2020, 10-27 Regular Formal Format MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FORMAL FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Spokane Valley, Washington October 27, 2020 Mayor Wick called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held remotely via Zoom meeting. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Ben Wick, Mayor Mark Calhoun, City Manager Brandi Peetz, Deputy Mayor John Hohman, Deputy City Manager Pam Haley, Councilmember Chelsie Taylor, Finance Director Tim Hattenburg Councilmember Cary Driskell, City Attorney Linda Thompson, Councilmember Erik Lamb, Deputy City Attorney Arne Woodard, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks &Recreation Director Bill Helbig, City Engineer Absent: Connor Lange, Planner Rod Higgins, Councilmember Jenny Nickerson, Building Official Dave Ellis, Police Chief Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ROLL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called the roll; all Councilmembers were present except Councilmember Higgins. It was moved by Councilmember Haley, seconded and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmember Higgins. APPROVAL OF AMENDED AGENDA: It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the amended agenda. INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS: n/a COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SUMMARY REPORTS: Councilmember Haley: said she attended a virtual American Public Transportation Association (APTA) meeting/convention where they talked extensively about Covid and its impact, and she noted that we are doing pretty well compared to other places; said most transit authorities have their own commissioned officer equity group committee; she mentioned the Continuum of Care meeting and the grant proposals and that they expect to see awards soon; and that the County announced another $10.8 million in grants for tourism and hospitality business. Councilmember Woodard: stated he had no report. Councilmember Thompson: reported about the work session she attended with the AWC (Association of Washington Cities) equity ad hoc committee where they are working on a plan for a public policy to help cities create equity and inclusion into their workplan and how to integrate equity into housing; she also mentioned other AWC meetings and trainings, as well as their regional meetings which are now held virtually. Councilmember Hattenburg: said he attended the Growth Management Steering Committee of Elected Officials meeting where they discussed the two parcels of land that the Central Valley School District has; said they applied to swap one section of land for another in order to build a middle and elementary school. Deputy Mayor Peetz: regarding the TPA(Tourism Promotion Area)and Visit Spokane, said there has been a funding structure change due to Covid;said the Sports Commission gave a presentation to the TPA asking for more money and taking some of the allocation away from Visit Spokane and giving it to the Sports Commission because of the construction they are doing and some of the bigger events they can bring to the Regular Formal Council Meeting: 10-27-2020 Page 1 of 6 Approved by Council: 11-10-2020 region; however,that proposal didn't pass; said because of the Covid the Valley Chamber hasn't had many ribbon cuttings; mentioned the recent meeting Council had with Representative Cathy McMorris-Rodgers and that our Council mentioned we were able to give CARES funds to an agency which bought a truck for food donations; said the Crime Prevention Conference did not go as scheduled due to a technical issue; and that the Citizens Academy got rescheduled to next year; she mentioned an e-mail received from a constituent about Waste Management and yard clipping pickup, and said if citizens had a regular pick up on Friday or Monday and it was missed,that the next pickup will happen either this Friday or Monday, and said if people have extra yard clippings, they can put them out in paper bags, not plastic, and place them outside the bin if necessary and they will be picked up for no additional charge; and that the missed pickup was due to snow. MAYOR'S REPORT Mayor Wick said that the GMA (Growth Management Act) land swap was pretty much straight forward and was also part of the settlement agreement that the County had; said they welcomed Commissioner Kuney as the new chair for next year; said he, the Commissioner, and Mayor Woodward attended the Regional Homelessness Leadership meeting and discussed the different homelessness activities; said the County allocated CARES funds to purchase the Mission facility which was slated to use as a youth shelter, which was then turned into a regular shelter then into a bridge shelter, but the County had put in the provision that they were going to own the building and then use the CARES funds to do that,but the County changed their mind so they don't want to own the building,neither does the city of Spokane,so they brought on the Salvation Army and it might go to them to purchase