1992, 05-21 ZE-14-92 Staff ReportPLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT
DATE: MAY 21, 1992
SUBJECT: Zone Reclassification from Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5)
to Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) within the Aquifer
Sensitive Area Overlay zone
Jesse Wolf
S. 525 Shoreline Drive
Liberty Lake, WA. 99019
(509) 255-9636
Joe Organick
9016 E. Indiana, Suite 100
Spokane, WA. 99212
(509) 922-1600
Wyatt Architects
2310 North Cherry Street
Spokane, WA. 99216
(509) 928-1860
Contact Planner: John W. Harrington, Jr.
Location: Generally located in the Spokane Valley, south of and adjacent to
Fourth Avenue approximately 250 feet east of Sullivan Road in Section 24,
Township 25 N., Range 44 EWM, Spokane County, Washington.
Proposal: To rezone approximately 1.1 acres from Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-
3.5) to Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) with sewer bonus density.
A. Site Size: 1.1 acres
Gross Density: 26.4 units per acre
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B Comprehensive Plan
1 • Land The
Use Plan:
category ta pr pert Psay is ln.ocated within the Urban land use
ofor development developed f acity like" environmThent
is intended to provide
most intensely nrnent
moscatet int ofsingle fain of all the categories, it is urban areas will be the
with gory of sing e commercial, y, two family, multifamilyand
a residential
Urbanother areas will have publiclwa industrial parks, and drecroer sy to fs, aities.b
public facilities typical for intensivesystely sanitary
y developed sewer systems, and
Objective 1.1 a of the Urban Ped urban areas.
ed .1 a of Category discusses fill estserablished
ed de be development areas. Those proposals with development within
intent es other Co approved providedg public
mprehensive Plan that vesh development m
Other objectives of an objectives and guidelines. sets the
with director near this category include placement of multifamily
usually direct
be a transitional use located arterials. Multifamily
the more " Y structures aj projects
t be considers live areas. Protection of adjacent residential and
g amenities should also
2 • Arterial Road Plan:
Arterial road as designatedaThe proposal does have frontage on a
planned right aofs by the County's Arterial Road Plan Collector
Engineer will require y width is 70 feet. To implement this 1
future acquisition rea dedication of ten plan, fiveve County fot
Fourth Avenue(10) feet along with a (5) foot
Site Characteristics: The site is a flat vacant field with some trees near the
north end. The lot is rectangular
extending 320 feet to the southwith 150 feet of frontage on Fourth
• Neighborhood Avenue and
rapidly fill Characteristics: The proposal is located in a neighborhood
rapidly f t in with high density apartments. A convenience store
sound complexes, Sunrise valleybhborhood
the site with single family r Apartments ents and Sullivannd two
Fourth Avenue. Central residences on oversize lots Court Apartments,
Fo�ente.Valley High School is south of the Sullivan Court
further east on
Zoning Analysis: As shown below,
coning A with As prophand , the current surrounding
public sewer, all the which are favorable e is served bya Collectorzoning
. is very
indications fora of Arterial and
approval the zone
Proposal: Reclassify land presently zoned Urban Residential-3.5
established on January 1, 1991.
Vorth: CUR-3.5)
Neighborhood Business (B-1) and Urban Residential-22
zoning established in 1987, file No. 107-85.
Report for 2E-14-92
Page 13
South: Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) zoning established on January 1,
1991, File No. 83-84.
East Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) established on January 1, 1991,
File No. 83-84.
West: Neighborhood Business (B-1) established on January 1, 1991,
File No. 83-84.
F . Land Use Analysis: The land use trend in the area and neighborhood is two
high density apartment complexes and neighborhood businesses. The proposal
will mesh nicely with existing apartments which flank the property. The single
family uses to the east will be affected in that access to Sullivan Will be less
convenient with possible waiting periods caused by the additional apartment
generated traffic. Drive by traffic should be minimal.
Site: The existing land use is a vacant field. The proposed land use is for
multifamily residential.
North: Multifamily.
South: Multifamily.
Fast Multifamily.
