2020, 11-03 Council for Planned Final Action & Condemnation of Parcel 45021.5907SUPERIOR COURT of WASHINGTON for SPOKANE COUNTY In the Matter of City of Spokane Valley / City Council AFFIDAVIT of PUBLICATION Notice of Meeting to Consider Planned Final Action and the Initiation of Condemnation Proceedings NO. Spokane County Assessor Parcel Number 45021.5907 LEGAL NOTICE STATE of WASHINGTON County of Spokane l9ICHAEI. IIIJFFMAN heing !irsi club. oin nn ruih t e loxes uu.i .,r.< Ln he is the EDITOR of the Spokane Valley News !Jerald. a uccklu ncucsp r'u ' he aid nuvaspaper is a legal rle,A,m.,1,er end it is now and ux huen for more than six months prior to the date of publication he' rinauer reierred to, published in IL. 1 n iud I_tn i � ue contiuu, lI :s a weekly newspaper in Spokane C'ount'. ti ashington. and n is now ❑nd during all of said row inted in an office maintained at the aforesaid place of p :blicat:oa of seal rep itaper. ',paper had hccn ep inn ed as a legal newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the S1,ttc of A\ axhinel'it end ie Sa r lfle Count',. "that the folloc, ino k .r tine copy of a Legal Notice as it was published in r yular i> a corr:nen ine o . thu ➢b:b ai;a c Qoi 0e101,cr, 2020_ and ending on he 23rd day of October, 2020, all dates inclusive, and t'::t s.,c.h re' > ape - reculaik diuu C,it d to its subs"ibcrs during all ufsaid period: .,ttYtf;llfr,., RN to before me This 23rd day of October, 2020 State of Washington County of Spokane 1 certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that Michael Huffman is the person who appeared before me, and said person acknowledged that he signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrumen Jolene Rae -Wentz Title: Notary Public My appointment expires: 05-16-2023 00 CQNSIDER PLANNED FINAL ACTION AND THE INITIATION OFLONDOMNATION PROCEEDINGS INTHE, 1ATTER OFSETRNGAPUBLIO MEETING DATEFORTHECITYOF SPOKANE VALLEYCITY COU1)OLTO. ' (t).CON$IDER PLANNED 'FINAL ACTION" AS PROVIDED.FOR:IN RCW 8.25:290 DETERMINING TNAT-IT IS NECESSARY T1I-ACQUIRE CERTAIN PORTIONS --+OF $POK5NE GOUNTYASSESSORJ'AAOEL NUMBER45021.5907, OWNER OF RECORD FNF INVESTMENTS LLO AND (2)0ETERMINE W11E713E13 OR NOTTO.INITIATECONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS FORl.BERTAW.PORTIONS OP S5GRANE.COUNTY ASSESSOR PARCEL-NU(v1NER 45021.:5907r OWNER RECORD FNF INVESTMENTS, LLC` OhapteF6,12 RCW setSionh Iheprooedures which theC112 ofapokahe valley mustfellroiw in conjunction with condemning property for pulrfio use. - ' • RGW_8.25290 iurtherrsgmres, among other matter$ that the City`of Spokane Valley provideatleastfitteen (15) days' notice°5ycertihed mail to each and every prepghy 0WrXet of reobrdras ltdicated 05 the ta0 roils; of the Spokane Courtty Aesessorto the address providedon suohtaxloils before linala0lion anddeernmg specific properly. fa beneces- sary for City, purposeelor each properly poteotialfy`subject t0 condemnation as provided in RCW,8.1P.036-.040and initiating condemnation prooeedirtgs.- Additionally, the Cdy of Spokane Vallny_must publish-notice"n the legal newspaperw ith the largest crmulatlon i{The iurisdiction-where-sucft Property is faceted once each -week for twos,Ucceasive weeks before the-Linal action i5 foken. Asepond publicationmustal`sn be given in the legal newspaper routinely used by fhs potentlat condemnor where'suoh; newspaper does notalnohavalhelargeet circutatloninthe judsd1c5oa 136th the sotioeto-the property ownere,pl recordand th'5 nolics pfpUHltcation must odptain a general dess90906ot111e property dueh as an address, lotnumber. or parcel numhor and- specify that oondemnatfpnotlhe proper(y,wili bs cossidereddudngtho Baal altlon, t§ptios :must -also descdhe the.date, time and location o(-ihe'fnal actfahat Which the.polenhol condemnor wltldecide whether or nano authorize ttie:dondomhatilll 00he property. NOTICE " NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN,bylhe Gity of Spokane:Vahey city 'Council puisuant td the - provisions of RCW•8_25.250, that publie meeting wilhbe held