with CARES funds. Mayor Wick said the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meeting had good discussions; said it is interesting to see new improvements at Felts Field and maybe an upcoming air show on Labor Day weekend; he mentioned the Freight Stakeholders Committee is trying to figure out the future for freight dollars from the federal to the state; there was also discussion on whether there should be an expanded role for the freight mobility strategic investment board or the creation of a separate freight stakeholders committee board. Mayor Wick mentioned a letter he received from the County regarding the City of Spokane proposing a utility tax on sewer facilities. City Manager Calhoun said he had planned to talk about that during his comments later tonight,and handed the floor to City Attorney Driskell.Mr.Driskell said this is an emerging issue; that the City of Spokane seeks to impose a 20% utility tax on the sewer facility located in their city but owned by the County, and he explained that sewage discharge goes to that facility;he said they are still looking at that issue to identify City options; said he has been talking to other potentially affected jurisdictions to see their intentions and that more information will be coming shortly as the City of Spokane needs to address this as part of their budget adoption,which usually occurs the first week or so in December. Mayor Wick said the County's letter suggested the County be included in those discussions and said he feels our City should also be included as this will affect many of our residences and businesses. City Attorney Driskell said he is preparing a letter for Council for next week and Mr. Calhoun agreed we very much want to be included in discussing this issue. On a different topic, Mayor Wick said there has been a request from the Human Rights Task Force to give a report,which will be on an upcoming agenda. PROCLAMATION: National American Indian Heritage Month After Mayor Wick read the proclamation, Ms. Janet Ulbright from the Regent May Hutton Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, said she had requested this proclamation and expressed her appreciation to the Mayor and Council and said this will help raise awareness. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 111: After Mayor Wick read the process for making comments, City Clerk Bainbridge mentioned there was to have been comments from a Mr. Matt Chapman, but he was having difficulty getting into the meeting, and IT Manager Knodel added that neither of the two phone numbers we have for Mr. Chapman were showing up in the zoom meeting. City Clerk Bainbridge Regular Formal Council Meeting: 10-27-2020 Page 2 of 6 Approved by Council: 11-10-2020 acknowledged a written comment she e-mailed to Council which was received from Mr.Ethan LeGrand of Apex Steel who expressed his concern with a private development using out-of-state contractors. 1.PUBLIC HEARING#2—2021 Proposed Budget—Chelsie Taylor Mayor Wick opened the public hearing at 6:24 p.m. Finance Director Taylor went through the information included on her Request for Council Action, followed by the PowerPoint. Director Taylor said there was a change regarding a transfer from the hotel motel fund 105 to tourism fund 104 after receiving comments and a recommendation from the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) at their October 15 meeting, and said she will have more specific details later. Mayor Wick opened the floor for public comments, and City Clerk Bainbridge noted we received requests for comments from two people, Mr. Bob West, and Ms. Barb Howard. Mr. Bob West, Spokane Valley: said according to the Spokesman Review, Councilmembers Higgins and Woodard said they would not vote for the 2021 budget as Council needs to find sustainable ways to maintain our city streets; said those Councilmembers have been on the Council for a considerable time but now they want to hold the budget hostage and vote against it; said they did not object to the recent land purchase,and that Councilmember Woodard said the general fund should not pay for roads and that they both argued for a utility tax with a cap to prevent large companies from bearing the large burden; and he suggested Council hold a community workshop. Ms. Barb Howard, Spokane Valley: said she went through the vouchers and noticed the voucher for the work crew and said the work crew should be paid as part of our contract with the Sheriff's Office;mentioned we will lose 34 deputies and already lost 13, so all total we will lose 47, which means overtime will have to be figured into the budget;mentioned the SCOPE money and that also should be included in the contract. There were no further comments and Mayor Wick closed the public hearing at 6:42 p.m. 