West: Convenience store.
G . Circulation: Fourth Avenue will provide access to the site. Sidewalks and
curbing are required by the County Engineer.
The proposed parking lot and its design meets Zoning Code requirements for
number of required parking spaces and driveway and parking space dimensions.
The County Engineer is requiring a parking plan and traffic circulation plan. A
landscape plan for the parking area will be required at building permit time.
H . Design: The proposed design of two 2 1/2 story apartment buildings, accessory
garages and carports, complies with the requirements of the Urban Residential-22
(UR-22) zone and is compatible with adjacent land uses.
1. Site Plan Data/Preliminary Plat Data
Use: 29 apartments in a two building complex.
Proposed Buildings: Two apartment buildings, one fifteen stall garage, two
five stall carports and one, four stall carport.
Building(s) Footprint Area: 17,100 square feet.
Site Coverage: 36%/
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Maximum Structure Height: 21/2 stories (20 feet) for apartment buildings
and one story for garage and carport structures.
Building Setbacks: Proposed Required
Front yard 25' 55/25'
Side yard (R) 15' 5'/story
Side yard (L) 5' 5'/story
Rear yard 25' 15'
Parking 44 44
Proposed Buffering/Landscaping Techniques: Future site
development must meet the buffering and landscape requirements of the
Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) zone. The proposed landscaping of twenty
(20) feet of Type III Landscaping along Fourth Avenue (front yard) and five
(5) feet on the side and rear yards, would meet the standards. A specific
landscape plan will be required at building permit time.
The site plan submitted for review by the Hearing Examiner Committee is
general in nature. Derailed review to determine compliance with all
Ordinance regulations and conditions of approval is recommended to be
administrative and to occur at the Building Permit stage.
I. Density: The applicant is requesting an additional 4.36 units per acre for a total
of 26.26 units per acre as a bonus for connection to the County's area -wide
sanitary sewer. The permitted residential densities for Urban Residential-22 (UR-
22) zone reclassification requests which connect to existing sewer facilities.
The Code allows for an additional 3.5 units per acre for sewer connection and one
half unit per acre each for access to an arterial, locating within 1/4 mile of transit,
and 1/2 mile of shopping facilities. The multifamily development is well below
the allowed sewer bonus and meets the other locational criteria. The Department
recommends approval of the sewer density bonus.
Drainage: A drainage plan is required. This plan must be reviewed and
approved by the County Engineer's Department prior to development.
K . Water Supply: Water service shall be by an existing public water supply
system. The proposal is served by Vera Water and Power.
L . Sewage Disposal: The applicant will make connection to the public sewer
M. School: The proposal is in the Central Valley School District No. 356. No
continents have been received from the district.
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N Fire Protection: The
fire protection
ofon Division of Buildings Depais rtment
ent hin Fire Di1. The Fire District
and the provisions prior to finalizing
0. Ong the preliminary are required to approve
Cultural Resources: P hmtnary plat.
None have been identified.
P. Pax-ks and Recreation:
Q. Special Information
An Environmental Checklist was sub
County Planning Department. The review
y the sponsor
Cow available info y considered
ed the and was reviewed tpo byos the
other available
Conditions information, County ordinances, other regulationsP cifics of
of Approval, the Generalized nsivthe otherl,
County policies and guidelines. alined Comprehensive and laws, possible
probable significant The Pl pre has determined
Plan, and other
and has issued ia a tadverse impacts" would eDiP eth has dete
rminati n f N n ' theproposal rmrried that "No
i ificance ("DNS")being developed
' DNS' was circulated to 10 other agencies
agencies/departments affected by the future development
The "DNS" co Jurisdiction and other
said date comment
ent newspaper, ends May 19, I992 Amens for review
feet beforethof p per, by letter to adjacent own 15 owners
the Proposal, and by notice on a signi property owners calendarHe days
may consider additional environmental
on the thin 400
vironmen Proposal site. tat related testimony The Hearing
tirnony at the public o
Proposal, as stated in
tPm Coal, as stated
Plan ireport, is consistent with
uuses. Based Comprehensive
the above and use category,the planproposed a adjacent
Department rep analysis and otr aepart road vi and thlea l n ing
Deparecommends approval of the zone reclassification to Urban
for the development of 29 athe Planning
units per fore apartment bonus of4.36
units with sewer density bonus of 4.36
i' All conditions imposed by the Hearin
owner binding ownersthe Applicant", whichgterms shall ilde the
of the Committee shall
ii. The zone Property, heirs, assigns and reclassification successors.
