19-088.02 Poe Asphalt Paving: Garland Ave Extension Sary 450.91\ellows,, � J a CHANGE ORDER NO: 2 ENGINEERING DIVISION CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 19-088.02 PROJECT:GARLAND AVENUE EXTENSION PROJECT CONTRACT DATE: 4/29/2019 PRIME CONTRACTOR:POE ASPHALT PAVING,INC. CIP NO: 295 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES This change order provides equitable adjustments to the Contractor for all additional expenses associated with the Contract work that was completed in 2020 instead of 2019,including increases to labor costs,increases to material cost,additional mobilizations,and additional management/supervision for the contractor and their subcontractors. Item No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 108 Crushed Surfacing Top Course,4 In.Depth S.Y. 855 $4.00 $3,420.00 110 HMA Cl.3/8 In.PG 64H-28,2 In.Depth S.Y. 760 $7.20 $5,472.00 111 HMA Cl.1/2 In.PG 64H-28,4 In.Depth S.Y. 760 $13.60 $10,336.00 134(New) Additional Management/Scheduling L.S. 1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 135(New) Poe Asphalt Paving-2020 Labor Increase L.S. 1 $1,451.35 $1,451.35 136(New) Road Barriers for Winter Suspension L.S. 1 $4,390.40 $4,390.40 137(New) Additional Construction Survey#1 L.S. 1 $1,512.00 $1,512.00 138(New) Land Surveyors-2020 Price Increase L.S. 1 $1,232.00 $1,232.00 139(New) Big Sky ID-2020 Price Increase L.S. 1 $3,964.80 $3,964.80 140(New) Stripe Rite-2020 Price Increase L.S. 1 $1,319.36 $1,319.36 Total Amount of this Change Order(inch Tax): $35,597.91 "VERBAL APPROVAL AND JUSTIFICATION Independent Justification on File Yes Verbal Approval N/A 1 Verbal Approval by N/A PHYSICAL COMPLETION Original Contract Working Days: 35 Revision By This Change Order: 0 Revisions by Prior Change Orders: 0 Total Revised Contract Working Days: 35 • CONTRACT AMOUNT THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 1,412,444.00 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT $ -29,575.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 1,382,869.00 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 35,597.91 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 1,418,466.91 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: V J, DATE: 8.17.2020 Th con& r to- . r o RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: 08/17/2020 o Mana e APPROVED BY: DATE: OS•17. 24 Za City gin r 'r APPROVED BY: DATE: ' 24 City Manager ATTACHMENTS: Distribution: ORIGINAL TO: City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Office COPIES TO: Contractor,PW Project File,Project Inspector,Finance Department COSV Form 9/5/2014 Spokane' jVdlley Change Order No: 2 Construction Contract No: 19-088.02 THE CONTRACT IS MODIFIED AS FOLLOWS: WORK TO INCLUDE Background: Contract required construction to start on August 19,2019. Due to delays by Centennial Properties contractor,the construction of this project could not start until middle of October 2019. Centennial Properties contractor was responsible for installing all the underground utilities and grading/compacting the subgrade prior to the start of this project. This delay pushed the scheduled too late into the season and it was not feasible to complete the construction in 2019. Centennial Properties requested the City to at least install the first 8 inches of crushed surfacing base course(CSBC) in 2019. This would allow access to their abutting properties during the winter. Drywell installation and CSBC work was completed in October/November 2019. All other contract work did not start until the end of March 2020. Description of Change: This change order provides equitable adjustments to the Contractor for all additional expenses associated with the Contract work that was completed in 2020 instead of 2019,including increases to labor costs, increases to material cost,additional mobilizations, and additional management/supervision for the contractor and their subcontractors. Specification: There are no changes to the specifications because of this change Plans: There are no changes to the plans because of this change Time: There are no changes to working days because of this change. Measurement: There are no specific measurements for the new lump sum items. For the additional material 2020 cost increase of crushed surfacing top course(CSTC), an additional 855 SY will be added to bid item#108-Crushed Surfacing Top Course,4 In. over the actual final measured quantity. For the additional material 2020 cost increase of hot mix asphalt(HMA),an additional 760 SY will be added to bid item#110-HMA Cl. '/2 In.PG 64H-28,2 In.Depth and 760 SY added to bid item#111-HMA Cl. 3/8 In.PG 64H- 28,4 In. Depth. over their actual final measured quantities. Sijaaa1\ .•••1;Valley Change Order No: 2 Construction Contract No: 19-088.02 Payment: This change order creates new items. Payment for new item#134"Additional Management/Scheduling",lump sum. The lump sum Contract price for"Additional Management/Scheduling", shall be full pay for all additional expenses for project management and office staff to revise and coordinate the revised project. Payment for new item#135 "Poe Asphalt Paving—2020 Labor Increase,"lump sum. The lump sum Contract price for"Poe Asphalt Paving—2020 Labor Increase", shall be full pay all the prime contractor's labor cost increase in 2020. Payment for new item#136"Road Barriers for Winter Suspension", lump sum. The lump sum Contract price for"Road Barriers for Winter Suspension",shall be full pay to furnish,place, and remove concrete barriers at the ends of the project limits during the winter suspension. Payment for new item#137 "Additional Construction Survey#1",lump sum. The lump sum Contract price for"Additional Construction Survey#1", shall be full pay to check and reset the CSBC hubs after the winter suspension. Payment for new item#138-140" -2020 Price Increase",lump sum. The lump sum Contract price for" -2020 Price Increase", shall be full pay for all additional expenses accrued by the subcontractor's for labor cost increases,material cost increases and any additional remobilizations. Price includes prime contractor markup. Summary of Quantities: ;r_ i.A ,- ?.y: 4foi � ,'Se^. ';':,a':• -'j „� fYiiiils 04 ,41;,.r' "� ?K' =i1141iii > ' x °�'rI evi0up �;- -'aar-. ✓'.rC e, ,,',!� „ �' r.g: y 108 Crushed Surfacing Top S.Y. 28,300 29,155 +855 $4.00 $3,420.00 Course,4 Inch Depth 110 HMA Cl. In.PG 64H-28, S.Y. 25,200 25,960 +760 $7.20 $5,472.00 2 In.Depth 111 HMA Cl.1/2 In.PG 64H-28, S.Y. 25,200 25,960 +760 $13.60 $10,336.00 4 In.Depth 134 Additional L.S. 0 1 +1 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 (NEW) Management/Scheduling 135 Poe Asphalt Paving-2020 L.S. 0 1 +1 $1,451.35 $1,451.35 (NEW) Labor Increase 136 Road Barriers for Winter L.S. 0 1 +1 $4,390.40 $4,390.40 (NEW) Suspension 137 Additional Construction L.S. 0 1 +1 $1,512.00 $1,512.00 (NEW) Survey#1 138 Land Surveyors—2020 Price L.S. 0 1 +1 $1,232.00 $1,232.00 (NEW) Increase Spo°`kane 4,.. I'Valley Change Order No: 2 Construction Contract No: 19-088.02 139 Big Sky ID—2020 Price L.S. 0 1 +1 $3,964.80 $3,964.80 (NEW) Increase 140 Stripe Rite—2020 Price L.S. 0 1 +1 $1,319.36 $1,319.36 (NEW) Increase TOTAL $35,597.91