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of claim vouchers on Oct. 27, 2020, Request for Council Action Form Total: $2,606,873.02 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending October 15, 2020: $390,193.00 c. Approval of October 6, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session Format d. Approval of October 13, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes,Formal Format It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to approve the Consent Agenda. NEW BUSINESS: 3. Second Reading Ordinance 20-013 Nonconforming Use Code Text Amendment 2020-0003 — Jenny Nickerson After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to approve Ordinance No. 20-013 as presented. Building Official Nickerson said this city-initiated code text amendment will allow for expansion of nonconforming use regulations. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 4. Second Reading Ordinance 20-014 Street Vacation STV 2020-0001 —Connor Lange After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to approve Ordinance No. 20-014. Mr. Lange gave a brief overview of the ordinance, mentioned there are eleven conditions of approval, and said there have been no changes since the first reading. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. Regular Formal Council Meeting: 10-27-2020 Page 3 of 6 Approved by Council: 11-10-2020 5. First Reading Ordinance 20-016 Declaring Substantial Need—Chelsie Taylor After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to advance ordinance #20-016, making a declaration of substantial need for the purpose of setting the limit factor for the property tax levy for the 2021 tax year, to a second reading.Finance Director Taylor explained the reason for this ordinance; that the potential increase in the property tax levy is limited by state law to the lesser of the increase in the Implicit Price Deflator (IPD), which is a measure of inflation, or 1%; the increase in the IPD for the 2021 tax year was just issued and is .602%; as such,the increase in the property tax levy or the increase in the City's banked capacity is limited to .602%;that if the City wanted to increase the property tax levy or bank excess capacity greater than the IPD of.602% up to 1%, a second property tax ordinance must be passed demonstrating substantial need for the increased limit. Ms. Taylor said the support for substantial need is the City's uncertain economic conditions and revenue collections due to the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as increasing costs in excess of inflation in areas such as public safety, labor and benefits, and other general fund services and supplies. She said this would not affect our 2021 property tax but would allow us to bank up to that limit as noted in the chart contained in the Request for Council Action. She also noted the ordinance would need to be passed by a majority plus one of the Councilmembers,or five Councilmembers.There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 6. First Reading Ordinance 20-017 Property Tax Ordinance—Chelsie Taylor After City Clerk Bainbridge read the ordinance title, it was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to advance ordinance #20-017 levying regular property taxes for 2021, to a second reading. Finance Director Taylor explained about this ordinance, and that we are once again not taking the 1% property tax increase permitted by law. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 7. Motion Consideration: Amending WSDOT Interlocal for Regional Decant Facility- Bill Helbig It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute Interlocal Agreement GCB Amendment No. 1 for a Regional Decant facility with the Washington State Department of Transportation. City Engineer Helbig briefly explained that the purpose of the request is to complete improvements at the Decant Facility by providing a canopy as envisioned in the engineering study and design. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. 8. Motion Consideration: City Hall Holiday Closure—Mark Calhoun It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to authorize the closure of City Hall and CenterPlace, at noon Wednesday, November 25, 2020, to allow staff time to prepare for their Thanksgiving Holiday,' to close City Hall and CenterPlace for the entire day on Thursday, December 24, 2020, and to close at noon Thursday, December 31, 2020; that this closure will affect only normal administrative functions of the City, however, all pre-planned events at CenterPlace will take place as scheduled. City Manager Calhoun explained that this comes up each year about this time, and this motion is similar to what Council has adopted the past few years. Mayor Wick invited public comment. It was noted one person signed up to comment: Ms. Barb Howard, Spokane Valley: said the city employees work hard and suggested perhaps giving them all day Wednesday before Thanksgiving. There were no other public comments. There was brief Council discussion. Vote by acclamation: in favor: Unalli111010% Opposed.. none. Motion carried. 