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1988, 02-17 Deferral Request Approval, Article
S602170121 Pith 952 h. E 367 February 12, 1988 REF: Cock/ Re 17 9 WILLIA+# 1;ti: I'+t±f I::Si QKA#6'i t tif.N.I Y, SNELL Mr. James L. Manson Spokane County Dept. of Building & Safety W. 1303 Broadway Ave. Spokane, WA 99201 Dear Mr. Manson: PERMIT NO. 88000243 25 X 25 Square Foot Addition to residence Owner:Larry Brinkley East 13204 9t.h Avenue Parcel No. 22544-0932 Spokane County, WA 99216 Permit Fee $213.50 Payment deferred until property sold, approved by James L. Manson, Director Department of Building and Safety. DATED: February 17, 1988 Recently a member of my family was involved in a sledding accident. As a result of the accident my son is paraplegic and will not be mobile around our house due to its current desire. I am going to have to place an additon on my home in order that my 17 year old son Larry can function on his own. I am sure that you can understand that the cost of my sons medical needs is astronomical. Our insurance will be handling a large portion of the medical payment; however, the balance will have to be paid by myself. There are many people in our community offering assistance to our family in many ways. In order for this project to get started, I understand a $213.00 building permit is required. At this time, Mr. Manson, I am unable to pay this amount. I understand there is a possibility of deferring this $213.00 until the sale of my house with your approval. This would be a tremendous help if you would be able to grant this deferral. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, rr Larry rinkley Aid sought for teen disabled after sledd,i ng accident By Jeff Bauer Larry Brinkley Jr., 17, a junior at Central Valley High School, lived a pretty normal lifestyle for 'an active teen- ager his age. He was also on the Central Valley wrestling squad. All of that changed about six weeks ago. Brinkley decided on Dec. 22 to go sledding at Valley Mis- sion Park, He was involved in an accident on the slope and has since been paralyzed from the waste down and will most likely be confined to a wheelchair. A group of people, led by the co -presidents of the Central Valley High School Boosters Club, is seeking to help Larry adjust to his new lifestyle by leading a drive to acquire donations to help with medi- cal expenses and materials to build an addition onto the Brinkley's home on East Ninth. The CV Boosters are spear- heading the project. Co -presi- dents are Tim Burns and Jim Boardman. The 25-by-25-square-foot addition to the home will con- sist of a bedroom for Larry, a bathroom with handicapped facilities and a therapy pool. "We would like to see a fund created to help offset medical expenses and to acquire building materials," said Burns. "We would like it 10 percent funded through dona- tions from businesses. We want to go out to the commun- ity and seek their support, especially for building mate- rials or money for the cause." Burns said that he and Board- man are spearheading the cause but will not use CVHS Boosters Club money. Warren Cummings Heyl- man and Partners Architects have already donated archi- tectural drawings of the new addition to the Brinkley home. A trust fund.is expected to be set up some time this week. Those wishing to donate materials or funds should contact Burns at 924-0550 or Boardman at 924-0099. "These three guys have really worked hard on this idea;" said Larry's father, Larry Brinkley Sr. "I don't know how they are getting anything else done." Before the accident Larry Jr. was a 148-pound wrestler on the Central Valley High School Wrestling Team. He was also a golfer and would have gone out for that team. Following the accident, Larry underwent an opera- tion in which two Harrington rods were placed adjacent to his spine to keep his upper body erect. Daily therapy includes close to four hours of weight lifting to build up muscles in the upper portion of hi.s body. He also goes swimming on Fridays. A tutor comes to see him twice a week. Continued on Page 2> Architect Robert M. Wills, right, displays plans for an addition to the Larry Brinkley family home which w accomodate Larry Brinkley Jr., seated center, who was paralyzed is a sledding accident in late Decembe Also looking at the plans from left are Tim Burns. Larry's parents Ann and Larry Brinkley Sr. and Ji Boardman. Burns and Boardman, co -presidents of the Central Valley High School Booster's Club, a spearheading a drive to acquire materials to build the addition to the home and to raise funds to help offs medical expenses.' VOL. 69, NO. 5 • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1988 CALPAPER? 920'0722 TISBUSINESS, NEWSVER 924-2440 E. 9618 FIRST AVE., SPOKANE, WA 16 PAGES ;2r CEN ■ ...,..