.,-/ , •-e, : J 726. A ,_-_( a rt • V 18j r / / 6 - 4') 41- A rra -:,•-ei_.> rtd-,.. 10 tym alhaC2i n . ui.-I.41 :1 a" / Q-C4I GL, 1'e vLt ,,),—.L-a cr f _./ ,-...--1:-: , LC, ,.! �% el cD L"tQrfA1c./ A [ t nc 1214 fI , l,- ' ,,,z,::,ir„ J � &2� y't --e , 3,0P3 , GL f LY. C %- 'L4 1 lam_ /12i c_-U ///-t Iplts 4 %,"" %i1 Investigator: TLC Recheck Date. cvo cc� shE Spokane County Department of Building & Safety JAMES L. MANSON, DIRECTOR July 5, 1988 MR. RALPH GUTHRIE East 13423 32nd Avenue Spokane, Washington 99216 RE: Stop Work Order - East 11915-17 Railroad Circle Dear Mr. Guthrie: As you are aware a stop work order was placed on the property located at the above referenced address, Spokane County parcel number 04544-1204, on July 1, 1988. As a result of the stop work order being placed you are required to: 1. Obtain the permit for a relocated residence. 2. Provide a survey for the building locations on the property. It should be noted that Section 202(d) of the Uniform Building Code requires that when any work is done contrary to the provisions of this code and a stop work order is issued, all such work shall stop until authorized to proceed by this Department. Should you have any questions, please contact this office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., weekdays. Sincerely, DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY c effrey E. Forry Senior Building Technician JEF: j as A/o ' �� �� /d 3 3E5t '`S p t r. NORTH 811 JEFFERSON • SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260.0050 • TELEPHONE (509) 456-3675 Spokane County Department of Building & Safety JAMES L. MANSON, DIRECTOR August 5, 1988 I Mr. Ralph Guthrie I C E R T I F I E D M A I L East 13423 32nd Avenue Spokane, Washington 99216 NO. P-447 261 388 I I RE: East 11903, 11909, and 1191 Railroad Circle Dear Mr. Guthrie: On February 2, 1988 you were issued three permits to relocate residences at the above -referenced addresses. Our inspection records indicate that footing and foundation inspections were made and approved, however a final inspection has not been requested. The intent of this letter is to inform you that pursuant to Section 3.09.050(b) of Title 3, Spokane County Code, states that all relocated structures shall be brought into compliance with the requirements of this code within six (6) months of the date of permit issuance. Further, the above -listed properties also contain relocated garages which no permits have been issued. At least one of these structures constitutes a hazard due to deteriorated condition. Since you are familiar with our codes and requirements regarding other relocated structures under your ownership through previous notices, the intent of this letter is to request immediate steps be taken by August 20, 1988 to either: (1) Remove these structures from the above -referenced properties; or (2) Bring these structures into compliance with all applicable statutes and ordinances. Should you fail to do so, this office will immediately and without further notice forward this matter to the Prosecuting Attorney's Office with the recommendation that legal action be commenced. Sincerely yours Gf rzdi Thomas L. Davis Code Compliance Coordinator TLD:pjk \ cc: Ron Arkills, Prosecuting Attorney's Office, Civil Division NORTH 811 JEFFERSON • SPOKANE. WASHINGTON 99260.0050 • TELEPHONE (509) 456-3675 E 11903,191909,11915 R/R CR11 P-477 261 B88 Mr. Ralph ^Guthrie ^ 0, _Sppkane, WA 99216 1 P..,,! Receip s it tAnomd Da;: ce:anned Da'e. and Address of Deiaery 1 0 TOTAL Postage and Fees Pos!nark or Date E ® SENDEi Completer'Kei s7�Z3 4 4P + * 1.ad Ge*ttr 9m Tp»ispace on.tthe t �. ° oerso siaddreilu ytwi „ „ reverse turned lu enl Oreeent to Cerd from; 1 o- m ;In "r`(ee will':rov�Cd.. ibe w the'name ath- toara9.tne date of ow na0 adds Derso'n@'dNivered avails _ -ortsg o IOva 'Itfirwcesate eld availabl onsu - s e tcheek box fo°fserv�ce(',sN requ ,... �,,,T�'-;.r`s'