8a, Motion Consideration: Revised License 4greement Gum lanc rdvenne HohinanCcify Driskoti It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz and seconded to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the revised License Agreement with PDC Seattle LPIV BB/TH, LLC regarding the portion of Garland Avenue between the east boundary of Tschirley Road and the western edge of parcel number 55061.1408, as depicted on Attachment A to the License Agreement. Further the motion approving the original License Agreement on October 20, 2020 is superseded. Deputy City Manager Hohman explained that the purpose Regular Formal Council Meeting: 10-27-2020 Page 4 of 6 Approved by Council: 11-10-2020 of this amendment is to change from the previous name to the name stated in the motion, along with a few minor changes to the monetary surety. There were no public comments. Vote by acclamation: in favor: unanimous. Opposed: none. Motion carried. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY (21: Mayor Wick explained that the same process applies to this comment opportunity as he explained for the first. One person signed up to speak: Ms.Barb Howard, Spokane Valley: thanked Council for what they are trying to do for staff; said she worries about the aquifer and the sewer hookups and questioned how the aquifer can be protected with so many motorhomes parked along the street; she again mentioned the Sheriff's Office contract with the city and of the anticipated large amount of overtime for deputies; and said she worries about not having enough water. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 9. 2020 Budget Amendment—Chelsie Taylor Finance Director Taylor went over the information included in the Request for Council Action listing the proposed amendments, including the funds associated with Hotel/Motel tax and of discussions about the 2020 awards in light of the pandemic and associated reduced revenues;she said that Council had previously decided to first fund all the grants then transfer any remaining funds up to the $450,000 into fund 104 if possible; said that staff determined that according to state law, it constituted a change in use of revenues so it had to go back to the LTAC; said the LTAC then has 45 days prior to Council taking any action; she mentioned the October 15 LTAC meeting was told about that change and the committee recommended no money be transferred in 2020 into fund 104, but instead after all the grants were to be awarded in 2020 and 2021, and that any remaining funds be transferred into 104 leaving about $165,000 in reserves; which she said is currently reflected in the 2020 budget amendment, as well as the 2021 preliminary budget. Director Taylor said to adhere to the 45-day requirement, Council will now be considering adopting the 2020 amendment in December instead of November.Director Taylor continued explaining the proposed changes and mentioned a new fund of 108;noted the change in the salary schedule to accommodate the new position, and said that there will be another item to add to the 2020 budget. Deputy City Manager Hohman stated that over about the last five years, we have rented a loader from Poe Construction to load up the sanding trucks with de-icing at the shop; that we were just notified that Poe is going to surplus that piece of equipment as they will purchase a new loader,which they do not want to rent to us due to the nature of corrosive materials we would load; said we have been offered to purchase the truck for$35,000, and a typical 1996 new truck would be about $170,000; said this is in good mechanical condition, recently had a transmission re-build and it works well; said he feels it would be prudent to make the purchase from Poe; said all the buckets and attachments would interchange with this and our existing backhoe; that this is something we need and the price is reasonable, and said he is looking for Council's input on the purchase. Director Taylor said looking at the equipment rental and replacement fund,there are enough surplus funds to cover the cost of this equipment. Several Councilmembers voiced their opinion that this is a great deal and feel we would get many serviceable years from this piece of equipment. Councilmember Thompson asked about the procurement policy and if we need to advertise.Director Taylor said she thinks for bids under about $40,000, we can get quotes, but said she would need to verify. City Attorney Driskell said he feels Ms. Taylor is correct on the amount but that staff will double check. Mr. Calhoun said he will ask Ms. Taylor and Mr. Driskell to verify the amount and then e-mail council the information. There was no objection to include that in the expenditure increase. 10. Advance Agenda—Mayor Wick There were no suggested changes to the Advance Agenda, however the subject of bidding requirements was broached and Mr. Calhoun noted the e-mail from the steel company about a private project and private development; he also noted that we must follow state regulations concerning bidding including the regulation that we must take the lowest responsive bidder, which he explained means the taxpayer gets the Regular Formal Council Meeting: 10-27-2020 Page 5 of 6 Approved by Council: 11-10-2020 best price, but not always the local contractor; and he added this might be an interesting discussion topic for the potential 2022 the State Legislative Agenda request, which agenda he said we would likely start working on next summer. INFORMATION ONLY (will not be reported or discussed): Items (11) Council Election Night Meeting History; (12) Update on LIME Scooter Share Program; (13) Department Monthly Reports; and (14) Department Quarterly Reports were for information only and were not reported or discussed. