1988, 02-12 Payment Deferral RequestLettero 8802170121 Lanny Brinkley C RECEIVED FOR RECORD, this date, the above instrument, numbered in order of reception. WILLIAM E. DONAHUE County Auditor Spokane County, Washington FORM 1-AUDITOR 8802170121 February 12, 1988 Mr. James L. Manson Spokane County Dept. of Building & Safety W. 1303 Broadway Ave. Spokane, WA 99201 Dear Mr. Manson: FEB 17 1988 NOM VOW �; ? , yoga. REF: PERMIT NO. 88000243 25 X 25 Square Foot Addition to residence Owner:Larry Brinkley East 13204 9th Avenue Parcel No. 22544-0932 Spokane County, WA 99216 Permit Fee $213.50 Payment deferred until property sold, approved by James L. Manson, Directo Department of Building and Safety. DATED: February 17, 1988 Recently a member of my family was involved in a sledding accident. As a result of the accident my son is paraplegic and will not be mobile around our house due to its current desi. I am going to have to place an additon on my home in order that my 17 year old son Larry can function on his own. I am sure that you can understand that the cost of my sons medical needs is astronomical. Our insurance will be handling a large portion of the medical payment; however, the balance will have to be paid by myself. There are many people in our community offering assistance to our family in many ways. In order for this project to get started, I understand a $213.00 building permit is required. At this time, Mr. Manson, I am unable to pay this amount. I understand there is a possibility of deferring this $213.00 until the sale of my house with your approval. This would be a tremendous help if you would be able to grant this deferral. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Larry rinkley