20-159.00 WSDOC: Manufacturing Roadmap 2a.161 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, WASHINGTON • This memorandum of understanding (MOU) is made between the undersigned Parties as follows.The Parties hereto are Washington State Department of Commerce(Commerce) and City of Spokane Valley, Washington (City), which hereby enter into the following memorandum of understanding (MOU). For the purposes of this MOU, the Parties shall be known collectively as"Partners". PURPOSE The purpose of this memorandum is to establish an agreement between the Partners regarding the collaborative development and maintenance of an online regulatory guide, or"Manufacturing Regulatory Roadmap", maintained and hosted by Commerce and accessed through City's website/direct URL. AGREEMENT The Partners agree that the Regulatory Roadmap for Manufacturing Siting Feasibility(Manufacturing Roadmap), is a collaborative project, and the Partners will work together to maintain and market it according to the following: 1. Commerce will provide content and/or templates for developing content,to include graphic elements, wording, and overall design. City-specific content will be developed by and/or approved by the City, in accordance with Commerce guidelines, to ensure a consistent statewide Regulatory Roadmap presence. The Washington Regulatory Roadmap logo will be used on all content. Commerce will review all materials prior to publishing. 2. The Partners will mutually determine appropriate placement of the Manufacturing Roadmap content and links to it within and throughout the City's website. Commerce will provide guidance, if needed, for the development of the webpage used to host the Manufacturing Regulatory Roadmap links or materials.. 3. The Partners will develop and implement a communication plan for outreach and messaging to ensure consistent and comprehensive messaging. 4. The Partners agree that maintaining accurate and current information within the Manufacturing Roadmap materials is paramount for the success of this project. The Partners will develop a plan for regularly reviewing, maintaining, and updating the content at least quarterly. The City will update City- specific content, and Commerce will ensure updates of their content. 5. Commerce will use analytics to track visitor activity on the Manufacturing Roadmap application.The City agrees to review the analytics with Commerce periodically or as needed. 6. The Partners agree that any work or intellectual property, created jointly or individually by the Partners for the purposes of the Manufacturing Roadmap will be available for use by either partner for uses related to this agreement. 7. The Manufacturing Roadmap content is specific to manufacturing site selection. Use and/or expansion of the content for other business needs and activities may be undertaken. Either Party may invite the other to undertake development of roadmaps for other business needs, which would be done in collaboration between the Partners and require a separate MOU. Page 1 of 2 8. The City will provide a Project Manager to support project activities and coordinate other appropriate City staff to participate in the development of the tool, including, but not limited to, assigning appropriate subject matter experts to review and edit when applicable, maintaining communications with Commerce, developing and implementing a marketing and outreach plan, ensuring timelines are met, and assisting with coordinating business introductions and joint meetings when necessary. The Project Manager will be the direct liaison for Commerce during the term of this MOU. 9. No separate entity is created by this agreement. The City's designee and Commerce shall jointly administer this project. STRUCTURE COMMERCE shall be represented by Lynn Fetch, Program Manager,WA State Department of Commerce, 1011 Plum St SE, Olympia, WA 98501, Telephone: 360-725-2810, Email: Lynn.Fetch@commerce.wa.gov. City of Spokane Valley, Washington, shall be represented by, Chaz Bates, Senior Planner, 10210 E Sprague Ave, Spokane Valley,WA 99216,Telephone: 509-720-5337, Email: cbates@spokanevalley.org. TERMINATION Either Partner may terminate this agreement by providing 90 days written notice to the other Partner. CHANGES, MODIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENTS This agreement may be changed, modified, extended, or amended by written agreement executed by all Partners. EXECUTION We, the undersigned, agree to the terms of the foregoing agreement. This agreement shall become effective upon execution, and shall remain in effect for a period of three years from execution date, unless terminated sooner or extended as provided herein. WA Department of Commerce Spokane Valley, WA ( TfrlizIAL efi/eitigt/t Chris Green, Assistant Director Mark Calhoun, City Manager Office of Economic Development& Competitiveness 10/29/2020 61/ 40 Date Date Page 2 of 2