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS City Manager Calhoun stated that an e-mail was received from SRTC (Spokane Regional Transportation Council) concerning the appointment of a representative to their task force for the purpose of defining the terms and conditions of tribal membership in SRTC; and said this will come before Council as a motion next week, which will be handled like all other committee assignments. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn into executive session for approximately 30 minutes to discuss pending litigation and that no action will be taken upon return to open session. Council adjourned into executive session at 8:01 p.m. At 8:23 p.m. Mayor Wick declared Council out of executive session at which time it was moved by Deputy Mayor Peetz, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. ,/,,, 12: ,.:,,,,,i- ATT, Sy" Ben Wick, Mayor arigtine Bainbridge, City Clerk Regular Formal Council Meeting: 10-27-2020 Page 6 of 6 Approved by Council: 11-10-2020 AMENDED AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FORMAL FORMAT Tuesday,October 27,2020 6:00 p.m. Remotely via ZOOM Meeting 10210 E Sprague Avenue Council Requests Please Silence Your Cell Phones During Council Meeting NOTE: In response to Governor Inslee's March 24,2020 Proclamation concerning the COVID-19 Emergency,which waives and suspends the requirement to hold in-person meetings and provides options for the public to attend remotely, physical public attendance at Spokane Valley Council meetings are suspended until the Governor's order has been rescinded or amended. Therefore, effective immediately and until further notice, a live feed of the meeting will be available on our website and on Comcast channel 14.Public comments will only be accepted for those items noted on the agenda as "public comment opportunity," will be accepted via the following links, and must be received by 4:00 pm the day of the meeting. • Sign up to Provide Oral Public Comment at the Meeting via Calling-In • Submit Written Public Comment Prior to the Meeting • NEW: Join the Zoom WEB Meeting CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF AGENDA INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUESTS AND PRESENTATIONS COMMITTEE,BOARD,LIAISON SiTN MARY REPORTS MAYOR'S REPORT PROCLAMATION: National American Indiana Heritage Month GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY 111: Use the link above to sign up for oral public comments and indicate if you want to speak at General Public Comment Opportunity [1] or [2]. Citizens may only speak at one or the other, but not both. If there is no indication of which comment opportunity, you will be placed in the first. The link will guide you to directions to sign up for oral public comments. This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except agenda action items,as public comments will be taken on those items where indicated. Please keep comments to matters within the jurisdiction of the City Government. This is not an opportunity for questions or discussion. Diverse points of view are welcome but please keep the remarks civil. Remarks will be limited to three minutes per person. 1. PUBLIC HEARING#2—2021 Proposed Budget—Chelsie Taylor [public comment opportunity] 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Consists of items considered routine which are approved as a group. Any member of Council may ask that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda to be considered separately. Proposed Motion:I move to approve the Consent Agenda. a. Approval of claim vouchers on Oct.27, 2020,Request for Council Action Form Total: $2,606,873,02 b. Approval of Payroll for Pay Period Ending October 15, 2020: $390,193.00 c. Approval of October 6,2020 Council Meeting Minutes, Study Session Format d.Approval of October 13, 2020 Council Meeting Minutes,Formal Format Council Agenda October 27,2020 Page 1 of 2 NEW BUSINESS: 3. Second Reading Ordinance 20-013 Nonconforming Use Code Text Amendment 2020-0003 — Jenny Nickerson [no public comment] 4. Second Reading Ordinance 20-014 Street Vacation STY 2020-0001 —Connor Lange [no public comment] 5.First Reading Ordinance 20-016 Declaring Substantial Need—Chelsie Taylor [public comment opportunity] 6. First Reading Ordinance 20-017 Property Tax Ordinance—Chelsie Taylor [public comment opportunity] 7. Motion Consideration: Amending WSDOT Interlocal for Regional Decant Facility- Bill Helbig [public comment opportunity] 8. Motion Consideration: City Hall Holiday