2020, 09-29 Study Session MINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Regular Meeting Study Session Format Tuesday, September 29, 2020 Mayor Wick called the meeting to order at approximately 6 pm. The meeting was held in City Hall with Council, staff and presenters participating via ZOOM. Ben Wick,Mayor Mark Calhoun, City Manager Brandi Peetz, Deputy Mayor John Hohman, Deputy City Manager Pam Haley, Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Tim Hattenburg, Councilmember Mike Stone,Parks &Rec Director Rod Higgins, Councilmember Erik Lamb,Deputy City Attorney Linda Thompson, Councilmember Dave Ellis, Police Chief Arne Woodard, Councilmember Connor Lange,Planner Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ROLL CALL City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all CounciImembers were present. APPROVAL OF AMENDED AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the amended agenda. ACTION ITEM: 1.Motion Consideration: CARES Act Funding—Chelsie Taylor,Erik Lamb It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to approve the amendment to the Interagency Agreement and authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the Agreement as amended in substantially the form presented. Finance Director Taylor briefly explained about new Attachment I to the contract,showing the revised numbers in blue font. Deputy City Attorney Lamb went over the basics of the original funding and allocations, including some direct City expenditures; said notice was received by the Department of Commerce that they would give an additional$1.4 miIlion to the City,and would extend the expenditures deadline from the original October 31 date to November 30. Mayor Wick asked if there were any public comments. City Clerk Bainbridge said we received written e-mail comments from Ms.Jennifer Wilcox,which were previously forwarded to Council,and that Ms. Wilcox supports the motion.There were no other comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed:None. Motion carried. Deputy City Attorney Lamb explained that the November 30 deadline is tight for spending all the funds; said funds must be spent by mid-November so we can cut checks back to them in time. He noted that staff has been working to determine how much has been spent and to ask what other needs people see where they could spend funds by the November 30 deadline; he noted $2.5 million has been spent which leaves about $1.8 million to allocate and spend by the deadline. Concerning additional funding, he reported that SNAP stated they could spend their entire allocation by the Nov 30 deadline,and they currently do not have capacity to administer any additional amounts.Mr.Lamb reported that Spokane Valley Partners completed the purchase of one vehicle and are working on purchasing the second, and that they could use about $300,000 for food and necessities like diapers. Mr. Lamb also reminded Council that they authorized an agreement with Partners for us to allocate $25,000 with an additional $25,000 which will be part of any award to them toward the diapers need. Concerning the school districts,Mr.Lamb said that Central Valley needs additional funds for protective equipment, East Valley needs another $200,000 for additional protective equipment, and while the other two districts have spent or will be able to spend their allocations before November 30, West Valley stated they have not yet spent their allocation,but have a large order of protective equipment in the process of being delivered,and will have spent their allocation once the delivery takes place,and they do not anticipate additional needs prior to November 30. Council Meeting Minutes:09-29-2020 Page 1 of 4 Approved by Council: 10-13-2020 Mr. Lamb explained that the Chamber indicated they will allocate all the funds for small businesses, but there are about 88 business that won't get funds under the first round, and it was suggested the FTE (full time equivalent staff) number of 18 was too Iow for nonprofits; he also noted it was challenging for them. to determine how much of their work is in Spokane Valley. Mr. Lamb reported it was suggested to raise that 18 FTE count to 49 to capture more nonprofits,and any funds unspent could be rolled back over into the small businesses. There was also mention that sole proprietorships/independent contractors were awarded funds under the County program, but only eight were eligible to receive the$2,500,whereas other businesses received $10,000. Mr. Lamb noted the additional City funds for these eight could cover the difference between the County's award of$2,500 and the City's maximum award of$7,158. Mr.Lamb mentioned the revised proposed second motion which was sent to Council earlier; said we don't want that money to go to waste and there are several clauses in that motion to address those. Mayor Wick mentioned he heard that the Valley Fire District asked for funding from the Board of County Commissioners for equipment needs, and perhaps that is also something to address. There was further discussion about FTE counts,mental health counsellors,helping the Fire District,mention that the County received about$90 miIlion and of the value of checking with the County and Fire District on their current status. Mr.Lamb indicated that Chamber CEO Lance Beck has joined the zoom meeting, and Mayor Wick invited Mr. Beck to speak. Mr. Beck explained that they could fully fund all eligible applications,which is not the same as every application, but those eligible if there were additional funds; said