on:. TUESDAV'NOVEMOER 3.c2020,AT 6 P.M, orsoon thereafter The hearing will take ptace via ZOOM Meeting. Those wishing to make oral comments will; be directed to a Imk ratthe Novembor43,, 2020.agenda to be addedtha,Speakere.Liet Thosewiehtng to provide icrittern.pUtiliNcornmenta should follow the rink on the agenda forWrhten Public Commgnts. Pleasenste that iorrequests to)oln the speakers Lis) and those w(shlsg (0 provid0 pubnc mplmepts; all mustbere5eived by A:00 p.m. She MayNi the meeting Untilfydhe2notice,in105(tonse to Coverner lnslee's Proylamafion, members of the pWi o may only.altendCoundfineetings fernotely 4liek.w8150 provided in. that regard -on the Novembel3 2f 0 Council,agenda.. = The PURP08E61the,psb(in meeting Will. be for the City Coundl ot1he City of Spokans Valley, consistent with`RCW 8.25.290L:to (1) take ling! aotipn" ad provided for (0RGW" 8,25.290 and determinejhat h is necessary for City purposes as pmvidedin RCW 8.12p030 640toecquire cedainporlions ofspoken County{FssessorParcel N4µ1pber49021 <09.0, and )2)determmewhetherornotto initiate condemna})en proceedings wlthtagater o cerfaln- po'r0ono ni Spokane CountyAssesserParcel Number 45021.5907_ : , Consistent with ROW 8,26290, the.following information Is hereby provideds. l.(1) SBensrnl fU•srr5lton of pr9pet5. fha 0.lty t obany van fry f i ndIL10t0 fake ",final aofion" o5 and..daem vegpseary for Oity of irpnsaa: • Certampgdioneof Spokane County A'dssssor Parcel.NOmber45021,590Z, • $pokeine 00unty Assessor Pareel'Nurnbor 45021.5907 is legally blesonbed es KRUEGERS 3Rf7 ADD IN B OF SP85.390. BEING A PTN OF LTS 2113',DL'K3 8611260395 • Those, Fodlons of Spokane Gounty Aasessor'Parcey Number 45021.8907 whi'oh are needed tor City purposes are described as follows: Right of Way Legal Descr)phon Thatigiortioniefffacti.idt Skit Plat Number 85-399, recorded in Voluroe 5 o1$hort Plats, Page 3. and that porifon m LoC 3 BI6uk 3 ,Kr00901's 3rd Addition,'raoordspf,SpokNie -0ounty, Washington, asdescobed in e'Statulury Warranty geed renan%ed as Audttors°File Nurnber 90t00MN96 }wards of Spp4i4iiGounty, Washiegton,loca_ted to the ndrthaaSt quarter of the northeast quarter oft Sehnert 2, Township 25 North, Range44,EayY,'.Isr_Ivi., • Spokane County, Washington descrbed es Plows;.?' m Comencing al a 2-1'12'nch braes captnerkmg the Npdheast earner of said Section-2, saki corner bears North West 6-distanced 2625.15 feetfrom a 3/4 inch Iron pipe marking the Eist quadercorner' bf said Sagiion 2, Thence along the Northjine of said Section 2, South 87°18'29" West a'dlslanoe of 6.40 feet to Prgept centeff6esf50bn 55,59.91;Thence alongsaid Proleotognterline,South 03'11l04' Eau(adistance oft61.69 l0S):tg Project ebniedine atadon 54+28..22, Thence South e6"42'S5' Westa dista<ticetof 30..60 feet to the Norttiaa'kt corner ofeatdTraci Band the WesteIlytightot Way Of Sullivan 14658-and"s 30 60feet,left bf Project.:denterljnestation 54+26,22,;Said pant beingihe TRUE5,0INT 0,E-BEGINNI5G: Thende a,Ibng said wasntly r'ghtof way,end the 'ras) line of said Tract& South 03'77 64" East0 dlstanco'of 98.00 feet to the South'eaat corna'r ' aidTract6, said.potni b€jng Mk 31.25 feet 01 Prgjeof centedinesta ton 53+31.03; " Thence;ifongtheSouth_rineotsafdTract6$ou)h8T18tion '29"W53+3t esladistanoept9,40le�t to a point being 40.66 feet left of Projectbenterllnel sta37, Thence North 03'17;04",West a distance of 98.00 feel to the said South like ol,Tract 5, said, point being 40A0lest left of Projeiat centerline station 54+28,9 , Thence along said South bins North 87'182D Easta dis(anpe of 9;.4Q feet 1e the'08UE POINT OF BEGINNING, said point being -30.60-feet left 61 Project centerline station 34+28,22; - Contnhdng 921 square last or 0.021 acres ntore or less. Tempdrery'G9nstroction Easomerit Legal Description That poitlon of Tract B. Shod Plat Number 85-399, recorded In Vobume5 of ShortPlets,.Page 3,leoords of Spokane County,Washingtobi, and thafportioo of Lot 3, Blecl,3, Kroeget&3rd Addilidn, records of Spokane County, Washington,• as described In a Statutory W9rraoty Deed iecorded