Closure—Mark Calhoun [public comment opportunity] 8a. Motion Consideration: Revised License Agreement Garland Avenue—John Hallman, Cary Driskell [public comment opportunity] GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT OPPORTUNITY [21: Use the link above to sign up for oral public comments and indicate if you want to speak at General Public Comment Opportunity [1] or [2]. Citizens may only speak at one or the other, but not both. If there is no indication of which comment opportunity, you will be placed in the first. The link will guide you to directions to sign up for oral public comments. This is an opportunity for the public to speak on any subject except agenda action items,as public comments will be taken on those items where indicated. Please keep comments to matters within the jurisdiction of the City Government. This is not an opportunity for questions or discussion. Diverse points of view are welcome but please keep the remarks civil. Remarks will be limited to three minutes per person. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: 9. 2020 Budget Amendment—Chelsie Taylor 10. Advance Agenda—Mayor Wick INFORMATION ONLY(will not be reported or discussed): 11. Council Election Night Meeting History 12. Update on LIME Scooter Share Program 13. Department Monthly Reports 14.Department Quarterly Reports CITY MANAGER COMMENTS EXECUTIVE SESSION: [RCW 42.30.110(1)(i)] Pending Litigation Proposed Motion: Move to adjourn into executive session for approximately 20 minutes to discuss pending litigation and that no action will be taken upon return to open session. ADJOURNMENT Council Agenda October 27,2020 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item #8a CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: October 27,2020 Department Director Approval: L Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ®new business ❑public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin.report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion consideration—Revised License Agreement—Garland Avenue. GOVERNING LEGISLATION: SVMC 3.49.020(D). PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: October 20, 2020 approval of License Agreement. BACKGROUND: On October 20, 2020, the Council authorized staff to finalize and execute a License Agreement to close a portion of Garland Avenue and perform work in that area consistent with a development project. After that meeting, it was determined that the appropriate name to use for the Licensee is PDC Seattle LPIV B13/TH, LLC. This revision is believed to be necessary to bring before Council due to the name being changed to some extent,and to avoid confusion. Additional minor changes were made consistent with revision the name. An additional change was made regarding the form of financial security being provided by the Licensee to provide additional flexibility,while still fully protecting the City. In the event the project were to not move forward,this financial surety could be used to pay for the road to be put back in its original place prior to May 15,2020 when it is anticipated to be needed as a detour for the Barker Road Grade Separation Project. OPTIONS: (1)Approve the revised License Agreement as drafted;or(2)take other action as appropriate. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION:Move to authorize the City Manager to finalize and execute the revised License Agreement with PDC Seattle LPIV BB/TH, LLC regarding the portion of Garland Avenue between the east boundary of Tschuley Road and the western edge of parcel number 55061.1408, as depicted on Attachment A to the License Agreement. Further the motion approving the original License Agreement on October 20,2020 is superseded BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None anticipated because PDC Seattle LPIV BB/TH, LLC will either dedicate the new roadway area and construct a new portion of Garland Avenue, or they will replace it in its current location. STAFF CONTACT: John Hohman, Deputy City Manager; Caiy Driskell, City Attorney. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed License Agreement with PDC Seattle LPN BB/TH,LLC. RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: City Clerk City of Spokane Valley 10210 East Sprague Spokane Valley,WA 99206 SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDING ONLY Document Title: License Agreement Grantor(s): City of Spokane Valley, a Municipal Corporation Grantee: PDC Seattle LPIV BB/TH, LLC, 1821 Dock Street, Suite 100,Tacoma, WA 98402; Legal Description: Portion of Garland Avenue between the east side of Tschirley Road and 1300 feet west of Barker Road, Sec. 6,T. 25 N., R. 45 E., W.M. Additional Legal Description: Assessor's Tax Parcel Numbers: Garland ROW north of 55065.l 409 through 55065.1413 Reference Number: SV BSP 2019-0001 LICENSE AGREEMENT For mutually valuable consideration accruing to both parties, the City of Spokane Valley ("City" or "Spokane Valley") hereby grants to PDC Seattle LPIV BB/TH, LLC ("PDC Seattle"), a license ("License")to use the City