there would be no problem if Council wanted to consider a fire department request; and that the overall program award is not fmalized until they reach the point of application review. Councilmember Woodard mentioned with the County's $60-70 million,he feels the Fire Department would likely get money. It was moved by Councilmember Thompson and seconded to approve allocations of the City's CARES CRF Funds of up to $300,000 to Spokane Valley Partners, along with amounts previously authorized by City Council; and$100,000 to Central Valley School District;and$180,322 to East Valley School District; and the remaining available amount, currently estimated to be$1,216,480, to Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce; and that any portion unspent in a timely manner be used by the City to purchase items necessary as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic, including but not limited to purchase of PPE, or for other authorized and appropriate municipal purposes; and that all such allocations shall be used for authorized purposes; and further authorize the City Manager to negotiate, finalize, and execute all necessary contracts and contract amendments to carry out such allocations and distributions; and further authorize the City Manager to negotiate, finalize, and execute all necessary contract amendments to existing CARES CRF contracts in order to extend the deadlines to November 30, 2020. To clarify, Mr. Lamb asked about the small businesses and nonprofits, and the proposed change in FTEs for small businesses from 18 to 49 or fewer. There were no objections. Mr. Calhoun mentioned the large efforts on this very complex issue from Mr. Lamb and Ms. Taylor; said we are just 47 days away from the November 15 deadline; he voiced his hope that the Fire Department will be successful with the County, assuming the County has money available, adding that he is not sure of the turnaround time period from the Fire Department since money has to be expended by November 15; he said we will do what we can to make sure to spend all the funds and not leave any on the table. Mayor Wick also extended his appreciation to Mr. Lamb and Ms. Taylor for their work on this item. Vote by acclamation on the second motion, in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. NON-ACTION ITEMS: 2. Proposed Ordinance Adopting 2021 Property Taxes—Chelsie Taylor Finance Director Taylor went over the proposed property tax ordinance, which will again not include the 1% increase allowed by state law; she noted the levy will however include property taxes on new construction. Director Taylor also briefly explained banked capacity, and mentioned that no action is needed at this time as this is scheduled to return to Council later in October and November,to consider the first and second reading of the 2021 Property Tax Levy Ordinance. Council Meeting Minutes: 09-29-2020 Page 2 of 4 Approved by Council: 10-13-2020 3. Street Vacation 2020 -0001 —Connor Lange Mr. Lange went through his PowerPoint explaining the background and process for the street vacation request from Hanson Industries, owner of the adjacent properties. There were no objections to moving this forward as proposed for a first ordinance reading at the October 13,2020 Council meeting. 4. Stormwater Surplus Property—Connor Lange, Carly Johnson Planner Lange gave the history of this surplus property as noted on his Request for Council Action, after which Mr. Driskell, standing in for Ms. Johnson, noted the City has no municipal use or purpose for the property and therefore would like to bring back a resolution for Council consideration, to declare the property surplus. There was Council consensus to do so. 5. Proposed Code Amendments to Cable Franchises—Cary Driskell City Attorney Driskell explained about the recent negotiations with TDS Metrocom, a cable television provider which recently entered into the market as a competitor to Comcast; said he sent draft franchise ordinances to Comcast and TDS for their review and said those two companies were agreeable with the proposed end product. Mr.Driskell said the intent of the changes is to reduce burdensome regulations, and once the code changes are adopted,the franchise will reference SVMC 3.65 rather than restate all the Code provisions. A question arose about the companies building out to the whole City, and Mr. Driskell said based on Council discussions in June, there will not be any build out requirements as previous Council direction was not to require that but instead to rely on market factors. Mr. Driskell also noted we do not regulate Internet, and said there are other options with various prices and speeds for internet connectivity. He mentioned that TDS is eager to proceed and there were no objections from Council to move this forward. 