applies to the following real property:
The East 150 feet of the North 350 feet of the
quarter egxc4pt the North twenty (20) feet thereof,
N., Range West Secoothe 24, Township
g � E• W.M, in Section
Township 25
' Staff Report for ZE-14-92
Page 16
1. All conditions imposed by the Hearing Examiner Committee shall be binding on the
"Applicant", which term shall include the owner or owners of the property, heirs,
assigns and successors.
2. The zone change applies to the following real property: (See File)
3. The proposal shall comply with the Urban Residential-22 (UR-22) zone as
4. The applicant shall develop subject property generally in accordance within the
concept presented to the Hearing Body. Variations, when approved by the
Planning Director/designee, may be permitted, including, but not limited to building
location, landscape plans and general allowable uses of the pemritted zone. All
variations must conform to regulations set forth in the Spokane County Zoning
Ordinance, and the original intent of the development plans shall be maintained.
5. Approval is required by the Planning Director/designee of a specific lighting and
signing plan for the described property prior to the release of any building permits.
6. A specific landscape plan, planting schedule and provisions for maintenance
acceptable to the Planning Director/designee shall be submitted with a performance
bond for the project prior to release of building permits. Landscaping shall be
installed and maintained so that sight distance at access points is not obscured or
7. Direct light from any exterior area lighting fixture shall not extend over the property
8. The Spokane County Planning Department shall prepare and record with the
County Auditor a Title Notice specifying a future land acquisition area for road
right-of-way and utilities. The reserved future acquisition area Title Notice shall be
released, in full or in part, by the Planning Department. The notice should be
recorded within the same time frame as an appeal and shall provide the following:
a. At least 5 feet of reserved future acquisition area for road right-of-way and
utilities, in addition to the existing and/or newly dedicated right-of-way along
Fourth Avenue. NO 1'b: The County Engineer has required 10 feet of new
b. Future building and other setbacks required by the Spokane County Zoning
Code shall be measured from the reserved future acquisition area.
c. No required landscaping, parking, '208' areas, drainfield or allowed signs
should be located within the future acquisition area for road right-of-way and
utilities. If any of the above improvements are made within this area, they
shall be relocated at the applicant's expense when roadway improvements are
d. The future acquisition area, until acquired, shall be private property and may
be used as allowed in the zone, except that any improvements (such as
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landscaping, parking, surface drainage, drainfield, signs or others) shall be
considered interim uses.
e. The property owner shall be responsible for relocating such "interim"
improvements at the time Spokane County makes roadway improvements
after acquiring said future acquisition area.
9. The Planning Department shall prepare and record with the Spokane County
Auditor a Title Notice noting that the property in question is subject to a variety of
special conditions imposed as a result of approval of a land use action. This Title
Notice shall serve as public notice of the conditions of approval affecting the
property in question. The Title Notice should be recorded within the same time
frame as allowed for an appeal and shall only be released, in full or in part, by the
Planning Department. The Title Notice shall generally provide as follows:
The parcel of property legally described as [ ] is the subject
of a land use action by a Spokane County Hearing Body or
Administrative Official on [ ], imposing a variety of
special development conditions. File No. [ ] is available for
inspection and copying in the Spokane County Planning Department.
Prior To Issuance Of A Building Permit Or Use Of The Property As Proposed:
1. Applicant shall dedicate 10 feet on 4th Avenue for right-of-way.
Prior to release of a building permit or use of the property as proposed:
2. Access permits for approaches to the county road system shall be obtained from the
Spokane County Engineer.