property("Premises")described in SECTION 1, below. SECTION 1 —DESCRIPTION The Premises subject to this License is the Garland Avenue right-of-way bounded by the east edge of Tschirley Road, and on the east as that point approximately 1,280 feet from west edge of Barker Road where Barker Road coincides with the westerly edge of parcel numbers 55061.9066 and 55064.1414. This portion of Garland Avenue lies immediately north of the northern property line of parcels 55065.1409, 55065.1410, 55065.1411, 55065.1412, and 55065.1413, and south of tax parcels 55062.1404, 55062.1405, 55065.1406, 55061.1407, and 55061.1408, measuring approximately 60 feet wide by 2,660 feet long. See Attachment A. The legal description for the subject property is as follows: Page 1 of 4 RIGHT OF WAY DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF GARLAND AVENUE, AS DEEDED TO THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 6838254, LYING EASTERLY OF THE EASTERLY MARGIN OF TSHIRLEY ROAD, BEING A 60 FOOT WIDE RIGHT OF WAY AS DEEDED TO THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER AUDITOR'S FILE NUMBER 6838254, AND WESTERLY OF THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 25 NORTH, RANGE 45 EAST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, ALL LOCATED IN THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, COUNTY OF SPOKANE, STATE OF WASHINGTON. SECTION 2-PURPOSE The City hereby grants to PDC Seattle a License to use the Premises for the purpose of development of adjacent property,which is more particularly described as SECTION 4, Spokane County parcel numbers 55065.1409, 55065.1410, 55065.1411, 55065.1412, 55065.1413, 55062.1404, 55062.1405, 55065.1406, 55061.1407, and 55061.1408. SECTION 3 -TERM This License shall commence upon execution, as shown by the last signatory to date and sign this License, and shall run until May 15, 2021, except the conditions set forth in SECTION 4 shall not expire until such time as the City provides to PDC Seattle a letter of completion of all terms of this License,which letter of completion shall be provided by the City on or before 30 days after construction or replacement of Garland Avenue, as set forth below ("Letter of Completion"). This License is subject to the rights of any other person or entity with any pre-existing interest in the subject property, including utility providers. SECTION 4 - CONDITIONS A. PDC Seattle may use this area for any lawful purposes it deems necessary and appropriate, including removal of the road section in its entirety. B. PDC Seattle shall dedicate appropriate land through a future right-of-way deed for the reconstruction of any portion of Garland Avenue that is removed pursuant to this License. C.PDC Seattle shall replace that portion of Garland Avenue that is removed by constructing a new road section pursuant to applicable Spokane Valley development and street standards including warranty requirements,to be completed no later than May 15,2021. If PDC Seattle's project does not move forward, or if the conditions of any street vacation ordinance that may be passed by City Council are not fully complied with, Garland Avenue shall be restored to the configuration and condition as existed at the time this License was executed by May 15, 2021. D. PDC Seattle shall either provide cash to be held by the City, an irrevocable letter of credit, or a savings assignment in the amount of$2,004,977.00 in US funds from a banking institution using a form provided by Spokane Valley and reasonably acceptable to PDC Seattle to secure the construction or replacement of that portion of Garland Avenue. Upon 15 days' revocable notice to Spokane Valley, PDC Seattle may replace such letter of credit with a cash deposit in the amount of the balance then remaining on the letter for credit to be held for the benefit of Spokane Valley and PDC Seattle. Upon delivery of the Page 2 of 4 Letter of Completion, (a) any rights of Spokane Valley in and to the letter of credit hereunder shall terminate, and (b) Spokane Valley shall promptly return all then outstanding letter(s) of credit to PDC Seattle or, at the request of PDC Seattle to the financial institution(s) issuing the same, for cancellation(or if a cash deposit has been made, return of the cash deposit to PDC Seattle). E. PDC Seattle shall use the Premises in a manner that does not violate any applicable laws and regulations of any state,federal, or municipal entity. SECTION 5--LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION PDC Seattle shall indemnify and hold City, its officers,employees, agents and volunteers harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, orders, decrees or judgments for injuries, death or damage to any person or property arising or resulting from a negligent act or omission on the part of PDC Seattle or its agents,employees or volunteers in the use of this License. In the event that any suit based upon such a claim, action, loss, or damage is brought against the City's officers, agents or employees, PDC Seattle shall