6. Proposed Amended Tourism Promotion Area interlocal Agreement—Cary Driskell,Erik Lamb City Attorney Driskell went over the history of and our City's participation in the Spokane County Tourism Promotion Area interlocal;he noted that in order to amend the interlocal,the County must receive a requisite number of hoteliers in certain of the six zones to initiate a process to formally amend the TPA interlocal to increase the maximum assessment from$2.00 per room per night,to $4.00 in three of the four designated zones,including hotels in Spokane Valley;and that if initiated,the assessment would be imposed until June 30, 2027. Mr. Driskell said the increases cannot be implemented without amending the interlocal, which requires approval from our City. Mr. Driskell also explained that the termination provision in the interlocal was done away with in 2008 or 2009, and mentioned to Council this would be a good opportunity to at least discuss whether Council would like to include a provision for a definite term, and what reports might be appropriate from the TPA including an annual report stating how much money was raised in each zone,and how those funds were distributed;he added that the hoteliers would like this amendment taken care of soon. There was lengthy discussion about a term for the interlocal; the idea of forming our own TPA; having disclosure of what funds came in, from where and how those funds were spent; whether to have Spokane Valley funds come directly to us; and the idea of having a zone strictly for Spokane Valley. It was also mentioned that our participation in the Hotel/Motel Commission, which was created as part of the establishment of the TPA, includes one non-voting ex officio member, currently Deputy Mayor Peetz, and two voting members/citizens; and that the TPA is managed by contract with Visit Spokane (formerly the Spokane Reginal Convention & Visitors Bureau), which administers the activities and programs and prepares the annual budget for the TPA, which is ultimately approved by the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Driskell added that the TPA/Hotel Motel Commission is a recommending body. Mr. Driskell said having our own TPA at this point would take quite a bit of time. It was.ultimately decided that Mr. Driskell and Mr. Lamb will work on draft language and look at what would be needed to have control over our own jurisdiction and thereby have approval over those expenditures; they will pursue the idea of having our own zone; and will ask for a two-year provision. 7. Trunk or Treat—Police Chief Ellis As Police Chief Ellis went through his PowerPoint, he explained that this year's Trunk or Treat has been cancel led;and now the idea is to plan for an even bigger event next year at perhaps a larger venue,assuming Council Meeting Minutes:09-29-2020 Page 3 of 4 Approved by Council: 10-13-2020 we have moved beyond the COVID pandemic. Mayor Wick stated that it is his understanding that the State Department of Health just came out with guidance for Halloween and in that guidance,they had a provision to allow Trunk or Treat with some conditions. Chief Ellis said he wished they had come out with guidance earlier as this is a big event and takes a several months to plan. 8. Advance Agenda—Mayor Wick There were no suggested changes to the Advance Agenda. 9. Council Comments—Mayor Wick Councilmember Thompson extended congratulations to former Mayor and City Councilmember Diana Wilhite, one of the Inland NW Women of the Year.Mayor Wick announced that due to a resignation from a Planning Commissioner, we have an opening and anyone interested should go to the City's website for an application. 10. City Manager Comments—Mark Calhoun City Manager Calhoun had no comments. 11. Executive Session [RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)] Potential Litigation It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into executive session for approximately twenty minutes to discuss potential litigation, and that no action will be taken upon return to open session. Council adjourned into executive session at 7:46 p.m. At 8:03 p.m. Mayor Wick declared Council out of executive session at which time it was moved, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. A - U., Ben Wick, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Meeting Minutes:09-29-2020 Page 4 of 4 Approved by Council: 10-13-2020 ATTACHMENT 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY,WA 6/22/2020 COVID-19 Expenditures Eligible for 6/26/2020 Coronavirus Relief Fund Reimbursement _ 7/7/2020 9/22/2020 9/29/2020 Potential/ Contract/ Category Expended Expected t Total Allocation Difference City Operations: Public Health Expenses PPE for City Facilities $ 13,540 $ 6,400 $ 19,940 Additional Cleaning for Parks Restrooms $ 20,536 $ - $ 20,536 Additional Capital Contract Costs $ - $ 17,486 $ 17,486 Additional Precinct Costs over BOJ Grant $ - $ 27,800 $ 27,800 $ 34,076 $ 51,686 $ 85,762 Compliance Public Health Measures Grant to Spokane Valley Partners $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ 50,000 Grant to Meals on Wheels $ 8,000 $ - $ 8,000 Costs for Telework and Virtual Meetings $ 4,336 $ 5,100 $ 9,436 $ 37,336 $ 30,100 $ 67,436 Economic Support Expenses Advertising Costs $ 640 $ 75,000 $ 75,640 $ 640 $ 75,000 $ 75,640 Subtotal City Operations $ 72,052 $ 81,786 $ 153,198 $ 295,117 $ (141,919) Outside Contracts: Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce Small Business Grants $ - $ 822,315 $ 822,315 $ 829,498 $ (7,183) Non-profit Grants $ - $ 214,740 $ 214,740 $ 411,640 $ (196,900) Spokane Valley Partners Food Security/Insecurity $ 180,500 $ 56,140 $ 236,640 $ 236,640 $ - SNAP(expected amounts based on extension of contract) Rent/Mortgage Assistance $ 203,201 530,794 $ 733,995 $ 733,995 $ - Utility Assistance $ 25,642 233,787 $ 259,429 $ 259,429 $ - School Assistance Central Valley School District $ 67,641 $ - $ 67,641 $ 67,641 $ - East Valley School District $ 33,820 $ - $ 33,820 $ 33,820 $ - West Valley School District $ - $ 33,820 $ 33,820 $ 33,820 $ - Subtotal Outside Contracts $ 510,804 $ 1,891,596 $ 2,402,400 $ 2,606,483 $ (204,083) Total City Operations and Outside Contracts $ 582,856 $ 1,973,382 $ 2,555,598 $ 2,901,600 $ (346,002) Total City CRF Allocation $ 4,352,400 Less Total Current Expenses $ (2,555,598) Remaining Balance $ 1,796,802 P:\Finance\COVID 19\CARES Grant\Item 6 City COVID19 Costs and Proposed Costs-Final Council Allocations ejl comments 9.29.20 717// CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WA 9/24/2020 Coronavirus Relief Fund 9/29/2020 Additional Allocations Current Additional City Partner/Program Allocation Amount Spent Needs SNAP Rent/Mortgage Assistance $ 733,995 $ 733,995 $ - Utility Assistance $ 259,429 $ 259,429 $ - Spokane Valley Partners Food Security/Insecurity $ 236,640 $ 236,640 $ 200,000 Clothing, diapers, toiletries, etc. $ - $ - $ 100,000 $ 300,000 Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce Small Business Grants $ 829,498 $ 822,315 $ 1,216,480 Co Non-profit Grants $ 411,640 $ 214,740 $ - $ 1,216,480 School Assistance Central Valley School District $ 67,641 $ 67,641 $ 100,000 East Valley School District $ 33,820 $ 33,820 $ 180,322 West Valley School District $ 33,820 $ 33,820 $ - $ 280,322 Phase 4/Hospitality- Media Campaign KREM $ 75,000 $ 75,000 $ - City Operational Needs $ 220,117 $ 153,838 $ - Total Additional Needs Identified by Partners $ 1,796,802 (1) Additional needs for the Chamber identified as(1)funding all eligible small business applications received in the first round(approximately$586,000), (2)funding a second round of applications with an increased FTE count of 49 or fewer employees(approximately$560,000), and (3) 10%set aside for a second round for nonprofits(approximately$62,000), with any unspent nonprofit amount rolled over into the small business side. PROPOSED MOTION BASED ON AMOUNTS IN RCA. MODIFY AS APPROPRIATE BASED ON CITY COUNCIL DISCUSSIONS FOR ALLOCATIONS. Move to approve allocations of the City's CARES CRF Funds of up to $300,000 to Spokane Valley Partners, along with amounts previously authorized by City Council; AND $100,000 to Central Valley School District; AND $180,322 to East Valley School District; AND The remaining available amount, currently estimated to be $1,216,480,to Greater Spokane Valley Chamber of Commerce; AND That any portion unspent in a timely manner be used by the City to purchase items necessary as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic, including but not limited to purchase of PPE, or for other authorized and appropriate municipal purposes; AND that all such allocations shall be used for authorized purposes; AND further authorize the City Manager to negotiate, finalize, and execute all necessary contracts and contract amendments to carry out such allocations and distributions; AND further authorize the City Manager to negotiate, finalize, and execute all necessary contract amendments to existing CARES CRF contracts in order to extend the deadlines to November 30, 2020. Chris Bainbridge From: Jennifer Wilcox <jcode.wilcox@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 3:58 PM To: Council Meeting Public Comment Subject: 9-29-2020 Public Comment Submission Question Meeting date: 9-22-2020 Agenda Item: Action Item - Motion Consideration: CARES Act Funding Name: Jennifer Wilcox City of Residence: Spokane Valley Mayor Wick, Deputy Mayor Peetz, City Councilmembers, City Manager Calhoun, Deputy City Manager Hohman and City Staff, Thank you for the opportunity to provide my comments. I've been following the council meetings, regarding COVID-19 impacts, to Spokane Valley. I follow the Department of Commerce (DOC) website for updates on homelessness and housing programs for the purpose of promoting awareness within the community. I believe our community members need to improve their knowledge in these areas to provide more proactive input to councilmembers and city staff. These particular issues were a growing concern before COVID- 19 and have increased in severity as a result of the pandemic, in my opinion. I initially read about the CARES Act Funding for Washington state on the DOC website. I've attended the council meetings concerning the CARES Act Funding since June 23, 2020 and am appreciative of the hard work both council and staff have put into creating a thorough, comprehensive allocation of funds. I'm especially encouraged to note the funding allocated towards rental/mortgage assistance, telework/virtual meetings and Spokane Valley Partners programs. You had a short deadline and an extraordinary amount of information to coordinate with various agencies, in serving our community. I support the amendment to increase the DOC contract amount by$1,450,800.00 and extending the contract end date from October 31, 2020 to November 30, 2020. I support approving the Commerce Amendment to the Interagency Agreement authorizing the City Manager to finalize and execute the Agreement as amended in substantially in the form presented, as listed in the Request for Council Action document. Respectfully, Jennifer Wilcox CAUTION:This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. 1 Chris Bainbridge From: Jennifer Wilcox <jcode.wilcox@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2020 4:06 PM To: Chris Bainbridge Subject: 9-29-2020 City council meeting input Chris, I apologize. I didn't correct the date in the first section, in the body of the e-mail. I had 9-22-2020 instead of 9-29- 2020. My comments are for 9-29-2020, tonight's meeting. Additionally, my subject line notes "Public Comment Submission Question." I don't have a question, only the comment. Thank you for your patience with my e-mails. Sincerely, ]Jennifer Wilcox CAUTION:This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. t