�A..dil.1 a a dam.. I I I1 V A V \ / chili, salad, bread and butter, crackers and a choice of coffee or soft drink. Tickets may be pur- chased prior to the dinner by call- ing Bruce Rogers at 922-5831 or Mike Garofano at 928-7938. Tick- ets may also be purchased at the door. The same evening the U-High boys basketball team will play Central Valley in the U-High gymnasium adjacent to the cafeteria. Admission to the game is sepa- rate and is not included in the puce of the dinner ticket. Aid sought >Continued from Page t Just recently Larry Jr. got to go to a movie and out for pizza with some friends. Many of Larry's friends come ,to visit him including his wrestling coach. The team re- cently.,gave him $400 from what they made at the Tri- County meet. He was also presented with a wrestling coat and made an honorary coach of the squad. " - "His attitude is great," .Larry's father said. "He was ,_only down for a little while fol- lowing the operation, but other than, that his sense of humor has been great." gathered in a pipette ana men placed on a tab which is fed into a' computer for evaluation. The re- flotron screening machine then evaluates the cholesterol content using color differentiation. The machine is certified to be accu- rate within a plus or minus 2.5 percent range. AN INDIVIDUAL'S cholesterol level can vary by eight percent. The screening costs $6 of which $1 of the fee will be given to the Spo- kane Public Library for pur- chases of library materials. "People with readings above 200 milligrams per deciliter of blood are referred to their physi- cians," said Dottie Stiles, sales and area representative for Mobile Health Screening Net- work. "The testing has awakened a lot of people about their choles- terol levels," she added. "Most people above the 200 milligrams level should have a complete check-up." The definition of a "high" cho- lesterol level varies from person to person. Doctors usually mea- sure the total blood cholesterol, triglycerides and possibly lipo- The Spokane Valley Herald Published weekly by the Spokane Valley Herald Publishing Co., at E. 9616 First Ave., Spokane, WA 99206. Subscription rates: By carrier $13.00 per year in Spokane Valley; By mail, $15.00 per year in Spokane County; $17.00 per year outside Spokane County in the U.S. Foreign rates on request. VACUUM CLEANER Sales & Service, Inc. FREE 'ick-Up& Delivery THE AGITATOR! THE DIFFERENC INCLUDES ATI'ACHMEr T WE HAYS' A VACUUM To NT TOUR NEEDS MW YI SERVICE ;FOR, ALL MAKES = ALL ARO©NNE VILLAGE,jNext to Hungry Farmer), W 1001 1st (lstand Mon oej HOURS: 9.00 -5:30 0DEL '926487.3011 38-2755:' terns. inere are tow uell]lty anti high density lipoproteins. LDL seems to promote the deposit of cholesterol on artery walls, while HDL is thought to carry choles- terol away from the tissues. If LDL is -present in the blood- stream in large quantities, the cholesterol it carries may be re- sponsible for increasing the risk of heart disease. High levels of HDL may help prevent heart dis- ease. Most heart attacks, according to the AHA, actually occur in peo- ple with cholesterol levels be- tween 20 and 240 mg/dl. Accept- able cholesterol levels depend on age; sex; the absenceof other risk factors — smoking, high blood pressure and diabetes; gluclose imbalances; excessive weight or a history of heart dis- ease. Mobile Health Screening Net- work is a division of Nutri-Tek In- ternational Inc., of Boise, Idaho. The Network is extending its op- erations around shopping centers throughout the country. The reflotron screening ma- chine is the same type that is used by Group Health of Spokane, according to Stiles. pays cig rewa: Secret Witness has 1 $1,000 cash reward for telet information which helped local murder. The body of Lynette Michel, 29 years old, was just east of the Spokan limits on Dec. 11, resultin_ arrest of Kathleen A. lip She has been charged wit degree murder. Secret Witness is a r program sponsored by Check of Spokane Count: funded by local private do( and is administered indep( ly to assist local law ergot.' agencies. Rewards of $1,000 for of murders and $500 each solution of rape or robbe offered by the Secret program. Persons having infor which may solve a crin call 327-5111, or write Sec ness, P.O. Box 1205, S 99210. Provide a code n number to protect your i If you write, retain a po the letter which has you) fication code on it. Jacobs' Upholster l4t' ANNIVERSARY SAL 20% to 60% off FABRICS! Turn old please into new freest. . • Home • Auto • RV • Antique • FREE ln-Hc Estimates • FREE Pick - and Deliver', 44 Years Professional Experienc 926-4230 E. 18325 Appieway — Greenacres Shopping C "Your Pride and Our Craftsmanship .. . the Unbeatable Combination." Sa,eE eke