20-091.01 Fehr & Peers: Sullivan Rd Transportation Corridor CONTRACT AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY AND FEHR& PEERS Spokane Valley Contract# 20-091 For good and valuable consideration,the legal sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, City and the Consultant mutually agree as follows: 1.Purpose:This Amendment is for the Contract for the provision of transportation planning and engineering support on the Sullivan Road corridor from I-90 to Wellesley Avenue by and between the Parties,executed by the Parties on May 5, 2020, and which terminates on June 30,2021. Said contract is referred to as the "Original Contract"and its terms are hereby incorporated by reference. 2.Original Contract Provisions:The Parties agree to continue to abide by those terms and conditions of the Original Contract and any amendments thereto which are not specifically modified by this Amendment. 3. Amendment Provisions: This Amendment is subject to the following amended provisions, which are either as follows,or attached hereto as Appendix"A". All such amended provisions are hereby incorporated by reference herein and shall control over any conflicting provisions of the Original Contract, including any previous amendments thereto. Revision of actions in Task 2 of the original scope to include alternatives analysis and the completion of an Intersection Control Evaluation. Revised scope of Task 2 included as an attachment to Appendix A. 4.Compensation Amendment History:This is Amendment# 1 of the Original Contract. The history of amendments to the compensation on the Original Contract and all amendments is as follows: Date Compensation Original Contract Amount May 5,2020 $35,000.00 Amendment#1 August 31,2020 $23,100.00 Total Amended Compensation gA._ $58,100.00 The parties have executed this Amendment to the Original Contract this day of September, 2020. CITY OF POKANE VALLEY: CONSULTANT: iV\ank_CA1(4,6„,_ G4- 4--6--69 Mark Calhoun By: Chris Breiland,Principal City Manager Its:Authorized Representative APPROVED AS TO FORM: Office o he City mey Ai 1 APPENDIX"A" 1. Paragraph 3 (Compensation) of the Original Contract is hereby amended to change the total compensation paid from$35,000 to$58,100. Paragraph 3 of the Original Contract is amended to read as follows: The City agrees to pay up to $58,100 as full compensation for everything furnished and done under this contract, in accordance with the provisions outlined in the scope of work, as previously and/or presently amended. 2. The Scope of Work, (Exhibit B) of the Original Contract, is hereby amended to include the following additional tasks and/or services: See Attached Amended Scope of Services 2 Amended Scope of Services Sullivan Road Transportation Corridor Tasks 1, 3, and 4 remain the same as included in Contract No. 20-091. This document includes amendments to the scope and budget of Task 2 as shown below. Task Original Amended 1 $2,300 $2,300 2 $11,500 $34,600 3 $11,500 $11,500 4 $9,700 $9,700 Total $35,000 $58,100 Task 2—Complete WSDOT Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) for Sullivan Road/Trent Avenue Fehr& Peers will complete an Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE) per the WSDOT Design Manual (DM) Chapter 1300.05(1) for the Sullivan Road/Trent Avenue interchange. Up to five alternatives will be evaluated, with alternatives determined through the City of Spokane Valley's work with KPFF. A roundabout alternative will be considered per WSDOT's DM requirements.The ICE will fulfill the following five steps as outlined in the DM: 1. Background and Project Needs—Fehr& Peers will document the existing conditions of the intersection operations including physical characteristics, posted speed,AADT, turning movement volumes, channelization and control features, multimodal facilities, context, and modal priorities. As part of the project kickoff, Fehr& Peers would facilitate a two-hour workshop with City staff to discuss the current context, desired outcomes, and potential alternatives for the Sullivan Road/Trent Avenue interchange. Fehr& Peers will coordinate with the City and WSDOT to reach consensus on the needs, metrics, and targets that will be used to evaluate the alternatives, per DM requirements.This scope and budget assume traffic operations and safety would be evaluated quantitatively and any other elements would be evaluated qualitatively.The alternatives developed through the initial workshop will then be assessed against these needs, metrics, and targets in an initial screening. 2. Feasibility—Fehr& Peers will coordinate with KPFF to develop the alternatives that are carried forward from the initial screening to a sketch level considering the implications on required footprint, right-of-way, environmental factors, cost, context-sensitive/sustainable design, and geometrics/physical constraints,with technical work completed by KPFF. Alternatives will be assessed against these performance measures and those that are not feasible will be removed from consideration with documentation of the rationale. 3. Operational and Safety Performance Analysis—Fehr& Peers will analyze the alternatives that are carried forward from the feasibility evaluation as well as the No Action condition using the performance metrics and targets identified in Step 1. Before beginning the analysis, Fehr& Peers will coordinate with WSDOT region staff to gain consensus on the intersections to be analyzed and the scope of the analysis; a subsequent meeting to present preliminary results to WSDOT is also assumed.This scope and budget assumes study facilities will include the Sullivan Road/Trent Avenue interchange only and up to three alternatives plus the No Action condition will be evaluated. Analysis will include: • Traffic operations for the opening and design year, which is assumed to be 20 years from the year construction would begin. Fehr& Peers would use the traffic forecasts developed by Welch Comer; no new forecasts are included in this scope. For budgeting purposes, it is assumed Fehr& Peers would use Synchro and SIDRA to analyze the alternatives, but this will be confirmed with WSDOT staff before beginning the evaluation.Two analysis periods will be used: AM and PM peak hours. • Signal warrant analyses will be completed for any traffic signal alternatives. • Safety analysis consistent with WSDOT's Safety Analysis Guide will be completed.This would include analysis using the Highway Safety Manual predictive method for all alternatives for which the predictive method is available. Other alternatives would be assessed using crash modification factors applied to observed crashes. • A discussion of effects on multimodal safety and operations and potential multimodal treatments to meet users' needs 4. Alternatives Evaluation—The remaining alternatives would be compared based on their abilities to address the needs, performance metrics, and targets. A benefit/cost evaluation for mobility and/or safety would be completed. 5. Selection—After discussion of the performance tradeoffs and project needs with City staff, one alternative will be selected. Fehr& Peers will document the full process in a draft ICE for City and WSDOT review. This task includes one set of City and WSDOT comments on the draft ICE, revisions, and final submittal. Project Management- Fehr& Peers will hold biweekly meetings with City staff for the duration of the project (assumed to be 4 months). The following tables shows a breakdown of the budget by ICE step: Subtotal Step 1 (includes one WSDOT meeting) $ 4,300 Step 2 $ 2,200 Step 3 (includes two WSDOT meetings) $ 12,600 Step 4 $ 4,800 Step 5 (includes one WSDOT meeting) $ 7,100 Project Management (biweekly meetings) $ 3,600 Amended Task 2 Total $ 34,600