1998, 04-24 Extension Req for zoning requirementsMitchell J. Hicks
5920 E 9th Avenue
Spokane, WA 99212-0219
May 8, 1998
RE: Letter dated April 24, 1998
Notice of Violation/Zoning
To: Tom Davis
Building and Planning
Spokane County
1026 W Broadway Avenue
Spokane, WA 99260
Per our discussion on Tuesday, April 28, 1998, and Thursday, April 30, 1998, please find
enclosed the diagrams requested. In addition, please regard this letter as a formal request
to extend time (beyond the 30 days in the letter) for complying with the zoning
requirements in order to continue our business. We will gladly cooperate and look
forward to your assistance in helping us reach this goal.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me either in writing at the
address above, or at 509 626 6813 (work), or 509 535 7817 (business).
Thank you for your consideration.
Mitchell J. Hicks