defend the same at its sole cost and expense; and if final judgment be rendered is rendered against the City, its officers, agents or employees,then PDC Seattle shall satisfy the same. SECTION 6—MODIFICATION No modification of the License can be made without prior written approval of each party to this License. SECTION 7—TERMINATION The Parties may agree to terminate this License upon mutually agreeable terms. This License shall automatically terminate without requirement of any written termination by the parties to this License upon dedication and construction or restoration of Garland Avenue as contemplated in Section 4(B) of this License. DATED this day of , 2020. GRANTOR: City of Spokane Valley By: Mark Calhoun, City Manager Page 3 of 4 GRANTEE: PDC SEATTLE LPN BB/TH,LLC: ACCEPTANCE OF LICENSE AGREEMENT Signature By: Title and entity signing on behalf of STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. County of ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that is the individual who appeared before rne,and said individual acknowledged that he signed this instrument, and acknowledged it as his free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. DATED this day of ,2020. Notary Public for the State of Washington Residing at My commission expires Page 4 of 4 Attachment"A" vrl UM-PLAIi0. g (i 1 9•.6 D ' -r r S,T i E .4, R95 S69'44'3 1"E 1310.79 RB3 I6e NT125a92--- ,f� --,Ri.2� - ^ 525.00- -- C� � 310'0 07'EftC RAr �L6149a1'GD.4l'7a°R:TS;6�5.Y��Ip7{55s. ��J:� 70� �3/30.701J7E 111.51 51 f-•42C4:-._ ' -910'41'25 (A) 6IY-2019-0001 I ..,16'06'• 506.3013"CM t5 (ERTER4wE 20' WATERLINE EASEMENT I 3 b PER ATN 6604574 ,� I 166TRIG 10'EA UENT a e N 13 n 20'WAICRURE �+ PER iFT1 116205C ENT in 5 m 1 I i LOT 7 5 sn Si 1097 ACRES In '£�- -_�„�- -__ Ieg97 E.CAFI.AN0 AVE.�~ LOT a AyF. g I 6.�AE.4REs Y 0 4 CREs 1U.71 ACREr� IS.75 ACRES `�P. p +7i5109 E.GARLAND AVE. 2 I 1T511 E GARLAMO AYE. 17713 E.GAALAW AVE.AYE 17905 E.GAALNO�AYE. CEIITERUIIE 1 I�' CENTERLINE 70' N09.44.11'C T y I WATERLINE EASENCIIT I651.63 I I 10'UsL1TY EA%OENT 1 PER Nil 6691574 4� Di .. v.-. - ___.-420•00--__ . - 263A. zetJ,d a2000D3" h- f'' ,SA D0Rv0A6r 10'unrlr EASEUEtir ,0'U16JTY EASENENT II +6�roa 0B',Y LOT. a I ` \ LSgiEHZ NEI LOT n CENTERLINE R:560,00 g. I r+" 5.10 ACRES n L�� 6.0 A[T;E9 L:504.12 69.a{ h59'34'44' r 17517 E.OARUHO ME. S np E.GARLA.R9 AVE. A;960.00 •� 569'ICIt"E 5.q6 ACRES a 6.6'47'S3" 65i°JI'aq` -. i 1771{E.GARLAND AYE. § q 5i5'g7'3 44.0 •�� 20.01 (`�i. L0T 12 ... { DI 312.30 RD7 RB2 .M-J e.96 ACRE I I 5991i'l l-E 317.30 1 ZI L 18010 C.GANLAND AVE. d �----_ - R:ig6.71 � 4 f 418'65• `� 14.26.4 Tli 0 tl ap 11150.61 R:200.00 21,45 r tr44.51'51' S5LL asS7Jy7,f6F' 4.A00 Ora 6.64pAQIES ii eARs 'Rn1o"rE ? r ' v6,3.� 8 15112 E.GARLAND AYF. 14551 rigN�' ` _JJI.4 1-1I o Attachment A - License Agreement a..s4. p1 805 I Resolution No.20-015 Initiating STV and Setting Public 1-fearing Dale and Time. Page 1 of 1 Chris Bainbridge From: Ethan LeGrand <EthanL@apexsteel.com> Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 2:26 PM To: Council Meeting Public Comment Subject: Project Fireball/Amazon type building Attachments: Apex Steel Letter Project Fireball 10-27-20.pdf For public comment period 1. 38E Ethan LeGrand, Project Manager 425-802-0768 10) www.apexsteelcorn \i ethanl@apexsteel.com III [IN CAUTION:This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. 1 Apex Steel, Inc. I Apex Tower Crane, Inc. 10-27-20 Re: Project Fireball To whom it may concern, Apex Steel Inc. was invited on 10-19-20 to bid on Project Fireball located in Spokane Valley which is approx. 1 million sf with a sizeable mezzanine that was due on 10-28-20. Two days later we were told that this project has already been awarded by mid-day. I cannot stress to you how frustrated this is based on getting with staff and clients to prepare for this type of project and then to have it cancelled. Not only did we begin the review of the drawings including specification but also had talked with local suppliers, local vendors and other outfits for quotes and to see how this project would fit in with everyone's schedule. We then tried to determine why this was cancelled and thought maybe Apex Steel still had an opportunity to bid the project some other way. This wasn't easy either chasing down what we later found out was this was awarded to an out of town erector that also was supplying the steel for the project. As a working resident of Spokane Valley I am not happy that this steel erector and fabricator contractor will be bringing out of town workers most likely from Utah to this area and probably most if not all the money will be sent home. I hope our council will understand the that local contractors and working residents should have a chance working on such a large project. Sincerely, E . 9iteuid Ethan LeGrand Division Manager Apex Steel, Inc. 9514 E Montgomery Ave#26. Spokane Valley Resident. 16214 E 17th Ct. Veradale WA 99037 Apex Steel, Inc. 935 Kirkland Ave, Kirkland, WA 98033 (p) 425.861.9520 www.apexsteel.com Page 1