Ordinance 20-022 Amending 2020 BudgetCITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 20-022 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE 19-017, WHICH ADOPTED A BUDGET FOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1, 2020 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2020; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, the City Council approved Ordinance 19-017 on November 12, 2019, which adopted the 2020 annual budget; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the November 12, 2019 adoption of the 2020 annual budget, it has become necessary to make changes by adding new revenue, appropriations, amendments, and transferring funds in order to properly perform City functions, services and activities; and WHEREAS, since March 2020, there have been a series of orders issued by the federal and state governments related to the COVID-19 pandemic that have significantly and detrimentally effected the local economy, including a very large number of people who work for businesses that have been ordered closed. These effects are significant in the service industries in particular, but also have ripple effects throughout the region's economy. Due to the economic impacts of the pandemic, the City has experienced declines in various revenue streams as well as experiencing increased costs related to responding public health and safety needs. The City also received federal Coronavirus Relief Funds from the U.S. Department of Treasury passed through the Washington State Department of Commerce in the amount of $4,352,400 to assist in the City's response to the COVID-19 pandemic; and WHEREAS, certain changes to employee positions have been made by the City Manager, which necessitate changes to the Employee Position Classification Monthly Salary Schedule that was included in the 2020 annual budget; and WHEREAS, certain funds should be eliminated because the underlying projects necessitating their use have been completed; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to create Fund 108 Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax Fund, which will be used to account for collections and expenditures of the affordable and supportive sales tax. The City will receive these revenues for 20 years, and the revenues may only be used to support affordable housing within the City or for rental assistance; and WHEREAS, the budget changes set forth in this Ordinance could not have been reasonably anticipated or known when the 2020 annual budget was passed by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the best interests of the City are served by amending the 2020 budget to reflect unanticipated revenue, expenditures, transfers, and appropriating the same as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Washington do ordain as follows: Section 1. Amended Revenues and Appropriations. Ordinance No. 19-017 adopted a budget for the twelve months beginning January 1, 2020 and ending December 31, 2020. Each item, revenue, appropriation, and fund contained in Section 1 of Ordinance 19-017 is hereby further amended as set forth in Attachment A to this Ordinance, which is incorporated herein. Section 2. Amended Employee Position Classification Monthly Salary Schedule. Ordinance No. 19-017 adopted an Employee Position Classification Monthly Salary Schedule as part of the budget for the Ordinance 20-022 amending the 2020 budget Page 1 of 4 twelve mondhabeginning ]onoory |,202Uand ending December 3\,202O.Thoschedule iahereby amended as set lorth in Attachment B to this Ordinance, which is incorporated herein. Section 3. Eliminating [und]|3.Fund 3|3City Hal Cmnu|rxc\ionFuodis hcrchvcUnoixa\cd. 8oxdoo4, Creating FLOW 108. There is licreby created Fund 108 Affordable & SLIPPOI-tiVe HOLISing Gu|cs Tox Puud which will be uood (o uoc000i 6`, onUouhmy m/d Cxpcnditul-CS of' the uKondoh\o and SLII)I)01-tiVC sales tax. Section 5. Sn/crability. 