es Audnor0Fda Number 9010040196, records of Spokane County,located in tlie, northeast quarter of the northeast gamier bf Section 2, Township 25 NOlt5;_ Serge 44 East, W.M., Spokane County, Washington; described as lo0ows: .. " " •. Commencing at a-25=inch brass cap markirigtbe Northeast cornetof said Section 2, said comer bears North 0317'04" West a distance-ef262515 feet from a 3/4inch Tien pipe, marking ihe'East quarter comer of said Seetiorf2; Thence along the Nerds line of said -Section 2, South 87°18'29" West adistance of6:40 feet to Project cenlerline station 554.59E1; Thence along said Project centerline, 'South 03717'04"East adrstanea o1931.69 leeflo Project oenterllne station-545-26.22;•Thence South 86'42'56":Westa distance of 30.69 test to the Neghea5tcornefnfsaid Tract 5 an41ha existing westerly r ght.ofway of Sunfuan Road end is 30.60 feat IeitotProject centerlin leieti0n 54+28 22; thende"along I10 South line dl said Tract •B, South,87•1e'29' Wool a distance of9 40 feet tea"point being 40.00-feet left of Piojoot oentedine station 54+28.32, said palm bemg.the TBUE POINT OP BEGINNING; ' Thence South 03'1F04tlEeit a distance of 98,00 feel to the Soul4,if0e ofsa 4 Warjanty Deed, said point heing,40.66 feet leftof Project eentedinestahon 58+31.37, said Thence along s$oulh-Pne South87'1829 LVesfa distance oto.o5faeitoapointbeing 45 6B feat rah of Pk/lent ceoterlInc atatlon 53+31-$5; Thence Nodh 03"175''4Wedi ata 0 ige of 9&gg fGett93he Soulb line of said"Tract$, said pointbeing 45.00 [eat left ofProject centedmestati0n 54+28.37; Thence along said South )ins, Nedh SPl O 29 Easta drstanse of S:fp feat 16 the TOUE- PQINT OF BEGINNIN0, said pointpmng 40.00fe051008.6t 1 1101projeet ognterlfna 54+28,32; Gontaini 490 aquarpieel0r 0.011 aeres.more . -= ` (2) Prnfmdy ewners 01 redr,`rd tnr 5poliane County Ass0050LParc8b Nuoiber 45521 Y,907 ;ts Indloafa on ih. faxrotLs of Ehe 2pokan0_000nly,Asse.SSuCa1 addt»ss provided 'On such rsz lolls: ` , _ . FNF)NVESTMENTS, LLG 2318S, PARK DRNE S391L5NE, 1099293-1034 t Any person may appaat et the date, time and place set lfonithareiltabobearctobs 150 actldn(s7 ens final 5ohon(s) of th0 'City Council...For the purpose ofthis )dolczi,T terniinglogy a61100'.m0400 de0bera0gns disoussidrs, eonslderatidgs revtews,ewatga- tiorls.;and tnal actions.=..'Final action" means a collective p59110e ar,negalivedeoisibrrbr an.aptual voteSy<a:majnrlly of the members -of a governing body when soling es ool6dg 0r entity, boon? motion; pap0sa6 re_sbiution order, or ordinance. ; • 1A6Mtionat information: Flifh regard to this Notice may be obtained;bys05100tlnd:05r7 Dfskell; Ony Altornsy 01(509) 720=b150 The Cdty of Spokane Valley m accordance w th T111e Vj•of the Givtl RighloAot of 1964, 78 Stat. 25'2, 42 Use 260D9 to 2000d 4 and Title 49, Cdde o1 Federal Regulafrobs, bepayt- menfot"Transportetlon, 55btitre A l ry °NondiabrIG ngtioi, in 9fflus of the Seer„era Part 21, Federaly-Assisted P5055ins„ef the bapsoment of Tfansportahoo iss,;(iedp008000tt'o'e0llh Act, hereby notifies all ilddeps that it will ohvrno008(gs'nsure thatin.any ooniraot entered lntapur5 ieadvanta ed buelness enter rises as chimed, 9 oars will 5saclyeded full opp.. ®. p: GFR Fart 26 will be afforded full opportunity fo eubmd bids" in response tb this in ' n enfLwtll nor be drscrim)n5109 againit,An.lhe grounds of race,.color mabpnal nrgirt,-;4rsex lncbnsideration fordrt"award. ''.. > .: .: TneGiy,et$ppkane Valley in 2ncordanoewith Section604ofths Reh bilitatienAcf)Seoibn 504) aoidthe Amedoa5s-With Disabi(hjea Act (ADS);.comrnds to eondlperiniination.on-the basis of-,disabTty, In afrohts programsandactiv1ties.m Thiseterimcontiern0de available M an: alternate fora et by entailing John Whitehead oljwbdeheMigta* 4aopilayrzr8 or bys51UD (5Q9) this 11) NOTICE DATED"This 13th•day of Ocfobcr 2020 GITY.OFSPOKANE'VALLEY GITYS/OkCOUNCIL SenMayor Brendi'Peetz,epu Dty, Mayor Ar,Woodard,'....'''' oona ,-- Arne Woodard ... Pam Haley Tim Hattenburg tindaThompson .. ATTEST: Chris pe=Bainbrjdge; (Sty Clerk PUBLISH: OCTOBEII?161 23,2020