3. The applicant shall submit for approval by the Spokane County Engineer road,
drainage and access plans.
4. The applicant shall submit for approval by the Spokane County Engineer and the
Spokane County Health District a detailed combined on -site sewage system plan
and surface water disposal plan for the entire project, or portion thereof, if the
development is to be phased.
5. A parking plan and traffic circulation plan shall be submitted and approved by the
Spokane County Engineer. The design, location and arrangement of parking stalls
shall be in accordance with standard traffic engineering practices. Paving or
surfacing as approved by the County Engineer, will be required for any portion of
the project which is to be occupied or traveled by vehicles.
6. The construction of the road improvements stated herein shall be accomplished as
approved by the Spokane County Engineer.
7. The County Engineer has designated Typical Roadway Section Number One, Local
Access standard for the improvement of Fourth Avenue, which is adjacent to the
proposed development. This will require the addition of approximately 10-12 feet
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of asphalt along the frontage of the development. The construction of curbing and
sidewalk is also required.
8. All required improvements shall conform to the current State of Washington
Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction and other applicable
County standards and/or adopted resolutions pertaining to Road Standards and
Stormwater Management in effect at the date of construction, unless otherwise
approved by the County Engineer.
9. Applicant shall construct a paved and delineated approach(es) to meet the existing
pavement on Fourth Avenue.
10. Roadway standards, typical roadway sections and drainage plan requirements are
found in Spokane Board of County Commissioners Resolution No. 80-1592 as
amended and are applicable to this proposal.
11. No construction work shall be performed within the existing or proposed public
right-of-way until a permit has been issued by the County Engineer. All work
within the public road right-of-way is subject to inspection and approval by the
County Engineer.
12. All required construction within the existing or proposed public right-of-way is to
be completed prior to the release of a building permit, or a bond in an amount
estimated by the County Engineer to cover the cost of construction of improvements
shall be filed with the County Engineer.
13. The County Arterial Road Plan identifies Fourth Avenue as a Collector arterial. The
existing right-of-way width of 50 feet is not consistent with that specified in the
Plan. In order to implement the Arterial Road Plan, in addition to the required
right-of-way dedication, a strip of property 5 feet in width along the Fourth Avenue
frontage shall be set aside in reserve. This property may be acquired by Spokane
County at the time when arterial improvements are made to Fourth Avenue.
14. There may exist utilities, either underground or overhead, affecting the subject
property, including property to be dedicated or set aside for future acquisition.
Spokane County assumes no financial obligation for adjustments or relocation
regarding these utilities. Applicant(s) should check with the applicable utility
purveyor and the Spokane County Engineer to determine whether applicant(s) or
the utility is responsible for adjustment or relocation costs and to make
arrangements for any necessary work.
1. Applicant shall make connection to public sewer system. Sewer connection permit
is required. Plans and specifications are to be reviewed and approved by the
Utilities Department.
2. Applicant is required to sign a Developer Connection Agreement.
3. Plans and specifications for the sewer and the 6" tap to be made in the public sewer in
4th Avenue are to be reviewed and approved by the Utilities Department.
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1. Sewage disposal method shall be as authorized by the Director of Utilities, Spokane
2. Water service shall be coordinated through the Director of Utilities, Spokane
3. Water service shall be by an existing public water supply when approved by the
Regional Engineer (Spokane), State Department of Health.
4. A public sewer system will be made available for the project, and individual service
will be provided to each lot prior to sale. Use of individual on -site sewage disposal
systems shall not be authorized.
5. The dedicatory language on the plat shall state: "Use of private wells and water
systems is prohibited."
d 1. The applicant shall contact the Department of Building and Safety at the earliest
possible stage of design/development in order to be informed of code requirements
administered/enforced by the department, e.g., State Building Code Act
regulations, such as requirements for fire hydrant/flow, fire apparatus access roads,
street address assignment, barrier -free regulations, energy code regulations and
general coordination with other aspects of project implementation.
2. Requirements of Fire District No. 1 need to be satisfied during the building pen .1
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