11'any section, sentence, clause orplirasc of(hisOrdiiiancesliould be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by o court oil' competent juhndic|iou, auch invalidity orunconstitutionality ahoU not o[I'ec( the validity or constitutionality of' ally other section, sentence, dooao or phrase of" this Ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in foU [nrco and uOFed Five days uUur puNicNiono[tills Ordinance oruyummurythereof inthe official newspaper ofthoCity nsprovided by Passed by the City COLIIICil ofthe City of Spokane Valley this 24th day orNovember 2020. Bell Wick, Mayor Christine Bainbridge, Approved as to 1`6rni: ~. ]1v C|cdl Off -ice of(hbCity Attorney Date Of Poh|ivaiion: { 4'Im7, ������ Effective Date: 1'2--9--Wu Ordinance 20-022 amending the 2020 budget Page 2 of4 ATTACHMENT A Sources Uses Fund No. Annual Appropriation Funds Beginning Fund Balance Revenues Total Sources Appropriations Estimated Adopted via Ord. 19-017 Amended via Ord. 20-022 Total Revenues Adopted via Ord. 19-017 Amended via Ord.20-022 Total Appropriations Ending Fund Balance 001 General 37,427.218 48,351,800 1,146,900 49.498,700 86.925.918 44.980.186 7.082.921 52.063.107 34.862.811 101 Street O&M 556.265 5.160,906 0 5.160,906 5.717.171 5.160.906 0 5.160,906 556.265 103 Paths & Trails 14.115 9.000 0 9,000 23.115 0 0 0 23.115 104 Hotel/Motel Tax - Tourism Facilities 2.690.945 444.000 (207.000) 237,000 2.927.945 0 0 0 2,927.945 105 Hotel/Motel Tax 518.240 656,000 (304.000) 352.000 870.240 825,000 (476.000) 349.000 521.240 106 Solid Waste 540.182 1.737.000 0 1,737.000 2.277.182 1.737.000 13.532 1.750.532 526.650 107 PEG 128255 79.000 0 79,000 207255 85.000 0 85.000 122.255 108 Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax 0 0 144.750 144.750 144.750 0 0 0 144.750 120 CenterPlace Operating Reserve 300,000 0 0 0 300.000 0 0 0 300.000 121 Service Level Stabilization 5.500,000 0 0 0 5.500.000 0 0 0 5.500.000 122 Winter Weather Reserve 23.336 5.400 500,000 505,400 528.736 500.000 0 500.000 28.736 204 Debt Service LTGO 03 0 1.021,700 0 1,021.700 1,021,700 1.021,700 0 1.021.700 0 301 Capital Projects 2.798.194 1.035,000 0 1.035.000 3.833,194 1.991,203 603.424 2.594.627 1.238.567 302 Special Capital Projects 4.391.870 1.035,000 0 1,035.000 5.426.870 1257.331 113,881 1.371.212 4.055,658 303 Street Capital Projects 67.402 8315.195 2.108.900 10.424.095 10.491.497 8.315,195 2.108,900 10.424.095 67.402 309 Parks Capital Projects 78.627 1.670,000 3,122,835 4,792,835 4.871.462 1510.000 3266,100 4.776.100 95.362 310 Civic Facilities Capital Projects 855.985 17.000 0 17.000 872.985 0 16.700 16.700 856.285 311 Pavement Preservation 4,425 201 4.037,888 13.532 4.051,420 8.476.621 4267523 0 4,267.523 4,209.098 312 Capital Reserve 12,936,816 100.000 216.700 316,700 13.253.516 1,550,910 3.948.996 5.499.906 7,753,610 314 Railroad Grade Separation Projects 1,008.638 12.921.984 (8.384.098) 4,537.886 5.546524 13.037,792 (8256.816) 4.780.976 765.548 74,261289 86.596.873 (1.641.481) 84,955.392 159,216.681 86.239,746 8.421,638 94.661.384 64.555.297 Sources Uses Revenues Appropriations Estimated Beginning Ending Fund Working Adopted via Amended via Total Total Adopted via Amended via Total Working No. Working Capital. Funds Capital Ord. 19-017 Ord: 20-022 Revenues Sources Ord. 19-017 Ord. 20-022 Appropriations Capital 402 Stormwater Management 2,180.773 1.999,828 0 1.999.828 4.180.601 2,563,985 0 2.563.985 1.616.616 403 Aquifer Protection Area 2,118,299 829.000 97.700 926.700 3.044,999 500,000 633.571 1.133,571 1.911.428 501 Equipment Rental & Replacement 1,496.093 190,600 0 190.600 1.686,693 285,000 35.000 320,000 1,366.693 502 Risk Management 276.004 410.000 0 410.000 686,004 410,000 0 410.000 276.004 6.071.169 3,429.428 97,700 3.527.128 9.598,297 3.758.985 668.571 4.427.556 5,170,741 Total of all Funds 80.332,458 90,026.301 (1543.781) 88,482.520 168,814.978 89.998,731 9,090,209 99,088.940 69,726.038 Ordinance 20-022 amending the 2020 budget Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT B EMPLOYEE POSITION CLASSIFICATION MONTHLY SALARY SCHEDULE Effective January 1, 2020 Position Title Grade 2020 Range City Manager Unclassified Deputy City Manager 22 10,063.44 - 15,966.22 City Attorney 21 9,066.16 - 14,369.72 Finance Director 21 9,066.16 - 14,369.72 Parks and Recreation Director 20 8,159.44 - 12,933.70 City Engineer 19 7,343.36 - 11,640.45 Deputy City Attorney 19 7,343.36 - 11,640.45 Human Resources Manager 19 7,343.36 - 11,640.45 Planning Manager 18 6,609.87 - 10,475.89 Building Official 18 6,609.87 - 10,475.89 Engineering Manager 18 6,609.87 - 10,475.89 Economic Development Manager 18 6,609.87 - 10,475.89 Senior Engineer 17 5,948.55 - 9,427.91 Accounting Manager 17 5,948.55 - 9,427.91 Assistant Building Official 17 5,948.55 - 9,427.91 Public Works Superintendent 17 5,948.55 - 9,427.91 Senior Administrative Analyst 17 5,948.55 - 9,427.91 IT Manager 17 5,948.55 - 9,427.91 Attorney 16 5,353.16 - 8,484.58 City Clerk 16 5,353.16 - 8,484.58 Engineer 16 5,353.16 - 8,484.58 Senior Planner 16 5,353.16 - 8,484.58 Development Services Coordinator 16 5,353.16 - 8,484.58 GIS/Database Administrator 16 5,353.16 - 8,484.58 Accountant/Budget Analyst 16 5,353.16 - 8,484.58 Housing and Homeless Services Coordinator 16 5,353.16 - 8,484.58 Associate Planner 15 4,818.50 - 7,636.64 Assistant Engineer 15 4,818.50 - 7,636.64 IT Specialist 15 4,818.50 - 7,636.64 Engineering Technician II 15 4,818.50 - 7,636.64 Economic Development Project Specialist 15 4,818.50 - 7,636.64 Senior Plans Examiner 15 4,818.50 - 7,636.64 Public Information Officer 15 4,818.50 - 7,636.64 Administrative Analyst 15 4,818.50 - 7,636.64 Human Resource Analyst 14 4,336.92 - ± 6,873.51 CenterPlace Coordinator 14 4,336.92 - 6,873.51 Planner 14 4,336.92 - 6,873.51 Building Inspector II 14 4,336.92 - 6,873.51 Plans Examiner 14 4,336.92 - 6,873.51 Engineering Technician I 14 4,336.92 - 6,873.51 Senior Permit Specialist 14 4,336.92 - 6,873.51 Code Enforcement Officer 14 4,336.92 - 6,873.51 Maintenance/Construction Inspector 13-14 3,902.91 - 6,873.51 Recreation Coordinator 13 3,902.91 - 6,185.92 Deputy City Clerk 13 3,902.91 - 6,185.92 Customer Relations/Facilities Coordinator 13 3,902.91 - 6,185.92 Building Inspector I 13 3,902.91 - 6,185.92 Executive Assistant 13 3,902.91 - 6,185.92 Planning Technician 13 3,902.91 - 6,185.92 Human Resources Technician 13 3,902.91 - 6,185.92 Senior Center Specialist 12 3,513.90 - 5,567.19 Permit Facilitator 12 3,513.90 - 5,567.19 Help Desk Technician 12 3,513.90 - 5,567.19 Accounting Technician 12 3,513.90 - 5,567.19 Administrative Assistant 12 3,513.90 - 5,567.19 Recreation Specialist 12 3,513.90 - 5,567.19 Maintenance Worker 11-12 3,161.54 - 5,567.19 Permit Specialist 11 3,161.54 - 5,010.71 Office Assistant II 10-11 2,845.20 - 5,010.71 Custodian 10 2,845.20 - 4,508.59 Office Assistant I 9-10 2,561.00 - 4,508.59 Note: Slight rounding differences may exist between the figures reflected on this page and the actual payroll rates computed by the Eden Payroll System. Ordinance 20-022 amending the 2020 budget Page 4 of 4